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NGO Directory of
South Eastern Europe
A Directory and Survey Findings of West Balkan Environmental
Civil Society Organisations
Fifth Edition
NGO Directory of South Eastern Europe
A Directory and Survey Findings of
West Balkan Environmental Civil Society Organisations

Fifth Edition

Edited by

Szentendre, Hungary
About the REC

The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is a non-partisan, non-advocacy, not-for-profit
international organisation with a mission to assist in solving environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe
(CEE). The center fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among non-governmental organisations,
governments, businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information
and public participation in environmental decision making.

The REC was established in 1990 by the United States, the European Commission and Hungary. Today, the REC is
legally based on a charter signed by the governments of 28 countries and the European Commission, and on
an international agreement with the government of Hungary. The REC has its head office in Szentendre, Hungary,
and country offices and field offices in 17 beneficiary countries, which are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.

Recent donors are the European Commission and the governments of Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia,
Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom,
and the United States, as well as other inter-governmental and private institutions.

The entire contents of this publication are copyright

©2006 The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

No part of this publication may be sold in any form or reproduced for sale
without prior written permission of the copyright holder

ISBN: 963 9638 10 2

Published by:
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
Ady Endre ut 9-11, 2000 Szentendre, Hungary
Tel: (36-26) 504-000, Fax: (36-26) 311-294, E-mail:, Web site: <>

Printed in Hungary by Typonova

This and all REC publications are printed on recycled paper or paper produced
without the use of chlorine or chlorine-based chemicals

Abbreviations 4
Acknowledgements 5
Map of the Western Balkans 7
Example of an NGO Profile 8
How to use this Directory 9
Introduction 11
NGO directory online 19
Questionnaire 21

Albania 24
Bosnia and Herzegovina 55
Croatia 91
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 121
Montenegro 146
Serbia 162
Kosovo (territory under interim UN administration) 204

Index I: List of NGOs 233

Index II: NGOs listed by topics of work 238
Annex: Questionnaire Part B 275


BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina

CARDS Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation
CEE Central and Eastern Europe
CSO Civil society organisation
ECSO Environmental civil society organisation
EC European Commission
EIA Environmental impact assessment
EU European Union
IPPC Integrated pollution prevention and control
LEAP Local environmental action plan
NGO Non-governmental organisation
REC Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
SECTOR Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organisations in South Eastern Europe
SEE South Eastern Europe
SEA Strategic environmental assessment
Sida Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNMIK United Nations Mission in Kosovo


The development and preparation of such a tionnaires, carried out in-country interviews,
publication and its content represents a analysed data and wrote up the various coun-
major effort by a broad range of people, try findings comprised the following people:
especially considering that the endeavour Adriana Craciun, Dana Carmen Romanescu,
was centred around making the directory as Jerome Simpson, Stephen Stec, Robert Atkin-
well as a wider survey and assessment of son, Richard Filcak, Orsolya Szalasi, Kaidi Tin-
the environmental civil society movement gas and Magdolna Toth-Nagy. Szilvia Pandi
in the Western Balkans. In addition, the Szegedi collected and processed data into elec-
whole process was compressed into a chal- tronic format and made it possible to analyse
lenging six-month period. As such, the the wealth of information from the question-
many people involved in the survey and the naires. Erzsebet Aszalos, Entela Pinguli and
publication’s development should be Todd Schenk gave additional support and Las-
acknowledged for all of their hard work, zlo Leitold was very helpful with the financial
especially those who showed their commit- administration of the project. Special thanks
ment despite illness or personal loss. goes to David Currie with his help on the
Thanks should go first and foremost to the Indexes and Professor JoAnn Carmin from the
project’s sponsor, the Swedish International Massachusetts Institute of Technology gave
Development Co-operation Agency (Sida) some valuable advice on the questionnaire.
and its supportive staff, namely Helen The coordination of the directory and sur-
Holm and Magdalena Svensson, who vey at the country level was handled by the
enabled and encouraged the REC to include REC’s country and field offices. Without
this publication as part of a larger project of them the survey could not have been com-
support for South Eastern European (SEE) pleted so swiftly, and the following people
environmental civil society organisations should be credited for their contribution:
(the SECTOR programme).
REC Country Office Albania
Thanks should also go to the hundreds of Mihallaq Qirjo, Alken Myftiu and Genta
environmental groups who filled in the sur- Hoxta
vey questionnaire and/or took part in the
personal interviews. It is for them that the REC Country Office Bosnia
directory and survey were largely devel- and Herzegovina
oped and we hope it serves its purpose. A Nesad Seremet, Inka Sehovic and Jasmina
broad range of over 100 other stakeholders Islambegovic
from government, CSO support organisa- REC Country Office Croatia
tions, experts and donors also took part in Irena Brnada, Dalia Matijevic and Bojan
the interviews; we thank them all. Sliskovic
The following people were instrumental in the REC Country Office former Yugoslav
design and execution of the overall survey: Republic of Macedonia
The core group of REC staff who developed Katarina Stojkovska, Valentina Petrusevska
the survey methodology, designed the ques- and Stole Georgiev


REC Country Office Montenegro

Srna Sudar Vilotic and Mira Puric
REC Country Office Serbia
Milan Dacic, Uros Miloradovic and
Aleksandra Mladenovic
REC Field Office Kosovo
Zeqir Veselaj, Pravena Firza and Merita
Fazliu Mehmed
For the directory publication, the following
people were instrumental in its production:
Layout and design were performed by
Patricia Barna and Robert Adam, supported
by Sylvia Magyar. The text was copy-edited
by David Landry and Steven Graning and
proofread by Michael Lindsay and Greg
Spencer. Emese Gal supported the process
of the publication’s production.










(territory under interim BULGARIA
UN administration)




K RU M Ë , H A S

CSO’s name in local

Protection of Environment (PE, MM) CSO’s name in
English and abbreviation
language (most Mbrojtja e Mjedisit
commonly used Krumë, Has, Albania
abbreviated name) Contact information
Tel: (355) 214-2403 including: address,
telephone and fax
Fax: (355) 214-2403 numbers, e-mail address
Individual responsible E-mail: and internet URL
for the organisation as
a legal entity Leader: Jahir Cahani, executive director
Year CSO was Contact person: Iljaz Fejza, project coordinator Main contact person
founded and Year of foundation: 2001
Year of registration: 2001
Type of registration Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 5 Number of employees,
Number of members: 205 members and volunteers
in the CSO
Number of volunteers: 45
Annual budget of
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 organisation
Source of CSO
funding* Source of funding: FS1, FS5, FS6, FS9, FS10
CSO priority Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T22,
work topics* T24, T25
CSO priority Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14,
key activities* A18, A19, A20, A22, A24
Level the CSO works
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the at (local, national or
country), national international)*

Member of umbrella organisations: Protection of Membership in

Environment, Tirana umbrella organisations
Languages (other than
native) written
Languages: English
or spoken Key publications: Examples of
• Participation on drawing the Strategy for Kukës key publications

region on Environmental Issues and Situations in Kukës,

• Leaflets for protection of environment, 2004.
• Training handbook: Increase Public Awareness on
Environmental Protection, 2005.

* For the specific code list, see the code bar on the cover flap

How to use this directory

The NGO Directory is structured into three • Sources of funding for the organisation
main parts. There are six chapters for each of are presented using seven codes from F1
the REC's beneficiary countries listed alpha- to F13; consult the code bar on the cover
betically: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, for each code’s explanation;
Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Mace- • Topic areas in which the organisation is
donia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo active are presented using codes from T1
(territory under interim UN administation). to T26. For the complete list of these
Each chapter contains a map of the country codes, refer to the code bar on the cover;
and an overview of the country’s CSO sector • Activities implemented on a regular
based on the statistical data gathered through basis by the organisation are listed using
the 2006 edition questionnaire. For each codes from A1 to A25. For the complete
country, the CSOs are listed in alphabetical list of these codes, refer to the code bar
order by town of origin. When several CSOs on the cover;
are from the same town of origin, the listing • Level of activity, or where the organisation
is made by name in alphabetical order. is active. There are four different levels:
Each CSO entry gives the following infor- local or community based, regionally
mation profile: within the country, nationally and interna-
tionally. An organisation may operate at
• Original name of the organisation, the more than one level;
English version and the most commonly • Membership in umbrella organisation
used abbreviated name; networks in which the organisation takes
• Contact information including: address, an active role;
telephone, fax, e-mail and internet URL; • Languages spoken or written by the
• Responsible person — the person who organisation’s members;
legally represents the NGO; • Main publications of the organisation;
• Contact person — to be contacted with
respect to any enquiries related to the Only fields where information was provid-
organisation; ed appear in the NGO’s profile.
• Year of foundation, and when the Additionally, in order to help users identify
organisation began operating; an NGO quickly, two indexes have been
• Number of members affiliated with the included listing all of the organisations:
organisation; • By country and by NGO name (English
• Number of staff who work for the version) in alphabetical order;
organisation full-time or part-time (paid • By main topic and by country in alpha-
staff), and number of members and vol- betical order.
unteers (unpaid staff);
• Current annual budget is presented using
budget ranges;


This publication represents the fifth time Europe (SECTOR), runs from 2006 to 2010,
that a regional directory of environmental and is funded by the Swedish International
NGOs in the former Socialist countries has Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
been researched and published. The first Although the programme comprises differ-
edition was prepared in 1992 by Alexander ent forms of support, such as project sup-
Juras at the Institute for European port grants, organisational assessments,
Environmental Policy in Bonn, and subse- networking assistance and targeted capaci-
quent editions were prepared by REC staff ty-building training, the enhancement of
in 1994, 1997 and 2001. This directory is dif- civil society’s role in the urban environment
ferent in some ways to the previous edi- and sustainability are the key aims.
tions in that it only covers seven territories
The assessment survey has three practical
— those of the Western Balkans — rather
outcomes. Firstly, it enables environmental
than the entire Central and East European
organisations to be included into the updat-
region. This narrowed scope is mainly due
ed directory of environmental organisations
to the availability of funding to carry out
on the national and regional (SEE) levels.
such region-wide work. However, the
Secondly, the survey maps the current sta-
remaining countries will be updated
tus of environmental civil society organisa-
though a cooperative effort of the REC and
tions and their operating environment, and
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
provides in-depth analysis of the challenges
Additionally, this directory is different in and opportunities they face. Thirdly, the
that it includes not only the traditional survey helps the REC in its preparation and
organisations’ entries but also the main planning of other forms of support through
findings of an assessment of the status of the SECTOR programme.
the environmental civil society organisa-
As with previous editions, this directory is
tions (ECSOs) in the region. In the 1997
designed to be a tool for all those working
edition, the REC included the results of an
with or within SEE environmental groups.
extensive NGO needs analysis, which was
The directory, in its print and on-line ver-
well received. In this version, the country
sions, is a free resource that can be used by
data is compared to that of the previous
all stakeholders. The benefits of such a
directory (2001), followed by the main
directory are clear in networking terms
findings and summaries of the assessment
alone and, as was stated in 2001, its
survey’s results. The full version of the
absence would be conspicuous (the direc-
assessment report can be found on the
tory is by far the most searched database on
REC’s website.
the REC’s website). National NGO directo-
The assessment and the directory are prod- ries do exist, but they tend to focus on all
ucts of a larger programme of support civil groups and not just the environmental
being carried out by the REC. This pro- ones. The REC also sees enhanced value in
gramme, Supporting Environmental Civil preparing comparable information across
Society Organisations in South Eastern the region, which may in some way serve


as a catalyst to regional civil society coop- 2. distribution of a questionnaire to a wide

eration and encourage further support for audience of environmental civil society
the valuable work of these organisations. organisations (used for the directory
entries); and
Entries list the organisations’ names in both
the national languages and in English, along 3. semi-structured personal interviews
with their contact data, main activities and (additional for the assessment).
priorities to give the reader a quick and clear Therefore quantitative and qualitative data
view of their work. We have enhanced the were collected in the course of the survey.
lists of activities and priority topics of work
from the previous version, as it became clear The research focus was organised around
that the fields that the groups cover have two main themes and five modules. The two
broadened in recent years. In addition there themes were status, situation and state of the
have been some slight changes to the bud- development of the environmental civil soci-
get and staffing categories. ety organisations (internal environment) and
the legal, economic, social and environmen-
When we added the budget and staffing cat- tal conditions in the particular countries
egories in 2001 we explained that the pur- influencing the organisations (external oper-
pose was to attempt to measure the employ- ating environment). The survey was organ-
ment values and structure of the environ- ised around the following five modules:
mental groups and to estimate the econom-
ic volume (value) of the sector. Now in 2006 • legal and regulatory framework;
we can start to see how the movement is • resource base;
developing in these areas, something which • human and organisational capacities;
the above-mentioned civil society assess-
ment takes further and to greater depth. • information and knowledge base; and
• accountability.
We do not claim to cover all of the environ-
mental civil groups working in the Western A questionnaire was developed and widely
Balkans, but we are confident that the distributed by the REC’s country and field
entries represent a substantial number of offices to ECSOs (since the survey is target-
those that are active in these countries. It is ed at groups, rather than at specific individ-
inevitable that in such a large task, and car- uals) between June and July 2006. The
ried out in a short span of time, that some questionnaire was divided into two parts.
groups may have been omitted or contain Part A was used for the organisations’ entry
errors in their entries. We apologise for any into the directory. Part B of the question-
such oversights. These groups can, howev- naire was designed for a deeper assessment
er, send their details to the REC using the of the groups, but is confidential and not
form in this volume, or online at the REC’s used within each organisation’s entry. The
website <> where they will be data entered there were aggregated and
added to the continuously updated version. used for the analytical part of the REC’s sur-
This will help to ensure that the electronic vey assessing the status and needs of the
version of the directory is as up-to-date and environmental movement in SEE (see page
accurate as possible. 21 to view Part A of the questionnaire and
the Annex to see Part B).
An electronic questionnaire was distributed
Survey methodology
through the web as a downloadable ver-
The directory and assessment survey was
sion, as well as through e-mail lists, REC
done in three stages:
offices and personal communication. The
1. collection of data from open sources; REC prepared versions in local languages in



Environmental Civil Society Organisations’ Budgets and Workforce in 2006

Country Number of Number of Number of Number of Estimated
ECSOs members volunteers full-/part-time total budget
surveyed involved staff (EUR)
Albania 68 11,420 29,296 253 837,250
Bosnia and 88 54,628 5,507 222 1,761,000
Croatia 70 16,739 6,174 69 1,616,750
Former Yugoslav 50 7,466 3,010 62 713,750
Republic of
Montenegro 14 3,211 634 50 477,500
Serbia 114 35,434 19,922 198 1,648,000
Kosovo 30 2,878 2,601 105 382,500
Total 434 131,776 67,144 959 7,436,750

all seven involved countries/territories. more or less stable; there are newcomers
ECSOs were invited to take part in the sur- but also organisations which ceased to
vey by filling out and submitting the ques- operate since the last survey.
tionnaire. Collected questionnaires were
We asked the organisations to indicate the
translated and uploaded into the English-
number of full-time and part-time staff,
language database, which contains alto-
numbers of members and of volunteers.
gether 434 questionnaires.
The aim was to determine the size of the
In the last stage of the field research (July – sector as employer, but also to evaluate
August 2006) the REC survey team conduct- how many people are involved in activities
ed face-to-face, semi-structured interviews and actions organised by the groups. Since
with ECSO leaders, legal experts, donors, practically the same categories were used
government representatives and other in the 2001 survey, we may compare devel-
stakeholders. Data from the questionnaire opment and trends in the sector.
and personal interviews were compared
In the past five years, there has been an
with data from open sources and the whole
increase in the number of people working
civil society assessment survey was drafted.
at ECSOs as paid employees — from 326 in
The main findings are given in this directo-
2001 to 959 in 2006. However, the number
ry, but the full text and recommendations
of members reported fell markedly from
are covered in a separate report.
403,837 to 131,776, whereas the number of
volunteers increased from a mere 2,840 in
2001 to 67,144 in 2006. See Figure 1.
Regional snapshot overview
The REC conducted its previous survey of These numbers suggest a further profes-
ECSOs in South Eastern Europe in 2001. In sionalisation of ECSOs, which are involving
that survey the REC received back some more people as full-time or part-time
467 questionnaires, compared to 434 employees and engaging more people as
received this time. This event would sug- active volunteers. The decrease in the num-
gest that the number of organisations is ber of members may suggest that the organ-


isations are generally more careful (realis- These comparisons suggest that over the
tic) in defining who is a member of their past five years there has been a measurable
organisation, or could indicate that the concentration of financial sources into
popularity of environmental action is on bigger organisations, coupled with an
the wane. Increasing the number of volun- increasing number of organisations with no
teers working for and active with the or minimal budgets. We might conclude
groups suggests that the organisations are that a situation of haves and have-nots is
gradually improving at involving people developing in the environmental move-
qualitatively into their actions. ment in the West Balkans, which could
have implications for both the activity and
In an attempt to gauge the financial magni- diversity of the sector. One should keep in
tude and economic value of the organisa- mind, however, that estimates suggest the
tions, the REC asked about the size of the average ECSO budget has increased in all
annual budget. To view the origin of their territories, with the exception of Kosovo
resources we also asked ECSOs to reveal (territory under interim UN administration).
the sources of their funding. ECSOs had the
opportunity to click one of nine budget cat- A review of sources of funds for ECSOs across
egories, from “no budget” to “budget over the region shows that a prevailing number of
EUR 100,000.” The information gathered them are dependant on foreign/international
shows (when using median ranges) that the foundation donations or grants and on
estimated total annual budget for the sector domestic foundations or grants. Membership
dues were marked as a common source of
is EUR 7,436,750 (comparing favourably
funding in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
with EUR 3,400,250 in 2001). The biggest
Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of
total budget is in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Macedonia. Meanwhile, domestic govern-
(EUR 1,761,000), followed closely by Serbia
ment/public sector grants or donations
(EUR 1,648,000), while the smallest is in
gained importance in Bosnia and
Kosovo (territory under interim UN admin-
Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav
istration) (EUR 382,500). In all countries in Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and
the sample we see an increase in estimated Serbia. It is interesting that the category of
total budgets compared to five years ago, domestic business/corporate sponsorship
but the degree of increase varies. donations and grants was marked as one of
However, if we look by country at the the most common sources only in the case of
percentage of ECSOs in the lowest budget Croatia. This perhaps indicates an important
categories — no budget or less than EUR link between general economic and social
500 — compared to the same categories development in a given country and the abil-
from 2001 an interesting picture appears ity or willingness of corporations and the pri-
(see Figure 2). vate sector to contribute to non-
profit activities, but it might also signify the
In most of the countries the percentage of need for Croatian groups to broaden their
groups that are in the lowest budget cate- funding base with the withdrawal of many
gories has increased (except for the former foreign aid programmes.
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and
If we move away from funding and look at
Serbia, where it remains similar). So despite
what the groups are doing regionally, any
an increase in overall total budgets clearly
differences between 2001 and 2006 are less
an increasing number of groups have very
evident. The top five priority topics are:
limited or no financial resources. Figure 3
contains a similar comparison for the bud- 1. environmental education/education for
get category of “more than EUR 100,000.” sustainable development;


2. nature protection; issues” in the top five, such as waste, is per-

3. sustainable development; haps an indicator of changing priorities. The
full list is shown in Figure 4.
4. waste issues;
Besides this, we also evaluated how the
5. tourism and sustainable/eco-tourism,
work in the topic areas is carried out, or
followed closely by water issues.
what the most popular activities they per-
form are in pursuit of their goals. The top
This result is very similar to the 2001 top- three ranked were:
ics, when nature protection, environmental
1. awareness-raising campaigns;
education, public participation, biodiversi-
ty and tourism had the highest scores. 2. education;
However, the introduction of more “brown 3. information dissemination.


Percentage of ECSOs in the two lowest budget categories:

Country 2006 2001
Albania 51 42
Bosnia and Herzegovina 24 18
Croatia 35 21
Former Yugoslav Republic of 18 21
Montenegro 14 N/A
Serbia 28 29
Kosovo 44 8


Percentage of ECSOs in the highest budget categories:

Country 2006 2001
Albania 3 0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 9 1
Croatia 10 3
Former Yugoslav Republic of 2 0
Montenegro 2 N/A
Serbia 4 1
Kosovo * 3 17

* Note: In total, the number of such ECSO increased from two in 2001 to three in 2006. But since the number of questionnaires increased
from 12 to 30, the percentages do not indicate the increases.



Distribution of topics among ECSOs








1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25

Note: For list of topics see the front inside cover.

Compared to the 2001 data, when educa- legislation). Importantly though, the fledg-
tion, awareness raising and confe- ling nature of these groups reminds us that
rences/meetings were the top work areas, support for building their capacity as insti-
we see continuity in the pattern of work of tutions is still required.
ECSOs in the region. Donors of ECSOs
would be wise to bear in mind these prior- While we have a picture of environmental
ities when setting their own funding priori- civil society organisations in the West
ties, as clearly the number of groups work- Balkans, we need to take a closer look in
ing in certain fields is sometimes limited. order to appreciate the finer details, thus fur-
ther analysis of this data can be found in the
A final set of data that has come from the corresponding country sections. To sum-
directory survey is the age of the groups in marise, however, it appears that the move-
the region. ECSOs were asked the date of ment has stabilised, more or less, in terms of
their registration between four periods active groups in the region (one could also
(before 1990, 1990-1995, 1996-2000, and argue growth has stopped). Many of these
after 2000). Results of this sample show that groups are quite young, being formed and/or
by 1990 a total of 33 groups had registered, registered in the main after the year 2000.
45 during 1991-1995, and 131 during 1996-
2000, but since 2000 a total of 225 have reg- Overall, though, these groups have been
istered (see Figure 5), meaning that the vast able to gather more finances than in 2001 to
majority are less than five years old. These carry out their projects, with average budget
numbers are based on the question of sizes tending to increase. As such it appears
when the organisation was first formed that the funds are concentrated into some
(they were later asked about the most larger more developed organisations and a
recent registration in the following ques- band of “middle-class” groups. However,
tions because in many countries the ECSOs around one-quarter of ECSOs in the region
have had to re-register as a result of new have very limited funds, and in a number of



Year of establishment for ECSOs in South Eastern Europe






<1990 1991 - 1995 1996 - 2000 >2000

places (notably Albania, Croatia and Kosovo) in keeping the environment on the agenda
this is a worryingly high percentage. at both local and national levels, but that
movement will still need a long period of
Memberships have fallen, but volunteering is involved and stable support to become bet-
up and the number of paid staff has ter established. The challenge will be for
increased, though in some countries they are the ECSOs to be able to prove their worth
perhaps still too small (Croatia on average has and to be accountable to their own com-
less than one paid staff person per organisa- munities. Only in that way can they hope to
tion). As regards the priorities of the organisa- build awareness of their role and of civil
tions they appear to have similar areas of society in general. That could lead to more
interest, but some broadening is evident. domestic support for funds and for greater
This pattern appears to demonstrate that public involvement in their work.
the groups are still overly susceptible to the However, the challenge also extends to the
transition conditions in their countries. donor community to take a longer-term and
Croatian groups have had to contend with more patient approach to supporting the
the change in funding patterns, demonstrat- sector. In any case, building environmental
ed by their increased reliance on domestic civil society in the Western Balkans has no
sources, but also perhaps indicated by the quick fix.
low staff numbers. Kosovar and Albanian Robert Atkinson
groups are split almost fifty-fifty between Director for Civil Initiatives
those with project funding and those with
none, indicating a resource crisis for the Richard Filcak
movement, which in both cases depend Project Manager
heavily on the priorities of the foreign NGO Support Programme
donor community. REC, Szentendre, Hungary
The environmental movement in the region
is doing valuable and much needed work

NGO Directory online

The environmental organisations that took The directory website has a number of
part in the survey are also included in the interactive features that allow the user to:
NGO Directory of South Eastern Europe
(available online at: < • print a list of NGOs or individual entries;
Databases/NGO_Directory_SEE/Find.html>). • send remarks and suggestions to
enhance the quality of the directory;
The user-friendly online database is contin-
uously updated and offers the following • request a printed copy of the latest edi-
four search options that can be used sepa- tion of the NGO Directory; and
rately or in any combination: • submit NGO updates.
• NGOs by country; In addition, environmental organisations
not listed in the directory can create a new
• NGOs by location (town); entry for themselves and become part of
• NGOs by name (English version); and the database.
• NGOs by topics and activities (based on
pre-selected lists of topics and activities).

Questionnaire Part A

Name of the group/organisation: Contact person (if different from

(original name, including all accents) above):
....................................................................... (First Name Last Name, Position)
Name of the group/organisation:
(English translation) Year the organisation was first formed:
....................................................................... .......................................................................

Abbreviation/short form of the name: Is your organisation formally (legally)

(English translation) registered?
.......................................................................  Registered
 Not registered
Country: .....................................................
Postcode: .................................................... If registered, year of last (active)
Town: .......................................................... registration:
Street and number:.................................... .......................................................................
....................................................................... If your organisation is legally
P.O. Box: ...................................................... registered, what type of registration
Telephone: [(country code-city code) does it have?
number] For example: (36-26) 504-000  association
.......................................................................  foundation

Fax: [(country code-city code) number]  public organisation

For example: (36-26) 311-294  don’t know
.......................................................................  other, please specify:
E-mail address: ...........................................
Website address: ........................................ How many people are employed in
your organisation (full time and part
Leader of the organisation and her/his
position: <First Name> < Last Name>, .......................................................................
<Position> For example: John Smith,
Executive Director How many members does your
....................................................................... organisation have?
....................................................................... .......................................................................


How many volunteers participate in  fees from rentals or other assets

your activities? (investments, copyrights)
.......................................................................  subsidiary businesses and/or product
Current annual budget in EUR
(choose one): Main topics your organisation is
 no budget active on: (tick all that apply):

 up to 500  agriculture/organic or traditional

 501 – 1,000
 air quality/air pollution
 1,001 – 5,000
 animal protection/wildlife
 5,001 – 10,000
 10,001 – 50,000
 certification and labelling
 50,000 – 100,000
 climate change
 above 100,000
 consumer protection/consumer rights
 don’t know
 economic instruments
Sources of funding (tick all that apply):  energy, nuclear
 domestic government/public sector  energy, renewable/energy efficiency
grants or donations
 environmental education/education for
 domestic government/public sector sustainable development
 environmental legislation
 foreign government/international
public sector grants or donations  environmental policy making

 foreign government/international  forestry

public sector contracts  genetically modified
 domestic foundations donations/grants organisms/biotechnology
 foreign/international foundations  globalisation/international policy
donations/grants  nature protection
 domestic business/corporate  rural development
sponsorship, donations or grants
 sustainable development
business/corporate sponsorship,  sustainable/green consumption
donations or grants  tourism, sustainable/eco-tourism
 other private/citizens’ donations or  toxics/chemicals/persistent organic
grants pollutants (POPs)
 membership dues (fees)  transport/traffic
 fees and charges for mission-related  urban environment
services (economic activity) i.e.
research, consulting, education,  waste issues
training  water issues


Activities (tick all that you do): Which umbrella organisations or

networks are you a member of or
 advisory services
involved with (at the national, sub-regional
 awareness raising campaigns or international levels)? (Please list them)
 campaigning/protesting/direct action National:
 clean-ups/camps .......................................................................
 community organising/community Sub-regional (SEE):
planning (Local Agenda 21, LEAP)
Regional (European) and international
 education (worldwide):
 environmental impact assessment .......................................................................
(e.g. EIA, SEA)
Languages spoken:
 environmental management
Comment/short narrative (successful
 information dissemination actions, finished projects, etc.): <maximum
 legal advocacy 50 words>
 lobbying .......................................................................
 media/press Your key publications (title, year,
frequency): <maximum 50 words>
 monitoring/measuring (technical)
 negotiation facilitation/dialogue
 policy implementation
 public meetings
 public participation
 social marketing
 training/capacity building
 watchdog (scrutinising public/private

Level of activity (tick all that apply):

 regional (region within the country)

Questionnaires received 68 Albania: Total CSO budgets EUR 837,250
Average budget (estimated) EUR 12,313
Most frequent budget range 35% of CSO budgets
REGISTRATION are in category 1
Number of formally registered and 68 registered (no budget)
unregistered CSOs 0 not registered Percentage of ECSOs in the lowest and highest budget
range and their contribution to total CSO budgets
• 35% of ECSOs (category 1, no budget) account for
CSO MEMBERSHIP 0% (EUR) of the total sum of annual CSO budgets
• 3% of ECSOs (category 8, above EUR 100,000)
Number of members in Albania 11,420
account for 24% (EUR 200,000) of the total sum of
(total for the country)
annual budgets
Members per CSO From 3 to 5,700
Average members per CSO 168
F6 foreign/international foundations 59%
Paid staff (full and part time) 253 F10 membership dues (fees) 50%
Unpaid staff (volunteers) 29,296 F5 domestic foundations donations/grants 38%
Ratio paid/unpaid staff 1:116


T17 nature protection 78%
T14 forestry 72%
T4 biodiversity 71%
T11 environmental education/education 69%
for sustainable development
T19 sustainable development 66%


A2 awareness-raising campaigns 83%
A11 information dissemination 72%
A6 conferences, meetings 70.6%


CHART 1 Comparison between 2001 and 2006 data

The survey covers 68 registered environmen-

Year of establishment for ECSOs in Albania tal civil society organisations (ECSOs) active
(number of ECSOs in each category) in Albania. The data comparison between
2001 (when the previous REC survey was
40 conducted) and 2006 shows a growth in the
35 scope of activities, while the total number of
30 organisations remains at approximately the
25 same level. Since the 2001 survey, we see a
20 slight increase in the number of groups (in
2001 we received 63 responses, compared to
11 68 in 2006). However, what is more pro-
nounced is the dramatic increase in full-time
0 and part-time employees working in the
<1990 1991- 1996- >2000 organisations. While in 2001 respondents
1995 2000 admitted only 20 employees across 63 organ-
isations, in 2006 there were 253 employees.
Category 1 – up to 1990 In addition, the number of members has
Category 2 – 1991-1995 increased from 5,808 to 11,420. As many as
Category 3 – 1996-2000 29,296 volunteers participate in the activities
Category 4 – 2001-2006 and actions organised by the Albanian envi-
ronmental community.
The total operating budget has increased
CHART 2 over the last five years from an estimated
EUR 337,250 in 2001 to EUR 837,250 in 2006.
Level of working However, there has also been an increase in
100 the number of organisations operating with
minimal budgets (either no budget or below
57 EUR 500) from 42 percent to 51 percent in
80 2006. The data suggest two predominant
types of groups. A majority of the groups
operate with minimal or no budgets, while
another set appears to be becoming finan-
% of Total

33 cially stronger and more financially stable,
involving more people than five years ago.
The picture of funding sources appears to
have changed, with foreign and interna-
tional grants increasing in frequency from
third to first place. Now nearly 60 percent
10 of all groups receive funds from this
source, compared to 46 percent in 2001.
Local Regional National International Domestic donations/grants have gone
down from 52 percent to 38 percent in the
(Data represent actual number and percentage of the total)
same period and membership fees from a
high 87 percent to 50 percent. Clearly the
sources of funding are dominated by for-
eign sources over domestic.


Regarding the main areas that Albanian Albania has adopted a two-stage registration
groups work in, there has been an increase in process, at the central and local levels. The

the percentage of those groups that say they first stage is for legal registration; the second
work on nature protection, forestry and bio- for tax registration.
diversity. However, together with environ- Problems are mostly reported with the second
mental education these groups represented stage of registration. One reported problem is
the main areas of work five years ago. Under the uneven application of the law. As a result
the main activities of ECSOs, awareness-rais- of the difficulties in registration, many ECSOs
ing campaigns, information dissemination report that they operate without having for-
and organising conferences/meetings remain mally completed all stages of registration,
predominant in Albania. especially towards the tax authorities. Lawyers
with personal connections are reported to be
The vast majority of the surveyed groups
able to smooth procedures, although most
were formed after 2000 (60 percent). Howev- ECSOs do not find legal services necessary.
er, groups tend to work more at the local or
regional levels with notably fewer organisa- While ECSOs are generally able to carry out
tions working nationally than previously. But their activities and operate within the legal
compared to 2001, around double the num- framework, a great deal of frustration is
ber of groups is now working internationally. expressed at the inconsistent application of
the law in specific cases. In general ECSOs
find the legal regime confusing with respect to
Legal and regulatory framework financial operations. For example, while
In Albania the legal formation of a CSO is still ECSOs may legally engage in commercial
a difficult, confusing and time-consuming activities so long as they use the proceeds for
process, despite efforts to reform the law. their purposes, only a few do this, at least in

Main findings: Legal and regulatory framework

• The state of CSO registration law is partly in flux, especially with regard to tax and financial
• ECSOs in the regions are particularly affected by the two-stage registration process.
• There are substantial opportunities to operate without full legal compliance and ECSOs
often take advantage of this to avoid dealing with authorities.
• ECSOs that are able to comply with legal requirements can take advantage of a relatively
favourable tax system.
• Authorities apply the rules inconsistently due to insufficient training, insufficient norm forma-
tion, or personal or official bias.
• General legal frameworks are in place but implementation and enforcement are lacking.
• Some positive experiences are evident in cooperation on law drafting, but without a legal
• Albania’s legal system does not accommodate genuine legal advocacy, and ECSOs con-
sequently have not developed advocacy skills.
• Legal assistance and expertise are relatively important needs for Albanian environmental


part due to the concern that tax authorities pation is in place, but the public is unable or
would create problems. This may also con- unwilling to make use of it except to a very

tribute to the fact that a substantial proportion limited degree due to a lack of implementing
of ECSOs do not fulfil financial reporting regulations and practice. Several ECSOs con-
requirements. There is an overall feeling that sider legal expertise to be a major staffing
the law is not stable and at least a perception need. Only a few training programmes in
that authorities may sometimes create difficul- legal matters have been provided to environ-
ties for ECSOs that are “opposed” to the gov- mental ECSOs in the past and they have
ernment. On the other hand, compared to reportedly stopped taking place.
other countries in the region, Albanian ECSOs
actually enjoy a higher proportion of tax
exemptions. Resource base
The legal structure for access to justice in In Albania the picture presented seems to
Albania is insufficient and does not provide show that there is not a sufficient diversity or
real opportunities for advocacy. ECSOs share number of sources and that donors’ priorities
the extremely negative views expressed are generally driving the ECSOs’ activities. The
throughout the region on the overall imple- development of the movement, coupled to a
mentation and enforcement of law, although reduction in the number of donors and shift in
they are slightly more optimistic about donor priorities, has led to a reduction in top-
enforcement as compared to their neigh- ics that are covered by funding and to
bours. Some norms have been established increased competition between ECSOs. The
for cooperation with authorities, especially danger to civil society appears to be that as
in law drafting and planning, while ECSOs more donors now begin to withdraw there
are awaiting a required legal framework. The will not be other domestic sources available to
legal framework for information and partici- bridge the gaps that are appearing.

Main findings: Resource base

• Foreign project funds provide the main resources for the sector.
• In general ECSOs have unreliable information on the funding opportunities available.
This is particularly true for ECSOs from outside Tirana.
• There is no overall policy or strategy for providing financial assistance from the government to
• ECSOs see promise in funding from the European Union (Commission), but they find it diffi-
cult to comply with EC funding procedures and requirements.
• For equipment resources Albania appears to be statistically better off than the SEE regional
averages, but there are still significant numbers without equipment.
• One-fifth of ECSOs own their own office space (nearly double the SEE regional average),
while around a quarter work informally or through the work places of their members. This
represents quite different conditions for the groups working in the country.
• ECSOs need more support staff, such as network coordinators, public relations officers,
fundraisers or financial administrators.
• Philanthropic activities in Albania are currently limited. Funding from private and self-gener-
ated sources is not common.


The most common type of funding is ECSOs in Albania are working within a very
received from foreign/international founda- limited financial framework and a clear situa-

tions in the form of donations and grants, tion of “haves and have nots” has developed.
with over half of the groups responding
receiving support from this source. These pri-
vate sources of funding (from foundations Human and organisational capacities
mostly and not corporations or businesses) Generally ECSOs in Albania are well aware
are the most important origin, with govern- of strategic leadership tools and their impor-
mental/public sector support following close- tance for better performance. Although con-
ly behind. However, both of these sources sidered important by a large number, only
tend to be more substantially foreign in origin the strategic planning and work plan are
than domestic. As in other countries, many used by a substantive number of organisa-
Albanian groups do solicit membership fees tions. Strategies for fundraising, communica-
(the second most frequent source, though tion, PR and business are seldom used,
much less frequent than five years ago), but although they are considered as important
the amounts gathered are not significant. tools in raising money, diversifying the fund-
Overall in Albania the picture is not promis- ing base, building a good image or commu-
ing for domestic sources of finances or for nicating to stakeholders. Similarly, adminis-
self-financing practices. trative procedures such as a project manage-
ment system, operations manual, human
Albania exhibits an alarming tendency in resources and financial management are
CSO budgets, with more than one-third of given great importance. However, the survey
the ECSOs sampled reporting that they had interviews have shown that the environmen-
no budget in 2005 and a further sixth with a tal organisations are not seen as being effi-
budget of less than EUR 500. This means that cient, with some ECSOs stating that they
more than half of all the environmental “lack set administrative procedures within

Main findings: Human and organisational capacities

• Concepts of strategic leadership, process management and its tools are generally well
• Fundraising strategy is considered as the most important tool for strategic leadership, but
few organisations exhibit a fully developed one.
• Governance bodies are generally weak and have limited influence in the work of the
• Communication and PR strategies are rarely developed, while many ECSOs perceive the
need for better communication with the public and other stakeholders and for building a
better image.
• Only 16 percent of the organisations consider their performance as successful. The main
obstacles seen in their work are the lack of infrastructure and motivation of the members,
but also external reasons such as indifference of citizens to environmental issues due to eco-
nomic, social and political instability in the country.
• Donors, government and support organisations’ representatives consider that ECSOs tend
to lack vision, transparency, and accountability, and to be donor driven, while the ECSOs
themselves believe just the opposite.


the organisations.” Moreover, donors specifi- membership base of the organisations is gen-
cally criticise the weak financial management erally not big due to the low interest of the

and reporting skills of ECSOs. population in environmental issues in the

country or due to the low awareness of the
The limited usage of these tools is mostly due
population as regards ECSOs’ activities.
to the lack of capacity and knowledge for
developing them, most of which are men- While people join the movement out of a
tioned as training needs for building more wish to help to improve the environment
sustainable organisations. The knowledge of and health prospects of the citizens, many
what has to be done to be efficient is general- leave due to frustration related to the slow
ly there, but the implementation in real life is pace of change and low income. The Alban-
missing. It is understood from the survey ian ECSOs generally have a good gender bal-
interviews that a different approach to capac- ance, with slightly more men than women
ity building is probably needed where the working in the movement.
staff has the opportunity to experience imple-
mentation of knowledge through coaching
and international exchanges of staff at CSO Information and knowledge base
level. Most of the organisations have gone Regarding ECSOs “operating environment”
through a training needs assessment and (i.e. the external information landscape),
training is used systematically for building over one-quarter described the general avail-
capacity of the staff; however it is done most- ability of sustainable development and envi-
ly on an ad-hoc basis. ronment information as inadequate. The
interviewed ECSOs noted that information is
ECSOs in Albania have clearly set gover- either lacking or unavailable, that ECSOs are
nance bodies (board, assembly, president or very much dependent on government
executive director), but the boards in partic- sources and other support organisations for
ular are weak and mostly do not fulfil their
environmental data, that the environment
expected roles. Consequently the staff also
ministry’s regional agencies do not have sig-
take over the main strategic and leadership
nificant data available and that the media
work in the organisations. Only a small num-
carries only limited information on the envi-
ber of organisations considered that they had
ronment. Concerning quality, nearly all CSO
a fully successful performance in the past
year, while the majority rated their perfor- survey respondents felt “some” or “large”
mance partially or intermediately successful. improvement was necessary with regard to
The reasons given were mostly related to the the currency (97 percent), presentation (90
problematic social, economical and political percent) and reliability (87 percent) of offi-
conditions in Albania, the short-term vision cial information.
of donors regarding aid and the mistrust of Regarding its proactive distribution, typically
citizens in ECSOs. While the ECSOs see more than 70 percent felt “some” or “large”
themselves as having a strong base of expert improvement was necessary (vis-à-vis ease
staff, administrative procedures and of accessibility, timeliness of delivery, media
response to real needs, it is important to note source distribution, electronic and printed
that other stakeholders consider the oppo- formats, and availability through public
site. They feel that the ECSOs tend to lack information centres). Government responses
vision, transparency, and accountability, and
to requests for environmental information
to be donor driven.
were also evaluated negatively. With regard
Organisations employ a small number of full- to improving mechanisms to exchange infor-
or part-time staff and only one in 116 are mation with authorities, 93 percent wel-
paid (the vast majority are volunteers). The comed physical fora, 87 percent virtual fora.


Main findings: Information and knowledge base

• Generally there is insufficient official sustainable development and environment informa-
tion available to ECSOs, and that which is available is often of dubious quality (out of
date, poorly presented, and unreliable).
• Distribution of official sustainable development and environment information (both proac-
tive and passive) is problematic and improvement is requested by ECSOs.
• Almost all ECSOs welcome improvements in the exchange of information with authorities, both
physical and virtual, not least because of a dearth of procedures and legal basis.
• Albanian ECSOs are significant sources of information, maintaining collections of envi-
ronmental books, reports, brochures and pamphlets, and generally consider their knowl-
edge capacities and skills on the environmental topics they work on as “adequate,” but
nevertheless welcome additional training to enhance their internal knowledge.
• Cost is an obstacle to Albanian ECSOs gathering of information; most tend only to do this
when financed through specific projects. Around half are equipped with the appropriate
equipment to manage information.
• Pamphlets and brochures are the most popularly published forms of information. E-mail,
independent newspaper articles or advertisements and Internet websites are used by ECSOs
to distribute information. Although again cost is a significant constraint to widespread distri-
bution (e.g. via the media), besides “processing power,” in order to present information in a
way that is understood by citizens. Consequently there is little public reaction to many issues
besides the initial media reaction.

The main challenge is the lack of a legal mental topics they work on as “adequate.”
basis. One donor opined regarding the oper- Nevertheless, more than 80 percent of survey
ating environment: “Because state monitor- respondents welcomed additional training to
ing is weak, the information is not easily enhance their internal knowledge.
available to the public and the professional
interpretation of data is weak, the quality of Concerning the tools and resources used to
dialogue with people and/or the government gather, manage, distribute and exchange
is poor.” Remedy this and “thereafter ECSOs sustainable development and environment
can be more professional in making the knowledge, when gathering or researching
point to the government, to make concrete primary data, Albanian ECSOs tend only to
proposals, to challenge the government in do this when financed through specific pro-
these ways,” the donor said jects. While a lot of information can be gath-
ered from the Internet, few Albanian ECSOs
Concerning Albanian ECSOs’ own internal
or people do so (because of the cost).
knowledge landscape, they are significant
Approximately half of Albanian ECSOs rely
sources of information, with approximately
on desktop publishing equipment and data-
54 percent maintaining collections of envi-
base equipment to manage information.
ronmental books, reports, and more than 61
Pamphlets and brochures are the most pop-
percent brochures and pamphlets. Eighty-
ularly published forms of information
one percent described their organisation’s
besides verbal opinion and commentary
knowledge capacities/skills on the environ-
during environmental decision-making


Main findings: Accountability


• Governmental policy or cooperation procedures towards ECSOs are absent, limited cooper-
ation takes place with the pressure from ECSOs to government and its outcome depends a
lot on the good will of decision makers. A few good examples of cooperation exist, though
mostly at the local level.
• There are no rules or requirements regarding the selection and delegation of CSO represen-
tatives to different cooperative bodies with the government.
• ECSOs are not experienced in working with the general public to get them involved and
mobilised in the decision-making process.
• Good interaction between ECSOs and local stakeholders usually exists but it often occurs
within the framework of a project, has a top-down approach and its impact is limited.
• ECSOs are too dependent on donor initiative for their interaction with communities.
• Cooperation with national/local business is rather limited.
• The legislative framework for access to information and public participation is generally
good, but implementation, enforcement and the lack of rules remain the key problems.
ECSOs are most active in the field of public participation, and less active in making official
information requests. Little has occurred in the access to justice field nationally or locally.
• ECSO involvement is generally well accepted in decision making, but it is not as critical as it
might be for fear of repercussions.
• The lack of defined procedures on how to request information forces ESCOs to use an alter-
native information channel through personal contacts.
• Though endorsed by the environment ministry, guidelines on public participation proce-
dures in the EIA process have rarely been followed in practice.
• Regarding public participation, ECSOs acknowledge that their role in local/regional/national
decision making or development planning is consultative or participatory, but not yet influential.
Public involvement at the local level tends to bring more satisfactory outcomes.
• Access to justice rights are not exercised individually or collectively.
• There is a lack of understanding among the general public and ECSOs on environmental
rights guaranteed by Albanian legislation and ratified international conventions .

processes. E-mail (by 80 percent of respon- tion of various types of NGO-related news.
dents), independent newspaper articles or According to one CSO, the media is a useful
advertisements and Internet websites are distribution mechanism too, but ECSOs
used by ECSOs to distribute information. appear to have no real possibility to share
information with the public via the media.
The Center for Electronic Communication
The main challenge, however, is that ECSOs
network is relied on for electronic distribu-
simply do not have information to distribute.


ECSOs not only need to be equipped with the

means to gather, process and give informa-

tion, but also require the necessary processing
power to give high quality information.

The review of the current status of the public
accountability in Albania concerning the
legal and administrative provisions and prac-
tice of implementation of the rights derived
from the Aarhus Convention has shown a
tendency for increased elaboration and
improvement of the legal instruments for the
implementation of these rights. However,
there is still a deficit of clear rules, practical
guidelines and sometimes administrative
willingness to inform the general public and
ECSOs and involve them in the decision-
making process. As such, cooperation
between governmental bodies and ECSOs is
insufficient and limited. The ECSOs are
mainly taking the role of consultation and
passive participation but not of real players
who are influential and respected partners.
The ECSOs perceive that effectiveness of the
judicial system in environmental cases is also
far from satisfactory.
At the local level cooperation is much better
and relationships between different stakehold-
ers more constructive: the ECSOs have devel-
oped good communications with the local
communities, and relatively close cooperation
with the media. Contacts with businesses are
limited, partly due to their image in the eyes of
ECSOs as polluters and unfair partners.


Association of Conservation and Ecological Club of Elbasan (ECE, KKE)
Development of Natural Environment – Klubi Ekologjik Elbasan

Mat (ACDNE Mat, SHRZHMN Mat) Lgj. A. Pasha, P. 494/1, H. 2, Nr. 15 Elbasan,
Shoqata e Ruajtjes dhe Zhvillimit të Mjedisit Albania
Natyror Mat Tel: (355) 545-8698
Rr. Këshilltarët, Lgj. Drita Burrel, Albania E-mail:
Tel: (355-68) 293-7224 Leader: Ahmet Mehmeti, president
Leader: Ismail Hoxhosmani, chairman Year of foundation: 1995
Year of foundation: 1999 Year of registration: 1995
Year of registration: 1999 Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association Number of employees: 1 person part time
Number of employees: 3-5 Number of members: 150
Number of members: 23 Number of volunteers: 150
Number of volunteers: 15 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Annual budget: No budget Source of funding: F3, F10, F11
Source of funding: F1, F6 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T14, T17, T19, T22 T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A8, A10, A14, A19, A21 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Level of activity: local A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23,
Key publications: A24, A25
• Articles in Environment Today bulletin. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
For Cooperation with Local Authorities, Ulëz, 2001. country), national, international
To Protect Nature Areas of the Balgjaj Lakes, 2002. Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement
• Translation and Adaptation of Consumption Languages: English, French, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish
Opportunities, UNEP project, 2002. Key publications:
• The Forest and the Graze, 1998.
BURREL • Rational Grazing, 1999.
Media Association (SHMM) • Forest Biomass and Forest-Pasture Systems, 2005.
Shoqata e Mediave Mat • Leaflets: Nature Monuments, 1998.
Lgj. Partizani Burrel, Albania • Protected Areas, 1998.
Tel: (355) 217-3009, (355-68) 205-7883 • Silvopastoralism, a Sustainable Development, 2005.
Fax: (355) 217-3009 • Increase of Public Participation for Decrease of
E-mail: Industrial Pollution, 2006.
Leader: Luftim Vani, chairman
Contact person: Hasan Pasha, secretary E L B A SA N
Year of foundation: 2000
Year of registration: 2000 For a Healthy Albania (FHA )
Type of registration: Association Per nje Shqiperi te Shendetshme
Number of employees: 0 Lgj. K. Elbasanit, P. 50, H. 1, Ap. 2 Elbasan, Albania
Number of members: 39 Tel: (355) 545-4293
Number of volunteers: 15 Fax: (355) 545-5256
Annual budget: No budget E-mail:
Source of funding: F1 Leader: Edmont Laho, executive director
Main topics: T11, T14, T17, T18, T21, T24, T25, T26 Year of foundation: 2002
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A11, A14, A16, A19, A20, A21 Year of registration: 2002
Level of activity: local Type of registration: Association
Languages: English Number of employees: 2 + 4
Key publications: Number of members: 10
• Television spots on environment Number of volunteers: Varies depending on the project
• Media discussions Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
• Posters Source of funding: F1, F5, F6
• Articles in local newspapers Main topics: T11, T19
• Television documentaries Activities: A2


Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Key publications:
Languages: English • A leaflet for awareness and implementation of the
Key publications: project Rehabilitation of Green Areas in Gjegjan and

• Increase of Tumoral Diseases of the Respiratory System Puka High Schools, and Environmental Management in
Related to the Environment (E. Laho, 2004) Q. Sh., Fushe Arrez.
• Prevention of AIDS in Communes of Elbasan Prefecture
(Sida grant, E. Laho, G. Bejtja)
Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
E L B A SA N Kukur (SHPPK-Kukur)
Women’s Forum of Elbasan (FGE) Shoqata e Perdorimit te Pyjeve dhe
Forumi i Gruas Elbasan Kullotave Kukur
Lgj. 5 Maji, Rr. Fetah Ekmekçiu Elbasan, Albania Kukur Gramsh, Albania
Tel: (355) 544-0051 Tel: (355-69) 256-8123
Fax: (355) 545-5509 Leader: Celnik Lena, chairman
E-mail: Year of foundation: 2000
Leader: Shpresa Banja, president Year of registration: 2002
Year of foundation: 1991 Type of registration: Association
Year of registration: 2000 Number of employees: 0
Type of registration: Association Number of members: 55
Number of employees: 6 + 15 Number of volunteers: 40
Number of members: 250 Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Number of volunteers: 50 Source of funding: F8, F10, F11
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Main topics: T3, T13, T14, T18, T21, T24, T26
Source of funding: F3, F6, F10 Activities: A1, A9, A10, A14, A24
Main topics: T24, T25 Level of activity: regional (region within the country), national
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A10, A12, A13, A17,
A19, A20, A21, A24
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Gender Alliance Bulqize Federation of Public
Languages: English Forests and Pastures, Diber Region
Key publications: (Federata PKK)
• Posters, leaflets. The most recent publication is Equality Federata e Pyjeve dhe Kullotave Komunal
in Politics. Qarku Diber
Bulevardi Elez Isufi, QEK Peshkopi Headquarters in
Peshkopi; lodges in Diber, Mat and Bulqize, Albania
FUSHE ARREZ, PUKA Tel: (355-68) 207-7157, (355-68) 245-0279
Forest for People Association E-mail:
Shoqata Pylli per Njerezit Leader: Ylli Meta, board chairman
Fushe Arrez, Puka, Albania Contact person: Rexhep Ndreu, coordinator
Fax: (355-68) 239-2993 Year of foundation: 2003
Leader: Pashk Prendi, chairman Year of registration: 2003
Year of foundation: 2003 Type of registration: Association
Year of registration: 2003 Number of employees: 1
Type of registration: Association Number of members: 22 associations and 15 communes
Number of employees: 5 Number of volunteers: 20, 000
Number of members: 45 Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Number of volunteers: 15 Source of funding: F5, F10
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18,
Source of funding: F6 T19, T21, T24
Main topics: T4, T14 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13,
Activities: A9 A14, A17, A18, A19, A20, A24
Level of activity: local Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Languages: Albanian country), national


Member of umbrella organisations: Association of Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Albanian Public Forests and Pastures, Association of Private country), national
Forests, Kosove Member of umbrella organisations: Environmental

Languages: English Associations Forum Tirane, NGO Forum Kavaje

Key publications: Languages: English, French, Italian
• Leaflet: Sustainable Public Forests, 5,000 copies, Key publications:
2003-2006. • Natural Monuments in Albania CD, Tirana 2005.
• Lobbying posters, 3,000 copies, 2006. • Land Protection from Reduction and Desertification,
• Qarku i Gjelbër newspaper, seven issues. Tirana 2006.
• Brochure: Sustainable Use of our Forests. • Biodiversity Protection, Tirana 2006.
• Natural Monuments - Tirana District, Tirana 2004.
• Ecotouristic Node Beden-Gjeneral Beach, Tirana 2002.
K AVAJ E • Several articles on natural panoramas, protection of
Association of Forest and Pasture Users flora ecosystems, marine ecosystems, land protection,
(SHPPK) etc., published in local media.
Shoqata Perdorimi i pyjeve dhe kullotave
Komuna Sinaballaj Kavaje, Albania KO P L I K
Tel: (355-69) 235-9181
Association for the Cultivation of Medicinal
Leader: Rustem Thartori, chairman Plants
Contact person: Naim Hysa, secretary Shoqata e Kultivimit të Bimëve Mjekësore
Year of foundation: 2001 Shkrel, Koplik, Shkodër Koplik, Albania
Year of registration: 2001 Tel: (355-68) 230-5957, (355-68) 211-2836
Type of registration: Association
Leader: Martin Pllumbi, general director
Number of members: 120
Year of foundation: 2001
Number of volunteers: 120
Year of registration: 2005
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Type of registration: Association
Source of funding: F2, F10 Number of employees: 3
Main topics: T14, T17, T18, T24 Number of members: 120
Activities: A2, A10 Number of volunteers: 30
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Key publications: Source of funding: F1, F3
• We have created a plan for the management of public Main topics: T1, T4, T14, T18, T19, T21
public forests and pasture. Activities: A1, A2, A8, A9, A11, A22, A23
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
country), international
Member of umbrella organisations: Association Bio
Association of Natural Landscape Protection
in Albania (ANLPA, SHMPNSH)
Shoqata e Mbrojtjes së Peisazheve Natyrore KO RC E
në Shqipëri Albania, Macedonia People Empowerment
Lgj. 4, Rruga e Maternitetit Kavaje, Albania Programme (AMPEP)
Tel: (355) 554-2277 AMPEP Albania
E-mail: Rr. ‘1 Maji’, P. 1, Hyrja 9 Korce, Albania
Leader: Gëzim Cara, chairman Tel: (355-82) 45-299
Contact person: Gëzim Cara Fax: (355-82) 45-299
Year of foundation: 2000
Year of registration: 2000
Type of registration: Association Leader: Etleva Selmani, director
Number of members: 100 Year of foundation: 2001
Number of volunteers: 30 Year of registration: 2001
Annual budget: No budget Type of registration: Association
Source of funding: F1, F10 Number of employees: 4
Main topics: T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T20, T21 Number of members: 6
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A11, A14, A20, A21, A22 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000


Source of funding: F6 Annual budget: No budget

Main topics: T1, T17, T18 Source of funding: F5, F6
Activities: A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A17, A20, A24 Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T14, T17, T18, T19

Level of activity: local Activities: A1, A2, A3, A7, A20
Member of umbrella organisations: AMPEP Albania, Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
AMPEP, PEP International Languages: English
Languages: Albanian, English Key publications:
Key publications: • The Sustainable Future of the Community in Gore
• AMPEP newsletter every three months. Commune, Korce.
• Brochures and leaflets every year.

KO RC E , G O R I C E , L I Q E N A S
Association of Forest and Pasture Users
Environmental Association Morava, Korce (Prespa)
(EAM, SHMM) Shoqata e Perdoruesve te Pyjeve dhe
Shoqata Mjedisore MORAVA – Korce Kullotave ‘Prespa’
Lgj. 12, Rr. Gjergj Kastrioti, Pall. 2, Ap. 3 Korce, Korce, Gorice, Liqenas and Albania
Albania Tel: (355-68) 256-0840
Tel: (355-82) 44-181 E-mail: vasiljankulla@hotmail. com
Leader: Bardhyl Panolli, chairman Leader: Vasil Jankulla, chairman
Contact person: Shaban Mero Year of foundation: 2002
Year of foundation: 1994
Year of registration: 2002
Year of registration: 1995
Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 1
Number of members: 36
Number of members: 70
Number of volunteers: 90
Number of volunteers: Community
Annual budget: No budget
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F6, F10
Source of funding: F6, F10, F12
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T14, T17, T25
T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A10, A13
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A14,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A22, A24, A25
country), national, international
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
country), international Languages: Macedonian
Languages: Albanian
Key publications: K RU J A
• Brochures, leaflets, posters, filming and photography of
activities and projects that have been carried out.
Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja
Klubi Ekologjik Shqiptar – Kruja
KO RC E Lgj. Nr. 2 Kruja, Albania
Transborder Wildlife (TWA – NN) Tel: (355) 511-2346
Natyra Nderkufitare Fax: (355) 511-2034
Rr. Pandeli Cale, Nr. 26 Korce, Albania E-mail:
Tel: (355) 824-4346 Web:
Fax: (355) 43-037 Leader: Muharrem Goci, chairman
E-mail: Year of foundation: 1992
Leader: Stavri Pllaha, director Year of registration: 1992
Contact person: Kristaq Shore Type of registration: Association
Year of foundation: 1996 Number of employees: 0
Year of registration: 1996 Number of members: 15
Type of registration: Association Number of volunteers: 146
Number of members: 30 Annual budget: No budget
Number of volunteers: 10 Source of funding: F5, F6, F10


Main topics: T2, T4, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T21, T22, Source of funding: FS1, FS5, FS6, FS9, FS10
T23, T24, T25, T26 Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T22,
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, T24, T25

A14, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the A18, A19, A20, A22, A24
country), national, international Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement, country), national
Educational Society for Malopolska (Poland), Sierra Club Member of umbrella organisations: Protection of
(USA) Environment, Tirana
Key publications: Languages: English
• The strategy of Albanian environmental NGOs. Key publications:
• Leaflet of Albanian Ecological Club Kruja. • Participation in drawing up of the Strategy for Kukes
• Articles in Environment Today bulletin. Region on Environmental Issues and Situations, 2003.
• Articles in Ecomovement newspaper. • Leaflets for protection of the environment, 2004.
• Articles in Teacher newspaper. • Training handbook; Increase Public Awareness on
• Photographic albums on the environment. Environmental Protection, 2005.


Forest and Pasture Users Association Care (Care-Kujdesi)

of Kruma Municipality (FPUA, SHPPK) Kujdesi
Shoqata e Përdoruesve të Pyjeve dhe Hotel Gjallica, Kati i II Kukes, Albania
Kullotave Komunale Krumë Tel: (355-24) 24-385
Bashkia Krume, Lgj. 2, Krume, Has, Albania Fax: (355-24) 24-385
Tel: (355) 214-2070, (355-69) 241-4745 E-mail:
E-mail: Leader: Bilbil Keraj, executive director
Contact person: Riza Ademaj, secretary
Leader: Gazmend Peka, executive director
Year of foundation: 2003
Year of foundation: 2001
Year of registration: 2003
Year of registration: 2001
Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 3
Number of members: 30
Number of members: 30
Number of volunteers: 10
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Source of funding: F6
Source of funding: FS3, FS6, FS9, FS10
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T13, T14, T17 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T11, T13, T14, T17, T18,
Activities: A2, A4, A6, A10, A11, A19, A20 T20, T24, T25, T26
Level of activity: local Activities: A2, A4, A9, A10, A11, A20, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
K RU M E Languages: English

Protection of Environment (PE, MM)

Mbrojtja e Mjedisit KUKES
Krume, Has, Albania Ecologists for the Region
Tel: (355) 214-2403
Ekologet për Rajonin
Fax: (355) 214-2403
Lagjia 6 Kukes, Albania
Tel: (355) 242-3536
Leader: Jahir Cahani, executive director Fax: (355) 242-4594
Contact person: Iljaz Fejza, project coordinator E-mail:
Year of foundation: 2001
Year of registration: 2001 Leader: Bukurosh Onuzi, chairman
Type of registration: Association Contact person: Bukurosh Onuzi
Number of employees: 5 Year of foundation: 2002
Number of members: 205 Year of registration: 2002
Number of volunteers: 45 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Number of employees: 5


Number of members: 30 Leader: Gjergj Elezi, chairman

Number of volunteers: 30 Year of foundation: 1999
Annual budget: EUR 0-500

Year of registration: 1999
Source of funding: F1, F5, F10, F11 Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T17, T18,
Number of members: 21
T19, T21, T24
Number of volunteers: 13
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Annual budget: No budget
A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A21, A22, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F10
the country) Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T16,
Languages: English T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Key publications: Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A13,
• Environmental Strategy for Kukes District. A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A25
• A Plan for Public and Environmental Development of Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Bicaj Commune. Member of umbrella organisations: Dialogic member of
• Green Clubs – A New Experience for High Schools. Environmental General Directory, European Commission
KUKES Languages: English
Forestry Progress Kukes (FPK, PPK) Key publications:
Progresi Pyjor Kukes • European Union and the Environment.
Drejtoria e Shërbimit Pyjor Kukes, Albania • Poster: To Protect Nature.
Tel: (355-68) 230-6499 • Leaflet: All Together for a Cleaner Beach.
Leader: Isuf Omuri, chairman
Contact person: Isuf Omuri
Year of foundation: 1999 AKS (AKS)
Year of registration: 1999 AKS
Type of registration: Association Lagja Nr. 2 Librazhd, Albania
Number of employees: 0 Tel: (355) 514-3890
Number of members: 21 Fax: (355) 514-3890
Number of volunteers: 21 E-mail:;
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F6 Leader: Haxhi Balliu, president
Main topics: T3, T4, T6, T11, T14, T17 Contact person: Haxhi Balliu
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A10, A15, A24 Year of foundation: 1998
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Year of registration: 1998
Languages: Albanian, English Type of registration: Association
Key publications: Number of members: 168
• Leaflets for protection of birch trees, 1992. Number of volunteers: 168
• Leaflet on the transferring process of forests and Annual budget: EUR 0-500
pastures in use by the community, 2000-2001.
Source of funding: F5, F7
• Projects for propagating public forests and pastures in
Main topics: T11, T18, T21
Petkaj, Shtane and Simon villages, Kukes district.
Activities: A2, A11
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Key publications:
Environment – Education – Health • Articles on environmental issues in local and national
(EEH, MESH) media.
Mjedis – Edukim – Shëndet
Lagjia Beslidhja Lezhe, Albania


LIBRAZHD • Access to Information.

Egnatia Association • Participation in Decision Making.
Shoqata Egnatia • Access to Justice.

Lagjia. 2, Pall. 19, Shk. 1 Librazhd, Albania

Tel: (355) 514-2409, (355) 6925-84120 MALIQ
E-mail:; blloshmiklan@hot- Ecological Club (EC, KEM)
Leader: Agim Blloshmi, president
Klubi Ekologjik Maliq
Year of foundation: 1999 Blloku 1, Pallati 9 Maliq, Albania
Year of registration: 1999 Tel: (355) 861-2690
Type of registration: Association Leader: Myzafer Gjiriti, chairman
Number of employees: 0 Contact person: Myzafer Gjiriti
Number of members: 70 Year of foundation: 1994
Number of volunteers: 50 Year of registration: 1998
Annual budget: No budget Type of registration: Association
Source of funding: F5, F6 Number of members: 35
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T5, T6, T12, T13, T14, T16, T17,
Number of volunteers: 40
T18, T19, T20, T21, T24, T25, T26
Annual budget: No budget
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A14,
Source of funding: F10
A15, A19, A20, A21, A23, A24, A25
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T24,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
country), international T25, T26
Languages: English, French Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
A13, A14, A17, A19, A20, A21
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
LU S H N J E country), national
Albanian Ecological Association (AEA, BIA) Member of umbrella organisations: Natyra Ndërkufitare
Shoqata Ekologjike ‘BIA’ Korce
Lgj. Kongresi i Lushnjes, Pall. 20, Shk. 2, Ap. 18 Languages: English
Lushnje, Albania Key publications:
Tel: (355) 352-1734 • Article “Introducing nature monuments – monument of
Fax: (355) 352-2583 Maliq,” published in Environment Today, 2003.
E-mail:; • Article “Regulation of green areas – a new face for Maliq city,” published in Environment Today, 2002.
Leader: Kujtim Isufi, chairman • Article “Korbi Shadow Forest – not only economic
Contact person: Doloresa Dani, secretary values, but a recreation place for people,” published in
Year of foundation: 1995 Environment Today, 2002.
Year of registration: 1995 • Article “Training of Environmental Association of forest
Type of registration: Association users in Gore commune,” published in Environment
Number of members: 50 Today, 2003.
Number of volunteers: 200
• Article “Robulli of Streke-Lenijes,” published in
Annual budget: No budget
Environment Today, 2002.
Source of funding: F5, F10
• Article “Cultivation of medicinal and eterovajore plants,
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15,
their production,” published in Environment Today,
T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A12,
A13, A14, A17, A19, A21, A24 • Article “A meeting with high school students of Maliq,”
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the published in Ecomovement, 2002.
country), national, international • Article “Concrete steps on implementation of an action
Languages: English, Italian plan,” published in Ecomovement, 2006.
Key publications: • Article “Special values of Albanian relievo,” published in
• Us and the Environment, 2000. Shekulli newspaper, 2003.
• Community and Environment, 2003. • Article “Maliq and its environmental problems,”
• Aarhus Convention, 2004. published in Ecomovement, 2004.


Association for Investment Environment in Community Association

and Communal Forests and Pastures,
Permet (SHZHIPKK) Shoqata ‘Mjedisi në Komunitet’
Zhvillimi dhe investimi i pyjeve dhe kullotave Zyra 6, kati 3, Ish-Komiteti Permet, Albania
komunale Permet Tel: (355-4) 257-647, (355-69) 299-5555
Komuna Petran Permet, Albania Fax: (355-4) 257-647
Tel: (355) 813-2426 E-mail:
Fax: (355) 813-2426 Leader: Kastriot Korro
E-mail: Contact person: Agron Shele
Year of foundation: 1996
Leader: Vangjel Sotiri, chairman Year of registration: 2004
Contact person: Stathi Nasi Type of registration: Association
Year of foundation: 2004 Number of employees: 3
Year of registration: 2004 Number of members: 300
Type of registration: Association Number of volunteers: 500
Number of employees: 0 Annual budget: EUR 5,001–10,000
Number of members: 35 Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F5, F6, F8, F9, F11
Number of volunteers: 50-70 Main topics: T4, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T17, T18, T19,
Annual budget: No budget T20, T21, T24, T25, T26
Source of funding: F2, F5, F10 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Main topics: T3, T11, T13, T14, T17, T18 A12, A13, A14, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25
Activities: A3, A4, A5, A8, A9, A10, A11, A19, A20, A25 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Level of activity: local country), national
Languages: English
Key publications:
PERMET • Brochure: South Environment.
Coordinating Centre of • Leaflets: Aviare Influence, Southern Fauna, Përmet
the Permet local NGO
Qendra Kordinuese e Organizatave
Joqeveritare Lokale Përmet P E S H KO P I
Lagja Partizani, Pall. 127/9 Përmet, Albania Association for Cooperation and
Tel: (355) 813-2426 Development, Diber Region (Delfini)
Fax: (355) 813-2426 Bashkëpunim e Zhvillim në Qarkun Diber
E-mail: Bulevardi Elez Isufi, QEK, Peshkopi Peshkopi,
Leader: Niko Mihali, chairman Albania
Year of foundation: 2000 Tel: (355-68) 269-3558
Year of registration: 2000
Fax: (355-21) 182-547
Type of registration: Association Leader: Halil Goleci, chairman
Number of employees: 0 Contact person: Halil Goleci
Number of members: 25 Year of foundation: 2003
Number of volunteers: 70-100 Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Number of employees: 7
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F9, F10
Number of members: 340
Main topics: T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T21, T24, T25
Number of volunteers: 100
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A7, A8, A10, A11, A12, A13, Annual budget: No budget
A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A24, A25 Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F9, F10, F11
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Main topics: T7, T18, T19, T20, T21, T25, T26
Key publications: Activities: A2, A5, A6, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A15, A16,
• Leaflet: Protect and Enrich the Hotova Fir Tree A19, A20, A24
National Park. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
• Leaflet: The Multicultural Permet. Member of umbrella organisations: SNV Diber;


Agritra-vizion; Federata e Pyjeve Qarku Diber, etc. Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14,
Key publications: A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A24, A25
• Leaflet: Who is Delfini? 1,000 copies. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),

• Leaflets on the law of information, 1,000 copies. national, international

Member of umbrella organisations: Environmental
Education Network
Languages: English, Italian
Albanian Regional Environmental Board
Bordi Rajonal Ambjentalist Shqiptar SHKODER
Lagja e Re Rubik, Albania Protection and Preservation
Tel: (355-69) 206-3620, (355-68) 218-2334 of Natural Environment Shkoder
E-mail: (PPEN Shkodër – SHRMMNSH )
Leader: Nik Nikolli, chairman Shoqata e Ruajtjes dhe Mbrojtjes Mjedisit
Contact person: Arjold Bushi, coordinator for foreign affairs Natyror Shkodër
Year of foundation: 2004 Lgj. Vojo Kushi, Rr. Çlirimi, Nr. 67 Shkodër, Albania
Year of registration: 2004 Tel: (355) 224-3688
Type of registration: Association Fax: (355) 224-3688
Number of employees: 0 E-mail:
Number of members: 220 Leader: Fatbardh Sokoli, board chairman
Number of volunteers: It depends on the activities Contact person: Aurora Dibra, secretary
Annual budget: No budget Year of foundation: 1993
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F11 Year of registration: 1995
Main topics: T4, T5, T6, T11, T13, T14, T16, T17, T18, T19, Type of registration: Association
T21, T24, T25 Number of employees: 0
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A11, A13, A15, A16, A24 Number of members: 56
Level of activity: local Number of volunteers: 21
Member of umbrella organisations: Development of Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Mountain Areas Forum Source of funding: F6, F9, F10
Languages: English, French, German, Italian Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T8, T11, T12, T13, T14, T16, T17,
T19, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14,
A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
Albanian Association for Environmental Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Education (AAEE, SHSHEM) national, international
Shoqata Shqiptare për Edukim Mjedisor Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement,
Lgj. Fahri Ramadani, Rr. Bashkimi, Nr. 83 Shkodër, Environmental Education Network
Albania Languages: English
Tel: (355) 224-4175 Key publications:
Fax: (355) 224-4175 • How to Work for Sustainable Development, 2005.
E-mail:; • Lake Shkodra, 1998. • Lake Shkodra – The Biodiversity, 2000.
Leader: Valbona Karakaçi, board director • Viluni Lagoon, 2002.
Contact person: Brilanda Bushati, project manager • The Biodiversity in Buna River, 2003.
Year of foundation: 2000
Year of registration: 2001
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 2 AFPU Baldushk Commune (AFPU)
Number of members: 26 Shoqata e Përdoruesve të Pyjeve dhe
Number of volunteers: 7 Kullotave, komuna Baldushk
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Komuna Baldushk Tirana, Albania
Source of funding: F5, F6, F9, F10, F12 Tel: (355-69) 280-7657
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T8, T11, T12, T14, T17, T18, T21, Leader: Ali Kaxhaja, chairman
T23, T24, T25, T26 Year of foundation: 2000


Year of registration: 2000 Leader: Eltjon Halimi, director

Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 2001
Number of employees: 1 Year of registration: 2001

Number of members: 700 Type of registration: Association
Number of volunteers: 70 Number of employees: 0
Annual budget: No budget Number of members: 20
Source of funding: F1, F6, F11 Number of volunteers: 10
Main topics: T3, T4, T14, T17, T18, T19, T21, T26 Annual budget: No budget
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A10 Source of funding: F5, F6
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T10, T11, T13, T15, T17,
Level of activity: local
T19, T24
Member of umbrella organisations: National Association
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A7, A8, A9, A14, A15, A18, A21
of Public Forests (Shoqata Kombëtare e Pyjeve Komunale)
Level of activity: national
Languages: Albanian
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement, Mjaft!
movement, Association for Consumer Protection
TIRANA Languages: English, French, Italian
Key publications:
ALBAFOREST • BIO – Real Chances for a Protected Environment, 2004.
Blv. ‘Zogu i I’, Qendra Tregtare, Kati i II-te
P.O. Box: 1544 Tirana, Albania
Tel: (355-4) 234-851 TIRANA
Fax: (355-4) 234-851 Albanian Centre for Sustainable Development
E-mail: (ACSD, QSHZHQ)
Web: VAZHDON, Qendra Shqiptare per Zhvillim
Leader: Mehmet Meta, executive director te Qendrueshem
Contact person: Eneida Mara, secretary Rr. Sami Frashëri, Godina 20/10, Pallati i Ambjental-
Year of foundation: 2000 istëve, Kati i IV-t Tirana, Albania
Year of registration: 2000
Tel: (355-69) 209-6266
Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of employees: 10
Number of members: 12 Leader: Gavrosh Zela, executive director
Number of volunteers: 3 Year of foundation: 2003
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Public organisation
Source of funding: F2, F3, F4, F6, F8, F9
Number of employees: 4
Main topics: T4, T14, T17
Number of members: 60
Activities: A2, A5, A10
Number of volunteers: 20
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement,
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10,
Greenway, ENFORS and Pro Silva Europa, FSC-Forest F11
Stewardship Council Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T10, T11, T12,
Languages: Albanian, English, French T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24,
Key publications: T25, T26
• Brochure: Riqebulli (Felix Lynx), 1,000 copies. Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
• Brochure: Gjeli i Egër (Caterpillar), 1,000 copies. A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23,
• Leaflet: Bovilla, 5,000 copies. A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
country), national
Languages: English
Albanian Centre for Environmental Studies Key publications:
and Development (ACESD, QShSZhM) • A Handbook for Waste Management, Gavrosh Zela,
Qendra Shqiptare për Studime dhe Albanian Center for Sustainable Development, May
Zhvillime Mjedisore 2005.
Muzeu i Shkencave Natyrore, F.Sh.N, Rruga e Kava- • A Handbook for Environmental Impact Assessment,
jës Tirana, Albania Gavrosh Zela, Albanian Center for Sustainable
Web: Development, January 2006.


• Lectures for Master’s Students in Science and Shëtitore Zhan D’Ark, Nr. 2
Technology of Environment, Gavrosh Zela, Agriculture (Mbrapa Godinës së Ministrisë së Jashtme)
University in Tirana and Albanian Center for Sustainable P.O. Box: 2426 Tirana, Albania

Development, May 2006. Tel: (355-4) 233-835

• EU and Albania Policies and Practices, The Case of Fax: (355-4) 233-834
Kamza Municipality, Gavrosh Zela, Master Programme, E-mail:
Faculty of Economics and Albanian Center for Web:
Sustainable Development, June 2006.
Leader: Edmond Hido, chairman
Year of foundation: 1995
TIRANA Year of registration: 1995
Albanian Centre of Excellence (ACE, QSHE) Type of registration: Foundation
Qendra Shqiptare e Ekselencës Number of employees: 7 + 15
Rr. Punëtorët e Rilindjes Nr. 1 Tirana, Albania Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
Tel: (355-4) 271-745 Source of funding: F3, F4, F5, F6
Fax: (355-4) 271-745 Main topics: T5, T6, T10, T11, T19
E-mail: Activities: A2, A6, A7, A14, A18, A24
Leader: Dr. Edmond Hoxha, president Level of activity: national
Year of foundation: 2002 Key publications:
Year of registration: 2002 • Quarterly bulletin: Energy in Albania.
Type of registration: Foundation • Training materials.
Number of employees: 10 • Studies in the energy field.
Number of volunteers: 20
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F3, F4, F6, F7, F11 TIRANA
Main topics: T2, T4, T5, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, Association for Development of
T16, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25, T26 Environmental Policies — G & G Group
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, (G & G Group )
A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Shoqata për “Zhvillim të Politikave Mjedisore
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
– G & G group”
country), national, international
Rr. Sami Frashëri, Godina 20/10, Ap. 4
Key publications:
Tirana, Albania
• Awareness articles in daily press: Improvement of
Mineral Legislation: A Necessity for the Integration of
Tel: (355-4) 258-039
Albanian Mineral Industry in the EU; An Island at Risk, Fax: (355-4) 258-039
Ksamili; Mineral Environmental Risk E-mail:
• Academy in Front of the New Millenium Web:
The Risks of Tirana-Durres Highway Leader: Sazan Guri, chairman
• Scientific articles for international conferences: Year of foundation: 2003
Re-establishment of Damaged Area from Treatment Year of registration: 2004
• Plant, XI Balkan Congress of the Treatment (2005) Type of registration: Association
• The third International conference: The Modern Number of employees: 2 + 20
Management of Mineral Products (Bulgaria, 2003) Number of members: 50
• National conference: Degradation and Soil Protection in
Number of volunteers: 30
Albania: Negative Impacts on Environment from Mining
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Activities, Control and Risk Assesment (2003)
Source of funding: F1, F11
• Scientific publications: The Protection and
Main topics: T5, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21,
Re-establishment of Areas Damaged by Mineral Use
(2004, 2005) T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A12, A13,
A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
TIRANA Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre country), national, international
(EEC, QEE) Member of umbrella organisations: ASDN
Qendra për Eficencën e Energjisë Shqipëri – BE Languages: English, French, Italian


TIRANA Contact person: Bujana Xhindoli, project coordinator

Association for Protection of Natural Year of foundation: 2001
Resources Year of registration: 2001

Shoqata agro-mjedisore e ruajtjes së Type of registration: Public organisation
burimeve natyrore Number of employees: 2
Rr. Bab Rexha, P. 11, Sh. 1, Ap. 1 Tirana, Albania Number of members: 5
Number of volunteers: 6
Tel: (355-4) 266-897
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Source of funding: F3, F5, F6
Leader: Alban Ibraliu, leader Activities: A3, A6, A7, A11, A13, A14, A17, A21, A24
Year of foundation: 2004 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Year of registration: 2004 Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement,
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 3 Languages: English, Greek, Italian
Number of members: 52
Number of volunteers: 60
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 TIRANA
Source of funding: F1 Centre of Study and Consulting in Sustainable
Main topics: T1, T4, T7, T11, T14, T17, T18, T19, T24 Use and Management of Natural Resources
Activities: A2, A8, A9, A13, A22 (CSC Nature, QSK-Natyra)
Level of activity: local Qendra e Studimeve dhe Konsultimeve për
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement Përdorimin e Qëndrueshëm të Burimeve
Languages: English, French, Italian Natyrore
Rr. Ded Gjoluli, Pall. 1, Sh. 1, Ap. 17/1
Tirana, Albania
TIRANA Tel: (355-4) 225-186, (355-68) 219-4044
Awareness for Progress Fax: (355-4) 238-776
Shoqata ‘Ndërgjegjësim për Progres’ E-mail:
Rr. ‘Asim Vokshi’, Pall. 92, Nr. 8 Tirana, Albania Leader: Prof. Dr. Sherif Lushaj, executive director
Tel: (355-4) 248-089 Contact person: Sherif Lushaj
E-mail: Year of foundation: 2005
Leader: Zhaneta Prifti, chairman Year of registration: 2005
Year of foundation: 2003 Type of registration: Public organisation
Year of registration: 2003 Number of employees: 1, full-time; several experts part-time
Number of members: 30
Type of registration: Association
Number of volunteers: 30
Number of employees: 0
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Number of members: 50
Source of funding: F2
Number of volunteers: 15-20
Main topics: T1, T4, T12, T13, T14, T17, T22
Annual budget: No budget
Activities: A2, A5, A6, A8, A9, A10, A11, A15, A18, A19,
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6
A21, A22, A24, A25
Main topics: T6, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T19
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Activities: A1, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A19, A20, A24
country), national
Languages: Albanian, English, French Key publications:
• Land and Water Monitoring Used in Agriculture,
TIRANA monograph by Sh. Lushaj, P. Laze, E. Ruka, V. Kovaci, S.
Belalla, 2005, 300 pages.
Centre For Electronic Communication – • Pollution Monitoring of Farm Lands in Extraction and
Albania (CEC, QKE) Treatment Petroleum Areas, by Sh. Lushaj, P. Laze, S.
Qendra e Komunikimit Elektronik – Shqipëri Belalla, 2005.
Ish klinika qeveritare, Shk. 3, kati 4 Tirana, Albania
Tel: (355-4) 234-851
Fax: (355-4) 234-851 TIRANA
E-mail: Children First Foundation (CFF)
Web: Fondacioni ‘Fëmijët të Parët’
Leader: Ladi Balla, executive director Blv. ‘Gjergj Fishta’, kulla 8, Ap. 10 Tirana, Albania


Tel: (355-4) 228-694 • Tirana – The Challenge of Urban Development

Fax: (355-4) 228-964 (Albanian, English), 2004.
E-mail: • Urban Planning, Vol. 1 and 2.

Leader: Flamur Gorica, general director • About Civil Society Component (Albanian, English).
Year of foundation: 1999 • Bathore Neighborhood Development Agenda, 2003.
Year of registration: 1999 • Training Manual: Working Towards Better Governance
Type of registration: Foundation (English), 2003.
Number of employees: 7 • European Perspective on Enlargement and Territorial
Number of volunteers: 6 Administration Policies (translation).
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ • Treasures of a Community (Bathore), 2005.
Source of funding: F6 • European Union (translation).
Main topics: T11, T17, T18, T19, T24, T26 • Globalization (translation).
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A7, A10, A11, A15, A20, A24 • Administrations in Transition (translation), 2002.
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) • Cities Profile – Lushnja, Shkodra, Kamza (booklets).
Member of umbrella organisations: ROA • Albanian-Dutch-Albanian Dictionary, 2003.
Languages: Albanian • Mystery of Capital (translation), 2006.
Key publications:
• In the framework of this project several leaflets and
posters were prepared. TIRANA
Ecomovement Group
Grupimi ‘Ekolëvizja’
TIRANA Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, ish-klinika qeveritare, Nr. 3/4
Co-Plan Institute for Habitat Development Tirana, Albania
(Co-PLAN) Tel: (355-4) 234-851
Co-PLAN, Instituti për Zhvillimin e Habitatit E-mail:
Rruga Dervish Hima, Kulla ADA, Ap. 11 Web:
P.O. Box: 2995 Tirana, Albania
Leader: Xhemal Mato, executive director
Tel: (355-4) 257-808, (355-4) 257-809
Year of foundation: 2004
Fax: (355-4) 257-807
E-mail: Year of registration: 2004
Web: Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of employees: 3
Leader: Dritan Shutina, executive director
Number of members: 27
Contact person: Dritan Shutina
Number of volunteers: 15
Year of foundation: 1995
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Year of registration: 1997
Source of funding: F3, F6, F11
Type of registration: Public organisation
Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T14, T15, T17,
Number of employees: 20
Number of volunteers: 20 T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13,
Source of funding: F2, F4, F6, F11 A14, A16, A17, A19, A20, A24, A25
Main topics: T8, T10, T11, T19, T21, T23, T24, T25 Level of activity: regional (region within the country),
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, national
A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement group
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Key publications:
country), national, international • The bi-monthly newspaper Ecomovement, in its third
Member of umbrella organisations: Network for Open year of publication, 600 copies per issue.
Society (NOSA) in Albania , Network for Civil Society
Development, European Network for Housing and
Languages: English EDEN Centre (Environmental Centre for
Key publications: Development, Education and Networking)
• Making Cities Work – International Conference of (Qendra EDEN, EDEN Centre)
ENHR (English), 2003. Qendra EDEN (Qendra Mjedisore për
• City Made by People, Vol. 1 and 2 (Albanian, English), 2004. Zhvillim, Edukim dhe Rrjetëzim)


Rr. Avdyl Frashëri, ish klinika e Udhëheqjes, TIRANA

Shk. 4, Ap 4. Environmental Women’s Association
P.O. Box: 1700 Tirana, Albania (AEWA, GASH)

Tel: (355-4) 234-851 Gruaja Ambjentaliste Shqiptare
Fax: (355-4) 234-851 Rr. Mine Peza, P. 87, Shk. 1, Ap. 5 Tirana, Albania
E-mail:; Tel: (355-69) 212-3779
Web: Fax: (355-4) 377-355
Leader: Merita Mansaku-Meksi, executive director E-mail:;
Contact person: Altin Sula, project coordinator
Year of foundation: 2004 Leader: Luljeta Leno, president
Year of registration: 2004 Contact person: Luljeta Leno, Zaira Poga
Type of registration: Public organisation Year of foundation: 1998
Number of employees: 5 Year of registration: 1998
Number of volunteers: 18 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000 Number of members: 10
Source of funding: F5, F6, F7, F9, F11 Annual budget: No budget
Main topics: T11, T19, T21, T25 Source of funding: F1, F6, F10
Activities: A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A15, A17, Main topics: T4, T11, T17, T21, T24, T25, T26
A21, A24 Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A11, A19, A21, A22
Level of activity: local, national, international Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Member of umbrella organisations: Ekolëvizja; ACAC, country), national
IPEN, WECF; Eurotox Languages: English
Languages: Albanian, English Key publications:
Key publications: • Congenital Malformation Risks in Populations Living
• Tirana and Environment - An Analysis of Environmental Near Accumulation Areas of Hazardous Waste, a
Problems in Tirana City, 2005, 500 copies. brochure for the national conference, entitled, “A Better
• Local Strategy of Healthy Environments in Tirana City, Environment for Healthy Children.”
2005, 600 copies. • Leaflets and posters: Cleaner Environment - Healthy
People, published in the Soros Foundation bulletin.

Environmental and Social Protection and TIRANA
Development ‘Iliria’ (ILIRIA) Forest Progress NGO
Shoqata ‘Mbrojtja dhe zhvillimi mjedisor e OJF ‘Progresi Pyjor’
social ILIRIA’ Blv. ‘Zogu I’, Qendra tregtare Tirana,
Rr. Qemal Stafa, Porcelan Kati II Tirana, Albania
P.O. Box 228/1 Tirana, Albania Tel: (355-69) 224-1430
Tel: (355-4) 371-265 E-mail:
Fax: (355-4) 371-265 Leader: Liliana Shehu, chairman
E-mail: Contact person: Eneida Mara, coordinator
Leader: Abdulla Diku, chairman Year of foundation: 1993
Year of foundation: 2003 Year of registration: 1993
Year of registration: 2003 Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association Number of employees: 3
Number of employees: 2 Number of members: 1,000
Number of members: 15 Number of volunteers: 100
Number of volunteers: 21 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Source of funding: F1, F4, F7, F10, F11
Source of funding: F3, F4, F5, F10, F11 Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
T18, T19, T20, T21, T23, T24, T25, T26 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A18, A14, A15, A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, A24, A25
A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Level of activity: local, national country), national, international


Member of umbrella organisations: ACAC; Tel: (355-4) 258-730

Ecomovement; Prosylva, Germany; 4x4x4 Balkan Bridges, E-mail:
Balkans; Ceteor, Sarajevo; Prosylva, European network of

Leader: Hysen Mankolli, chairman

forests association
Year of foundation: 2005
Languages: Albanian, English, German
Year of registration: 2005
Type of registration: Association
TIRANA Number of employees: 1
For Progress and Civilization (FPC, PPC) Number of members: 32
Për Progres dhe Civilizim Number of volunteers: 32
Rr. Qemal Stafa, Kulla A1, Ap. 7/1 Tirana , Albania Annual budget: No budget
Tel: (355-4) 362-662 Source of funding: F1, F10, F11
Fax: (355-4) 362-662 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
E-mail: T15, T17, T18, T19, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A15,
Leader: Arian Boçi, executive director
A21, A22, A24, A25
Contact person: Arian Boçi
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Year of foundation: 2000
country), national, international
Year of registration: 2000
Type of registration: Association Languages: English, Italian
Number of employees: 6 Key publications:
Number of members: 34 • Environmental Mountain Tourism in Malesi
Number of volunteers: 22 e Madhe.
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 • Assessment of Agrobiological Resources in the Lezhe
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F11 Tirane Region.
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, • Posters, brochures.
T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A15, TIRANA
A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Himariote League
country), national Komuniteti Himariot
Member of umbrella organisations: Member of network Rr. Shyqyri Ishmi, Pall. 52 Tirana,
NGO – UNICEF Albania
Member of ACAC (Albanian Coalition against Corruption) Tel: (355-4) 229-983
Languages: English Fax: (355-4) 229-983
Key publications: E-mail:
• Community Carefulness Plan, Gjirokastër Region, 2005. Leader: Theodhori Bollano, chairman
• Community Carefulness Plan, Fier Region, 2005. Contact person: Stavri Marko
• Assessment of Environmental Pollution and its Impact Year of foundation: 2003
on Peoples of Porto Romano, 2005. Year of registration: 2003
• Impact of Environmental Pollution on Road Traffic Type of registration: Association
Police, Tirana, 2005. Number of employees: 0
• Impact of Environmental Pollution on Metallurgy Number of members: 250
Employee Health, Elbasan, 2005. Number of volunteers: 20
• Creation of Health and Consultation Clubs for High
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
School Students, 2006.
Source of funding: F3, F5, F9, F10
• Together for a Cleaner and Sustainable Environment,
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T11, T14, T17, T18, T19, T20,
T21, T25
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14,
TIRANA A16, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
Health and Environment Association (HEA) Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Shoqata ‘Mjedisi dhe Shëndeti’ Key publications:
Rr. Artan Lenja Vila 15 Tirana, Albania • The Pan-Himariot Conference


TIRANA • Article: Land Use Policy in Focus of its Reforms, 2005.

Institute for Justice and Domestic Affairs • Marketing Cooperatives’ Role in Increasing Farmers’
(IJHA, IDPB) Partnership in the Market, conference 2005.

Instituti për Drejtësinë dhe Punët e Brendshme • Article: Social-economic Aspects of Farming in Albania,
Rr. Qamil Guranjaku, P. 4, Sh. 2, Ap. 39 Tirana, 2005.
Tel: (355-4) 224-613
Fax: (355-4) 224-613 TIRANA
E-mail: Institute of Nature Conservation
Leader: Shyqyri Dade, executive director in Albania (INCA)
Year of foundation: 2003 Instituti për Ruajtjen e Natyrës në Shqipëri
Year of registration: 2004 Rr. Xhorxhi Martini, P. Colombo, 5/1 Tirana, Alba-
Type of registration: Public organisation nia
Number of employees: 4 Tel: (355-4) 270-311
Number of members: 15 Fax: (355-4) 270-624
Number of volunteers: 200 Leader: Teuta Kurti, president
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Contact person: Xheni Hali, secretary
Source of funding: FS3, FS6, FS8, FS11 Year of foundation: 2002
Main topics: T4, T5, T7, T8, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, Year of registration: 2004
T19, T21, T23, T24, T25 Type of registration: Association
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, Number of employees: 2
A16, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Number of members: 30
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Number of volunteers: 20
country), national, international Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Languages: English, French, Italian, Serbian Source of funding: FS3, FS4
Key publications: Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T12, T15, T17, T21
• No Security Without Secure Documents, two editions, Activities: A5, A6, A11, A14, A18, A21
2005. Level of activity: local, regional (region within
the country)
TIRANA Languages: Albanian, English

Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness

Management (IFAM, IMFA) TIRANA
Instituti i Menaxhimit të Fermave dhe Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic
Agrobiznesit Environment (SMET, LURA)
Rr. Don Bosko, P. 80/5, Ap. 18 Tirana, Albania Shoqata Mjedisi Ekologjik eTuristik Lura
Tel: (355-4) 240-111 Lagje Kodër Kamëz, Tirana (Përballë shkollës ‘Isa
E-mail: Boletini’)
Leader: Bahri Musabelliu, director Lura lodge – Komuna Lurë Dibër
Contact person: Donika Kërçini P.O. Box: 113 Tirana, Albania
Year of foundation: 2005 Tel: (355-4) 200-536
Year of registration: 2006 E-mail:
Type of registration: Foundation Leader: Ismail Hysa, chairman
Number of employees: 5 Contact person: Ismail Hysa, Tirana
Annual budget: No budget Gëzim Bruci, Lura
Source of funding: F10, FS11 Year of foundation: 2001
Main topics: T1, T4, T7, T8, T14, T16, T18, T19, T21 Year of registration: 2001
Activities: A1, A5, A6, A7, A9, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, Type of registration: Association
A23, A24, A25 Number of employees: 2
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Number of members: 10
country), national Number of volunteers: 20
Languages: Albanian, English, Italian, Russian Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Key publications: Source of funding: F6, F7, F9, F10, F13


Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T12, T14, T17, T19, T21 Fax: (355-4) 280-718
Activities: A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A14, A17, A19, E-mail:;
A20, A21, A22, A24, A25

Leader: Haziz Marku, executive director

Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Contact person: Enkeleda Latifi
country), national Year of foundation: 2004
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement, Center Year of registration: 2004
for Electronic Communication, National Association of Type of registration: Public organisation
Public Forests, Federation of Public Forests Diber Number of employees: 4 part-time workers
Languages: Albanian, Italian Number of members: 48
Key publications: Number of volunteers: 180
• Publication of a newspaper and environmental Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
calendar, Environment and Ecotourism in Lura, 2005. Source of funding: F3, F6, F9
• Article in Environment Today bulletin: A Rare Species – Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T11, T12, T13,
Rrobull (Pinus leucodermis) in Lura, 2004. T14, T15, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25, T26
• Article in Ecomovement newspaper: Involvement of Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A15, A18,
Community in Decision-making Process, A Key Element, A19, A20, A21, A22
2004. Level of activity: national
• Article in Rruga e Arbërit newspaper: Mountain Member of umbrella organisations: Ecomovement,
Tourism, How Far We Are, 2005. Alliance for Sustainable Development
Languages: English
Key publications:
TIRANA • A report on the environmental situation in Albania
National Association of Cooperatives of 2000-2002, requested by the Albanian government.
Albania (NACA, BKASH) • A DVD on the environmental situation in Albania,
Bashkimi i Kooperimeve Agrare të Shqipërisë requested by the Albanian government.
Rr. Naim Frashëri, P. 4, SH. 1, No.6 Tirana, Albania • A study on greening indexes in Tirana, initiated by
Tel: (355-4) 237-708, (355-68) 216-3210 NCEM.
Fax: (355-4) 237-708 • Leaflets and periodical articles.
Leader: Miti Koci, chairman TIRANA
Year of foundation: 1991
Year of registration: 1991
Organic Agriculture Association
Type of registration: Association
Shoqata e Bujqësisë Organike
Rr. Sami Frashëri, Pall. 20/10
Number of employees: 6
P.O. Box: PO BOX 7466 Tirana, Albania
Number of members: 5,700
Tel: (355-4) 250-575
Number of volunteers: 5,694
Fax: (355-4) 250-575
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: FS1, FS5, FS7, FS9, FS10
Main topics: T1, T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T17, T18, T19,
T20, T21, T22, T26 Leader: Lavdosh Ferruni, executive director
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A14, A21, Year of foundation: 1997
A24, A25 Year of registration: 1997
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Type of registration: Association
country), national, international Number of employees: 3 + 4
Languages: English, French, Italian, Russian Number of members: 130
Number of volunteers: 130
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
TIRANA Source of funding: F3, F5, F6, F10, F11
National Centre Environmental Movement Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T7, T11, T12, T13, T15, T18, T19,
(NCEM,QKLA) T20, T21
Qendra Kombëtare e Lëvizjes Ambientaliste Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14,
Blv. Zog I, Tirana Business Center, Nr. 15 Tirana, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A23, A24, A25
Albania Level of activity: national
Tel: (355-4) 280-718 Languages: English


Key publications: Fax: (355-21) 32-616

• Trimester newspaper: Agriculture and Ecology. E-mail:;
• Leaflets and brochures: Potato; 20 Questions and

Leader: Astrit Metaliaj, chairman
Answers on Organic Agriculture. Year of foundation: 2002
• Books: Organic Oliviculture (2005); Organic Agriculture Year of registration: 2002
Versus Genetic Enginering (2003); Ampelograf and Type of registration: Association
Practical Knowledge of Main Cultivars of Grapes; Organic Number of employees: 0
Agriculture Standards (2003); Prishta, a Model Ecosystem Number of members: 100
of Mountain Agriculture (2002). Number of volunteers: 150
Annual budget: No budget
TIRANA Source of funding: F5, F6, F10
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T5, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T17,
Water Supply and Sewerage Association T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
of Albania Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Shoqata Ujësjellës Kanalizime të Shqipërisë A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24,
Rr. ‘Pjetër Bogdani’, P. ‘Teuta’, Ap. 5/4 Tirana, Albania A25
Tel: (355-4) 245-101 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Fax: (355-4) 245-101 Languages: Albanian, English
E-mail: Key publications:
Web: • Bulletin: Valbona Valley and its Resources, two issues,
Leader: Philip D. Giantris, executive director 2004.
Contact person: Elisabeta Poci, administrative and
programmes assistant
Year of foundation: 2000
Albanian Environmental League (LASH)
Year of registration: 2000 ‘Lidhja Ambjentale Shqiptare’ OJF
Type of registration: Association Pallati Kulturës Labëria, Skelë Vlora, Albania
Number of employees: 4 Tel: (355) 332-4642
Number of members: 54 Fax: (355) 332-4642
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 E-mail:
Source of funding: F3, F10
Leader: Halim Musaraj, chairman
Main topics: T26
Year of foundation: 2006
Activities: A5, A6, A11, A12, A13, A14, A16, A21, A24
Year of registration: 2006
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Type of registration: Association
national, international
Number of employees: 3
Languages: Albanian, English
Number of members: 50
Key publications: Number of volunteers: 10
• Quarterly newspaper Burimi. Annual budget: No budget
• Conference background and annual exposition of Source of funding: F10
association. Main topics: T2, T3, T7, T11, T15, T17, T21, T24, T25, T26
• A booklet from the Water Supply and Sewerage Activities: A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, A11, A16, A20, A24, A25
Association, published annually. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
• Guidelines and Training Manual on Procedures and Member of umbrella organisations:
Requirements of Application for Licensed Use of Water Languages: English, Italian
Resources in Albania, February 2005.
• Guidelines for Supervising the Commission for Drinking
Water Supply and Canalisation Enterprises in Albania, V LO R A
January 2005. Green 2000
Gjelbërimi 2000
Gumenicë, Kotë Vlora, Albania
T RO P OJ E Tel: (355-33) 23-948, (355-69) 286-7846
Environmental Association (Alpin), Leader: Kastriot Shehu, chairman
Tropoje (Shoqata Alpin) Year of foundation: 2000
Shoqata Mjedisore ‘’Alpin’‘ Tropoje Year of registration: 2004
Lgj. Dardania, Pallati Rinia, Kati III, Tropoje, Albania Type of registration: Association
Tel: (355-21) 32-616, (355-68) 240-4490 Number of employees: 10


Number of members: 128 Source of funding: F1

Number of volunteers: 256 Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T13, T14, T15, T17, T18, T19,
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26

Source of funding: F3, F11, F13 Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A13, A14,
Main topics: T1, T8, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19 A15, A19, A20, A21, A24, A25
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A14, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
A16, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25 Key publications:
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) • In the frame of this project, considerable scientific
Member of umbrella organisations: Auleda, SHBO, studies of flora and fauna, hydrology and other subjects
Shoqata e Ujit, Vreshtarisë, Ullirit dhe Mjedisit were produced (2001).
Languages: Albanian, English, French, Italian • A study on land use (2005).
• A brochure of ecosystems in the region (2005) and a
number of leaflets, calendars and other publications.
InfoVlora Agency (InfoVlora)
InfoVlora Agjensi V LO R A
Lgj. Uji i Ftohtë, Blloku ‘7 Pallatet’ Vlora, Vlora Region Local Economic Development
Albania Agency (AULEDA)
Tel: (355-33) 24-193 Blv. Vlorë - Skelë, pranë Bankës Italo-Shqiptare
E-mail: Vlora, Albania
Leader: Hektor Harizaj, general director Tel: (355-33) 22-664
Year of foundation: 2005 Fax: (355-33) 22-664
Year of registration: 2006 E-mail:
Type of registration: Association Leader: Mynyr Gjikaj, chairman
Number of employees: 3 Contact person: Hasan Hallko, executive director
Number of members: 23 Year of foundation: 2003
Number of volunteers: 7 Year of registration: 2003
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Type of registration: Association
Source of funding: F7, F9, F10 Number of employees: 3
Main topics: T1, T2, T10, T14, T17, T19, T24, T25, T26 Number of members: 28
Activities: A1, A3, A8, A9, A11, A16, A20, A25 Number of volunteers: 20
Level of activity: local Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Languages: Albanian, English, Italian Source of funding: F3, F11
Key publications: Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T8, T18, T19, T21
• Periodical bulletin: Environmental Kilometric Stones Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A10, A15, A18, A19, A21, A22,
• Dictionary of Environment A23, A24, A25
Level of activity: local
Languages: Albanian, English, French, Italian
Nature Protection and Environment
Administration – Adriatiku
Mbrojtja e natyrës dhe administrimi i mjedisit
– Adriatiku
Lgj. Dëshmorët, Pall. 1199 Vlora, Albania
Tel: (355) 332-8309
Fax: (355) 332-8309
Leader: Petrit Dervishi, executive director
Year of foundation: 2006
Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of employees: 2 + 4
Number of members: 14
Annual budget: No budget

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Questionnaires received 88 Bosnia and Herzegovina: EUR 1,761,000
Total CSO budgets
Average budget (estimated) EUR 20,011
REGISTRATION Most frequent budget range 17% of CSO budgets
Number of formally registered and 87 registered are in category 6
unregistered CSOs 1 not registered (EUR 10,001 – 50,000)
Percentage of ECSOs in the lowest and highest budget
range and their contribution to total CSO budgets
CSO MEMBERSHIP • 16% of ECSOs (category 1, no budget) account for
Number of members in Bosnia and 54,628 0% of the total sum of annual CSO budgets
Herzegovina (total for the country) • 9% of ECSOs (category 8, above EUR 100,000)
Members per CSO From 3 to 20,000 account for 45% (EUR 800,000) of the total sum of
annual budgets
Average members per CSO 620


Paid staff (full and part time) 222 F1 domestic government/public 70%
sector grants or donations
Unpaid staff (volunteers) 5,507
F6 foreign/international foundations 52%
Ratio paid/unpaid staff 1:25 donations/grants
F10 membership dues (fees) 50%


T11 environmental education/education
for sustainable development 92%
T17 nature protection 82%
T25 waste issues 78%
T19 sustainable development 61%
T13 environmental legislation 58%

A2 awareness-raising campaigns 93.2%
A6 conferences, meetings 73.9%
A20 public participation 72.7%


CHART 1 Comparison between 2001 and 2006 data

The survey for 2006 covers some 88 environ-
Year of establishment for ECSOs mental civil society organisations that
in Bosnia and Herzegovina responded, compared to the 70 responding
(number of ECSOs in each category) in 2001 (although 127 groups were listed in
that directory). As such the results are fairly
comparable. Overall, the data comparison

between 2001 and 2006 demonstrates a gen-
40 eral growth of ECSOs and their activities.
28 There has been a significant increase in the
number of full-time and part-time employees
reported to be working in the organisations.
20 As of 2006 there are 222 employees working
15 for 88 organisations (two-and-a-half employ-
10 ees per CSO on average), while in 2001 there
5 were only 42 employees across the 70 organ-
0 isations (less than one employee per CSO).
<1990 1991- 1996- >2000 In total, as many as 5,507 volunteers partici-
1995 2000
pate in the activities and actions organised by
the ECSOs, compared to 343 in 2001. The
Category 1 – up to 1990
only indicator where there is a decrease is in
Category 2 – 1991-1995
membership, which went down over the five
Category 3 – 1996-2000
years from 84,676 to 54,628 (20,000 of these
Category 4 – 2001-2006
reported in just one organisation).
The estimated total budgets have more than
doubled from EUR 775,000 to EUR 1,767,000.
However, there is an increase in organisa-
Level of working tions operating with minimal budgets (below
EUR 500 per year) from 18 percent to 24 per-
cent of those responding. Additionally, the
90 indicators of budget distribution show that
compared to 2001, when one percent of
organisations with budgets above EUR
70 100,000 counted for 13 percent of the total of
CSO budgets, in 2006 nine percent of ECSOs
% of Total

(or eight organisations) account for approxi-
50 mately 45 percent of the overall estimated
34 total budgets. This signifies an increased con-
centration of funds into a few bigger organi-
30 sations, while many more live on fewer
17 funds or have no financial support.
The vast majority of Bosnia and Herzegovina
(BiH) groups report that they work on envi-
0 ronmental education/education for sustainable
Local Regional National International development, or nature protection and waste
(Data represent actual number and percentage of the total) issues (92 percent, 82 percent and 78 percent
respectively). Since 2001, waste has become


more important, as it was previously not listed in theory clear and simple. However,
among the top five priority areas, while throughout the country (on state and entity
tourism/eco-tourism seems less important in levels) the application of the law has been
2006. Regarding the main activities of work, inconsistent, resulting in delays of up to
awareness-raising campaigns and organising seven months and sometimes even in the
conferences and meetings remain the most denial of registration applications without a


common for Bosnian and Herzegovina ECSOs. clear legal basis. The multiple levels of
authorities have contributed to the morass.
Looking into the distribution of foundation
While ECSOs may register on the cantonal
years it is evident that over four-fifths respond-
level, for example, they could face difficulties
ing were registered after 2000. This denotes a
operating in other cantons. Legal services are
very young sector. No groups are listed as
sometimes “unofficially” required to speed
being founded in 1991-1995, as much of this processes. In general ECSOs expressed great
period took place during the war. In compari- dissatisfaction with registration procedures.
son with the absolute figures from the 2001
directory around half of the older groups Upon attaining registered status, ECSOs gen-
appear to be no longer active. Regarding the erally are able to carry out their activities and
level of working, the data for this directory is operate within the legal framework. Com-
comparable with 2001 and so the sector has mercial activities are permitted within certain
not appreciably changed its range of work. limits (the rules are different depending
upon the entity) and reportedly quite a few
ECSOs engage in providing services, even to
Legal and regulatory framework the extent of participating in joint projects
A high level of involvement of the interna- with private companies. However, many
tional community in BiH has meant that the ECSOs have trouble defining commercial
legal framework for registration of ECSOs is activities and do not understand how to

Main findings: Legal and regulatory framework

• The legal framework for registration is good, but administrative practice is problematic.
• A multiplicity of authorities and jurisdictions creates obstacles for smooth operations of
ECSOs throughout the country.
• Authorities apply the rules inconsistently due to insufficient training, insufficient norm forma-
tion, or personal or official bias.
• The tax structure is not yet developed and differs across jurisdictions.
• ECSOs provide services and engage in other commercial activities, sometimes in partner-
ship with private companies.
• Despite CSO involvement in law drafting, there is a general lack of sense of ownership of
the legal regime.
• Information and participation legal frameworks are in place but implementation and
enforcement are lacking.
• BiH’s legal system does not accommodate genuine legal advocacy, and ECSOs consequent-
ly have not developed advocacy skills.
• Legal assistance and expertise are relatively important needs for BiH environmental ECSOs.


channel generated funds into their organisa- Resource base

tion’s purposes. Limited opportunities for tax The most common source of funding to
deductions for donations are available. Bosnian and Herzegovinian ECSOs is grants
Value-added tax was only introduced to BiH from the domestic government/public sector.
in 2006 and it is not yet clear how it will be These funds particularly come from local
applied to ECSOs. government sources. However, foreign foun-

dation and government grants are also fre-

The legal structure for access to justice in BiH is quently received and tend to represent a
insufficient and does not provide real opportu- higher financial contribution to CSO budgets
nities for advocacy. Bosnian and Herzegovinian than the domestic sources. Some internation-
ECSOs are even more extreme than their neigh- al funders are changing their priorities, plus
bours in their negative views of legal frame- the mechanisms of funding are becoming
works, and the implementation and enforce- more complex and the conditions of grants
ment of law. The imposition of laws by the (such as co-financing requirements) are
international community means there is very lit- becoming more difficult for many Bosnian
tle sense of ownership of the legal system. The and Herzegovinian ECSOs to cope with.
bright spot is the frequent involvement of Compared to other SEE countries Bosnia and
ECSOs in law drafting that is reflected in the Herzegovina exhibits a higher level of self-
legal framework for information and participa- generated funds (service contracts and sales).
tion. Implementation of the law is very spotted, This factor coupled to the planned Ecological
however. Several ECSOs consider legal exper- Fund, which should support environmental
tise to be a major staffing need. Only a few ECSO projects, seems to show some promise
training programmes in legal matters have for the development of domestically based
been provided to environmental ECSOs. and more permanent funds. As the blend of

Main findings: Resource base

• Over two-thirds of the sampled ECSOs receive funding from government grants
(local and central).
• Local municipalities supply important, but usually smaller, funds to the sector.
• Foreign government funding has tended to become more specific and more complex
to access, which has had an impact on ECSO activities (regarding issues covered and
success rates).
• Overall groups have larger budgets than five years ago, but a significant number of ECSOs are
still in the lower budget categories, with over 60 percent of groups reporting that they have
financial difficulties.
• Staff turnover (staff retention) is a major problem for Bosnian and Herzegovinian groups.
• Many Bosnian and Herzegovinian ECSOs need to improve their fundraising and proposal
writing abilities. However, there are some very experienced groups with complex and
advanced marketing activities.
• There is a roughly fifty-fifty split between groups with good and poor equipment resources.
• Over two-thirds of ECSOs rent their office accommodation; but this cost is often ineligible
or limited in many project funds.


Main findings: Human and organisational capacities

• The concept of strategic leadership, process management and its tools are generally
well known, but have not usually been considered important for building efficient and
effective organisations.


• ECSOs are generally well structured and flexible; however, none of the organisations inter-
viewed had amended their structures in order to respond better to their mission.
• ECSOs’ missions are dependent or driven by donor priorities, the level of local development
or government policies.
• Only five out of 83 organisations surveyed on their level of performance consider their
performance as unsuccessful. To the extent performances were less than expected the main
obstacles given in hindering the work of ECSOs were the lack of interest in the environment,
sustainable development and institutional building from the government, a lack of public sup-
port for the ECSOs’ activities and the lack of expertise within the organisations themselves.
• ECSOs do not tend to cooperate with each other due to competition for funds.

funding sources gathered by groups is fairly stay flexible in order to fulfil donors’ priori-
diverse, the resource base in Bosnia and ties. In addition it was expressed that the
Herzegovina appears broader than in most development of such tools would put too
SEE countries. However, the dependency on much work and time pressures on the
foreign funds is the dominant feature and the already overworked staff. ECSOs evidently
effect of the reliance on project funds on staff do not see the benefit in terms of effective-
retention and the ability to pay for operating ness which such strategies would bring.
costs (such as rent) is noticeable from the Similarly the research showed that some
groups’ concerns. administrative procedures, such as an opera-
Financially ECSOs in Bosnia, as a group, tions manual, are not considered important
seem to be able to access more funds than in in the effective running of the organisations.
the past. Overall budgets have increased, However, financial and HR management,
with, for example, nearly one in 10 of the together with project management systems,
sample now in the plus EUR 100,000 catego- are considered to be important for the organ-
ry. However, there are still many groups isations, and many of the ECSOs and other
which are failing to gather sufficient stakeholders recognise that their administra-
resources (one in four have annual budgets tive procedures are weak and need improve-
less than EUR 500). ment in these areas.
Capacity building is still a requirement
among the Bosnia and Herzegovina environ-
Human and organisational capacities mental ECSOs. However, although a shift
Generally the survey showed that ECSOs in towards more current topics and forms of
Bosnia and Herzegovina are well aware of trainings was noted, there are still a big num-
strategic leadership tools but they do not rate ber of ECSOs which consider basic training
them important for their better performance; still among support priorities. Most organisa-
they are not used by most organisations. The tions have not gone through a training needs
organisations surveyed feel that set strategies assessment yet, and training is not used sys-
constrain their activities and they need to tematically for building capacity of CSO staff,


Main findings: Information and knowledge base

• There is a general dearth of sustainable development and environment information, brought

about by the fact there is little environmental monitoring in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and no
agency coordinating ongoing activities, in terms of either processing or disseminating this

• The official sustainable development and environment information available to ECSOs is
found to be of problematic quality (not up-to-date, poorly presented and/or unreliable).
• Distribution of official sustainable development and environment information (both proac-
tive and passive) is insufficient and improvement is requested by ECSOs.
• Almost all ECSOs welcomed improvements in exchanging information with authorities, both
physical and virtual, not least because many are not aware of the possibilities for public par-
• BiH ECSOs are significant sources of information, maintaining collections of environmental
books, reports, monitoring data and statistics, as well as environmental CD-ROMs and gen-
erally consider their organisation’s knowledge capacities and skills on the environmental top-
ics they work on as “adequate.” They nevertheless welcome additional training to enhance
their internal knowledge.
• ECSOs gather primary as well as secondary information for their work. Around half are not
equipped with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment, while one-
third use desktop publishing and one-fifth use database equipment to manage information.
• Pamphlets and brochures are the most popularly published forms of information. E-mail and
a wealth of non-electronic tools are used by ECSOs to distribute information, although cost
is a significant constraint to more widespread distribution, besides adequate surveying
know-how, “few skills in regard to preparing information for the media, such as press releas-
es and public relations,” and weak negotiation skills.

being done mostly on an ad-hoc/opportunity base of expert staff, good cooperation with
basis. However, many organisations are aim- stakeholders and transparency, it is impor-
ing to build a financially sustainable organi- tant to note that other stakeholders consider
sation for the future, and they have a very the opposite to be true. Often they believe
clear vision of their training needs in order to that the ECSOs fail to cooperate enough due
achieve this goal. to competition for funds, are donor driven
and do not communicate with the public or
Quite a large number of the organisations
respond adequately to society’s needs.
consider that they had a fully or partially suc-
cessful performance in the past year. Howev- Organisations employ a small number of full-
er, the lack of interest in environment, sus- or part-time staff, but a higher proportion
tainable development and institutional build- than the regional average gets paid (one in
ing from the government side, a lack of pub- 25). Also the membership base of the organi-
lic support for the ECSOs activities and their sations is generally big (average of 621 mem-
own lack of expertise within the organisa- bers per organisation). While people join the
tions are considered by ECSOs as the main movement due to the desire to make a
reasons for weaker performance. While the change in society and improve the environ-
ECSOs see themselves as having a strong ment, many leave due to frustration related


to the slow pace of change and low salaries. quate.” Nevertheless, more than 90 percent
The ECSOs generally have a good (equal) of survey respondents welcomed additional
gender balance of people who are involved training to enhance their internal knowledge.
in the organisation.
When gathering or researching sustainable
development and environment data, ECSOs
in Bosnia and Herzegovina tend to rely on a
Information and knowledge base


diversity of sources, including fieldwork,
Regarding ECSOs’ operating environment, 46
official government sources, the media, and
percent described the general availability of
the Internet. Approximately half of ECSOs do
sustainable development and environmental
not rely on any Information and Communi-
information as inadequate, with 17 percent
cation Technology (ICT) equipment to man-
saying there is none. Interviewed organisa-
age information, although 33 percent rely on
tions noted this is because there is no envi-
desktop publishing equipment, and 19 per-
ronmental information available at the state
cent on database equipment. Pamphlets and
or entity levels to distribute. Concerning qual-
brochures are the most popularly published
ity, practically all CSO survey respondents felt
forms of information, besides newspaper
improvement was necessary with regard to
and periodical articles. E-mail is most popu-
the currency (99 percent), presentation (96
larly used by 98 percent of respondent
percent) and reliability (94 percent) of official
ECSOs to distribute information, while non-
information. The other problem expressed
electronic sources include direct mail, inde-
was that official information is often rather
pendent newspaper articles or advertise-
more descriptive, or too detailed, which
ments, posters and demonstrations, radio
makes it difficult to understand.
programmes or advertisements (by approxi-
Regarding proactive distribution, typically mately 90 percent).
more than 90 percent felt improvement was
A diversity of challenges related to informa-
necessary (vis-à-vis ease of accessibility,
tion handling were highlighted by the sur-
timeliness of delivery, media source distribu-
vey. These included ECSOs not taking sur-
tion, electronic and printed formats, and
veying “seriously enough,” or performing “a
availability through public information cen-
survey for the sake of a survey.” Others
tres). Government responses to requests for
included the cost and the fact that ECSOs
environmental information were also evalu-
often have limited skills in regard to prepar-
ated negatively. ECSOs in the Mostar region
ing information for the media (such as press
noted “sometimes it’s necessary to rely on
releases and public relations); and their
private connections to acquire information.”
weak negotiation skills towards industry. An
With regard to improving mechanisms to
underlying note was the opinion that “ECSOs
exchange information with authorities, 89
need to build trust based on quality content.”
percent welcomed physical fora, 92 percent
virtual fora.
Concerning ECSOs’ own internal knowledge Accountability
landscape, ECSOs are significant sources of The review of the current status of public
information, with approximately 63 percent accountability in Bosnia and Herzegovina
maintaining collections of environmental shows that the general legislative framework
books and reports, and more than 57 percent is developed and reflects the standards of the
maintaining monitoring data and statistics, as Aarhus Convention and EU legislation,
well as environmental CD-ROMs. Seventy- although the convention still has not been
four percent described their organisation’s ratified/acceded to. A series of laws has been
knowledge capacities and skills on the envi- adopted which are in line with these and
ronmental topics they work on as “ade- basically ensure the implementation of rights


Main findings: Accountability

• Although there is no explicit document dealing with cooperation with civil society, there are a
few bodies at the entity level related to environmental issues in which representatives of
ECSOs can participate. However, it needs to be clarified how the CSO representatives should

be delegated (elected/selected) and what the terms of their participation are.

• Cooperation between ECSOs and local communities is increasing, but it usually does not
take the form of intensive and close collaboration such as involving them in working groups,
expert groups, focus groups, etc.
• It is still not a general practice for ECSOs to work closely together on projects or
concrete activities with the citizens or local governments on concrete initiatives or issues
in partnership.
• There are no critical views on the side of ECSOs on how much they really listen to the needs
of the citizens and communities or how much they represent the communities when develop-
ing their activities.
• Cooperation with businesses is at an early stage, with some groups changing perceptions and
starting to build cooperation as opposed to confrontation.
• Although the legal framework entitles ECSOs to access information and participate in different
types of decision making, ECSOs do not practice these rights enough and often do not know
what their rights are, much less how to use them efficiently.
• Despite improvements regarding access to information, the establishment of proper informa-
tion flow among different authorities, collection of information, making available and provid-
ing the information to the public in a proper way and format is still a problem (particularly
• Although public participation rights are included now in the laws regarding permitting, EIA,
SEA, and planning as well as water, waste, nature conservation issues, the implementation of
procedures is hindered by practical problems of how to carry out notification and informa-
tion related to EIAs or how to organise a public hearing, how to take comments into
account, etc. The lack of proper notification and information provision related to the EIA can
be an obstacle for the public and ECSOs to be prepared and be able to participate.
• ECSOs are involved as partners in public participation in EIA, developing strategic docu-
ments, and laws, and in the process of developing environmental action plan documents.
During the EIA procedure the main problem is often with the provision of information, the
clarity of documents and how the CSO/public comments are taken into account.
• The access to justice pillar is far from being implemented, which is linked with the general admin-
istrative and judicial reform. This needs years to bring results, due to the lack of knowledge about
the rights of citizens, how those rights can be exercised, the lack of free legal assistance and
advice to support the citizens in complaining when their rights are infringed.
• Rights of access to justice in environmental matters are not practiced, and there is no access to
legal advice or support for CSO and citizens when they need it. As such, there have not been
any appeals or court cases in BiH on environmental issues.


on access to information, public participation

in decision making and access to justice in
environmental matters at a similar level.
These are not yet fully implemented in prac-
tice, but there have been some improvements
lately, according to both officials and ECSOs
in the implementation of access to informa-


tion and public participation requirements.
The more detailed implementing regulations,
rules and guidance materials that would fill
in the gaps and support the more efficient
application of the access to information and
public participation requirements in practice
are often missing. The financial and human
resources are also not appropriate to support
the more effective functioning of institutions
and mechanisms. The situation regarding
access to justice is lagging behind. Enforce-
ment and a lack of clear rules and proce-
dures remain key problems.
There are some legally established institu-
tional opportunities for the cooperation of
government authorities with ECSOs in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, but these are new,
not used or not yet fully utilised. These bod-
ies need to be developed further in order to
make them function more effectively.


Association for Theory and Practice Eco-logic Academic Association NGO
of Marketing (ATPM) (NVO Eko-logic)
Asocijacija za Teoriju i Praksu Marketinga Akademsko uđruženje NVO Eko-logic
XIV Srednjobosanske brigade broj 40, Vidovdanska 37, 78 000 Banja Luka,
78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (387-51) 351-096 Tel: (387-51) 219-343, (387-65) 392-873

E-mail: Fax: (387-51) 217 843

Leader: Dr. Vlado Markuljević, president
Contact person: Dr. Vlado Markuljević Dr. Lazo Roljić Leader: Ratko Čomić, president of the assembly
Contact person: Dragan Čomić, NGO coordinator
Year of foundation: 2005
Year of foundation: 2004
Year of registration: 2005
Year of registration: 2004
Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 2
Number of employees: 4
Number of members: 25
Number of members: 50
Number of volunteers: 5 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Source of funding: F1, F3, F11
Source of funding: F9, F10, F11 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T8, T10, T11, T12, T13,
Main topics: T7, T8, T11, T13 T14, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A11, A13, A19, A21, A23, A24 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A18, A20,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) A21, A22, A23
Languages: English Level of activity: international
Key publications: Member of umbrella organisations: Eko-mreža-BiH, Eco
• Articles in Preduzetnik and Lider magazines. forum - Serbia, ALERT-Croatia, International Association of
Urban Climate - United Kingdom, Eco Forum Europe-
Russia, European Environmental Bureau, Federation of
Environmental Citizens Organisations (Aarhus.econet)-
Centre for Environment (CZZS/CfE) Belgium, European Environment Agency notification server
Centar za životnu sredinu Languages: English, German
Cara Lazara 24, 78000 Banja Luka, Key publications:
Bosnia and Herzegovina • So far, only promotional material for the
Tel: (387-51) 433-140 implementation of project activities has been published.
Fax: (387-51) 433-141, (387-51) 433-142 Currently, we are negotiating with partners from Pro
E-mail: Educa in Banja Luka in order to establish regular
Web: columns by the Eco-logic NGO in their local free
magazine Intermezzo.
Leader: Tatjana Suhajček, president of management board
Year of foundation: 1999
Year of registration: 1999 B A N J A LU K A
Type of registration: Association International Forum Bosnia, Banjaluka
Number of employees: 4 Regional Centre (MF ‘Bosna’ BL/IF Bosnia BL)
Number of members: 30 Medjunarodni forum ‘Bosna‘ Banjalučki
Number of volunteers: 20 regionalni centar
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ Milana Stevilovića 37, 78000 Banja Luka,
Source of funding: F1, F3 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Main topics: T10, T11, T12, T13, T16, T17, T19, T23, T24, Tel: (387-51) 323-540
T25, T26 Fax: (387-51) 323-542
Activities: A2, A3, A6, A7, A13, A17, A19, A20, A24, A25 E-mail:
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Web:
national, international Leader: Lazo Roljić, president
Member of umbrella organisations: Ekomreža BiH, Year of foundation: 2002
SEEENN, MED WET, DEF Year of registration: 2002
Languages: English Type of registration: Association


Number of employees: 2 B A N J A LU K A
Number of members: 250 NGO Krajina
Number of volunteers: 20 Nevladina građanska organizacija Krajina
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Kalemegdanska 16, 78000 Banja Luka,
Source of funding: F3, F10 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Main topics: T8, T11, T16, T19, T21, T25 Tel: (387-51) 433-370
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A8, A19, A20, A21, A22 Fax: (387-51) 433-371


Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), E-mail:
Languages: English, German
Key publications: Leader: Fuad Turalić, president of management board
• Bulletin of IF Bosna, number 2/2006, three issues per Contact person: Vlado Cvijić, director
year. Publication of Forum member book, three Year of foundation: 1996
books a year. Year of registration: 1997
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 11
B A N J A LU K A Number of members: 1760
Local Development Initative (LDI/LIR) Number of volunteers: 7
LIR - Lokalna inicijativa razvoja Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
I krajiskog korpusa 6, 78000 Banja Luka, Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F10, F11, F12
Bosnia and Herzegovina Main topics: T1, T5, T7, T8, T11, T13, T18, T19, T21, T26
Tel: (387-51) 329-751 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Fax: (387-51) 329-750 A13, A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, A23, A24, A25
E-mail: Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Web: ( in preparation) national, international
Leader: Slaviša Jelisić, director Member of umbrella organisations: REC, LESPnet, USAID
Contact person: Slaviša Jelisić, director CEEN, ECNN
Year of foundation: 2003 Languages: English, German, Spanish
Year of registration: 2003 Key publications:
Type of registration: Association • Declaration on Human Rights (1997), Soros Foundation.
Number of employees: 5 permanent + 6 half-time First Steps in Local Economic Development (1998).
Number of members: 15 • NGO in Bosnia and Herzegovina/Council NGO (1999).
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000 • School of Business (2000).
Source of funding: F1, F3, FS4, F6, F11 • Strategy of Development of Lijevce Polje (2001).
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T8, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, • Water and Protection of Environment RS/Telekom
T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26 (2002).
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, • Development of Receptive Tourism in Northwest BiH
A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24 (2003).
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), • Initiative on Market of Employment of Lijevce Polje
national, international (2004).
Languages: English, Italian, Russian • Business Incubator in Agriculture Sector in BiH (2005).
Key publications: • Technology for Production of Medicinal Herbs in BiH
• Organic Agriculture 1: Herb and Cattle Production (2006).
• Organic Agriculture 2: Production and Collecting of • Inter-regional Development of Tourism in Drina River
Medicinal Herbs, Collecting of Forest Products, Basin (BiH and Serbia, 2006).
Agriculture, Processing of Organic Products. • Electronic weekly bulletin on agriculture for 61
• Certification and Standardisation in Organic Agriculture. municipalities (2006).
• Marketing of Organic Products. • Electronic bulletin on business in agriculture at
• Farms and Slaughterhouses as Sources of Pollution. (2006).
• Protective Devices in Agriculture as Sources of Water • Certification and Standards in Organic and Integral
Pollution. Production in BiH (2006).
• Management of Medical Waste. • Guidelines for Agriculture Sector (2004, 2005, 2006).


B A N J A LU K A Activities: A1, A2, A8, A9, A10, A15, A22

Ponir Banja Luka Speleology Association Level of activity: national
(SD Ponir, SA Ponir ) Languages: English
Speleološko Društvo Ponir Banja Luka
Sime Matavulja bb, Atomsko sklonište B A N OV I C I
P.O. Box: Sime Matavulja bb Atomsko sklonište,
78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Banovići Association of
Engineers (UIOB)

Tel: (387-51) 213-904

Udruäenje Inženjera - Opštine Banovići
Fax: (387-51) 213-904
Podgorje 42, 75290 Banovići, Bosnia and
Tel: (387-35) 874-847
Leader: Dragan Milaković, president Fax: (387-35) 891-118
Contact person: Milošević Mladen, steering committee; E-mail:
Katarina Milosavljević, steering committee Web:
Year of foundation: 1984
Leader: Mr. Admir Softić, president/project manager
Year of registration: 2002
Contact person: Eniz Lacić,
Number of employees: 0
co-president/sector manager
Number of members: 20 Year of foundation: 2000
Number of volunteers: 3-15 Year of registration: 2005
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000 Type of registration: Association
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7, F10, F11 Number of employees: 1
Main topics: T11, T17, T18, T21, T25 Number of members: 68
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A7, A10, A11, A14, A20, Number of volunteers: 34
A21, A24 Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Source of funding: F1, F2, F6, F10, F1, F12
national, international Main topics: T2, T5, T8, T11, T17, T18, T21, T25, T26
Member of umbrella organisations: Speleological Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13,
Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina A14, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
Languages: English Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Referent group,
Languages: English
Youth Association for Scientific Research
of Republica Srpska (SRY RS, NIP RS)
Udruženje Naučnoistraživački Podmladak B I H AC
Republic Srpske Ecological Coalition of the Una River Basin
Vidovdanska 43, 78000 Banja Luka, (EKUS)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ekološka koalicija unskog sliva
Tel: (387-65) 365-154 Dom kulture, 502. Viteške brigade, 77000 Bihać,
(387-65) 969-817 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fax: (387-51) 218-322 Tel: (387-37) 220-624
E-mail:; Fax: (387-37) 220-624 E-mail:
Leader: Predrag Ilić, president Web:
Contact person: Sanja Tepić Leader: Dr Vildana Alibabić, manager
Year of foundation: 2006 Contact person: Dragan Zrnić, leader of the regional
Year of registration: 2006 ecological informational action center
Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 2004
Number of employees: 0 Year of registration: 2005
Number of members: 20 Type of registration: Association
Number of volunteers: 10 Number of employees: 3
Annual budget: No budget Number of members: 18 NGOs
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, Number of volunteers: 100
T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000


Source of funding: FS3, FS4 Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A14, A17,
Main topics: T11, T12, T17, T19, T25, T26 A19, A20, A25
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, A17, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
A18, A20 Member of umbrella organisations: Environmental
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) coalition of Una River Basin (EKUS), head offices in Bihac,
Key publications: Prijedor
• Ecological magazine EKUS, two editions published last year. Languages: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian


Key publications:
• The environmental magazine EKUS, five editions.
Sunflower Ecological Movement (EKPOSt)
Ekološki pokret Suncokret D E RV E N TA
Beogradska 38, 76300 Bijeljina, Environmental Association Ekologika
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ekološko društvo EKOLOGIKA Derventa
Tel: (387-65) 515-721 Trg oslobodjenja 24, 74400 Derventa,
Fax: (387-55) 202-661 Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-mail: Tel: (387-65) 667-330
Leader: Milan Cvjetinović, president Fax: (387-53) 334-175
Year of foundation: 2004 E-mail:;
Year of registration: 2004 Web:
Type of registration: Association Leader: Miodrag Radanović, president
Number of members: 30 Contact person: Miodrag Radanović, president
Number of volunteers: 150 Year of foundation: 1999
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Year of registration: 2000
Source of funding: F1, F3 Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T11, T17, T21, T24, T25, T26 Number of volunteers: around 30
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A10, A11, A20, A24, A25 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F9, F10
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11,
Languages: English, Russian T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23,
T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22,
Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ Association A23, A24, A25
Ecological Organisation (CUE, UGP ‘Zeleni’ Level of activity: local
Bos. Krupa) Member of umbrella organisations: NGO Forum
Udruženje građana ekoloµki pokret ‘Zeleni’ Derventa, Eko Mreža BiH
Bosanska Krupa
Trg Avde Cuka br. 40, 77240 Bosanska Krupa,
Bosnia and Herzegovina D E RV E N TA
Tel: (387-37) 471-778, (387-61) 850-999 Forum of NGO Derventa
Fax: (387-37) 471-084 forum Nevladinih Organizacija Derventa
Leader: Salkić ing. Alija, president of management board Trg oslobođenja br. 24, 74400 DERVENTA,
Contact person: Salkić ing. Alija, Palić Zejnil, secretary Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year of foundation: 1989 Tel: (387-53) 310-180
Year of registration: 1989 Fax: (387-53) 332-180
Type of registration: Association E-mail:
Number of employees: 1 Web:
Number of members: app. 1,500 Leader: Čedomir Čorić, executive director
Number of volunteers: 50 Contact person: Čedomir Čorić
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Year of foundation: 2002
Source of funding: FS1, FS6, FS7, FS9, FS10 Year of registration: 2002
Main topics: T2, T6, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T24, Type of registration: Association
T25, T26 Number of employees: 4


Number of members: 1,735 Year of registration: 2002

Number of volunteers: 20 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000 Number of employees: 2
Source of funding: F1, F6, F7, F9, F10 Number of members: 110
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, Number of volunteers: 20
T20, T21, T25, T26 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Activities: A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, A11, A13, A14, A16, A19, Source of funding: F6, S9, F10

A20, A24 Main topics: T11, T13, T17, T19, T24, T26
Level of activity: local Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13,
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko mreža, BiH, Ruz A14, A16, A17, A20, A24
Network Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Languages: English country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH,
Reference Group, Ruz Network
Languages: English, German, Italian
Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology Key publications:
Association, Derventa (GB, ZP) • Each of our projects ends with a bulletin which is then
Pčelarsko-ekološko društvo ‘Zlatna pčela’ delivered to users.
Lužani - Derventa
Bosanski Lužani bb, 74400 Derventa,
Bosnia and Herzegovina D O B OJ
Tel: (387-53) 350-800 Humanitas Centre for
Fax: (387-53) 350-801 Development of Education
E-mail:; and Business
Leader: Bogdan Kupres, president Razvojni edukativni poslovni centar
Year of foundation: 1988 ‘Humanitas’
Year of registration: 1988 Vojvode Mišića 32, 74000 Doboj,
Type of registration: Association Bosnia and Herzegovina
Number of members: 25 Tel: (387-53) 224-101
Number of volunteers: 7 Fax: (387-53) 224-101
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 E-mail:; humanitas-
Source of funding: FS1, FS5, FS6, FS10, FS11
Main topics: T1, T4, T10, T11, T17, T18, T19 Web:;
Activities: A2, A6, A7, A10, A11
Level of activity: local Leader: Ljiljana Ostojić, president of the assembly of the
Languages: English, Russian association; Miodrag Bosić, executive director
Key publications: Contact person: Miodrag Bosić, executive director
• Brochures related to environmental beekeeping. Year of foundation: 2003
• Brochures related to bio-truck farming. Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 1
Number of members: 100
AOC Tolerance vs Difference (ToPeeR) Number of volunteers: 10
Udruženje građana Tolerancijom protiv Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
različitosti Source of funding: F1, F6, F9
Vidovdanska broj 43, 74000 Doboj, Main topics: T2, T4, T10, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21,
Bosnia and Herzegovina T25, T26
Tel: (387-53) 205-370, (387-53) 205-371 Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,
Fax: (387-53) 205-372 A14, A15, A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, A25
E-mail:; Level of activity: national
Web:, Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH, REREP; Continuing cooperation with local non-
Leader: Svetlana Šešlija, president governmental organisations (ERC, Mak-most, association
Year of foundation: 2002 of paraplegics), OHR Doboj, Scout squad ‘Javor’ from


Doboj, with media representatives at the local and D O B OJ I S TO K

regional levels. The Sehara Association of Citizens
Languages: English (Sehara AC, UG ‘SEHARA’)
Key publications: Udruženje građana ‘SEHARA’
• Documentary film Contribution of Youth to Raising
Klokotnica b.b.
Ecological Awareness and Ecological Responsibility,
P.O. Box: B.B., 74207 Doboj Istok,
2004, 20 copies;
Bosnia and Herzegovina


• With Strong NGOs to European Union, book, 1,000
Tel: (387-35) 720-719
Fax: (387-35) 720-719
• Documentary film for a Cleaner Europe, 2005, 20
• Local Environmental Action Plan for Doboj Leader: Senahid Mujić, president
Municipality, 2005, 300 copies; Year of foundation: 2000
• Documentary film Destinies of Seven Children, 2005 Year of registration: 2005
and 2006, 20 copies. We make five videos a year for Type of registration: Association
our own purposes, 10,000 posters and flyers. Number of members: 50
Number of volunteers: 20-30
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F1, F6, F9
Rotor Organisation for Development of Main topics: T11, T17, T25, T26
Tourism in Doboj Region (ROTOR) Activities: A2, A4, A6, A10, A11, A13, A20
Organizacija za razvoj turizma regije Doboj Level of activity: local
Vojvode Mišića 32
P.O. Box: 74101, 74000 Doboj, F OJ N I C A
Bosnia and Herzegovina Triton Fojnica Association
Tel: (387-53) 226-899 Udruženje ‘TRITON’ Fojnica
Fax: (387-53) 224-101 Tekija bb., 71270 Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-mail: Tel: (387-30) 831-693
Web: Fax: (387-30) 831-693
Leader: Tatjana Bosić, general secretary E-mail:
Year of foundation: 2005 Web:
Year of registration: 2005 Leader: Elmin Frljak, president
Type of registration: Association Contact person: Almir Pubović, secretary
Number of employees: 6 Year of foundation: 2004
Number of members: 20 Year of registration: 2005
Number of volunteers: 5 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Number of employees: 2
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F7, F8 Number of members: 159
Main topics: T2, T11, T18, T19, T21 Number of volunteers: 20
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A14, A17 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Source of funding: F11, F13
Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21, T25, T26
Member of umbrella organisations: Cooperation with
Activities: A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A20, A22, A25
local non-governmental associations (ERC, Mak-most,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
association of paraplegics), Ombudsmen in Doboj, OHR
Languages: Dutch, English, German
in Doboj, Scout squad ‘Javor’ from Doboj, with
Key publications:
representatives of the media Rotor organisation connects
• Promotional CD highlighting the natural beauty of
15 municipalities in BiH: Doboj, Doboj Jug, Doboj Istok,
Fojnica municipality.
Dervente, Usora, Vukosavlje, Gradačac, Brod, Modrića,
Teslić, Žepče, Gračanica, Petrovo, Odžak i Prnjavor.
Languages: English


GLAMOC Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),

The Association of Pupils, national, international
Languages: Croatian, English, Italian
Parents and Teachers from Glamoč
(‘Poljo-eko’ Glamoč)
Poljo-eko Glamoč Udruga učenika JABLANICA
nastavnika i roditelja Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation
Stjepana Radića bb, 80230 Glamoc,
(Eco-Neretva, EKO Neretva)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Ekoloµka organizacija EKO Neretva

Tel: (387-34) 272 390 Zgrada Muzeja, 88420 Jablanica,
Fax: (387-34) 272 390 Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-mail: Tel: (387-36) 753-656
Leader: Vera Milošević, executive director Fax: (387-36) 753-656
Contact person: Zora Kosorčić, secretary E-mail:
Year of foundation: 2005
Leader: Adil Klepo, president of the assembly
Year of registration: 2005
Contact person: Zekija Begović, administrative assistant
Type of registration: Association
Year of foundation: 1999
Number of members: 132 Year of registration: 1999
Number of volunteers: 132 Type of registration: NGO
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Number of employees: 3
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6 Number of members: 760
Main topics: T1, T3, T6, T11, T13, T14, T17, T18, T20, T24, Number of volunteers: 20
T25, T26 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A19, A25 Source of funding: FS1, FS2, FS3, FS5
Level of activity: local Main topics: T2, T4, T5, T11, T12, T13, T15, T16, T19,
Languages: English T25, T26
Key publications: Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A9, A10, A11, A13, A15, A16,
• School Bell, 2005-2006, nine issues. A17, A19, A20, A25
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
I RO K I B R I J E G Languages: English
West Herzegovina Association for
Protection of Environment and Cultural and J AJ C E
Historical Heritage (ECO WH, EKO HZ) Association for Protection of Cultural, Histori-
Društvo za zaštitu prirode i kulturno cal and Natural Values (Association Društvo)
povijesnog naslijeđa zapadna Hercegovina Društvo za zaštitu kulturno
Dr. Jure Grubišica 12
P.O. Box: 88220, 88220 Široki Brijeg,
povjesnih i prirodnih vrijednosti
Svetog Luke 15, 70101 Jajce,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (387-63) 320-740 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fax: (387-39) 700-630 Tel: (387-30) 656-717
E-mail: Fax: (387-30) 656-717
Leader: Mario Brekalo, president Web:
Contact person: Ivana Slišković, secretary
Year of foundation: 2006 Leader: Dubravko Lovrenović, president
Year of registration: 2006 Contact person: Mediha Sahman and Maja Glamočić,
Type of registration: Society volunteers
Number of members: 52 Year of foundation: 2000
Number of volunteers: app. 80 Year of registration: 2002
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Type of registration: Association
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, Number of employees: 1
F10, F12 Number of members: 275
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, Number of volunteers: 15
T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F7, F9, F11
A12, A13, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25 Main topics: T11, T13, T17, T21, T24, T26


Activities: A2, A6, A7, A11, A19, A20 E-mail:

Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Web:
Member of umbrella organisations: Regional Group Leader: Senka Zulum, executive director
Central Bosnia Contact person: Senka Zulum
Languages: English, German, Italian Year of foundation: 1996
Key publications: Year of registration: 2002
• Jajce 1396-1996 (Jajce, 2002). Type of registration: Association


• Forgiving with Life, Memories of Prote Milana Ilića Number of employees: 2
(Jajce 2005). Number of members: 638
• Album of Old Bosnian Cities (Jajce, 2003). Number of volunteers: 1,000
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
J AJ C E Source of funding: FS1, FS2, FS3, FS5, FS6, FS7, FS9,
FS10, FS11
Association of Producers and Users of
Main topics: T11, T21
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Jajce
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, A15,
A19, A20, A24
Udruäenje Proizvođača I Potro Aca Zdrave
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Hrane Gornje Vrbaske Regije Jajce
Kralja Tomislava bb
P.O. Box: 33, 70101 Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina KAKANJ
Tel: (387-30) 655-008, (387-30) 654-280
Youth Network Kakanj (YNK, OMK)
Fax: (387-30) 655-008
‘Omladinska MreÅa’ - Kakanj
Alije Izetbegovića bb,
Leader: Ribić Safet, president 72240 Kakanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year of foundation: 2002 Tel: (387-61) 433-463
Year of registration: 2002 E-mail:
Type of registration: Public organisation Web:
Number of employees: 2
Leader: Adel Amidžic, president
Number of members: 97 active
Contact person: Adel Amidžic
Number of volunteers: 30
Year of foundation: 2006
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Year of registration: 2006
Source of funding: FS3, FS7, FS9, FS10
Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T7, T10, T11, T12, T13, T15,
Number of members: 80
T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, Number of volunteers: 20
A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, A25 Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Source of funding: FS1
national, international Main topics: T2, T3, T11, T18, T21, T25
Member of umbrella organisations: Association of Activities: A2, A3, A4, A13, A14, A17
Farmers BiH, Eko Mreža BiH, Level of activity: local
Key publications: Languages: English, German
• We do not publish publications because of a lack of
funds. From time to time we print posters and KALESIJA
promotional material related to the environment,
ecology and food production.
Ecologic Association of Citizens Kalesija
Ekološko udruženje građana Kalesija
J AJ C E Kalesija centar bb,
‘Viktoria 99’ Women’s 75260 Kalesija, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Association (V99) Tel: (387-35) 615-218, (387-61) 727-831
Udruženje Žena ‘Viktorija 99’ Fax: (387-35) 615-218
Kralja Tomislava bb, E-mail:
70101 Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina Leader: Dr Muhamed Omerović
Tel: (387-30) 654-204 Year of foundation: 1992-1999
Fax: (387-30) 654-205 Year of registration: N/A


Type of registration: Association Leader: Ibrahim Sarajlić, president

Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000 Year of foundation: 2003
Source of funding: FS1, FS2, FS3, FS7, FS10 Year of registration: 2003
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, Type of registration: Association
T24, T25 Number of members: 35
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A7, A9, A15, A17, A20, A21 Number of volunteers: 7
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Languages: English

Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6

Key publications:
Main topics: T2, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T20, T21, T24,
• Eco Guide, 2004.
• Nutrients, 2005.
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A11, A14, A20, A21, A24
• About the Environment, 2006.
• Ecological Education, 2006. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH
KALESIJA Languages: English
Youth Association of the Municipality
Kalesija (AMOK) KLJUC
Asocijacija Mladih Općine Kalesija
Ulica Årtava genocida u Srebrenici, Green Eco Movement, Ključ
75260 Kalesija, Bosnia and Herzegovina Eko pokret zelenih Ključ
Tel: (387-61) 945-751, (387-61) 406-097 Branilaca BiH bb,
E-mail: 79280 Kljuc, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Web: Tel: (387-37) 661-586
Fax: (387-37) 661-586
Leader: Ševal Šehić, president
Contact person: Elvis Huremović, member of the
administrative committee Leader: Enisa Ćahut-Kurbegović,
Year of foundation: 2003 president of executive board
Year of registration: 2003 Contact person: Enisa Ćahut-Kurbegović
Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 1999
Number of employees: 0 Year of registration: 2005
Number of members: 300 Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of volunteers: 15-20 Number of members: 120
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000 Number of volunteers: 120
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F11 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Main topics: T11, T13, T16, T17, T18, T19, T24, T25, T26 Source of funding: FS2, FS3, FS7
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T17, T24, T25, T26
A13, A14, A16, A17, A19, A20, A24, A25
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A17, A20
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Youth Information
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH
Fondation and others; CISP, SHL and others.
Languages: English, German KOZ A R S K A D U B I C A
Korak Kozarska Dubica NGO
K L A DA N J (Korak, NVO Step)
Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture, Udruženje građana Korak Kozarska Dubica
Kladanj (CYEK CMEK) Svetosavska bb, 79240 Kozarska Dubica,
Centar za mlade, ekologiju i kulturu Bosnia and Herzegovina
općine Kladanj Tel: (387-52) 420-060
Ul. Patriotske lige, zgrada PU Kladanj, III sprat Fax: (387-52) 420-061
75280 Kladanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina E-mail:;
Tel: (387-35) 228-848, (387-61) 720-171 Leader: Savić Branka, executive director
Fax: (387-35) 228-848 Year of foundation: 1998
E-mail:; Year of registration: 2004 Type of registration: Citizens legal entity


Number of employees: 3 Leader: Sonja Garić and Zulka Baljak, executive directors
Number of members: 10 Contact person: Sonja Garić and Zulka Baljak
Number of volunteers: 5 Year of foundation: 1996
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Year of registration: 2004
Source of funding: F1, F6, F9 Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T11, T18, T24, T25 Number of employees: 5
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A13, A16, A19 Number of members: 35


Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Number of volunteers: 35
Member of umbrella organisations: Mozaik Foundation, Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
Referent Group Prijedor Source of funding: F6
Languages: English Main topics: T1, T11, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A6, A7, A13, A14, A16, A19, A22, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Grozd; Civil
Association ‘Homeland Spring’ Alternative Parliament
Udruženje ‘Zavičajno vrelo’ Languages: English, French
Ul. vojvode Petra Bojovića b.b., 78000 Krupa Na
Vrbasu, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (387-51) 312-390, (387-65) 539-676 LU K AVAC
Fax: (387-51) 312-580 Forum of Non-Governmental Organisations
E-mail: (FNGO, FNVO)
Leader: Prof. Vaso Bojanic, NGO president Forum Nevladinih Organizacija Lukavac
Year of foundation: 1998 (Forum NVO Lukavac)
Year of registration: 1998 M H Uskufija b.b., P.O. Box: 7,
Type of registration: Association 75300 Lukavac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Number of employees: 1 Tel: (387-35) 556-495
Number of members: 100 Fax: (387-35) 556-495
Number of volunteers: 10 E-mail:
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Leader: Jasmina Kudžović, president
Source of funding: F5, F6, F7, F8, F9 Contact person: Jasmina Kudžović
Main topics: T13, T17, T18, T21, T26 Year of foundation: 2004
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, Year of registration: 2004
A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25 Type of registration: Association
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Number of employees: 2
national, international Number of members: 21
Member of umbrella organisations: Association of Number of volunteers: 10
Defendology of RS Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Languages: English, German, Russian Source of funding: F1, F6
Key publications: Main topics: T2, T11, T13, T17, T18, T24, T25, T26
• Grafted Kopolimers of Cellulose and Lignin (V. Bojanić, Activities: A1, A2, A3, A6, A10, A13, A14, A16, A17, A19,
S. Jovanović.) A20, A24, A25
• ‘Homeland Spring’ Krupa na Vrbasu-Banja Luka, Level of activity: local
Republika Srpska, 1-86, Banja Luka (2003). Languages: German

Centre for Civil Cooperation (CCC/CGS) Bura Ecological Association Mostar
Centar za građansku suradnju (EU Bura: EA Bura)
Gabrijela Jurkića 8a, Livnoputovi 80101 Livno, Ekološka Udruga ‘Bura’ Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kralja Tvrtka 5, 88000 Mostar,
Tel: (387-34) 202-770 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fax: (387-34) 202-770 Tel: (387-36) 313-228
E-mail:; Fax: (387-36) 313-228
Web: E-mail:


Leader: Dražan Rosić, president M O S TA R

Contact person: Antonela Banjac, secretary International forum Bosnia Mostar Regional
Year of foundation: 2003
Centre (MF Bosnia, IF Bosnia)
Year of registration: 2003
Medjunarodni forum Bosna Mostarski
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 2
regionalni centar
Number of members: 90
Kralja Tomislava 30, 88000 Mostar,
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Number of volunteers: 30
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Tel: (387-36) 333-785
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F9, F10, F11 Fax: (387-36) 333-785
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, E-mail:
T19, T20, T21, T24, T25, T26 Web:
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, Leader: Krsto Mijanović, president
A14, A17, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Year of foundation: 2002
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Year of registration: 2002
national, international Type of registration: Association
Languages: English, German, Italian Number of employees: 2
Key publications: Number of members: 250
• Salinisation of Soil and Agriculture in Delta of River
Number of volunteers: 20
Neretva (brochure, 2003)
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
• Karst and Waste (brochure, 2004)
Source of funding: F3, F10
• Karst and Water (brochure, 2004)
Main topics: T8, T11, T16, T19, T21, T25
• Organic Agriculture (brochure, 2005)
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A8, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
• Energy of Wind, Energy of the Future (brochure, 2005)
• Waste Management (brochure and CD, 2005) Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
• Renewable Energy: Herzegovina Capacities (brochure, 2006) international
Languages: English, German
Key publications:
M O S TA R • MF Bosna Bulletin number 2/2006, three issues a year.
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association • Publishing books by forum members, three in 2006.
Ekološka udruga Eko Jasenica
Jasenica b.b. Mjesni Ured, 88000 Mostar,
Bosnia and Herzegovina M O S TA R - B U N A
Tel: (387-63) 349-876, (387-63) 329-140 NGO Buna (CEAB HEUB)
Fax: (387-36) 328-220 Hrvatska Ekoloska Udruga Buna
E-mail:; Buna b.b., 88202 Mostar-Buna,
Leader: Dragan Soče, president Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact person: Lazo Rajić, member of the board Tel: (387-36) 480-380
Year of foundation: 2005 Fax: (387-36) 480-380
Year of registration: 2005 E-mail:
Type of registration: Association
Leader: Damir Brljevic, executive director
Number of employees: N/A
Contact person: Kulaš Žaklina, secretary
Number of members: 40
Year of foundation: 1995
Number of volunteers: app. 50
Year of registration: 2000
Annual budget: Do not know
Type of registration: Association
Source of funding: F8, F10
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, Number of employees: 0
T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26 Number of members: 86
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A14, Number of volunteers: depends on the project
A15, A19, A20, A21, A25 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Source of funding: F3, F6, F10
national, international Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T17, T19, T21, T25, T26
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH, Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A13, A14
NGOs from Metkovici and Ploce (Croatia) Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Languages: Croatian, English Languages: English

M O S T A R , B U N A  OTO R - VA RO S

Key publications: Number of employees: 0

• Biodiversity and Environment of Neretva Delta, 2000; Number of members: 40
150 copies. Number of volunteers: 10
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F5, F9, F11
M R KO N J I C G R A D , P O D R A S N I C A
Main topics: T1, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T25, T26
Ecological Movement Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14,
Zelenkovac (EMZ, EPZ)


A17, A20, A24
Ekološki Pokret Zelenkovac Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Zelenkovac 1, 70266 Mrkonjic Grad, Podrasnica, national
Bosnia and Herzegovina Member of umbrella organisations: Mozaik Foundation,
Tel: (387-50) 278-649 NGO association of the region, Environmental Coalition of
Fax: (387-50) 278-649 Una River Basin.
E-mail: Languages: English, Serbian
Leader: Borislav Janković, president O LOVO
Contact person: Borislav Janković, Borislav Marić
Year of foundation: 1998 Youth Association of the Krivaja River
Year of registration: 1988 (MRK) UDRUŽ
Type of registration: NGO Enje Mladi Rijeke Krivaje Jelaške BB
Number of employees: 5 P.O. Box: 71347 C. Cuprija,
Number of members: 500 71340 Olovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Number of volunteers: 20 Tel: (387-61) 388-907, (387-32) 821-588
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 E-mail:
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F9, F11, F12, F13 Leader: Salko Mahmutović, director
Main topics: T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T16, T17, T18, T19, Year of foundation: 2004
T21, T25, T26 Year of registration: 2004
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, Type of registration: Public organisation
A13, A14, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25 Number of members: 43
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Number of volunteers: 15
national, international Annual budget: No budget
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH, Source of funding: FS5
Interkulturzentrum network with headquarters in Vienna Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T20,
Languages: English, Russian T21, T24, T25, T26
Key publications: Activities: A1, A2, A4, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A14, A17,
• We take part in the publication of several ecological A19, A20, A22, A25
imprints which are issued by other organisations, groups Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
and individuals. international
Languages: English

Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association OTO R - VA RO S
Udruženje građana ‘Dar prirode’ Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor-Varos
Vidovdanska br.10, 79220 Novi Grad / (Eco-Survival, Eko-Opstanak)
Bosanski Novi, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ekološki Pokret ‘Eko-Opstanak’ Kotor-Varoš
Tel: (387-52) 752-337 Cara Dušana b.b., 78220 Kotor-Varoš, Bosnia and
Fax: (387-52) 720-420 Herzegovina
E-mail: Tel: (387-65) 907-325,
Leader: Vladimir Mirić, president of management board (387-65) 884-328
Contact person: Vladimir Mirić, president of management Fax: (387-51) 785-460
board Leader: Miodrag Petroviać, president
Year of foundation: 2001 Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2001 Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Public organisation Type of registration: Association

O T O R - VA R O S  S A N S K I M O S T

Number of members: 170 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000

Number of volunteers: 170 Source of funding: FS3, FS6
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T11, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22,
Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS5, FS6, FS7, FS10 T24, T25, T26
Main topics: T2, T3, T5, T6, T11, T12, T13, T17, T24, Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A9, A10, A11, A14, A16,
T25, T26
A17, A20, A22, A24
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A9, A10, A11
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)

Level of activity: local

Member of umbrella organisations: Network of Women
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, member; League of Youth of
POCITELJ-CAPLJINA Bosnia and Herzegovina, cooperation.
Association of Citizens Počitelj Languages: English
(UG POCITELJ) Key publications:
Udruzenje Gradjana Pocitelj • Raspberry Growing, 2002; 1,000 copies printed.
Počitelj b.b., 88300 Pocitelj-Capljina, • Guideline for growing healthy agriculture cultivation,
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2003; 2,720 copies printed.
Tel: (387-63) 428-332
• Study: Reintegration of Refugees / Team of Teacher of
Fax: (387-36) 826-801
the Handicapped NGO ‘Mother and Child’ /
Web: Post-traumatic State of Children.
• Guidelines for the protection of spawning places in
Leader: Ibrulj Dževad, president
Drina; impact of nutrients on eco-systems; utilisation of
Contact person: Ibrulj Dževad
organic fertilisers.
Year of foundation: 2002
Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: NGO SA N S K I M O S T
Number of members: 50
Number of volunteers: 10 ‘Youth House’ Humanitarian Organisation
Annual budget: No budget Sanski Most
Source of funding: F5, FS9 Humanitarna organizacija Dom mladih
Main topics: T1, T21, T24, T25, T26 Sanski Most
Activities: A3, A4, A6, A10, A13, A14, A16, A18, A19, Banjalučka 42, 79260 Sanski Most,
A20, A21 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Level of activity: local Tel: (387-37) 681-563
Languages: English, German Fax: (387-37) 681-563
RU D O Web:
‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association, Leader: Nidara Biščević, director
Department for Ecology and Department Year of foundation: 1996
for Activities with Youth and Children Year of registration: 2003
Udruženje žena ‘Majka i dijete’ , Sektor za Type of registration: Association
ekologiju i Sektor za rad sa djecom i mladima Number of employees: 4
Trg slobode 1, 73260 Rudo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Number of members: 850
Tel: (387-58) 711-690, (387-58) 711-700,
Number of volunteers: 25
(38-65) 952-690
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Fax: (387-58) 711-690
E-mail:; Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F9, F12, F13
Main topics: T11, T17, T25, T26
Leader: Dada Danka Grubiša, executive director
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14,
Year of foundation: 1999
Year of registration: 1999 A19, A20
Type of registration: Association Level of activity: local
Number of employees: 4 Languages: English, German
Number of members: 63 Key publications:
Number of volunteers: 12 • Brochure: Let’s Protect River Sana, 2002.


Association for the Protection of Nature, Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Rivers and Environment (EKO-PRO) Development (COOR, CESD)
Udruženje za zaštitu prirode, rijeka i okoliša Centar za okolišno održivi razvoj
Trg grada Prato 4, Stjepana Tomića 1a,
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (387-33) 234-685 Tel: (387-33) 212-466


Fax: (387-33) 234-685 Fax: (387-33) 212-466
E-mail: E-mail:
Leader: Aner Šuman, president Web:
Year of foundation: 2006 Leader: Tarik Kupusović, president
Year of registration: 2006 Contact person: Tarik Kupusović, president
Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 2000
Number of employees: 5 Year of registration: 2005
Number of members: 25 Type of registration: Association
Number of volunteers: around 50 Number of employees: 0
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Number of members: 57
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F10 Number of volunteers: 57
Main topics: T4, T11, T12, T13, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
T21, T23, T24, T25, T26 Source of funding: F1, F6
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A10, A11, A13, A14, A16, Main topics: T1, T5, T8, T11, T12, T13, T16, T17, T19,
A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, A24 T25, T26
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12,
national A14, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
Languages: English Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH, DEF
(Danube Environmetal Forum)
Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics Languages: English, French, German, Turkish
in Sarajevo (UVIAMS) Key publications:
Udruženje vozača i automehaničara Sarajevo • Courier of Sustainability, 10 editions, 2002-2005.
Tekija čikma broj 5, • Brochures, guidelines, pamphlets, professional works
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina related to different fields.
Tel: (387-33) 714-470
Fax: (387-33) 714-470
E-mail: SA R AJ E VO
Web: Democratic Youth Movement (DOP)
Leader: Muhamed Hamzagić, secretary Demokratski omladinski pokret
Contact person: Muamer Hamzagić, president Soukbunar 16,
Year of foundation: 1953 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year of registration: 2003 Tel: (387-61) 902-615
Type of registration: Association E-mail:;
Number of employees: 2 Web:
Number of members: 3,500 Leader: Ernad Čomaga, president
Number of volunteers: 57 Year of foundation: 2005
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Year of registration: 2006
Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F9, F10, F12 Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T2, T11, T12, T13, T17, T23, T24 Number of employees: 0
Activities: A2, A6, A8, A12, A14, A21 Number of members: 170
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Number of volunteers: 35-40
Languages: English Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Key publications: Source of funding: F1, F4, F5, F9, F10
• Protecting the Environment from Exhaust Gases from Main topics: T10, T11, T13, T16, T24
Motor Vehicles, 2005. Activities: A2, A5, A10, A13, A14, A18, A19


Level of activity: regional (region within the country) Leader: Ismet Alagić, director
Member of umbrella organisations: GROZD Contact person: Ismet Alagić
Languages: English, German, Italian Year of foundation: 2005
Key publications: Year of registration: N/A
• Publications available on website <>. Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 3
SA R AJ E VO Number of members: 30

Number of volunteers: 50
ECON Foundation Economic Cooperation Annual budget: No budget
Network (ECON) Source of funding: F7, F9, F13
Fondacija ‘Mreža za ekonomsku saradnju ECON’ Main topics: T11, T17, T24, T25, T26
Džemala Bijedića 40/ll, 71000 Sarajevo,
Activities: A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A14,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
A17, A19, A25
Tel: (387-33) 613-556, (387-33) 613-568
Level of activity: national
Fax: (387-33) 613-556, (387-33) 613-568
E-mail: Member of umbrella organisations: Emeralds of River
Web:, Una Bihać, ‘Japods’ Bihać
Languages: English
Leader: Aida Vehabović Ljuta, director
Contact person: Fatima Sehić, coordinator
Year of foundation: 2000 SA R AJ E VO
Year of registration: 2004 ‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and
Type of registration: Foundation
Improvement of Environment, Nature and
Number of employees: 8, 16
Health (U.G. Ekotim, Ekotim)
Number of volunteers: 0
Udruženje za zaštitu okoliša, prirode i zdravlja
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Source of funding: F1, F3
Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T7, T11, T17, T18, T19, T21
Kemala Kapetanovića 17,
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A10, A11, A17, A24
P.O. Box: 143,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
country), national Tel: (387-33) 660-587
Member of umbrella organisations: SERDA, IRISH AID, Fax: (387-33) 660-587
LAMP, EU, OXFAM, Sida E-mail:;
Languages: English Web:
Key publications: Leader: Rijad Tikveša, president
• Brochure: Organic Agriculture in BiH, 2003. Contact person: Rijad Tikveša, president
• Certified Organic Production, a guide for interested Year of foundation: 2002
agricultural producers. Sarajevo, 2004. Year of registration: 2002
• ECON. Sarajevo, 2004. Type of registration: Association
• Diseases and pests brochure. Sarajevo, 2005. Number of employees: 3
• Soil and nutritious substances brochure. Sarajevo, Number of members: 70
Number of volunteers: 20
• Crop rotation brochure. Sarajevo, 2005.
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
• Salutary Herbs - From Knowing to Harvesting,
Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS6, FS11
ECON-SAHIMPAIC. Sarajevo, 2005.
Main topics: T2, T4, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T21,
T23, T24, T25, T26
SA R AJ E VO Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,
Eco-San Association for A14, A15, A17, A19, A20, A22, A24, A25
Protection and Improvement Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
of Environment (EKO-SAN) country), national, international
Udruženje za zaštitu i unapređenje okoliša Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH,
‘EKO-SAN’ Danube Environmental Forum, KITE (network for waste
Senada Mandića Dende br. 1, reduction and prevention of hazardous waste
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina incineration)
Tel: (387-33) 470-564 Languages: English


Key publications: SA R AJ E VO
• Brochure: What You Need to Know about Waste - Not Foundation of Local Democracy
All Waste is Junk. Fondacija lokalne demokratije
• Brochure: Recycling Waste, a Leap Toward the Future. Bravađiluk b.b.,
• Brochure: No Fosfos. 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• 22 September 2004 Day Without Cars. Tel: (387-33) 236-899
• Healthy Environment for a Healthy City, an educational Fax: (387-33) 237-240


manual for our team of volunteers of high school
Leader: Jasmina Mujezinović, executive director
Contact person: Amra Hađić, program manager
Year of foundation: 2003
SA R AJ E VO Year of registration: 2003
Fondeko Association for Stimulation Type of registration: Foundation
of Sustainable Development and Number of employees: 15
Quality of Life (Fondeko) Number of volunteers: 25-30
Fondeko Udruženje za podsticanje Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F6, F11
uravnoteženog razvoja i kvaliteta života
Main topics: T1, T8, T11, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24
Branilaca Sarajeva 47,
Activities: A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A16, A20,
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
A24, A25
Tel: (387-33) 211-354
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Fax: (387-33) 211-354
Languages: Catalan, English, Spanish
Leader: Halida Vuković, director SA R AJ E VO
Year of foundation: 1994 Natura BH, Association for Promotion,
Year of registration: 2005 Stimulation and Development of Tourism,
Type of registration: Association Ecology and Healthy Living (Natura BH)
Number of members: 100 Natura BH, Udruženje za promociju, poticaj i
Number of volunteers: 10 razvoj turizma, ekologije i zdravog življenja
Annual budget: No budget Paromilnska 4,
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F8, F10 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, Tel: (387-33) 525-333
T15, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 Fax: (387-33) 284-447
Activities: A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, E-mail:
A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25 Leader: Fuad Kovačević, president
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Year of foundation: 2006
country), national Year of registration: 2006
Member of umbrella organisations: Eco green, Tuzla; Type of registration: Association
Ecological association ‘Kremenko’, Vitez; Ecological Number of members: 10
movement Drina, Zvornik; Children the Pillars of the Annual budget: No budget
World; Friends Club Sarajevo; and many others. Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T10, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22,
Languages: English, French T24, T25, T26
Key publications: Activities: A2, A11, A13, A14, A21
• Balanced Development - Road to the Future, 1996, Level of activity: national
1,000 copies. Languages: English, Russian
• Endemic plant species (I) posters, 1997, 3000 copies.
• Rare and Endangered Species, 1997, 3,000 copies.
• Forest - Environment, 1999, 3,000 copies. SA R AJ E VO
• Endemic Plant Species (II), 2005, 3,000 copies. NEOLIT Association, NGO (NEOLIT)
• Most Common Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, NEOLIT, udruženje, NVO
2006. B. Mutevelića 63
• Eco Guide, 2005, 70,000 copies. P.O. Box: 156,
• Small Eco Guide, 2006, 800 copies. 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Six flyers, 2006, 60,000 copies. Tel: (387-61) 264-080


E-mail:; Key publications:

Web: • Guidelines for Bird Observation, by D. Kotrošan, B.
Leader: Helena Polić, president Stumberger, D. Simić, 2005.
Year of foundation: 2005 • Bulletin of Network of Bird Watchers in Bosnia and
Year of registration: 2005 Herzegovina, first edition 2005.
Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 44 SA R AJ E VO

Number of volunteers: 44
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Red Cross of Sarajevo Canton (CKKS)
Source of funding: F1, F2, F9, F12
Crveni Križ Kantona Sarajevo Dženetića
Čikma 16,
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T5, T7, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T23, T24, T25, T26
Tel: (387-33) 664-427, (387-33) 208-602
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14,
Fax: (387-33) 664-426
A15, A16, A18, A19, A20, A22, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national Leader: Fikret Žunić, general secretary
Member of umbrella organisations: (applied for Year of registration: 2003
membership of) Eko Mreža BiH Type of registration: Humanitarian organisation
Languages: Chinese, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Number of employees: 21
Russian, Spanish, Swahili, languages of former Yugoslavia Number of members: 20,000
Key publications: Number of volunteers: 470
• Currently, only separate, private publications which are Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
occasionally used in the association’s work. Source of funding: FS1, FS2, FS7, FS9, FS10, FS11, FS12
Main topics: T7, T21
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A19, A20
SA R AJ E VO Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association national, international
(OD ‘Naše ptice’) Member of umbrella organisations: Red Cross FBiH, Red
Ornitološko društvo ‘Naše ptice’ Cross Society BiH, , Red Cross organisations , International
Semira Fraste 6, Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), International Federation
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC).
Tel: (387-33) 453-158 Languages: English
E-mail: Key publications:
Leader: Dražen Kotrošan, president • Internal bulletins, four per year; leaflets for certain
Year of foundation: 2002 programmes (e.g. search service, kitchen, summer and
Year of registration: 2003 winter holidays, home care, blood donation); material
Type of registration: Public organisation for first aid education.
Number of members: 50 • Contributions about our activities are regularly
Number of volunteers: 50 published in the newspaper Power of Humanism, issued
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 by Red Cross of FBiH.
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10,
F11, F12 SA R AJ E VO
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T14, T15,
T17, T19, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 Wigwam Association of Friends of Cultural
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A14, and Natural Values (Wigwam)
A15, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24 Društvo prijatelja kulturnih i prirodnih
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), vrijednosti - Wigwam
national, international M.Tita 38 d., 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Member of umbrella organisations: Support group - Tel: (387-33) 221-440
informal network of BiH NGOs; we have cooperation with Fax: (387-33) 221-430
all national framework ornithology organisations from the E-mail:
areas of ex-Yugoslavia, cooperation with BirdLife, although Web:,
we are not members Leader: Zoran Bibanović, president
Languages: English Contact person: Kemal Grbo, member


Year of foundation: 1999 Leader: Darko Glišić, president

Year of registration: 2004 Year of foundation: 2001
Type of registration: Association Year of registration: 2001
Number of employees: 1 Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of members: 164 Number of employees: 2
Number of volunteers: Varies Number of members: 20
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Number of volunteers: 10


Source of funding: F10, F11, F13 Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T5, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, Source of funding: F1, F2, F6, F11
T19, T21, T26 Main topics: T1, T3, T11, T12, T17, T18, T19, T21, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A8, A10, A14, A19, Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A8, A9, A10, A14, A15,
A20, A22 A19, A20
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international international
Languages: English, German, Italian Member of umbrella organisations: Hca Mreža, Youth
Key publications: Council of Rebublica Srpska, Forum for Protection
• Tourism - Interest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by of River Drina
Zorana Bibanović, Rabic edition, 2006. Languages: Russian
Key publications:
• Guideline for Two-way Return, 2001.
• Strategy for Decreasing Poverty - Srebrenica, 2004.
Association for Healthy Living and Mind
Ecology, Samac (FHL/ME)
Udruženje za Zdrav Život I Ekologiju Svijesti, SREBRENIK
Šamac Eco-Green Environmental Association,
N.Tesle 67, 76230 Šamac, Bosnia and Herzegovina Srebrenik
Tel: (387-65) 624-726 Ekološko udruženje ‘Eko-zeleni’ Srebrenik
E-mail:; 211 Oslobodilačke brigade b.b., 75350 Srebrenik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Web: Tel: (387-35) 644-376, (387-61) 728-584
Leader: Slobodan Maslić, executive director Fax: (387-35) 645-593
Contact person: Slobodan Maslić E-mail:
Year of foundation: 2004
Leader: Gavranović Osman, president
Year of registration: 2004
Year of foundation: 2002
Type of registration: Association
Year of registration: 2002
Number of employees: 1
Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of members: 45
Number of employees: 30
Number of volunteers: 5
Number of members: 30
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: FS1, FS5, FS10, FS11 Number of volunteers: 100
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T7, T11, T17, T19, T20, T21, T22, Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
T24, T25, T26 Source of funding: FS1, FS2, FS5, FS6, FS9
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7, A10, A11, A14, A19, Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T13, T17, T20, T25, T26
A20, A21 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A20
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Level of activity: local
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH
Languages: English, Serbian Languages: English

NGO Drina-Skelani (NVO Drina) Troya Tourism Development and
NVO DRINA - SKELANI Environment Protection Association
Petrica 10, (TROYA Association, Udruženje ‘TROYA’)
75436 Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina Udruženje za razvoj turizma i zaštitu
Tel: (387-56) 482-684 okoline ‘TROYA’
E-mail: Ul. H. branitelja br. 83,


88360 Stolac, Bosnia and Herzegovina TESLIC

Tel: (387-36) 853-625 Ekotes Environmental
Fax: (387-36) 853-625 Association, Teslić
E-mail: Ekološko društvo ‘EKOTES’, Teslić
Web: Obala vojvode Stepe 14,
Leader: Jasmin Zubović, executive director 74276 Teslic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact person: Mirko Rajić, secretary Tel: (387-53) 435-933

Year of foundation: 2004 E-mail:

Year of registration: 2005 Leader: Dušanić Dušan, executive board member
Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 1999
Number of employees: 0 Year of registration: 1999
Number of members: 107 Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of volunteers: 33 Number of members: 300
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Number of volunteers: 10
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F9, F10, F11 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F9, F10
Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T21, T24,
Main topics: T2, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T19, T22, T24, T25, T26
T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A10, A11, A13, A19, A20, A25
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,
Level of activity: local
A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
• Tourist brochure: Stolac - Bosna i Hercegovina.
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Meža BiH TESLIC
Languages: English, German Futura Plus NGO (FP FP)
Key publications: NVO Futura plus
• Book: Stolac Since the Most Ancient Times, 2005. Sime Lozanića 36,
• In preparation: Stolac Through Photography. 74270 Teslic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (387-53) 435-829
Fax: (387-53) 435-829
Association of Displaced and Expelled Leader: Goran Špirić, president
Citizens, Refugees and Returnees (NGO Contact person: Goran Špirić
Bona Fide NVO ‘Bona Fide’) Year of foundation: 1997
Udruženje građana raseljenih,izbjeglih, Year of registration: 2002
prognanih lica i povratnika ‘Bona Fide’ Teslić Type of registration: NGO
Cara Dušana b.b., Number of employees: 2
74270 Teslic, Bosnia and Herzegovina Number of members: N/A
Tel: (387-65) 639-450 Number of volunteers: 15
Fax: (387-53) 432-985 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
E-mail: Source of funding: F1, F6, F9
Leader: Cocić Slobodan, president Main topics: T11, T13, T18, T19, T20, T21, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A13, A20, A24
Year of foundation: 1999
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Year of registration: 2004
Languages: English, Polish
Type of registration: Association
Key publications:
Number of members: 520
• Beside mentioned programmes, participated in public
Number of volunteers: 2
promotion through printing of promotional brochures.
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F6, F10
Main topics: T1, T3, T17, T18, T19, T21, T25 T R AV N I K
Activities: A1, A4, A9, A11, A12, A19, A22, A23 NGO Vlasić Planet Earth
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Nvo ‘Vlašic Planet Života’
Member of umbrella organisations: Association Your umeće 217,
Rights BiH, Topeer Doboj 72270 Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina

T R AV N I K  T U R B E - T R AV N I K

Tel: (387-30) 510-261 TREBINJE

Fax: (387-30) 510-262 The Southern Blue Sky (JPN/SBS)
E-mail: Juznjačko Plavo Nebo
Leader: Dino Lolić, president Dubrovački Put Br. 4,
Year of foundation: 2006 89101 Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year of registration: 2006 Tel: (387-65) 594-283
Type of registration: Association Fax: (387-59) 260-542


Number of members: 213
Number of volunteers: 300 Leader: Dušan Toholj, executive director
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Contact person: Dušan Toholj
Source of funding: F7, F9, F10 Year of foundation: 2005
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, Year of registration: 2005
T20, T21, T24, T25, T26 Type of registration: Association
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, Number of employees: 4
Number of members: 35
A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25
Number of volunteers: 31
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Annual budget: No budget
Languages: English
Source of funding: F9
Main topics: T3, T17
TREBINJE Activities: A2, A3, A4, A10, A15
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje
Member of umbrella organisations: Network of Birds
Observers, BVAP-Black Vulture Action Plan, BVCF-Black
Speleološko društvo ‘Zelena brda’ - Trebinje Vulture Conservation Foundation.
Ul. Luke Čelovica Trebinjca br.7, Languages: English
89101 Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina Key publications:
Tel: (387-65) 529-188 • Report on return of vultures to Herzegovina.
Leader: Dubravko Kurtović, president
Contact person: Dubravko Kurtović Turbe Youth Center (OC Turbe)
Year of foundation: 1981 Omladinski Centar Turbe
Year of registration: 2004
Aleja bb KSRC Vlasić,
72283 Turbe-Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of registration: Association
Tel: (387-30) 531-652
Number of members: 55
Number of volunteers: 25
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Leader: Enes Beklija, president
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10 Year of foundation: 2002
Year of registration: 2002
Main topics: T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T17, T21, T22, T24,
Type of registration: Humanitarian organisation
T25, T26
Number of employees: 1
Activities: A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A15,
Number of members: 205
A19, A22, A24, A25
Number of volunteers: 45
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Annual budget: No budget
national, international Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10
Member of umbrella organisations: Speleological Main topics: T11, T17, T18, T21, T25, T26
association of BiH Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, A17,
Languages: English, Montenegrin A20, A24
Key publications: Level of activity: local
• Through our research, we have participated in a large Member of umbrella organisations: Forum Syd Central
number of significant scientific and research works and Bosnia project , Forum Syd
publications of famous scientists and researchers from Languages: English
around the world.


TUZLA Type of registration: Association

Association for Development, Improvement Number of members: 5
and Promotion of Ecological Agriculture, Number of volunteers: 10
Tourism and Environment Protection Annual budget: EUR 0-500
(CA ECOPOT, UG EKOPOT) Source of funding: F1, F10, F11
Main topics: T5, T19, T22, T24, T25, T26
Udruženje za razvoj, unapređenje i
Activities: A1, A7, A11, A13, A22, A24
promociju eko-poljoprivrede, turizma i

Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)

zaštitu okoline
Member of umbrella organisations: Chamber of
Ul. Turalibegova br. 13,
Economy BiH
75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Languages: English
Tel: (387-35) 210-236
Fax: (387-35) 210-236
E-mail: TUZLA
Web: BH Solidarity Citizens Association
Leader: Edina Busovača, association president (BH SOLIDARNOST, BH Solidarity)
Contact person: Amira Avdić, project manager Udruženje građanja ‘BH SOLIDARNOST’
Year of foundation: 2001 Stari grad br. 9,
Year of registration: 2001 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of registration: Association Tel: (387-61) 510-554
Number of employees: 3 Fax: (387-35) 251-035
Number of members: 41 E-mail:
Number of volunteers: 6 Leader: Alen Ličina, president
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ Year of foundation: 2005
Source of funding: F6, F7, F10 Year of registration: 2005
Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T7, T10, T11, T17, T18, T19, T20, Type of registration: Association
T21, T22, T25, T26 Number of employees: 0
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, A15, Number of members: 498
A17, A20, A22, A24 Number of volunteers: 23
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
country) Source of funding: F1, F5, F7
Member of umbrella organisations: Member of the Main topics: T2, T11, T12, T13, T17, T25, T26
Reference Group Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A14, A16,
Languages: English A17, A19, A20, A22, A24, A25
Key publications: Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
• Preservation of Traditional Cheese. Languages: English, German
• Production in Tuzla Region.
• Ecological Tourism.
• Potential for Development in Tuzla Canton.
Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla Canton
TUZLA Ekološki savez ‘Eko zeleni’ Tuzlanskog
Association Research and Development kantona
Corporation (RDC) Ul. Džindić mahala 13,
Udruženje - Društvo za istraživanje i razvoj 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rudarska br. 61, Tel: (387-61) 727-831
75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fax: (387-35) 615-218
Tel: (387-35) 282-044 E-mail:
Fax: (387-35) 281-846 Leader: Dr. Muhamed Omerović, president
E-mail: Contact person: Dr. Muhamed Omerović, Enes H.
Leader: Saletović Zekerijah, president of Muhamedović
management board Year of foundation: 2002
Contact person: Arnautovic Esad, executive secretary Year of registration: N/A
Year of foundation: 2005 Type of registration: Association
Year of registration: 2005 Number of members: 15,000


Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Fax: (387-35) 390-295, 390-202

Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F7, F10 E-mail:
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17,
Leader: Zekija Sulejmanović, association president
T24, T25
Contact person: Sanela Hadžimehmedović, steering
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A7, A9, A15, A17, A20, A21
committee member
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Year of foundation: 2003
Languages: English
Year of registration: 2003


Key publications:
Type of registration: Association
• Eco Guide, 2004.
Number of members: around 50
• Nutrients, 2005.
Number of volunteers: 50-100
• About the Environment, 2006.
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
• Ecological Education, 2006.
Source of funding: F1, F9, F10
Main topics: T2, T11, T17, T18, T25, T26
TUZLA Activities: A1, A2, A4, A7, A19
Level of activity: local
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla
(Eco-Green, Eko-Zeleni)
Ekološki pokret ‘Eko zeleni Tuzla’ TUZLA
Bosne Srebrne 127, Perspective Association of Explorers
75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Perspective, Perspektiva)
Tel: (387-35) 282-056 Udruženje istraživača
Fax: (387-35) 282-056 ‘PERSPEKTIVA’ Tuzla
E-mail: Strajke Mitrovića 5,
Leader: Banović Ratko, president 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year of foundation: 1997 Tel: (387-35) 277-314, (387-63) 894-497,
Year of registration: 2006 (387-61) 278-271
Type of registration: Association Fax: (387-35) 694-050
Number of employees: 1 E-mail:
Number of members: 260
Leader: Ajdina Hasanović, president
Number of volunteers: 18
Contact person: Sabina Begić
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Year of foundation: 2006
Source of funding: F1, F10
Year of registration: 2006
Main topics: T2, T6, T11, T12, T13, T17, T21, T22, T25, T26
Type of registration: Public organisation
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A12, A14, A17,
Number of members: 20
A20, A24
Number of volunteers: 20
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Annual budget: No budget
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecological Association
Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F7, F9, F10, F11
BIH, Reference Group Tuzla
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T11, T17, T18, T19, T25, T26
Languages: English, German
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A8, A9, A15, A22, A25
Key publications:
Level of activity: local, national
• Environmental Protection - A New Way of Thinking,
Languages: English
2000, 1,000 copies.
• Ecology - Air, Water, Soil, 2002, 1,000 copies.
• Communal Waste Water Treatment, 2005, 1,000 copies. TUZLA
• How to Correctly Deal with Waste - Recycling and Vesta Humanitarian
Composting, 1,000 copies. Organisation (OCD ‘Vesta’)
Udruženje ‘Vesta humanitarna organizacija’
TUZLA Ðorđa Mihajlovića 4, 75000 Tuzla,
Eco-green Upper Tuzla Bosnia and Herzegovina
‘Eko-Zeleni’ Gornja Tuzla Tel: (387-35) 363-691
TRG Oslobođenja, Fax: (387-35) 277-455
75208 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina E-mail:
Tel: (387-35) 390-467, 390-295, 390-202 Web:


Leader: Amra Selesković, director Member of umbrella organisations: Association of

Year of foundation: 1998 Businessmen and Employers Zepče, Rez Agency
Year of registration: 2003 Languages: Croatian, English, German
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 9 VISEGRAD
Number of members: 0
DRIN-tim Ecological Association (DRIN-tim)

Number of volunteers: 8 Ekološko udruženje ‘DRIN-tim’

Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ Naselje Bikavac 3/1,
Source of funding: F2, F3, F6, F7, F9, F11 73 240 Visegrad, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T7, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, Tel: (387-58) 620-401
T18, T19, T20, T21, T24, T25, T26 E-mail:
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A11, A13, A14, A17, Leader: Dobrivoje Stanojević, president
A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Contact person: Dragan Glogovac, deputy president
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) Year of foundation: 1999
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH Year of registration: 2006
Languages: English Type of registration: Public organisation
Key publications: Number of employees: N/A
• Tuzla Canton Without Landfills, 2003, 2,000 copies. Number of members: 36
• Public Advocacy for Organisations Active in Number of volunteers: 140
Environmental Protection, manual for organisations, Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
2006, 500 copies. Source of funding: FS1, FS6, FS11
Main topics: T1, T4, T11, T14, T17, T18, T20, T21
• Public Advocacy for Environmental Policy Improvement,
Activities: A4, A5, A7, A17, A19
manual for trainer, 2006, 100 copies.
Level of activity: international
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH
SORA Languages: English, Serbian
Association for Business and Agriculture Key publications:
• Environmental Guidelines 2005.
Usora (ABA/UPPU)
Udruga Za Poduzetniš Tvo I Poljoprivredu Usora
Vojarna Srednja Omanjska b.b., VISEGRAD
74230 Usora, Bosnia and Herzegovina New Hopes Democratic Centre
Tel: (387-32) 895-287 (DC ‘Nove nade’ Teledom)
Fax: (387-32) 895-287 Demokratski centar ‘Nove nade’
E-mail: Kralja Petra I,
73240 Visegrad, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Leader: Ilija Labudović, NGO president
Tel: (387-58) 630-220
Contact person: Karolina Pranjić, NGO secretary
Fax: (387-58) 630-221
Year of foundation: 2006
E-mail: dcnnvis@blic.neteledom-vgdvpaleol.nett
Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Association
Leader: Mila Gračanin, president
Number of employees: 1
Contact person: Danijela Spasojević, assistant
Number of members: 30
Year of foundation: 1997
Number of volunteers: 10
Year of registration: 2002
Annual budget: No budget Type of registration: Association
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F9, F10, F11 Number of employees: 1
Main topics: T1, T7, T8, T11, T18, T19, T20, T21 Number of volunteers: 35
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A10, A11, A17, A19, A25 Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Source of funding: F1, F6, F11
national Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T17


Activities: A2, A6, A7, A9, A11, A13, A14, A17, A19, A20 Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F9, F10
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Main topics: T11, T12, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25, T26
national, international Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A11, A13, A17, A20
Member of umbrella organisations: Ekologic, Banja Luka, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Young Researchers Banja Luka , Group OR - Zagreb, Member of umbrella organisations: ‘Fondeko’
Croatia; European Environmental Bureau/EEB (AISBL)
Federation of Environmental Citizens Organisations


Languages: English Z AV I D OV I C I
Key publications: Peace Trees NGO
• Bulletin: Our Community and We, 2005, 100 copies. U.G. ‘Sadnice Mira - Peace Trees’ Zavidovići
Zlatnih ljiljana 31-A,
V I S O KO 72220 Zavidovici, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Eko Viking Association for Protection of Tel: (387-32) 863-466
Rivers, River Beds and Extreme Sports Fax: (387-32) 878-982
Udruženje za zaštitu rijeka, riječnih slivova i E-mail:
ekstremne sportove ‘EKO VIKING’ Web:
Alije Izetbegovića br 2, Leader: Milan V. Šćekić, NGO president
71300 Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina Contact person: Deljkić Sanel, NGO deputy president
Tel: (387-61) 160-755 Year of foundation: 1996
E-mail: Year of registration: 2005
Type of registration: Association
Leader: Jasmin Ferhatović, president Number of employees: 0
Year of foundation: 2005 Number of members: 187 (55 active)
Year of registration: 2005
Number of volunteers: 7-50
Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Number of members: 130
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F5, F8, F9, F10, F11
Number of volunteers: 130
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18,
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F7, F10 T19, T21, T24, T25, T26
Main topics: T11, T13, T17, T21, T25, T26 Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A14, A16,
Activities: A2, A4, A7 A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Member of umbrella organisations: BBA, Mountaineer national, international
Association, Kayak Association Member of umbrella organisations: Regional
Languages: English Representative Group for Bosna River Basin - ReeRGe,
Doboj; Eko Mreža BiH, Sarajevo; Centre for Environment,
VITEZ Banja Luka; Eko tim, Sarajevo; Centre for Ecology and
Energy, Tuzla; Foundation Mozaik, Sarajevo; Eco-league
Kremenik Environmental Association, Vitez ZDC , Zenica; OSCE BiH - Sarajevo (Regional Centre,
Ekološka udruga ‘Kremenik’ Vitez
Tuzla; Office OSCE, Zenica); Network of Centres for
Stjepana Radića br. 1,
Mothers BiH (Centre for Mothers Plamen, Zavidovici);
72250 Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (387-30) 714-835 Associazone ADL Brescia (Ambasada lokalne demokratije,
Fax: (387-30) 713-939 Zavidovici); DenNet, Budapest; Foundation Dunataj Harta,
E-mail: pejovicdragan@inbox Hungary; Die Schule Meditacion, Staeberg, Germany; Eco-
Centre, Latinovac, Croatia; Sadnice mira - Peace Trees
Leader: Tanja Pejović, president
Global Eco Village Network; Earthstewards; Mutterforum
Year of foundation: 1999
Year of registration: 1999 BW, Sttuttgart; and International Network of Centres for
Type of registration: Association Mothers (MINE)
Number of employees: 0 Languages: English, German
Number of members: app. 900 Key publications:
Number of volunteers: app. 900 • State of Environment of Area ZE-DO Canton, with
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Special Focus on Municipality Zavidovići (June 2003).


ZENICA Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A18,
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK Zenica A19, A20, A22, A23, A24, A25
(EKO BiH ZDK Zenica) Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Ekološki Pokret BiH Zdk Zenica national
SARAJEVSKA 89, Languages: English
72000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina Key publications:
Tel: (387-32) 243-77 • LEAP for Živinice Municipality, Participation of Citizens

Fax: (387-32) 243-77 in Local Administrative Decision Making.

Leader: Muhamed Skopljak, executive coordinator
Year of foundation: 1998
Year of registration: 1998
Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 800
Number of volunteers: 120
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6
Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21,
T24, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, A17,
A20, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Eko Mreža BiH
Languages: English
Key publications:
• Series: Sustainable Development in Practice, 2005,
3,000 copies.

Contact Plus Association
(Kontact Plus, Contact Plus)
Udruzenje Kontakt Plus
XII ulica, blok broj 5, lamela 5,
stan br. 3
P.O. Box: 3,
75270 Živinice, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (387-61) 424-877,
(387-61) 728-177, (387-61) 832-875,
(387-61) 214-479
Leader: Ismet Butković, president
Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2005
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0
Number of members: 58
Number of volunteers: 58
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F1, F3, F4, F11
Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T8, T10, T11, T12, T17, T18, T19,
T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26


Questionnaires received 70 Croatia: Total CSO budgets EUR 1,616,750
Average budget (estimated) EUR 22,771
Most frequent budget range 23% of CSO budgets
are in category 6
Number of formally registered 69 registered (EUR 10,001 – 50,000)
and unregistered CSOs 1 not registered
Percentage of ECSOs in the lowest and highest budget
range and their contribution to total CSO budgets
• 14% of ECSOs (category 1, no budget) account for
CSO MEMBERSHIP 0% of the total sum of annual CSO budgets

• 10% of ECSOs (category 8, above EUR 100,000)
Number of members in Croatia 16,739
account for 43% (EUR 700,000) of the total sum
(total for the country)
of annual budgets
Members per CSO From 3 to 5,350
Average members per CSO 236
FS10 membership dues (fees) 78.6%
NUMBER OF STAFF FS1 domestic government/ 64.3%
Paid staff (full and part time) 69 public sector grants or donations
Unpaid staff (volunteers) 6,174 FS7 domestic business/corporate 50%
sponsorship, donations or grants
Ratio paid/unpaid staff 1:89


T11 environmental education/education 85.7%
for sustainable development
T19 sustainable development 74.4%
T4 biodiversity 60%
T25 waste issues 54.3%
T21 tourism /sustainable-/eco-tourism 54.3%


A7 education 95.7%
A2 awareness-raising campaigns 81.4%
A10 information dissemination 71.4%


CHART 1 Comparison between 2001 and 2006 data

From 2001 to 2006 the number of question-
Year of establishment for ECSOs in Croatia naires the REC received through the survey
(number of ECSOs in each category) declined from 107 to 70. This reduction
makes direct comparison more difficult,
35 though the averages are helpful.
27 In 2001 Croatian environmental organisa-
25 tions reportedly had 80,183 members (with
20 55,000 in just one group which is not includ-
15 ed in the 2006 survey), compared to only
10 16,739 in 2006 (the largest group has 5,350).
5 There appears to be some reduction in
0 membership (even without this one group).
<1990 1991- 1996- >2000 However, considering the number of
1995 2000
employees in the sector and volunteer
involvement there has been a general
Category 1 – up to 1990 increase over the five-year period. The num-
Category 2 – 1991-1995 ber of employees increased slightly from 58

Category 3 – 1996-2000 to 69 and the number of volunteers from

Category 4 – 2001-2006 1,530 to the present number of 6,174 (even
with the smaller sample). Also the ratio of
paid to unpaid staff decreased from 1:26 to
1:89. Importantly, the average number of
paid staff per CSO has exhibited an increase
Level of working as well, though there is still on average only
one paid employee per CSO.
The total estimated operational budget has
59 59
increased from EUR 964,750 to EUR
1,616,750 (again even with a smaller sam-
ple). The average Croatian ECSO has an esti-
70 mated EUR 22,771 per year, comparing
42 favourably to EUR 9,552 in 2001. The por-
% of Total

tion of ECSOs operating with a minimal bud-
50 get (less than EUR 500) has gone down from
27 35 percent to 21 percent.
In 2001, only 3 percent of organisations
reported a budget over EUR 100,000. As of
20 2006 it is 10 percent and the groups in this
category represent an estimated 43 percent
of the total CSO budgets (compared to 31
0 percent before). These data indicate gradual
Local Regional National International concentration of the funds into the bigger
(Data represent actual number and percentage of the total) and more professional organisations, while
there is a decrease in the number of smaller
ones (though still one in five).
In the sources of funds we see an interesting
development in Croatia. Foreign/internation-


al grants were not ranked among the top Now these do not feature prominently. The
three sources of financing in 2006. In 2001 even spread of registration has changed to a
they ranked as the third most important predominance of groups registered from
source. Membership fees and domestic gov- 2000 onwards.
ernment donations/grants and domestic cor-
porate sponsorship are the three most com- As to the level of working, the importance of
mon sources of funds. In this respect Croatia local work has evened out with the more
stands out among the surveyed countries. regional activities of groups. Perhaps this
reflects a broadening of the scope of environ-
There is not a significant shift of priority areas mental civil society beyond local activities.
among the Croatian ECSOs. Environmental
education, biodiversity and tourism were
highly selected priorities both in 2001 and Legal and regulatory framework
2006. The new topic gaining attention in 2006 Croatia has adopted a simple and streamlined
is waste issues, which may indicate growing registration process that is highly appreciated
impact of the production and consumption by the CSO community. It also provides guid-
patterns and the growing tourism industry. ance and assistance in registration so that
Education, awareness-raising campaigns and legal services are not necessary. Croatian
information dissemination remain the most

ECSOs take their legal requirements seriously
frequent activities in 2006. and work to ensure that their status is consis-
There is a rather telling shift in the ages of tent with their actual activities. However, this
groups from 2006 and 2001 data. Previously ease of registration only applies to associa-
the most common category (marginally) con- tions and the establishment of a foundation is
tained those groups formed before 1990. rather complex and difficult.

Main findings: Legal and regulatory framework

• The legal framework for registration is likely the best in the region.
• ECSOs take their legal status and legal requirements seriously, although some also stretch
legal limits.
• Excessive legal requirements inhibit the establishment of foundations.
• The repeal of VAT exemptions and a generally unfavourable tax regime has contributed to a
lack of trust between the civil society and authorities.
• “Homeland” (national culture and folklore, patriotism, war veterans, etc.) CSOs are treated
more favourably.
• A lack of responsiveness of authorities to information requests and attempts by ECSOs to
participate in decision making lead to the impression that they do not consider ECSOs to be
• Information and participation legal frameworks are in place, but implementation and
enforcement are lacking.
• Croatia’s legal system is not very favourable to genuine legal advocacy, although there is a
higher rate than in other parts of the region.
• ECSOs consider legal assistance and expertise as among the most important staffing and train-
ing needs.


At the same time, Croatian CSOs freely admit Development, governmental processes and
that they often stretch the rules when it its relations with the CSO community are
comes to legal requirements, especially in considered to be non-transparent.
finances and taxes. The present tax regime is
The legal structure for access to justice in
considered to be very unfair to CSOs, and Croatia is insufficient but there is slightly
the groups surveyed do not perceive that this more advocacy evident than in other SEE
will change in the near future since they con- countries. Croatian CSOs share with Bosnia
sider that the current government is and Herzegovina an extremely negative view
“unfriendly” to CSOs. A sore point is the of legal frameworks, as well as of the imple-
repeal of the value-added tax exemption for mentation and enforcement of law. They are
CSOs in 2004, contributing to Croatia’s posi- also comparatively rarely involved in legisla-
tion as one of the countries in the region tive drafting, one positive example being the
with the least friendly tax regime for CSOs law on packaging waste. Nevertheless, Croa-
and causing several international organisa- tia has done a good job of developing the
tions to leave. However, tax deductions are legal framework for information and partici-
available for some donations and in addition pation, and has even developed online
special VAT-exempt status is accorded to forms for information requests. Yet results
“homeland” CSOs. Despite great strides in are disappointing, and CSOs have a strong

funding of CSOs from the budget, through impression that authorities are unsympathet-
the National Foundation for Civil Society ic to CSO engagement. A large proportion of

Main findings: Resource base

• Domestic sources of funding have seen an increase over the last few years.
• The National Foundation for Development of Civil Society has increased domestic sources
of funds, although it might have too much dominance in the sector as a funder. However,
such an approach may serve as a model for other SEE countries.
• Local government programmes are important but suffer from unclear procedures and crite-
ria, though the situation is improving.
• Foreign donors are withdrawing; importantly, their role in supporting less politically favoured
activities might be missed.
• Generally, Croatian environmental ECSOs exhibit a more positive financial status than their
SEE colleagues.
• Donor priorities are criticised for not matching the needs of the ECSOs.
• Two-thirds of Croatian groups state that they have adequate equipment resources, which is
much higher than the regional average.
• More than one-third of Croatian environmental groups work from informal office space or
require none at all.
• Croatian ECSOs find it difficult to retain professional staff, as they cannot offer competitive
• A small number of ECSOs are successfully practicing self-financing.
• Organised philanthropy development appears to be taking off slowly in Croatia. However
there are positive indications for increases of corporate support.


CSOs consider legal expertise to be a major central and local government sources as a
staffing need and some requested additional proportion of the funding sources for ECSOs,
training in this field. especially of the National Foundation for
Development of Civil Society. This reflects a
“filling-out” of the domestic sources, coupled
Resource base to the reduction in foreign sources of aid.
In Croatia the funding situation presents a However, self-generated funds do appear less
very different picture from that of the other critical at this time for Croatian ECSOs, and
SEE countries, where foreign aid tends to funding from public sector contracts is still
dominate. For Croatian ECSOs membership quite infrequent, perhaps marking a lack of
fees was quoted as the most common type of awareness or trust in relation to service provi-
funding source, with domestic government sion by ECSOs.
grants as the second most common type and The average size of an ECSO budget has
domestic business/corporate sponsorship/- increased significantly in Croatia in the last
grants third. Although membership fees are a five years. In 2001 the REC recorded the
common source of funding as a source they under EUR 500 category as the most com-
appear less important in terms of revenue mon budget size. Now EUR 10,001-50,000 is
generation for most ECSOs. Consequently the most common, with EUR 5,001-10,000 of

the most significant source is that of domes- a very similar proportion. However, the cur-
tic government/public sector grants/dona- rent sample is smaller and may account for
tions. However, foreign foundations grants some of the change. Also, one in five Croat-
are more important than those of domestic ian environmental groups still report a bud-
foundations. get of less than EUR 500 per year, a signifi-
cant number.
Evidently Croatian civil society has moved
somewhat from the traditional bias towards
foreign funds and diversified into domestic Human and organisational capacities
sources from public and private donors. The Generally ECSOs in Croatia are well aware of
differences in the composition of resources strategic leadership tools and their impor-
for the sector compared to other SEE coun- tance for better performance. They are also
tries can be explained by the significance of good at the development and use of these

Main findings: Human and organisational capacities

• The concepts of strategic leadership, process management and its tools are generally well
known and widely used by Croatian ECSOs.
• Many ECSOs perceive the need for better cooperation and communication with the govern-
ment as urgent, as are more interest and involvement of the public in environmental issues.
• ECSOs are very much orientated towards European Union accession issues.
• Croatian groups are generally strong, but there is a danger regarding their ability to
implement projects due to a lack of staff; lack of infrastructure, especially for small
organisations; and relatively weak support from the general public, which supports CSOs
to varying degrees in different parts of Croatia (support from the general public is gener-
ally stronger in the north, west and northwest of Croatia due to the more intensive eco-
nomic development).


plans in responding to the operating environ- out. This factor, added to the fact that they
ment, and enabling the organisations to attain have low incomes, does lead to a high staff
their missions. turnover. The ECSOs have a good gender bal-
ance on the whole, with slightly more women
Structurally Croatian ECSOs are quite flexi- than men working in the movement.
ble, showing in the way that they can
restructure that they are generally strong
organisations which can withstand changes. Information and knowledge base
Most Croatian ECSOs surveyed considered Regarding ECSOs’ operating environment, 43
that they had performed successfully over percent described the general availability of
the last year. However, they are still having sustainable development and environment
problems in communication and cooperation information as inadequate, while 50 percent
with the government and in getting the pub- find it adequate. ECSOs note that the envi-
lic more interested and involved in environ- ronment ministry website carries an extensive
mental protection activities. amount of information, but that at the same
A lot of the activities of the Croatian ECSOs time there are lots of databases closed to the
are focused nowadays on issues regarding public. Concerning quality, practically all
EU accession and also towards accessing CSO survey respondents felt improvement

EU funds for projects. Therefore the ECSOs was necessary with regard to the currency
need to become more informed on EU (92 percent), presentation (92 percent) and
structures, regulations, requirements, and reliability (82 percent) of official information.
funding. Plus they need to become trained Regarding its proactive distribution, typically
in how to write proposals for accessing EU more than 80 percent felt improvement was
funds. Notably, ECSOs admit that the EU necessary (notably the ease of accessibility,
accession issue, government agendas or media source distribution, electronic and
donors priorities are exerting an influence
printed formats, and availability through pub-
on the performance of their missions, with
lic information centres). Official responses to
only a small number stating that their mission
information requests were also evaluated neg-
is not influenced by them.
atively, with surveyed ECSOs noting that many
Capacity building among the Croatian environ- ECSOs depend on information received from
mental organisations is still mentioned as a unofficial channels and the quality and avail-
need. However, as the ECSOs are more devel- ability of official information is very dependent
oped than in the other SEE countries, capacity on who is asked. In addition ECSOs feel that
building is needed more towards helping the local level authorities have very poor informa-
organisations to increase professionalism or to tion gathering mechanisms and that it is only
expand towards more involved areas such as good in some counties. With regard to
EU accession, self-financing and self-sustain- improving mechanisms to exchange informa-
ability and legal issues. tion with authorities, 85 percent welcomed
physical fora and 82 percent virtual fora.
Organisations employ a small number of full-
or part-time staff, with only one in every 89 Concerning the ECSOs own organisational
being paid, contributing to Croatia having one environment, ECSOs are significant sources
of the lowest totals of paid staff per organisa- of information, with approximately 66 per-
tion in the entire SEE region. Generally cent maintaining collections of environmen-
groups feel that there are a lack of experts tal books, articles, and press releases. More
working in the movement and also not than 55 percent maintain collections of
enough young people willing to join ECSOs. brochures, environmental CD-ROMs, moni-
Thus people working for environmental toring data and statistics. Eighty-two percent
organisations are overloaded and risk burning described their organisation’s knowledge


Main findings: Information and knowledge base

• There is some weakness in the sustainable development and environmental information

available for public consumption, mainly due to the fact that there is no effective system for
its dissemination, at least in their opinion.
• Official information available to ECSOs is found to be of problematic quality (out of date,
poorly presented, or unreliable).
• Distribution of official sustainable development and environment information (both proactive
and passive) is reported as insufficient and improvement is requested by ECSOs.
• Almost all ECSOs welcomed improvements in exchanging information with authorities, both
physical and virtual, at the same time requesting the government’s greater openness to debate
and accountability.
• Croatian ECSOs are significant sources of information, maintaining collections of environ-
mental books, articles, and press releases, besides brochures, environmental CD-ROMs,
monitoring data and statistics, and generally consider their organisation’s knowledge capaci-
ties/skills on the environmental topics they work on as “adequate.” All nevertheless would

welcome additional training to enhance their internal knowledge.
• ECSOs tend to gather secondary information for their work. Around half are equipped with
desktop publishing and database equipment to manage information, and a fifth with GIS.
• Pamphlets, brochures and articles are the most popularly published forms of information. E-
mail and a wealth of non-electronic tools are used by ECSOs to distribute information. Signif-
icant constraints to more widespread distribution cited by ECSOs include limited media
interest and “censorship.”

capacities/skills on the environmental topics ECSOs). One-fifth publish pamphlets. Tele-

they work on as “adequate.” Nevertheless, all phone, fax and e-mail are most often used (by
survey respondents welcomed additional 100 and 98 percent respectively) by respon-
training to enhance their internal knowledge. dent ECSOs to distribute their information.
Popular non-electronic sources include direct
When gathering or researching sustainable
mail, independent newspaper articles or
development and environmental data,
advertisements, posters and demonstrations,
ECSOs in Croatia tend to rely on a diversity
and radio programmes or advertisements (by
of sources, including private contacts, official
government sources, other ECSOs, and trans- approximately 95 percent). Among the chal-
boundary e-mail networks. However, it lenges raised vis-à-vis information handling
appears that few Croatian ECSOs are doing were making reports and other sources that
their own research unless it is funded can be understood. Websites were felt to be
through a specific project. ineffective (few hits) and press conferences
effectiveness depends too much on media
Approximately half of Croatian ECSOs rely on interest, with messages often “filtered.”
desktop publishing equipment and database
equipment to manage information, while as
many as 20 percent rely on GIS tools. Accountability
Brochures and newspaper/periodical articles The review of the current state of public
are the most popularly published forms of accountability in Croatia shows that due to
information (by almost half of Croatian the EU accession process and recent ratifica-


Main findings: Accountability

• Positively, Croatia has official structures for and policy on cooperation with civil society organisa-
tions, reflected by regional partnership committees and the National Foundation for Develop-
ment of Civil Society.
• ECSOs claim that there are no specific rules regarding the selection and delegation of CSO
representatives to different cooperative bodies with the government.
• Authentic cooperation exists with local communities and citizens. Regular contact and activi-
ties are made with municipalities.
• Public lack of trust towards ECSOs can still be found. More visibility and transparency of
their work is needed, including presentation of annual and financial reports. Croatian groups
need to better demonstrate their impact and results.
• Some ECSOs have developed a strategy to work with businesses, though cooperation on ini-
tiatives varies widely from good and constructive to more-or-less sporadic and ad hoc.

• There are enough legal tools to implement the recently adopted Aarhus Convention, but
enforcement remains a problem. As such ECSOs are very critical towards every aspect of
access to information, public participation and access to justice.
• ECSOs say that they face limited access to information, as the practices of delivering information
are weak, information requests tend not to be answered in the required timeframe, or they are
incomplete. Nevertheless, ECSOs are more positive about the environment ministry than other
• A substantial obstacle for exercising Aarhus rights under the environmental impact assess-
ment procedures is the requirement of legal interest for participation in public hearings,
which limits the involvement of ECSOs.
• Access to justice is difficult. It is not always clear to whom to appeal (in a case of limited
access to information, for example).
• ECSOs are the most active on the field of public participation, but less active in making official
information requests. Little has occurred in the field of access to justice.

tion of the Aarhus Convention most of the Aarhus rights in Croatia is the requirement of
horizontal legislation regarding the access to legal interest for the participation in public
information, public participation and access hearings under the environmental impact
to justice has been transposed to the domes- assessment procedures, which limits the
tic laws. However, ECSOs expressed that involvement of ECSOs.
there is an inclination to opt for a minimal
approach to legal requirements from the EU Positively, Croatia has official structures for
directives. As such legal tools exist the pro- and policy on cooperation with civil society
cedural requirements and practical imple- organisations, reflected by regional partner-
mentation are not well developed, especially ship committees and the National Founda-
with regard to access to justice rights. tion for Development of Civil Society. How-
ever, ECSOs say that there are not yet specif-
One substantial obstacle to exercising ic rules regarding the selection and delega-

100 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

tion of CSO representatives to different

cooperative bodies with the government. As
a result they feel that the involvement of
ECSOs is rather ad hoc and not transparent.
Also the factors that are influencing the
development of the legal and administrative
frameworks tend to be external, led by the
EU accession obligations and donor pro-
grammes. The capacity and will of the state
administration should be increased in order
to facilitate cooperation with the movement
to a greater extent.
Croatian ECSOs have developed good modes
of cooperation with different partners, such
as the general public and local communities.
For example, with the local authorities,
ECSOs have managed to link their priorities
with those of locally focussed projects, such

as help to handicapped people and senior
citizens, eco-tourism and nature bicycle
routes, and spatial planning projects. Howev-
er, there are some issues that the environ-
mental groups could address better (like
waste management) and the visibility and
transparency of the work of ECSOs could be
presented further by improved sharing and
publicising of their project results.
ECSOs report that the status of their coopera-
tion with businesses varies from a good and
constructive cooperation at local level to
sporadic and ad hoc with larger companies.
However, much of the cooperation is based
on personal contacts. Good examples
include concrete projects regarding a waste-
water treatment plant and a river coalition on
water management.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 101

Baranja — Association for Peace and Human NGO Society Sovinjak
Rights (Udruženje ‘Baranja’) Udruga Sovinjak
Udruzenje za mir i ljudska prava ‘Baranja’ Sovinjak 11, 52420 Buzet, Croatia
Petefi Sandora 78, 31327 Bilje, Croatia Tel: (385-52) 663-079
Tel: (385-31) 750-608 Fax: (385-52) 602-201
Fax: (385-31) 750-892 E-mail:
Leader: Dario Sirotic, president
Leader: Milorad Nenadovic, president Contact person: Mauro Ivancic, secretary
Contact person: Gordana Stojanovic, director for Year of foundation: 1998
development Year of registration: 2006
Year of foundation: 1994
Type of registration: Association
Year of registration: 1997
Number of employees: 0
Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 58
Number of employees: 7
Number of volunteers: 15
Number of members: 35
Number of volunteers: 4 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000 Source of funding: F7, F9, F10
Source of funding: F1, F2, F6, F10, F11 Main topics: T1, T2, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20,
Main topics: T7, T18 T25, T26
Activities: A1, A7, A12, A17 Activities: A1, A3, A4, A5, A7, A10, A11, A17, A19,

Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), A20, A21
national Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Member of umbrella organisations: Coalition for national
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum
Languages: English Languages: English, Italian
Key publications:
• Anti-discrimination laws in Croatia, senior citizens rights,
guide to managing property in local administrations. C A KOV E C
Nobilis — Eco Association (ZEON)
BJ E LOVA R Zastitarsko-ekoloska organizacija Nobilis
Vrtna 1, Senkovec, 40000 Cakovec, Croatia
Nature and Society — Organisation for Tel: (385-40) 343-646
Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural Fax: (385-40) 343-646
Values (PID) E-mail:
Priroda i drustvo — udruga za promociju Web:
prorodnih, društvenih i kulturnih vrijednosti Leader: Sinisa Golub, director
Jakova Gotovca 50, 43000 Bjelovar, Croatia
Contact person: Ana Bajsic, office manager
Tel: (385-43) 231-522
Year of foundation: 1995
Fax: (385-43) 245-510
E-mail: Year of registration: 2002
Web: Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 2
Leader: Djuro Gavran, president
Number of members: 38
Contact person: Sanja Ursani, authorised member
Number of volunteers: 12
Year of foundation: 2005
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Year of registration: 2006
Source of funding: F2, F5, F6, F9, F10, F11, F12
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0 Main topics: T2, T4, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19,
Number of members: 6 T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Number of volunteers: 6 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 A13, A14, A15, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
Source of funding: F1, F10 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Main topics: T4, T10, T11, T13, T17, T19, T20, T23, T25, T26 national, international
Activities: A2, A3, A6, A7, A20, A24, A25 Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum, Drava
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) League, Green Telephone, Danube Forum
Languages: English, German Languages: English, German, Slovenian

102 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Key publications: D U B ROV N I K

• NOBILIS, published quarterly, 22 editions, 25,000 copies. Croatian Mountaineering Society —
• Thematic brochures and manuals. Dubrovnik (HPD ‘Dubrovnik‘)
• Postcards. Hrvatsko planinarsko drustvo ‘Dubrovnik‘
• Posters and billboards. Brace Andrijica 7
• Green Forum Bulletin, three editions since 2002. P.O. Box 224, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia
• web design: / / Tel: (385-20) 357-535
Fax: (385-20) 321-055
Leader: Kresimir Ivanisevic, president
Cazma Ecological Association Contact person: Mirjana Karaman
Ekoloska udruga Cazma Year of foundation: 1928
Dvadesetsesti lipanj 12, 43 240 Cazma, Croatia Year of registration: 2006
Tel: (385-043) 771-930 Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 201
Leader: Ivo Starcevic, Secretary
Number of volunteers: 201
Year of foundation: 1990
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Year of registration: 1994 Source of funding: F1, F6, F7, F10, F11, F13
Type of registration: Association Main topics: T17
Number of members: 9 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A15,
Number of volunteers: 3

A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Source of funding: FS10 national, international
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian
T14, T15, T16, T17, T19, T20, T22, T24, T25, T26 Mountaineering Association, cooperation with
mountaineering societies from Trebinje (Bosnia and
Activities: A2, A3, A7, A8, A9, A14, A20
Herzegovina), Herceg Novi and Kotor (Montenegro)
Level of activity: local
Languages: English
Languages: English, German, Italian Key publications:
• The Day of Mountaineers of Dalmatia, 2001.
Arteria – Association of Youth (ARTERIA) D U B ROV N I K
Udruga mladih Arteria Dubrovnik Diving Club (DCD)
Augusta Senoe 2, 51300 Delnice, Croatia Ronilacki klub ‘Dubrovnik‘
Tel: (385-51) 814-031 Ivana Zajca 35
Fax: (385-51) 814-014 P.O. Box 245, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia
E-mail: Tel: (385-20) 435-737
Fax: (385-20) 436-951
Leader: Ilija Kezele, president
Leader: Vlaho Radonic, secretary
Contact person: Zarko Niksic Year of foundation: 1964
Year of foundation: 2000 Year of registration: 2006
Year of registration: 2005 Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association Number of employees: 1
Number of employees: 0 Number of members: 135
Number of members: 30 Number of volunteers: 32
Number of volunteers: 10 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Source of funding: F1, F5, F10, F11
Main topics: T17, T19, T26
Source of funding: FS2, FS7, FS9, FS10
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A13, A15
Main topics: T11, T17, T18, T19, T20, T24, T25 Level of activity: regional (region within the country), national
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A13, A17, A25 Member of umbrella organisations: HRS (Croatian Diving
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Association), HOO (Croatian Olympic Board), ZTKH
Member of umbrella organisations: (Association for Technical Culture in Croatia)
Languages: English, German, Italian Languages: English

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 103

Association for Environmental Protection — Paks Ecological Research Society (DEI Paks)
Karlovac(UZO Karlovac) Drustvo za ekoloska istrazivanja Paks
Udruga za zastitu okolisa Karlovac Vojnoviceva 19, 10362 Kasina, Croatia
Krizaniceva 11, 47000 Karlovac, Croatia Tel: (385-1) 205-5682
Tel: (385-47) 615-922 Fax: (385-1) 205-5682
Fax: (385-47) 615-937 E-mail:
E-mail: Leader: Maja Novosel, president
Web: Year of foundation: 1997
Year of registration: N/A
Leader: Danica Benkek, president
Type of registration: Association
Year of foundation: 1996
Number of members: 11
Year of registration: 1996 Main topics: T4, T11, T21, T26
Type of registration: Association Activities: A1, A2, A7, A10, A22
Number of employees: 0 Level of activity: local
Number of members: 765 Languages: English, German
Number of volunteers: more than 1,000
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Source of funding: F1, F7, F9, F10 K LO S TA R I VA N I C
Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T22, Institute for Sustainable Development
T25, T26 Institut za odrzivi razvoj

Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, Kralja Tomislava 28, 10312 Klostar Ivanic, Croatia
A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A22 Tel: (385-1) 660-2056
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), E-mail:
Leader: Hrvoje Sandukcic, president
Languages: English, German, Russian
Year of foundation: 2006
Key publications: Year of registration: 2006
• Collection of papers - all expert lectures and Type of registration: Association
roundtables from 1996-1998. Collections from 1998- Number of employees: 1
2000 and 2000-2004 are in preparation. Number of members: 6
Number of volunteers: 5
Annual budget: Do not know
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F10, F11
Martinscak – Croatian Association of Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T10, T11, T13, T18, T19, T21, T24
Mountaineers, Karlovac (HPD Martinscak) Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14,
Hrvatsko planinarsko drustvo ‘Martinscak’ – A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Vraniczanyeva 2
Languages: English, Esperanto, French, German, Italian
P.O. Box 33, 47000 Karlovac, Croatia
Leader: Antun Petrekanic, secretary Krka Ecological Association of Knin (‘Krka’)
Year of foundation: 1991 Ekoloska udruga ‘Krka’ Knin
Year of registration: 2003 Kralja Tomislava 0, 22300 Knin, Croatia
Type of registration: Association Tel: (385 -22) 660-655
Number of employees: 0 Fax: (385-22) 664-776
Number of members: 150 E-mail: ingak@zamirnet
Number of volunteers: 150 Leader: Ante Burnac, president
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Contact person: Inga Kukolj, secretary
Source of funding: F7, F9, F10 Year of foundation: 2004
Main topics: T2, T3, T11, T17 Year of registration: N/A
Activities: A4, A15 Type of registration: Association
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Number of employees: 0
Member of umbrella organisations: HPS (Croatian Number of members: 11
Association of Mountaineers) Number of volunteers: around 20

104 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Annual budget: EUR 0-500 the Healthy City Network of Croatia with REC, cooperate
Source of funding: F9, F10 with a humanitarian organisation in SEE Europe .
Main topics: T1, T11, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T25, T26 Languages: English
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A7, A10, A11, A14, A17, A25 Key publications:
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) • Prevention of Smoking, created in cooperation with
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum NGO Healthy City Dubrovnik.
Languages: English, French • Ethnographical Collection from Neretva Delta, by Ivan
Juric, Metkovic.
Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation M E T KOV I C
(Eko-Eko) Youth Association of Metkovic –
Eko-Eko Komin Collective (Kolektiv, Collective)
Bana Josipa Jelacica 13, 20344 Komin, Croatia Udruga mladih grada Metkovica ‘Kolektiv‘
Tel: (385-20) 688-200 Trg kralja Tomislava 2, 20350 Metkovic, Croatia
Fax: (385-20) 688-200 Tel: (385-98) 344-512
E-mail: E-mail:
Leader: Goran Zolnaic, president Web:
Contact person: Zdeslav Medak Leader: Mario Jurkovic, president
Year of foundation: 1998 Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2002 Year of registration: 2006

Type of registration: Association Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 40 Number of employees: 0
Number of volunteers: 20 Number of members: 57
Source of funding: F1
Number of volunteers: 35
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T14, T15, T16,
Annual budget: No budget
T17, T25
Source of funding: F7, F9, F10
Activities: A2, A4, A10, A14, A19, A25
Main topics: T4, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A13, A14, A17, A20, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum
Languages: English, German
Languages: English


NGO Metkovic Healthy Town Motovun Eco-town

(Metkovic Healthy Town) Motovun eko-grad
Nevladina udruga Metković – Zdravi grad Bataj 16, 52424 Motovun, Croatia
Stjepana Radica 1, 20350 Metkovic, Croatia Tel: (385-52) 616-644
Tel: (385-20) 681-979 Fax: (385-52) 616-644
Fax: (385-20) 681-979 E-mail:
E-mail: Leader: Miroslav Kis, president
Leader: Asja Cvitanivioc, president Year of foundation: 2006
Year of foundation: 1998 Year of registration: 2006
Year of registration: 1998 Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association Number of employees: 0
Number of employees: 0 Number of members: 5
Number of members: 90 Number of volunteers: 2
Number of volunteers: 90 Annual budget: No budget
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Source of funding: F10, F13
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F10 Main topics: T1, T4, T10, T11, T13, T17, T19, T20, T21
Main topics: T1, T4, T11, T13, T17, T19, T21, T24, T25 Activities: A2, A3, A7, A10, A11, A14, A22, A24, A25
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A7, A11, A13, A14, A17, A19, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
A20, A21, A22 international
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Member of umbrella organisations: Board of Protection
national, international of the Adriatic from Uncontrollable Urbanisation
Member of umbrella organisations: Involved in work with Languages: English

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 105

Eco-organisation Argonauta (Argonauta) Zmergo Eco Group (ED Zmergo)
Ekoloska udruga Argonauta Ekolosko drustvo ZMERGO
Murterskih iseljenika 9a, 22243 Murter, Croatia Viktora Cara Emina 1
Tel: (385-91) 303-3031 P.O. Box 72, 51410 Opatija, Croatia
Tel: (385-51) 271-459
Fax: (385-22) 435-916
Fax: (385-51) 271-459
E-mail: E-mail:
Leader: Duska Peric, president
Leader: Martina Markov Podvinski, president Contact person: Nikola Tojaga, member
Year of foundation: 2005 Year of foundation: 1994
Year of registration: 2005 Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Association Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0 Number of employees: 1
Number of members: 30 Number of members: 68
Number of volunteers: 42
Number of volunteers: 30
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F5, F6, F7, F11, F13
Source of funding: F1, F7, F9, F10 Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T8, T10, T11, T12, T13, T15,
Main topics: T4, T11, T17, T19, T21, T25 T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A14, A20, A24 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,

Level of activity: national A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian Diving Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Association national, international
Languages: English, German Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian Green
Telephone Network
Languages: English, German, Italian, Slovenian
N OVA G R A D I S K A Key publications:
• Fermaj, eco-monthly magazine, 1995-2001.
Fountain Ecological Syndicate • Catalogue for the exhibition “Eco Posters,” 1996.
Ekoloska udruga ‘Izvor’ • Catalogue for photo exhibition “Zmergo Coastal Eco
Slavonskih granicara 3/1, 35400 Nova Gradiska, Trail,” 2000.
Croatia • Manual Environmental Lobbying, 2002.
Tel: (385-091) 560-3919 • Manual Let’s Reduce Organic Waste, 2002.
E-mail: • Manual Green Lesson in School, 2002 and 2003.
Web: • Manual Green Lesson in School, CD-ROM, 2003.
• Green Telephone: County Postcards, 2003 and 2004.
Leader: Damir Ivosevic, president • Manual: Composting in Local Community, CD-ROM,
Contact person: Ninko Kapetanic, secretary 2004.
Year of foundation: 1999 • Guide to Composting, 2005.
Year of registration: 2005 • Green Telephone Network: Comparative Analysis
Type of registration: Association between EU and Croatian Standards in Waste
Number of employees: 0 Management, 2005.
• Short film: European Day Without Cars, 2005.
Number of members: 31
Number of volunteers: 31
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 OPUZEN
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7, F10
Waterbird – NGO for Protection
Main topics: T11, T17, T21, T25, T26
of the Natural and Cultural Heritage
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A7, A10, A14, A20
of the Lower Neretva River (‘Vodomar’)
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Udruga za zastitu prirodne i kulturne bastine
Key publications:
donjeg toka Neretve ‘Vodomar’
• Ecological magazine November, published 2001, Crepina 44, 20355 Opuzen, Croatia
financed by OSCE, distributed free of charge in all Tel: (385-20) 671-745
elementary schools and high schools in the Nova Fax: (385-20) 672-631
Gradiska surroundings. No funding is securred for E-mail:;
future editions.

106 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Leader: Davorka Kitonic, president Tel: (385-31) 565-180

Year of foundation: 2004 Fax: (385-31) 565-182
Year of registration: 2006 E-mail:
Type of registration: Association Web:,
Number of employees: 0 Leader: Jasmin Sadikovic, president
Number of members: 25 Contact person: Jasmin Sadikovic
Number of volunteers: 25 Year of foundation: 1995
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000 Year of registration: N/A
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F10 Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, Number of employees: 2
T25, T26 Number of members: 60
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A9, A10, A14, A15, A21, A22, A25 Number of volunteers: 200
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
national, international Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6
Languages: English, German Main topics: T3, T4, T10, T11, T12, T17, T18, T19, T21,
Key publications: T25, T26
• Neretva in My Eyes and Heart, 2005. Activities: A4, A6, A7, A10, A14, A15, A20
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Telephone
Network, Green Forum
Compost Centre Osijek (Compost) Languages: English, German
Centar za kompost Osijek

Ljudevita Posavskog 14a, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Tel: (385-31) 311-133 OSIJEK
Fax: (385-31) 311-133 Osijek Greens (OZ)
E-mail: Osjecki zeleni — slobodni pokret
Web: D. Neumana 10, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Leader: Mira Jelcic, president Tel: (385-31) 201-599
Contact person: Mira Jelcic Fax: (385-31) 201-599
Year of foundation: 1999 E-mail:
Year of registration: 2000 Web:
Type of registration: Association Leader: Ljiljanka Mitos-Svoboda, president
Number of employees: Year of foundation: 1997
Number of members: 55 Year of registration: 1997
Number of volunteers: 150 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Number of employees: 1
Source of funding: F1, F3, F7, F10, F13 Number of members: 30
Main topics: T1, T4, T6, T7, T10, T11, T15, T17, T18, T19, Number of volunteers: 10-15
T20, T21, T23, T24, T25 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A7, A10, A13, A14, A19, A20, A21, Source of funding: F1, F6, F10, F11
A22, A25 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T15,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), T16, T17, T19, T20, T25, T26
national, international Activities: A2, A3, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A14, A17, A18,
Languages: German A19, A20, A21, A22, A25
Key publications: Level of activity: regional (region within the country),
• Leaflet: “Nature Doesn’t Know Waste,” 1998, 2000, national
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005. Languages: English
• Poster: Let’s Compost Together, 2002.
• Small manual for composting, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.

OSIJEK Association of Friends of Historical, Cultural
Green Osijek Ecological Association and Natural Heritage ‘Pagania’ Bacina (UPB)
(Zeleni Osijek, Green Osijek) Udruga prijatelja povijesne, kulturne i prirodne
Ekolosko drustvo Zeleni Osijek baštine ‘Pagania‘ Bacina
Opatijska 26f S. Radica 7, 20340 Ploce, Croatia
P.O. Box 31000, 31000 Osijek, Croatia Tel: (385-20) 679-253

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 107

E-mail: Number of employees: 0

Number of members: 90
Leader: Vanja Franic, vice president
Number of volunteers: 5
Contact person: Ivo Marinovic, president
Annual budget: No budget
Year of foundation: 2002
Source of funding: F7, F9, F10
Year of registration: 2002
Main topics: T4, T11, T17, T19, T21
Type of registration: Association
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A7, A14, A19, A20, A21
Number of members: 28
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Number of volunteers: 50
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Member of umbrella organisations: cooperation with Eco
Source of funding: F1, F6, F13
Kvarner and Blue Wave NGOs
Main topics: T2, T11, T13, T17, T18, T21, T24, T25, T26
Languages: German
Activities: A3, A7, A19, A21 Key publications:
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) • Ecological paper for students of elementary schools of
Member of umbrella organisations: Local Dubravacko-Neretvanska County.
Languages: English • Our Beautiful Neretva, published annually since 2001.
• Through daily papers and local radio, we often
P LO C E familiarise our citizens with some of the most difficult
Eco-organisation ‘Twister‘ Bacina
(Pijavica Bacina)
Ekoloska udruga ‘Pijavica‘ Bacina POREC

Bacinska jezera 22, 20340 Ploce, Croatia Larus — Association for Sustainable
Tel: (385-20) 679-1155 Development and Protection of Seas
Fax: (385-20) 679-1155 and Coasts (Larus)
E-mail: Larus - Udruga za odrzivi razvoj i zastitu mora i
Web: priobalja
Leader: Toni Krilic, president Massa Lombarda 14, 52440 Porec, Croatia
Contact person: Toni Krilic Tel: (385-98) 634-403
Year of foundation: 2003 Fax: (385-52) 453-487
Year of registration: 2003 E-mail:
Type of registration: Association Leader: Dr. Barbara Sladonja, president
Number of employees: 0 Year of foundation: 1999
Number of members: 40 Year of registration: 1999
Number of volunteers: 5 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: No budget Number of employees: 0
Source of funding: F7, F10 Number of members: 15
Main topics: T11, T17, T21, T25, T26 Number of volunteers: 1
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A7, A14 Annual budget: No budget
Level of activity: local Source of funding: F1, F7
Languages: English Main topics: T1, T4, T11, T17, T20, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A7, A8, A9
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Languages: English, Italian
Nature Friends Movement
‘Our Beautiful Homeland,‘ Ploce
Pokret prijatelja prirode ‘Lijepa Nasa‘,
Ogranak Ploce Green Istria (Zelena Istra)
Vukovarska ulica 25, 20340 Ploce, Croatia ‘Zelena Istra‘
Tel: (385-20) 678-823, (385-20) 679-703 Gajeva 3, 52100 Pula, Croatia
Fax: (385-20) 679-062 Tel: (385-52) 506-065
E-mail: Fax: (385-52) 506-065
Leader: Ana Musa, president E-mail:
Contact person: Ana Musa Web:
Year of foundation: 1996 Leader: Dusica Radojcic, president
Year of registration: 2001. Year of foundation: 1995
Type of registration: Association Year of registration: 2004

108 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Type of registration: Association RIJEKA

Number of employees: 5 Centre for Sustainable
Number of members: 113 Development-Pernat Ecopark (C.O.R.)
Number of volunteers: 10 Centar za odrzivi razvoj Ekopark Pernat
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000 A. Kovacica 8, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F10 Tel: (385-51) 513-010
Main topics: T4, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T21, T23, Fax: (385-51) 513-010
T24, T25, T26 E-mail:
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, Web:
A14, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A24, A25 Leader: Mario Slosar, president
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Contact person: Marijan Vejvoda, board president
national, international Year of foundation: 1999
Year of registration: 2004
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum
Type of registration: Association
network of environmental organisations, Green Telephone
Number of employees: 0
network in Croatia, Adriatic Greenet network of Number of members: 45
environmental organisations in Northern Adriatic, new Number of volunteers: 10
NGO forum - Environmental Organisations Network in Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
South Eastern Europe within framework of The European Source of funding: F1, F5, F7, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13
Environmental Bureau Main topics: T10, T11, T18, T19, T21
Activities: A6, A7, A10, A11, A19, A24

Languages: English, Italian
Key publications: Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
• <>, daily.
• <>, twice weekly. RIJEKA
• NGO Bulletin ZINFO, monthly.
Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research and
• Project publications (i.e. leaflets, prospects, booklets,
Educational Centre for Nature Protection
posters), approximately 10 publications annually. (ECCIB)
Eko-centar Caput Insulae-Beli, istrazivacko-
R AVA edukacijski centar za zastitu prirode
Ede Jardasa 35, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Mala Rava — Association of Olive Growers Tel: (385-51) 840-525
Udruga maslinara Mala Rava Fax: (385-51) 621-877
Mala Rava bb, 23283 Rava, Croatia E-mail:
Tel: (385-98) 172-3432 Web:
E-mail: Leader: Goran Susic, president
Leader: Miljenko Simicic, president Year of foundation: 1995
Contact person: Dubravka Cmelic Year of registration: 1998
Year of foundation: 1999 Type of registration: Association
Year of registration: 1999 Number of employees: 9
Type of registration: Association Number of members: 325
Number of volunteers: 275
Number of employees: 0
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Number of members: 30 Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS5, FS6, FS7, FS9, FS11, FS13
Number of volunteers: 30 Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T5, T11, T17, T18, T19, T21
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A15, A19, A21,
Source of funding: F6, F10 A22, A24
Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T11, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Activities: A1, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A15, A17, national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum
A20, A22, A23, A24
Languages: English, Italian
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Key publications:
Member of umbrella organisations: Ministry of • Freshwater Puddles on Cres Island, 1995, Croatian and
Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Town of English.
Zadar, REC - Croatia, UNDP, GEF-Coast Project • Griffon Vultures on Cres Island, 1998, Croatian and
Languages: English English.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 109

• Tramuntana – History and Art in Nature, 2000, Croatian, Year of registration: 1992
English, German and Italian. Type of registration: Association
• Tramuntana. Heritage for the Future. Revitalization of Number of employees: 1
Tramuntana. Followed by Protecting Nature, Culture and Number of members: 3,000
Traditional Economic Values, 2000. Number of volunteers: 35
• 5. Tramuntana: Through Ancient Forest to our Origins Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
• 2006, Croatian, English, German and Italian. Source of funding: F2, F7, F9, F10
• 6. Tramuntana: Ethnological Heritage, 2006. Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T23, T24
• 7. Island Cres: Unique Combination of old Times and Activities: A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A11, A13, A14, A19, A20,
Nature, 2005, Croatian and English. A21, A25
• 8. Magic of the forest: Playing in Nature, 2006. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
• 9. Labrynths of Tramuntana: Return to Humanity and Key publications:
Nature, 2006, Croatian and English • The Sushak Magazine is a messenger of culture and
• 10. Tree - My Friend, a working manual for the Nature social gatherings for the entire Croatian coast, the
School program. Kvarner Islands and Gorski Kotar. Public figures from
our town or immediate area are interviewed, all
significant theatrical, musical, urban, architectural,
RIJEKA artistic or economic gatherings are reported. 1,500
copies are published three times per year.
Society for Animal Protection Rijeka
Društvo za zastitu zivotinja Rijeka SA M O B O R

Velebitska 1
P.O. Box 326, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Caving Club Samobor (SKS)
Tel: (385-51) 675-697, (385-98) 649-939 Speleoloski klub ‘Samobor’
Fax: (385-51) 216-601 Starogradska 15, 10430 Samobor, Croatia
E-mail: Web:
Leader: Zdenka Jelovcan, president Leader: Dr. Nenad Buzjak, president
Year of foundation: 1996 Year of foundation: 2000
Year of registration: 2004 Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Association Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0 Number of members: 38
Number of members: 300 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Number of volunteers: 12 Source of funding: F5, F9, F10, F11
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T17, T25
Source of funding: F1, F6, F9, F10 Activities: A2, A7, A10, A11, A15, A21, A22
Main topics: T3 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Activities: A7, A10, A14 national
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian
Member of umbrella organisations: Cooperation with Speleological Association
Languages: English
similar societies - Mijau, Lunjo, Maza, etc. , OIPA, SPANA,
Languages: English, Italian S I SA K
Nature Centre — Old Drencina
RIJEKA Centar u prirodi — Stara Drencina
Sushak Citizens Club Stara Drencina 107, 44000 Sisak, Croatia
Klub Susacana — Vanstranacko udruzenje Tel: (385-44) 717-017
gradana Fax: (385-44) 717-017
Rackoga 1b, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia E-mail:
Tel: (385-051) 37-320 Leader: Svjetlana Moric, president
Fax: (385-051) 37-322 Contact person: Svjetlana Moric
E-mail: Year of foundation: 2004
Web: Year of registration: 2004
Leader: Zdravko Ciro Kovacic, president Type of registration: Association
Contact person: Igor Koprivnikar, president of the Number of members: 70
executive board Number of volunteers: 13
Year of foundation: 1992 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000

110 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Source of funding: F1, F10, F13 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000

Main topics: T11, T17, T18, T21 Source of funding: F5, F7, F9, F13
Activities: A1, A6, A7, A14, A19 Main topics: T1, T4, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T26
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A9, A10, A13
Languages: English, German Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum,
Danube Forum, Danube Forum
S L AVO N S K I B RO D Key publications:
Earth — Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia • Educational Trail in the Gajna Area.
(BEUZ) • Production and distribution of eco calendars.
Brodska ekoloska udruga Zemlja
Slavonija 6/1 SPLIT
P.O. Box 336, 35000 Slavonski Brod, Croatia
Tel: (385-35) 452-511 Croatian War Veterans Association of the
Fax: (385-35) 411-256 city of Split (UHRV grada Splita)
E-mail: Udruga hrvatskih ratnih veterana grada Splita
Web: Bana Josipa Jelacica 4/I, 21000 Split, Croatia
Leader: Jasna Medverec, president Tel: (385-21) 346-836
Contact person: Tomislav Lukic, vice president Fax: (385-21) 346-836
Year of foundation: 2004 E-mail:
Year of registration: 2004 Leader: Nikola Bekavac, president

Type of registration: Association Contact person: Goran Smolic, secretary
Number of employees: 0 Year of foundation: 1991
Number of members: 400 Year of registration: 2002
Number of volunteers: 50 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Number of members: 1,293
Source of funding: FS1, FS5, FS6, FS7, FS9, FS10 Number of volunteers: 1,293
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T10, T11, T12, T13, Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24 Source of funding: F1, F9, F10
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T17, T19
A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, Activities: A2, A7, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A23
A24, A25 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Member of umbrella organisations: Community of all
national, international Croatian veterans and patriots of the homeland war,
Member of umbrella organisations: Coalition of Green Society ‘Veliki Tabor’ Desinic, Star village ‘Mosor’, NGO ‘Us’
Activist Groups Languages: English
Languages: English, German
Key publications:
• Eco Picture of Our Homeland, a regular column in SPLIT
weekly magazine Posavska Hrvatska, 60 issues. Mornar Underwater Research Club
(P.I.K. ‘Mornar’)
S L AVO N S K I B RO D Podvodno istrazivacki klub ‘Mornar’
Ecological Society of Brod (BED) Uvala Baluni b.b.
Brodsko ekolosko drustvo P.O. Box 4500, 21000 Split, Croatia
Trg hrvatskog proljeca 1 Tel: (385-21) 398-633
P.O. Box 203, 35000 Slavonski Brod, Croatia Fax: (385-21) 398-633
Tel: (385-35) 445-421 E-mail:
Fax: (385-35) 446-023 Web:
E-mail: Leader: Neven Katic, president
Leader: Simo Benes, president Contact person: Ivan Bronzovic, secretary
Year of foundation: 1989 Year of foundation: 1958
Year of registration: 1998 Year of registration: N/A
Type of registration: Association Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0 Number of employees: 2
Number of members: 143 Number of members: 145
Number of volunteers: 40 Number of volunteers: 80

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 111

Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Number of members: 103

Source of funding: F2, F7, F10, F11, F12, F13 Number of volunteers: 31
Main topics: T4, T11, T17, T19, T21 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A7, A8, A10, A21, A22, A24 Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7, F8, F10
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T20,
national T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian Diving Activities: A1, A2, A7, A8, A9, A11, A13, A14, A15, A17,
Association, Croatian Association of Tehnical Culture A19, A20, A21, A25
Ministry of Culture — State Conservatory Department Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Languages: English, German national, international
Key publications: Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum and
• Seaman to the Sea. Drava League
• Clay Pipes of Cape Sustipan. Languages: English, German, Slovenian
• The Caps of Antic Amforas. Key publications:
• Forest Jelacicka, 2000.
• Bilingual guide How to Communicate with Media and
SUNJA Institutions, 2004.
Harmonious Alternative Association (USA) • Drava Educational-Tourist Trail, 2006.
• Wetland Story, 2006.
Udruga složne alternative
• Co-authors, brochure Research and Comparison of EU
Kneza Ljudevita Posavskog 6c, 44210 Sunja, Croatia
and Croatian Standards in Waste Management, 2005.
Tel: (385-91) 598-3565

Leader: Tihomir Gorsa, president V E L I LO S I N J
Year of foundation: 2006 Blue World — Institute for Marine Research
Year of registration: 2006
and Conservation (Plavi svijet, Blue World)
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0
Plavi svijet — Institut za istrazivanje i zastitu mora
Number of members: 5
Kastel 24
Number of volunteers: 20
P.O. Box 14, 51551 Veli Losinj, Croatia
Annual budget: No budget
Tel: (385-51) 604-666
Fax: (385-51) 604-668
Source of funding: F10
Main topics: T1, T4, T10, T11, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T20,
T21, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A15, A16, Leader: Drasko Holcer, president
A17, A20, A22, A24 Contact person: Jelena Jovanovic, vice president
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Year of foundation: 1999
national, international Year of registration: 2000
Languages: English Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 2
Number of members: 12
VA R A Z D I N Number of volunteers: 600
Franjo Koscec — Society for Human Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Source of funding: F1, F7, F9, F11
Environment Protection and Improvement Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T13, T17, T19
(NGO ‘Franjo Koscec‘) Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A15,
Udruga za zastitu i unapredjenje covjekovog A19, A22
okolisa ‘Franjo Koscec‘ Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Augusta Senoe 10a 42000 Varazdin, Croatia national, international
Tel: (385-42) 320-357
Fax: (385-42) 320-359
Web: Green Action Micevec (ZAM)
Leader: Dora Radosavljevic, president Zelena akcija Micevec
Year of foundation: 1998 Jankoviceva 14, Micevec
Year of registration: 1998 P.O. Box 0, 10410 Velika Gorica, Croatia
Type of registration: Association Tel: (385-1) 6232-372
Number of employees: 7 Fax: (385-1) 6609 012

112 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

E-mail:; Type of registration: Association

Web: Number of members: 30
Leader: Vladimir Starkelj, president of the board Number of volunteers: 30
Contact person: Vladimir Starkelj Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Year of foundation: 2000 Source of funding: F1, F5, F10
Year of registration: 2000 Main topics: T17
Type of registration: Association Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A19, A21
Number of employees: 0 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Number of members: 144
Number of volunteers: 144 VRANJIC
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Source of funding: F1, F9, F10 Beagles of Asbestos — Society of Asbestos
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T10, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, Affected Persons (Biglovi azbesta)
T21, T25, T26 Drustvo oboljelih od azbestne bolesti i ostalih
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A14, A15, zrtava azbesta
A16, A19, A20, A21, A25 H. Kraljice Jelene 11, 21211 Vranjic, Croatia
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Tel: (385-098) 223-187
Languages: English Fax: (385-21) 247-104
Leader: Andelko Grubic, president
V I ROV I T I C A Year of foundation: 2005
Year of registration: 2005

Nature Society ‘Drava’ Type of registration: Association
Prirodoslovno drustvo ‘Drava’ Number of members: 52
Petra Berislavica 19, 33000 Virovitica, Croatia Number of volunteers: 52
Tel: (385-33) 730-522 Annual budget: No budget
E-mail: Source of funding: FS7, FS10
Web: Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T22, T25
Leader: Miroslav Kolesaric, president Activities: A2, A5, A6, A7, A12, A14, A15, A16, A19
Contact person: Ivan Darko Grlica, secretary Level of activity: national, international
Year of foundation: 1996 Member of umbrella organisations: SSSH, NSH, Ministry
Year of registration: 1998 of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Health, Ministry of
Type of registration: Association Economy, International Organisation of Work protection
Number of employees: 0 Languages: English
Number of members: 15
Number of volunteers: 15
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Source of funding: F1, F6, F10 Green Network of Activist Groups
Main topics: T3, T4, T17, T19 (ZMAG, GNAG)
Activities: A2, A6, A7, A10, A14, A15, A20, A22 Zelena mreza aktivistickih grupa
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Vukomeric 23/4, 10418 Vukomeric Dubranec,
national, international Croatia
Member of umbrella organisations: Drava League Tel: (385-91) 535-1643
Languages: English Fax: (385-1) 482-0094
Leader: Drazen Simlesa, coordinator
Virovitica Ecological Society (EDV) Year of foundation: 2002
Ekolosko drustvo Virovitica Year of registration: 2004
Pejaceviceva, 33000 Virovitica, Croatia Type of registration: Association
Tel: (385-033) 728-715 Number of members: 25
Fax: (385-033) 740-001 Number of volunteers: 60
E-mail: Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Leader: Nedeljka Zupanic, president Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F9, F10, F11, F13
Contact person: Katica Kovacevic, bookkeeper Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T10, T11, T13, T15, T16, T17,
Year of foundation: 1989 T18, T19, T20, T24, T25, T26
Year of registration: 1998 Activities: A1, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A17, A19, A20, A21

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 113

Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Number of volunteers: 10
national, international Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Languages: English Source of funding: F1, F6, F9, F10
Key publications: Main topics: T1, T11, T18, T19, T20
• Breeding Californian Worms - Production and
Activities: A2, A7, A11, A21
Application of Humus, by Stjepan Mandek, 2003.
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
• Permaculture - Guide for Beginners, by Graham Burnett,
2004. Languages: English, German, Russian
• Eliminating Waste, by Bruno Motik, 2005. Key publications:
• Green Energy, by Bruno Motik, 2005. • In the last five years, European House Vukovar has
published 16 brochures, the monograph Vukovar 1991-
2001, and 15 leaflets including Eco Agriculture, Eco
Farming, Fighting Damaging Agricultural Species by
Eco-Cultural Union Vukovar Using Natural Substances, Compost, and Humus made
(EKS VUKOVAR) by Californian Worms.
Eko-kulturni-savez Vukovar
Kralja Zvonimira 78/2, 32010 Vukovar, Croatia
Tel: (385-32) 422-458 Z A DA R
Fax: (385-32) 422-458 Eko Zadar — Association for Organic
Farming and Environment Protection
Leader: Dragana Draskovic, president

Year of foundation: 2006

Year of registration: 2006 Eko Zadar - Udruga za promicanje ekoloske
Type of registration: Association proizvodnje hrane i zastitu okolisa
Number of employees: 0 Vlahe Paljetka 2, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Number of members: 20 Tel: (385 -23) 300-120
Number of volunteers: 5 Fax: (385 -23) 300-119
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F6, F7, F11, F13
Main topics: T1, T7, T11, T18, T19, T20, T21
Web: uner construction
Activities: A1, A2, A7, A10, A11, A14, A17, A19, A20, Leader: Ira Beram, president
A21, A22 Contact person: Lili Zivkovic, secretary
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Year of foundation: 1999
Member of umbrella organisations: Biopa Osijek, LEDA Year of registration: 2006
Vinkovci, REC Zagreb
Type of registration: Association
Languages: English
Number of employees: 2
Key publications:
• Booklet: Principles of Sustainable Agriculture in Vukovar- Number of members: 50
Srijem and Osijek-Baranja County. Number of volunteers: 10
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F6, F10, F12
Main topics: T1, T2, T11, T12, T13, T15, T17, T19, T23,
Europe House Vukovar (EDVU) T24, T25
Europski dom Vukovar Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A7, A9, A10, A14, A17,
Ljudevita Gaja 12, 32000 Vukovar, Croatia A19, A21
Tel: (385-32) 450-096 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Fax: (385-32) 450-098 Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum, Green
Telephone Network
Languages: English
Leader: Ljiljana Gehrecke, president
Key publications:
Contact person: Dijana Antunovic Lazic, secretary
• Revitalization of the Zadar County Outback with
Year of foundation: 2000
Year of registration: 2004 Ecological Food Production, 2004.
Type of registration: Association • Ecological Olive Farming, 2005.
Number of employees: 1 • Smaller brochures, postcards, and stickers regarding
Number of members: 96 various activities.

114 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Z AG R E B Fax: (385-1) 456-5630

Angels Without Wings (ABK) E-mail:
Andjeli Bez Krila Web:
Prekratova 29, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Leader: Alica Bajic, president
Tel: (385-91) 180-1922 Year of foundation: 1965
E-mail: Year of registration: 1998
Web: Type of registration: Association
Leader: Marko Rupcic Number of employees: 0
Year of foundation: 2006 Number of members: 225
Year of registration: N/A Number of volunteers: 100
Number of employees: 1 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Number of members: 2 Source of funding: F1, F2, F10
Number of volunteers: 2 Main topics: T2, T6, T10, T11, T12, T17
Annual budget: No budget Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A11, A14, A21, A22
Source of funding: F9 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T10, T11, T12, T14, national, international
T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T25, T26 Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian Nature
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A12, A13, Society
A16, A17, A22, A24, A25 Languages: English, German
Level of activity: local Key publications:
Languages: English, Esperanto • Meterological Magazine, regular.

• 150 Years of Meterological Monitoring in Croatia, 2002.
Z AG R E B • In Shelter of Sun and Sea - The Climate Monography of
Zadar, 2005.
Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA
Hrvatsko herpetolosko drustvo - HYLA Z AG R E B
Raducka 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: (385-91) 723-0189, (385-98) 581 886 The Dolphin Dream Society (DDS)
E-mail: Dupinov san
Web: Grada Mainza 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Leader: Dragica Salamon, president Tel: (385-1) 3758 222
Contact person: Marija Kuljeric, vice president Fax: (385-1) 3758 223
Year of foundation: 1997 E-mail:
Year of registration: 2004 Web:
Type of registration: Association
Leader: Goran Stojanovic, director
Number of employees: 0
Number of members: 26 Contact person: Kristina Margetic, project assistant
Number of volunteers: 26 Year of foundation: 2001
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Year of registration: 2005
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F9, F10, F11, F13 Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T3, T4, T17, T22, T23, T25, T26 Number of employees: 2
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A7, A10, A11, A15, A19, A20, Number of members: 252
A21, A22, A24 Number of volunteers: 12
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
national, international
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F13
Languages: English, German
Main topics: T4, T8, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24
Key publications:
• Manual: Snakes of Croatia Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A13, A14, A17, A20, A21,
• Monitoring of Amphibians, books and CD. A23, A24
• Posters, T-shirts, calendars, a volunteer’s manual. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum, REC
Z AG R E B Languages: English
Croatian Meteorological Society (HMD) Key publications:
Hrvatsko meteorolosko društvo • Dolphin Dream (Croatian, English, Hungarian), 2001,
Gric 3, HR 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 2003.
Tel: (385-1) 456-5682 • The Man That Planted Life, 2004.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 115

Ecological Society Zumberak (EDZ) Green Action (ZA)
Ekolosko drustvo Zumberak Zelena akcija
Baradin prilaz 9, 10010 Zagreb, Croatia Frankopanska 1
Tel: (385-1) 663-7622 P.O. Box 952, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: (385-1) 481-3096
Fax: (385-1) 481-3096
Leader: Josip Sintic, president E-mail:
Year of foundation: 1994 Web:
Year of registration: N/A Leader: Daniela Jovanova Ivankovic, executive director
Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 1990
Number of members: 170 Year of registration: 2006
Number of volunteers: 200 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Number of employees: 10
Source of funding: F1, F7, F10 Number of members: 250
Number of volunteers: 20
Main topics: T11, T17, T25
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A13, A14, A19, A22
Source of funding: F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F9, F10
Level of activity: local Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15,
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum T16, T17, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T25, T26
Languages: English, Slovenian Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,

A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A24, A25

Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Z AG R E B national, international
Eleonora — Society for Protection of Nature Member of umbrella organisations: Green Forum, Forum
and Environment (Udruga ‘Eleonora’) of the Civil Society, Green Phone Network, SEEENN,
Udruga za zastitu prirode i okolisa ‘Eleonora’ FoEI, GEF, SEEENN, SEEYN, MedNet, Energy Brigades,
Pohorska 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Mountain Forum, Danube Environmental Forum, Earth Day
Tel: (385-91) 487-3114 Network
E-mail: Languages: English
Leader: Vlatka Scetaric, president Key publications:
Year of foundation: 2001 • Burin, the solar info center bulletin, bi-monthly.
Year of registration: 2001 • Green Phone bulletin, monthly.
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0 Z AG R E B
Number of members: 45
Number of volunteers: 100
Living Earth — Association for Eco-agriculture,
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Rural Development and Environmental
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F10, F11 Protection (Living Earth)
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, ŽIVA ZEMLJA - udruga za ekolosku
T24, T25, T26 poljoprivredu, ruralni razvitak i zastitu okolisa
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A14, A15, A17, Ul.. grada Vukovara 238, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
A19, A20, A21, A22
Tel: (385-1) 615-3037
Fax: (385-1) 615-3037
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international Web:
Languages: English, German, Slovenian
Leader: Zlata Nanic, president
Key publications:
Year of foundation: 1995
• Kosac - Mystery Bird of the Wetlands, 2003.
Year of registration: 2006
• Mljetske Blatine, 2003.
Type of registration: Association
• Birds of Delta Neretva, 2004. Number of employees: 1
• Open Sea Islands, 2005. Number of members: 200
• Agriculture for Life, 2005. Number of volunteers: 5-10
• Butterflies - A Vanishing Beauty, 2006. Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
• In the Territory of the Eleonora Hawk, 2006. Source of funding: F1, F7, F9, F10

116 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Main topics: T1, T18, T19 Leader: Dr. Ante Kutle, president
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A21 Contact person: Ana-Marija Paic, secretary
Level of activity: national Year of foundation: 1990
Languages: English Year of registration: 2002
Key publications: Type of registration: Association
• The association published the Croatian edition of the Number of employees: 4
Moon Harvest Calendar, 1996 to 2004. Since 2000, we Number of members: about 5,000 physical and 350 legal
have published Living Earth magazine that, depending persons
on funds, is published two to four times per year. Number of volunteers: several hundred
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Source of funding: F1, F7, F9, F10
Z AG R E B Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group — T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Association for Wildlife Research and Pro- A13, A15, A20, A21, A22, A24
tection (Grupa Sredozemna Medvjedica) Level of activity: national, international
Grupa Sredozemna Medvjedica - Udruga za Member of umbrella organisations: Foundation for
istrazivanje i zastitu prirode Environmental Education (FEE)
Kresimirov trg, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Languages: English, German
Tel: (385-1) 4611-864 Key publications:
Fax: (385-1) 4611-864 • Soil Science in Environmental Protection,
E-mail: • Croatian Heritage Breeds of Dogs,

Leader: Jasna Antolovic, president • Ionisating Radiation in Everyday Life,
Year of foundation: 1998 • Basic Environmental Law,
• Forest Trees and Shrubs with Edible Fruits,
Year of registration: N/A
• Chemistry in Agriculture,
Type of registration: Association
• Istrian Cattle,
Number of members: 67
• Introduction to Global Ecology,
Number of volunteers: 67
• Soils in Croatia,
Annual budget: No budget
• Responsibility for Life,
Source of funding: F1, F5, F7, F9
• That Divine God’s World,
Main topics: T3, T4, T5, T11, T12, T13, T14, T16, T17, T18,
• Ionizating Radiation – Latest News and Application.
T19, T21, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,
A14, A15, A19, A20, A21, A22 Z AG R E B
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
ODRAZ — Sustainable Community
Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian Ecological Development (ODRAZ)
Society, Croatian Biological Society ODRAZ - Odrzivi razvoj zajednice
Languages: English, Italian Ljudevita Posavskog 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Key publications: Tel: (385-1) 4655-203
• Booklet: Monachus No Nachus, in print continuously Fax: (385-1) 4655-200
since 1999. E-mail:
• Poster: Monachus No Nachus, in print continuously Web:
since 1997. Leader: Lidija Pavic-Rogosic, director
• Informative postcard about Monachus monitoring Year of foundation: 2000
events printed continuously since 1997. Year of registration: 2000
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 4
Number of members: 25
Nature Friends Movement Number of volunteers: 5
‘Our Beautiful Homeland’ (‘Lijepa Nasa’) Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Pokret prijatelja prirode ‘Lijepa Nasa‘ Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F6, F11, F12, F13
Palmoticeva 17a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T18, T19, T21, T25
Tel: (385-1) 4923-904, 4923-905 Activities: A1, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A16, A17, A19,
Fax: (385-1) 4810-232 A20, A21, A22, A24
E-mail: Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Web: national, international

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 117

Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian Network for A17, A18, A21, A22, A24, A25
Rural Development, Croatian Network for Local Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Development national
Languages: English, Macedonian, Slovenian Languages: English, German, Slovenian
Key publications: Key publications:
• Our Community; • In cooperation with the NGO Ecologica, edited the
• Our Responsibility; magazine Casopisa Ecologica, 2001-2004.
• NGO CookBook;
• Paulo Freire: Pedagogics of the Disempowered;
• Signpost for Efficient Work of the Local Community;
• Philantropy in Communities of Central and Eastern Scout Association Savski Gaj (OI Savski gaj)
Europe; Odred izvidaca Savski gaj
• Progress Overview and Evaluation of Agenda 21 Remetinecka 77a, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia
Implementation in Croatia; Tel: (385-1) 654-7967
• Guidelines of Jelsa County Sustainable Development; Fax: (385-1) 654-7967
• Possibilities for the Development of Trust Funds for E-mail:
Local Communities in Croatia. Leader: Visnja Sremic, president
Contact person: Visnja Sremic
Z AG R E B Year of foundation: 1992
Year of registration: N/A
Organisation for Environmental Protection Type of registration: Association
and Planning of the Recreational Park on Number of employees: 0

Silba Island (Drustvo za zastitu Number of members: 137

prirode — SILBA) Number of volunteers: 137
Drustvo za zastitu prirode i uredjenje rekreaci- Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: F2, F10
jskog parka na otoku Silba — SILBA
Main topics: T11, T17
Kraljice Jelene 6/III, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Activities: A7, A10
Tel: (385-1) 4614-750
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Fax: (385-1) 6155-875
national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Zagreb Scout
Web: under construction Assembly, Croatian Scout Association
Leader: Vjeko Motusic, President Languages: English
Contact person: Davor Babic, vice president
Year of foundation: 1979
Year of registration: N/A Z AG R E B
Society for Sustainable Development Design
Drustvo za oblikovanje odrzivog razvoja
Rustica — Organisation for the Protection Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
and Development of Biological Diversity and Tel: (385-1) 6129-986
Rural Heritage (Rustica) Fax: (385-1) 6129-890
Rustica - Udruga za ocuvanje i razvoj bioloske E-mail:
raznolikosti i ruralne bastine Web:
Vinec 19, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Leader: Maja Bozicevic Vrhovcak, president
Tel: (385-1) 457-3570 Year of foundation: 2003
E-mail: Year of registration: 2006
Leader: Bozica Papes-Mokos, president Type of registration: Association
Year of foundation: 2001 Number of employees: 0
Year of registration: N/A Number of members: 11
Type of registration: Association Number of volunteers: 11
Number of employees: 1 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Number of members: 60 Source of funding: F2, F7, F10
Number of volunteers: several hundred Main topics: T2, T6, T9, T10, T11, T17, T19, T20, T25
Annual budget: No budget Activities: A2, A6, A7, A11, A17, A20
Source of funding: F13 Level of activity: local, national
Main topics: T1, T4, T11, T12, T13, T16, T17, T18, T19, Languages: English, German
T24, T25 Key publications:
Activities: A2, A3, A5, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, A16, • Internet portal <>

118 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Z AG R E B Languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

Key publications:
Society of Food Technologists,
• VOLO bulletin, six issues, 1997/1998.
Biotechnologists and Nutritionists • Homework Guide Handbook, 2000
(Drustvo PBN, PBN Society) • Handbook about volunteerism and volunteer work,
Drustvo prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnolo- 2001 and 2002.
ga i nutricionista • The SEEYN Workcamp Handbook, 2002.
Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia • The SEEYN Workcamp Handbook, two editions, 2004.
Tel: (385-1) 4826-250 • Volunteerism and Public Institutions – Research Results,
Fax: (385-1) 4826-251 published in cooperation with ZID, Montenegro and
E-mail: the SEEYN, 2004.
Web: • International Volunteer Camps, 2006.
Leader: Prof. Dr. Damir Karlovic, president • About Volunteering and Volunteers, 2006.
Contact person: Vera Dostal, secretary • Volunteer Management Handbook, 2006.
Year of foundation: 1998
Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Association Z AG R E B
Number of employees: 1 ZOE — Centre for Sustainable Development
Number of members: 400 of Rural Communities (ZOE)
Number of volunteers: 5 ZOE - Centar za odrzivi razvoj ruralnih krajeva
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Domagojeva 14, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Source of funding: F1, F4, F10
Tel: (385-1) 485-2252

Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T15, T19, T22, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A11, A13, A15, A17, A20, A21, A22
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international Leader: Ivana Laginja, president
Member of umbrella organisations: AMAC (Almae Matris Year of foundation: 1997
Alumni Croaticae) Year of registration: 1998
Languages: English Type of registration: Association
Key publications: Number of employees: 2
• PBN magazine. Number of members: 14
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS6, FS7, FS11, FS13
Z AG R E B Main topics: T1, T5, T11, T14, T17, T18, T19
Volunteer Centre Zagreb (VCZ) Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A10, A16, A17, A19, A20,
Volonterski centar Zagreb A21, A22
Bascanska 11, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Level of activity: local, national
Tel: (385-1) 301-3829 Member of umbrella organisations: Croatian Network for
Fax: (385-1) 301-3736 Rural Development
E-mail: Languages: English, German
Leader: Jela Tomanjik, president ZAPRESIC
Contact person: Anamarija Soco, vice president
Year of foundation: 1998
Homeland Ecological Society (ZED)
Year of registration: 1998
Zavicajno ekolosko drustvo
Type of registration: Association
Matije Gupca 1
Number of employees: 1
P.O. Box PP26, 10290 Zapresic, Croatia
Tel: (385-1) 3314-378
Number of members: 800
Fax: (385-1) 3314-378
Number of volunteers: 50
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F10, F11
Main topics: T11, T16, T18, T19, T21 Leader: Stefanija Krcelic, president
Activities: A4, A7, A10, A11, A24 Contact person: Ana Lnenicek, secretary
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Year of foundation: 1995
national, international Year of registration: 2003
Member of umbrella organisations: Youth Network of Type of registration: Association
Croatia (MMH), South East European Youth Network Number of employees: 0
(SEEYN), Service Civil International (SCI) Number of members: 78

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 119

Number of volunteers: 25
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Source of funding: F1, F7, F10
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18,
T19, T21, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
A12, A14, A15, A20, A21
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Member of umbrella organisations: local, county and
state level
Key publications:
• Our main publications are educative and informative
leaflets. This year, we are publishing a book of poems
from one of our members entitled Objavljujemo Zbirku
Pjesama Naše clanice Pod Nazivom.

Z I RJ E , S I B E N I K
Acorn Ecological Association
Ekoloska udruga ‘ZIR’
Koromasna 21, 22236 Zirje, Sibenik, Croatia

Tel: (385-22) 218-607

Fax: (385-22) 218-607
Leader: Jadran Kale, president
Year of foundation: 2002
Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0
Number of members: 54
Number of volunteers: 20
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7, F9, F10
Main topics: T1, T4, T11, T17, T18, T19, T21
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A14, A17,
A19, A20, A21, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Languages: English
Key publications:
• ACORN bulletin, published occasionally.

120 N G O D I R E C T O R Y
Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia

(territory under interim
UN administration)

Tetovo Skopje





0 50 100
Questionnaires received 50 Total CSO budgets EUR 713,750
Average budget (estimated) EUR 14,275
Most frequent budget range 24% of CSO budgets
are in category 6
Number of formally registered 50 registered (EUR 10,001 – 50,000)
and unregistered CSOs 0 not registered
Percentage of ECSOs in the lowest and highest
budget range and their contribution to total CSO budgets
• 10% of ECSOs (category 1, no budget) account for
CSO MEMBERSHIP 0% of the total sum of annual CSO budgets
No. of members in fYR Macedonia 7,466 • 2% of ECSOs (category 8, above EUR
(total for the country) 100,000) account for 14% (EUR 100,000) of the
total sum of annual budgets
Members per CSO From 3 to 900
Average members per CSO 149
NUMBER OF STAFF FS6 foreign/international 74%
foundations donations/grants

Paid staff (full and part time) 62
FS10 membership dues (fees) 58%
Unpaid staff (volunteers) 3,010
FS1 domestic government/public 58%
Ratio paid/unpaid staff 1:49
sector grants or donations


T11 environmental education/education 94%
for sustainable development
T19 sustainable development 84%
T17 nature protection 74%
T21 tourism /sustainable-/eco-tourism 74%
T25 waste issues 72%


A7 education 96%
A2 awareness-raising campaigns 90%
A10 & A11 fieldwork & information dissemination 78%



CHART 1 Comparison between 2001 and 2006 data

There has been a small decrease in the num-
Year of establishment for ECSOs in ber of Macedonian ECSOs which submitted
FYR Macedonia the questionnaire for the survey, from 67 in
(number of ECSOs in each category) 2001 to 50 for this edition. Despite this drop,
the survey reveals a significant increase in for-
30 mal employment in the sector over the inter-
25 vening five years: From a mere six people
20 reported working full- or part-time in the
15 2001 directory to the present 62 (just over one
10 person per CSO). Also the number of volun-
5 teers participating in the work of the Mace-
donian movement has increased from 337 to
<1990 1991- 1996- >2000 3,010 in the same period. Both are promising
1995 2000
trends. However, the trend in memberships
has taken a significant downturn from 33,716
Category 1 – up to 1990
(15,000 was reported in just two groups) to
Category 2 – 1991-1995
Category 3 – 1996-2000 only 7,466. As such the average number of
Category 4 – 2001-2006 members per CSO is now 149, with the high-
est for one group being 900 persons.
Over the last five years the estimated total
budget in the sector has increased from EUR
CHART 2 433,000 to the amount of EUR 713,750 (even
with a smaller sample). This increase is also

Level of working reflected in the average budget of Macedon-

100 ian organisations, which went from EUR
6,561 to EUR 14,275 in the same period. In
90 addition the proportion of ECSOs with a
40 budget of less than EUR 500 went down
35 slightly from 21 percent to 18 percent. There
70 was no organisation reporting a budget
30 above EUR 100,000 in 2001, while now there
% of Total

is one such group.

22 Foreign funding through foundations’ grants
40 has become the principal source of income in
30 the sector. Membership dues remain the sec-
ond most widespread source, while domestic
20 government/public sector grants and dona-
10 tions are ranked third most frequent.
0 Environmental education and nature protec-
Local Regional National International tion remain popular priority topics of the
Macedonian environmental community (94
(Data represent actual number and percentage of the total)
and 74 percent, respectively). However,
forestry is no longer ranked among the top
five priority areas (as it was in 2001) and the
newer areas with wider popularity that have
come to the fore in 2006 are sustainable

124 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

development (not a category in 2001), tions and sponsorship of public activities

tourism (sustainable and eco-tourism) and entered into force on July 1, 2006, which
waste issues. Awareness-raising campaigns includes new incentives for private dona-
and education remain among the top activi- tions to ECSOs from businesses.
ties in the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia in 2006 as they were in 2001, Macedonian ECSOs do not consider that the
while conference meetings and lobbying country’s laws present any obstacles to their
were replaced by the fieldwork and informa- operation. But this is not because the laws
tion dissemination categories jointly. are supportive of CSO activity. Rather it is
because the laws are perceived to be aspira-
The data reflecting the year of foundation tional, overly general and incapable of
show an almost equal split between those enforcement, therefore resulting in a relative-
groups that were formed in the 1996-2000 ly low rate of compliance with specific legal
period and those after the year 2000. Regard- requirements. The former Yugoslav Republic
ing the level of working the importance of of Macedonia showed a shockingly low rate
national and international work has gone of financial reporting among ECSOs. They
down from 2001, with local and regional also take advantage of possibilities to mix
work now more clearly the areas where commercial activities with their public pur-
ECSOs’ activities are taking place. poses to a greater extent than in other parts
of the region. Yet, the ineffective but flexible
legal framework is a source of anxiety for
Legal and regulatory framework many Macedonians, as shown by a high rate
Registration of CSOs in the former Yugoslav of dissatisfaction with the current legal
Republic of Macedonia is not difficult or bur- regime for ECSOs. A major bone of con-
densome. Nevertheless, the process can take tention is the fact that ECSOs generally have

up to several months waiting for final the same tax burden as for-profit companies.
approval by a judge. Legal assistance is gen-
erally unnecessary, but could benefit those The legal framework for information and par-
CSOs from outside the capital. A new law on ticipation is good, but public authorities do
citizen associations has been under develop- not have sufficient skills, training and devel-
ment for several years. A new law on dona- oped procedures to implement the relevant

Main findings: Legal and regulatory framework

• The legal framework for registration is good, but procedures can be time-consuming.
• ECSOs generally do not benefit from tax advantages, and have the same tax treatment as
for-profit companies.
• Many ECSOs mix for-profit activities with public benefit activities, often through establishing
separate but linked legal entities.
• Many ECSOs do not adequately implement particular legal requirements, especially those
related to governance and financial reporting.
• Legal frameworks for information, participation and other matters relevant to ECSOs are
well-developed according to international standards, but actual implementation is
• ECSOs are well represented in legislative drafting processes.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 125

law. Macedonian organisations claim to make on traditional grant support, with more inno-
use of legal and administrative procedures to vative forms of funding less evident. Foreign
promote their interests, but actual reports of foundation support is the most important in
cases are rare. Although numerous instances terms of frequency and budget contribution.
of authorities not following the law, for exam- Domestic government grants, membership
ple in environmental impact assessment pro- fees, domestic foundation grants and domes-
cedures, were identified, these generally did tic business donations are in the next level of
not result in legal challenges. However, the frequency for the movement. As such the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has resource base of the movement is mixed, but
one of the highest rates of involvement of is not deep enough and consequently ECSOs
ECSOs in law drafting in the region. Some suffer from changes in donor priorities.
ECSOs consider legal expertise to be a major Funding from governmental sources appears
staffing need and that more advanced training to have stagnated. Plus there is much criticism
on legal issues is needed. from the ECSOs on the mechanisms and the
transparency used by central government. Pos-
itively there appears to be more cooperation
Resource base developing between ECSOs and local authori-
The results of the research show that the for- ties and more use of service contracts for
mer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s envi- ECSOs. Financial support from the European
ronmental sector is still broadly dependent Commission and Global Environment Facility

Main findings: Resource base


• Foreign funds dominate the resource base of environmental ECSOs in the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, but that funding is perceived to be declining and/or changing its
• Private foundations funds (domestic and foreign) are the most financially important types of
sources followed by public grants (foreign and domestic).
• Domestic government service contracts appear to be of increasing importance, but for gov-
ernment grants the amounts remain relatively low and the procedures are not considered
transparent enough.
• There is little consistent information on government funds currently available to ECSOs.
• The process of decentralising government to the local authorities is an opportunity for
ECSOs to build-up a broader and more locally rooted resource base.
• Since 2001 the average budget of Macedonian ECSOs has increased strikingly, with the EUR
10,001-50,000 range now representing the biggest category (previously it was the EUR
1,001-5,000 range). However a significant number (one in five) have budgets of less than
EUR 500 per year.
• There is a roughly fifty-fifty split between the ECSOs that report good finances and those
with unstable or poor ones.
• One in five Macedonian ECSOs surveyed have their own accommodation, representing a
good platform for future activities. However, 70 percent rent, requiring continuous funding
just to keep an office.
• There is some early potential shown in working with corporate sponsors.

126 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

are widely believed to be promising develop- are generally strong organisations which have
ments by many environmental groups. attained a fair level of organisational maturity.
Overall the movement exhibits an almost Most Macedonian ECSOs surveyed consider
equal split into those groups with enough pro- that they had a successful or very successful
ject support and those without. Resources performance over the last year. However,
appear to be more limited for environmental they admit that they are still lacking some-
issues or are increasingly more specifically what in cooperation with the local authori-
focused (such as rural issues). Despite this the ties and suffer from having to follow donor
budgets of those ECSOs with funding have priorities. Despite this most ECSOs in the for-
increased markedly in the last five years. mer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia say
that their missions are not donor or govern-
ment driven. They feel that the main influ-
Human and organisational capacities encing factors in their missions are the needs
Generally ECSOs in the former Yugoslav of the environment or the stakeholders they
Republic of Macedonia are well aware of are serving. However, how and when they
strategic leadership tools and their importance implement activities clearly does depend on
for better performance and are also good at donors, and their programmes, and on gov-
development and utilising long-term strategy ernment priorities.
and annual work programmes, action plans
and fundraising activities. Macedonian organi- Organisations employ a small number of full-
sations also have set governance structures or part-time staff; with the vast majority as
and even when they operate with a small volunteers (one in every 49 gets paid). The
number of staff they have well established ECSOs generally have a good gender bal-
internal structures. These make the Macedon- ance with slightly more men than women

ian ECSOs among the most functionally working in the movement. However, there is
organised ECSOs in the SEE region. Structural- a lack of experts working in the movement
ly Macedonian ECSOs are quite flexible, and donors and support organisations con-
showing in the way they restructure that they sider that ECSOs are not professionally

Main findings: Human and organisational capacities

• Overall the concept of strategic leadership, process management and its tools are generally well
known and widely used.
• Macedonian ECSOs appear to be relatively well structured and adapted organisations.
• Many ECSOs perceive the need for better cooperation and communication with the govern-
ment as urgent and for more interest and involvement of the public in environmental issues.
• The legal framework is a disincentive for attracting volunteers as reimbursements are taxed
as personal income.
• Internal dissent among many of the (mostly bigger) environmental organisations has prevented
them from performing according to their potential and from building a better public image of
the sector.
• ECSOs appear generally strong, but there is a danger regarding their future project implementa-
tion abilities due to a lack of staff, weak support from the public and sometimes a lack of infra-
structure and access to funds (especially for small organisations from rural areas).

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 127

grounded as they lack the possibility to offer considerable efforts to ensure widespread
stable employment. Coupled to this they see distribution of its information, and ECSOs
that they have low membership, weak gover- note that more official information is being
nance and leadership (quite different from put to the web, but it is sometimes consid-
what the ECSOs themselves believe), as well ered insufficiently comprehensive.
as a low capacity for research and informa-
tion provision, lobbying and proactive par- Many aspects of official responses to infor-
ticipation in decision-making process. mation requests were evaluated negatively
by more than 70 percent of respondents,
Generally the training provision in the former with one interviewed CSO noting the Min-
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is considered istry of Agriculture and Forestry “simply
to be good enough, but there are specific never replies to any requests” while with the
needs that ECSOs have expressed in order to environment ministry said “it depends a lot
be more sustainable in the future, such as: PR, on what you ask for.” However, the proce-
project management, sustainable development, dure to acquire information seems to have
EU fundraising, staff management, administra- become harder. With regard to improving
tion, monitoring and evaluation of projects, mechanisms to exchange information with
financial management and accounting, organi- authorities, 75 percent welcomed physical
sational management, self-financing, and the fora and 79 percent virtual fora.
role of NGOs in policy making and decentrali-
sation. The ECSOs would prefer to have train- Concerning the ECSOs’ organisational environ-
ings tailored to their specific needs and ment, more than 53 percent maintain collec-
exchanges of experience. tions of environmental books, brochures, CD-
ROMs and reports besides pamphlets and
press releases. Seventy-one percent described

Information and knowledge base their organisation’s knowledge capacities/skills

Regarding ECSOs’ operating environment, 56 on the topics they work on as “adequate.” Nev-
percent described the general availability of ertheless, all survey respondents welcomed
sustainable development and environment additional training to enhance their internal
information as adequate, 30 percent inade- knowledge. This is validated by opinions from
quate. The media is felt to carry limited infor- the survey, which express that ECSOs are often
mation on the environment, while insuffi- not knowledgeable enough, or interested in,
cient official information was cited as pre- discussing most technical issues with the gov-
venting ECSOs from working with local com- ernment on level terms. Perhaps this is due to a
munities. However, a Skopje-based support lack of expertise. Among those topics where
organisation conceded that official data does ECSOs welcomed additional training, were the
exist and that it does not take too much following: environmental education/education
effort to access it. for sustainable development; environmental
legislation; environmental policy making;
Concerning quality, almost all CSO survey nature protection and water issues.
respondents felt improvement was necessary
concerning the currency (95 percent), pre- When gathering or researching sustainable
sentation (90 percent) and reliability (84 per- development and environment data, one sup-
cent) of official information. Regarding its port organisation considered ECSOs to be not
proactive distribution, more than 80 percent particularly effective or well practiced in this
felt improvement was necessary (regarding (even to the point that they are unaware of the
ease of accessibility, media source distribu- need for, or even apathetic to the importance
tion, timeliness of delivery, printed formats, of, gathering their own information). Sixty-one
and availability through public information percent of the ECSOs in the former Yugoslav
centres). The environment ministry has made Republic of Macedonia rely on database

128 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Main findings: Information and knowledge base

• While the availability of official information is generally considered adequate by ECSOs,

they state that it is often of insufficient quality (not up to date, poorly presented and/or
• Diverse mechanisms for the distribution of official sustainable development and environ-
ment information (both proactive and passive) were described, although improvement is
requested by ECSOs, including official responses to information requests.
• Almost all ECSOs welcomed improvements in exchanging information with authorities, both
physical and virtual.
• Around half of ECSOs in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia maintain collections of
environmental books, brochures, CD-ROMs and reports. Three quarters consider their organisa-
tion’s knowledge capacities/skills on the environmental topics they work on as “adequate.”
Nevertheless, all welcome additional training to enhance their internal knowledge.
• ECSOs tend to be ineffective in undertaking their own data research. Almost two-thirds are
equipped with database equipment to manage information, while less than a one-fifth use
desktop publishing equipment.
• Pamphlets and brochures are the most popularly published forms of information, along-
side press releases and newspaper/periodical articles. E-mail, CD-ROM, direct mail, tele-
phone and fax are most popularly used by ECSOs to distribute information. One CSO
support organisation noted, “websites of NGOs are usually good.” (Around 88 percent
rely on Internet websites).

equipment to manage information, while 17 Macedonia the survey has determined that
percent rely on desktop publishing equip- the legal regulatory framework, especially
ment. Brochures and pamphlets are the most the primary legislation, is relatively elaborat-
popular published forms of information (used ed, but it is not implemented or used effec-
by up to half of Macedonian ECSOs) alongside tively. This is mostly due to the insufficient
press releases and newspaper/periodical arti- capacity and awareness and willingness of
cles, although it was noted in the survey by
the responsible authorities and the ECSOs to
some support organisations that ECSOs are
put the respective rights into practice.
weak in effectively describing what they do
and what they are about to the general public. Although access to information has been
E-mail, CD-ROM, direct mail, telephone, and facilitated through the Environmental Infor-
fax are the most popular means of distributing mation System (established by the Ministry
information (used by almost all respondent of Environment and Physical Planning) as
ECSOs). Eighty-eight percent rely on websites, well as through electronic tools, it needs
which one CSO support organisation consid-
improvement in the quality, speed of pro-
ers to be usually good.
viding information and regular updating.
Public participation requirements are not
Accountability always supported by procedures and
Regarding the influence of Aarhus Conven- guidelines which would define obligations
tion related rights towards public account- for the authorities and give them tools to
ability in the former Yugoslav Republic of bring these into practice.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 129

Main findings: Accountability

• Governmental policy or cooperation procedures towards ECSOs are absent. ECSOs say they
are involved in consultation processes randomly, without any harmonised approach (often
the consultation requirements are driven by international projects or based on outside
requests) and real, continuous and solid discussion between the decision makers and ECSOs
does not take place.
• There are no rules or requirements regarding the selection and delegation of CSO representa-
tives to different cooperative bodies with the government. Nevertheless, some new develop-
ments in this regard are being considered.
• Cooperation at the local level is better than at the central level. This is in part due to the
decentralisation process, especially for some environmental duties where ECSOs could
become a natural partner to municipalities (local waste issues are key as municipalities often
have little capacity or knowledge). Closer cooperation is often limited due to the fact that
CSOs have very little to offer the local community.
• Cooperation with local business takes place from time to time, and there is more willingness
to establish a solid partnership among ECSOs.
• The legislative framework for access to information and public participation is generally good,
while implementation, support through up-to-date guidelines and procedures remain the main
problems. Neither authorities nor ECSOs know how to arrange an efficient decision-making
process which could bring stakeholders to mutually agreed decisions.

• Public authorities expect ECSOs to take a more active role in commenting on draft docu-
ments, giving meaningful input to the different processes. According to ECSOs, however,
these requests often fail to reach them and usually only carefully selected CSO representa-
tives are invited to drafting groups. There is no clear procedure among CSOs on how these
selected representatives collect inputs from the other members of the CSO community and
report back to them.
• ECSOs do not have the capacities or the knowledge to engage fully in many of the decision-
making processes (EIA, planning, etc). As such, Aarhus rights are exercised at a low level,
where very few ECSOs have submitted official information requests and even fewer have been
taking part in any kind of decision-making process.
• Good examples of cooperation, shared decision making and implementation of decisions
exist at the local level.
• Previous initiatives on access to justice have stopped and await financial support for

Due to the insufficient cooperation bet- of these rights by the CSOs and the general
ween the authorities and CSOs the real public. There is a lack of real expertise and
impact of the citizens on decision making is understanding to which could be added the
very weak. One substantial obstacle for traditional opposition and poor coopera-
exercising Aarhus rights is the shortage of tion from officials. The access to justice
the active and knowledgeable application rights have not been exercised properly

130 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

mainly because of the conservative judiciary

system which is currently under strong
international pressure to reform, followed
by low expertise and public awareness
about the range of legal actions that can be
Cooperation between ECSOs and govern-
mental officials exists to a certain extent but
not in a structured manner and it is not sup-
ported by any government policy or coop-
eration model for interaction with ECSOs.
However, some new developments within
internationally funded projects will support
the enhancement of that cooperation, as
would the building upon of existing good
practices from the local level, which have
proved to be more successful. The commu-
nication practices of the CSOs with the local
community has demonstrated in some cases
a good level of partnership and resulted in
implementation of joint actions (e.g. with
the example of local environmental action
plans). In addition there are some good
examples of cooperation with business,

especially local ones.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 131

B I TO L A Number of volunteers: 150

Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Biosfera Centre for Education, Environment
Source of funding: F2, F5, F6, F7, F10, F11
and Nature Protection Main topics: T11, T16, T17, T18, T19
БИОСФЕРА — ЦЕНТАР ЗА ЕДУКАЦИЈА, Activities: A7, A10, A11, A24
ЗАШТИТА НА ЖИВОТНАТА СРЕДИНА И Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
ПРИРОДАТА national, international
Dimo Hadzi Dimov 3, 7000 Bitola, FYR Macedonia Member of umbrella organisations: IR, Coalition NOW, It
Tel: (389-70) 810-606 Is Enough
Fax: (389-47) 234-973 Key publications:
E-mail:; • Partnership for Excellence in Education, Prague 2004.
Leader: Nesad Azemovski, general manager
Year of foundation: 1999 Molika Environment Movement
Year of registration: 1999 (MEM, DOM)
Type of registration: Association Движење за Околината Молика
Number of employees: 2 Kicevska 24
Number of members: 46 P.O. Box: 17, 7000 Bitola, FYR Macedonia
Number of volunteers: 46 Tel: (389-47) 232-469
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Fax: (389-47) 232-469
Source of funding: F1, F6, F7, F9, F10
Main topics: T3, T4, T6, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24,
Web: www.
T25, T26
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, Leader: Ratko Savkovic, president
A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A24 Contact person: Petar Andonov, member
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Year of foundation: 1989
national, international Year of registration: 1998
Member of umbrella organisations: Initiative Green Stars, Type of registration: Association

Vote for Nature, Aarhus Family in the Republic of Number of members: 100
Macedonia, Youth Together — Network for Social Changes Number of volunteers: 40
and Society Development, Balkan Regional Initiative Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Environment for Europe, Youth Together Roma Network, Source of funding: F5, F10
Twinning — Platform for Society Development, Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T14, T15,
Environment for Europe T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14,
A15, A17, A19, A20, A21
B I TO L A Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Interactive Education and Resource national, international
Network (iEARN, ИМОР) Member of umbrella organisations: Ecologists Movement
Интерактивна мрежа за of Macedonia, LeGambiente, FOE international
Key publications:
образование и ресурси
• Eco Patrol, 2000.
Milton Manaki 17
• Eko Verse, 2003.
P.O. Box: 047, 7000 Bitola, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-047) 252-524
Fax: (389-047) 252-524 B I TO L A
E-mail:;; Pelagonija Environmental Association —
Web: Bitola (Pelagonija EA, ED ‘Pelagonija’)
Leader: Jove Jankulovski, president of management board Еколошко Друштво Пелагонија — Битола
Contact person: Jove Jankulovski, management Novaci, b.b., 7211 Bitola, FYR Macedonia
committee president; Rada Mazganska, president of the Tel: (389-47) 282-152
assembly of the society E-mail:
Year of foundation: 2000 Leader: Peco Surbevski, president
Year of registration: 2003 Year of foundation: 1997
Type of registration: Association Year of registration: 1999
Number of members: 30 Type of registration: Association

132 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Number of members: 30 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000

Annual budget: No budget Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS6, FS7, FS13
Source of funding: FS10 Main topics: T1, T3, T11, T18, T19, T21
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T11, T14, T17, T18, T25, T26 Activities: A2, A3, A4, A7, A10, A13, A17, A24
Activities: A2, A6, A10, A19 Level of activity: national
Level of activity: local Member of umbrella organisations: Initiatives for Society
Development, Trans-Balkan Cooperation Network,
Permaculture Movement
DEBAR Key publications:
Environment Association Desat Debar • Handbook for Permaculture, in Albanian and
(EA Desat) Macedonian.
Еколошко Друштво Дешат — Дебар
8 Septemvri b.b., 1250 Debar, FYR Macedonia K AVA DA RC I
Tel: (389-46) 832-152, (389-70) 306-652,
(389-70) 241-369, (389-70) 537-439 Regional Centre for Democracy — Medijator
Fax: (389-46) 832-152 (Р.Ц.Д. — Медијатор)
E-mail: Регионален центар за демократија —
Web: Медијатор
Leader: Bardhyl Marku, president Ilindenska 115, 1430 Kavadarci, FYR Macedonia
Contact person: Shuip Marku, port patrol Tel: (389-43) 412-756
Year of foundation: 1998 Fax: (389-43) 412-756
Year of registration: 2005 E-mail:
Type of registration: Association Leader: Goran Velkovski, president
Number of employees: 4 Year of foundation: 2003
Number of members: 50 Year of registration: 2003
Number of volunteers: 60 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Number of employees: 2
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F8 Number of members: 8

Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T11, T13, T17, T19, T21, Number of volunteers: 150
T25, T26 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, Source of funding: FS6
A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, A24 Main topics: T11, T13, T18, T19, T21
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A11, A22
Member of umbrella organisations: It is enough Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Key publications: Member of umbrella organisations: Citizens’ Association
• How Much We Know about Debar Lake.
• LEAP Feasibility Study.
• Information bulletin.
Alliance of Technical Culture Associations/
Country Technique/Kicevo (ATCA /SZTK)
Сојуз на здруженијата за техничка
Permaculture and Peacebuilding Centre (PPC) култура/Народна Техника/Кичево
Центар за Пермакултура и Мироградба Dom na tehnicka kultura, st. Aleksandar
JNA 93, 1230 Gostivar, FYR Macedonia Makedonski bb
Tel: 389 42 214 603 P.O. Box: 65, 6250 Kicevo, FYR Macedonia
Fax: 389 42 214 603 Tel: (389-45) 228-555
E-mail: Fax: (389-45) 228-555
Web: E-mail:
Leader: Gazmend Fetai, president Leader: Sasa Dukoski, president
Contact person: Pajtim Saiti, executive director Year of foundation: 1977
Year of foundation: 2000 Year of registration: N/A
Year of registration: 2000 Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association Number of employees: 3
Number of employees: 11 Number of members: 280
Number of members: 270 Number of volunteers: 16
Number of volunteers: 30 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000



Source of funding: F1, F5, F9, F11, F12 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T10, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19,
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21, T25, T26
T21, T25, T26 Activities: A1, A2, A7, A11, A13, A14, A15, A17, A22,
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A24, A25
A14, A15, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Farmers’ Federation K R ATOVO
of the Republic of Macedonia Izvor Association for Protection of
the Environment, Culture, Historical Sites
KO C A N I and Human Health of Kratovo
(“IZVOR” — Kratovo)
NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’ Здружение за заштита на животната
(НВО Вавилон Кочани) средина културно историски споменици и
Здружение на граѓани ‘Вавилон Кочани’ човековото здравје ‘Извор’ — Кратово
Edvard Kardelj 15, 2300 Kocani, FYR Macedonia Josif Daskalov br. 34, 1360 Kratovo, Macedonia
Tel: (389-33) 277-722 Tel: (389-031) 481-280
E-mail: Fax: (389-031) 488-305
Leader: Viktorija Ristova, president E-mail:
Contact person: Viktorija Ristova Web: www.
Year of foundation: 2002 Leader: Milos Dimitrovski, president
Year of registration: 2002 Contact person: Svetlana Pesic, board member
Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 2002
Number of members: 115 Year of registration: N/A
Number of volunteers: 20 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Number of members: 250
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F8, F11 Number of volunteers: 10
Main topics: T7, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T24 Annual budget: No budget

Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, Source of funding: FS1, FS6
A15, A17, A20, A22, A23, A24, A25 Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T18, T19, T21, T23, T24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Activities: A7, A9, A10, A11, A14, A17, A20, A22, A24
national, international Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Member of umbrella organisations: Alliance of NGOs national, international
‘Babylon’ Member of umbrella organisations: Roma Organisation,
Macedonian-Bulgarian Partnership, Balkan, UNDP, USAID,
FIOOM, World Bank etc.
Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo
(CNGI Kratovo) K R I VA PA L A N K A
Центар за независни граѓански Flora Ecology Association
иницијативи (Ед ‘Флора’, EA Flora)
Planinska 4 Еколошко друштво ‘Флора’
P.O. Box: 24, 1360 Kratovo, Partizanska bb
FYR Macedonia P.O. Box: 32, 1330 Kriva Palanka, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-031) 481-102 Tel: (389-31) 374-929
Fax: (389-031) 481-102 E-mail:
E-mail: Web:
Leader: Goce Stojanovski, president Leader: Jovance Madzovski, president
Contact person: Gordana Petrovska Contact person: Sasko Velkovski, vice president
Year of foundation: 1999 Year of foundation: 1990
Year of registration: 1999 Year of registration: 1998
Type of registration: Association Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 350 Number of members: 456
Number of volunteers: 120 Number of volunteers: 26
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Annual budget: Do not know
Source of funding: F6 Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F10

134 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, Source of funding: F5, F10, F13
T15, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26 Main topics: T11, T21, T25
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, Activities: A2, A7, A10, A17
A13, A14, A15, A17, A20, A21, A22, A24 Level of activity: local
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecologists’ Movement N E G OT I N O
of Macedonia, Balkan Association for Nature Protection – Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy
Republic of Bulgaria Food Negotino (PAHF EKOVITA –
Key publications:
• Eco–eye 1; Eco–eye 2; Eco–eye 3.
Negotino, ZPZH EKOVITA — Negotino)
• Osogovo Pearl. Здружение на производители на здрава
храна ‘EKOVITA’ Неготино
ul.4 Juli br.67, 1440 Negotino, FYR Macedonia
K U M A N OVO Tel: (389-43) 362-643
Halca Al Brova Association of Vlahs, E-mail:
Kumanovo Leader: Sasko Todorov, president
Здружение на Власи, ‘Halca Al Brova’, Year of foundation: 2003
Куманово Year of registration: 2003
ul.Oktomvriska revolucija br.13/10/3, Type of registration: Association
1300 Kumanovo, FYR Macedonia Number of members: 75
Tel: (389-31) 426-816 Number of volunteers: 2
Fax: (389-31) 426-816 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
E-mail: ; Source of funding: F2, F6, F10 Main topics: T1, T7, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T26
Activities: A2, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A15, A17, A19, A20,
Leader: Nako Nikolovski, president
A21, A22
Year of foundation: 1996
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Year of registration: 2002
Key publications:
Type of registration: Association

• Manual for Mushroom Manufacturing, 2005.
Number of employees: 0
• EUREPGAP - Standardised Agriculture Manufacturing and
Number of members: 40, 10 active
Environmental Protection, 2006.
Number of volunteers: Site sme volonteri
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Source of funding: F1, F6 OHRID
Main topics: T17, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A7, A10, A20 Eco Awareness Citizens’ Association for
Level of activity: local Environmental Protection (NVO Eko Svest,
Member of umbrella organisations: SOZM, League of NGO Eco Awareness)
Vlahs, National coalition for prevention of human traffic — Здружение за заштита на животната
‘BUDNOST’ средина ‘Еко свест’
Ul. Abas Emin br.323,
96000 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-46) 261-145
Women’s Organisation of Mavrovi Anovi E-mail:
(ОЖМА, WOMA) Leader: Goce Blazeski, chairman
Организација на Жени на Општина Year of foundation: 2006
Маврови Анови Year of registration: 2006
1256 Mavrovo, FYR Macedonia Type of registration: Association
Tel: (389-42) 388-403 Number of members: 26
Fax: (389-42) 388-403 Number of volunteers: 13
E-mail: Annual budget: No budget
Leader: Pandorka Dimova Dingovska, president Source of funding: F9, F10
Year of foundation: 2000 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18,
Year of registration: 2000 T19, T20, T21, T25, T26
Type of registration: Association Activities: A2, A3, A4, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A20, A22
Number of members: 82 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000 Member of umbrella organisations: Ekonet



Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association Citizens’ Committee for Development,
(ED kladenec) Probistip (CCD Probistip, GKR-PROBISTIP)
Еколошко Друштво Кладенец Граѓански Комитет за Развој — Пробиштип
Boris Kidric b.b., Leninov plostad 2, 2210 Probistip, FYR Macedonia
2326 Pehcevo, FYR Macedonia Tel: (389-32) 480-200, (389-70) 513-421
Tel: (389-33) 441-842 Fax: (389-32) 480-009
Fax: (389-33) 441-278 E-mail:
E-mail: Leader: Zivka Mihajlova, president
Leader: Aleksandar Kacarski, president Contact person: Ljupco Gorgievski, secretary
Contact person: Aleksandra Gjorgjievska Year of foundation: 2001
Year of foundation: 1997 Year of registration: 2001
Year of registration: 1998 Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association Number of members: 60
Number of members: 200 Number of volunteers: 15
Number of volunteers: 30 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000 Source of funding: FS6, FS7, FS9, FS10, FS11, FS13
Source of funding: FS4, FS5, FS6 Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17,
Main topics: T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T17, T18, T19, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25, T26
T21, T24, T25 Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A14, A19,
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A20, A22, A24
A14, A15, A17, A19, A20, A24 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Member of umbrella organisations: Association of cities
who adopted LEAPS.
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecologists Movement
Key publications:
of Macedonia
• Recourses and Development Possibilities for Osogovo
Key publications:
Region, July 2005, 500 copies.

• Reducing Communal Waste through Use of Secondary

• Composting.
Raw materials.
• What is Waste?
• NGO Bulletin, newspaper of NGO sector of Probistip,
• Brochure of activities.
August 2002-January 2003, monthly edition, 300
Prilep Centre for Children and Youth P RO B I S T I P
(PCCY, CDMP) Zletovica Ecological Association, Probistip
Центар за деца и млади Прилеп (EDZ, EAZ)
Dabnicki zavoj 137, 7500 Prilep, FYR Macedonia Еколошко Друштво Злетовица —
Tel: (389-07) 588-1994, Пробиштип
(389-075) 709-559 ul. Jordan Stojanov br. 1,
Fax: (389-048) 418-319 2210 Probistip, FYR Macedonia
E-mail:; Tel: (389-32) 483-663 E-mail:
Leader: Muharem Jasaroski, president Leader: Zoran Ristovski, president
Contact person: Sase Miceski, general secretary Contact person: Aleksandar Mihajlovski, board member
Year of foundation: 1998 Year of foundation: 1994
Year of registration: N/A Year of registration: 1999
Type of registration: Association Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 20 Number of members: 82
Number of volunteers: 80 Number of volunteers: 37
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F5, F7, F9 Source of funding: FS1
Main topics: T11, T13, T17, T19, T20, T21, T25 Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T11, T14, T17, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A7, A9, A10, A13, A14, A17, Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A11, A13, A14, A20, A22
A19, A20, A24 Level of activity: local

136 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

RESEN Year of registration: 2003

Coalition of Perspective NGO (Prespa) Type of registration: Association
Сојуз на здруженија на граѓани, Коалиција Number of employees: 0
за перспективна Преспа — Ресен Number of members: 50
Plostad Marsal Tito br. 20, Number of volunteers: 10
7310 Resen, FYR Macedonia Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Tel: (389-47) 454-430 Source of funding: F7, F10
Fax: (389-47) 454-430, (389-47) 452-200 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
E-mail: T17, T18, T21, T24, T25, T26
Leader: Sonja Fuzevska, president Activities: A1, A2, A3, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A14, A15,
Year of foundation: 2006 A18, A20, A22
Year of registration: 2006 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Type of registration: Association national
Number of employees: 1 Member of umbrella organisations: Ecologists’ Movement
Number of volunteers: 60 of Macedonia, Ceeweb
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: FS1, FS2, FS6, FS10
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T11, T18, T19, T21, T25, T26 S KO PJ E
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A20
Level of activity: local, international
Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Communication (Ekonet, Еkohet)
Центар за електронска комуникација
S . N E G O RC I - G E VG E L I J A
South Garden str. Kozle No. 100
Јужна Градина P.O. Box: 360, 1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
ul. Goce Delcev br.25,
1480 s.NegorciI – Gevgelija, FYR Macedonia Tel: (389-2) 308-1135
Tel: (389-34) 231-133 Fax: (389-2) 308-1135

E-mail: E-mail:
Leader: Tome Jankujovski, president Web:
Contact person: Brzanov Kosta, vice president Leader: Zlatan Mujcin, president
Year of foundation: 2004
Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2004
Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 30 Type of registration: Association
Number of volunteers: 4 Number of employees: 4
Annual budget: No budget Number of members: 25
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10 Number of volunteers: 650
Main topics: T1, T11, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T25, T26 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Activities: A7, A8, A10, A11, A15
Source of funding: FS1, FS6, FS7, FS11
Level of activity: local
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11,
T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23,
S KO PJ E T24, T25, T26
Eco Mission Environmental Society, Skopje Activities: A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A11, A12, A14, A17, A20,
Еколошко Друштво Еко-мисија Скопје A22, A24
Gradiska 14, floor 1, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
local 117 — Kapan An 389, national, international
(0)2 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Member of umbrella organisations: Macedonian Green
Tel: (389-2) 246-8757
Fax: (389-2) 246-8757 Centre — MGC, Electronic Network of South Eastern
E-mail: Europe
Leader: Jovan Mazganski, president Key publications:
Contact person: Saska Bogdanova, vice president • Basic Internet, 2002.
Year of foundation: 2003 • Planning and Design of Web-based Projects, 2004.



S KO PJ E Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),

national, international
Florozon NGO — Association for Protection
Key publications:
of Natural Environment and Sustainable • Environmental Diary, 2001-2003, annually.
Economic Development (Florozon Skopje) • Environmental Bulletin, 1997-2000, monthly.
Флорозон — Здружение за заштита на • Practical Handbook for Environmental and Nature
природната средина и одржлив Protection Law, 2001.
економски развој
Bul. Partizanski Odredi 82-1/17,
1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-2) 307-4051 Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency
Fax: (389-2) 307-4051 (MACEF )
E-mail:; Nikola Parapunov 3a/52 TC Karpos 4
Web: 1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Leader: Kiril Ristovski, president Tel: (389-2) 309-9432
Contact person: Emilija Sateva, assistant
Fax: (389-2) 309-9432
Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2005
Type of registration: Association Leader: Prof. Konstantin Dimitrov, president
Number of employees: 8 Contact person: Jasminka Dimitrova Kapac, project
Number of members: 40 manager
Number of volunteers: 7 Year of foundation: 2002
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Year of registration: 2002
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6 Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 2
Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19,
Number of members: 65
T20, T21, T24, T25, T26
Number of volunteers: 63
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13,
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
A14, A19, A20, A24, A25

Source of funding: F2, F4, F7, F8, F10, F11

Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Main topics: T2, T3, T6, T10, T11, T13, T17, T19, T20, T25
Activities: A1, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A14, A15, A18, A19,
A20, A21, A22, A24
S KO PJ E Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Forum of Young Ecologists of Macedonia Member of umbrella organisations: ZEMAK, MAGA,
Форум на млади екологисти на Key publications:
Македонија — ФОМЕК Скопје • Monthly publication Info CF, 38 issues published to
Bul. Ilinden b.b, block 12, date. Efficient Management of Energy and Drinking
1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia Water, 2002.
Tel: (389-2) 323-0091 • Limited Water Sources and Their Irreplaceability, 2003.
E-mail: • Multimedia CD: Week of the Energetic, 2004.
Web: • Multimedia CD: Days of Energetic, 2006.
Leader: Anita Vojnovska, president
Contact person: Bojan Gjorgjev, member of the S KO PJ E
executive council
Year of foundation: 1992 Macedonian Ecological Society (MES)
Year of registration: 1998 Македонско еколошко друштво (MEД)
Type of registration: Association Arhimedova 5
Number of employees: 2 P.O. Box: 162, 1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Number of members: 500 Tel: (389-2) 324-9611
Number of volunteers: 40 Fax: (389-2) 322-8141
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 E-mail:
Source of funding: F1, F6, F7, F10, F12 Web:
Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T19, T21 Leader: Ljupco Melovski, president
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A12, A13, A22, A24 Contact person: Slavco Hristovski, secretary

138 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Year of foundation: 1972 S KO PJ E

Year of registration: 2000
Metamorphosis Foundation (Metamorfozis)
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 3
Фондација Метаморфозис
Naum Naumovski Borce 88a,
Number of members: 150
1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Number of volunteers: 20
Tel: (389-2) 310-9325
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Fax: (389-2) 322-5206
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, Web:
T15, T17, T18, T19, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A6, A7, A10, A15, A19, A21, A22 Leader: Bardhyl Jashari, executive director
Level of activity: national Contact person: Filip Stojanovski, program coordinator
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecological movement Year of foundation: 1999
of Macedonia, CEEWEB, European Ecological Federation Year of registration: 2004
Key publications: Type of registration: Foundation
• Ecology and Environmental Protection, Parts 1-8, 1992- Number of employees: 7
2005. Number of volunteers: 8
• Ecology of Solid Waste, 95 pages, 1994. Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
• Environmental Monitoring in Macedonia, 207 pages, Source of funding: F1, F4, F5, F6, F11, F12
1994. Main topics: T16, T19, T24
• National Parks and their Role in Biodiversity Protection on Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A11, A13, A14, A17, A18, A20,
the Balkan Peninsula, 293 pages, 1996. A21, A22, A24, A25
Level of activity: national, international

Macedonian Mountaineering Sport Federation
(MMSF, FPSM) Milieukontakt International, Local Office
Федерација на планинарски спортови на Macedonia (Milieukontakt)

Македонија Milieukontakt International — Локална
11 Oktomvri 42a, канцеларија во Македонија
P.O. Box: 244, 1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia str. Kozle no. 100, 1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-2) 316-5540 Tel: (389-2) 309-0400
Fax: (389-2) 316-5540 Fax: (389-2) 308-1135
E-mail: E-mail:
Leader: Prof. Jovica Ugrinovski, president
Contact person: Goran Tintoski, head of CSO-FPSM Leader: Igor Slavkoski, representative of Milieukontakt for
Year of foundation: 1948 Macedonia
Year of registration: 2003 Year of foundation: 1999
Type of registration: Association Year of registration: 1999
Number of employees: 3 Type of registration: Branch office of foreign foundation
Number of members: 568 Number of employees: 2
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Source of funding: F2, F6, F10, F12 Source of funding: F3, F6
Main topics: T5, T11, T17, T21 Main topics: T6, T10, T11, T13, T15, T19, T23, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A11, A17, A21, A24 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A11, A13, A16, A17,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), A20, A24
national, international Level of activity: national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: MMSF is a service of Member of umbrella organisations:
36 local mountain clubs, member of Euro Region Balkan Key publications:
(Mountain Federations of Macedonia, Bulgaria, SCG and • Dutch Environmental Organisations Going to Court –
Albania), member of UIAA Example of Central and Eastern Europe Environmental
Key publications: NGOs (2002).
• Handbook on the Mountains and Mountain Houses of • Is this Your Perception of Heaven? (October 2000/May
Macedonia. 2003).
• Handbook of Basic Mountaining. • Approach to Justice in Environmental Issues; How does
• Handbook for Training of Mountain Leaders. it Function in Practice? (200)



S KO PJ E Level of activity: local, national, international

ORT Training for Sustainable Development Member of umbrella organisations: Macedonian Green
(ORT, OРT) Centre, Aarhus Family in Macedonia, Green Stars,
ОРТ обука за одржлив развој SEEENN,, EEN, INFORSE, BYCo, SPARE
bul. Jane Sandanski 61/47, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia Key publications:
Tel: (389-2) 307-9235 • Pure Energy – Sun Energy, 2003.
Fax: (389-2) 307-9235 • The Future is Renewable, 2003.
E-mail: • Reconstruction of the Balkans (answers and questions).
Leader: Biljana Stevanovska, director
Year of foundation: 1998
Year of registration: 1998 Society of Environmental Engineers
Type of registration: Association (SEE, ZIZS)
Number of members: 20
Здружение на Инженери на Македонија
Number of volunteers: 15
ul. Pando Kljasev, br. 5,
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: FS5, FS6, FS11 1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Main topics: T4, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20, T24, T25 Tel: (389-70) 666-230,
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A13, A20, A24 (389) 514-000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Fax: (389-2) 273-3044
national E-mail:;
Member of umbrella organisations:
Key publications: Web:
• Directory of Organisations from a Border Region of
Leader: Metodija Sazdov, president
Macedonia and Greece, 2001.
Contact person: Aleksandra Karakasova, project
• Study for Proper Local Management, 2003.
• Handbook for NGO Management, 2001.
Year of foundation: 2001
• Handbook on Communication for NGO, 2001.
Year of registration: 2001

• Handbook on Meeting Guidelines, 2002.

• Handbook on Organisation. Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 1
Number of members: 10
S KO PJ E Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje Source of funding: FS2, FS3, FS5, FS6, FS10, FS11
(Proaktiva Skopje, ПРОАКТИВА — Скопје) Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
Здружение на граѓани ПРОАКТИВА — Скопје T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Koruska 8 Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A13, A14, A15,
P.O. Box: 695, 1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24
Tel: (389-2) 246-5963 Level of activity: regional (region within the country),
Fax: (389-2) 246-5963 national, international
E-mail: Key publications:
Web: • Strategy with Action Plan for Development
Leader: Vladimir Karcicki, president of Eco-Tourism in Berovo, 2005.
Contact person: Ivana Najdovska, technical secretary
Year of foundation: 2001
Year of registration: N/A
Type of registration: Association The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia
Number of employees: 4 (DEM/ДЕМ)
Number of members: 10
Number of volunteers: 10
Движење на екологистите на Македонија
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000 Vasil Gjorgov, 39, baraka 6,
Source of funding: F1, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, FS9, FS10 1000 Skopje, FYR Macedonia
Main topics: T2, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T19, T20, Tel: (389-2) 329-0119
T21, T23 Fax: (389-2) 322-0518
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, E-mail:
A14, A15, A17, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Web:

140 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Leader: Blagoja Ingnovski, president S TOJ A KOVO

Contact person: Ruska Miceva, vice president EKO Ecological Association (ЕЗ ЕКО)
Year of foundation: 1990 Еколошко здружение ‘EKO’
Year of registration: 1999 Marsal Tito bb, s. Stojakovo, Gevgelija,
Type of registration: Association 1488 Stojakovo, FYR Macedonia
Number of employees: 2 Tel: (389-34) 235-591, (389-71) 204-248
Number of members: 23 environmental associations E-mail:
Number of volunteers: 100 Leader: Stojan Vodanov, president
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Year of foundation: 1998
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7 Year of registration: 1999
Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T17,
Number of members: 50
T18, T19, T22, T24, T25, T26 Number of volunteers: 30
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
A17, A19, A20, A21, A22 Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS6, FS7, FS9, FS10
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Main topics: T4, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T24, T25, T26
national, international Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A17, A19, A20
Member of umbrella organisations: Citizens Platform, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Cooperation and Development Network — CDN; South
East European Youth Network — SEEYN, Federation of S T RU G A
Young European Greens — FYEG; Youth and Environmental
Europe — YEE; Friends of the Earth Europe — FoEE; Friends
Areal Ecological Association, Struga
of the Earth International — FoEI; International Union for
(EA AREAL, ED Areal)
Еколошко Друштво Ареал — Струга
Conservation of Nature — IUCN
Proleterski Brigadi br. 47,
Key publications: 6330 Struga, FYR Macedonia
• Newspapers and Bulletins: Ogledalo; Eko-vizija; SURE - Tel: (389-46) 780-209
Sustainable Use of Resources in Europe; Local Initiatives Fax: (389-46) 780-209
for Organic Agriculture; SEEENN Bulletin. E-mail:

• Publications: Protection of Ohrid Lake; Protection of Leader: Nestor Jauleski, president
Dojran Lake Contact person: Zoran Dojcinovski, vice president
Year of foundation: 1999
Year of registration: N/A
STIP Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 120
LED-IT Foundation for Information Technology
Number of volunteers: 8
and Local Economic Development, Stip (Fon- Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
dacija ‘LER-IT’ Stip, LED-IT Foundation Stip) Source of funding: FS1, FS7, FS13
Фондација за информатичка технологија Main topics: T11, T19, T21, T25
и локален економски развој ЛЕР-ИТ-Штип Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A15, A17
Vasil Glavinov b.b., 2000 Stip, FYR Macedonia Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Tel: (389-32) 386-408
Key publications:
E-mail: • Handbook for Waste Management.
Leader: Miki Atanasov, executive director • Handbook for Young Eco-instructors.
Year of foundation: 2005
Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Foundation S T RU G A
Number of employees: 1 Krste Jon Scout Group, Struga (IO Krste Jon)
Number of members: 29 Извиднички Одред Крсте Јон — Струга
Number of volunteers: 40 volunteers Vlado Maleski, b.b., 6330 Struga, FYR Macedonia
Annual budget: Do not know Tel: (389-46) 788-158
Source of funding: F1, F6, F11, F12 Fax: (389-46) 788-158
Main topics: T8, T11, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25, T26 E-mail:
Activities: A1, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A20, A22, A24 Leader: Marjan Glavinceski, scout leader
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Contact person: Maja Markovska, team leader
Member of umbrella organisations: Mesa, MCMS Year of foundation: 1965



Year of registration: 1998 Leader: Berat Sela, director

Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 1995
Number of employees: 1 Year of registration: 1995
Number of members: 180 Type of registration: Association
Number of volunteers: about 400 Number of employees: 4
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Number of members: 500
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F10, F12
Number of volunteers: 20
Main topics: T4, T11, T17, T19, T21
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A15, A17, A20, A24
Source of funding: F1, F2, F6, F10
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Scout Organisation of Main topics: T2, T6, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21, T25, T26
Macedonia Activities: A2, A4, A5, A7, A9, A11, A13, A14, A17, A20, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
S T RU G A Key publications:
Municipal Ecological Organisation Enhalon • Bulletins Natrye and Zgalemi, in cooperation with NGO
Struga (МЕО Enhalon Struga) from Pogradec, Albania.
Општинско Еколошко Друштво Енхалон • Colouring book: Flora and Fauna of Ohrid Lake.
— Струга • Children’s book: Exploring Nature.
Vojdan Cernodrinski br 24 • Manual for Teachers.
P.O. Box: 6330, 6330 Struga, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-46) 786-740, (389-70) 800-225, S T RU M I C A
(389-70) 362-245
Fax: (389-46) 782-881 Environmental Association Planetum Strumica
E-mail: (EA Planetum, D Planetum); Еколошко Друштво Планетум —
Leader: Mate Gogoski, president Струмица
Contact person: Valentina Jovanoska, project manager 22 Dekemvri bb IV m.z.,

Year of foundation: 1990 2400 Strumica, FYR Macedonia

Year of registration: 1998 Tel: (389-34) 331-416
Type of registration: Association Fax: (389-34) 331-416
Number of employees: No E-mail:
Number of members: 218 Web:
Number of volunteers: 218, 9 active Leader: Mitko Sopov, president
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Contact person: Aleksandar Lazarov, member of
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F7, F10 management board
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T11, T13, T14, T17, T19, T21, Year of foundation: 1999
T24, T25, T26
Year of registration: 1999
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A13, A17, A19,
Type of registration: Association
A20, A21
Number of members: 120
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Number of volunteers: 15
national, international
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Member of umbrella organisations: DEM
Source of funding: F3, F6, F7, F10
Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T19, T21, T22, T25
S T RU G A Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A17,
The Natyra Union of Ecologists A19, A20, A22
(UE ‘NATYRA’) Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Унија на Еколози ‘Natyra’ Member of umbrella organisations: Vote for Nature
Ul. Vlado Maleski -Tale b.b., Key publications:
6330 Struga, FYR Macedonia • Plastic=X, 2001 (published once).
Tel: (389-46) 781-043 • Eco Plus, 2002 (monthly, 2002).
Fax: (389-46) 781-043 • Children’s Eco View, 2002 (published once).
E-mail: • Plastic and Paper as a Waste, 2003 (published once).
Web: • Selection of Waste – Our Future 2005 (published once).

142 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

S V E T I N I KO L E Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000

Source of funding: FS6, FS9, FS10, FS13
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti
Main topics: T2, T3, T6, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T25
Nikole (EDI) Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A11, A12, A17, A22, A24
Еколошко Друштво Изгрев — Свети Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Mosa Pijade br. 3,
2220 Sveti Nikole, FYR Macedonia T E TOVO
Tel: (389-32) 444-600 Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological
Fax: (389-32) 444-600 Development, Tetovo (CEED IDEAL Tetovo)
Центар за развој на Малостопанството
и Екологија -Идеал — Тетово
Leader: Vladimir Gilev, president Jane Sandanski br. 8/11
Year of foundation: 1991 P.O. Box: br. 60, 1200 Tetovo, FYR Macedonia
Year of registration: N/A Tel: (389-44) 344-472, (389-70) 632-818
Type of registration: Association Fax: (389-44) 344-472
Number of members: 80 E-mail:
Number of volunteers: 20 Web:
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Leader: Nesim Veliu, president
Source of funding: FS4, FS5, FS6, FS10, FS11, FS12
Contact person: Nesim Veliu, president; Burim Veliu,
Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T6, T7, T11, T12, T15, T17, T18,
T19, T20, T21, T25, T26
Year of foundation: 2001
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A13, A14,
Year of registration: 2001
A17, A19, A20, A21, A24
Type of registration: Association
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Number of employees: 1
Number of members: 75
Member of umbrella organisations: Environmental
Number of volunteers: 32
Movement of Macedonia; Citizens’ Platform of
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Macedonia; Association of LEAP Communities; ECMI;
Source of funding: FS1

Econet; Aarhus Family in Macedonia; Coalition for Inter-
Main topics: T3, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25, T26
Ethnic Cooperation
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A12,
Key publications:
A13, A17, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25
• LEAP for Municipality of Sveti Nikole.
Level of activity: national
• Water Resources in the Municipality of Sveti Nikole.
Member of umbrella organisations: MANGO
• Field Protection Zone.
• School for Young Ecologists.
• Bulletin: Dr. OZ. VA L A N D OVO
• Sveti Nikole and Inhabitants of Sveti Nikole through
Kalinka Ecological Organisation
(EO Kalinka)
Eколошко друштво 'Калинка' Валандово
T E TOVO Nikola Karev No. 4,
Eco Action 2460 Valandovo, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-34) 381-029, (389-34) 382-232
Еколошко друштво ECO ACTION Fax: (389-34) 381-029
Block 82 E-mail:
P.O. Box: 142,1200 Tetovo, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-44) 331-795 Leader: Petar Pandev, president
Fax: (389-44) 335-448 Contact person: Dusko Gosevski, president of youth
E-mail: Year of foundation: 1994
Year of registration: 2000
Leader: Pranvera Kasami, executive director Type of registration: Association
Contact person: Slobodanka Spasoska, project assistant; Number of employees: 0
Naser Bislimi, project assistant Number of members: 60 active, 840 passive
Year of foundation: 2006 Number of volunteers: 60
Year of registration: 2006 Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Type of registration: Association Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS5, FS6, FS7, FS10
Number of members: 68 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17,
Number of volunteers: 35 T18, T20, T22, T25, T26

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 143

Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7, A8, A10, A11, A22, A24 Year of registration: 1998
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Type of registration: Association
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecologists’ Movement
Number of members: 215
of Macedonia (DEM)
Key publications: Number of volunteers: 85
• Promotion of the book Soya — Health Food, by Prof. Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Spaso Janev (Kalinka’s ex-president). Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F9, F10, F12
• ECO bulletin on local level, 2001. Main topics: T2, T3, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14,
VELES A17, A20, A21, A24
Ecological Group Green Power, Veles Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
(EG Green Power, Е.Г. Грин Пауер ) national, international
Eколошка Групација Грин Пауер - Велес Member of umbrella organisations: Cooperation within
Trajko Panov 22, 1400 Veles, FYR Macedonia the scout networks, between the scout alliance of
Tel: (389-43) 212-450 Macedonia and a huge number of partner activities with
Fax: (389-43) 212-450
NGOs from Veles and on a local level. Implemented
activities in cooperation with SG Mija Stanimirovic — Nis
Leader: Igor Smilev, president
(Serbia), SG Neretva — Konjic (BiH) and SG ‘Kafeava
Contact person: Igor Smilev
Year of foundation: 2002 mecka’ Sofia (Bulgaria).
Year of registration: 2002 Key publications:
Type of registration: Association • Short practical advice handbook Patrol Leader.
Number of employees: 2 • Ecological educational brochure Stories for Energy.
Number of members: 250 • Ecological educational colouring book Children, Spend
Number of volunteers: 60 or more
Energy Wisely;
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
• Scout work handbook: Patrol Diary.
Source of funding: F5, F6, F7, F10, F12
Main topics: T1, T2, T7, T11, T14, T18, T21 • Handbook: Orientation in Nature Mono.

Activities: A2, A3, A4, A10, A11, A13, A14, A17,

A19, A20
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national Vila Zora Environmental Association, Veles
Member of umbrella organisations: Macedonian Green Еколошко Друштво Вила Зора — Велес
Centre, Give Resistance — Say No, Econet (before and
Trajko Panov 22, 1400 Veles, FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-43) 233-023
Key publications:
• Preparation of leaflet for alternative tourism in Azot Fax: (389-43) 233-023
region, central Macedonia. E-mail:
VELES Leader: Nenad Kocic, president
Contact person: Biljana Stojanovska, office assistant
Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov, Veles
Year of foundation: 1989
(SG Dimitar Vlahov IO Dimitar Vlahov)
Извиднички Одред Димитар Влaхов — Year of registration: 1992
Велес Type of registration: Association
Trajko Panov 22 — PF 85 Number of members: 542
P.O. Box: 85, 1400 Veles, FYR Macedonia Number of volunteers: 100
Tel: (389-43) 223-715 Source of funding: F1, F6, F10
Fax: (389-43) 223-715 Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T12, T13, T15, T17, T19,
E-mail: ; T21, T25
Web: Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11,
Leader: Angelce Guev, scout organisation superior A19, A24
Contact person: Zlatko Ristov, scout organisation superior Level of activity: local, national
Year of foundation: 1953 Member of umbrella organisations: DEM, GPM

144 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Horizonti Society for Citizens’ Initiation
(SCI ‘Horizonti’, ZGI ‘Horizonti’)
Здружение за граѓанска иницијатива
Marsal Tito bb, Zletovo, 2212 Zletovo,
FYR Macedonia
Tel: (389-32) 495-404
Fax: (389-32) 483-047
Leader: Aleksandra Aleksova, project coordinator
Year of foundation: 2002
Year of registration: 2002
Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 58
Number of volunteers: 15
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS10
Main topics: T17, T18, T19, T21
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10
Level of activity: local
Key publications:
• 50 billboards, 500 flyers and 300 brochures for the
project Clean Environment, Healthy Life.


N G O D I R E C T O R Y 145

Questionnaires received 14 Montenegro: Total CSO budgets EUR 477,500
Average budget (estimated) EUR 34,107
Most frequent budget range 43% of CSO budgets
REGISTRATION are in category 6
Number of formally registered 14 registered (EUR 10,001-50,000)
and unregistered CSOs 0 not registered Percentage of ECSOs in the lowest and highest budget
range and their contribution to total CSO budgets
• 14% of ECSOs (category 1, no budget) account for
CSO MEMBERSHIP 0% of the total sum of annual CSO budgets
Number of members in Montenegro • 14% of ECSOs (category 8, above EUR 100,000)
(total for the country) 3211 account for 42% (EUR 200,000) of the total sum
of annual budgets
Members per CSO From 3 to 1,507
Average members per CSO 229


NUMBER OF STAFF FS3 foreign government/international 78.6%
public sector grants or donations
Paid staff (full and part time) 62
FS1 domestic government/public 71.4%
Unpaid staff (volunteers) 3,010
sector grants or donations
Ratio paid/unpaid staff 1:49
FS6 foreign/international foundations 64.3%


T11 environmental education/ 100%
education for sustainable development
T4 biodiversity 85.7%
T17 nature protection 85.7%
T19 sustainable development 85.7%
T12&T21 environmental legislation & 78.6%
tourism /sustainable-/eco- tourism


A2 awareness raising campaigns 100%
A10 fieldwork 85.7%
A1 advisory services 78.5%

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 149

CHART 1 Comparison between 2001 and 2006 data

Because Montenegro is a new country, the
Year of establishment for ECSOs in REC did not collect separate data for it in
Montenegro 2001, when it was part of Yugoslavia. There-
(number of ECSOs in each category) fore, the summary here reflects only the situ-
ation in 2006.
20 Fourteen environmental civil society organisa-
tions responded to the survey in Montenegro.
They state that they have some 3,211 mem-
bers, while the biggest organisation has 1,507
of them (half of all the membership in the
3 movement). As such the average membership
of the groups is 229 members per ECSO. As
0 0
0 many as 50 people were cited as being
<1990 1991- 1996- >2000
1995 2000 employed either full- or part-time in the move-
ment (around three-and-a-half per group and
Category 1 – up to 1990
one of the highest averages in the SEE region);
Category 2 – 1991-1995 and some 634 volunteers work with the ECSOs
Category 3 – 1996-2000 and participate in their activities.
Category 4 – 2001-2006 The total estimated budget of ECSOs in Mon-
tenegro is EUR 477,500, which gives a fairly
impressive EUR 34,107 average budget per
organisation. However, 14 percent of the
organisations claim to have no budget for
Level of working their activities. The largest category (43 per-
cent) is those ECSOs with budgets between
100 EUR 10,001 and EUR 50,000. In addition two
ECSOs have budgets over EUR 100,000 per
year. These figures suggest that out of the 14
80 organisations which submitted the question-
10 naires most are financially viable and have
9 decent levels of support for their activities.

% of Total

The most frequent sources of financial sup-
50 port are foreign governments/international
public sector grants (78 percent), domestic
government/public sector grants (71 per-
30 cent) and foreign/international founda-
tions/grants (64 percent). This trend remains
2 the same also when we compare the data for
10 the whole of Yugoslavia from 2001. Evident-
ly foreign sources of funding tend to domi-
0 nate the financial resources in the Montene-
Local Regional National International
grin environmental movement.
(Data represent actual number and percentage of the total)
The top priority topics for the organisations
in Montenegro are environmental education
and education for sustainable development,
biodiversity and nature protection, and sus-

150 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

tainable development with a focus on envi- erally has a poor reputation because of the
ronmental legislation and eco-tourism. In large number of false CSOs, further limiting
their work ECSOs most commonly carry out the ability of well-intentioned CSOs to oper-
activities such as awareness-raising cam- ate within legal limits. Authorities are under
paigns, fieldwork and advisory services. public pressure to ignore legal technicalities
because strict enforcement is seen as contrary
Regarding their foundation, the vast majority to the democratisation of the country. More-
reported that they formed after the year over, tax inspectors can examine records but
2000. In addition the main locations of work cannot check whether an organisation’s activ-
are at the local and regional levels, with very ities are consistent with its purpose. ECSOs
few groups mentioning that they work inter- are eligible for certain tax benefits and may
nationally. also engage in commercial activities,
although high overall tax rates result in many
ECSOs not registering employees. Neverthe-
Legal and regulatory framework less, there is generally poor awareness of
The process for registering a CSO in Mon- specific legal requirements, and it appears
tenegro is simple and does not require signif- that ECSOs do not consider legal obligations
icant resources. Montenegrin authorities to be critical to their operations.
have issued a helpful guide to assist in regis-
tration, and legal services are generally not Existing legal frameworks are generally good,
required. Apparently the ease of registration even very good, although implementation and
and lax enforcement have resulted in abuses enforcement are poor. Authorities are accused
of the system, including the registration of by ECSOs of being selective in using their
for-profit businesses as ECSOs in order to powers, granting access to certain favoured
evade taxes. Montenegrin ECSOs report vari- ECSOs to participate in governmental process-
ous forms or statuses of association, for rea- es, while reportedly using administrative mea-
sons that are not entirely clear. sures and intimidation against other ECSOs
that are considered critical of the government.
Imprecise laws and an insufficient level of This may even extend to physical threats.
implementation contribute to uncertainty of
ECSOs as to whether their operations are Environmental advocacy is virtually non-
compliant with the law. The CSO sector gen- existent. There is a high rate of involvement

Main findings: Legal and regulatory framework MONTENEGRO

• The process of registration is simple, straightforward and inexpensive, and CSO status offers
significant tax advantages.
• There is a high rate of abuse of CSO registration possibilities by for-profit companies, which
is not addressed by the authorities.
• ECSOs do not take their legal status and legal requirements seriously enough, mainly due to a
lack of implementation and enforcement by authorities.
• Legal frameworks for information and participation are very good.
• Some ECSOs report that authorities engage in favouritism, intimidation and threats vis-à-vis
ECSOs, depending on their activities and their level of support for the authorities.
• ECSOs tend to focus their involvement at the macro-level, such as law drafting, rather than
the micro-level in individual cases.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 151

Main findings: Resource base

• The most important donors are foreign (governmental and foundations), representing the
principal financial resources for the environmental movement. However, ECSOs feel that
donor priorities often do not match their needs.
• The administration of foreign grant projects is felt to be disproportionate to the amounts
awarded. European Commission funds are particularly perceived by Montenegrin ECSOs to
be difficult to access, being overly complex and with too stringent conditions.
• Central and local government funding is available, but is usually of lower magnitude and suf-
fers from a lack of sufficient transparency in their administration.
• Non-acceptance of operational costs and staff salaries by many donors has put a brake on
the organisational development of ECSOs.
• Access to donors and information on funding opportunities are more restricted outside the
capital and particularly in rural areas.
• The Montenegrin environmental ECSOs surveyed exhibit fairly healthy budgets for the
region and demonstrate a positive attitude towards their financial situation.
• Montenegrin ECSOs are fairly well equipped, but they have low staff capacities (especially in
financial management).
• Self-financing strategies have not been fully explored by environmental groups.
• ECSOs believe that local philanthropy is not developing.

in law drafting, however, indicating that the there does appear to be some promise in
legal framework is still in flux and ECSOs fostering domestic business sponsorship.
consider it their priority to help establish
On the relative importance of funding sources,
laws rather than making use of them in par-
foreign government/international public sec-
ticular cases. As Montenegro has a small CSO
tor grants and foreign/international founda-
population, training needs are very focused tions grants are dominant. Even though
and specialised. Some organisations request domestic government funding (central and
legal training.

local) is received by many groups, the finan-

cial magnitude is smaller than the other two
main sources. Quite clearly the funding to the
Resource base country’s ECSOs is financially dominated by
The main sources of funding for ECSOs in external sources, and, though many ECSOs
Montenegro — by a clear margin — are for- appear to have healthy budgets (two-thirds
eign government/international public sector have yearly budgets over EUR 10,000), there is
grants, domestic government grants and for- an inherent possibility that with a reduction in
eign/international foundations grants. No foreign funding the sector’s resource base
other type of funding comes close to these might not be diversified enough to cope with
three types in terms of frequency. As such the change.
the funding base for ECSOs in Montenegro
appears quite narrowly defined. In addition,
other than membership fees, no other form Human and organisational capacities
of self-financing or public contracting is Generally the Montenegrin ECSOs are aware
received in any substantial way. However, of strategic planning tools, but they are only

152 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

partially used by the NGOs. Most have a reason for this dependency is purely materi-
strategic plan and/or work plan, but none of al: ECSOs need to win projects disbursed by
those interviewed had a fundraising or busi- donors and government in order to survive.
ness plan. Interestingly, the ECSOs consider
it futile to have a fundraising strategy ECSOs and other stakeholders have clearly
because of the limited number of donors in contrasting views when talking about the
Montenegro and the fact that they are not strengths and weaknesses of the ECSOs. There
making their strategies known to ECSOs. is a clear miscommunication between these
stakeholders and a lack of understanding as to
The majority of Montenegrin ECSOs consider the roles and the activities which ECSOs devel-
that they were fully or partially successful in op in society, including their capacity to
their overall performance of the last few implement projects, their effectiveness and
years. There are major obstacles to success their capabilities. It is clear that ECSOs need a
expressed by the ECSOs, such as: the gov- stronger image and better visibility among the
ernment not accepting ECSOs as partners, various stakeholders in society.
limited funding opportunities, not enough
people working in the movement, young Montenegrin ECSOs employ on average a
people migrating from poorer rural areas and larger number of staff (three and a half per
a general lack of environmental expertise. organisation) in comparison with most other
There is only a small number of ECSOs SEE countries; also the ratio of paid/unpaid
whose mission fully follows the needs of the staff per organisation is the highest in the
environment and stakeholders. Many of the region: one in every 13 staff members is
environmental ECSOs in Montenegro are not paid. This is a good sign for the long-term
organisationally very powerful and not inde- development of the ECSOs, as paid staff
pendent. As such their mission delivery is brings stability to an organisation and, in the
dependent on donor programmes and in appropriate context, development (although
some cases they are government driven. The these figures might change if the NGO base

Main findings: Human and organisational capacities

• Concepts of strategic leadership, process management and its tools are generally well
known and used by some ECSOs.

• Fundraising strategy is considered the most important tool for strategic leadership; how-
ever, no organisation surveyed demonstrated a developed strategy.
• Governance bodies tend to be weak with little influence in the work of the organisations.
• Communication and PR strategies are rarely developed, while many ECSOs perceive the
need for better communication with the public and other stakeholders and for building a
better image.
• Most of the organisations consider their performance as successful; the main obstacles they
cite in their work are the government not accepting ECSOs as partners, limited funds, not
enough people working in the movement, young people migrating from poorer areas and a
lack of expertise.
• There is a clear miscommunication and lack of understanding among the ECSOs and other
stakeholders as regards ECSOs’ capabilities and their roles.
• Donors, government and support organisations’ representatives feel that ECSOs lack vision,
transparency, accountability, and are donor driven.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 153

becomes broader). While people join the Information and knowledge base
movement due to the wish to improve the Regarding ECSOs’ operating environment (i.e.
environment and the society in general, many the external information landscape), 69 per-
leave due to frustration related to the slow cent described the general availability of sus-
pace of change, lack of professional develop- tainable development and environment infor-
ment and low salaries. The ECSOs have gener- mation as inadequate, just 23 percent as ade-
ally a good gender balance with slightly more quate. One ECSO observed they could not get
men than women working in the movement. enough environmental information from the
state because the government does not recog-
Most of the organisations have gone through a nise environment as a priority. Concerning
training needs assessment but training is not quality, almost all CSO survey respondents
used systematically for building capacity of the felt improvement was necessary concerning
staff and is mostly done on an ad-hoc basis. the currency (100 percent), presentation (100
The training programmes available in the coun- percent) and reliability (100 percent) of offi-
try are not announced far enough in advance in cial information. Respondents observed that
advance to allow planning and they do not there is a lack of equipment to undertake
cover all the required subjects. Overall there is a environmental measurements, combined with
need for a different approach to capacity build-
the lack of a good statistical network.
ing in the movement, where staff has the
opportunity to experience implementation of Regarding proactive distribution, all sur-
knowledge through sharing of experience and veyed ECSOs felt improvement was neces-
best practices. sary (vis-à-vis ease of accessibility, media

Main findings: Information and knowledge base

• The general availability of official information is inadequate, and that which is available
to ECSOs is found to be of problematic quality, out of date, poorly presented and/or
• It was noted that the distribution of official sustainable development and environment infor-
mation (both proactive and passive) does not occur in an organised manner, and therefore
all surveyed ECSOs requested improvement, including in the handling of information

• Almost all ECSOs welcomed improvements in exchanging information with authorities, both
physical and virtual, as well as capacity building trainings of governmental institutions, since
conflicts arise because they do not know how to work well with ECSOs.
• Well over half of ECSOs in Montenegro maintain collections of environmental books,
brochures, CD-ROMs and reports. Eighty-three percent consider their organisation’s knowl-
edge capacities/skills on the environmental topics they work on as “adequate.” Nevertheless
all welcome additional training to enhance their internal knowledge.
• ECSOs tend not to undertake their own data research but largely depend on official infor-
mation. Half are equipped with database equipment to manage their information, while less
than one-third use desktop publishing equipment.
• Pamphlets and brochures are the most popularly published forms of information, alongside
newspaper/periodical articles. E-mail, independent newspaper articles or advertisements;
Internet websites; radio programmes or advertisements and telephone and fax are most
popularly used by ECSOs to distribute information.

154 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

source distribution, and electronic and print- phone and fax are used by all respondent
ed formats). Survey interviewees commented ECSOs to distribute their information. How-
that the government does not provide envi- ever, media reporting appears to be the main
ronmental information in an organised man- source of information on ECSOs’ activities.
ner, often because some information is con-
sidered sensitive. Official responses to infor-
mation requests were also evaluated nega- Accountability
tively, with one CSO noting: “The official The results of the survey on the current sta-
environmental information system is not very tus of public accountability in Montenegro
well developed.” With regard to improving show that the general legislative framework
mechanisms to exchange information with is rather developed and is being brought in
authorities, 91 percent welcomed physical line with the provisions of the Aarhus Con-
fora, 100 percent virtual fora. vention and EU directives regarding access
to information, public participation in deci-
Concerning the ECSOs own organisational sion making and access to justice in environ-
environment, 64 percent maintain collections mental matters. Montenegro has not yet rati-
of brochures and CD-ROMs while 57 percent fied/acceded to it, but rights similar to those
keep environmental books, and reports. reflected in the Aarhus Convention are being
Eighty-three percent described their organisa- included in the series of new laws that have
tion’s knowledge capacities/skills on the top- been adopted or are being developed and
ics they work on as “adequate.” Nevertheless, work is underway to establish, implement or
all survey respondents welcomed additional improve the application of these rights.
training to enhance their internal knowledge. However, access to justice is lagging behind
This would help remedy characteristics the most.
observed by an international organisation,
which noted that ECSOs tend to be weak in New laws are addressing the gaps in the sys-
putting forward constructive criticism. tem and it is expected that the situation will
improve significantly. However, several of
When gathering or researching sustainable these laws will be in force only from 2008.
development and environment data, one Currently there are still some gaps and
support organisation noted that “ECSOs are incompatibilities among the different recent-
100 percent dependent on official environ- ly and formerly adopted laws. The institu-
mental information, which affects the ability tional background still needs to be devel-
of ECSOs to further disseminate it.” Half of oped or further improved, effective mecha-
the ECSOs in Montenegro rely on database nisms need to be put in place, and practices
equipment to manage information while 29 need to be developed or improved to
percent rely on desktop publishing equip- achieve the implementation of the men-
ment. Brochures and pamphlets are the most tioned rights. Financial and human resource
popular published forms of information (by limitations are or may be barriers to the
up to half of Montenegrin ECSOs) alongside effective implementation of the obligations.
newspaper/periodical articles. However, an
international support organisation observed Cooperation between the governmental bod-
that ECSOs should learn to use language that ies and the CSOs is insufficient and mostly lim-
helps citizens understand environmental ited to invitation of key CSO groups to discus-
information. E-mail, independent newspaper sions on draft laws and strategic documents.
articles or advertisements; Websites; radio
programmes or advertisements and tele-

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 155

Main findings: Accountability

• Recently a government strategy was developed for cooperation with ECSOs, but only limited
mechanisms for cooperation or cooperative bodies exist between the ECSOs and the govern-
mental authorities (e.g. Council for Sustainable Development). The most common form of con-
sultation is inviting CSO representatives to working groups discussing drafts of laws, plans, pro-
grammes, or roundtable meetings, bringing together experts of different departments from min-
istries or agencies or sectoral ministries, academic experts and ECSOs. Although the relationship
is generally good between the environmental and some other ministries and ECSOs, the influ-
ence of CSOs is limited in the formulation of governmental policy making. There are, however,
some good examples such as when the government changes its position following strong CSO
pressure (e.g. Tara River).
• NGO-government cooperation still depends to a large extent on personal contacts. Some
ministries as well as some local authorities have designated a contact person for CSOs.
• There is usually a public call by the government for CSO participation in different working
groups, and CSO organisations are nominated and elected by ECSOs. However, there are
no rules or requirements regarding the selection and delegation of CSO representatives and
selection is often based on personal relations.
• ECSOs are not experienced in working with the general public, involving them or mobilising
them in the decision-making process. The bigger and more established groups have a better out-
reach than others and are advocating for more specific causes than before.
• There is usually good communication and cooperation between ECSOs and local stakehold-
ers, but it occurs more often within voluntary initiatives, direct actions or smaller scale activi-
ties than in the form of more intensive joint activities or projects such as developing LEAPs
or taking initiatives to improve the environment, reduce pollution and protect nature.
• Cooperation with national/local business is at the initial stage and rather limited.
• Although the legal framework is gradually developing and the basic rights for access to infor-
mation and public participation are provided, practical implementation is still lagging behind.
Enforcement and lack of clear rules and procedures remain the key problems.

• Despite slight improvements in the implementation of access to information requirements,

many authorities still do not respond or fully provide the information either actively or upon
request. There is also a lack of capacity to implement the obligations according to require-
ments. Access to draft laws and pollution information is the most problematic.
• The new law on access to information provides opportunities and is used by ECSOs who
test the capacity of public institutions on how to comply with this law, but many environ-
mental ECSOs do not yet use these opportunities.
• The new EIA law provides a good basis for public participation and the public participation
requirements are included in most of the current laws, but it has not yet become general
practice. However, public hearings are not always required or if they are required are not
fully implemented. New laws were adopted on EIA, SEA and integrated pollution prevention
and control (IPPC) but they wont be implemented until 2008.

156 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Main findings: Accountability (continued)

• There is a new regulation at the local level on green space and this provides for access to
information and public participation at the local level on issues regarding green space. Nev-
ertheless, this has been implemented in only one municipality so far.
• Access to justice rights are provided on access to information and public participation, but
obstacles make it difficult to enforce and use these rights for citizens and ECSOs (lack of
knowledge about the rights of citizens, how those rights can be exercised, experience in
how to file complaints and lack of free-of-charge legal assistance and advice to support the
• ECSOs have the right to file complaints against public authorities but they do not use the
opportunities. Legal aid to citizens is not available or it is not focused on environmental rights
and is among the barriers to exercising rights to access to justice.


N G O D I R E C T O R Y 157

KO L A S I N Main topics: T4, T6, T11, T12, T17, T21, T26

Activities: A1, A2, A8, A9, A10, A11, A15, A22
NGO Natura
Level of activity: local
NVO Natura Languages: English
Trg Borca b.b., 81210 Kolasin, Montenegro Key publications:
Tel: (381-81) 860-040, (381-69) 074-766 • Beach Monitoring in Montenegro.
Fax: (381-81) 860-041
E-mail: natura@cg.yu
Leader: Milan Medenica, executive director Eco Centre Dolphin
Year of foundation: 2002 Eko Centar ‘DELFIN’
Year of registration: 2002 Rakite 4/1/1/3, 85330 Kotor, Montenegro
Type of registration: NGO Tel: (381-82) 323-929, (381-69) 416-743
Number of employees: 3 Fax: (381-82) 322-756
Number of members: 105 E-mail: ecodelfin@cg.yu
Number of volunteers: 120 Web:
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Leader: Ljilja Radunović, executive director
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F9, F10
Contact person: Radmila Beća Radulović, secretary
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
Year of foundation: 2000
T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Year of registration: 2000
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12,
Type of registration: Public organisation
A14, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25
Number of employees: 2
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Number of members: 78
Number of volunteers: 20-30
Member of umbrella organisations: MANS, Green Ring,
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F5, F6, F7, F13
Languages: English
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T19,
Key publications:
T20, T21, T24, T25, T26
• Comparative Analysis of Regional Development of
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Montenegro, with Special Focus on Northern Region,
A13, A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A25
Kolasin, 2004, 500 copies.
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
• Impact Assessment of Changed Topography on the
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox, Aarhus
Meteorological Parameters of Northwest Montenegro,
convention, “Together to the End” (CRNVO)
Kolasin, 2004, 500 copies.
Languages: English, Italian
• Bilingual Botanical Garden Catalogue, Kolasin, 2005,
Key publications:
2,000 copies. • Play of Dolphins, 2001, REC.
• Manual for Categorisation of Private Accommodation • Eco tourist info: Play of Dolphins, 2005.
in Montenegro,Kolasin, 2006, 2000 copies. • Municipality of Kotor, We Have Boka But Not Only For
• Map of Kolasin, Kolasin, 2006, 4,000 copies. Us, 2004.

• Ministry of Tourism of Montenegro and Municipality of

KOTO R Kotor, 2005.
• Legal Regulations in EU in the Environmental Field, 2005.
Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal
Engineering and Consulting (Adriatik)
Centar za marinski i priobalni inženjering i KOTO R
konsalting ‘Adriatik’ NGO Nautilus
Plagenti D1, 85330 Kotor, Montenegro NU Nautilus
Tel: (387-67)315-802 vidikovac b.b., 85330 Kotor, Montenegro
E-mail: adriatik@cg.yu (Crna Gora)
Leader: Uroš Tatomir, president Tel: (381-69) 551-036
Year of foundation: 2003 E-mail: nautilus03@cg.yu
Year of registration: 2003 Leader: Slavica Kašćelan, president
Type of registration: Public organisation Year of foundation: 2003
Number of members: 6 Year of registration: 2003
Number of volunteers: 4 Type of registration: Do not know
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Number of members: 10
Source of funding: F1, F7, F11, F12 Number of volunteers: 5

158 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Annual budget: No budget Level of activity: local

Source of funding: FS3 Languages: English, French
Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T26 Key publications:
Activities: A1, A2, A7, A9, A10, A20, A22 • Pollution Level of the City of Pljevlja and its Influence
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) on the Population’s Health, Pljevlja, 2001.
Languages: English, Italian

Centre for the Protection and Research
Production of Organic Food (POOF, PZH) of Birds of Montenegro (CZIP CPRB)
Proizvodnja Zdrave Hrane Centar za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica Crne Gore
Miolje polje, Župa, 81400 Nikšić, Montenegro Mirka Banjevića 23, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Tel: (381-06) 943-5785 Tel: (381-67) 245-006
E-mail: pzhnk@cg.yu Fax: (381-81) 652-520
Leader: Andrija Mićković, executive director E-mail: czip@cg.yu
Contact person: Jovo Radulović, project manager Web:
Year of foundation: 2002 Leader: Darko Saveljić, president
Year of registration: 2002 Contact person: Darko Saveljić
Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 2000
Number of employees: 2 Year of registration: 2006
Number of members: 95 Type of registration: Association
Number of volunteers: 15 Number of employees: 0
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Number of members: 25
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F9, F10, F13 Number of volunteers: 25
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T7, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
T20, T21, T22, T25, T26 Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS6
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7, A9, A10, A11, A14, A17, Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T17, T19, T21
A19, A21 Activities: A1, A2, A6, A10, A11, A14, A15, A20
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Level of activity: national
national Languages: English
Member of umbrella organisations: MANS Key publications:
Languages: English • Birds of Montenegro and Important Lairs, 25,000
Key publications: copies distributed free of charge with daily newspaper
• Information about the Organisation and Organic Vijesti.
• EKO HRANA, 23 issues, 2003-July 2006.
• Pamphlets and posters promoting organic farms and
village areas in Montenegro in 2005.
Environmental Consultancy
of Montenegro (ECOM)
PLJEVLJA Ekološki konsalting u Crnoj Gori
Bonum NGO IX crnogorske No. 18,
Nevladino Udruženje’ Bonum 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Nikole Pašića 32, 84210 Pljevlja, Montenegro Tel: (381-67) 468-283
Tel: (381-89) 321-732 Fax: (381-81) 209-120
Fax: (381-89) 321-7832 E-mail: ecom@cg.yu
E-mail: bonum@cg.yu Leader: Aleksandar Ražnatović, president
Year of foundation: 2001
Leader: Ruždija Strujić, executive board president Year of registration: 2005
Year of foundation: 2001 Type of registration: NGO
Year of registration: 2001 Number of employees: 2
Type of registration: Public organisation Number of members: 120
Number of employees: 3 Annual budget: No budget
Number of members: 55 Source of funding: F1, F3, F5
Number of volunteers: 30 Main topics: T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T19, T21, T24,
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 T25, T26
Source of funding: FS1, FS6 Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A10, A11, A19, A20
Main topics: T11, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25 Level of activity: local, national
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A20, A22 Languages: English, Italian, Polish

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 159

PODGORICA Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
Foundation for Democratic Alternatives T17, T18, T19, T21, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A16,
in Society (FONDAS)
A17, A19, A20, A22, A24
Fondacija za demokratske alternative u
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
drustvu- FONDAS Languages: English
Kralja Nikole 41, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Tel: (381-81) 601-600
Fax: (381-81) 601-601 PODGORICA
Web: Green Forest Society (Zelena Gora)
Društvo ‘Zelena Gora’
Leader: Dušan Pavićević, executive director
Bulevar Revolucije 26,
Year of foundation: 2004
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Year of registration: 2004
Tel: (381-67) 313-409
Type of registration: Foundation
Fax: (381-81) 623-933
Number of employees: 3
Number of volunteers: 5
E-mail: markoka@cg.yu
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ Leader: Marko Karaman, president
Source of funding: F3, F6, F11 Year of foundation: 2004
Main topics: T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T24, T26 Year of registration: N/A
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A8, A9, A13, A16, A17, A18, A19, Type of registration: citizens’ association
A24, A25 Number of members: 26
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
national Source of funding: F1, F6, F10
Languages: English Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T12, T17, T19, T21
Key publications: Activities: A2, A9, A10, A21, A22
• Accent marks from roundtable about the need for a Level of activity: regional (region within the country),
new Law on Hydrometeorology, 2005.
national, international
• Impact assessment of changed topography (related to
Languages: English, German, Macedonian
the construction of a power station on the River Tara)
Key publications: In preparation:
on the values of meteorological parameters in
northwestern Montenegro, 2004. • Booklet about NP Lovćen.
• National publication about IPA lairs.

Foundation for the Development of
Northern Montenegro (FORS Montenegro) The Greens of Montenegro NGO
Fondacija za razvoj sjevera Crne Gore (Greens — Zeleni)
NVO Zeleni Crne Gore

Vaka Djurovića br. 84,

81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Ivangradska b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Tel: (381-081) 272-323, (381-081) 310-070 Tel: (381-81) 281-193
Fax: (381-081) 272-323, (381-081) 310-070 Fax: (381-81) 281-192
E-mail: E-mail: mgreens@cg.yu
Leader: Igor Golubović, economic development manager;
Vera Madžgalj, new program initiatives manager; Jelena Leader: Aleksandar Drljević, executive director
Živković, financial manager; Veselin Šturanović, civil society Year of foundation: 2002
manager; Dijana Andjelić, environmental protection manager Year of registration: 2002
Contact person: Dijana Andjelić, environmental protection Type of registration: NGO
manager Number of employees: 2
Year of foundation: 2006 Number of members: 1507
Year of registration: 2006 Number of volunteers: 150
Type of registration: Foundation Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Number of employees: 26 Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F10
Number of volunteers: 130 Main topics: T4, T11, T12, T14, T17, T19, T25
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ Activities: A2, A4, A6, A7, A20
Source of funding: F2, F3, F7, F9, F11 Level of activity: national

160 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Member of umbrella organisations: MANS, CRNVO ZABLAK

Languages: English, French, German Most Development, Cultural and
Key publications:
Information Centre (MOST)
• Collection of works: 3E for Tara, 2004.
Razvojno Kulturno Informacini Centar MOST
• Collection of works: Solar Energy in Montenegro —
Vučedolska b.b., 84220 Zabljak, Montenegro
Possibilities for its Use, 2004. Tel: (381-67) 227-228
• World Summit on Sustainable Development — Fax: (381-089) 360-010
Declaration and Implementation Plan, 2002. E-mail: hitss@cg.yu
PODGORICA Leader: Siniša Stevović, president
Year of foundation: 2003
NGO Green Home (NVO GH, NGO GH) Year of registration: 2003
NVO Green Home — Zeleni Dom Type of registration: Public organisation
Radosava Burića 31, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Number of employees: 3
Tel: (381-81) 609 -375, (381-81) 609-376 Number of members: 784
Fax: (381-81) 609 -375, (381-81) 609-376 Number of volunteers: 5-100
E-mail: greenhome@cg.yu Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
Web:, Source of funding: FS3, FS4, FS9, FS10 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T10, T11, T12,
Leader: Darko Pajović, executive director T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T23, T24, T25, T26
Contact person: Darko Pajović, executive director Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Year of foundation: 2000 A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22,
Year of registration: 2000 A23, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Type of registration: NGO
national, international
Number of employees: 4
Member of umbrella organisations: Council for
Number of members: 400
Sustainable Development of Montenegro, NGO Network
Number of volunteers: 20 ‘’Green is In’‘, Regional NGO Forum EFE07
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Languages: English, Italian
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T5, T10, T11, T12, T17, T19, T20,
T21, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12,
A13, A14, A15, A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, A24, A25
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: National Commitee
for Sustainable Development of Montenegro,
Steering Commitee, Development of Environmental

Legislation in Serbia and Montenegro, YUGOLEX,
Network of NGOs Zeleni Krug – Green Cycle (NGO
Green Home coordinated PR activities),
Green Resource Centre, Network of ecological NGOs
from Montenegro, Friends of Public Service, Network of
NGOs for Monitoring public service work, Coalition NGO,
Network of NGOs from Montengro
Languages: English, Russian
Key publications:
• Directory of Ecological NGOs in Montenegro, 2003.
• Lake Skadar and Mount Komovi, 2002, 3,000 copies.
• Info bulletin Skadar Lake and Mount Komovi, 2002,
3,000 copies.
• Children and Recycling, 2004, 200 copies.
• Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development,
2005, 500 copies.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 161

(territory under interim
UN administration)
Questionnaires received 114 Serbia: Total CSO budgets EUR 1,648,000
Average budget (estimated) EUR 14,456
Most frequent budget range 30% of CSO budgets
are in category 4
Number of formally registered 110 registered (EUR 1,001-5,000)
and unregistered CSOs 4 not registered
Percentage of ECSOs in the lowest and highest budget
range and their contribution to total CSO budgets
• 20% of ECSOs (category 1, no budget) account for
CSO MEMBERSHIP 0% of the total sum of annual CSO budgets
Number of members in Serbia • 4% of ECSOs (category 8, above EUR 100,000)
(total for the country)* 35,434 account for 24% (EUR 400,000) of the total sum
Members per CSO From 3 to 20,000 of annual budgets
Average members per CSO 311


FS1 domestic government/public 57%
Paid staff (full and part time) 198 sector grants or donations
Unpaid staff (volunteers) 19,922
FS6 foreign/international foundations 52.6%
Ratio paid/unpaid staff 1:101 donations/grants
FS9 other private/citizens’ donations or grants 48.2%


T11 environmental education/education 90.4%
for sustainable development
T19 sustainable development 73.3%
T25 waste issues 68.4%
T26 water issues 64.9%
T21 tourism /sustainable-/eco-tourism 56.1%


A2 awareness-raising campaigns 91.3%
A11 information dissemination 68.4%

A7 education 65.8%

*The ECSO Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Sad

declared 20,000 members

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 165

CHART 1 Comparison between 2001 and 2006 data

When the REC compiled the data survey in
Year of establishment for ECSOs in Serbia 2001 it covered Yugoslavia, i.e. Serbia and
(number of ECSOs in each category) Montenegro (Kosovo, which was and still is
under UN administration, was surveyed sep-
80 arately). We cannot therefore fully compare
67 data from 2001 with the survey in 2006.
However, given the very small number of
ECSOs in Montenegro and their higher num-
ber in Serbia, we attempt to refer to the 2001
Yugoslavian data where appropriate.
20 The survey covered 114 ECSOs, 110 of
7 12 which are legally registered and four of
which are informal groups. In 2001 the
<1990 1991- 1996- >2000 REC received 160 questionnaires (com-
1995 2000 pared with 114 for Serbia and 14 for Mon-
tenegro in 2006). The ECSOs in Serbia
Category 1 – up to 1990 count 35,434 members, 19,922 volunteers
Category 2 – 1991-1995 and 198 full- or part-time employees in
Category 3 – 1996-2000 2006. There has been some increase in staff
Category 4 – 2001-2006 (the combined number of employees for
Serbia and Montenegro was 248 in 2006,
compared to 200 in 2001). Also the number
CHART 2 of volunteers increased significantly from a
mere 564 in 2001 for both states to 19,922
Level of working in 2006 in Serbia alone.
100 The estimated total budgets of ECSOs from
Yugoslavia were EUR 616,250 in 2001. This
96 figure has risen appreciably in the last five
80 years to the present sum of EUR 1,648,000
for Serbia by itself. The estimated average
71 annual budget per CSO is EUR 14,456 (com-
% of Total

60 paring favourably to EUR 4,081 in 2001).

However, 28 percent of the organisations
51 have no budget or have a budget under EUR
40 500 per year, which roughly corresponds to
29 percent of Yugoslavian organisations
with budgets under EUR 500 in 2001. Only
20 four ECSOs report a budget over EUR
100,000 in Serbia (there are two such organi-
sations in Montenegro). However, there was
only one such organisation in 2001 in the

Local Regional National International entire sample of Yugoslavian organisations.
(Data represent actual number and percentage of the total)
Domestic government/public sector grants and
foreign foundation grants remain the most fre-
quent sources of funding. However, compared
to the 2001 Yugoslavia results we see the
emergence of private/citizens donations and
166 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

grants as the third most common source of Legal and regulatory framework
funding, replacing membership dues. Serbia does not have an effective legal
framework for CSO operation. The law in
Among the top priority topic areas for Serbian force dates from 1981. A new law is under
environmental groups are environmental edu- works. Due to the legal framework, many
cation/education for sustainable develop- registered organisations do not call them-
ment, sustainable development, waste and selves associations, as is the case in most of
water issues and sustainable tourism. The the region. Despite the age of the law, the
most frequent activities are awareness-raising actual process of registration is reasonably
campaigns, information dissemination and efficient, although a substantial percentage
education. These topics and activities are of ECSOs considered the process overly
more or less in line with the priority areas and bureaucratic.
activities identified in 2001. However, nature
protection and biodiversity continues to be Political instability is reflected in attitudes of
more in the focus of Montenegrin groups, respondents towards their own status. Many
while Serbian organisations in 2006 are now are concerned that the independence of
more concerned with waste and water issues. Montenegro will have an effect on their
legal validity, since virtually all ECSOs were
When reviewing the periods when organisa- registered under the laws of the Federal
tions were established, again the period Republic of Yugoslavia or the Union of Ser-
from 2000 predominates (70 percent), with bia and Montenegro, while the registration
just under a quarter between 1996 and 2000, laws of the Republic of Serbia were never
and less than one in ten before 1996. The used and are more cumbersome. Guide-
levels of working have not really altered books are available on the registration
from 2001, with local and regional still the process, but these may now be obsolete.
most popular. However, the national level Legal services can be useful in registration
appears to be a more important field for Ser- processes, but they are expensive and not
bian groups in 2006. readily available.

Main findings: Legal and regulatory framework

• Registration has been relatively simple up to now, but ECSOs are concerned about the
effect of the dissolution of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro on their status.
• Some benefits are conferred to ECSOs in terms of taxes and other privileges, but newer
organisations are treated differently from those established in Yugoslav times.
• Technical requirements discourage the use of some mechanisms related to CSO activities
(e.g. the requirement that a corporation give a year’s notice before donating money to a
CSO discourages giving).
• A critical lack of capacity and resources, especially in the countryside, means that public
authorities are not well trained and cannot implement the law.

• The legal framework for information is good.

• There are still gaps in the legal framework for participation.
• The administration of the law is considered by ECSOs to be rife with corruption of various
forms, undermining the CSO community’s confidence in and respect for authority.
• Access to justice is not a realistic expectation for ECSOs in Serbia.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 167

ECSOs take their status seriously and a large A new horizontal information law established
number consider their activities to be not in a very good legal framework, but gaps remain
accordance with their status. ECSOs are in the law related to public participation. More
exempt from taxes on income up to RSD significantly, it is evident that ECSOs have seri-
300,000 (around EUR 4,000), but otherwise ous doubts about the quality of administration
the perception is that they are generally and the rule of law in Serbia. Many authorities
treated the same by authorities as for-profit do not know about the information law or do
companies. Organisations dating from not know how to apply it. Anecdotal evidence
Yugoslav times, however, often have addi- points to continued corruption in authorities
tional privileges (such as municipal office and intimidation. In many cases legal require-
space) as compared to those established ments are not followed, evidently because of
more recently. Donations may be tax pressure from special interests. It is not sur-
deductible, but technical requirements dis- prising that Serbian ECSOs do not feel they
courage the use of this mechanism. have any real opportunity for access to justice,
nor do they pay attention to what rights they
The country’s economic crisis means that have. Even governmental officials admit that
authorities, especially in the countryside, are the judiciary is not independent. Therefore, it
poorly paid and poorly trained, and cannot is surprising to see only a few ECSOs cite legal
carry out the responsibilities assigned to them expertise as a staffing need.
by law. A general lack of stability of the legal
framework, and poor implementation and
information flow also contribute to the fact Resource base
that ECSOs rarely make use of certain legal The three most frequent sources of funds for
opportunities, such as the possibility to con- ECSOs in Serbia are: domestic govern-
duct commercial activities within limitations. ment/public sector grants, foreign/interna-

Main findings: Resource base

• ECSOs are drawing from a fairly diverse group of financial resources, with no one source
dominating the scene.
• Donor priorities have a determining effect on the issues covered by ECSOs. Donors appear
to be concentrating on fewer and larger projects. Also donors’ conditions are becoming
more difficult for ECSOs to comply with (notably EC conditions).
• Domestic foundations appear to have less importance financially.
• The raising of funds through membership fees usually has limited financial impact.
• Funding from local authorities is developing, but at a slow rate. However, some local author-
ities are politically opposed to civil groups.
• Serbian environmental groups exhibit a fairly even range of budget sizes, though two-thirds
say they have budgetary difficulties.
• Resources and capacities for developing ECSOs’ funding plans and strategies are hard

to obtain.
• Equipment resources of ECSOs in Serbia are markedly worse than the SEE regional averages.
• Adequate staff resources are more difficult to find in rural areas.
• There are only limited attempts from business to support ECSOs.

168 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Main findings: Human and organisational capacities

• The concept of strategic leadership and its tools are generally well known but not all
of them are well used, for example fundraising strategies.
• Many ECSOs perceive the need for better cooperation and communication with the
government as urgent.
• ECSOs state that the media and government in general are exerting negative pressure on
them. This has had a detrimental effect on the strength of the CSO movement.
• Serbia has the highest number of ECSOs in the SEE region which have not had a training needs
• Serbian ECSOs have one of the lowest averages of paid staff per organisation in the SEE
region. However, they have the second highest membership averages.
• ECSOs are generally enthusiastic in implementing projects, but there is a danger regarding
their ability to implement projects due to the lack of paid staff, an occasional lack of
infrastructure, poor access to funds and weak support from the public.

tional foundations grants and private/citizens’ This composition of resources in part

donations. Other notable common sources explains the budget size pattern of ECSOs
are domestic business/corporate sponsorship, in Serbia. The budget data given by the sur-
membership fees and domestic foundations veyed groups appears to show a fairly
donations/grants. Again, outside membership broad band of financially mid-range-sized
fees, self-financing or internal revenue gener- ECSOs, another grouping of ECSOs with
ation sources play a minor role. The results limited resources and a few groups with
demonstrate that the community is relying on larger budgets. In comparison to 2001,
a fairly diverse set of sources. Also, the fre- there has been some positive rise in budget
quency of foreign government support is sizes overall.
notably lower than in SEE countries.
When it comes to the relative importance of Human and organisational capacities
these sources to the budgets of ECSOs, sup- Generally ECSOs in Serbia are well aware of
port from foreign/international foundations strategic leadership tools and their value for
are the strongest, with foreign government their better performance and are developing
grants equalling domestic government grants and using some of the plans to enable the
in importance (despite being less commonly organisations to attain their missions.
accessed). As in other countries, member- Although most organisations had strategic
ship dues are given little budgetary impor- and work plans, of those none interviewed
tance. Clearly raising funds through member- had a developed fundraising plan. Structural-
ship currently has limited promise. Also ly Serbian ECSOs are quite flexible; they have
interesting is that though less common, set governance structures, but generally no
domestic government contracting appears to

evolved internal structures due to the small

be financially important to some groups. Per- number of people with which they operate.
haps these are funds being accessed that are
larger than traditional grants available. Most Serbian ECSOs surveyed consider that
Domestic foundations also appear to have they had a partially successful performance
less importance financially than might be over the last year. The biggest factor cited as
hoped for. impeding them from achieving their goals was

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 169

the lack of trust in and weak cooperation with tive, and legal frameworks. The preferred
the government and media. Both government forms of learning are interactive trainings of
and media are considered to be exerting a lot two to four days with role plays, practice
of negative pressure on ECSOs and the little and consultations.
cooperation that exists is mostly a result of
international initiatives or requirements. It is
generally felt that the current government is Information and knowledge base
not favourable to or interested in civil society. Regarding ECSOs’ operating environment, 56
percent described the general availability of
The ECSOs in Serbia are considered to have sustainable development and environment
very knowledgeable people, high ethics, good information as inadequate, with 31 percent
networks with all types of NGOs, international claiming it is adequate. However, some
contacts, sizeable memberships, innovative ECSOs noted an improvement in the avail-
approaches and enthusiasm in addressing ability of official information, although limit-
problems. However, as in many of the SEE ed access to pollution information. Concern-
countries, the negative features expressed ing quality, almost all CSO survey respon-
through the survey seem familiar: lack of dents felt improvement was necessary con-
steady funding, low visibility, inability to cre- cerning the currency (95 percent), presenta-
ate enough public pressure, activities which tion (95 percent) and reliability (95 percent)
do not represent community needs and an of official information. One interviewed CSO
inability to carry out research. noted that the city of Belgrade’s Secretariat of
Serbian ECSOs have an almost equal num- Environment publishes good reports regular-
ber of men and women involved in the sec- ly about pollution and other environmental
tor. They count the highest average mem- issues with up-to-date information, but that
bership per organisation in the SEE region otherwise it is difficult to find current infor-
(56 percent — 20,000 — of the total num- mation (the latter an observation made by
ber of members are members of one CSO: other CSOs as well).
the Ecological Movement of the City of Regarding the proactive distribution of offi-
Novi Sad), but they exhibit one of the low- cial information, more than 90 percent of
est averages of paid staff per organisation surveyed ECSOs felt improvement was nec-
also. Serbian ECSOs train their staff on a essary (vis-à-vis ease of accessibility, media
regular basis, especially by utilising the ser- source distribution, printed formats and dis-
vices of a support organisation for training tribution through public information cen-
new staff. Some of them are training tres). In truth, however, a wide variety of dis-
providers themselves for the NGO sector tribution mechanisms are in place and
and they have accumulated significant respondents noted that distribution of infor-
experience in capacity building work for mation has improved of late. The problem is
other ECSOs. more that a good deal of information (such
as draft laws or new laws) cannot be easily
While many ECSOs consider that the train-
obtained other than through personal con-
ing available for ECSOs is good, there is
tacts. Accessing information can therefore be
also a significant number that believe many
problematic for smaller and less well con-
of the training needs are not covered by the
nected organisations.
training programmes that are available. As

regards training needs, both skills and Official responses to information requests were
knowledge related, ECSOs mentioned: also evaluated negatively, with one surveyed
training of trainers, communication, work- CSO noting that “officials do not respond to
ing with media, fundraising, organisational requests,” and that officials “are even surprised
management, self-sustainability, wetland when asked for information.” They reasoned
management, the Water Framework Direc- that the ministries, agencies and police are not

170 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Main findings: Information and knowledge base

• The general availability of official information is inadequate, and that which is available to
ECSOs is reported to be of problematic quality (out of date, poorly presented and/or
• It was noted that despite the use of a variety of mechanisms in use to distribute official sus-
tainable development and environment information (both proactive and passive), it still does
not occur in a very systematic manner. Therefore all surveyed ECSOs requested improve-
ment in this area, including the handling of information requests.
• Almost all ECSOs welcomed improvements in exchanging information with authorities, both
physical and virtual.
• Well over half of the ECSOs in Serbia maintain collections of environmental books,
brochures, CD-ROMs and reports. Eighty-two percent consider their organisation’s knowl-
edge capacities/skills on the environmental topics they work on as “adequate.” Nevertheless
all welcome additional training to enhance their internal knowledge.
• Half are equipped with database equipment to manage their information, while less than a
quarter use desktop publishing equipment.
• Pamphlets and brochures are the most popularly published forms of information, alongside
newspaper/periodical articles. E-mail, radio programmes or advertisements and
posters/demonstrations are the most popular media used by ECSOs to distribute informa-
tion. However, ECSOs need to learn more about how to deal with the public, and how to
influence decision making and involve and unite the community to be more effective.

prepared to implement the existing laws (e.g. tion. Half of the ECSOs in the country survey
on access to information). With regard to rely on database equipment to manage infor-
improving mechanisms to exchange informa- mation while 23 percent rely on desktop pub-
tion with authorities, 88 percent welcomed lishing equipment. Brochures and pamphlets
physical fora, 89 percent virtual fora. are the most popularly published forms of
information (by almost half of Serbian ECSOs)
Concerning the ECSOs’ own organisational
while a third publish via environmental CD-
environment, they are themselves useful
ROMs and newspaper/periodical articles. E-
centres of information with 63 percent main-
mail, radio programmes or advertisements
taining collections of brochures, books,
and posters/demonstrations are used by all
newspapers/periodical articles, press releas-
respondent ECSOs to distribute their informa-
es, and environmental reports. Eighty-two
tion. However, ECSOs expressed a need to
percent described their organisation’s
learn more about how to deal with the public,
knowledge capacities/skills on the topics
how to influence decision making and how to
they work on as “excellent” or “adequate.”
Nevertheless, all survey respondents wel- involve and unite citizens.

comed additional training to enhance their

internal knowledge.
When gathering or researching sustainable The survey of the current status of public
development and environment data, respon- accountability in Serbia shows that the gen-
dents felt that Serbian CSOs need more skills eral legislative framework has been devel-
in management and working with informa- oped and similarly reflects the rights derived

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 171

Main findings: Accountability

• General government strategy or policy on cooperation with ECSOs is absent, with no extant
cooperative bodies. Limited cooperation takes place only through pressure from ECSOs on
the government. The existence and outcome of cooperation depends a lot on the good will
of authorities. Few good examples of cooperation exist at the national level, but there are
more in certain regions and at the local level.
• There are no rules or requirements regarding the selection and delegation of CSO represen-
tatives to different working groups or expert groups where ECSOs are invited by the govern-
• ECSOs lack experience in working with the general public, and involving and mobilising
them in the decision-making process. The bigger and more established groups have better
outreach than others.
• Good communication and interaction between ECSOs and local stakeholders usually exists,
but it occurs more often within voluntary initiatives, direct actions or smaller scale activities.
Cooperation is rare in intensive joint activities and projects such as developing LEAPs or ini-
tiatives to improve the environment, reduce pollution or protect nature. The involvement of
citizens in these is rather limited, as is their impact.
• Cooperation with national/local business is at the initial stage and rather limited.
• The legal framework is gradually being brought in line with the Aarhus Convention and EU
requirements. The basic rights for access to information and public participation are provid-
ed, but practical implementation is lagging. Enforcement and a lack of clear rules and proce-
dures remain the key problems.
• Despite slight improvements in the implementation of access to information requirements,
many authorities still do not respond or fully provide the information upon request or active-
ly. Access to draft laws, new laws or draft documents on strategic decisions and pollution
information is the most problematic.
• There are improvements in exercising the rights to access to information and public partici-
pation, but there are still many ECSOs that do not know how to properly formulate an infor-
mation request, how to ask for information correctly, or how to get involved.
• Though public participation is becoming a practice, public participation procedures are
often not implemented properly (e.g. notification, accessibility of documents, avoidance of
application of new procedures, and taking due account of comments).
• ECSOs have been more active in participating in strategic decision making on programmes,
plans and legislation than in decision making on EIA or SEA, but see their influence on deci-
sionmaking as limited. A lack of confidence in authorities and/or a lack of interest/motiva-
tion to get involved in decision making is yet another obstacle to exercising rights among the
ECSOs and the public.

• ECSOs do not use access to justice opportunities because of the lack of an independent judi-
ciary, lack of knowledge about their rights or how those rights can be exercised, lack of free-of-
charge legal assistance and advice, lack of public advocacy to support citizens in filing com-
plaints when their rights are infringed and lack of funding. A positive development is that a
draft law has been proposed and discussed concerning regulating and providing free legal aid.

172 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

from the Aarhus Convention. A series of laws

have been and are being developed and
adopted which establish, implement or
improve the application of these rights.
These new laws are basically in line with the
provisions of the Aarhus Convention and EU
However, Serbia has not ratified or acceded
to the Aarhus Convention. Plus the institu-
tional background needs to be developed,
effective mechanisms need to be put in
place, and practices need to be developed or
improved to achieve the implementation of
the mentioned rights. While there are
improvements in the access to information
and public participation requirements, the
situation regarding access to justice is lag-
ging behind. There are also financial and
human resource limitations which are or may
be barriers to the effective implementation of
the obligations.
Currently there are gaps and incompatibilities
beween old and recently adopted laws. There
is also a deficit of clear rules, practical guide-
lines and administrative willingness to inform
the general public and CSOs and to involve
them in the decision-making process in a
proper way. Cooperation between govern-
mental bodies and CSOs is mostly insufficient
and limited to the invitation of key CSO
groups to discussions on draft laws and strate-
gic documents.


N G O D I R E C T O R Y 173

‘Green Island’ Eco-Movement Telecottage Association of Serbia (TDS)
(Eko Pokret ‘Zeleno Ostrovo’) Teledom Savez Srbije
Eko Pokret opštine Ada ‘Zeleno ostrvo’ Glavna 55/a., 24300 Backa Topola, Serbia
M. Tita 43, 24430 Ada, Serbia Tel: (381-24) 715-110
Tel: (381-64) 2266-308 Fax: (381-24) 711-123
Leader: Ljiljana Vlanikolin, president of the executive board
Year of foundation: 2001
Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Public organisation Leader: Andraš Verbasi, assembly president
Number of members: 50 Contact person: Dušan R. Ivanović, association president
Number of volunteers: 7 Year of foundation: 1999
Year of registration: 1999
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Type of registration: NGO
Source of funding: F2, F9, F10
Number of employees: 3
Main topics: T1, T17, T19
Number of members: Founders of the Association –
Activities: A2, A5, A10, A20
52 persons and 70 collective members – NGOs
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Number of volunteers: around 200,
Member of umbrella organisations: DEFYU, REC, Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Tisa Club – Kanjiža Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10,
Languages: Hungarian F11, F12, F13
Key publications: Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T8, T10, T11, T13, T14, T15, T17,
• Eco Fairytale – Ada, 2003, N. Becej (2004) T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T25, T26
• Kneževac, Kanjiža, and Zrenjanin (2005), Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14,
• Titel (2002). A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
A PAT I N Member of umbrella organisations: FENS – Federation of
Blue Danube Ecological Movement NGOs of Serbia
(EP ‘PD’, EMBD) Languages: Bulgarian, English, Hungarian, Russian
Key publications:
Ekološki pokret ‘Plavi Dunav’ • Teledoms in Yugoslavia, 2002, 300 copies.
I.L.Ribara 27, 2560 Apatin, Serbia
• Various educational and promotional materials, since 1999.
Tel: (381-25) 775-765
E-mail: sofijaps@sezampro.yu
Leader: Milka Slijepčević, president B AJ I N A B A S TA
Contact person: Sofija Špero, coordinator Drina Youth Centre (OC DRINA)
Year of foundation: 2001 Omladinski centar Drina
Year of registration: 2001 Svetolika Dimitrijevića 13/1,
Type of registration: Association 31250 Bajina Basta, Serbia
Number of employees: 0 Tel: (381-64) 235-6460
Number of members: 86 Fax: (381-31) 864-795
Number of volunteers: 10 E-mail:
Annual budget: No budget
Leader: Dragić Glišić, executive director
Source of funding: F5, F6, F7
Year of foundation: 2002
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T14, T17, T19, T21, T22,
Year of registration: 2002
T25, T26 Type of registration: Public organisation
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A10, A13, A14, A15, A20, A21, Number of employees: 3
A25 Number of members: 10
Level of activity: local, international

Number of volunteers: 20
Languages: English Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Key publications: Source of funding: F2, F5, F6, F11, F13
• Floodplain of the Danube, a brochure in cooperation Main topics: T10, T11, T13, T14, T17, T19, T21, T26
with Hungarian and Croat eco-associations, published Activities: A3, A4, A5, A6, A8, A9, A10, A14, A15, A18,
with the support of the WWF, 2003. A20, A21
• Brochure: Special Nature Reserve Gornje Podunavlje, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
2003. international

174 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Languages: English EAR Belgrade, etc. Local associations in the region of

Key publications: Serbia, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Svilajnac, Novi Sad, etc.
• Cultural, economic, and other types of cooperation Languages: English, German, Hungarian, Russian
between the municipalities Bajina Bašta and Srebrenica.
B AJ I N A B A S TA Association for Rational Use of Renewable
Ecological Movement Bajina Bašta Energy Sources (ARURES, URKE)
(Eko pokret BBEM BB) Udruženje za Racionalno Korišćenje
Ekoloski pokret Bajine Bašte Obnovljivih Izvora Energije
Brace Nincica 5, 31250 Bajina Basta, Serbia Despota Stefana 110, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: (381-31) 869-040 Tel: (381-11) 323-5672
E-mail: danijelabb@ptt.yu; vladistam@ptt.yu Fax: (381-11) 323-5672
Leader: Vladimir Stamenić, association president Web: hptt:/solair.eunet.yu/~urkoe/
Contact person: Danijela Stamenić, manager; Ružica Jokic,
association secretary Leader: Predrag Milanović, president
Year of foundation: 2000
Year of foundation: 2002
Year of registration: 2000
Year of registration: 2006
Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Other legal entities and association
Number of employees: 3
of citizens Number of members: 50
Number of employees: 0 Number of volunteers: 3
Number of members: 30 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Number of volunteers: 4 Source of funding: F2, F7, F9, F10, F11, F13
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Main topics: T2, T4, T9, T10, T11, T17, T19, T21, T23, T24,
Source of funding: F1, F6 T25, T26
Main topics: T4, T11, T17, T21 Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13,
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A14, A17, A20 A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Languages: English national
Languages: English, French
Key publications:
B E LG R A D E • Co-financing of the publication of the monograph
Materials and Equipment for the Use of Geothermal
Agro Business Centre for
Energy, by Dr. Predrag Milanović, Belgrade, 2002. ISBN
Development Belgrade (ABCD) 86-81405-14-4.
ABCD Beograd • Study: Influence of Lead and its Products on the
Despota Stefana 39a-5, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Pollution of the City of Belgrade, Belgrade, 2005.
Tel: (381-64) 208-5894
Web: B E LG R A D E
Leader: Radoslav Nikolić, director of the Serbia organic Balkan Music Centre NGO (BMC)
programme Balkan Music Centre NGO
Year of foundation: 2005 Uralska 36, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia
Year of registration: 2005 Tel: (381-11) 777-345
Type of registration: NGO Fax: (381-11) 777-345
Number of employees: n/a E-mail:
Number of members: 16 Leader: Ilija Stanković, executive director
Number of volunteers: 5 Contact person: Ms. Milica Neitzel, general secretary
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Year of foundation: 2006
Source of funding: F5, F7, F9, F10, F11

Year of registration: N/A

Main topics: T1, T4, T7, T16, T17, T18, T21 Type of registration: Association
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A13, A14, A16, A17, A24, A25 Number of employees: 27
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Number of members: 2,500
national Number of volunteers: 10,000
Member of umbrella organisations: Fens Belgrade, Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Economic Council of Serbia, PK Belgrade, Agency for the Source of funding: F1, F3, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12
Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, Main topics: T10, T17, T21, T26

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 175

Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A8, A10, A14, A16, A17, Number of members: 14
A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24 Number of volunteers: 5
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
national, international Source of funding: F1, F6, F7
Member of umbrella organisations: Teledom Association Main topics: T6, T11, T24, T25, T26
of Serbia Activities: A1, A2, A5, A7, A8, A14, A20, A24
Languages: Albanian, Bulgarian, English, German, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Hungarian, Macedonian, Romanian Languages: English
Key publications:
• The activities of the Balkan Music Centre are dedicated
to the creation of the Music Encyclopaedia of the B E LG R A D E
Balkans with two co-producers from Germany and one Centre for High Quality Education
co-producer from Spain. (CQE, CKO)
• The BMC is responsible for many music publications,
books, TV productions and radio shows. Space does
Centar za kvalitetno obrazovanje
not allow them to all be cited here. Masarikova 5/XVI, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: (381-11) 306-1552
Fax: (381-11) 306-1609
B E LG R A D E E-mail:;;;
Belgrade Ecology Centre (BEC)
Beogradski ekološki centar Web:
Makedonska 22/II, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: (381-11) 324-8126 Leader: Jasna Radosavljević, director
Fax: (381-11) 324-0516 Contact person: Jelena Coko, project manager
E-mail: Year of foundation: 2003
Web: under construction Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Leader: Ruža Blagojević, secretary general Number of employees: 4
Year of foundation: 1991
Number of members: 10
Year of registration: 1991
Number of volunteers: 500
Type of registration: civic society
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Number of employees: 1
Source of funding: F3, F6
Number of members: 10
Main topics: T11, T18, T19
Number of volunteers: 20
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A17, A19, A20,
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
A24, A25
Source of funding: F1, F3, F7, F11
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Main topics: T7, T10, T11, T17, T19, T20, T24, T25
national, international
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A7, A9, A10, A14, A20, A25
Member of umbrella organisations: ‘Awakenings’
Level of activity: local
Network, Montessori Society of Serbia
Member of umbrella organisations: Federation of NGOs,
Languages: English
Youth Council Belgrade
Key publications:
• Open Montessori Programme, 2006, 1/2006.
B E LG R A D E • Awakening of Parents, 2004, 1/2004.

Centre for Environmental Balkan Initiatives

Centar za ekološke balkanske inicijative Centre for Regional Development and
Gandijeva 217, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia European Integration (CRD & EI)
Tel: (381-11) 153-368
Fax: (381-13) 361-432
Centar za Regionalni Razvoj I Evropske
E-mail: Integracije — CRD & EI

Web: Martina Lutera Kinga 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Tel: (381-11) 375-5234, (381-64) 353-3541
Leader: Emilijan Mohora, executive director Fax: (381-11) 375-5234
Contact person: E-mail: crdei-bg@eunet.yu
Year of foundation: 2005
Web: under construction
Year of registration: 2005
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Leader: Željko Rajković, management board chairman
Number of employees: 0 Contact person: Dr. Irena Grozdanić, executive director

176 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Year of foundation: 2004 Number of volunteers: 10

Year of registration: 2004 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Type of registration: Association Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7
Number of employees: varies Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T17, T26
Number of members: more than 25 Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, A17, A20, A21, A24
Number of volunteers: around 6 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 national, international
Source of funding: F6, F7, F9, F10 Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T11, T12, T13, T14, T16, T17, T19, Languages: English, German
T21, T24, T25, T26 Key publications:
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A11, A12, A14, A16, • DEF Bulletin, twice a year.
A17, A19, A21, A22, A24, A25 • Right to Adequate Environment, 2001.
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), • The Danube and Us, 2005.
national, international • Posters, leaflets.
Languages: English, German
B E LG R A D E Eco-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement
Civil Ecology Action – Thales (Eco-Beo-Grad)
(GEA – Tales, CEA – Thales) Ekološki Pokret ‘Eko-Beo-Grad’
Građanska ekološka akcija – Tales Bulevar Oslobodjenja 53 and Kneginje Zorke 86 A,
Piva Karamatijevića 27/11, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: (381-11) 474-600, (381-63) 239-699 Tel: (381-11) 243-1806
Fax: (381-11) 474-600 E-mail:; greenuni@eunet.yu
Leader: Miroljub Vetmić, vice president
Contact person: Velimir Cerimović M.Sc., executive board
Leader: Vladimir Lukić, president member
Year of foundation: 2004 Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2004 Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of members: 20
Number of employees: 0
Number of volunteers: 8
Number of members: 50 active
Annual budget: No budget
Number of volunteers: 50-100
Source of funding: F3, F6
Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T19, T26 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Activities: A1, A6, A8, A11, A14, A20, A21, A22 Source of funding: F5, F6, F10
Level of activity: local, national Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T13, T14, T15,
Languages: English, German, Italian, Spanish T17, T18, T19, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A7, A10, A14, A18, A19, A21
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Danube Environmental Forum Serbia Member of umbrella organisations: Fund for
(DEF, SM) Supplementary Education of Young Farmers: Centre for
Forum za zaštitu životne sredine dunavskog Cultural – Park Heritage of Serbia
sliva Srbije
Andrićev venac 2, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia B E LG R A D E
Tel: (381-11) 323-1374
Fax: (381-11) 323-1374 Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity
E-mail: defyu@Eunet.yu Conservation and Sustainable Development

Leader: Dr Jovan Despotović, president ECOLIBRI BIONET, Centar za očuvanje

Contact person: Mirjana Bartula, secretary general biodiverziteta i održivi razvoj
Year of foundation: 2000 Sindeliceva 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Year of registration: 2003 Tel: (381-11) 3442-975
Type of registration: Association Fax: (381-11) 3442-975
Number of employees: 2 E-mail:
Number of members: 57 Web:

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 177

Leader: Jovan Angelus, executive director B E LG R A D E

Contact person: Tijana Spasić, project coordinator EkoForum – Forum for the Sustainable
Year of foundation: 1996 Development and Protection of the
Year of registration: 2005 Environment (EkoForum)
Type of registration: Public organisation EkoForum – Forum za održivi razvoj i zaštitu
Number of employees: 4
Number of members: 25
životne sredine
Radivoja Koraća 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Number of volunteers: 30 Tel: (381-11) 244-1605
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Fax: (381-11) 244-1605
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F11, F12 E-mail:
Main topics: T1, T4, T6, T10, T11, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24, Web:
T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A14, A17, A18, Leader: Mihajlo Maričić, management board chairman
Year of foundation: 2002
A20, A21, A24
Year of registration: 2002
Level of activity: regional (region within the country),
Type of registration: Association
national, international
Number of members: 32
Member of umbrella organisations: Young Researchers of
Number of volunteers: 9
Bor, Young Researchers of Serbia, Ecological Society
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Kladovo, Ecological Society Endemit Source of funding: F4
Languages: English, Russian Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12,
Key publications: T14, T15, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
• Biodiversity of Yugoslavia with a Review of Internationally Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A16, A17, A19,
Significant Species, 1995. A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25
• Monograph: National Park Ðerdap, 1996. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
• Biological Diversity of SR Yugoslavia, in Serbian and national, international
English, 2000. Languages: English, French
• Encyclopaedia – Environment and Sustainable Key publications:
Development, 2003. • Since 2002, information publishing (news, reports,
information, photography, etc.) in electronic form at
B E LG R A D E <> and through the EkoLink.
ECOplan Civilian Association for Environ-
mental Planning (EKOplan, ECOplan)
EKOplan – Udruženje građana za ekološko Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Ecology
planiranje and Sustainable Development (EKOPLANER)
Karadordeva 2-4 and Dr Petra Markovića 2, Centar za prostorno planiranje, ekologiju i
11000 Belgrade, Serbia održivi razvoj ‘EKOPLANER’
Tel: (381-63) 8200-820, (381-63) 8642-165 Dr Ivana Ribara 104/ 8, 1070 BELGRADE, Serbia
Fax: (381-11) 328-4454 Tel: (011) 176-4401, (064) 130-5704, (063) 335-730
E-mail: tamara.m@sezampro.yu; E-mail:
j.marinkovic@sezampro.yu Leader: Dejan Trifunović, general director; Aleksandar
Leader: Tamara Maričić, president Stojanović, executive director; Ivan Jojkić, general project
Contact person: Jelena Marinković, vice president manager
Contact person: Dejan Trifunović, general director;
Year of foundation: 2003
Aleksandar Stojanović, executive director; Ivan Jojkić,
Year of registration: 2003
general project manager
Type of registration: Association
Year of foundation: 2006 (pending)
Number of employees: 0
Year of registration: 2006
Number of members: 15 Type of registration: Pending
Number of volunteers: 15

Number of members: 10
Annual budget: Do not know Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F6, F7, F10 Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18,
Main topics: T11, T12, T17, T18, T19, T24, T25, T26 T19, T20, T21, T23, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A20, A22, A24 Activities: A1, A2, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, A15, A16,
Level of activity: local, national, international A21, A22, A24
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox Level of activity: local, (regional within the country), national
Languages: English, French, German, Russian Languages: English, French

178 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

B E LG R A D E Number of employees: 10, occasionally employed

Environmental Ambassadors (EnA) Number of members: 23 active, 127 occasionally active
Number of volunteers: 1,600, 1994-present
Ambasadori životne sredine – Environmental
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Ambassadors Source of funding: F2, F4, F7, F9
Jovana Rajića 5d, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Main topics: T2, T4, T6, T11, T12, T14, T16, T18, T19, T21,
Tel: (381-11) 303-7790, (381- 63) 316-355,
T24, T26
(381-63) 277-649
Fax: (381-11) 303-7790 Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A8, A11, A13, A14, A15, A16,
E-mail:; A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Web: country), national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Institute for
Leader: Prof. Anđelka Mihajlov, president
International Politics and Economics, CEEWEB, REC,
Contact person: Aleksandra Knez-Milojković, general
Languages: Croatian, English, German, Hungarian, Italian,
Year of foundation: 2004
Year of registration: 2004 Serbian, Spanish
Type of registration: Public organisation Key publications:
Number of employees: 3 • Guidelines for the Kyoto Protocol with the UN
Number of members: 250 Framework Convention on Climate Change, Belgrade
Number of volunteers: 600 2006, ISBN: 86-82825-09-0, 47 pages.
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 • Danube – River of Cooperation: From Good Neighbour
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, Principle to the Regional Model of Central Podunavlje.
FS11 ISBN: 86-82825-05-8, Belgrade 2005, 289 pages.
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, • Danubius. Published twice a year. ISSN: 0354-9178,
T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 average of 50 pages.
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
A13, A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the B E LG R A D E
country), national, international Recan Fund for Recovery
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox and Recycling of Beverage Cans
Languages: English, French, Russian
Recan Fond za povraćaj i reciklažu limenki
Key publications:
Batajnicki drum 21A, 11085 Belgrade, Serbia
• Serbian-language monograph Sustainable
Tel: (381-11) 2087-466
Development and Environment for Europe in 95+
Fax: (381-11) 2087-467
by Prof. Anđelka Mihajlov, 2005.
• Sustainable Development and Environment for Europe
in 95+ Steps, supplement to the first edition with Leader: David Lund, director
English translation, 2006. Contact person: Jelena Kiš, project manager
Year of foundation: 2004
Year of registration: 2004
B E LG R A D E Type of registration: Foundation
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube – Number of employees: 1
River of Cooperation’ (ISF DRC, MNF Number of members: 1
Number of volunteers: 10-20
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
Medjunarodni naučni forum Source of funding: F3, F7, F8
‘Dunav – reka saradnje’ Main topics: T11, T17, T24, T25
Makedonska 25, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Activities: A2, A4, A6, A7, A11, A14, A19, A21
Tel: (381-11) 245-7042 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the

Fax: (381-11) 245-7042 country), national

E-mail: Languages: English
Web: Key publications:
Leader: Prof. Edita Stojić-Karanović, president • Come with Us, Collect Cans – Save the Environment,
Year of foundation: 1994 2006, 1,000 copies, authors Jasminka Petrović and
Year of registration: 2003 Marina Drndarski, illustrator Tijana Kneževic, and
Type of registration: Association designer Dragan Ðordevic.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 179

• I Have Something Important to Tell You, Collect Cans – Contact person: Daliborka Stojaković, board member
Save the Environment, 2006, 1,000 copies, authors Year of foundation: 2000
Jasminka Petrovic and Marina Drndarski, illustrator Year of registration: 2006
Tijana Knežević, and designer Dragan Ðordevic. Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Number of employees: 0
Number of members: 25
B E LG R A D E Number of volunteers: 350
Sanitary Ecological Society (SES, SANEKO) Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Sanitarno Ekološko Društvo Source of funding: F6, F7, F10
Vidikovački Venac 9, 11090 Belgrade, Serbia Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T13, T15, T16,
Tel: (381-11) 2334-423 T17, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Fax: (381-11) 3510-568 Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, A20, A25
E-mail: Level of activity: local, national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: FENS, Citizenship
Leader: Mara Vlajković M.Sc., president Pact SEE, Association of World Travellers, Volunteers’
Year of foundation: 1995 Centre of Vojvodina, Green organisations in the region
Year of registration: 2005
(DEM Youth, Green Youth – Romania, Green Youth –
Type of registration: Public organisation Bulgaria, Green Youth – Hungary), FYEG – Federation of
Number of members: 67 Young European Greens, CDN-Cooperation and
Number of volunteers: 35 Development Network Eastern Europe.
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Languages: English
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F9, F10
Main topics: T1, T5, T7, T11, T13, T15, T18, T19, T20, T22,
T23, T24, T25, T26 B E LG R A D E
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, Union for the Protection of the Environment
A14, A15, A17, A19, A20, A22, A24, A25
and Prevention of Malignant Diseases
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
(Life Plus/Život Plus)
Member of umbrella organisations: SZR, CRNPS, UPZR
Udruženje za zaštitu životne okoline i
Belgrade, KEC, FOKUS, TERA, S Subotica SCG, Green sprečavanja malignih obolenja
Home SCG, Green Network of Alternative Groups, Zeleni venac 12, ground floor (or Generala
Croatia, Proactiva, NGO Vila Zora Macedonia, Volvox, Zgonjanina 28), 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Networks of West Balkan Sustainable Development, Tel: (381-11) 233-7517
Zmergo of Croatia, Bura Mostar BiH, Balkan Ecovillage
Fax: (381-11) 624-209
Network, Eko Liburnia – Croatia, Albanian Association for
E-mail: ves@eunet.yu
Enviromental Education, Skhoder Albania, Klub Elbasan, Leader: Prof. Sibin Ilić-Simon, president
ECON Sarajevo BiH, EKOPOT Tuzla Canton BiH, Contact person: Veselin Vujnić, management board
Ecological Association FYROM, Agro Net Banja Luka BiH, president
Azienda Sperimentale Vittorio Tadini, Millennium Year of foundation: 2005
Campaign, Ekvites Year of registration: 2005
Languages: Czech, English, German, Italian, Russian Type of registration: Public organisation
Key publications: Number of employees: 10
• The Planet Turned Green, 2004. Number of members: 152
• Ecological Cleaning, Phytoremediation, 2005. Number of volunteers: 10
• ISO and HACCP Protect the Health, 2006. Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F9
Main topics: T9, T22, T25, T26
B E LG R A D E Activities: A1, A2, A10, A19, A22
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Serbian Green Youth (ZOS, SGY) Member of umbrella organisations: Serbian Society of
Zelena Omladina Srbije Medical Doctors, Oncology Section

Dr Dragoslava Popovića 15, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Languages: English, French, German, Russian
Tel: (381-11) 323-9486 Key publications:
Fax: (381-11) 323-9486 • What Women and Doctors Should Know about Breast
E-mail: Cancer.
Web: • Protocol on Organised Screening of Diseases of Breast,
Leader: Stevan Petrović, co-president; Ivana Vujadinovic, Cervix and Large Intestine.
co-president • Nuclear Diseases and Perspectives.

180 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

• Significance of Small Doses of Radiation on Human Life. B E LG R A D E

• The River Danube – Blessing and Curse. Young Researchers of Serbia (YRS, MIS)
Mladi istraživači Srbije
Bulevar umetnosti 27, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: (381-11) 311-6663, (381-11) 311-1314
Union of Ecologists (UNECO) Fax: (381-11) 311-6653
Bulevar Nikole Tesle BB, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia Web:
Tel: (381-11) 267-1864 Leader: Tanja Petrović, secretary general
Fax: (381-11) 267-1864 Year of foundation: 1976
E-mail: Year of registration: 1984
Type of registration: NGO
Leader: Jordasn Aleksić, general coordinator Number of employees: 4
Contact person: Tanja Cupać, project bureau coordinator Number of members: 50
Year of foundation: 2001 Number of volunteers: 700
Year of registration: .2003 Annual budget: EUR 100,000+
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Source of funding: F3, F4, F10
Number of employees: One Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17,
Number of members: 400 T19, T20, T21, T23, T24, T25, T26
Number of volunteers: 600 Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A17, A19,
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 A20, A21, A22, A24
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6 Level of activity: national
Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T13 Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox, SEEYN,
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A8, A10, A11, A20, A22
Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Key publications:
Languages: English • Return to Obedska Bara, one edition, 1995.
Key publications: • SEEENN summary report, July 2001-June 2003, one
• Futura Danube, 1996, reprinted 1998. edition, 2003.
• Futura Drina, 1997, reprinted 1998. • International Volunteer Workcamps, one edition annually.
• Futura Tisa, 1999.
• Futura Begej, 2004.
Yugo Cycling Campaign (YCC, JCK)
B E LG R A D E Jugo Cikling Kampanja
‘The Well’ – Centre for Developing Dečanska 5, mezzanine, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: (381-11) 322-5949
Ecological Awareness (The Well, IZVOR) Fax: (381-11) 322-0871
Centar za razvoj ekološke svesti – ‘IZVOR’ E-mail: info@bicikl.inf
Aleksandra Glišića 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Web: (under construction)
Tel: (381-64) 389-7978
Leader: Mirko Radovanac, president
E-mail: Contact person: Mirko Radovanac
Web: Year of foundation: 1998
Leader: Milan Ðurić, association president Year of registration: 1999
Year of foundation: 2001 Type of registration: Association
Year of registration: 2005 Number of members: 450
Type of registration: Movement Number of volunteers: 5-10
Number of employees: 5 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F1, F2, F6, F7, F9, F11
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Main topics: T2, T7, T10, T11, T21, T23, T24
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F6, F7, F8, F9, F11, F12, F13
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A6, A11, A13, A16, A17

Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T19, T20, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 national, international
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A12, A13, Languages: English
A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25 Key publications:
Level of activity: national, international • Promotional flyers for each of the cited manifestations.
Member of umbrella organisations: Negotiations are • Translation of official documentation for the ENM and
underway distribution to all municipalities in Serbia and Montenegro.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 181

B E LG R A D E Mountains and Northern Turkey, 2004.

• Energy study: Arrested Development, Energy Efficiency
Zero Waste Serbia (ZWS) and Renewable Energy in the Balkans, May 2005.
Zero Waste Serbia • Booklet: Bridging the Gap Between EBRD’s Rhetoric and
Preševska 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Reality, May 2005.
Tel: (381-64) 429-1343, (381-63) 439-833 • Leaflet: What NGOs Should Know About EBRD,
E-mail:; March 2005.
momcilovicz@sezampro.yu; • Articles in Stability Pact Watch Bulletin, 2004-2006
Leader: Nebojša Vraneš, president of the board B E LG R A D E , CO M M U N I T Y KOT E Ž
Contact person: Zeljka Momčilović, manager Centre for Human Resources (CHR)
Year of foundation: 2005 Centar za humane resurse
Year of registration: 2005 Sutjeska 318/e, 11000 Belgrade,
Type of registration: Civic association – NGO Community Kotež, Serbia
Number of employees: 3 Tel: (381-11) 715-762
Number of members: 145 Fax: (381-11) 715-762
Number of volunteers: 20-30 E-mail: chrbgd@eunet.yu
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F7, F9, F10 Leader: Rade Ćirić, coordinator
Main topics: T3, T11, T17, T19, T25 Year of foundation: 2002
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A10, A11, A23 Year of registration: 2002
Type of registration: Association
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Number of employees: 5
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox
Number of members: 10 active members, 6 engaged
Languages: English
according to project activities
Number of volunteers: 20
B E LG R A D E ( H E A D O F F I C E ) ; Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
S U B OT I C A ( O P E R AT I O N A L O F F I C E ) Source of funding: F1, F3, F6
Main topics: T13, T17, T18, T19, T22, T24, T25, T26
Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A10, A11, A13, A15,
Development (CEKOR) A16, A19, A22, A24, A25
Centar za ekologiju i održivi razvoj (CEKOR) Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Korzo 15/13, 24000 Belgrade (head office); national
Subotica (operational office), Serbia Member of umbrella organisations: FENS, the Union of
Tel: (381-24) 523-191 Displaced Persons from Kosovo and Metohija, the Roma
Fax: (381-24) 523-191 Developmental Network, the Roma Decade League.
E-mail: Languages: English, Romani
Leader: Prof. Miodrag Zlatić B E LG R A D E / N E W B E LG R A D E
Contact person: Nataša Ðereg
Year of foundation: 1999 Friends of Children, New Belgrade
Year of registration: 1999 (FCH NBGD, PD NBGD)
Type of registration: Public organisation ‘Prijatelji Dece’ Novi Beograd
Number of employees: 0 Jurija Gagarina 183,
Number of members: 15 11070 Belgrade/New Belgrade, Serbia
Number of volunteers: 2 Tel: (381-11) 260-5743, (381-11) 165-946
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Fax: (381-11) 260-5743, (381-11) 165-946
Source of funding: F1, F6 E-mail:;
Main topics: T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T19, T23, Web:
T25, T26
Leader: Suzana Ponjavić, executive director/general secretary

Activities: A2, A5, A6, A8, A11, A13, A14, A17, A20, A21,
A22, A24, A25 Year of foundation: 1991
Level of activity: local, national, international Year of registration: 2003
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox Type of registration: Organisation
Languages: English Number of employees: 1
Key publications: Number of members: 274
• Proceedings, Regional Workshop Community-Based Number of volunteers: 1,026
Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands of Central Balkan Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000

182 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Source of funding: F1, F6, F7, F9 BOR

Main topics: T11, T17
Ecological Union Ecoagenda
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A17, A19
Level of activity: local
Member of umbrella organisations: NVO/UNICEF Ekološki savez ekoagenda 7/1935
Regional Network for Children for Serbia, Nansen Dialog MZ Brezonik BB, 19210 Bor, Serbia
Centre Serbia, SEECRAN Tel: (381-63) 816-3621
Languages: English E-mail:
Key publications: Leader: Miroslav Radisavljević, party president
• If I Were the Sun, proceedings of papers of the UNICEF Contact person: Dragan Jankucić, party vice president
project, Children Write a Book on their Rights, 2003. Year of foundation: 2003
• First Steps, proceedings of works of the youngest poets, Year of registration: 2003
1993-1998. Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of employees: 0
BOR Number of members: 49
Number of volunteers: 16
Association of Young Researchers Bor Annual budget: No budget
(DMI Bor, AYR Bor) Source of funding: F10
Društvo mladih istraživaca Bor Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T17, T22, T24, T25, T26
Ðorda Vajferta 11, 19210 Bor, Serbia Activities: A2, A3, A5, A6, A11, A20
Tel: (381-30) 425-241 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Fax: (381-30) 425-241 national
E-mail: mibor@ptt.yu; mibor@sezampro.yu; Member of umbrella organisations: LEAP, Ecological
ekobor@ptt.yu Movement of Yugoslavia
Web: Languages: English
Leader: Dragan Randjelović, president Key publications:
Contact person: Toplica Marjanović, DMI Eco-Club • Ecoagenda 7/1935, 2003.
Year of foundation: 1976
Year of registration: 1985 B RO DA R E VO
Type of registration: Association Friends of Brodarevo NGO
Number of employees: 2
Number of members: 300
(Prijatelji Brodareva)
Number of volunteers: 50 Nevladina organizacija ‘Prijatelji Brodarerva’—
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Brodarevo
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F9 Igmanska br. 3, 31305 Brodarevo, Serbia
Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21, T24, Tel: (381-33) 777-152
T25, T26 Fax: (381-33) 777-152
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A14, A17, E-mail: kues@ptt.yu
A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Web:
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Leader: Izudin Pusija, management board chairman
Member of umbrella organisations: Young Researchers of
Contact person: Esad Kurbegović,
Serbia, Danube Ecological Forum, Association of
vice president of the UO
Ecological NGOs Volvox, SEEEN, CERI – Carpathian Eco-
Year of foundation: 2003
Regional Initiative, Mountain Forum
Languages: English Year of registration: 2003
Key publications: Type of registration: Public organisation
• Ekobor bulletin, 16 issues since 2001. Number of members: 25
• Proceedings of Scientific-Expert Meeting on Nature Number of volunteers: 15

• Protection and Natural Assets, 13 issues since 1993. Annual budget: No budget
• Project Basis for Public Involvement in Issuing the LEAP Source of funding: F10
(2002). Main topics: T11, T12, T17, T19, T24, T25, T26
• Preliminary Bibliography on the Nature of Carpathian Activities: A2, A4, A6, A10, A11, A17
Serbia (2004). Hydroecological Level of activity: local
• Characteristics of the Wider Surroundings of Bor (1989), Key publications:
• Karst of Dubašnica, Gornjan, and Majdanpek (1998). • Eco-Bulletins 2006, 100 copies.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 183

B U J A N OVAC Member of umbrella organisations: FENS, Danube

Bujanovac Environmental Society Forum, Global Network of Ecological Organisations
Ekološko drustvo ‘Bujanovac’ Languages: English
Karađorđa Petrovica 115, 17520 Bujanovac, Serbia Key publications:
Tel: (381-17) 654-360, (381-17) 652-997 • Register of Secondary Raw Material Buyers of Cacak,
Fax: (381-17) 654-360 2003.
E-mail: ecobusmi@ptt.yu; leapbu@ptt.yu
Leader: Snežana Milošević, president C AC A K
Year of foundation: 1996 Kablar Mountaineering Club
Year of registration: 1996
(MC Kablar, PD ‘Kablar’)
Type of registration: Public organisation
Planinarsko društvo ‘Kablar’
Number of employees: 0
Kneza Miloša 11, 32000 Cacak, Serbia
Number of members: 341
Tel: (381-32) 371-416
Number of volunteers: 341
Fax: (381-32) 320-110
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
E-mail: kablarpd@eunet.yu
Source of funding: FS1
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17,
T18, T19, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26 Leader: Miloš Ivanović, president
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A7, A8, A13, A20, A21, A22 Year of foundation: 1951
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Year of registration: 2000
national Number of employees: 0
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox, Ecological Number of members: 205
Movement of Serbia Number of volunteers: 40
Languages: English, German Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Key publications: Source of funding: F6, F7, F10
• Green Signpost – Information on Activities of the Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21,
Bujanovac Environmental Society, no. 1, 2002. T24, T25, T26
• Green Signpost – Information on Activities of the Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A17,
Bujanovac Environmental Society, no. 2, 2004. A18, A20, A22, A24
• Green Signpost – Information on Activities of the Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Bujanovac Environmental Society, no. 3, 2006. Member of umbrella organisations: Mountaineering
• The Pcinja River Valley Eco School, Proceedings, Association of Serbia, Federation of NGOs of Serbia
no. 1, 2005. Languages: English, French

Ecological Society Čačak Zlatibor Circle
Ekološko društvo Čačak Zlatiborski krug
Cara Dušana 34, 32000 Cacak, Serbia Slobodana Penezica bb
Tel: (381-32) 303-400 P.O. Box: 34, 831210 cajetina, Serbia
Fax: (381-32) 303-401 E-mail: ziim@ptt.yu
E-mail: Leader: Zorica Milosavljević, management board chairman
Leader: Dejan Ignjović, executive board chairman Contact person: Zorica Milosavljević, management board
Contact person: Raško Gavrilović, executive board vice chairman
chairman Year of foundation: 2001
Year of foundation: 1999 Year of registration: 2001
Year of registration: 2000 Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 0 Number of employees: 0
Number of members: 105 Number of members: 17

Number of volunteers: 15 Number of volunteers: 17

Annual budget: No budget Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F10 Source of funding: F2, F6, F9, F11, F12
Main topics: T4, T10, T11, T13, T17, T19, T25, T26 Main topics: T11, T13, T17, T21, T25
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A9, A11, A14, A19, A20, Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A13, A22
A21, A22 Level of activity: local
Level of activity: local Languages: English

184 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

CUPRIJA Leader: Sneža Tošev-Milanov, secretary general

Ćuprija Ecological Movement Year of foundation: 2000
Ekološki pokret Ćuprija Year of registration: 2001
Ivankovacka 49a, 35230 cuprija, Serbia Type of registration: Association
Tel: (381-35) 474-200 Number of members: 10
E-mail: Number of volunteers: 15
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Leader: Ksenija Milošević, management board chairman
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F8
Year of foundation: 1991
Year of registration: 2005 Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T11, T17, T18, T19, T21
Type of registration: Public organisation Activities: A2, A6, A9, A10, A11, A19, A22
Number of employees: 0 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Number of members: 83 national
Number of volunteers: 20-40 Member of umbrella organisations: Terras, Subotica
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T7, T10, T11, T15, T17, T18, T19,
T24, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A16, A18, A19, Dragacevo Ecological Society
A20, A22 Ekološko Društvo Dragačevo
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Republike 72, 32230 Guca, Serbia
Member of umbrella organisations: European Movement, Tel: (381-32) 855-760
DEFYU Fax: (381-32) 855-760
Languages: English E-mail: ekoguca@EUnet.yu
D I M I T ROVG R A D Leader: Dušan R. Ivanović, executive board chairman
Year of foundation: 1998
Carbirod Mountaineering Association Year of registration: 1998
(PD Caribrod) Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Planinarsko društvo ‘Caribrod’
Number of employees: 3
Vidlic 36, 18320 Dimitrovgrad, Serbia
Number of members: 80
Tel: (381-10) 361-074
E-mail: Number of volunteers: around 20
Web: Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9,
Leader: Dr. Veselin Veličkov, president F10, F12
Contact person: Mikan Andreev, secretary
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T8, T11, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19,
Year of foundation: 1992
T21, T22, T25, T26
Year of registration: 1999
Activities: A1, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14,
Type of registration: Association of Citizens
A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24
Number of employees: 0
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Number of members: 30
Member of umbrella organisations: Teledom Association
Number of volunteers: 30
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 of Serbia, FENS – Federation of Non-Governmental
Source of funding: F1, F10 Organisations of Serbia, Forum of the Danube River Basin
Main topics: T3, T4, T17, T18, T19, T21 – DEFYU, Volvox – Electronic Network of Ecological
Activities: A2, A10 Organisations
Level of activity: local Languages: English, Russian
Key publications:
• Raspberry, Blackberry, and Potato – Production of
D I M I T ROVG R A D Sanitary Safe Food, Protection of Man and Environment,

NGO Natura Balkanika (Natura Balkanika) 2002, 10,000 copies distributed free of charge to each
Prirodnjačko društvo ‘Natura Balkanika’ farming household in Dragacevo.
Balkanska 68 • Protected Natural Assets of Dragačevo, 2003 calendar,
P.O. Box: 9, 18320 Dimitrovgrad, Serbia 1,500 copies.
Tel: (381-10) 360-783 • Protected Natural Assets of Dragačevo, 2004 calendar,
Fax: (381-10) 360-783 1,200 copies.
E-mail: balkanika@ptt.yu • Various other brochures, leaflets, posters, etc.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 185

K I K I N DA Leader: Predrag Diković, management board president

Contact person: Vladimir Radojičić, project coordinator
Green Place Association of Ecologists
Year of foundation: 2003
of Kikinda (UDEK Green Place) Year of registration: 2003
Udruženje ekologa Kikinde ‘GREEN PLACE’ Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Trg Srpskih dobrovoljaca 23, 23300 Kikinda, Serbia Number of members: 70
Tel: (381-64) 217-8498, (381-230) 410-230 Number of volunteers: 20-50
E-mail: Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Web: Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10
Leader: Ljiljana Skoko, president Main topics: T2, T11, T17, T19, T21, T25, T26
Year of foundation: 1998 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A10, A13, A16, A17, A19
Year of registration: 1998 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Type of registration: Association of Citizens national, international
Number of members: around 100 Member of umbrella organisations: FenS, Volvox, Forum
Number of volunteers: around 100 Efe07
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Languages: English, French, Italian
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F7
Main topics: T1, T2, T10, T11, T21, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A10, A11, A17 KO S TO L AC
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac
Languages: English, Hungarian, Russian Municipality (NVO LA 21 za KO,
NGO LA 21 for KM)
KO C E L J E VA Nevladina Organizacija Lokalna Agenda 21
Ecological Group of Koceljeva, za Kostolac – Opština
Stiška 2, 12208 Kostolac, Serbia
Citizens for the Sake of a Ball Tel: (381-12) 243-040, (381-12) 243-110,
UE. udruženje građana Koceljeve za spas lopte (381-63) 711-3879
23 septembar 6, 15220 Koceljeva, Serbia E-mail: la21kostolac@ptt.yu;
Tel: (381-15) 557-447
Fax: (381-15) 557-447 Leader: Jovica Veljucić Kerculj, president
Contact person: Nenad Nikolić, coordinator/stakeholder
Leader: Slavko Živanović, president Year of foundation: 2001
Contact person: Vera Pavlović, vice president Year of registration: 2001
Year of foundation: 1997 Type of registration: Public organisation
Year of registration: 1997 Number of employees: 0
Type of registration: Public organisation Number of members: 17
Number of members: 180 Number of volunteers: 17
Number of volunteers: 180 Annual budget: No budget
Annual budget: No budget Source of funding: F9
Source of funding: FS9, FS10 Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11,
Main topics: T2, T4, T10, T11, T17, T19, T22, T24, T25, T26 T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23,
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A13, A14, T24, T25, T26
A17, A19, A20, A21, A25 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) A13, A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A25
Member of umbrella organisations: Citizens’ Initiative Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Languages: English, German national, international
Key publications: Member of umbrella organisations: DEFYU, Volvox, REC,
• Eko Koceljeva, three issues annually. Centre for Development of the Non-Profit Sector, Yugoslav
Society for Water Protection, and other scientific and
expert organisations, EfE, REC, DEF, DG ENVIRONMENT
New NGO Forum.

K-Town Group Languages: English, French

K-TOWN GROUP Key publications:
Kneza Alekse Popovića 46, 31260 Kosjerić, Serbia • Declaration on the Policy of Environmental Protection in
Tel: (381-64) 220-4334, (381-64) 230-1810 Kostolac and Surroundings; October 17, 2001.
Fax: (381-31) 782-045 • Initiative for Acknowledging Kostolac and Surroundings,
E-mail: Right to Have a Municipality – Ministry for Local
Web: Government; March 6, 2003.

186 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

• Protection of Sopotska Greda from Aquatic Pollution in Number of volunteers: varies

the Exploitation Zone of the Kostolac Coal Mining Basin, Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Electra III, Herceg Novi, 2004. Source of funding: F3
• Exploitation, Coal Processing and their Influence on the Main topics: T1, T2, T5, T6, T10, T11, T13, T15, T17, T19,
Environment in the Kostolac Coal Mining Basin; T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Regionem II; 2005 Tara. Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A11, A14, A20, A24
• Obtaining Biogas from Organic Communal Waste Using Level of activity: local
“Fast Digesters” and Possibilities for Use in Combustible Languages: English
Cells, Regionem II; Tara, 2005.
• Capacity of Aquifers formed in Alluvial Plains of Rivers and
Reservoirs, Water Conference 2005, JDZV – Kopaonik.
• Activities of the EPS and Its Influence on the Environment; Non-Smoking Education Centre
Environment for Europe (EfE), Belgrade 2006. — RP (NEC-RP)
• Kostolac – An Ecological Story; Environment for Europe Nepušački edukativni centar – RP
(EfE), Belgrade 2006. Igumana Pajsija 10, P.O. Box: 34000,
• Influence of the Herbicide Atrazine on Organisms; 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
Environment for Europe (EfE), Belgrade 2006. Tel: (381-34) 862-102
Fax: (381-34) 862-102
Leader: Milisav Pajević, analyst NEC-RP, management
Eco-Park (EKO-PARK, ECO-PARK) board chairman
Udruženje građana EKO-PARK Contact person: Slavka Morača, general secretary
Neznanog Junaka 6/16, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Year of foundation: 2003
Tel: (381-64) 613-2051 Year of registration: 2003
E-mail: Type of registration: Public organisation
Leader: Ivona Kostić, management board president Number of employees: 0
Contact person: Mirjana Milenković, management board Number of members: 26
deputy president Number of volunteers: 20
Year of foundation: 2006 Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Year of registration: 2006 Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Main topics: T2, T7, T9, T11, T17, T18, T19, T22, T24, T25
Number of employees: 0 Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A15, A19,
Number of members: 11 A21, A22, A23, A24
Number of volunteers: 5 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Annual budget: No budget national
Source of funding: F7, F9, F10 Member of umbrella organisations: FENS and Forum EfE 07
Main topics: T2, T5, T6, T7, T11, T12, T13, T16, T17, T19, Languages: English, Russian
T21, T24, T25, T26 Key publications:
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, • Bi-monthly Non-Smokers Bulletin NEC, ISSN-1451-7809,
A14, A19, A20, A23, A24, A25 the journal of non-smokers of Serbia and Montenegro.
Level of activity: local • Periodical publication Ecological Bulletin Eko-NEC, ISSN-
Languages: English, German 1452-2829, the journal for raising public awareness on
the significance and values of a healthy environment.
• The NEC Leaflet, intended for informing non-smokers
and actions on prevention and suppression of smoking
NGO Antares Association for Holistic in Serbia.
Health Care (NVO ANTARES, NGO Antares) • Eko-NEC, intended for raising ecological public
Udruženje za holističko očuvanje zdravlja awareness and solving the current problems in
ANTARES environmental protection.
Brace Poljakovic 1/30, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
Tel: (381-64) 181-4574

Leader: Aca Lupšić, management board president Ibar Development Association (IDA)
Year of foundation: 2004 Asocijacija za razvoj ibarske doline
Year of registration: 2004 Omladinska 2/44, 36000 Kraljevo, Serbia
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Tel: (381-036) 313-1403, (381-063) 809-2202
Number of employees: 2 Fax: (381-036) 372-240
Number of members: 37 E-mail: ibarda@ptt.yu

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 187

Leader: Dragan Roganović, president of executive board Ekološko udruženje za lokalno održivi razvoj
Year of foundation: 2001 Nade Janošević 4, 22325 Krcedin,
Year of registration: 2001 Municipality of Inđija, Serbia
Type of registration: Association Tel: (381-22) 500-307
Number of employees: 1 Fax: (381-22) 500-307
Number of members: 21 E-mail:
Number of volunteers: 10
Leader: Aleksandra Gavrić, management board president
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Contact person: Vidosava Stefanović, supervisory board
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F5, F6, F9, F10
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T8, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18,
Year of foundation: 2005
T19, T20, T21, T25, T26
Year of registration: 2005
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A15,
Type of registration: Association of Citizens
A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A24, A25
Number of employees: 0
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Number of members: 35
national, international
Number of volunteers: 8
Member of umbrella organisations: FENS – Federation of
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Serbian NGOs
Source of funding: F2
Languages: English
Main topics: T1, T11, T18, T19, T21
Key publications:
Activities: A2, A5, A7, A14, A18, A20, A24
• Farming Milk Cows – A Short Course.
Level of activity: local
• Possibilities of Sustainable Development of Tourism and
Languages: English, Spanish
Agriculture in Golija Nature Park.
• Organisation of Agricultural Producers in Serbia.
K R A L J E VO Kruševac Ecological Centre (KEC)
Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo Kruševački Ekološki Centar
(Ekoibar) Nova Balšiceva 15/13, 37000 Krusevac, Serbia
Ekološki Pokret ‘Ibar’ Kraljevo Tel: (381-37) 410-840
‘Olge Jovicic’ 12/16 or Cetvrtog Kraljevackog Fax: (381-37) 410-840
Bataljona bb Ekokuca, 36000 Kraljevo, Serbia E-mail: kecpb@ptt.yu
Tel: (381-36) 320-650, (381-36) 232-704 Leader: Bratislav Poprašić, management board chairman
Fax: (381-36) 320-650 Year of foundation: 2000
E-mail: Year of registration: 2000
Web: Type of registration: NGO
Leader: Miroslav Pavlović, director Number of employees: 0
Contact person: Nebojša Dimitrijević, president Number of members: 15
Year of foundation: 1990 Number of volunteers: 1,200
Year of registration: 1990 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F6, F8
Number of employees: 0 Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T17,
Number of members: 250 T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Number of volunteers: 40 Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 A13, A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24
Source of funding: F1, F6 Level of activity: national
Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T21, T24, T25, T26 Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, Languages: English, German, Russian
A14, A17, A18, A19, A20, A24 Key publications:
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), • Protection and Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic
national Herbs, 2005.
Member of umbrella organisations: Union of Ecological

Movements of Yugoslavia
Languages: English KURSUMLIJA
Centre for Regional Cooperation
and Development (CRSR)
Centar za Razvoj i Saradnju Regiona
Environmental Society for Local Sustainable Mihajla Pupina 2/12, 18430 Kursumlija, Serbia
Development (EKO-LOR) Tel: (381-27) 381-034, (381-63) 778-8839

188 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Fax: (381-27) 381-034 Level of activity: local

E-mail: loki@ptt.yu; Member of umbrella organisations: Ekounija Lazarevac
Leader: Bojan Miletić, project manager Languages: English, French, German
Year of foundation: 2004
Year of registration: 2004
Type of registration: NGO Association of Citizens
Number of members: 24 Forum for the Roma Initiative (FRI)
Number of volunteers: 20-100 Forum za Romsku Inicijativu
Annual budget: No budget Naselje Slavka Zlatanovića, Devata 2,
Source of funding: F1, F6, F9 16000 Leskovac, Serbia
Main topics: T7, T8, T11, T13, T17, T19, T21, T25, T26 Tel: (381-16) 281-243
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A10, A11, A22 Fax: (381-16) 281-243
Level of activity: local E-mail:
Member of umbrella organisations: CRNPS (Centre for Leader: Tane Kurtić, management board chairman
Development of the Non-Profit Sector) Year of foundation: 2002
Languages: English Year of registration: 2002
Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of employees: 0
Number of members: 25
Barosevac Ecological Association Number of volunteers: 25
(EKO-BAR) Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Ekološko društvo ‘Baroševac’ Baroševac Source of funding: F1, F5, F6, F9
11565 Lazarevac, Belgrade, Serbia Main topics: T11, T13, T19, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A14, A19, A20
Tel: (381-11) 8158-513
Level of activity: local
Fax: (381-11) 8158-513 Member of umbrella organisations: FENS, Citizens’
E-mail: Council of the Municipality of Leskovac, Cards-Network of
Web: Minority NGOs in Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania
Leader: Tošić Zoran, chairman of the board Languages: English, Romani, Russian
Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Civic association L J U B OV I J A
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Bent River Drina (BRD)
Source of funding: F2, F10 Kriva Drina
Main topics: T11, T17, T18, T19, T25, T26 Donja Bukovica bb, 15320 Ljubovija, Serbia
Activities: A4, A10 Tel: (381-64) 311-3049
Level of activity: local E-mail: krivadrina@ptt.yu
Member of umbrella organisations: Ekounija Lazarevac Web:
Leader: Dragana Stojanović, president
Contact person: Milan Stojanović, vice president
Year of foundation: 2006
Vreoci Ecological Association (ED ‘Vreoci’) Year of registration: 2006
Ekološko društvo ‘Vreoci’ Type of registration: Ecological Association of Citizens
Dise Djurdjevica 91, 11560 Lazarevac, Vreoci, Number of members: 35
Serbia Number of volunteers: 7
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12
Leader: Lukić Tiberijus, president Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T20, T21,
Contact person: Zoran Antonijević, secretary T22, T24, T25, T26
Year of registration: N/A Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A11, A14, A15, A19, A25
Type of registration: Civic association Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Number of employees: 0 national, international

Number of members: 1,000

Number of volunteers: 20
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F2 Roots – Loznica
Main topics: T11, T17, T18, T19, T25, T26 ‘koreni’ – Loznica
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, A15, 1. maja 1, 15316 Banja Koviljača
A18, A19, A25 P.O. Box: 15300, 15300 Loznica, Serbia

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 189

Tel: (381-15) 815-045, (381-64) 347-9187 Number of members: more than 50

E-mail: Number of volunteers: 5-20
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Leader: Miroslav Mijatović, manager
Source of funding: F1, F5, F7, F9, F10
Contact person: Milena Babić, secretary
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T11, T17, T18, T19, T21, T25, T26
Year of foundation: foundation pending
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A9, A10, A11, A14, A17, A20, A21,
Year of registration: N/A
A22, A24
Number of employees: 30
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Number of members: 45
Number of volunteers: 10
Member of umbrella organisations: Green Network,
Annual budget: No budget
exchange of data and experiences with related
Main topics: T2, T3, T11, T12, T13, T17, T20, T21, T24, T25,
organisations, cooperation with related organisations from
BiH and Croatia, REC.
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A10, A11, A13, A14, A20, A22
Languages: English
Level of activity: local
Key publications:
Languages: English
• Our own newspapers Šidski Glas and Morovićki Glasnik,
• The review for social issues Panonski Dijalozi, treating
LOZ N I C A ecological themes,
• Publishing flyers with ecological content,
SPARK-LOZNICA • Printing material for promotion of tourist and general
ISKRA – LOZNICA economic potential of the region with emphasis on
Bulevar Dositeja Obradovića 58, respect of the basic principles of environmental
15300 Loznica, Serbia protection and sustainable development.
Tel: (381-15) 877-378
Fax: (381-15) 877-378
E-mail: M O ROV I C - S I D
Web: Youth Club Morović
Leader: Nada Ðurić, chairman of the management board (Y.C. Morović, O.K. Morović)
Year of foundation: 2005 Omladinski klub Morović
Year of registration: 2005 Kralja Petra I 16/1, 22245 Morovic-Sid, Serbia
Type of registration: NGO Tel: (381-22) 736-156, (381-22) 736-902,
Number of members: 30 (381-065) 888-7111
Number of volunteers: 30-100 Fax: (381-22) 736-300
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 E-mail:;
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F6, F8, F9
Main topics: T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T24, T25, T26 Web:
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A11, A13, A14, A15,
A19, A20, A22, A23, A24, A25 Leader: Tijana Grubač, president
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Contact person: Željko Prskalo-Limun, PR
national, international Year of foundation: 1992
Languages: English Year of registration: 1996
Type of registration: NGO Association of Citizens
Number of members: 189
M O ROV I C - S I D Number of volunteers: Up to 50
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Eco-Camp Source of funding: F1, F5, F7, F9, F10
Eko-Kamp Main topics: T2, T3, T11, T17, T18, T19, T21, T25, T26
Kralja Petra I 16/2, 22245 Morovic-Sid, Serbia Activities: A2, A4, A9, A10, A11, A14, A17, A20, A21, A22, A24
Tel: (381-22) 736-156, (381-065) 888-7111 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Fax: (381-22) 736-300 international
E-mail:; Member of umbrella organisations: Green Network,

exchange of data and experiences with related

Leader: Dejana Jovanović, president organisations, cooperation with related organisations from
Contact person: Željko Prskalo-Limun, PR BiH and Croatia, REC
Year of foundation: Informally since 2002; as Morović Languages: English
Youth Club since 1996 Key publications:
Year of registration: 2004 • Our own newspapers Šidski Glas and Morovićki Glasnik,
Type of registration: NGO Association of Citizens • The review for social issues Panonski Dijalozi, treating
Number of employees: 3 ecological themes,

190 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

• Publishing flyers with ecological content, Leader: Milan Stefanović, executive director
• Printing material for promotion of tourist and general Year of foundation: 1998
economic potential of the region with emphasis on Year of registration: 1998
respect of the basic principles of environmental Type of registration: NGO
protection and sustainable development. Number of employees: 7
Number of members: 15
Number of volunteers: 60
NIKSIC Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6
Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšić Main topics: T11, T19, T24, T25
(AYEN, DMEN) Activities: A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A14, A19, A20
Društvo Mladih Ekologa Nikšić Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Bulevar 13 jul, 81400 Niksic, Serbia national
Tel: (381-83) 246-006, (381-67) 539-966, Member of umbrella organisations: Serbian Commissariat
(381-67) 383-298 for Refugees, Volvox
Fax: (381-83) 246-006 Languages: Bulgarian, English
E-mail: ayen-ben@cg.yu
Leader: Miodrag Karadžić, president NIS
Contact person: Radoje Stanić, management board
Eco Echo
Year of foundation: 1993 Eko eho
Year of registration: 2000 Bojnička 20, Brzi Brod, 18000 Nis, Serbia
Type of registration: Public organisation E-mail:
Number of employees: 0 Web:
Number of members: 568 Leader: Aleksandar Milić, president
Number of volunteers: 25 Contact person: Tatjana Cvetković, project manager
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Year of foundation: 2004
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F7, F9, F10 Year of registration: 2004
Main topics: T2, T4, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T21, T22, Type of registration: Association of Citizens
T24, T25, T26 Number of members: 40
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, Number of volunteers: 30
A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A25 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Source of funding: F6
national, international Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T20, T21,
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox – Electronic T24, T25, T26
Network of NGOs in Serbia and Montenegro – head Activities: A2, A3, A4, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, A20
office in Belgrade (local coordinator); Green Circle – a Level of activity: local
network of ecological NGOs with head office in Podgorica Languages: English
(member); Balkan Ecological Network – head office in
Drama, Greece (representative of Montenegro).
Languages: English, German, Italian, Russian NIS
Key publications: EKOpolis
• Magazine: Eco Hour, 1997-1998. EKOpolis
• Bulletin: Eco Prism, 1999-2000. Voždova 13, 18000 Nis, Serbia
• Leaflet: Recycling in the Service of Environmental Tel: (381-64) 323-3536, (381-18) 522-228
Protection, 2001. Fax: (381-18) 521-312
Leader: Dragan Vidojković, management board chairman/
Centre for Civil Society Development manager

Year of foundation: 2002

Centar za razvoj građanskog društva Year of registration: 2005
Obrenovićeva bb, TPC Kalča, lam. B/I, lok. 43, Type of registration: Association of Citizens
18000 Nis, Serbia Number of members: 462
Tel: (381-18) 522-788, (381-18) 514-360 Number of volunteers: 64
Fax: (381-18) 522-788 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
E-mail: Source of funding: F2, F5, F7, F9, F10
Web: Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T10, T11, T13, T14, T15,

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 191

T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T24, T25, T26 Number of employees: around 10 volunteers
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A11, A14, A17, A19, Number of members: 20
A20, A21, A24 Number of volunteers: several tens
Level of activity: national, international Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Member of umbrella organisations: EKOforum, Protecta, Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F9
CRNPS, Scout Association, Mountaineering Association, Main topics: T4, T5, T7, T10, T11, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20,
SKGO, Consumers Forum, Dr. Jovan Tucakov Society for T21, T25
Medicinal Herbs , a group of 25 organisations cooperating Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A17,
with the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, A19, A20, A25
MANS, Expedito, Lynx , WOSM, CUW (Clean Up the Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
World), COOPI, BeauGreen, EastWest Institute, OSCE, Member of umbrella organisations: COOPI, Volvox
BlueLink network, Eko Forum
Languages: Bulgarian, English, Italian, Macedonian Languages: English
Key publications:
• Second Life for Waste, Better Life for Us, 2005, 200
NIS copies.
The Expert Centre Forum • Nature in Focus, 2006, 1,000 copies.
(Centre for Sustainable Development)
(Centre Forum, Centar FORUM) N OVA VA RO S
Ekspertski centar FORUM Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection
(Centar za održivi razvoj) Foundation – Nova Varoš (Griffon Vulture
Nade Tomić 15-a., 18000 Nis, Serbia
Tel: (381-18) 525-040 Foundation – Fond ‘Beloglavi sup’)
Fax: (381-18) 525-040 Fond za zaštitu ptica grabljivica ‘Beloglavi sup’
E-mail: – Nova Varoš
Karadordeva 32/305, 31320 Nova Varos, Serbia
Leader: Jovan Jovanović, M.Sc., president
Year of foundation: 2002
Tel: (381-33) 64-198
Year of registration: 2002
Fax: (381-33) 64-198
Type of registration: NGO
E-mail: gypsfulvus@ptt.yu
Number of employees: 0 Leader: Slobodan Ljubojević, director
Number of members: 15 Contact person: Živko Kolašinac, technical assistant
Number of volunteers: 15 Year of foundation: 1994
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Year of registration: 1994
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6 Type of registration: civil association
Main topics: T2, T7, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T20, T21, Number of employees: 5
T24, T25, T26 Number of members: 93
Activities: A2, A7, A9, A11, A15, A20, A24, A25 Number of volunteers: 30
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
national, international Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F9, F10, F11, F12
Member of umbrella organisations: FENS, NOPS, Offices Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T21,
for Joining the EU, Volvox Network, CRNS T24, T25, T26
Languages: English Activities: A2, A4, A9, A10, A11, A15
Key publications: Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
• Brochures and leaflets within the scope of projects and Member of umbrella organisations: Ministry of Science
campaigns. and Environment Protection – Directorate for
Environmental Protection, Institute for Nature Protection,
Biological Institute – Belgrade
Languages: English

Green Key
Zeleni ključ
25 maj 53, 18000 Nis, Serbia
E-mail: Ecological Association for
Leader: Olivera Milošević, president a Cleaner Town (Ekovaros)
Year of foundation: 2003 Ekološko udruženje ‘Za čistiju varoš’
Year of registration: N/A Pave Sudarski 2

192 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

P.O. Box: 023, 23272 Novi Bečej, Serbia Tel: (381-20) 319-534
Tel: (381-23) 773-508 Fax: (381-20) 319-534
E-mail: E-mail:
Web: Leader: Fahrudin Kladničanin, president
Leader: Darko Milanović, president Contact person: Fahrudin Kladničanin
Year of foundation: 2002 Year of foundation: 2005
Year of registration: 2002 Year of registration: 2005
Number of members: 17-39 Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Number of volunteers: about 65 Number of employees: 2
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Number of members: 568
Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F7, F9 Number of volunteers: 36
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T7, T8, T10, T11, T13, T14, T16,
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T24, T25, T26
Source of funding: F1, F7, F9, F12
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14,
Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T13, T16, T17, T19, T20, T21, T22,
A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), T26
national Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A14, A17,
Member of umbrella organisations: Federation of NGOs of A19, A20, A22, A25
Serbia – FENS, Ministry of Science and Environmental Protec- Level of activity: local
tion, Volvox, Earthwire Serbia, Citizens’ Initiatives, European Languages: English
Movement, OMLAD, Executive Council of Vojvodina
Languages: English, Hungarian, Romani
Key publications:
• Association Bulletin, published quarterly. Raškin Sliv Ecological Association
Ekološko udruženje ‘Raškin sliv’
7. jula 44/A, 36300 Novi Pazar, Serbia
Fax: (381-20) 319-534
Centre for Rural Development (CRR, CRD) E-mail:
Centar za ruralni razvoj Leader: Ibro Mehmedović, general secretary
Trg Moše Pijade 11, 23330 Novi Knezevac, Serbia Year of foundation: 2004
Tel: (381-230) 81-632, (381-230) 82-255 Year of registration: 2004
Fax: (381-230) 81-632, (381-230) 82-255 Type of registration: Association of Citizens
E-mail:; Number of employees: 3
Web: Number of members: 174
Leader: Slavko Golić, manager Number of volunteers: 21
Contact person: Slavko Golić, manager Annual budget: No budget
Year of foundation: 2000 Source of funding: F3, F4, F6, F9, F11
Year of registration: N/A Main topics: T2, T11, T12, T22, T24, T25, T26
Type of registration: Association Activities: A2, A4, A5, A7, A14, A17, A20, A21
Number of employees: 10 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Number of members: 15 Member of umbrella organisations: Network of
Number of volunteers: 20-35 ecological associations of several communities, Ekos
Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ Languages: German
Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F6, F11 Key publications:
Main topics: T1, T10, T18 • Microbiological research of watercourses with video and
Activities: A1, A5, A7, A11, A24 photo records, realised in 2005 – database, eco-manual.
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Languages: English, Hungarian

Ecological Movement of the
City of Novi Sad (Ekološki pokret)
Civil Movement for Ekološki pokret grada Novog Sada
Environmental Protection Vojvođanskih brigada 17/1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Građanski pokret za zaštitu životne sredine Tel: (381-21) 420-175
Hadzet 59, 36300 Novi Pazar, Serbia Fax: (381-21) 529-096

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 193

E-mail: ekopokret@eunet.yu N OV I SA D
Web: Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia
Leader: Nikola Aleksić, director Ekološki pokret Jugoslavije (Srbije i Crne Gore)
Year of foundation: 1990 Vojvođanskih brigada 17/1,
Year of registration: 1990 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Type of registration: NGO Tel: (381-21) 420-175
Number of employees: 6 Fax: (381-21) 529-096
Number of members: 15,000-20,000 E-mail: ekopokret@eunet.yu
Number of volunteers: around 100
Leader: Ostoja Dražić, director
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: F1, F7, FS9, F10, F13 Contact person: Nikola Aleksić, EMY assembly president
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T7, T9, T10, T11, T13, T14, Year of foundation: 2000
T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 Year of registration: 2000
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A9, A11, A12, A13, A14, Type of registration: Association
A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A25 Number of employees: We use the services of the
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the Ecological Movement of the city of Novi Sad: premises,
country), national, international personnel, technique, finances.
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecological Movement Number of members: Around 50 municipal and local
of Vojvodina, Union of Ecological Organisations of the committees
Republic of Serbia, Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia Annual budget: No budget
(Serbia and Montenegro), European Ecological Bureau Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T7, T9, T10, T11, T13, T14,
(EEB) T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26
Languages: English, Hungarian, Russian Activities: A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A9, A11, A12, A13, A14,
Key publications: A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A25
• Nine two-volume thematic proceedings of cited eco- Level of activity: national
conferences with more than 1,200 scientific and expert Member of umbrella organisations: Ecological Union
papers printed in extenso;
• Thematic proceedings in Serbian and English of the
Symposia on Fruška Gora Mountain, 1995; N OV I SA D
• Textbooks on tillage and hydrobiology; Environmentalist
• Two thematic proceedings of scientific meetings of the
Uruženje građana ‘ENVIRONMENTALIST’
academy of medicinal sciences.
Gogoljeva 40/17, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Tel: (381-21) 542-491
N OV I SA D Fax: (381-21) 505-103
Ecological Movement of Vojvodina E-mail:
Ekološki pokret Vojvodine Leader: Ildiko Grnja, executive board president
Vojvođanskih brigada 17/1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Year of foundation: 2005
Tel: (381-21) 420-175 Year of registration: 2005
Fax: (381-21) 529-096 Type of registration: Association of Citizens
E-mail: ekopokret@eunet.yu Number of members: 12
Leader: Ostoja Dražić, executive board president Number of volunteers: 15
Contact person: Nikola Aleksić, organiser Annual budget: No budget
Year of foundation: 1991 Source of funding: F3, F6, F10
Year of registration: 1991 Main topics: T2, T3, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T24,
Type of registration: Association T25, T26
Number of employees: We use the services of the Activities: A2, A7, A8, A11
Ecological Movement of the city of Novi Sad: premises, Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
personnel, technique, finances. country)
Number of members: Around 30 ecological organisations Languages: English, German, Hungarian

from Vojvodina.
Annual budget: No budget
Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Union of Ecological Environment Engineering Group
Organisations of the Republic of Serbia, Ecological (IZZS, EEG)
Movement of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) Inženjeri zaštite životne sredine
Organisations of the Republic of Serbia Braće Dronjak 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

194 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Tel: (381-21) 445-026 N OV I SA D

Fax: (381-21) 445-026 Students Union of the
E-mail: University of Novi Sad (SUUNS)
Web: Studentska Unija Univerziteta u Novom Sadu
Leader: Igor Jezdimirović, president Vase Savića 3A,
Year of foundation: 2005 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Year of registration: 2006 Tel: (381-21) 635-0821
Type of registration: Association Fax: (381-21) 635-0821
Number of employees: 0 E-mail:
Number of members: around 20 Web:
Number of volunteers: 20 Leader: Nemanja Lužanin, president
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Contact person: Igor Jezdimirović, member of the
Source of funding: F3, F9 executive board authorised for environmental protection
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, (environmental protection officer)
T13, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 Year of foundation: 1997
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A13, A14, A17, A18, Year of registration: 2001
A19, A20, A21, A24, A25 Type of registration: NGO Association of Citizens
Number of employees: 0
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Number of members: Network of 10 faculty student
country), international
Languages: English, German
Number of volunteers: Around 30
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
N OV I SA D Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6
Main topics: T5, T6, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T16, T17,
Green Network of Vojvodina (GNV, ZMV) T19, T23
Zelena mreža Vojvodine Activities: A2, A5, A6, A7, A13, A17, A18, A20, A24
Pašićeva 24, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
Tel: (381-21) 661-1484 country), international
Member of umbrella organisations: Students’ Union of
Fax: (381-21) 661-1484
Serbia, SEI – South East Initiative , ESIB – the largest
network of national students’ unions in Europe
Web: Languages: English, German
Leader: Olivera Radovanović, chairman of the Key publications:
management board • Handbook for Freshmen, 2002-2005, 6,000 copies
Year of foundation: 2001 • Guidelines to the New Law on Higher Education, 2006,
Year of registration: 2001 12,000 copies.
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 3 N OV I SA D
Number of members: 30
Number of volunteers: 10 Union of Ecological Organisations
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000 of the Republic of Serbia (EKOS)
Source of funding: F1, F6, F7 Savez ekoloških organizacija Republike Srbije
Main topics: T1, T10, T11, T15, T18, T19, T21 Vojvođanskih brigada 17/1,
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A16, A17, A20, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
A21, A22, A24 Tel: (381-21) 420-175
Fax: (381-21) 529-096
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the
E-mail: ekopokret@eunet.yu
country), national, international
Languages: English, German, Hungarian Leader: Bogoljub Savin, executive board president
Contact person: Nikola Aleksić, organiser
Key publications:

Year of foundation: 1995

• Genetically Modified Organisms – Questions and
Year of registration: 1995
Dilemmas, by Dr. Miodrag Dimitrijević and Dr. Sofija Type of registration: Association
Petrović, Novi Sad, 2004. Number of employees: We use the services of the
• Good Farming Practice Market Herald ‘Moj Salaš’, Novi Ecological Movement of the city of Novi Sad: premises,
Sad, 2004-2006, nos. 1-9. personnel, technique, finances.
• Agricultural and Farming Development Directions in Number of members: Around 80 ecological organisations
Vojvodina, Novi Sad, 2006. Annual budget: No budget

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 195

Level of activity: national O B R E N OVAC

Member of umbrella organisations: Ecological NGO OKC (OKC)
Movement of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
Nevladina organizacija OK CENTAR-Obrenovac
Popa Leontija Markovića 71,
O B R E N OVAC 11500 Obrenovac, Serbia
Tel: (064) 218-1893
Centre for Civil Activities (CeGraD) E-mail:
Centar za građansko delovanje Leader: Milanka Velimirović, management board chairman
Radenka Rankovića 13/27, Year of foundation: 2006
11500 Obrenovac, Serbia Year of registration: 2006
Tel: (381-11) 872-6464 Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Fax: (381-11) 872-6464 Number of employees: 0
E-mail: Number of members: around 20
Web: Number of volunteers: 0
Annual budget: No budget
Leader: Duško Krstić, management board president Source of funding: F10
Year of foundation: 2004 Main topics: T11
Year of registration: 2004 Activities: A7, A10, A13, A17
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Level of activity: local
Number of employees: 0 Languages: English
Number of members: 18
Number of volunteers: 10
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 P I ROT
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6 Herballand
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T14, T19, T24 Herballand
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A10, A17, A18, A20 Vuka Pantelića 9/31, 18300 Pirot, Serbia
Level of activity: local Tel: (381-10) 333-460, (381-64) 123-2209
Member of umbrella organisations: FENS E-mail: herbaland@ptt.yu
Languages: English Leader: Boban Mijić, association president
Contact person: Boban Mijić
Year of foundation: 2002
O B R E N OVAC Year of registration: N/A
Green Obrenovac (Zeleni) Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Number of employees: 0
Udruženje građana ZELENI OBRENOVAC Number of members: 11
Avalska 8, 11500 Obrenovac, Serbia Number of volunteers: 11
Tel: (381-11) 872-6039 Annual budget: No budget
Fax: (381-11) 872-6039 Source of funding: F1, F3, F7, F9
E-mail: Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T26
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A14,
Leader: Svetozar Andrić, president
A19, A21
Contact person: Svetozar Andrić Level of activity: local
Year of foundation: 2003 Languages: English
Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of employees: 0 P I ROT
Number of members: 32 Stara Planina Association
Number of volunteers: 10-100 for Environmental Protection
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Stara planina

Source of funding: F1, F2, F7, F9 Midžorska 31, 18300 Pirot, Serbia
Main topics: T1, T2, T6, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T21, Tel: (381-64) 191-8681, (381-10) 331-753
T24, T25 Fax: (381-10) 331-753
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A5, A10, A14, A17, A19, A20, E-mail: staramt@ptt.yu
A21, A22 Web:
Level of activity: local Leader: Dragan Taskov, management board president
Languages: English Year of foundation: 1996

196 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Year of registration: 1996 E-mail:

Type of registration: Public organisation Web:
Number of employees: 2, occasionally employed
Leader: Miroslav Tamburić, executive director
Number of members: 23
Contact person: Miroslav Tamburić, Goran Ðukić
Number of volunteers: 3-5
Year of foundation: 1999
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Year of registration: 1999
Source of funding: F2, F3, F7, F9, F12, F13
Number of employees: 8
Main topics: T4, T11, T14, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21
Number of members: 25
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A9, A11, A13, A14, A17,
Number of volunteers: 10
A20, A21, A24
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
Level of activity: regional (region within the country),
Source of funding: F6, F7, F9
Main topics: T11, T13, T21, T24
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox electronic
Activities: A2, A3, A4, A11, A14, A20
network of NGOs; Teledom Union of Serbia
Level of activity: local
Languages: Bulgarian, English
Languages: English
Key publications:
• Discover West Stara Planina Mountain, a trilingual
brochure, 1,000 copies, 2005. P R I B OJ
• Advertisements, posters, leaflets.
Agronomic Centre
(Agro-centar, Agro-Centre)
P I ROT Agronomski centar
Stara Planina Association of Farmers, Pirot 29. novembar 6, 31330 Priboj, Serbia
Tel: (99-381-33) 52-615
Udruženje stočara ‘Stara planina’ Pirot Fax: (99-381-33) 52-615
Stevana Sremca 27, 18300 Pirot, Serbia
Tel: (381-10) 320-115
Fax: (381-10) 320-115 Leader: Dijana Stojanov, president
E-mail: pisto@ptt.yu Contact person: Milina Ječmenica, secretary
Year of foundation: 2003
Leader: Radivoje Stanojević, association assembly
Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Contact person: Biljana Ratomir, secretary
Number of employees: 3
Year of foundation: 2005
Number of members: 15
Year of registration: 2005
Number of volunteers: 5
Type of registration: Public organisation
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Number of employees: 0
Source of funding: F2, F6, F10, F11
Number of members: 57
Main topics: T1, T5, T11, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T25, T26
Number of volunteers: 2
Activities: A1, A7, A10, A11
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Source of funding: F1, F3, F9, F10, F13
Member of umbrella organisations: Ministry of
Main topics: T1, T4, T11, T12, T17, T18, T21
Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A8, A10, A11, A13, A14, A17, A19,
Languages: English
A20, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Association for the PRIJEPOLJE
Development of the Stara Planina Mt. Region, Union of
Sheep and Goat Breeders of Serbia Argument Politics Research Centre
Languages: English (Argument)
Centar za istraživanje u politici
Argument Prijepolje
Izeta Čavića br. 36, 31300 Prijepolje, Serbia

Požega Forum of Civic Action Tel: (381-33) 713-240

(FORCA Požega) Fax: (381-33) 713-240
Forum civilne akcije Požega E-mail:
Karadjordjeva 3, 31210 Pozega, Serbia Web:
Tel: (381-31) 823-033, (381-31) 816-423, Leader: Slobodan Martinović, management board chairman
(381-31) 825-000 Contact person: Slobodan Martinović, management board
Fax: (381-31) 825-000 chairman

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 197

Year of foundation: 2004 Number of members: 36

Year of registration: 2004 Number of volunteers: 20
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Number of employees: 1 Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F7
Number of members: 10 Main topics: T2, T4, T11, T13, T17, T24, T25, T26
Number of volunteers: 20 Activities: A2, A3, A5, A6, A9, A13, A14, A17, A19, A24
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Source of funding: F6
Member of umbrella organisations: FENS, DEF SCG,
Main topics: T1, T4, T10, T11, T12, T13, T16, T18, T25, T26
Volvox, Earthwire
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A8, A9, A10, A11, A14, A15,
Languages: English
A17, A18, A19, A22, A23, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international SRBOBRAN
Member of umbrella organisations: FENS, Association of
Multiethnic Cities, Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe Prozor Srbobran Centre for Youth Creativity
Languages: English, Russian Centar stvaralaštva mladih ‘Prozor Srbobran’
Trg Republike 1, lokal br. 22,
21480 Srbobran, Serbia
Centre for Sustainable Development Leader: Ružica Nenadov, director
Kamena Gora (Cor-kag, CSDK)
Contact person: Nemanja Nikolić, management board
Kamena Gora
Sandžačkih brigada 5a, 31300 Prijepolje, Serbia member
Tel: (381-33) 712-161 Year of foundation: 2006
Fax: (031-33) 713-650 Year of registration: N/A
E-mail: toprijepolje@ptt.yu Number of employees: 3
Number of members: 5
Leader: Dragan Gluščević, president
Number of volunteers: 5-15
Contact person: Nadežda Pešić, project manager
Annual budget: No budget
Year of foundation: 2004
Source of funding: F1, F2, F6, F11, F13
Year of registration: 2005
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Main topics: T11, T13
Number of members: 36 Activities: A2, A4, A7, A11, A20, A24
Number of volunteers: 36 Level of activity: local
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Languages: English
Source of funding: F4, F9
Main topics: T4, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A7, A10, A14, A16, A24
Level of activity: national, international NGO Group 022
Member of umbrella organisations: Forum for the Drina NVO GRUPA 022
River Basin, Forum for the Lim River Basin Parobrodska 15,
22000 Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
S M E D E R E VO Tel: (381-22) 622-333, (381-64) 124-5511
Centre for Social Initiative (CEDI)
Centar Društvene inicijative Leader: Dijana Batistić, organisation coordinator
Ðure Daničića 6, Contact person: Aleksandar Vaščanin, teams coordinator
11300 Smederevo, Serbia Year of foundation: 2003
Tel: (381-26) 611-803 Year of registration: 2003
Fax: (381-26) 611-803 Type of registration: Association of Citizens
E-mail: Number of employees: 1
Web: Number of members: 14

Leader: Darko Memedović, executive board chairman Number of volunteers: 22

Contact person: Nikola Jocović, executive board Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
vice chairman Source of funding: F1, F3, F7, F9
Year of foundation: 2000 Main topics: T3, T11, T18
Year of registration: 2001 Activities: A2, A4, A5, A10, A11
Type of registration: Public organisation Level of activity: local
Number of employees: 1 Languages: English

198 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

S R E M S K A M I T ROV I C A Year of registration: 2000

Organisation Pro Vitae – For Life Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Number of members: 35
Ug ‘Pro Vitae’ Za Život
Solarski trg 3, 22000 Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia Number of volunteers: 100
Tel: (381-22) 625-212 Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Fax: (381-22) 625-212 Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F7, F9, F10, F11
E-mail: provitae@ptt.yu; pro_vitae_sm@ptt.yu Main topics: T3, T4, T5, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19,
Web: T21, T26
Leader: Snežana Franceško, president Activities: A2, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A14, A15, A17, A20,
Contact person: Snežana Konjević, vice president A21, A22, A24, A25
Year of foundation: 2001 Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Year of registration: 2001 national, international
Type of registration: Association Member of umbrella organisations: Society for Protection
Number of employees: 2 and Study of Birds of Vojvodina, Rihard Cornai Society of
Number of members: 19 Ecologists
Number of volunteers: 27 Languages: English, Hungarian
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Key publications:
Source of funding: F2, F6, F9
Main topics: T11, T13, T17, T19, T24, T25 • Ciconia, Vol. 12, Novi Sad, 2003.
Activities: A2, A7, A11, A13, A17, A22
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) S U B OT I C A
Member of umbrella organisations: Electronic Green
Network of Vojvodina Terra’s Organic Food Association
Languages: English, German (Udruženje TERRA’S, TERRA’S Association)
Udruženje za organsku hranu TERRA’S
S T E P OJ E VAC Trg cara Jovana Nenada 15, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Tel: (381-24) 554-600
EKO Stepojevac Ecological Civilians Union Fax: (381-24) 553-116
(EKO Stepojevac, ECU Stepojevac) E-mail:
Ekološko udruženja građana EKO Stepojevac Web:
7 oktobar 114, 11564 Stepojevac, Serbia
Tel: (381-11) 818-1415, (381-11) 818-1728 Leader: Dr. Tereza Horvat Skenderović, president
Web: Contact person: Snježana Mitrović, project manager
Year of foundation: 1990
Leader: Miroljub Ivanović, management board president
Year of registration: Name change, supplementation of
Contact person: Mioljub Stanković, expert collaborator
statute, 2004
Year of foundation: 2005
Year of registration: 2005 Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Type of registration: Association Number of employees: 5
Number of members: 21 Number of members: 80-100
Number of volunteers: 3 Number of volunteers: 3
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000
Source of funding: F1, F13 Source of funding: F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F10
Main topics: T18, T22, T25, T26 Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T7, T11, T12, T17, T18, T19, T21,
Activities: A2, A4, A8 T22, T25
Level of activity: local Activities: A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,
Languages: English A14, A17, A20, A21, A22
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
S U B OT I C A national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox, Forum EfE07,
Riparia Association of Naturalists Defyu

Udruženje ljubitelja prirode ‘RIPARIA’ Languages: English, Hungarian

Engelsova 9, 24000 Subotica, Serbia Key publications:
Tel: (381-24) 553-106 • The First Ten Years, 1,300 copies, 2000.
E-mail: • Organic Agriculture, a Manual for Farmers, 2001 and 2002.
Leader: Oto Sekereš, president • Organic Agriculture – Legal Regulations, 500 copies, 2005.
Contact person: Sandra Čokić, member • What to Know About Organic, Bio and Eco Products,
Year of foundation: 2000 2,000 copies, 2005.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 199

TRSTENIK Languages: English

Key publications:
Council for Monitoring, Human Rights and
• Leaflets and brochures.
Anti-corruption – Transparency
Savet za monitoring, ljudska prava i borbu
protiv korupcije – Transparentnost UMKA
Miodraga Čajetinca – Čajke 22,
Advanced Research Association (ARA)
37240 Trstenik, Serbia
Tel: (381-64) 207-6293 Asocijacija za napredna istraživanja
E-mail:; Sretena Babica 18a, 11260 Umka, Serbia Tel: (381-11) 802-5845
Leader: Mario Spasić, secretary general
Fax: (381-11) 802-5845
Contact person: Marija Spasić, coordinator of the office of E-mail:
secretary general Web:
Year of foundation: 2005 Leader: Andrej Čoha, management board chairman
Year of registration: 2005 Year of foundation: 2003
Type of registration: NGO Year of registration: 2003
Number of members: 10 Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Number of volunteers: 7
Number of employees: 2
Annual budget: No budget
Number of members: 15
Source of funding: F7
Number of volunteers: 10
Main topics: T7, T11, T12
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A6, A11, A13, A15, A22, A25 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Source of funding: F1, F3, F7, F9, F10, F13
national Main topics: T2, T4, T10, T11, T17, T18, T19, T24
Member of umbrella organisations: Federation of NGOs, Activities: A2, A4, A7, A13, A25
Balkan Network for Human Rights Level of activity: local
Languages: English Member of umbrella organisations: FENS
Languages: English
Ecological Movement SCG OO ‘Moravski UŽICE
Orašak’ Trstenik (Moravski orašak) InterLink-Balkan (InterLink)
Ekološki pokret SCG OO InterLink-Balkan
‘Moravski orašak’ Trstenik Višegradska 6, 31000 Užice, Serbia
Živadina Apostolovića 4,
37240 Trstenik, Serbia Tel: (381-31) 510-053
Tel: (381-37) 710-095 Fax: (381-31) 510-053
Fax: (381-37) 712-031 E-mail:
E-mail: moravskiorasak@ptt.yu Leader: Jelena Lukić, director
Web: Contact person: Jelena Lukić, director
Leader: Gordana Rodić, president Year of foundation: 2002
Contact person: Dragana Jovanović, executive board Year of registration: N/A
chairman Type of registration: Association
Year of foundation: 2004
Number of employees: 3
Year of registration: 2004
Type of registration: NGO Number of members: 22
Number of members: 30 Number of volunteers: 20-30
Number of volunteers: 30 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000

Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000 Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F5, F6, F10, F11, F12
Source of funding: F5, F6, F10 Main topics: T3, T5, T7, T11, T12, T13, T16, T18, T19, T20,
Main topics: T10, T11, T13, T18, T19, T21, T25, T26 T21, T22, T23, T24, T25
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A11, A14, A19, A20, A24
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A12,
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national A13, A14, A15, A17, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24
Member of umbrella organisations: Ecological Movement Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
SCG of Serbia national, international

200 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Languages: English, French, Spanish VA L J E VO

Key publications:
Centre for Modern Education (CME)
• Eco Tourism, 2004. Supplementary edition in
Centar za modernu edukaciju
Braće Veličkovića 5,
14000 Valjevo, Serbia
VA L J E VO Tel: (381-14) 247-345
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo (Ars Nova Valjevo) Fax: (381-14) 247-345
Klub Ars Nova, Valjevo E-mail:
Andre Savcica b.b., 14000 Valjevo, Serbia Leader: Mila Grujičić, president
Tel: (381-14 ) 220-738 Year of foundation: 2005
Fax: (381-14 ) 220-738 Year of registration: 2005
E-mail: vamag@ptt.yu Type of registration: Association
Leader: Milovan Jovanović, management board president Number of members: 10
Contact person: Vlado Dodović, secretary Number of volunteers: 10
Year of foundation: 2002 Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Year of registration: 2006 Source of funding: F1
Type of registration: NGO Main topics: T2, T11, T17, T18, T19, T20, T22, T24,
Number of members: 10 T25, T26
Number of volunteers: 10 Level of activity: local
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000 Languages: English, Portuguese
Source of funding: F2, F3, F9
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T7, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19,
T20, T24, T25, T26 VA L J E VO
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A11, A14, A15 Mushroom Gatherers Association
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) of Valjevo
Member of umbrella organisations: Founder and member Gljivarsko društvo Valjevo
of FENS, and Volvox network Pop-Lukina 8-1,
Languages: English 14000 Valjevo, Serbia
Tel: (381-14) 225-745
Fax: (381-14) 225-745
E-mail: mushroom
Association of Household Heads Valjevo Web: http://www.ptt.yu/korisnici/m/u/mushroom/
Udruženje domaćina Valjevo Leader: Dragic Tomić, president
Pop Lukina 8/1, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia Contact person: Dragic Tomić
Tel: (381-14) 225-745 Year of foundation: 1997
Fax: (381-14) 225-745 Year of registration: 1997
E-mail: domaciniva@ptt.yu Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Leader: Dragić Tomić, president Number of employees: 0
Number of members: 120
Contact person: Dragić Tomić, president
Number of volunteers: 8
Year of foundation: 2005
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Year of registration: 2005
Source of funding: F1, F2, F7, F9
Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T21
Number of members: 26
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A11, A13, A20, A21

Number of volunteers: 4 Level of activity: local

Annual budget: No budget Key publications:
Main topics: T4, T11, T14, T17, T18, T19, T21 • Mushrooms and Beginners, 1998.
Activities: A1, A2 • Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms – Similarities and
Level of activity: local Differences, 2000.
Key publications: • Dictionary for Mushroom Gatherers, 2000.
• A joint prospectus, 3,000 copies. • Medicinal Herbs, 2004.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 201

Natura Natural Resources Centre, Valjevo Vladimir Mandić Manda Research Society
(Centar ‘Natura’ Valjevo, Centre (DIVMM, RSVMM)
‘Natura’, Valjevo) Društvo istraživača Vladimir Mandić Manda
Centar za prirodne resurse ‘Natura’, Valjevo Bircaninova 128b, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia
Sinđelićeva 55, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia Tel: (381-14) 229-441
Tel: (381-14) 223-859 Fax: (381-14) 229-441
E-mail: divmm@ptt.yu
Fax: (381-14) 223-859
E-mail: pdpva@ptt.yu
Leader: David Maksimović, president
Leader: Siniša Mitrović, director
Contact person: Ognjen Jović, vice president
Contact person: Vlado Dodović, secretary Year of foundation: 1969
Year of foundation: 1992 Year of registration: 2006
Year of registration: 2002 Type of registration: Public organisation
Type of registration: NGO Number of members: 246
Number of members: 20 Number of volunteers: 246 members, plus volunteers
Number of volunteers: 10 Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Source of funding: F1, F5, F7, F9, F10
Source of funding: F2, F3, F9 Main topics: T3, T4, T11, T17, T19
Main topics: T3, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20, T25 Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A7, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14,
Activities: A2, A4, A7, A10, A11, A14, A15, A21 A15, A21, A22
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) Level of activity: international
Member of umbrella organisations: Europarc Federation Member of umbrella organisations: Young Researchers of
Languages: English Serbia
Key publications: Languages: English, French
• Cleaners of Nature, Saša Marinković, 1994. Key publications:
• Poster of the Griffon Vulture, 1995. • The Researcher, annual publication of the society.
• Collection of Scientific Papers, annual publication of the
Society for Medicinal Herbs VELIKI CRLJENI
Research Valjevo Turija Ecological Association
Društvo za proučavanje lekovitog bilja Valjevo (EA Turija, ED Turija)
Pop Lukina 8/1, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia Ekološko društvo ‘Turija’
Tel: (381-14) 225-745 3.oktobar, 11563 Veliki Crljeni, Serbia
Fax: (381-14) 225-745 Tel: (381-11) 8162-603
E-mail: mushroom@ptt.yu Fax: (381-11) 8162-603
Leader: Dragan Nedeljković, secretary Web:
Contact person: Dragan Nedeljković
Leader: Aleksandar Nikolić, president
Year of foundation: 1997
Contact person: Marko Ranković, executive board
Year of registration: 1997 member–PR and marketing
Type of registration: Association of Citizens Year of foundation: 2003
Number of employees: 0 Year of registration: 2003
Number of members: 100 Type of registration: Public organisation
Number of volunteers: 20 Number of employees: 0
Annual budget: EUR 0-500 Number of members: 874
Number of volunteers: 16

Source of funding: F1, F2, F7, F9

Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Main topics: T4, T11, T14, T17, T18, T19, T21
Source of funding: F1, F2
Activities: A1, A2
Main topics: T2, T10, T11, T17, T20, T22, T25, T26
Level of activity: local Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A11, A15, A16, A19,
Key publications: A20, A25
• Medicinal Herbs, 2003. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
• Dishes Made with Nettles, Basil, Rose, 2005. Languages: English

202 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Avalon Environmental Association (Avalon)
Ekološko udruženje ‘Avalon’
Igmanska 23, 26300 Vršac, Serbia
Tel: (381-13) 832-718
Leader: Budimir Babić, president
Contact person: Budimir Babić; Danijela Stojanov, board
Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 150
Number of volunteers: 30
Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Source of funding: F1, F6, F7, F9, F10
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14,
A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A23, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Volvox Electronic
Network, Green Initiative of Vojvodina, REC
Languages: English

Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre
Dečiji stvaralački centar ‘’Maštalište’‘
Jug Bogdanova 8, 23101 Zrenjanin, Serbia
Tel: (381-23) 547-421, (381-63) 517-760
Leader: Milica Velimirović, management board chairman
Contact person: Zorica Radišić, environmental projects
Year of foundation: 2000
Year of registration: 2000
Type of registration: Association of Citizens
Number of employees: 0
Number of members: 2,562
Number of volunteers: 5-20
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Source of funding: F1, F6, F7, F9
Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T17, T19, T20, T21,
T22, T23, T24, T25, T26

Activities: A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A10, A14, A19, A20, A21,
A22, A23, A24, A25
Level of activity: local
Member of umbrella organisations: Ministry of Science
and Environmental Protection, Secretariat for Education of
AP Vojvodina, Executive Council of Vojvodina
Languages: English

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 203
(territory under interim UN administration)

Questionnaires received 30 Kosovo: Total CSO budgets EUR 382,500
Average budget (estimated) EUR 12,750
Most frequent budget range 37% of CSO budgets
are in category 1
Number of formally registered and 30 registered (no budget)
unregistered CSOs 0 not registered
Percentage of ECSOs in the lowest and highest budget
range and their contribution to total CSO budgets
• 37% of ECSOs (category 1, no budget) account for 0%
of the total sum of annual CSO budgets
Number of members in Kosovo 2,878 • 3% of ECSOs (category 8, above EUR 100,000)
(total for the country) account for 26% (EUR 100,000) of the total sum of
Members per CSO From 3 to 550 annual budgets
Average members per CSO 96


NUMBER OF STAFF FS6 foreign/international foundations 76.7%
Paid staff (full and part time) 105 donations/grants
Unpaid staff (volunteers) 2,601 FS10 foreign government/international
Ratio paid/unpaid staff 1:25 public sector grants or donations 56.7%
FS5 domestic foundations donations/grants 50%


T11 environmental education/education for 90%
sustainable development
T12 environmental legislation 63.4%
T17 nature protection 80%
T18 rural development 73.4%
T19 sustainable development 70%


A2 awareness-raising campaigns 93.4%

A7 education 90%
A6 conferences, meetings 86.6%

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 207

CHART 1 Comparison between 2001 and 2006 data

The 2006 survey gathered information from
Year of establishment for ECSOs in Kosovo
30 environmental civil society organisations,
(number of ECSOs in each category)
a significant increase from the 12 that the
REC mapped in early 2001. A good amount
18 of other data suggests a general growth in
the sector in practically all aspects.
The number of members increased from 539
12 to 2,878 in 2006, with comparably the average
10 membership per organisation increasing from
8 45 to 96. Compared to only 10 paid employ-
ees in the 12 organisations in 2001, the Koso-
1 var organisations report that they presently
0 have 105 people employed full or part time
<1990 1991- 1996- >2000 (on average three and a half employees per
1995 2000
CSO). The number of volunteers reported
went up from 66 in 2001 to 2,601.
Category 1 – up to 1990 In 2001 the 12 ECSOs managed an estimated
Category 2 – 1991-1995
total budget of EUR 274,000. For 2006 the 30
Category 3 – 1996-2000
groups responding had a total budget of
Category 4 – 2001-2006
EUR 382,500. As such the average estimated
budget has actually decreased from EUR
22,833 to EUR 12,700 per organisation per
CHART 2 year. If we look at the distribution of money
more closely, we see that the number of
Level of working organisations with a budget below EUR 500
went up alarmingly from 8 percent in 2001 to
100 42 percent. Two ECSOs had budgets over
27 EUR 100,000 in 2001, while the number
25 dropped to one in 2006. The financial data
80 indicate that there is less funding available
for Kosovar environmental groups now than
five years ago.
% of Total

17 While in both years (2001 and 2006) ECSOs
50 were mostly receiving funds from foreign
donors for their activities, membership dues,
which were the second most frequent source
30 of income (42 percent), decreased in impor-
tance in 2006. Domestic foundation grants
remain the third most frequent source, but
10 the number of ECSOs reporting that they had

received such funds increased from 33 to 50

Local Regional National International percent of respondents.
(Data represent actual number and percentage of the total) In the priority topic areas there are some
important shifts (which is probably caused
by the new organisations coming into the
statistics for 2006). Environmental education

208 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

is ranked as the most important work area in of registration since the Provisional Govern-
both years. But besides nature protection, ment took over responsibility from the Unit-
which present in both years, we see a ed Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).
marked shift to rural development, sustain- Nevertheless, due to a dire financial situation
able development, and environmental legis- in the country, registration is considered to
lation, while air quality/air pollution was not be financially burdensome by many. The law
among the top five in 2006. requires legal assistance for registration,
although most think it is not necessary.
Awareness-raising campaigns, education and
conference/meetings were the most impor- Kosovo’s unique situation and challenges in
tant activities for ECSOs in 2006, compared to developing governmental structures have
cleaning actions/camps, training and aware- contributed to an overall perception that from
ness raising/education selected in 2001. In a legal standpoint it barely functions. A lack of
short, the most popular methods of work experienced administrators and a complete
have remained very similar over the years. revision of the law combine to create a situa-
tion where only the laws and institutions most
The pattern of organisation formation is, as to
critical to the survival of the population are
be expected, dominated by groups established
actually relevant. Additionally, differences in
after 2000. However, the level of working has
backgrounds and standards mean that many
started to change. Previously, groups worked
laws are stuck in limbo between the self-gov-
mostly at the local level, but now regional
ernment and the United Nations’ Mission in
activities are more prevalent. Plus national and
Kosovo (UNMIK). The long and the short of it
international levels are also increasing from
is that ECSOs operate in Kosovo with little
the early days after the conflict.
attention to legal matters. For example, far
fewer ECSOs in Kosovo comply with financial
reporting obligations as compared to the
Legal and regulatory framework region as a whole.
A high level of involvement of the interna-
tional community in Kosovo has meant that ECSOs in Serbian enclaves generally do not
the legal framework for registration of ECSOs pay taxes, attributing this to difficulties in trans-
is in theory clear and simple. Major improve- port, communication and other conditions
ments have been seen in the administration related to their interrelations with the central

Main findings: Legal and regulatory framework

• The legal framework for registration is good, and administrative practice has improved.
• Although operating under the same legal framework, in practice different standards for
operations apply to ECSOs in Serbian enclavesthan in the rest of Kosovo.
• Legal enforcement and implementation of taxation rules are lax, and ECSOs operate with lit-
tle attention to legal matters.

• Legal frameworks for information, participation and other matters relevant to ECSOs are
well developed according to international standards.
• Inadequate institutions, the lack of resources, and poor administration contribute to a gener-
al lack of implementation of legal frameworks except for the most critical matters affecting
the population.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 209

authorities. While enforcement is rare, it does understood, but generally considered to be

reportedly take place. On the other hand, a unattainable. The legal framework for infor-
large proportion of CSO funding comes mation and participation is no exception. It
through tax-exempt international grants. Cor- is of high quality but practically irrelevant.
porations can deduct up to 5 percent of their Several ECSOs consider legal expertise to be
income for donations, although due to a broad a major staffing need. Only a few training
definition, most of this goes to support sports programmes in legal matters have been pro-
clubs, scholarships, and individuals. vided to environmental ECSOs.
The legal structure for access to justice in
Kosovo is almost non-existent. However, Resource base
Kosovo ECSOs have a slightly better opinion In Kosovo the funding resources for ECSOs
than their neighbours of legal frameworks, are heavily dominated by foreign sources,
and of the implementation and enforcement both from governmental agencies and foun-
of law. Although the international communi- dations. Any changes in priority or reduction
ty has imposed international standards, there in funding from these sources will therefore
is not the same overall mistrust found, for have a major impact on the community.
example, in Bosnia and Herzegovina that Indeed this is already beginning to manifest
results there in a low opinion of the law. itself with a large number of Kosovar envi-
International standards are appreciated and ronmental ECSOs having no activities, and

Main findings: Resource base

• Kosovar ECSOs have an understandable over-reliance on funding from foreign sources.

• Foreign funding is slowly declining, re-orientating priorities or tightening conditions.
• The shift in donor funding priorities has resulted in a subsequent shift in CSO activities.
• The government budget is currently too limited to support wide-scale giving, plus the
government approach to civil society support is not a high enough priority.
• Too many environmental ECSOs use projects to subsidise their members’ primary income
• The budgets of environmental ECSOs in Kosovo have worsened since 2001 (most ECSOs
have no budget at all). As such there is a significant split between ECSOs with funds and
those with none at all, signifying a funding crisis. A worrying three quarters of ECSOs report
that they are in a financially uncertain or poor state.
• Kosovar ECSOs appear to have weaker fundraising strategies than in other SEE territories,
resulting in ECSOs effectively “dying” between projects and making retention of staff (exper-
tise) a major problem.
• Although ECSOs in Kosovo often own their own office space, many struggle from the costs

• Development of organised philanthropy from citizens and business is unlikely in the cur-
rent social and economic climate.
• Membership fees are, in the short-to medium-term, an unlikely source of significant income
for ECSOs.

210 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

many of those that do have projects are car- sis for the environmental movement. New
rying out work outside their original scope support, but the right forms of support, is
or acting as pseudo-consultants. In addition sorely needed to improve the situation.
an “insular mentality” has formed with Koso-
var ECSOs not looking (or able to look) fur-
ther than Kosovo targeted resources. Human and organisational capacities
In general, ECSOs in Kosovo are well aware
Domestic sources, in particular from the gov- of strategic leadership tools, as well as
ernment, are under-represented, and administrative procedures and their impor-
changes need to be made to further institu- tance for improved performance, but only a
tionalise support to civil society. However, small number are actually using them. ECSOs
the government budget is quite limited and in Kosovo are seen as very weak in terms of
the status issue lends an air of financial structures, programmes and expertise. They
uncertainty. As such other sources will need have very low visibility in society and are not
to be institutionalised (e.g. from environ- effective partners with the government.
mental taxes) to offer some permanence and
structure to funds, even if they are not of a It is clear that environmental organisations
great amount. The mechanism of delivering have a very weak funding base, are donor
funds will need to be elaborated, particularly driven and find it very difficult to cooperate
to ensure that support arrives fairly to all eth- and work outside of the territory due to a
nic groups. Perhaps this can be best done by lack of experience and limited possibilities to
devolving decision making to local levels. compete for funds at the regional level. This
situation is understandable for a country
Financially, environmental ECSOs are in a
where the environmental organisations are
worse state than in 2001. A substantial num-
very young and where the staff mostly con-
ber have no financial resources at all. The sit-
sists of people with other jobs as well.
uation shows that the environmental com-
munity does not have access to a diversified A majority of the organisations have gone
funding base and opportunities from self- through a training needs assessment, but train-
generation of revenue or development of ing is not used systematically for building
local philanthropy are at an early stage. Cou- capacity of the staff; it is done mostly on an
pled to the weak fundraising background of adhoc basis. The limited usage of strategic
many ECSOs, this situation has led to what planning is possibly due to the lack of capac-
could deepen into a prolonged financial cri- ity and knowledge for its development. Help

Main findings: Human and organisational capacities

• ECSOs in Kosovo are underdeveloped and lack experienced staff.

• Strategic planning tools and administrative procedures are generally known among ECSOs
but are not used for ensuring effectiveness or efficiency of organisations.

• ECSOs have intermediate levels of performance. However, they have a problem developing
activities which would better respond to or reflect the needs of the citizens.
• ECSOs are often donor driven and do not have the support of the government.
• There is not enough institutional support available, especially for the minority Serbian

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 211

in developing a vision and strategy, together Information and knowledge base

with administrative systems such as financial Regarding ECSOs’ operating environment, 55
management, are mentioned as key training percent described the general availability of
needs for building more sustainable organi- sustainable development and environment
sations. It is understood from the interviews information as adequate, while 29 percent find
that a different approach to capacity building it inadequate. Many respondents felt that infor-
is also probably needed compared to those mation is scarce, and that which is available is
tried to date. This would need to focus on of poor quality. This appears to be linked to
where the staff has the opportunity to imple- the fact there is no environmental monitoring
ment the knowledge gained through hands- system. There is some official information
on coaching and international exchanges of from the environment ministry’s education
staff at the CSO level. and awareness-raising unit and on the Inter-
net, but many ECSOs cannot access this easily,
Only a small number of organisations con- while the information itself tends to be weak.
sidered that they performed with complete
success in the past year, while the majority Concerning quality, practically all CSO survey
rated their performance as partially or inter- respondents felt improvement was necessary
mediately successful. The reasons given for with regard to the currency (95 percent), pre-
limited success are mostly related to: lack of sentation (95 percent) and reliability (72 per-
motivation (as people are not paid), depen- cent) of official information. One challenge
dency on donors (constant adaptation of described by a civil society support organisa-
their programmes), external factors (lack of tion comes from the private sector, where
funds, low levels of awareness and lack of they feel that many companies and other
vision by the Provisional Government and interests are not keen for information to get
communities on environmental issues) and out. Regarding proactive distribution, typically
the lack of institutional support from local more than 80 percent felt improvement was
authorities (especially for Serbian ECSOs). necessary (vis-à-vis ease of accessibility,
media source distribution, timeliness of deliv-
While the ECSOs see themselves as having a ery, electronic formats, and availability
strong base of expert staff, good ideas and through public info centres). The environ-
responses to real needs, it is important to ment ministry confirmed there are plans afoot
note that other stakeholders are not as posi- to establish an environmental information
tive in their assessment, believing Kosovar bureau. However, some ECSOs would
ECSOs lack vision, transparency, and encourage the ministry to rely on ECSOs more
accountability, and are donor driven. as an information platform, as they feel that
they react more quickly and easily and are
Organisations employ three and a half staff on
directly connected to the issues. Official
average and can rely on roughly 200 volun-
responses to information requests were also
teers per organisation. The membership base
mostly evaluated negatively. With regard to
of the organisations is generally good, espe-
improving mechanisms to exchange informa-
cially considering the low interest of the popu-
tion with authorities, 89 percent welcomed
lation in environmental issues and awareness
physical fora, 94 percent virtual fora.
regarding ECSOs activities. While people join

the movement out of a wish to effect a change Concerning ECSOs’ own organisational envi-
in society and improve the environment and ronment, approximately 45 percent maintain
health prospective of the citizens, many leave collections of environmental books,
due to the underdeveloped state of the sector. brochures and reports, while 39 percent
The ECSOs in Kosovo generally have a good maintain diverse collections of other materials
gender balance, with slightly more men than (press releases, monitoring data and statis-
women working in the movement. tics). Eighty-six percent described their organ-

212 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Main findings: Information and knowledge base

• The absence of any real environmental monitoring system impacts the availability of sus-
tainable development and urban environment information for public consumption.
• Official information available to ECSOs is found to be of problematic quality (out of date,
poorly presented, unreliable), hindered not least by conflicts of interest and unclear appreci-
ation of end-user requirements.
• Distribution of official sustainable development and environment information (both proac-
tive and passive) is poor and improvement is requested by ECSOs, including distribution
through ECSOs.
• Almost all ECSOs welcomed improvements in the exchange of information with authorities,
both physical and virtual.
• Around half of all ECSOs in Kosovo maintain collections of environmental books, brochures,
and reports, and a lesser number of other materials. A large number consider their organisa-
tion’s knowledge capacities/skills on the environmental topics they work on as “adequate.”
Nevertheless, all welcome additional training to enhance their internal knowledge.
• ECSOs tend to do little of their own research unless they have a specifically financed project.
Around half are equipped with desktop publishing equipment to manage information, while a
third have database tools.
• Pamphlets and brochures are the most popularly published forms of information. E-mail and
posters/demonstrations are used by ECSOs to distribute information.

isation’s knowledge capacities/skills on the paper articles or advertisements, hardcopy

environmental topics they work on as “ade- reports or newsletters, and telephone and
quate.” Nevertheless, all survey respondents fax. Civil society support organisations said
welcomed additional training to enhance their that ECSOs are well practiced in dissemi-
internal knowledge, particularly as funding is nating information and their use of the
a constraint to further capacity building. media is quite good.
When gathering or researching sustainable
development and environment data, Koso- Accountability
var ECSOs tend to carry out very little of
The review of the current status of public
their own research unless they have a
accountability in Kosovo concerning the legal and
specifically financed project. Approximate-
ly half the ECSOs in Kosovo rely on desk- administrative set-up and practice of implementa-
top publishing equipment and 31 percent tion of Aarhus rights shows that with the excep-
on database equipment to manage informa- tion of a few cases, the Aarhus requirements have
been generally incorporated in the present legisla-

tion. Brochures and pamphlets are the most

popular forms of published information. E- tion. However, implementation and enforcement
mail, posters and demonstrations are most of these rights are lacking in many respects, partly
popular (by 100 percent of respondent due to the insufficient capacity and awareness of
ECSOs) for actually distributing their infor- the responsible authorities and CSOs to put the
mation. Other non-electronic or more tradi- respective rights into practice. The environment
tional sources include independent news- ministry has become more active in this field only

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 213

Main findings: Accountability

• The Law on Environment Protection and the Environment Impact Assessment Administrative
Direction gives a framework to the authorities to work with CSOs. The provisions of these
laws require the authorities to invite CSOs to sit on boards, steering committees, advisory
and other types of cooperative bodies with the government, but the requirement is not
granted by the rules of selection of CSOs to such bodies. Selection is usually based on per-
sonal contacts and the level of influence of the representatives of CSOs is difficult to evalu-
• The Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning has recognised the importance of the
cooperation issues but has neither the financial means to support necessary activities nor
the capacity and knowledge to do it. However, they are having closer cooperation with a
CSO information network (Sharri.Net),
• Despite this policy, there is no solid base of cooperation towards ECSOs, and real interaction
is rare and based on an ad hoc approach. Existing cooperation has focused on some expert
CSO input to official plans and strategies.
• More positive examples of cooperation can be found on the local level (the focus appears
to be on information and awareness building projects, as well as on clean-up actions).
• Although some community driven ECSOs who are interested in listening and representing
the local people exist, many of the ECSOs are donor driven and do not adequately repre-
sent local opinions or needs.
• Limited cooperation has been taking place with the local business. There is no real practice
of businesses providing funding or support for ECSO activities.
• The legislative framework for access to information and public participation is generally
(with few exceptions) in place, but they are not supported by guidelines or more precise
• There is little knowledge or any guidelines on access to information or public participation
procedures. ECSOs do not exercise their right to get information and be part of the decision
making, plus authorities and ECSOs do not know how to reach out to their target groups or
arrange an efficient decision-making process.
• Parliamentary commissions are open to the public; ECSOs can use these to comment on
legislation and provide input.
• The outcome of the public consultations is not usually satisfactory for the public authorities,
as ECSOs often do not give the expected level of input to the draft documents. In addition,
ECSOs have a tendency to withdraw themselves from the consultation process while recog-
nising that the process is going in an unsatisfactory direction. However, some good exam-
ples exist where authorities have been running the EIA consultations together with local
NGOs or asking for help from CSOs with expertise in a certain area.

214 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

recently, and this is coupled to the ECSOs limited

knowledge and experience in every aspect of the
Aarhus rights.
How the authorities handle information requests is
not tested by the ECSOs. Information available
through the Internet or other means is poor in
content and needs improvement in the quality,
speed of provision and updating. Public participa-
tion requirements are not supported by proce-
dures and guidelines that would define obligations
for the authorities and give them tools to bring
these into practice.
Access to justice rights have not been exercised
properly, mainly because of the low expertise and
public awareness for the range of legal actions that
can be initiated.
Cooperation between ECSOs and governmental
officials exists to a certain extent, but not yet on a
satisfactory level for either party. Unlike in other
SEE countries, cooperation is also required by the
Law on Environment Protection but is not sup-
ported by more specific regulations or sets of rules.
Representatives of ECSOs can be selected to take
part in many advisory and other consultative boards
and committees, but their level of influence is not
ECSOs’ interaction with local citizens usually takes
place in the context of certain environmental
occasions (such as Earth Day), public campaigns
and other initiatives related to specific projects.
ECSOs have not developed mechanisms for
understanding public opinion; they are largely
donor driven and not community driven. Limited
cooperation has been taking place with local busi-
ness, but it is not common for businesses to pro-
vide funding or support CSO activities.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 215

DEÇAN Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),

Agency for Rural Cleaning (APR)
Member of umbrella organisations: Sharri Net, Avoko,
Agjensioni për Pastrim Rural Civic Bridge, Fod, Mozaik, bridges of friendship,
Pallati i Kulturës ‘Jusuf Gervalla’ Transboundary Environmental Forum
51000 Deçan, Kosovo Languages: Albanian, English, Serbo-Croat
(territory under interim UN administration) Key publications:
Tel: (377-44) 182-689 • Leaflets and brochures to inform citizens about
E-mail: environment protection and achievements, every three
Leader: Adem Lushaj, executive director months.
Contact person: Ali Berisha, Adem Lushaj
Year of foundation: 2002
Year of registration: 2002 F E R I Z AJ
Type of registration: Association Life Quality
Number of employees: 3 OJQ Kualiteti i Jetës
Number of members: 550 70000 Ferizaj, Kosovo
Number of volunteers: 7 (territory under interim UN administration)
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Tel: (377-44) 406-126, (377-44) 227-861
Source of funding: F2, F3, F5, F6, F9, F11 E-mail: OJQ.KUALITETI.I JETË
Main topics: T1, T3, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19,
Leader: Xhemile Rysha, director
T21, T24, T25, T26
Contact person: Xhemile Rysha
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Year of foundation: 2006
A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
Year of registration: 2006
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 60
Member of umbrella organisations: Food, Bridges of
Number of volunteers: 10
Friendship, Transboundary Environmental Forum
Annual budget: No budget
Languages: Albanian, English, German, Serbian
Source of funding: FS7, FS9
Key publications:
Main topics: T2, T4, T7, T11, T17, T18, T22, T24, T26
• Informative leaflets and brochures informing citizens on Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A7, A8, A10, A11, A14, A19,
environmental issues and achievements. A20, A21, A22
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
DEÇAN Languages: Albanian, German
Key publications:
Association of Independent Intellectuals • Leaflets, publications in Green Life magazine (articles
(SHIP, AII) include ‘Varosh of Young Ecologists,’ ‘Children Want a
‘Shoqata e Intelektualëve të Pavarur’ Clean Environment’), publications in Farmer magazine
Pallati i Kulturës ‘Jusuf Gervalla’ Decan, (articles include ‘Young Ecologists Demand Clean
51000 Deçan, Kosovo (territory under interim Potable Water”).
UN administration)
Tel: (377-44) 182-689
E-mail:; G J A KOVA Kosova Development Centre — KDC (KDC)
Leader: Adem Lushaj, executive director Qendra Kosovare për Zhvillim — QKZH
Contact person: Adem Lushaj, Beqir Kadriaj rr. ’Dëshmorët e Lirisë’ Nr. 135, 50000 Gjakove,
Year of foundation: 2000 Kosovo (territory under interim UN administration)
Year of registration: 2000 Tel: (381-390) 26-374
Type of registration: Association Fax: (381-390) 26-374
Number of employees: 3 E-mail:

Number of members: 50 Web:

Number of volunteers: 15 Leader: Ismet Isufi, executive director
Annual budget: EUR 50,001-100,000 Year of foundation: 2001
Source of funding: F3, F5, F6 Year of registration: 2001
Main topics: T2, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T21, Type of registration: Association
T24, T25, T26 Number of employees: 12
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, Number of members: 50
A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25 Number of volunteers: 20

216 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Annual budget: EUR 100,000+ • Monitoring of Municipal Assembly -—Deçan — research

Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F9, F11 report.
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T11, T12, T14, T17, • Inclusion of Women in Democratisation of Kosovo
T18, T19, T20, T26 Society, research report, Gjakovë, Rahovec, Deçan.
Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14,
A15, A17, A19, A20, A21, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), ISNIQ-DECAN
national, international Agimi Isniq
Member of umbrella organisations: NGO Network —
Gjakove, Avoko ATRC - Pristina, Ballkan Initiative Albania-
Macedonia-Kosovo-Bulgaria Pallati i Kultures ‘Jusuf Gervalla’, Deçan 51000,
Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian Isniq-Deçan, Kosovo (territory under interim
Key publications: UN administration)
• Farmer gazette, 2002-2005, 11 editions; Tel: (377-44) 134-8780
• Handbook for Honey Production, April 2003. E-mail:;
• Vegetable Production in Protected Areas, 2003.
• Mechanisms for Production of Corn, Sunflowers and Soy, Leader: Rexhep Maksutaj, executive director
May 2004; Contact person: Rexhep Maksutaj, Xhafer Ahmetaj
• Practical Guide for Potato Production, June 2004; Year of foundation: 2000
• Strawberry, June 2004. Year of registration: 2000
• Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture Development, Type of registration: Association
October 2004. Number of employees: 2
• Plan for Local Development for the Municipalities of
Number of members: 150
Prizren and Dragash, April 2006.
Number of volunteers: 50
Annual budget: EUR 0-500
G J A KOVA Source of funding: F3, F5, F6
Main topics: T2, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T21,
Kosova Women’s Initiative (KWI, IFK) T24, T25, T26
Iniciativa E Femrës Kosovar Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Rruga Hysni Dobruna K7 HI - 50000 Gjakova, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24,
Kosovo (territory under interim UN administration)
Tel: (381-390) 26-146
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Fax: (381-390) 26-146
Member of umbrella organisations: Sharri Net, Fod,
Leader: Eranda Kumnova Baçi, executive director mozaik
Contact person: Eranda Kumnova Baçi Languages: Albanian, English, Serbo-Croat
Year of foundation: 2001 Key publications:
Year of registration: 2001
• Health Above Everything.
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 12
Number of members: 15 I S TO G
Number of volunteers: 12
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000 Blue Life Environmental Association (J.E.K.-a)
Source of funding: FS5, FS6 Shoqata Mjedisore ‘Jeta e kaltërt’
Main topics: T11, T17, T19 Banjë e Pejës Istog, Kosovo (territory under interim
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A13, A19, A20, A24 UN administration)
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) Tel: (377-44) 142-661
Member of umbrella organisations: Rrjeti i Grave Kosovare E-mail:
Languages: English Leader: Milaim Hakaj, executive director
Key publications:

Year of foundation: 2005

• Study and research reports including:
Year of registration: 2005
What Will the Future Be Like - If You Were to Decide,
research report on the subject of womens’ involvement Type of registration: Association
in politics. Number of employees: 5
• Guidelines relating to the competencies of the Number of members: 110
municipal assembly. Number of volunteers: over 200
• Governing Communities and Methods for Problem Annual budget: EUR 1,001-5,000
Solving, research report with citizens. Source of funding: F3, F5, F7, F10

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 217

Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T9, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, Year of foundation: 1987
T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 Year of registration: 2003
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, Type of registration: Public organisation
A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, Number of employees: 6
A25 Number of members: 751
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Number of volunteers: 280
national Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Languages: Albanian, English Source of funding: F1, F3, F4, F5, F6, F10, F11
Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12,
I S TO G A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24,
Freedom-i A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Pallati i Kulturës, kati i III, Nr. 33, 31000 Istog, Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian
Kosovo (territory under interim UN administration)
Tel: (381-39) 51-444 KLINE, PRISTINA
E-mail:;; EKOKLINA Ecologist Association
Web: Shoqata Ekologjike EKOKLINA
Leader: Luan Hasanaj, executive director Shkolla e mesem ‘Luigj Gurakuqi’ Kline, Ulpiana,
Year of foundation: 2002 U-3, Lam c Nr.3, 10000 Kline, Pristina, Kosovo
Year of registration: 2004
(territory under interim UN administration)
Tel: (381-38) 542-429, (377-44) 349-780
Type of registration: Association
Fax: (381-38) 542-429
Number of employees: 5
Number of members: 150
Number of volunteers: 50-100
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Leader: Tafe Veselaj
Source of funding: F1, F6, F7, F11 Contact person: Tafe Veselaj, head; Abaz Duraku,
Main topics: T11, T13, T17, T18, T26 coordinator
Activities: A2, A4, A6, A7, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, Year of foundation: 2000
A20, A24 Year of registration: 2001
Type of registration: Association
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Number of employees: 4
Member of umbrella organisations: Youth Network of
Number of members: 14
Istog, Kosovo Youth Network
Number of volunteers: Varies
Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000
Key publications:
Source of funding: F3, F5, F6
• Report with recommendations for the Directorate of Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15,
Public Services and Environment Protection, November T16, T17, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
2005. Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
• Informative leaflet on risks from waste disposal in the A12, A13, A17, A19, A20, A22, A24
city, 2005. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
• Report with recommendations for municipal assembly national
on steps that should be undertaken to ensure a cleaner Member of umbrella organisations:
environment in the Istog municipality, November 2005 Languages: Albanian, Bosnian, English
and April 2006. Key publications:
• Rare Species of Plants and Animals in Kosovo, 2001.
• Leaflet: Mirusha, A Special Beauty of the Balkans, 2002.
• In Green Life magazine: articles “Pollution of Drini and
Rinia Youth Centre (UCY)

Bardhë”, “Soil with Remaining Graves, Lack of

Youth Centre ‘Rinia’ Awareness about Impacts to the Environment”, etc.
Hogosht, 65025 Kamenica, Kosovo • In the monthly magazine Eko-logjika, published by
(territory under interim UN administration) Sharri Net, articles Investments Against Pollution,
Tel: (377-44) 370-608 Mirusha and its Beauties, etc.
E-mail: • Leaflet: Public Participation in Opening of New Mining
Leader: Naim Agaj, director Areas in Obiliq — Aarhus Convention, 2006.
Contact person: Naim Agaj • Other publications based on institutional cooperation.

218 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Future Vision Youth Association (VA, FV) Eko-Trepça Ecological Association
Asociacioni i të rinjëve ‘Vizioni i Ardhmërisë’ Shoqata Ekologjike EKO-TREPÇA
Rruga, Gjergj Kastrioti, pn. pranë Kuvendit Rr. 2 korriku, Parku Industrial Mitrovicë PIM,
Komunal Malishevë, 24000 Malishevë, Kosovo TREPÇA’ 40010 Mitrovicë, Kosovo
(territory under interim UN administration) (territory under interim UN administration)
Tel: (377-44) 419-536 Tel: (028) 29-397, (044) 141-110
E-mail:; Fax: (028) 39-202 E-mail:;
Leader: Jeton Zulfaj, director
Year of foundation: 2000 Leader: Ramadan Sylë Uka,
Year of registration: 2000 Contact person: Ramadan Sylë Uka,
Type of registration: Association Year of foundation: 2001
Number of employees: 5 Year of registration: 2001
Number of members: 7 Type of registration: Association
Number of volunteers: 50-100 Number of employees: 0
Annual budget: No budget Number of members: 25
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6 Number of volunteers: 40
Main topics: T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18 Annual budget: No budget
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A11, A19, A21, A22, Source of funding: F6
A24, A25 Main topics: T1, T2, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19, T22,
Level of activity: local T25, T26
Member of umbrella organisations: Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
Languages: Albanian A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22,
Key publications: A24, A25
• Brochures, calendars, info-desk. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Member of umbrella organisations:
M I T ROV I C A Languages: Albanian, French, Serbian
Eco Radio Globi NGO (Radio Globi) Key publications:
Ojq Eko Radio Globi • Environmental articles in newspapers;
Sheshi Agim Hajrizi, Shtëpia e mallrave LUC III, • scientific paper on elimination of hazardous materials,
40000 Mitrovicë, Kosovo (territory under interim 2003.
UN administration)
Tel: (383-28) 30-145, (383-28) 30-146 M I T ROV I C A
Fax: (381-28) 39-773
E-mail: Mission of People of Good Will (Mission)
Leader: Selatin Kaçaniku, chief editor NVO ‘Misija Ljudi Dobre Volje’
Year of foundation: 2000 Sutjeska 11, Mitrovicë, Kosovo
Year of registration: 2000 (territory under interim UN administration)
Type of registration: NGO Tel: (381-063) 816-4796,
Number of employees: 8 (381-028) 421-289
Number of members: 8 E-mail:
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Leader: Aleksandar Gvozdic, executive director
Source of funding: F1, F3, F6, F9, F11 Contact person: Aleksandar Gvozdic, executive director
Main topics: T1, T2, T4, T6, T7, T9, T10, T13, T14, T15, T16, Year of foundation: 2001
T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T26 Year of registration: 2001

Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A7, A11, A12, A13, A14, A16, Type of registration: Association
A17, A18, A19, A20, A23, A24 Number of employees: 2
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Number of members: 12
national Number of volunteers: 9
Member of umbrella organisations: AMPEK, REC Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian, Turkish Source of funding: F6, F7, F11
Key publications: Main topics: T8, T10, T25, T26
• Radio diffusive editorials. Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A24

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 219

PEJE Member of umbrella organisations: Environmental NGO

Network,, Network Avoko ATRC, REReP
ARAGONIT Speleo Association -
Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian
(SA ARAGONIT, Sh S ARAGONIT) Key publications:
Shoqata e Speleologëve- ARAGONIT • LEAP-Peja (2005-2015), Rugova: An Uncherished
Sheshi i Haxhi Zekes-51-Peje, Kosovo Treasure,
(territory under interim UN administration) • project leaflets, bulletins, posters, etc.
Tel: (377-44) 221-365, (377-44) 221-380,
(447-80) 194-7007
Fax: (442-07) 424-9660 PEJE
Environmentally Responsible Group (ERA);
Web: Environmentally Responsible Action Group
Rruga R. Buriq 78/1, 30000 Peje, Kosovo
Leader: Afrim Kelmendi, head; Fatos Katallozi, coordinator (territory under interim UN administration)
Contact person: Fatos Katallozi Tel: (377-44) 161-844
Year of foundation: 2005 E-mail:;
Year of registration: 2005
Type of registration: NGO Leader: Fatos Lajqi, executive director
Number of employees: 0 Contact person: Fatos Lajqi, executive director
Number of members: 12 Year of foundation: 2003
Number of volunteers: 15-25 Year of registration: 2003
Annual budget: No budget Type of registration: Association
Main topics: T3, T4, T6, T11, T14, T17, T21, T26 Number of members: 45
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A15, A19, Number of volunteers: 20
A20, A22 Annual budget: EUR 0-500
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Source of funding: F1, F6
national, international Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18,
Member of umbrella organisations: Federation of T19, T20, T21, T23, T24, T25, T26
Speleology , Balkan Federation of Speleology Activities: A2, A5, A6, A7, A9, A10, A11, A12, A15, A16,
Languages: Albanian, English, Serbo-Croat A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national, international
Languages: Albanian, English
Aquila EPA (NGO — Environmental
Protection Association)
SH.M.A ‘Aquila’ (OJQ-Shoqata për Mbrojtjen e
Ambientit) Euro-Ecologist NGO (ShEE)
Qendra Zejtare Nr: 17, 30000 Peje, Kosovo Shoqata Ekologjike ‘Euro-Ekologët’
(territory under interim UN administration) Qendra Multiprofesionale Fierzë, 10300 Peje,
Tel: (377-44) 152-354 Kosovo (territory under interim UN administration)
E-mail: Tel: (377-44) 137-558
Web: E-mail:
Leader: Adem Nikqi, executive director Leader: Naim Tahiri, executive director
Contact person: Adem Nikqi, executive director Year of foundation: 2000
Year of foundation: 2000 Year of registration: 2001
Year of registration: 2000 Type of registration: Association
Type of registration: Association Number of employees: 5
Number of members: 31 Number of members: 115
Number of volunteers: 20 Number of volunteers: 300

Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000 Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000

Source of funding: F6, F10 Source of funding: F3, F5, F7, F10
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T6, T9, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17,
T19, T21, T23, T24, T25, T26 T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A10, A11, A12, A17, Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,
A19, A20, A21, A24 A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
national national

220 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Languages: Albanian, English Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12,
Key publications: A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23,
• Drini i Bardhë magazine, depending on the projects and A24, A25
if such activities are planned. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
• Publication of the draft regulation for environment national
protection in Peje. Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian
Key publications:
• Leaflet, We Can in a Different Way, 2006, for every
PEJË environment-related international day.
Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help
Ecological Businesses (MOPB) PRISTINA
Multietnićka Organizacija za Pomoć Ekoloških
Biznisa Development and Education Association
Hasan Priština br. 12, Peja, Vitomirica, Kosovo (DEA)
(territory under interim UN administration) Development and Education Association
Tel: (381-39) 29-880 Str. Nëna Tereze 2-15
E-mail: 100000 Pristina, Kosovo (territory under interim
UN administration)
Leader: Emin Neziraj, coordinator
Tel: (377-44) 504-413
Year of foundation: 2002
Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Public organisation Leader: Valentina Berisha-Selmanaj, executive director
Number of employees: 5 Year of foundation: 2000
Number of members: 16 Year of registration: 2000
Number of volunteers: 20 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: EUR 501-1,000 Number of employees: 2
Source of funding: FS1, FS3, FS5, FS6, FS10, FS11 Number of members: 50
Main topics: T1, T4, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T13, T14, T16, Number of volunteers: 10
T18, T19, T20, T21, T22 Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A15, Source of funding: F6
A16, A17, A18, A19, A22, A23 Main topics: T11
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country) Activities: A6, A7, A24
Languages: Albanian, Bosnian, English, Serbian Level of activity: regional (region within the country)
Key publications: Member of umbrella organisations: Ministry of
• Bosnian-language bulletin For Protection of a Healthy Environment and Spatial Planning
Environment , six issues, 2002. Languages: Albanian, English
Key publications:
• DEA - brochure, 2006.
Ekovision (EV)
EKOVIZIONI Environment and Democracy (ADM, EDM)
Rruga ‘Zahir Pajaziti’ p.n., 11000 Podujeve, Kosovo Ambienti e Demokracia.
(territory under interim UN administration) Rr. genci Nr. 27 Fushë Kosovë
Tel: (377-44) 417-635 38000 Pristina, Kosovo (territory under interim UN
E-mail: administration)
Leader: Rizah Muçolli, general director
Tel: (377-44) 219-695
Year of foundation: 2004
Year of registration: 2004 Leader: Magbule Krasniqi, director

Type of registration: Association Contact person: Bajram Ferati

Number of employees: 3 Year of foundation: 2003
Number of members: 32 Year of registration: 2003
Number of volunteers: 450 Type of registration: Association
Annual budget: No budget Number of employees: 3
Source of funding: F2, F10 Number of members: 10
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, Number of volunteers: 23
T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26 Annual budget: No budget

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 221

Source of funding: F3 Annual budget: No budget

Main topics: T10, T17 Source of funding: F1, F2, F3, F11
Activities: A5, A6, A8, A11, A13, A16 Main topics: T7, T8, T9, T11, T12, T13, T16, T20, T23, T26
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country), Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A12, A13, A14, A15,
national A16, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
Member of umbrella organisations: FDI Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Languages: Albanian national
Languages: Albanian, English
Key publications:
PRISTINA • Scientific publications, books, awareness-raising leaflets,
Environmental Protection Initiative ‘Nature’ environmental legislation, diversity protection, etc.
(EPI ‘Nature’)
Environmental Protection Initiative ‘Nature’
Ulpiana D1/9/6, 10000 Pristina, Kosovo PRISTINA
(territory under interim UN administration) Kosova Association of Ecologists
Tel: (377-44) 192-795, (377-44) 206-254 (KAE, SHEK)
E-mail: Shoqata e Ekologëve të Kosovës
Leader: Bardha Korça, general director Rr. ‘Nëna Tereze’ Fahulteti i Shkencave
Contact person: Bardha Korça, board chair Matematike-Natyrore, Nr 54, 10000 Pristina, Kosovo
Year of foundation: 2004 (territory under interim UN administration)
Year of registration: 2004 Tel: (377-044) 129-671
Type of registration: Foundation Fax: (381-38) 549-873
Number of employees: Varies E-mail:
Number of volunteers: Varies Leader: Behxhet Mustafa, chairman
Annual budget: No budget Contact person: Avni Hajdari
Source of funding: F6 Year of foundation: 2001
Main topics: T2, T6, T10, T11, T12, T13, T17, T18, T19, T20, Year of registration: 2001
T23, T24, T25, T26 Type of registration: Association
Activities: A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, A11, A12, A13, A14, Number of members: 240
A15, A19, A21, A22, A24 Number of volunteers: 240
Level of activity: regional (region within the country) Annual budget: No budget
Member of umbrella organisations: Source of funding: F3, F6, F10, F11
Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian Main topics: T2, T3, T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T19, T20,
Key publications: T21, T24, T25, T26
• Bulletin: Women and Safe Water, 2004. Activities: A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13,
• Leaflet: Rational Use of Water, 2004. A14, A15, A21, A22
• Schoolbook: Chemical Analysis of Water, 2005. Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
• The Right to Water, a Perspective from Kosovo, 2006. national, international
Member of umbrella organisations: Electronic
Environmental NGO network ‘Sharri.Net’
PRISTINA Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian
Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy Key publications:
(IKPZH) • Biodiversity of Gërmia - Values and Threats, January 2002.
• Pristina - Biodiversity and Protected Areas, 2004.
Instituti i Kosovës për Politika Zhvillimore
Rr.Azem Bejta, Nr21
10000 Pristina, Kosovo PRISTINA
(territory under interim UN administration)
Tel: (044) 151-115, (044) 502-546, (038) 239-010 Organic Agriculture Association of Kosovo
Fax: (038) 239-010 (OAAK, SHBOK)
E-mail: Shoqata e Bujqësisë Organike e Kosovës

Web: Rr Bill Clinton p.n, 10000 Pristina

Leader: Blerim Burjani, head Fakulteti i Bujqësisë Pristina, Kosovo
Year of foundation: 2004 (territory under interim UN administration)
Year of registration: 1994 Tel: (377-44) 175-277, (381-38) 540-846,
Type of registration: Association (381-38) 540 668
Number of employees: 4 Fax: (381-38) 542-103
Number of members: 36 E-mail:
Number of volunteers: 52 Web:

222 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Leader: Adem Demaj, Director SHTIME

Contact person: Arben Mehmeti
Vision Towards the Future (VDA)
Year of foundation: 2002
Year of registration: 2002
Vizioni Drejtë Ardhmërisë
Type of registration: Association
Rruga e Tiranës Nr. 15, Shtime, Kosovo
Number of employees: 4
(territory under interim UN administration)
Number of members: 80
Tel: (377-44) 121-701, (377-44) 222-456
Number of volunteers: 6
Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Source of funding: F6 Leader: Halil Halili, executive director
Main topics: T1, T4, T5, T7, T11, T12, T13, T15, T17, T18, Year of foundation: 2000
T19, T22 Year of registration: 2000
Activities: A1, A2, A6, A7, A10, A11, A13, A14, A17, A21, Type of registration: Association
A22, A24 Number of employees: 5
Level of activity: regional (region within the country), Number of members: 15
international Number of volunteers: 15
Member of umbrella organisations: Avalon Network Annual budget: EUR 10,001-50,000
Languages: Albanian Source of funding: F3, F5, F6, F9, F11
Key publications: Main topics: T4, T11, T12, T13, T14, T17, T18, T19
• Leaflet: Medicinal Plants Activities: A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A12, A15, A16,
• Leaflet: Domestic Fruit Processing A19, A20, A21, A22, A24, A25
• Quarterly bulletin, other leaflets and posters Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations: Avoko - ATRC
Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian
PRIZREN Key publications:
• Identification of Priority Needs of Youth Community in
Environmental Association (SHK)
Shtime, January 26, 2002.
Shoqata Ekologjike • Bulletin: Summary of Educative and Training Materials for
Rr. Rugova Nr. 27, 20000 Prizren, Kosovo Environmental Education, June 30, 2002.
(territory under interim UN administration) • Development Strategy for Shtime, June 2003.
Tel: (377-44) 155-160 • Development Priorities for Minority Groups, September
E-mail: 2004.
Leader: Naser Bresa, executive director • Investments and Development Priorities, December 2004.
Year of foundation: 1999 • Needs and Development Priorities for Marginalised
Year of registration: N/A Groups, February 2005.
Type of registration: Association • Shtime’s Strategy for Environment and Sustainable
Development - March, 2005.
Number of employees: 2-3
Number of members: 75
Number of volunteers: 250 SHTRPCE
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
NGO Berevice
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6, F9, F11
Main topics: T1, T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15,
NGO ‘Berevice’
P.O. Box: Berevice, 38236 Shtrpce, Kosovo
T16, T17, T18, T19, T21, T22, T24, T25, T26
(territory under interim UN administration)
Activities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, Tel: (381-63)780-1377
A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, E-mail:
A24, A25
Leader: Milan Janićević
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country),
Year of foundation: 2001
national, international
Year of registration: 2001

Member of umbrella organisations:, TEF

Number of employees: 3
Languages: Albanian Number of members: 100
Key publications: Number of volunteers: over 300
• A handbook as a result of the project Prevention of Annual budget: No budget
Non-soluable and Non-recyclable Pollutants, in which a Source of funding: F3, F6
detailed analysis of enterprises and the amount of Main topics: T4, T13, T26
residues created was carried out. Posters, leaflets, Activities: A1, A2, A4, A10
videotapes, etc. were also published. Languages: Serbian

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 223

Renewal of Agriculture (ReB)
Rimëkëmbja e bujqësisë
Rajoni Nr. 028, 23000 Suhareke,
Kosovo (territory under interim UN administration)
Tel: (377-044) 184-416
Leader: Bexhet Basha, head
Contact person: Bexhet Basha
Year of foundation: 1999
Year of registration: 1999
Type of registration: Association
Number of employees: 3
Number of members: 60
Number of volunteers: 3
Annual budget: EUR 5,001-10,000
Source of funding: F1, F3, F5, F6
Main topics: T1, T3, T4, T11, T14, T18
Activities: A1, A2, A7, A9, A10, A24
Level of activity: local
Member of umbrella organisations: Network of
Organisations for Agricultural Production
Languages: Albanian
Key publications:
• Leaflet: Protecting Environment from Biowaste -
Composting, 2004.

Society for Society (SfS, SHpSH)
Shoqëria për Shoqërinë
Rruga ‘Adem Jashari’ Nr. 41, 42000 Vushtrri,
Kosovo (territory under interim UN administration)
Tel: (377-44) 196-652
Leader: Blerim Zhabari, coordinator
Year of foundation: 2003
Year of registration: 2003
Type of registration: Association
Number of members: 21
Number of volunteers: 33
Annual budget: No budget
Source of funding: F1, F5, F6
Main topics: T1, T11, T18, T19, T20, T26
Activities: A2, A6, A11, A14, A20
Level of activity: local, regional (region within the country)
Member of umbrella organisations:
Languages: Albanian, English

Key publications:
• Strategic Plan for Community, 2005, Vushtrri.

224 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Index I: List of NGOs

ALBANIA Children First Foundation, 47 Nature Protection and Environment
AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44 Co-Plan Institute for Habitat Administration - Adriatiku, 54
AKS, 41 Development, 48 Organic Agriculture Association, 52
ALBAFOREST, 45 Coordinating Centre of the Permet local Protection and Preservation of Natural
NGO, 43 Environment Shkoder, 44
Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre, 46
Ecological Club, 42 Protection of Environment, 40
Albania, Macedonia People
Empowerment Programme, 38 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Transborder Wildlife, 39
Albanian Association for Environment Ecologists for the Region, 40 Vlora Region Local Economic
Education, 44 Ecomovement Group, 48 Development Agency, 54
Albanian Centre for Environmentalal EDEN Centre (Environmental Centre for Water Supply and Sewerage Association
Studies and Development, 45 Development, Education and of Albania, 53
Albanian Centre for Sustainable Networking), 48 Women's Forum of Elbasan, 37
Development, 45 Egnatia Association, 42
Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46 Environment - Education - Health, 41 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Albanian Ecological Association, 42 Environment in Community Association, AOC Tolerance vs Difference, 70
Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39 43 Association 'Homeland Spring', 75
Albanian Environmental League, 53 Environmental and Social Protection and Association for Business and Agriculture
Albanian Regional Environmental Board, Development ‘Iliria’, 49 Usora, 88
44 Environmental Association (Alpin), Association for Development,
Association for Cooperation and Tropoje, 53 Improvement and Promotion of
Development, Diber Region, 43 Environmental Association Morava, Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and
Association for Development of Environ- Korce, 39 Environment Protection, 86
mental Policies — G & G Group, 46 Environmental Women's Association, 49 Association for Healthy Living and Mind
Association for Investment and For a Healthy Albania, 36 Ecology, Shamac, 83
Communal Forest and Pastures, Permet, For Progress and Civilization, 50 Association for Protection of Cultural,
43 Historical and Natural Values, 72
Forest and Pasture Users Association of
Association for Protection of Natural Kruma Municipality, 40 Association for the Protection of Nature,
Resources, 47 Rivers and Environment, 79
Forest for People Association, 37
Association for the Cultivation of Association for Theory and Practice of
Forest Progress NGO, 49
Medicinal Plants, 38 Marketing, 66
Forestry Progress Kukes, 41
Association of Conservation and Association of Citizens Počitelj, 78
Green 2000, 53
Development of Natural Environment - Association of Displaced and Expelled
Mat, 36 Health and Environment Association, 50 Citizens, Refugees and Returnees, 84
Association of Forest, and Pasture Users, Himariote League, 50 Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics
38 InfoVlora Agency, 54 in Sarajevo, 79
Association of Forest and Pasture Users, The Institute for Justice and Domestic Association of Producers and Users of
Kukur, 37 Affairs, 51 Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Association of Forest and Pasture Users, Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness Jajce, 73
Prespa, 39 Management, 51 The Association of Pupils, Parents and
Association of Natural Landscape Institute of Nature Conservation in Teachers from Glamoč, 72
Protection in Albania, 38 Albania, 51 Association Research and Development
Awareness for Progress, 47 Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic Corporation, 86
Care, 40 Environment, 51 Banovići Association of Engineers, 68
Centre for Electronic Communication - Media Association, 36 BH Solidarity Citizens Association, 86
Albania, 47 National Association of Cooperatives of Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75
Centre of Study and Consulting in Albania, 52 Center for Civil Cooperation, 75
Sustainable Use and Management of National Centre Environmental Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Natural Resources, 47 Movement, 52 Development, 79

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 227

Centre for Environment, 66 Korak Kozarska Dubica NGO, 74 Cultural and Natural Heritage 'Pagania'
Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture, Kremenik Environmental Association, Bacina, 107
Kladanj, 74 Vitez, 89 Baranja - Association for Peace and
Contact Plus Association, 90 Local Development Initiative, 67 Human Rights, 102
Democratic Youth Movement, 79 'Mother and Child,' Women's Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos
DRIN-tim Ecological Association, 88 Association, Department for Ecology and Affected Persons, 113
Department for Activities with Youth and Blue World - Institute for Marine Research
Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
Children, 78 and Conservation, 112
Canton, 86
Natura BH, Association for Promotion, Caving Club Samobor, 110
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla,
Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Ecology and Healthy Living, 81
Eco-Green Environmental Association, Centre for Sustainable Development -
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Pernat Ecopark, 109
Srebrenik, 83
New Hopes Democratic Centre, 88 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107
Eco-green Upper Tuzla, 87
NGO Buna, 76 Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA,
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76
NGO Drina-Skelani, 83 115
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO,
66 NGO Krajina, 67 Croatian Meteorological Society, 115
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation, NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Croatian Mountaineering Society -
72 'Our Birds' Ornithological Association, Dubrovnik, 103
Eco-San Association for Protection and 82 Croatian War Veterans Association of the
Improvement of Environment, 80 Peace Trees NGO, 89 City of Split, 111
Ecological Association of Citizens Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 The Dolphin Dream Society, 115
Kalesija, 73 Ponir Banja Luka Speleology Association, Dubrovnik Diving Club, 103
Ecological Coalition of the Una River 68 Earth - Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Basin, 68 Red Cross of Sarajevo Canton, 82 111
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK Rotor Organisation for Development of Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research
Zenica, 90 Tourism in Doboj Region, 71 and Educational Centre for Nature
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 The Sehara Association of Citizens, 71 Protection, 109
ECON Foundation Economic The Southern Blue Sky, 85 Eco-Cultural Union Vukovar, 114
Cooperation Network, 80 Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69 Eco-organisation 'Twister' Bacina, 108
Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- Triton Fojnica Association, 71 Eco-organisation Argonauta, 106
Varos, 77
Troya Tourism Development and Ecological Society of Brod, 111
Eko Viking Association for Protection of Environment Protection Association, 83 Ecological Society Zumberak, 116
Rivers, River Beds and Extreme Sports,
Turbe Youth Centre, 85 Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 and Environment Protection, 114
Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić,
‘Viktoria 99’ Women’s Association, 73 Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation,
West Herzegovina Association for 105
'Ekotim' Association for Protection and
Protection of Environment and Cultural Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Improvement of Environment, Nature and
and Historical Heritage, 72 Nature and Environment, 116
Health, 80
Wigwam Association of Friends of Europe House Vukovar, 114
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
Cultural and Natural Values, 82 Fountain Ecological Syndicate, 106
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of
Youth Association for Scientific Research Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Sustainable Development and Quality of
of Republica Srpska, 68 Environment Protection and
Life, 81
Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Improvement, 112
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69
Youth Association of the Municipality Green Action, 116
Forum of Non-Governmental
Kalesija, 74 Green Action Micevec, 112
Organisations, 75
'Youth House' Humanitarian Organisation Green Istria, 108
Foundation of Local Democracy, 81
Sanski Most, 78
Futura Plus NGO, 84 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
Youth Network Kakanj, 73
Gift of Nature Citizens' Association, 77 Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107
Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’
Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
Association Ecological Organisation, 69
Association, Derventa, 70 Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Green Eco Movement, Ključ, 74 Institute for Sustainable Development,
Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje 85 CROATIA 104
Humanitas Centre for Development of Acorn Ecological Association, 120 Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
Education and Business, 70 Angels Without Wings, 115 Larus - Association for Sustainable
International Forum Bosnia Banjaluka Arteria - Association of Youth, 103 Development and Protection of Seas and
Regional Centre, 66 Association for Environmental Protection - Coasts, 108
International Forum Bosnia Regional Karlovac, 104 Living Earth - Association for Eco-agricul-
Centre of Mostar, 76 Association of Friends of Historical, ture, Rural Development and

228 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Environmental Protection, 116 Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134 Florozon NGO - Association for
Mala Rava - Association of Olive Citizens' Committee for Development, Protection of Natural Environment and
Growers, 109 Probistip, 136 Sustainable Economic Development, 138
Martinscak - Croatian Association of Coalition of Perspective NGO, 137 ORT Training for Sustainable
Mountaineers, Karlovac, 104 Development, 140
Eco Action, 143
The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group - Pelagonija Environmental Association -
Eco Awareness Citizens’ Association for
Bitola, 132
Association for Wildlife Research and Environmental Protection, 135
Protection, 117 Permaculture and Peacebuilding Centre,
Ecological Group Green Power, Veles,
Mornar Underwater Research Club, 111 144
Prilep Centre for Children and Youth, 136
Motovun Eco-town, 105 The Ecologists' Movement of Macedonia,
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140
Nature and Society - Organisation for 140
Regional Centre for Democracy -
Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural Eco Mission Environmental Society,
Medijator, 133
Values, 102 Skopje, 137
Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov - Veles, 144
Nature Centre - Old Drencina, 110 EKO Ecological Association, 141
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Nature Friends Movement 'Our Beautiful Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Homeland,' Ploce, 108 South Garden, 137
Communication, 137
Vila Zora Environmental Association,
Nature Friends Movement 'Our Beautiful Ekovita Producers' Association of Healthy
Veles, 144
Homeland', 117 Food Negotino, 135
Women's Organisation of Mavrovi Anovi,
Nature Society 'Drava', 113 Environment Association Desat Debar,
NGO Metkovic Healthy Town, 105 133
Zletovica Ecological Association,
NGO Society Sovinjak, 102 Environmental Association Planetum
Probistip, 136
Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102 Strumica, 142
Flora Ecology Association, 134
ODRAZ - Sustainable Community
Forum of Young Ecologists of Macedonia, MONTENEGRO
Development, 117
138 Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal
Organisation for Environmental
Halca Al Brova Association of Vlahs, Engineering and Consulting, 158
Protection and Planning of the
Kumanovo, 135 Bonum NGO, 159
Recreational Park on Silba Island, 118
Horizonti Society for Citizens' Initiation, Centre for the Protection and Research of
Osijek Greens, 107
145 Birds of Montenegro, 159
Paks Ecological Research Society, 104
Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
Rustica - Organisation for Protection and
Development, Tetovo, 143 Environmental Consultancy of
Development of Biological Diversity and Montenegro, 159
Rural Heritage, 118 Interactive Education and Resource
Network, 132 Foundation for the Development of
Scout Association Savski Gaj, 118 Northern Montenegro, 160
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti
Society for Animal Protection Rijeka, 110 Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in
Nikole, 143
Society for Sustainable Development Society, 160
Izvor Association for Protection of the
Design, 118 Green Forest Society, 160
Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and
Society of Food Technologists, Human Health of Kratovo, 134 The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160
Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, 119 Most Development, Cultural and
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
Sushak Citizens Club, 110 Information Centre, 161
Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association,
Virovitica Ecological Society, 113 136 NGO Green Home, 161
Volunteer Centre Zagreb, 119 Krste Jon Scout Group, Struga, 141 NGO Natura, 158
Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the LED-IT Foundation for Information NGO Nautilus, 158
Nature and Cultural Heritage of the Technology and Local Economic Production of Organic Food, 159
Lower Neretva River, 106 Development, Stip, 141
Youth Association of Metkovic - Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, SERBIA
Collective, 105 138
Advanced Research Association, 200
Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Macedonian Ecological Society, 138
Agro Business Centre for Development
ZOE - Centre for Sustainable Macedonian Mountaineering Sport Belgrade, 175
Development of Rural Communities, 119 Federation, 139
Agronomic Centre, 197
Metamorphosis Foundation, 139 Argument Politics Research Centre, 197
FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC Milieukontakt International - Local Office Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201
OF MACEDONIA Macedonia, 139
Association for Rational Use of
Alliance of Technical Culture Associations Molika Environment Movement, 132 Renewable Energy Sources, 175
/ Country Technique/Kicevo, 133 Municipal Ecological Organisation Association of Household Heads Valjevo,
Areal Ecological Association, Struga, 141 Enhalon Struga, 142 201
Biosfera Centre for Education, The The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142 Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic,
Environment and Nature Protection, 132 NGO 'Vavilon Kocani', 134 191

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 229

Association of Young Researchers Bor, Ecological Society Čačak, 184 Raškin Sliv Ecological Association, 193
183 Ecological Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, Recan Fund for Recovery and Recycling
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 183 of Beverage Cans, 179
Balkan Music Centre NGO, 175 ECOplan Civilian Association for Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199
Barosevac Ecological Association, 189 Environmental Planning, 178 Roots - Loznica, 189
Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176 EKO Stepojevac Ecological Civilians Sanitary Ecological Society, 180
Bent River Drina, 189 Union, 199
Serbian Green Youth, 180
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174 SPARK-LOZNICA, 190
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 Stara Planina Association for Environment
Development and Protection of the
Carbirod Mountaineering Association, Protection, 196
Environment, 178
185 Stara Planina Association of Farmers,
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco-
Centre for Civil Activities, 196 Pirot, 197
logy and Sustainable Development, 178
Centre for Civil Society Development, Students Union of the University of Novi
EKOpolis, 191
191 Sad, 195
Environment Engineering Group, 194
Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Environmental Society for Local
Development, 182 Terra's Organic Food Association, 199
Sustainable Development, 188
Centre for Environmental Balkan 'The Well' - Centre for Developing
Environmentalist, 194
Initiatives, 176 Ecological Awareness, 181
Environmental Ambassadors, 179
Centre for High Quality Education, 176 Turija Ecological Association, 202
The Expert Centre Forum (Centre for
Centre for Human Resources, 182 Union for the Protection of the
Sustainable |Development), 192
Centre for Modern Education, 201 Environment and Prevention of Malignant
Forum for the Roma Initiative, 189 Diseases, 180
Centre for Regional Cooperation and
Friends of Brodarevo NGO, 183 Union of Ecological Organisations of the
Development, 188
Friends of Children, New Belgrade, 182 Republic of Serbia, 195
Centre for Regional Development and
European Integration, 176 'Green Island' Eco-Movement, 182 Union of Ecologists, 181
Centre for Rural Development, 193 Green Key, 192 Vladimir Mandić Manda Research
Centre for Social Initiative, 198 Green Network of Vojvodina, 195 Society, 202
Centre for Sustainable Development Green Obrenovac, 196 Vreoci Ecological Association, 189
Kamena Gora, 198 Green Place Association of Ecologists of Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Civil Ecology Action - Thales, 177 Kikinda, 186 Youth Club Morović, 190
Civil Movement for Environmental Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Yugo Cycling Campaign, 181
Protection, 193 Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192
Zero Waste Serbia, 182
Council for Monitoring, Human Rights Herballand, 196
Zlatibor Circle, 184
and Anti-corruption - Transparency, 200 Ibar Development Association, 187
Society Medicinal Herbs Research
Ćuprija Ecological Movement, 185 Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo, Valjevo, 202
Danube Environmental Forum Serbia, 188
177 InterLink-Balkan, 200
International Scientific Forum 'Danube - KOSOVO (territory under interim
Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
River of Cooperation', 179 UN administration)
Dreamland Children's Creative Centre, Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216
203 K-Town Group, 186
Agimi Isniq, 217
Drina Youth Centre, 174 Kablar Mountaineering Club, 184
Aquila EPA, 220
Eco Echo, 191 Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220
Eco-Camp, 190 Mushroom Gatherers Association of
Valjevo, 201 Association of Independent Intellectuals,
Eco-Park, 187 216
Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity Natura Natural Resources Centre,
Valjevo, 202 Blue Life Environmental Association, 217
Conservation and Sustainable
NGO Antares Association for Holistic Development and Education Association,
Development, 177
Health Care, 187 221
Ecological Association for a Cleaner
NGO Group 022, 188 Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219
Town, 192
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Eko-Trepça Ecological Association, 219
Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
for the Sake of a Ball, 186 Municipality, 186 EKOKLINA Ecologist Association, 218
Ecological Movement Bajina Bašta, 175 NGO Natura Balkanika, 185 Ekovision, 221
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi NGO OKC, 196 Environment and Democracy, 221
Sad, 193 Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187 Environmental Association, 223
Ecological Movement of Vojvodina, 194 Organisation Pro Vitae - For Life, 199 Environmental Protection Initiative
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Požega Forum of Civic Action, 197 'Nature', 222
Ecological Movement SCG OO 'Moravski Prozor Srbobran Centre for Youth Environmentally Responsible Group, 220
Orašak' Trstenik, 200 Creativity, 198 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220

230 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Freedom-i, 218
Future Vision Youth Association, 219
Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy,
Kosova Association of Ecologists, 222
Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216
Kosova Women's Initiative, 217
Life Quality, 216
Mission of People of Good Will, 219
Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help
Ecological Businesses, 221
Organic Agriculture Association of
Kosovo, 222
Renewal of Agriculture, 224
Rinia Youth Centre, 218
Society for Society, 224
Vision Towards the Future, 223
NGO Berevice, 223

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 231

Index II: NGOs listed by priorities of work

Agriculture/organic/ Association of Displaced and Expelled

Citizens, Refugees and Returnees, 84
Angels Without Wings, 115
Cazma Ecological Association, 103
traditional farming Association of Citizens Počitelj, 78 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107
Association of Producers and Users of Earth - Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, 111
Albanian Centre for Sustainable Jajce, 73 Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research
Development, 45 The Association of Pupils, Parents and and Educational Centre for Nature
Albania, Macedonia People Teachers from Glamoč, 72 Protection, 109
Empowerment Program, 38 Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 Eco-cultural Union Vukovar, 114
Albanian Centre for Environmental Center for Civil Cooperation, 75 Ecological Society of Brod, 111
Studies and Development, 45
Centre for Environmentally Sustainable Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
Albanian Ecological Association, 42 Development, 79 and Environment Protection, 114
Association for the Cultivation of DRIN-tim Ecological Association, 88 Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation,
Medicinal Plants, 38 Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla 105
Association for Protection of Natural Canton, 86 Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Resources, 47 Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 Nature and Environment, 116
Association of Forest and Pasture Users, Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Europe House Vukovar, 114
Prespa, 39 Green Action Micevec, 112
Ecological Association of Citizens
Care, 40 Kalesija, 73 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
Centre of Study and Consulting in ECON Foundation Economic Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
Sustainable Use and Management of Cooperation Network, 80 Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Natural Resources, 47 Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Institute for Sustainable Development, 104
Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
Ecologists for the Region, 40 Sustainable Development and Quality of Larus - Association for Sustainable
Egnatia Association, 42 Life, 81 Development and Protection of Seas and
Environmental Association (Alpin), Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Coasts, 108
Tropoje, 53 Foundation of Local Democracy, 81 Living Earth - Association for Eco-agricul-
Environmental Association Morava, Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77 ture, Rural Development and
Korce, 39 Environmental Protection, 116
Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology
For Progress and Civilization, 50 Association, Derventa, 70 Mala Rava - Association of Olive
Growers, 109
Green 2000, 53 Local Development Initiative, 67
Motovun Eco-town, 105
Health and Environment Association, 50 ‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association,
Department for Ecology and Department Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Himariote League, 50 Homeland’, Ploce, 108
for Activities with Youth and Children, 78
InfoVlora Agency, 54 NGO Metkovic Healthy Town, 105
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81
Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness NGO Society Sovinjak, 102
Management, 51 NGO Drina-Skelani, 83
Osijek Greens, 107
NGO Krajina, 67
National Association of Cooperatives of Rustica - Organisation for Protection and
Albania, 52 NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84
Development of Biological Diversity and
National Centre Environmental ‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Rural Heritage, 118
Movement, 52 Peace Trees NGO, 89 Zmergo Eco Group, 106
Organic Agriculture Association, 52 Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 ZOE - Centre for Sustainable
Vlora Region Local Economic Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69 Development of Rural Communities, 119
Development Agency, 54 Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87
West Herzegovina Association for
Protection of Environment and Cultural
and Historical Heritage, 72
Association for Business and Agriculture Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
Wigwam Association of Friends of / Country Technique/Kicevo, 133
Usora, 88
Cultural and Natural Values, 82
Association for Development, Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134
Improvement and Promotion of Citizens’ Committee for Development,
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and CROATIA Probistip, 136
Environment Protection, 86 Acorn Ecological Association, 120 Coalition of Perspective NGO, 137

232 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Eco Awareness Citizens’ Association for Environmental Society for Local Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Environmental Protection, 135 Sustainable Development, 188 Ecomovement Group, 48
Eco Mission Environmental Society, ‘Green Island’ Eco-Movement, 182 Environment - Education – Health, 41
Skopje, 137 Green Network of Vojvodina, 195 Environmental and Social Protection and
Ecological Group Green Power, Veles, 144 Green Obrenovac, 196 Development ‘Iliria’, 49
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Green Place Association of Ecologists of Environmental Association Morava,
Communication, 137 Kikinda, 186 Korce, 39
Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy Herballand, 196 For Progress and Civilization, 50
Food Negotino, 135
Ibar Development Association, 187 Forest Progress NGO, 49
Flora Ecology Association, 134
Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188 Forest and Pasture Users Association of
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti Kruma Municipality, 40
NGO Antares Association for Holistic
Nikole, 143
Health Care, 187 Health and Environment Association, 50
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Himariote League, 50
Macedonian Ecological Society, 138
Municipality, 186 InfoVlora Agency, 54
Molika Environment Movement, 132
NGO Natura Balkanika, 185 Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic
Municipal Ecological Organisation
Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 Environment, 51
Enhalon Struga, 142
Stara Planina Association of Farmers, National Centre Environmental
Pelagonija Environmental Association –
Pirot, 197 Movement, 52
Bitola, 132
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174 Nature Protection and Environment
Permaculture and Peacebuilding Centre,
Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199 Administration - Adriatiku, 54
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Protection and Preservation of Natural
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Ecological Awareness, 181 Environment Shkoder, 44
South Garden, 137

KOSOVO (territory under interim BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

UN administration) Association for Healthy Living and Mind
Foundation for the Development of Ecology, Shamac, 83
Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216
Northern Montenegro, 160
Aquila EPA, 220 Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics
Most Development, Cultural and
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 in Sarajevo, 79
Information Centre, 161
Eko-Trepça Ecological Association, 219 Association of Producers and Users of
NGO Natura, 158
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Production of Organic Food, 159 Ekovision, 221
Jajce, 73
Environmental Association, 223
Banovići Association of Engineers, 68
Kosovo Development Center – KDC, 216
SERBIA BH Solidarity Citizens Association, 86
Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help
Agro Business Centre for Development Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75
Ecological Businesses, 221
Belgrade, 175 Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture,
Organic Agriculture Association of
Agronomic Centre, 197 Kladanj, 74
Kosovo, 222
Argument Politics Research Centre, 197 Contact Plus Association, 90
Renewal of Agriculture, 224
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
Society for Society, 224
Centre for Regional Development and Canton, 86
European Integration, 176 Eco-Green Environmental Association,
Centre for Rural Development, 193 Air quality Srebrenik, 83
Ćuprija Ecological Movement, 185 Eco-green Upper Tuzla, 87
Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185 Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76
Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Eco Echo, 191 Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66
Development, 45
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177 Ecological Association of Citizens
Albanian Association for Environmental
Eco-Camp, 190 Kalesija, 73
Education, 44
Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK
Albanian Centre for Environmental
Conservation and Sustainable Zenica, 90
Studies and Development, 45
Development, 177 Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation,
Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
Ecological Association for a Cleaner 72
Town, 192 Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, 87
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Albanian Ecological Club, Kruje, 39
Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor-
Sad, 193 Albanian Environmental League, 53 Varos, 77
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Association of Conservation and Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić,
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable Development of Natural Environment – 84
Development and Protection of the Mat, 36 ‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and
Environment, 178 Care, 40 Improvement of Environment, Nature and
Environment Engineering Group, 194 Ecological Club, 42 Health, 80

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 233

Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Green Action, 116 MONTENEGRO

Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Green Action Micevec, 112 Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
Sustainable Development and Quality of Green Network of Activist Groups, 113 Foundation for the Development of
Life, 81 Northern Montenegro, 160
Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Most Development, Cultural and
Martinscak - Croatian Association of
Forum of Non-governmental organiza- Information Centre, 161
Mountaineers, Karlovac, 104
tions, 75 NGO Green Home, 161
Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Humanitas Centre for Development of NGO Natura, 158
Education and Business, 70 Homeland’, Ploce, 108
Production of Organic Food, 159
Local Development Initiative, 67 NGO Society Sovinjak, 102
‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102
Association, Department for Ecology and Osijek Greens, 107 SERBIA
Department for Activities with Youth and Society for Sustainable Development Advanced Research Association, 200
Children, 78 Design, 118 Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201
Natura BH, Association for Promotion, Association for Rational Use of
Zmergo Eco Group, 106
Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Renewable Energy Sources, 175
Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic,
NGO Buna, 76 OF MACEDONIA Association of Young Researchers Bor, 183
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Alliance of Technical Culture Associations Avalon Environmental Association, 203
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 / Country Technique/Kicevo, 133
Bent River Drina, 189
Peace Trees NGO, 89 Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134 Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174
Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 Citizens’ Committee for Development, Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184
Rotor Organisation for Development of Probistip, 136
Centre for Civil Activities, 196
Tourism in Doboj Region, 71 Coalition of Perspective NGO, 137
Centre for Modern Education, 201
Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69 Eco Action, 143 Centre for Regional Development and
Troya Tourism Development and Eco Awareness Citizens’ Association for European Integration, 176
Environment Protection Association, 83 Environmental Protection, 135 Centre for Social Initiative, 198
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 Eco Mission Environmental Society, Civil Movement for Environmental
West Herzegovina Association for Skopje, 137 Protection, 193
Protection of Environment and Cultural
Ecological Group Green Power, Veles, 144 Ćuprija Ecological Movement, 185
and Historical Heritage, 72
Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia, 140 Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
Youth Association for Scientific Research
of Republica Srpska, 68 Ekonet Centre for Electronic Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre,
Communication, 137 203
Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77
Environment Association Desat Debar, Eco Echo, 191
Youth Network Kakanj, 73
133 Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’
Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Flora Ecology Association, 134 Eco-Camp, 190
Florozon NGO - Association for Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
Protection of Natural Environment and for the Sake of a Ball, 186
Sustainable Economic Development, 138 Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Angels Without Wings, 115 Sad, 193
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
Association for Environmental Protection - Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194
Karlovac, 104 Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency,
138 Ecological Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, 183
Association of Friends of Historical,
Macedonian Ecological Society, 138 Eco-Park, 187
Cultural and Natural Heritage ‘Pagania’
Bacina, 107 Molika Environment Movement, 132 EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Development and Protection of the
Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos Municipal Ecological Organisation
Environment, 178
Affected Persons, 113 Enhalon Struga, 142
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco-
Cazma Ecological Association, 103 The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142 logy and Sustainable Development, 178
Croatian Meteorological Society, 115 Pelagonija Environmental Association – EKOpolis, 191
Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, Bitola, 132 Environment Engineering Group, 194
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140 Environmental Ambassadors, 179
Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov - Veles, 144 Environmentalist, 194
and Environment Protection, 114
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 The Expert Centre Forum (Centre for
Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation,
105 Vila Zora Environmental Association, Sustainable Development), 192
Franjo Koscec - Society for Human Veles, 144 Green Obrenovac, 196
Environment Protection and Zletovica Ecological Association, Green Place Association of Ecologists of
Improvement, 112 Probistip, 136 Kikinda, 186

234 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Development of Natural Environment – Fondeko Association for Stimulation of
Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192 Mat, 36 Sustainable Development and Quality of
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube - Association of Forest and Pasture Users, Life, 81
River of Cooperation’, 179 Prespa, 39 Forum of NGO Derventa, 69
Kablar Mountaineering Club, 184 Association of Forest and Pasture Users, NGO Buna, 76
K-Town Group, 186 Kukur, 37 Natura BH, Association for Promotion,
NGO Antares Association for Holistic Care, 40 Stimulation and Development of Tourism,
Health Care, 187 Ecological Club, 42 Ecology and Healthy Living, 81
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 NGO Drina-Skelani, 83
Municipality, 186
Ecologists for the Region, 40 NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84
Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187
Egnatia Association, 42 ‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82
Raškin Sliv Ecological Association, 193
Environment - Education – Health, 41 Peace Trees NGO, 89
Roots - Loznica, 189
Environmental and Social Protection and The Southern Blue Sky, 85
Serbian Green Youth, 180
Development ‘Iliria’, 49 Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Environmental Association (Alpin), Triton Fojnica Association, 71
Turija Ecological Association, 202 Tropoje, 53
Union of Ecologists, 181 West Herzegovina Association for
Environmental Association Morava,
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Protection of Environment and Cultural
Korce, 39
Ecological Awareness, 181 and Historical Heritage, 72
For Progress and Civilization, 50
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181 Wigwam Association of Friends of
Forest and Pasture Users Association of Cultural and Natural Values, 82
Youth Club Morović, 190 Kruma Municipality, 40
Yugo Cycling Campaign, 181 Youth Association for Scientific Research
Forest Progress NGO, 49 of Republica Srpska, 68
Forestry Progress Kukes, 41 Youth Network Kakanj, 73
KOSOVO (territory under interim
Health and Environment Association, 50
UN administration)
Institute of Nature Conservation in
Agimi Isniq, 217 CROATIA
Albania, 51
Aquila EPA, 220 Angels Without Wings, 115
National Centre Environmental
Association of Independent Intellectuals, Blue World - Institute for Marine Research
Movement, 52
Nature Protection and Environment and Conservation, 112
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Caving Club Samobor, 110
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219
Protection and Preservation of Natural Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
Environment Shkoder, 44 Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA,
Eko-Trepça Ecological Association, 219
Protection of Environment, 40 115
Ekovision, 221
Transborder Wildlife, 39 Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Environmental Association, 223
Environmentally Responsible Group, 220
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research
Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 and Educational Centre for Nature
Kosova Association of Ecologists, 222 The Association of Pupils, Parents and
Protection, 109
Teachers from Glamoč, 72
Kosovo Development Center – KDC, 216 Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation,
Association for Healthy Living and Mind
Life Quality, 216 105
Ecology, Shamac, 83
Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Association of Displaced and Expelled
Citizens, Refugees and Returnees, 84 Nature and Environment, 116
Animal protection/ Association of Producers and Users of Green Action Micevec, 112
wildlife Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107
Jajce, 73 Martinscak - Croatian Association of
Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 Mountaineers, Karlovac, 104
Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Development, 45 Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44 Canton, 86 Association for Wildlife Research and
Eco-Green Environmental Association, Protection, 117
Albanian Association for Environmental
Education, 44 Srebrenik, 83 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Albanian Centre for Environmental Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 Homeland’, Ploce, 108
Studies and Development, 45 Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Nature Society ‘Drava’, 113
Albanian Ecological Association, 42 Ecological Association of Citizens Osijek Greens, 107
Albanian Environmental League, 53 Kalesija, 73 Society for Animal Protection Rijeka, 110
Association for Investment and Communal Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the
Forest and Pastures, Permet, 43 Varos, 77 Nature and Cultural Heritage of the
Association of Conservation and Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Lower Neretva River, 106

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 235


Eco-Camp, 190 Biodiversity
Ecological Association for a Cleaner
Alliance of Technical Culture Associations Town, 192 ALBANIA
/ Country Technique/Kicevo, 133 AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Biosfera Centre for Education, Sad, 193 ALBAFOREST, 45
Environment and Nature Protection, 132 Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Albanian Association for Environmental
Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134 Education, 44
Ecological Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, 183
Eco Action, 143 Albanian Centre for Environmental
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable Studies and Development, 45
Eco Awareness Citizens’ Association for Development and Protection of the
Environmental Protection, 135 Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Environment, 178
Development, 45
Eco Mission Environmental Society, Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco-
Skopje, 137 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
logy and Sustainable Development, 178
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Albanian Ecological Association, 42
EKOpolis, 191
Communication, 137 Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39
Environment Engineering Group, 194
Environment Association Desat Debar, Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
133 Environmental Ambassadors, 179 44
Flora Ecology Association, 134 Environmentalist, 194 Association for the Cultivation of
Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Medicinal Plants, 38
Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological
Development, Tetovo, 143 Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192 Association for Protection of Natural
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143 Herballand, 196 Resources, 47
Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, Ibar Development Association, 187 Forest for People Association, 37
138 InterLink-Balkan, 200 Association of Conservation and
Macedonian Ecological Society, 138 Kablar Mountaineering Club, 184 Development of Natural Environment –
Mat, 36
Molika Environment Movement, 132 Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
Pelagonija Environmental Association – Natura Natural Resources Centre, Prespa, 39
Bitola, 132 Valjevo, 201
Association of Natural Landscape
Permaculture and Peacebuilding Centre, NGO Group 022, 198 Protection in Albania, 38
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Care, 40
Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov - Veles, 144 Municipality, 186 Centre of Study and Consulting in
Zletovica Ecological Association, NGO Natura Balkanika, 185 Sustainable Use and Management of
Probistip, 136 Natural Resources, 47
Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199
Roots - Loznica, 189 Coordinating Centre of the Permet local
Serbian Green Youth, 180
Centre for the Protection and Research of Ecological Club, 42
Vladimir Mandić Manda Research
Birds of Montenegro, 159 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Society, 202
Eco Centre Dolphin, 158 Ecologists for the Region, 40
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Foundation for the Development of Ecological Awareness, 181 Ecomovement Group, 48
Northern Montenegro, 160 Egnatia Association, 42
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Green Forest Society, 160 Environment - Education – Health, 41
Youth Club Morović, 190
Most Development, Cultural and Environment in Community Association,
Zero Waste Serbia, 182
Information Centre, 161 43
NGO Green Home, 161 Environmental and Social Protection and
NGO Natura, 158 KOSOVO (territory under interim Development ‘Iliria’, 49
NGO Nautilus, 158 UN administration) Environmental Association (Alpin),
Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216 Tropoje, 53
Aquila EPA, 220 Environmental Association Morava,
SERBIA Korce, 39
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201 Environmental Women’s Association, 49
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 For Progress and Civilization, 50
Ekovision, 221
Bent River Drina, 189 Forest and Pasture Users Association of
Environmental Association, 223 Kruma Municipality, 40
Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 Environmentally Responsible Group, 220 Forest Progress NGO, 49
Carbirod Mountaineering Association, 185 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 Forestry Progress Kukes, 41
Centre for Civil Activities, 196 Kosova Association of Ecologists, 222 Health and Environment Association, 50
Centre for Regional Development and Kosovo Development Center – KDC, Himariote League, 50
European Integration, 176 216 The Institute for Justice and Domestic
Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, Renewal of Agriculture, 224 Affairs, 51
203 ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220 Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness

236 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Management, 51 Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85 Green Action, 116

Institute of Nature Conservation in Humanitas Centre for Development of Green Action Micevec, 112
Albania, 51 Education and Business, 70 Green Istria, 108
Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic Local Development Initiative, 67 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
Environment, 51 ‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association, Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107
National Association of Cooperatives of Department for Ecology and Department Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
Albania, 52 for Activities with Youth and Children, 78
Homeland Ecological Society, 119
National Centre Environmental Natura BH, Association for Promotion,
Movement, 52 Institute for Sustainable Development, 104
Stimulation and Development of Tourism,
Nature Protection and Environment Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 Larus - Association for Sustainable
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Development and Protection of Seas and
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81
Coasts, 108
Organic Agriculture Association, 52 NGO Buna, 76
Mala Rava - Association of Olive
Protection and Preservation of Natural ‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82
Growers, 109
Environment Shkoder, 44 Peace Trees NGO, 89
The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
Protection of Environment, 40 Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 Association for Wildlife Research and
Transborder Wildlife, 39 Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69 Protection, 117
Vlora Region Local Economic Triton Fojnica Association, 71 Mornar Underwater Research Club, 111
Development Agency, 54
Troya Tourism Development and Motovun Eco-town, 105
Environment Protection Association, 83 Nature and Society - Organisation for
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural
Association for Development, Wigwam Association of Friends of Values, 102
Improvement and Promotion of Cultural and Natural Values, 82 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and Youth Association for Scientific Research Homeland,’ 117
Environment Protection, 86 of Republica Srpska, 68 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Association for Healthy Living and Mind Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Homeland’, Ploce, 108
Ecology, Shamac, 83 Nature Society ‘Drava’, 113
Association for the Protection of Nature, NGO Metkovic Healthy Town, 105
Rivers and Environment, 79 CROATIA
Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102
Association of Producers and Users of Acorn Ecological Association, 120
Angels Without Wings, 115 Osijek Greens, 107
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Jajce, 73 Association for Environmental Protection - Paks Ecological Research Society, 104
Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 Karlovac, 104 Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the
Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos Nature and Cultural Heritage of the
Contact Plus Association, 90
Affected Persons, 113 Lower Neretva River, 106
DRIN-tim Ecological Association, 88
Rustica - Organisation for Protection and Youth Association of Metkovic -
Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
Development of Biological Diversity and Collective, 105
Canton, 86
Rural Heritage, 118 Zmergo Eco Group, 106
Eco-Green Environmental Association,
Srebrenik, 83 Blue World - Institute for Marine Research
and Conservation, 112 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76
Caving Club Samobor, 110 OF MACEDONIA
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66
Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
Ecological Association of Citizens
/ Country Technique/Kicevo, 133
Kalesija, 73 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107
Biosfera Centre for Education,
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA,
Environment and Nature Protection, 132
Zenica, 90 115
Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 The Dolphin Dream Society, 115
Citizens’ Committee for Development,
ECON Foundation Economic Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Probistip, 136
Cooperation Network, 80 111
Coalition of Perspective NGO, 137
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation, Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research
72 and Educational Centre for Nature Eco Mission Environmental Society,
Protection, 109 Skopje, 137
‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and
Improvement of Environment, Nature and Ecological Society of Brod, 111 Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia, 140
Health, 80 Eco-organisation Argonauta, 106 EKO Ecological Association, 141
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation, Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of 105 Communication, 137
Sustainable Development and Quality of Eleonora - Society for Protection of Environment and Sustainable Economic
Life, 81 Nature and Environment, 116 Development, 138
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Franjo Koscec - Society for Human Environment Association Desat Debar,
Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology Environment Protection and 133
Association, Derventa, 70 Improvement, 112 Flora Ecology Association, 134

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 237

Florozon NGO - Association for Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Protection of Natural Environment and Carbirod Mountaineering Association, 185 Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199
Sustainable Economic Development, 138
Centre for Civil Activities, 196 Union of Ecologists, 181
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti
Centre for Social Initiative, 198 Vladimir Mandić Manda Research
Nikole, 143
Centre for Sustainable Development Society, 202
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
Kamena Gora, 198 ‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association,
Civil Movement for Environmental Ecological Awareness, 181
Protection, 193 Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Krste Jon Scout Group, Struga, 141
Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
Macedonian Ecological Society, 138
Molika Environment Movement, 132 Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, KOSOVO (territory under interim
203 UN administration)
Municipal Ecological Organisation
Enhalon Struga, 142 Eco-Camp, 190 Aquila EPA, 220
ORT Training for Sustainable Eco Echo, 191 ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220
Development, 140 Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity Blue Life Environmental Association, 220
Pelagonija Environmental Association – Conservation and Sustainable Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219
Bitola, 132 Development, 177
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 Ecological Association for the Cleaner
Ekovision, 221
Vila Zora Environmental Association, Town, 192
Veles, 144 Environmental Association, 223
Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
Zletovica Ecological Association, for the Sake of a Ball, 186 Environmentally Responsible Group, 220
Probistip, 136 Ecological Movement Bajina Bašta, 175 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220
Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185 Kosova Association of Ecologists, 222
MONTENEGRO Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Kosovo Development Center – KDC, 216
Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal Sad, 193 Life Quality, 216
Engineering and Consulting, 158 Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help
Centre for the Protection and Research of Ecological Society Čačak, 184 Ecological Businesses, 221
Birds of Montenegro, 159 Ecologocal Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, 183 NGO Berevice, 223
Eco Centre Dolphin, 158 Organic Agriculture Association of
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
Environmental Consultancy of Kosovo, 222
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Montenegro, 159 Renewal of Agriculture, 224
Development and Protection of the
Foundation for the Development of Vision Towards the Future, 223
Environment, 178
Northern Montenegro, 160
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco-
Green Forest Society, 160
logy and Sustainable Development, 178
The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160
EKOpolis, 191 Certification
Most Development, Cultural and
Information Centre, 161 Environment Engineering Group, 194 and labeling
NGO Green Home, 161 Environmental Ambassadors, 179 ALBANIA
NGO Natura, 158 Green Key, 192 Albanian Centre for Sustainable
NGO Nautilus, 158 Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Development, 45
Production of Organic Food, 159 Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192 Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre, 46
Herballand, 196 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
Ibar Development Association, 187 Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube - 44
Advanced Research Association, 200
River of Cooperation’, 179 Association for Development of Environ-
Agro Business Centre for Development
Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188 mental Policies — G & G Group, 46
Belgrade, 185
Argument Politics Research Centre, 197 Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184 Care, 40
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201 NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Municipality, 186 Egnatia Association, 42
Association for Rational Use of
Renewable Energy Sources, 175 NGO Natura Balkanika, 185 Environmental Association (Alpin),
Association of Household Heads Valjevo, Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199 Tropoje, 53
201 Serbian Green Youth, 180 The Institute for Justice and Domestic
Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic, Society for Medicinal Herbs Research Affairs, 51
191 Valjevo, 202 National Centre Environmental
Association of Young Researchers Bor, 183 Stara Planina Association for Environment Movement, 52
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Protection, 196 Organic Agriculture Association, 52
Bent River Drina, 189 Stara Planina Association of Farmers, Vlora Region Local Economic
Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174 Pirot, 197 Development Agency, 54

238 N G O D I R E C T O R Y


Association for Development, Agronomic Centre, 197 The Association of Pupils, Parents and
Improvement and Promotion of Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Teachers from Glamoč, 72
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and Sad, 193 Contact Plus Association, 90
Environment Protection, 86 Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 196
Association of Producers and Users of Canton, 86
Eco-Park, 187
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66
Jajce, 73 Environment Engineering Group, 194
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Ecological Association of Citizens
Association Research and Development Kalesija, 73
Corporation, 86 Green Key, 192
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK
Banovići Association of Engineers, 68 InterLink-Balkan, 200 Zenica, 90
Centre for Environmentally Sustainable NGO Antares Association for Holistic Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, 87
Development, 79 Health Care, 187
Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor-
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Varos, 77
ECON Foundation Economic Municipality, 186
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
Cooperation Network, 80 Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation, Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 Sustainable Development and Quality of
72 Students Union of the University of Novi Life, 81
Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- Sad, 195 Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85
Varos, 77 ‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Local Development Initiative, 67
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Ecological Awareness, 181 ‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199 Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87
NGO Krajina, 67 Youth Association for Scientific Research
Wigwam Association of Friends of of Republica Srpska, 68
KOSOVO (territory under interim
Cultural and Natural Values, 82 Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’
UN administration)
Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216 Association Ecological Organisation, 69
CROATIA Organic Agriculture Association of
Angels Without Wings, 115 Kosovo, 222 CROATIA
Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Angels Without Wings, 115
Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, Association for Environmental Protection -
111 Climate change Karlovac, 104
Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research ALBANIA Cazma Ecological Association, 103
and Educational Centre for Nature Compost Centre, Osijek, 107
Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Protection, 109
Development, 45 Croatian Meteorological Society, 115
Institute for Sustainable Development, 104
Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre, 46 Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Mala Rava - Association of Olive 111
Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Growers, 109
Albanian Regional Environmental Board, Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation,
The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group - 105
Association for Wildlife Research and
Awareness for Progress, 47 Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Protection, 117
Environment Protection and
ZOE - Centre for Sustainable Care, 40
Improvement, 112
Development of Rural Communities, 119 Ecological Club, 42
Green Action, 116
Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
Homeland Ecological Society, 119
OF MACEDONIA Egnatia Association, 42
Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Environment - Education - Health, 41 Homeland’, 117
Communication, 137 Environmental and Social Protection and Society for Sustainable Development
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti Development ‘Iliria’, 49 Design, 118
Nikole, 143 Environmental Association Morava, Zmergo Eco Group, 106
Macedonian Mountaineering Sport Korce, 39
Federation, 139 For Progress and Civilization, 50
Forest Progress NGO, 49 OF MACEDONIA
MONTENEGRO Forestry Progress Kukes, 41 Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
Foundation for the Development of Health and Environment Association, 50 / Country Technique / Kicevo, 133
Northern Montenegro, 160 National Centre Environmental Biosfera Centre for Education,
Most Development, Cultural and Movement, 52 Environment and Nature Protection, 132
Information Centre, 161 Protection and Preservation of Natural Citizens’ Committee for Development,
NGO Green Home, 161 Environment Shkoder, 44 Probistip, 136

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 239

Eco Action, 143 EKOpolis, 191 Association for Development,

Eco Mission Environmental Society, Environment Engineering Group, 194 Improvement and Promotion of
Skopje, 137 Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and
The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia, Environment Protection, 86
Green Obrenovac, 196
140 Association for Healthy Living and Mind
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube -
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Ecology, Shamac, 83
River of Cooperation’, 179
Communication, 137 Association for Theory and Practice of
NGO Antares Association for Holistic
Environment and Sustainable Economic Marketing, 66
Health Care, 187
Development, 143 Association of Producers and Users of
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac
Environment Association Desat Debar, Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Municipality, 186
133 Jajce, 73
Serbian Green Youth, 180
Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134 Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
Students Union of the University of Novi Canton, 86
Florozon NGO - Association for Sad, 195
Protection of Natural Environment and Ecological Association of Citizens
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Kalesija, 73
Sustainable Economic Development, 138
Ecological Awareness, 181
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti ECON Foundation Economic
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181 Cooperation Network, 80
Nikole, 143
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143 Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, KOSOVO (territory under interim NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81
138 UN administration) NGO Krajina, 67
Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220 Red Cross of Sarajevo Canton, 82
Milieukontakt International - Local Office Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87
Macedonia, 139 Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219
Movement for the Environment Molika, Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
132 Ekovision, 221
Angels Without Wings, 115
Municipal Ecological Organisation Environmental Association, 223
Baranja - Association for Peace and
Enhalon Struga, 142 Environmental Protection Initiative Human Rights, 102
The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142 ‘Nature’, 222
Compost Centre, Osijek, 107
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220
Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216 111
Zletovica Ecological Association,
Eco-cultural Union Vukovar, 114
Probistip, 136
Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal ALBANIA
Eco Mission Environmental Society,
Engineering and Consulting, 158 Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Skopje, 137
Eco Centre Dolphin, 158 Development, 45
Ecological Group Green Power, Veles, 144
Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Society, 160 Albanian Environmental League, 53
Communication, 137
Most Development, Cultural and Association for Cooperation and
Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy
Information Centre, 161 Development, Diber Region, 43
Food Negotino, 135
NGO Natura, 158 Association for Protection of Natural
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti
Resources, 47
Nikole, 143
Environment in Community Association,
SERBIA NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134
Avalon Environmental Association, 203
Forest Progress NGO, 49
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 MONTENEGRO
Health and Environment Association, 50
Centre for Environmental Balkan Most Development, Cultural and
The Institute for Justice and Domestic
Initiatives, 176 Information Centre, 161
Affairs, 51
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177 Production of Organic Food, 159
Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness
Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity Management, 51
Conservation and Sustainable
National Centre Environmental SERBIA
Development, 177
Movement, 52
Eco-Park, 187 Agro Business Centre for Development
Organic Agriculture Association, 52 Belgrade, 175
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Development and Protection of the Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201
Environment, 178 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco- Association for Business and Agriculture Centre for Regional Cooperation and
logy and Sustainable Development, 178 Usora, 88 Development, 188

240 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Council for Monitoring, Human Rights The Institute for Justice and Domestic Ibar Development Association, 187
and Anti-corruption - Transparency, 200 Affairs, 51 NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac
Ecological Association for the Cleaner Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness Municipality, 186
Town, 192 Management, 51 Students Union of the University of Novi
Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185 National Centre Environmental Sad, 195
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Movement, 52 Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Sad, 193 Protection and Preservation of Natural ‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Environment Shkoder, 44 Ecological Awareness, 181
Eco-Park, 187 Vlora Region Local Economic
Development Agency, 54
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable KOSOVO (territory under interim
Development and Protection of the UN administration)
Environment, 178 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy,
EKOpolis, 191 Association for Business and Agriculture 222
The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for Usora, 88 Mission of People of Good Will, 219
Sustainable Development), 192 Association for Theory and Practice of Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help
Green Key, 192 Marketing, 66 Ecological Businesses, 221
InterLink-Balkan, 200 Banovići Association of Engineers, 68
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Municipality, 186 Development, 79 Energy-Nuclear
Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187 Contact Plus Association, 90
Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66
Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199 Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
Association for Development of Environ-
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Foundation of Local Democracy, 81
mental Policies — G & G Group, 46
Ecological Awareness, 181 International Forum Bosnia Regional
Ecomovement Group, 48
Yugo Cycling Campaign, 181 Centre of Mostar, 76
Environmental Association Morava,
International Forum Bosnia Banjaluka
Korce, 39
Regional Centre, 66
KOSOVO (territory under interim Local Development Initiative, 67
NGO Krajina, 67
Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216 Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217 ‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82
Association of Independent Intellectuals,
216 The Dolphin Dream Society, 115
Zmergo Eco Group, 106 CROATIA
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219
Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
Green Action, 116
Environmental Association, 223 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC
OF MACEDONIA Green Istria, 108
Environmentally Responsible Action
Group, 220 Ekonet Centre for Electronic Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful
Communication, 137 Homeland’, 117
Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy,
LED-IT Foundation for Information Osijek Greens, 107
Technology and Local Economic Society for Sustainable Development
Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216
Development, Stip, 141 Design, 118
Life Quality, 216
Multiethnic Organisation for Help
Most Development, Cultural and OF MACEDONIA
Organic Agriculture Association of
Kosovo, 222 Information Centre, 161 Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Communication, 137
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140
Economic instruments Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Centre for Regional Cooperation and
ALBANIA Development, 188
Albanian Centre for Sustainable Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185 SERBIA
Development, 45 Ecological Association for the Cleaner Association for Rational Use of
Albanian Association for Environmental Town, 192 Renewable Energy Sources, 175
Education, 44 EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable Avalon Environmental Association, 203
Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46 Development and Protection of the Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Co-Plan Institute for Habitat Environment, 178 Sad, 193
Development, 48 Environment Engineering Group, 194 Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 794
Green 2000, 53 Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 241

EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable Association of Producers and Users of Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful
Development and Protection of the Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Homeland’, 117
Environment, 178 Jajce, 73 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102
Environment Engineering Group, 194 Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 Osijek Greens, 107
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Centre for Environment, 66 Society for Sustainable Development
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Contact Plus Association, 90 Design, 118
Municipality, 186 Democratic Youth Movement, 79 Zmergo Eco Group, 106
Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187 Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76
Serbian Green Youth, 180 Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC
Students Union of the University of Novi ‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and OF MACEDONIA
Sad, 195 Improvement of Environment, Nature and Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134
Union for the Protection of the Health, 80 Citizens’ Committee for Development,
Environment and Prevention of Malignant Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Probistip, 136
Diseases, 180
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Eco Awareness Citizen Association of
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Sustainable Development and Quality of Environmental Protection, 135
Ecological Awareness, 181 Life, 81 Eco Mission Environmental Society,
Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology Skopje, 137
KOSOVO (territory under interim Association, Derventa, 70 Ekonet Centre for Electronic
UN administration) Humanitas Centre for Development of Communication, 137
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Education and Business, 70 Environment and Sustainable Economic
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Local Development Initiative, 67 Development, 143
Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy, Natura BH, Association for Promotion, Florozon NGO - Association for
222 Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Protection of Natural Environment and
Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 Sustainable Economic Development, 138
Ecological Businesses, 221 ‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency,
West Herzegovina Association for 138
Energy/renewable and Protection of Environment and Cultural Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138
and Historical Heritage, 72 Milieukontakt International - Local Office
energy efficiency Youth Association for Scientific Research Macedonia, 139
of Republica Srpska, 68 Movement for the Environment Molika,
Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre, 46
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140
Albanian Centre for Environmental CROATIA
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Studies and Development, 45 Angels Without Wings, 115
The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
Albanian Centre for Sustainable Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Development, 45 Centre for Sustainable Development -
Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46 Pernat Ecopark, 109
Association for Development of Environ- Compost Centre, Osijek, 107 MONTENEGRO
mental Policies — G & G Group, 46 Croatian Meteorological Society, 115 Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in
Co-Plan Institute for Habitat Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, Society, 160
Development, 48 111 Foundation for the Development of
Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation, Northern Montenegro, 160
Ecomovement Group, 48 105 Most Development, Cultural and
Environment - Education - Health, 41 Information Centre, 161
Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Environmental and Social Protection and Environment Protection and NGO Green Home, 161
Development ‘Iliria’, 49 Improvement, 112 NGO Natura, 158
Environmental Association Morava, Green Action, 116
Korce, 39 Green Action Micevec, 112 SERBIA
Forest Progress NGO, 49 Green Istria, 108 Advanced Research Association, 200
Health and Environment Association, 50 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113 Argument Politics Research Centre, 197
InfoVlora Agency, 54 Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107 Association for Rational Use of
Harmonious Alternative Association, 112 Renewable Energy Sources, 175
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Institute for Sustainable Development, 104 Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic,
Motovun Eco-town, 105 191
Association for Development,
Improvement and Promotion of Nature and Society - Organisation for Avalon Environmental Association, 203
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural Balkan Music Centre NGO, 175
Environment Protection, 86 Values, 102 Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176

242 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 Environmental Affairs, 51

Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Institute of Nature Conservation in
Development, 182 education/education for Albania, 51
Centre for Rural Development, 193 sustainable development Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic
Drina Youth Centre, 174 Environment, 51
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177 Media Association, 36
AKS, 41
Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity National Association of Cooperatives of
Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre, 46 Albania, 52
Conservation and Sustainable
Development, 177 Albanian Association for Environmental National Centre Environmental
Education, 44 Movement, 52
Ecological Association for the Cleaner
Town, 192 Albanian Centre for Environmental Nature Protection and Environment
Studies and Development, 45 Administration - Adriatiku, 54
Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
for the Sake of a Ball, 186 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46 Organic Agriculture Association, 52
Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185 Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Protection and Preservation of Natural
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Albanian Environmental League, 53 Environment Shkoder, 44
Sad, 193 Albanian Regional Environmental Board, Protection of Environment, 40
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 44
Transborder Wildlife, 39
Ecological Movement SCG OO Association for Development of Environ-
‘Moravski Orašak’ Trstenik, 200 mental Policies — G & G Group, 46
Association for Investment and BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Ecological Society Čačak, 184
Communal Forest and Pastures, Permet, AOC Tolerance vs Difference, 70
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
43 Association for Business and Agriculture
Development and Protection of the
Environment, 178 Association for Protection of Natural Usora, 88
Resources, 47 Association for Development,
EKOpolis, 191
Association of Natural Landscape Improvement and Promotion of
Environment Engineering Group, 194
Protection in Albania, 38 Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Awareness for Progress, 47 Environment Protection, 86
Environmentalist, 194 Care, 40 Association for Healthy Living and Mind
The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for Children First Foundation, 47 Ecology, Shamac, 83
Sustainable Development), 192 Association for Protection of Cultural,
Coordinating Centre of the Permet local
Green Key, 192 NGO, 43 Historical and Natural Values, 72
Green Network of Vojvodina, 195 Co-Plan Institute for Habitat Association for the Protection of Nature,
Green Place Association of Ecologists of Development, 48 Rivers and Environment, 79
Kikinda, 186 Ecological Club, 42 Association for Theory and Practice of
Ibar Development Association, 187 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Marketing, 66
Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188 Ecologists for the Region, 40 Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics
NGO Antares Association for Holistic in Sarajevo, 79
Ecomovement Group, 48
Health Care, 187 Association of Producers and Users of
EDEN Center (Environmental Center for
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Development, Education and Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Municipality, 186 Networking), 48 Jajce, 73
Serbian Green Youth, 180 Environment - Education – Health, 41 The Association of Pupils, Parents and
Students Union of the University of Novi Teachers from Glamoč, 72
Environment in Community Association,
Sad, 195 43 Banovići Association of Engineers, 68
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174 Environmental and Social Protection and BH Solidarity Citizens Association, 86
Turija Ecological Association, 202 Development ‘Iliria’, 49 Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Environmental Association (Alpin), Center for Civil Cooperation, 75
Ecological Awareness, 181 Tropoje, 53 Centre for Environment, 66
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181 Environmental Association Morava, Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Yugo Cycling Campaign, 179 Korce, 39 Development, 79
Environmental Women’s Association, 49 Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture,
KOSOVO (territory under interim For a Healthy Albania, 36 Kladanj, 74
UN administration) For Progress and Civilization, 50 Contact Plus Association, 90
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Forest and Pasture Users Association of Democratic Youth Movement, 79
Environmental Protection Initiative Kruma Municipality, 40 DRIN-tim Ecological Association, 88
‘Nature’, 222 Forest Progress NGO, 49 Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
Environment and Democracy, 221 Forestry Progress Kukes, 41 Canton, 86
Mission of People of Good Will, 219 Health and Environment Association, 50 Eco-Green Environmental Association,
Multientic Organisation Help Business Himariote League, 50 Srebrenik, 83
Ecology, 221 The Institute for Justice and Domestic Eco-green Upper Tuzla, 87

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 243

Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Eco-organisation Argonauta, 106
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 ‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Eco-organisation ‘Twister’ Bacina, 108
Ecological Association of Citizens Peace Trees NGO, 89 Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
Kalesija, 73 Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 and Environment Protection, 114
Ecological Coalition of the Una River Ponir Banja Luka Speleology Association, Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation,
Basin, 68 68 105
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK Rotor Organisation for Development of Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Zenica, 90 Tourism in Doboj Region, 71 Nature and Environment, 116
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 The Sehara Association of Citizens, 71 Europe House Vukovar, 114
ECON Foundation Economic Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69 Fountain Ecological Syndicate, 106
Cooperation Network, 80 Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Triton Fojnica Association, 71
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation, Environment Protection and
Troya Tourism Development and
72 Improvement, 112
Environment Protection Association, 83
Eco-San Association for Protection and Assosciation of Friends of Historical,
Turbe Youth Centre, 85
Improvement of Environment, 80 Cultural and Natural Inheritance
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, Association PAGANIA BACINA, 107
‘Viktoria 99’ Women’s Association, 73
87 Green Action, 116
West Herzegovina Association for
Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- Green Action Micevec, 112
Protection of Environment and Cultural
Varos, 77 Green Istria, 108
and Historical Heritage, 72
Eko Viking Association for Protection of Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
Rivers, River Beds and Extreme Sports 89 Wigwam Association of Friends of
Cultural and Natural Values, 82 Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107
Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić,
84 Youth Association for Scientific Research Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
of Republica Srpska, 68 Homeland Ecological Society, 119
‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and
Improvement of Environment, Nature and Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Institute for Sustainable Development, 104
Health, 80 ‘Youth House’ Humanitarian Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Organisation Sanski Most, 78
Larus - Association for Sustainable
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Youth Network Kakanj, 73 Development and Protection of Seas and
Sustainable Development and Quality of Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ Coasts, 108
Life, 81 Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Mala Rava - Association of Olive
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Growers, 109
Forum of Non-governmental organisa- CROATIA The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
tions, 75 Association for Wildlife Research and
Acorn Ecological Association, 120
Foundation of Local Democracy, 81 Protection, 117
Angels Without Wings, 115
Futura Plus NGO, 84 Martinscak - Croatian Association of
Arteria - Association of Youth, 103
Mountaineers, Karlovac, 104
Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77 Association for Environmental Protection -
Mornar Underwater Research Club, 111
Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology Karlovac, 104
Association, Derventa, 70 Motovun Eco-town, 105
Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos
Green Eco Movement, Ključ, 74 Affected Persons, 113 Nature and Society - Organisation for
Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural
Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85 Rustica - Organization for Protection and
Values, 102
Humanitas Centre for Development of Development of Biological Diversity and
Education and Business, 70 Rural Heritage, 118 Nature Centre - Old Drencina, 110
International Forum Bosnia Regional Blue World - Institute for Marine Research Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Centre of Mostar, 76 and Conservation, 112 Homeland’, 117
International Forum Bosnia Banjaluka Caving Club Samobor, 110 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Regional Centre, 66 Homeland’, Ploce, 108
Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Korak Kozarska Dubica NGO, 74 NGO Metkovic Healthy City, 105
Centre for Sustainable Development -
Kremenik Environmental Association, Pernat Ecopark, 109 NGO Society Sovinjak, 102
Vitez, 89 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102
Local Development Initiative, 67 Croatian Meteorological Society, 115 ODRAZ - Sustainable Community
‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Development, 117
Croatian War Veterans Association of the
Association, Department for Ecology and City of Split, 111 Osijek Greens, 107
Department for Activities with Youth and The Dolphin Dream Society, 115 Paks Ecological Research Society, 104
Children, 78 Scout Association Savski Gaj, 118
Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 111 Society for Sustainable Development
NGO Buna, 76 Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research Design, 118
New Hopes Democratic Centre, 88 and Educational Centre for Nature Society of Food Technologists,
NGO DRINA - SKELANI, 83 Protection, 109 Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, 119
NGO Krajina, 67 Ecological Society Zumberak, 116 Sushak Citizens Club, 110

244 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Volunteer Centre Zagreb, 119 Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, Argument Politics Research Centre, 197
Vukovar Eco-cultural Union, 114 138 Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201
Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 Association for Rational Use of
Nature and Cultural Heritage of the Macedonian Mountaineering Sport Renewable Energy Sources, 175
Lower Neretva River, 106 Federation, 139 Association of Farmers ‘Stara Planina’
Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Milieukontakt International - Local Office Pirot, 197
ZOE - Centre for Sustainable Macedonia, 139 Association of Household Heads Valjevo,
Development of Rural Communities, 119 Movement for the Environment Molika, 201
132 Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic,
Municipal Ecological Organisation 191
Enhalon Struga, 142 Association of Young Researchers Bor,
The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142 183
Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134 Avalon Environmental Association, 203
/ Country Technique / Kicevo, 133
ORT Training for Sustainable Barosevac Ecological Association, 189
Areal Ecological Association, Struga, 141
Development, 140 Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176
Biosfera Centre for Education, Environment
Pelagonija Environmental Association -
and Nature Protection, 132 Bent River Drina, 189
Bitola, 138
Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134 Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174
Permaculture and Peacebuilding Centre,
Citizens’ Committee for Development, 133 Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184
Probistip, 136 Centre for Civil Activities, 196
Prilep Centre for Children and Youth, 136
Eco Action, 143 Centre for Civil Society Development,
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140
Eco Awareness Citizen Association of 191
Regional Centre for Democracy -
Environmental Protection, 135 Centre for Ecology and Sustainable
Medijator, 133
Eco Mission Environmental Society, Development, 182
Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov, Veles, 144
Skopje, 137 Centre for Environmental Balkan
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Ecological Group Green Power, Veles, 144 Initiatives, 176
South Garden, 137
The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia, Centre for High Quality Education, 176
140 Vila Zora Environmental Association,
Centre for Modern Education, 201
Veles, 144
EKO Ecological Association, 141 Centre for Regional Cooperation and
Women’s Organisation of Mavrovi Anovi,
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Development, 188
Communication, 137 Centre for Regional Development and
Zletovica Ecological Association,
Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176
Probistip, 136
Food Negotino, 135 Centre for Social Initiative, 198
Environment and Sustainable Economic Civil Ecology Action - Thales, 177
Development, 138 MONTENEGRO
Civil Movement for Environmental
Environment Association Desat Debar, 133 Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal Protection, 193
Environmental Association Planetum Engineering and Consulting, 158
Council for Monitoring, Human Rights
Strumica, 142 Bonum NGO, 159 and Anti-corruption - Transparency, 200
Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134 Centre for the Protection and Research of
Danube Environmental Forum Serbia, 177
Florozon NGO - Association for Birds of Montenegro, 159
Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
Protection of Natural Environment and Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre,
Sustainable Economic Development, 138 Environmental Consultancy of
Forum of Young Ecologists of Macedonia, Montenegro, 159
Eco Echo, 191
138 Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in
Society, 160 Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological
Development, Tetovo, 143 Foundation for the Development of Eco-Camp, 190
Interactive Education And Resource Northern Montenegro, 160 Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity
Network, 132 Green Forest Society, 160 Conservation and Sustainable
Development, 177
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160
Nikole, 143 Ecological Association for the Cleaner
Most Development, Cultural and
Town, 192
Izvor Association for Protection of the Information Centre, 161
Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
NGO Green Home, 161
Human Health of Kratovo, 134 for the Sake of a Ball, 186
NGO Natura, 158
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143 Ecological Movement Bajina Bašta, 175
Production of Organic Food, 159
Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association, Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185
NGO Nautilus, 158
136 Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Krste Jon Scout Group, Struga, 141 Sad, 193
LED-IT Foundation for Information SERBIA Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194
Technology and Local Economic Advanced Research Association, 200 Ecological Movement SCG OO
Development, Stip, 141 Agronomic Centre, 197 ‘Moravski Orašak’ Trstenik, 200

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 245

Ecological Society Čačak, 184 Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199 Organic Agriculture Association of
Ecologocal Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, Roots - Loznica, 189 Kosovo, 222
183 Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 Renewal of agriculture, 224
Eco-Park, 187 Serbian Green Youth, 180 Rinia Youth Centre, 218
ECOplan Civilian Association for Society for Medicinal Herbs Research Society for Society, 224
Environmental Planning, 178 Valjevo, 202 Vision Towards the Future, 223
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable SPARK-LOZNICA, 190
Development and Protection of the Stara Planina Association for Environment
Environment, 178 Protection, 196 Environmental legislation
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco- Students Union of the University of Novi
logy and Sustainable Development, 178 ALBANIA
Sad, 196
EKOpolis, 191 Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Environment Engineering Group, 194 Development, 45
Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199
Environmental Ambassadors, 175 Albanian Association for Environmental
Turija Ecological Association, 202
Education, 44
Environmental Society for Local Union of Ecologists, 181
Sustainable Development, 188 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
Vladimir Mandić Manda Research
Environmentalist, 194 Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Society, 202
The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39
Vreoci Ecological Association, 189
Sustainable Development), 192 Association for Development of Environ-
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Forum for the Roma Initiative, 189 mental Policies — G & G Group, 46
Ecological Awareness, 181
Friends of Brodarevo NGO, 183 Association of Natural Landscape
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Protection in Albania, 38
Friends of Children, New Belgrade, 182 Drina Youth Centre, 174
Awareness for Progress, 47
Green Key, 192 Youth Club Morović, 190
Centre of Study and Consulting in
Green Network of Vojvodina, 195 Yugo Cycling Campaign, 181
Sustainable Use and Management of
Green Obrenovac, 196 Zero Waste Serbia, 182 Natural Resources, 47
Green Place Association of Ecologists of Zlatibor Circle, 184 Coordinating Centre of the Permet local
Kikinda, 186 NGO, 43
Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Ecological Club, 42
KOSOVO (territory under interim
Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192
UN administration) Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Herballand, 196
Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216 Ecologists for the Region, 40
Ibar Development Association, 187
‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217 Ecomovement Group, 48
Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo, Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental Egnatia Association, 42
188 Protection Association), 220 Environment - Education – Health, 41
InterLink-Balkan, 200 ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220 Environment in Community Association,
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube - Association of Independent Intellectuals, 43
River of Cooperation’, 179 216 Environmental and Social Protection and
Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188 Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Development ‘Iliria’, 49
K-Town Group, 186 Development and Education Association, Environmental Association (Alpin),
Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184 221 Tropoje, 53
Mushroom Gatherers Association of Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Environmental Association Morava,
Valjevo, 202 Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219 Korce, 39
Natura Natural Resources Centre, Ekovision, 221 For Progress and Civilization, 50
Valjevo, 201 Environmental Association, 223 Forest Progress NGO, 49
NGO Antares Association for Holistic Environmentally Responsible Action Health and Environment Association, 50
Health Care, 187 Group, 220 The Institute for Justice and Domestic
NGO Group 022, 198 Environmental Protection Initiative Affairs, 51
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac ‘Nature’, 222 Institute of Nature Conservation in
Municipality, 186 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 Albania, 51
NGO Natura Balkanika, 185 Freedom-I, 218 Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic
NGO OKC, 196 Future Vision Youth Association, 219 Environment, 51
Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187 Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy, National Association of Cooperatives of
Organisation Pro Vitae - For Life, 199 222 Albania, 52
Požega Forum of Civic Action, 197 Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222 National Centre Environmental
Prozor Srbobran Centre for Youth Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216 Movement, 52
Creativity, 198 Kosova Women’s Initiative, 217 Organic Agriculture Association, 52
Raškin Sliv Ecological Association, 193 Life Quality, 216 Protection and Preservation of Natural
Recan Fund for Recovery and Recycling Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help Environment Shkoder, 44
of Beverage Cans, 179 Ecological Businesses, 221 Protection of Environment, 40

246 N G O D I R E C T O R Y
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 Eco Mission Environmental Society,
Association for the Protection of Nature, West Herzegovina Association for Skopje, 137
Rivers and Environment, 79 Protection of Environment and Cultural The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics and Historical Heritage, 72 140
in Sarajevo, 79 Wigwam Association of Friends of Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association,
Association of Producers and Users of Cultural and Natural Values, 82 136
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Youth Association for Scientific Research Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Jajce, 73 of Republica Srpska, 68 Communication, 137
BH Solidarity Citizens Association, 86 Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Environment and Sustainable Economic
Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ Development, 138
Centre for Environment, 66 Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Environmental Association Planetum
Strumica, 142
Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Development, 79 Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture, Florozon NGO - Association for
Angels Without Wings, 115
Kladanj, 74 Protection of Natural Environment and
Association for Environmental Protection - Sustainable Economic Development, 138
Contact Plus Association, 90 Karlovac, 104
Forum of Young Ecologists of Macedonia,
Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos 138
Canton, 86 Affected Persons, 113
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 Rustica - Organization for Protection and Nikole, 143
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Development of Biological Diversity and
Izvor Association for Protection of the
Ecological Association of Citizens Rural Heritage, 118
Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and
Kalesija, 73 Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Human Health of Kratovo, 134
Ecological Coalition of the Una River Croatian Meteorological Society, 115 Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
Basin, 68 Croatian War Veterans Association of the Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK City of Split, 111
Movement for the Environment Molika,
Zenica, 90 Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, 132
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 111
The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation, Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140
72 and Environment Protection, 114
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Vila Zora Environmental Association,
87 Environment Protection and
Veles, 144
Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- Improvement, 112
Varos, 77 Green Action, 116
Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić, Green Istria, 108 MONTENEGRO
84 Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107 Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal
‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and Homeland Ecological Society, 119 Engineering and Consulting, 158
Improvement of Environment, Nature and The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group - Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
Health, 80 Association for Wildlife Research and Environmental Consultancy of
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Protection, 117 Montenegro, 159
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in
Sustainable Development and Quality of Homeland’, 117 Society, 160
Life, 81 NGO Society Sovinjak, 102 Foundation for the Development of
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102 Northern Montenegro, 160
Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77 ODRAZ - Sustainable Community Green Forest Society, 160
Green Eco Movement, Ključ, 74 Development, 117 The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160
Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85 Osijek Greens, 107 Most Development, Cultural and
Kremenik Environmental Association, Society of Food Technologists, Information Centre, 161
Vitez, 89 Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, 119 NGO Green Home, 161
Local Development Initiative, 67 Sushak Citizens Club, 110 NGO Natura, 158
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Production of Organic Food, 159
New Hopes Democratic Centre, 88
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 OF MACEDONIA Argument Politics Research Centre, 197
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Citizens’ Committee for Development, Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201
Peace Trees NGO, 89 Probistip, 136 Association of Farmers ‘Stara Planina’
Triton Fojnica Association, 71 Eco Action, 143 Pirot, 197
Troya Tourism Development and Eco Awareness Citizen Association of Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic,
Environment Protection Association, 83 Environmental Protection, 135 191

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 247

Association of Young Researchers Bor, KOSOVO (territory under interim Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
183 UN administration) Ecologists for the Region, 40
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216 Egnatia Association, 42
Bent River Drina, 189 ‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217 Environment - Education – Health, 41
Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174 Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental Environment in Community Association,
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 Protection Association), 220 43
Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Association of Independent Intellectuals, Environmental and Social Protection and
Development, 182 216 Development ‘Iliria’, 49
Centre for Regional Development and Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Environmental Association (Alpin),
European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176 Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Tropoje, 53
Civil Ecology Action - Thales, 177 Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219 Environmental Association Morava,
Council for Monitoring, Human Rights Ekovision, 221 Korce, 39
and Anti-corruption - Transparency, 200 Environmental Association, 223 For Progress and Civilization, 50
Danube Environmental Forum Serbia, 177 Environmentally Responsible Action Forest Progress NGO, 49
Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, Group, 220 Forest and Pasture Users Association of
203 Environmental Protection Initiative Kruma Municipality, 40
Eco Echo, 191 ‘Nature’, 222 Green 2000, 53
Eco-Park, 187 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 Health and Environment Association, 50
ECOplan Civilian Association for Future Vision Youth Association, 219 The Institute for Justice and Domestic
Environmental Planning, 178 Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy, Affairs, 51
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable 226 National Association of Cooperatives of
Development and Protection of the Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 226 Albania, 52
Environment, 178 Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216 National Centre Environmental
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco- Organic Agriculture Association of Movement, 52
logy and Sustainable Development, 178 Kosovo, 222 Nature Protection and Environment
Environment Engineering Group, 194 Rinia Youth Centre, 218 Administration - Adriatiku, 54
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Vision Towards the Future, 223 Organic Agriculture Association, 52
Environmentalist, 194 Protection and Preservation of Natural
Environment Shkoder, 44
The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for
Protection of Environment, 40
Sustainable Development), 192 Environmental policy
Friends of Brodarevo NGO, 183
Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection ALBANIA AOC Tolerance vs Difference, 70
Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192 Albanian Centre for Sustainable Association for Protection of Cultural,
Herballand, 196 Development, 45 Historical and Natural Values, 72
Ibar Development Association, 187 Albanian Centre for Environmental Association for the Protection of Nature,
Studies and Development, 45 Rivers and Environment, 79
Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo,
Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46 Association for Theory and Practice of
Albanian Ecological Association, 42 Marketing, 66
InterLink-Balkan, 200
Albanian Ecological Club, Kruje, 39 Association ‘Homeland Spring’, 75
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube -
River of Cooperation’, 179 Albanian Regional Environmental Board, Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics
44 in Sarajevo, 79
Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
Association for Development of Environ- Association of Producers and Users of
Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184
mental Policies — G & G Group, 46 Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Mushroom Gatherers Association of Jajce, 73
Association for Investment and
Valjevo, 201
Communal Forest and Pastures, Permet, The Association of Pupils, Parents and
Natura Natural Resources Centre, 43 Teachers from Glamoč, 72
Valjevo, 202
Association of Forest and Pasture Users, BH Solidarity Citizens Association, 86
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Kukur, 37 Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75
Municipality, 186
Association of Natural Landscape Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Raškin Sliv Ecological Association, 193 Protection in Albania, 38 Development, 79
Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199 Awareness for Progress, 47 Centre for Environment, 66
Roots - Loznica, 189 Care, 40 Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture,
Students Union of the University of Novi Centre of Study and Consulting in Kladanj, 74
Sad, 195 Sustainable Use and Management of Democratic Youth Movement, 79
Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199 Natural Resources, 47 Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Coordinating Centre of the Permet local Canton, 86
Ecological Awareness, 181 NGO, 43 Eco-Green Environmental Association,
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181 Ecological Club, 42 Srebrenik, 83

248 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 CROATIA FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC

Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Association for Environmental Protection - OF MACEDONIA
Karlovac, 104 Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
Ecological Association of Citizens
Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos / Country Technique / Kicevo, 133
Kalesija, 73
Affected Persons, 113 Biosfera Centre for Education,
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK Environment and Nature Protection, 132
Rustica - Organization for Protection and
Zenica, 90 Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134
Development of Biological Diversity and
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 Rural Heritage, 118 Citizens’ Committee for Development,
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation, Probistip, 136
Blue World - Institute for Marine Research
72 and Conservation, 112 Eco Action, 143
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Eco Awareness Citizen Association of
87 Environmental Protection, 135
Croatian War Veterans Association of the
Eco Mission Environmental Society,
Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- City of Split, 111
Skopje, 137
Varos, 77 The Dolphin Dream Society, 115
Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association,
Eko Viking Association for Protection of Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, 136
Rivers, River Beds and Extreme Sports, 89 111 The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić, Ecological Society of Brod, 111 140
84 Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming EKO Ecological Association, 141
‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and and Environment Protection, 114 Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Improvement of Environment, Nature and Eleonora - Society for Protection of Communication, 137
Health, 80 Nature and Environment, 116 Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy
Franjo Koscec - Society for Human Food Negotino, 135
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
Environment Protection and Environment and Sustainable Economic
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Development, 138
Improvement, 112
Sustainable Development and Quality of Environment Association Desat Debar,
Association of Friends of Historical,
Life, 81 133
Cultural and Natural Inheritance Pagania
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Bacina, 107 Environmental Association Planetum
Forum of Non-governmental organisa- Green Action, 116 Strumica, 142
tions, 75 Green Action Micevec, 112 Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
Futura Plus NGO, 84 Florozon NGO - Association for
Green Istria, 108
Protection of Natural Environment and
Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113 Sustainable Economic Development, 138
Green Eco Movement, Ključ, 74 Harmonious Alternative Association, 112 Forum of Young Ecologists of Macedonia,
Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85 Homeland Ecological Society, 119 138
Humanitas Centre for Development of Institute for Sustainable Development, Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological
104 Development, Tetovo, 143
Education and Business, 70
The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group - Izvor Association for Protection of the
Local Development Initiative, 67
Association for Wildlife Research and Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Human Health of Kratovo, 134
Protection, 117
New Hopes Democratic Centre, 88 Motovun Eco-town, 105 Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
NGO Krajina, 67 Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency,
Nature and Society - Organisation for
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural
Values, 102 Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138
Peace Trees NGO, 89
Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful Milieukontakt International - Local Office
Triton Fojnica Association, 71 Macedonia, 139
Homeland’, 117
Troya Tourism Development and Municipal Ecological Organisation
NGO Metkovic Healthy City, 105
Environment Protection Association, 83 Enhalon Struga, 142
NGO Society Sovinjak, 102
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142
Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102 NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134
West Herzegovina Association for
ODRAZ - Sustainable Community ORT Training for Sustainable
Protection of Environment and Cultural
Development, 117 Development, 140
and Historical Heritage, 72
Osijek Greens, 107 Prilep Centre for Children and Youth, 136
Wigwam Association of Friends of
Society of Food Technologists, Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140
Cultural and Natural Values, 82
Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, 119 Regional Centre for Democracy -
Youth Association for Scientific Research Sushak Citizens Club, 110 Medijator, 133
of Republica Srpska, 68
Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov, Veles, 144
Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Nature and Cultural Heritage of the Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ Lower Neretva River, 106 Vila Zora Environmental Association,
Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Veles, 144

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 249

MONTENEGRO The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for Environmental Protection Initiative
Eco Centre Dolphin, 158 Sustainable Development), 192 ‘Nature’, 222
Environmental Consultancy of Forum for the Roma Initiative, 189 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220
Montenegro, 159 Green Key, 192 Freedom-I, 218
Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in Green Obrenovac, 196 Future Vision Youth Association, 219
Society, 160 Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy,
Foundation for the Development of Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192 222
Northern Montenegro, 160 Herballand, 196 Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222
Most Development, Cultural and Ibar Development Association, 187 Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help
Information Centre, 161 Ecological Businesses, 221
Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo,
NGO Natura, 158 188 NGO Berevice, 223
Production of Organic Food, 159 InterLink-Balkan, 200 Organic Agriculture Association of
Kosovo, 222
Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
Rinia Youth Centre, 218
SERBIA Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184
Vision Towards the Future, 223
Argument Politics Research Centre, 197 Mushroom Gatherers Association of
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201 Valjevo, 202
Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic, Natura Natural Resources Centre,
191 Valjevo, 201 Forestry
Association of Young Researchers Bor, NGO Antares Association for Holistic ALBANIA
183 Health Care, 187 AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac ALBAFOREST, 45
Bent River Drina, 189 Municipality, 186 Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 Organisation Pro Vitae - For Life, 199 Development, 45
Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Požega Forum of Civic Action, 197 Albanian Association for Environment
Development, 182 Prozor Srbobran Centre for Youth Education, 44
Centre for Human Resources, 182 Creativity, 198 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
Centre for Regional Cooperation and Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199 Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Development, 188 Roots - Loznica, 189 Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39
Centre for Regional Development and Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176 44
Serbian Green Youth, 180
Centre for Social Initiative, 198 Association for the Cultivation of
Civil Ecology Action - Thales, 177 Medicinal Plants, 38
Students Union of the University of Novi
Civil Movement for Environmental Association for Investment and
Sad, 195
Protection, 193 Communal Forest and Pastures, Permet, 43
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174 Association for Protection of Natural
Danube Environmental Forum Serbia, 177
Union of Ecologists, 181 Resources, 47
Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Forest for People Association, 37
Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, Ecological Awareness, 181 Association of Forest and Pasture Users, 38
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181 Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
Drina Youth Centre, 174
Zlatibor Circle, 184 Prespa, 39
Eco Echo, 191
Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
Ecological Association for the Cleaner Kukur, 37
Town, 192 KOSOVO (territory under interim
Awareness for Progress, 47
UN administration)
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Care, 40
Sad, 193 Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216
Centre of Study and Consulting in
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 ‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217
Sustainable Use and Management of
Ecological Movement SCG OO Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental Natural Resources, 47
‘Moravski Orašak’ Trstenik, 200 Protection Association), 220
Coordinating Centre of the Permet local
Ecological Society Čačak, 184 Association of Independent Intellectuals, NGO, 43
Ecology and Sustainable Development, 216 Ecological Club, 42
178 Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177 Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Ecologists for the Region, 40
Eco-Park, 187 Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Ecomovement Group, 48
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219 Egnatia Association, 42
EKOpolis, 191 Ekovision, 221 Environment - Education – Health, 41
Environment Engineering Group, 194 Environmental Association, 223 Environment in Community Association, 43
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Environmentally Responsible Action Environmental and Social Protection and
Environmentalist, 194 Group, 220 Development ‘Iliria’, 49

250 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Environmental Association (Alpin), Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ Most Development, Cultural and
Tropoje, 53 Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Information Centre, 161
Environmental Association Morava, NGO Natura, 158
Korce, 39
For Progress and Civilization, 50
Angels Without Wings, 115 SERBIA
Forest Progress NGO, 49
Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Association of Household Heads Valjevo,
Forestry Progress Kukes, 41 201
Forest and Pasture Users Association of Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
111 Avalon Environmental Association, 203
Kruma Municipality, 40
Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation, Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174
Green 2000, 53
105 Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184
Health and Environment Association, 50
Green Action, 116 Centre for Civil Activities, 196
Himariote League, 50
Harmonious Alternative Association, 112 Centre for Ecology and Sustainable
InfoVlora Agency, 54
Development, 182
The Institute for Justice and Domestic Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Centre for Regional Development and
Affairs, 51 Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful
European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176
Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness Homeland’, 117
Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
Management, 51 The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
Ecological Association for the Cleaner
Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic Association for Wildlife Research and
Town, 192
Environment, 51 Protection, 117
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Media Association, 36 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102 Sad, 193
National Association of Cooperatives of ZOE - Centre for Sustainable Development Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194
Albania, 52 of Rural Communities, 119
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
National Centre Environmental
Movement, 52 EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC Development and Protection of the
Nature Protection and Environment
OF MACEDONIA Environment, 178
Administration - Adriatiku, 54
Citizens’ Committee for Development, Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco-
Protection and Preservation of Natural
Probistip, 136 logy and Sustainable Development, 178
Environment Shkoder, 44
Eco Awareness Citizen Association of EKOpolis, 191
Protection of Environment, 40
Environmental Protection, 135 International Scientific Forum ‘Danube -
Transborder Wildlife, 39
Eco Mission Environmental Society, River of Cooperation’, 179
Skopje, 137 Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Mushroom Gatherers Association of
Ecological Group Green Power, Veles, 144
The Association of Pupils, Parents and Valjevo, 201
Teachers from Glamoč, 72 The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac
DRIN-tim Ecological Association, 88 Municipality, 186
Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla Society for Medicinal Herbs Research
Canton, 86 Communication, 137
Valjevo, 202
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
Stara Planina Association for Environment
Ecological Association of Citizens Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association, Protection, 196
Kalesija, 73 136 Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 ‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić, Movement for the Environment Molika, Ecological Awareness, 181
84 132 Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Municipal Ecological Organisation Drina Youth Centre, 174
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Enhalon Struga, 142
Sustainable Development and Quality of Pelagonija Environmental Association -
Life, 81 KOSOVO (territory under interim
Bitola Society of Environmental Engineers,
UN administration)
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 140
Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Zletovica Ecological Association,
‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Probistip, 136
Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental
Peace Trees NGO, 89
Protection Association), 220
West Herzegovina Association for
MONTENEGRO ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220
Protection of Environment and Cultural
and Historical Heritage, 72 Eco Centre Dolphin, 158 Association of Independent Intellectuals,
Environmental Consultancy of 216
Wigwam Association of Friends of
Cultural and Natural Values, 82 Montenegro, 159 Blue Life Environmental Association, 217
Youth Association for Scientific Research Foundation for the Development of Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219
of Republica Srpska, 68 Northern Montenegro, 160 Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160 Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 251
I N D E X I I : F O R E S T RY  G E N E T I C A L LY M O D I F I E D O RG A N I S M / B I O T E C H N O LO G Y 

Ekovision, 221 West Herzegovina Association for Sanitary Ecological Society, 180
Environmental Association, 223 Protection of Environment and Cultural Serbian Green Youth, 180
Environmentally Responsible Action and Historical Heritage, 72
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Group, 220 ‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 CROATIA Ecological Awareness, 181
Future Vision Youth Association, 219 Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107
KOSOVO (territory under interim
Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216 Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, UN administration)
Multiethnic Organisation for Help 111
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219
Business Ecology, 221 Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
and Environment Protection, 114 Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
Renewal of agriculture, 224
Rinia Youth Centre, 218 Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation, Ekovision, 221
Vision Towards the Future, 223 105 Environmental Association, 223
Green Action, 116 Organic Agriculture Association of
Green Network of Activist Groups, 113 Kosovo, 222
Genetically modified Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful
Homeland’, 117
organism/biotechnology Osijek Greens, 107 Globalisation and
Society of Food Technologists,
Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, 119
international policy
Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Development, 45 Zmergo Eco Group, 106 ALBANIA
Albanian Centre for Environmental Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Studies and Development, 45 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC Development, 45
Albanian Ecological Association, 42 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
Albanian Environmental League, 53 Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
Ecologists for the Region, 40 44
Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Ecomovement Group, 48 Communication, 137 Egnatia Association, 42
Environment in Community Association, 43 Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134 Environment - Education – Health, 41
Environmental Association (Alpin), Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti Environmental Association Morava,
Tropoje, 53 Nikole, 143 Korce, 39
Environmental Association Morava, Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association, Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness
Korce, 39 136 Management, 51
Health and Environment Association, 50 Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 Protection and Preservation of Natural
Institute of Nature Conservation in Milieukontakt International - Local Office Environment Shkoder, 44
Albania, 51 Macedonia, 139
National Association of Cooperatives of Movement for the Environment Molika,
Albania, 52 132
Vila Zora Environmental Association, Association for the Protection of Nature,
National Centre Environmental
Veles, 144 Rivers and Environment, 79
Movement, 52
Nature Protection and Environment Association of Producers and Users of
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
SERBIA Jajce, 73
Organic Agriculture Association, 52 Avalon Environmental Association, 203
Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Development, 79
Centre for Environment, 66
Association for the Protection of Nature, Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185
Democratic Youth Movement, 79
Rivers and Environment, 79 Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77
Association of Producers and Users of EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Development and Protection of the Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation,
Jajce, 73 Environment, 178 72
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation, EKOpolis, 191 Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
72 Environment Engineering Group, 194 International Forum Bosnia Regional
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Green Network of Vojvodina, 195 Centre of Mostar, 76
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188 International Forum Bosnia Banjaluka
Sustainable Development and Quality of NGO Antares Association for Holistic Regional Centre, 66
Life, 81 Health Care, 187 West Herzegovina Association for
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Protection of Environment and Cultural
82 Municipality, 186 and Historical Heritage, 72

252 N G O D I R E C T O R Y
I N D E X I I : G E N E T I C A L LY M O D I F I E D O RG A N I S M / B I O T E C H N O LO G Y 

CROATIA Students Union of the University of Novi Ecomovement Group, 48

Angels Without Wings, 115 Sad, 195 Egnatia Association, 42
Rustica - Organization for Protection and ‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Environment - Education – Health, 41
Development of Biological Diversity and Ecological Awareness, 181
Environment in Community Association, 43
Rural Heritage, 118 Environmental and Social Protection and
Cazma Ecological Association, 103 KOSOVO (territory under interim Development ‘Iliria’, 49
Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, UN administration) Environmental Association (Alpin),
111 Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Tropoje, 53
Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation, Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Environmental Association Morava,
105 Environment Association, 223 Korce, 39
Green Action, 116 Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy, Environmental Women’s Association, 49
Green Network of Activist Groups, 113 222 For Progress and Civilization, 50
The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group - Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help Forest Progress NGO, 49
Association for Wildlife Research and Ecological Businesses, 221 Forestry Progress Kukes, 41
Protection, 117 Forest and Pasture Users Association of
Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful Kruma Municipality, 40
Homeland’, 117 Nature protection Green 2000, 53
Osijek Greens, 107 Health and Environment Association, 50
Rustica - Organisation for Protection and Himariote League, 50
AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44
Development of Biological Diversity and
ALBAFOREST, 45 InfoVlora Agency, 54
Rural Heritage, 118
Albanian Centre for Sustainable The Institute for Justice and Domestic
Volunteer Centre Zagreb, 119
Development, 45 Affairs, 51
Zmergo Eco Group, 106
Albania, Macedonia People Institute of Nature Conservation in
Empowerment Program, 38 Albania, 52
FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC Albanian Association for Environment Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic
OF MACEDONIA Education, 44 Environment, 51
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Albanian Centre for Environmental Media Association, 36
Communication, 137 Studies and Development, 45 National Association of Cooperatives of
Interactive Education And Resource Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46 Albania, 49
Network, 132 Albanian Ecological Association, 42 National Centre Environmental
Metamorphosis Foundation, 139 Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39 Movement, 52
Movement for the Environment Molika, Albanian Environmental League, 53 Nature Protection and Environment
132 Administration - Adriatiku, 54
Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 44 Protection and Preservation of Natural
Environment Shkoder, 44
Association for Development of Environ-
mental Policies — G & G Group, 46 Protection of Environment, 40
Association for Investment and Transborder Wildlife, 39
Agro Business Centre for Development
Belgrade, 175 Communal Forest and Pastures, Permet,
Argument Politics Research Centre, 197
Association for Protection of Natural AOC Tolerance vs Difference, 70
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Resources, 47
Centre for Ecology and Sustainable zAssociation for Development,
Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
Development, 182 Improvement and Promotion of
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and
Centre for Regional Development and Association of Forest and Pasture Users, Environment Protection, 86
European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176 Prespa, 39
Association for Healthy Living and Mind
Civil Movement for Environmental Association of Natural Landscape Ecology, Shamac, 83
Protection, 193 Protection in Albania, 38
Association for Protection of Cultural,
Ecological Association for the Cleaner Awareness for Progress, 47 Historical and Natural Values, 72
Town, 192 Care, 40 Association for the Protection of Nature,
Eco-Park, 187 Centre of Study and Consulting in Rivers and Environment, 79
Environment Engineering Group, 194 Sustainable Use and Management of Association ‘Homeland Spring’, 75
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Natural Resources, 47
Association of Displaced and Expelled
InterLink-Balkan, 200 Children First Foundation, 47 Citizens, Refugees and Returnees, 84
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube - Coordinating Centre of the Permet local Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics
River of Cooperation’, 179 NGO, 43 in Sarajevo, 79
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Ecological Club, 42 Association of Producers and Users of
Municipality, 186 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Serbian Green Youth, 180 Ecologists for the Region, 40 Jajce, 73

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 253

The Association of Pupils, Parents and ‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association, Croatian Mountaineering Society -
Teachers from Glamoč, 72 Department for Ecology and Department Dubrovnik, 103
Banovići Association of Engineers, 68 for Activities with Youth and Children, 78 The Dolphin Dream Society, 115
BH Solidarity Citizens Association, 86 NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Dubrovnik Diving Club, 103
Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 NGO Buna, 76 Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Centre for Environmentally Sustainable Natura BH, Association for Promotion, 111
Development, 79 Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research
Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 and Educational Centre for Nature
Centre for Environment, 66
New Hopes Democratic Centre, 88 Protection, 109
Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture,
Kladanj, 74 NGO DRINA - SKELANI, 83 Ecological Society of Brod, 111
Contact Plus Association, 90 NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Ecological Society Zumberak, 116
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Eco-organisation Argonauta, 106
DRIN-tim Ecological Association, 88
Peace Trees NGO, 89 Eco-organisation ‘Twister’ Bacina, 108
Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
Canton, 86 Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
Ponir Banja Luka Speleology Association, and Environment Protection, 114
Eco-Green Environmental Association,
Srebrenik, 83 68 Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation,
The Sehara Association of Citizens, 71 105
Eco-green Upper Tuzla, 87
The Southern Blue Sky, 85 Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76
Nature and Environment, 116
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69
Fountain Ecological Syndicate, 106
Ecological Association of Citizens Triton Fojnica Association, 71
Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Kalesija, 73 Troya Tourism Development and
Environment Protection and
Ecological Coalition of the Una River Environment Protection Association, 83
Improvement, 112
Basin, 68 Turbe Youth Centre, 85
Friends of Historical, Cultural and Natural
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 Inheritance Association PAGANIA BACI-
Zenica, 90 West Herzegovina Association for NA, 107
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 Protection of Environment and Cultural Green Action, 116
ECON Foundation Economic and Historical Heritage, 72 Green Action Micevec, 112
Cooperation Network, 80 Wigwam Association of Friends of Green Istria, 108
Eco-San Association for Protection and Cultural and Natural Values, 82
Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
Improvement of Environment, 80 Youth Association for Scientific Research
Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, 87 of Republica Srpska, 68
Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77
Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Varos, 77 ‘Youth House’ Humanitarian
Organisation Sanski Most, 78 Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
Eko Viking Association for Protection of
Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ Larus - Association for Sustainable
Rivers, River Beds and Extreme Sports, 89
Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Development and Protection of Seas and
Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić, Coasts, 108
Mala Rava - Association of Olive
‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and CROATIA Growers, 109
Improvement of Environment, Nature and Acorn Ecological Association, 120 Martinscak - Croatian Association of
Health, 80 Mountaineers, Karlovac, 104
Angels Without Wings, 115
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Arteria - Association of Youth, 103 The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Association for Environmental Protection - Association for Wildlife Research and
Sustainable Development and Quality of Karlovac, 104 Protection, 117
Life, 81 Mornar Underwater Research Club, 111
Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Affected Persons, 113 Motovun Eco-town, 105
Forum of Non-governmental organisa- Rustica - Organization for Protection and Nature and Society - Organisation for
tions, 75 Development of Biological Diversity and Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural
Foundation of Local Democracy, 81 Rural Heritage, 118 Values, 102
Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77 Blue World - Institute for Marine Research Nature Centre - Old Drencina, 110
Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology and Conservation, 112 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Association, Derventa, 70 Caving Club Samobor, 110 Homeland’, Ploce, 108
Green Eco Movement, Ključ, 74 Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107 Homeland’, 117
Humanitas Centre for Development of Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA, Nature Society ‘Drava’, 113
Education and Business, 70 115 NGO Metkovic Healthy City, 105
Kremenik Environmental Association, Croatian Meteorological Society, 115 NGO Society Sovinjak, 102
Vitez, 89 Croatian War Veterans Association of the Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102
Local Development Initiative, 67 City of Split, 111 Osijek Greens, 107

254 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Scout Association Savski Gaj, 118 Macedonian Mountaineering Sport Balkan Music Centre NGO, 175
Society for Sustainable Development Federation, 139 Barosevac Ecological Association, 189
Design, 118 Movement for the Environment Molika, Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176
Sushak Citizens Club, 110 132
Bent River Drina, 189
Virovitica Ecological Society, 113 Municipal Ecological Organisation
Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174
Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the Enhalon Struga, 142
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184
Nature and Cultural Heritage of the The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142
Carbirod Mountaineering Association, 185
Lower Neretva River, 106 NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134
Centre for Human Resources, 182
Youth Association Collective in Metkovic, ORT Training for Sustainable
105 Development, 140 Centre for Modern Education, 201
Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Pelagonija Environmental Association - Centre for Regional Cooperation and
Bitola Prilep Centre for Children and Development, 188
ZOE - Centre for Sustainable
Development of Rural Communities, 119 Youth, 136 Centre for Regional Development and
Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov, Veles, 144 European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 Centre for Social Initiative, 198
South Garden, 137 Civil Movement for Environmental
Vila Zora Environmental Association, Protection, 193
Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
Veles, 144 Danube Environmental Forum Serbia, 177
/ Country Technique / Kicevo, 133
Zletovica Ecological Association, Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
Biosfera Centre for Education,
Environment and Nature Protection, 132 Probistip, 136 Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, 203
Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134 Eco Echo, 191
Citizens’ Committee for Development, MONTENEGRO Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
Probistip, 136 Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal Eco-Camp, 190
Eco Action, 143 Engineering and Consulting, 158 Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity
Eco Awareness Citizen Association of Centre for the Protection and Research of Conservation and Sustainable
Environmental Protection, 135 Birds of Montenegro, 159 Development, 177
Eco Mission Environmental Society, Eco Centre Dolphin, 158 Ecological Association for the Cleaner
Skopje, 137 Environmental Consultancy of Town, 192
The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia, Montenegro, 159 Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
140 Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in for the Sake of a Ball, 186
Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association, Society, 160 Ecological Movement Bajina Bašta, 175
136 Foundation for the Development of Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185
EKO Ecological Association, 141 Northern Montenegro, 160 Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Green Forest Society, 160 Sad, 193
Communication, 137 The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160 Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194
Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy Most Development, Cultural and Ecological Society Čačak, 184
Food Negotino, 135 Information Centre, 161 Ecologocal Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, 183
Environment and Sustainable Economic NGO Green Home, 161 Eco-Park, 187
Development, 138 NGO Natura, 158 ECOplan Civilian Association for
Environment Association Desat Debar, 133 Production of Organic Food, 159 Environmental Planning, 178
Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134 The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160 EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Florozon NGO - Association for Development and Protection of the
Protection of Natural Environment and Environment, 178
Sustainable Economic Development, 138 SERBIA
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco-
Halca Al Brova Association of Vlahs, Agro Business Centre for Development
logy and Sustainable Development, 178
Kumanovo, 135 Belgrade, 175
EKOpolis, 191
Horizonti Society for Citizens’ Initiation, Advanced Research Association, 200
Environment Engineering Group, 194
145 Agronomic Centre, 197
Environmental Ambassadors, 179
Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201
Development, Tetovo, 143 Environmentalist, 194
Association for Rational Use of
Interactive Education And Resource Renewable Energy Sources, 175 The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for
Network, 132 Sustainable Development), 192
Association of Farmers ‘Stara Planina’
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti Pirot, 197 Friends of Brodarevo NGO, 183
Nikole, 143 Association of Household Heads Valjevo, Friends of Children, New Belgrade, 182
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143 201 ‘Green Island’ Eco-Movement, 182
Krste Jon Scout Group, Struga, 141 Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic, Green Key, 192
Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, 191 Green Obrenovac, 196
138 Association of Young Researchers Bor, 183 Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection
Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 255

Herballand, 196 Environment and Democracy, 221 Environmental and Social Protection and
Ibar Development Association, 187 Environmental Association, 223 Development ‘Iliria’, 49
Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo, 188 Environmentally Responsible Action Environmental Association (Alpin),
Group, 220 Tropoje, 53
Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
Environmental Protection Initiative Environmental Association Morava,
K-Town Group, 186
‘Nature’, 222 Korce, 39
Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184
Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 For Progress and Civilization, 50
Mushroom Gatherers Association of
Freedom-I, 218 Forest Progress NGO, 49
Valjevo, 201
Future Vision Youth Association, 219 Green 2000, 53
Natura Natural Resources Centre,
Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216 Health and Environment Association, 50
Valjevo, 201
Kosova Women’s Initiative, 217 Himariote League, 50
NGO Antares Association for Holistic
Health Care, 187 Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222 The Institute for Justice and Domestic
Affairs, 51
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Life Quality, 216
Municipality, 186 Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness
Organic Agriculture Association of
Management, 51
NGO Natura Balkanika, 185 Kosovo, 222
Media Association, 36
Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187 Rinia Youth Centre, 218
National Association of Cooperatives of
Organisation Pro Vitae - For Life, 199 Vision Towards the Future, 223 Albania, 52
Recan Fund for Recovery and Recycling National Centre Environmental
of Beverage Cans, 179 Movement, 52
Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199 Rural development Nature Protection and Environment
Roots - Loznica, 189 Administration - Adriatiku, 54
Serbian Green Youth, 180 Organic Agriculture Association, 52
AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44
Society for Medicinal Herbs Research Transborder Wildlife, 39
AKS, 41
Valjevo, 202 Vlora Region Local Economic
Albania, Macedonia People
SPARK-LOZNICA, 190 Development Agency, 54
Empowerment Program, 38
Stara Planina Association for Environment
Albanian Association for Environment
Protection, 196
Students Union of the University of Novi
Albanian Centre for Sustainable Association for Business and Agriculture
Sad, 195
Development, 45 Usora, 88
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46 Association for Development,
Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199 Improvement and Promotion of
Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Turija Ecological Association, 202 Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and
Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39
Vladimir Mandić Manda Research Environment Protection, 86
Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
Society, 202 Association for the Protection of Nature,
Vreoci Ecological Association, 189 Rivers and Environment, 79
Association for Cooperation and
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Association ‘Homeland Spring’, 75
Development, Diber Region, 43
Ecological Awareness, 181 Association of Displaced and Expelled
Association for the Cultivation of
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181 Citizens, Refugees and Returnees, 84
Medicinal Plants, 38
Drina Youth Centre, 174 Association of Producers and Users of
Association for Development of Environ-
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Youth Club Morović, 190 mental Policies — G & G Group, 46
Jajce, 73
Zero Waste Serbia, 182 Association for Investment and
The Association of Pupils, Parents and
Zlatibor Circle, 184 Communal Forest and Pastures, Permet, 43
Teachers from Glamoč, 72
Association for Protection of Natural
Banovići Association of Engineers, 68
Resources, 47
KOSOVO (territory under interim Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75
Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
UN administration) Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture,
Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216 Kladanj, 74
Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217 Kukur, 37 Contact Plus Association, 90
Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental Care, 40 DRIN-tim Ecological Association, 88
Protection Association), 220 Children First Foundation, 47 Eco-green Upper Tuzla, 87
ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220 Coordinating Centre of the Permet local Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76
Association of Independent Intellectuals, NGO, 43 Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66
216 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Ecologists for the Region, 40 Zenica, 90
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Ecomovement Group, 48 Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Egnatia Association, 42 ECON Foundation Economic
Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219 Environment - Education – Health, 41 Cooperation Network, 80
Ekovision, 221 Environment in Community Association, 43 Environmental Association Ekologika, 69

256 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Centre for Sustainable Development - Eco Action, 143
Sustainable Development and Quality of Pernat Ecopark, 109 Eco Awareness Citizen Association of
Life, 81 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107 Environmental Protection, 135
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 The Dolphin Dream Society, 115 Eco Mission Environmental Society,
Forum of Non-governmental organisa- Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, Skopje, 137
tions, 75 111 The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
Foundation of Local Democracy, 81 Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research 140
Futura Plus NGO, 84 and Educational Centre for Nature Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association,
Protection, 109 136
Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77
Ecological Society of Brod, 111 Ecological Group Green Power, Veles, 144
Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology
Association, Derventa, 70 Eleonora - Society for Protection of EKO Ecological Association, 141
Humanitas Centre for Development of Nature and Environment, 116 Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Education and Business, 70 Europe House Vukovar, 114 Communication, 137
Association of Friends of Historical, Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy
Korak Kozarska Dubica NGO, 74
Cultural and Natural Inheritance Food Negotino, 135
Kremenik Environmental Association,
Association PAGANIA BACINA, 107 Environment and Sustainable Economic
Vitez, 89
Green Action Micevec, 112 Development, 138
Local Development Initiative, 67
Green Network of Activist Groups, 112 Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association,
Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107 Florozon NGO - Association for
Department for Ecology and Department
Protection of Natural Environment and
for Activities with Youth and Children, 78 Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
Sustainable Economic Development, 138
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Horizonti Society for Citizens’ Initiation, 145
Natura BH, Association for Promotion, Institute for Sustainable Development, 104
Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological
Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104 Development, Tetovo, 143
Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 Living Earth - Association for Eco-agricul- Interactive Education And Resource
NGO DRINA - SKELANI, 83 ture, Rural Development and Network, 132
NGO Krajina, 67 Environmental Protection, 116 Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Mala Rava - Association of Olive Nikole, 143
Growers, 109 Izvor Association for Protection of the
Peace Trees NGO, 89
The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group - Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and
Perspective Association of Explorers, 87
Association for Wildlife Research and Human Health of Kratovo, 134
Ponir Banja Luka Speleology Association, Protection, 117
68 Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
Nature Centre - Old Drencina, 110 LED-IT Foundation for Information
Rotor Organisation for Development of
Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful Technology and Local Economic
Tourism in Doboj Region, 71
Homeland’, 117 Development, Stip, 141
Triton Fojnica Association, 71
NGO Society Sovinjak, 102 Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138
Turbe Youth Centre, 85
Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102 Movement for the Environment Molika,
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 132
ODRAZ - Sustainable Community
West Herzegovina Association for Development, 117 The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142
Protection of Environment and Cultural
Volunteer Centre Zagreb, 119 NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134
and Historical Heritage, 72
Vukovar Eco-cultural Union, 114 ORT Training for Sustainable
Wigwam Association of Friends of Development, 140
Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the
Cultural and Natural Values, 82
Nature and Cultural Heritage of the Pelagonija Environmental Association -
Youth Association for Scientific Research Bitola Permaculture and Peacebuilding
Lower Neretva River, 106
of Republica Srpska, 68 Centre, 132
Youth Association Collective in Metkovic,
Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 105 Regional Centre for Democracy -
Youth Network Kakanj, 73 Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Medijator, 133
Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ ZOE - Centre for Sustainable Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov, Veles, 144
Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Development of Rural Communities, 119 Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
South Garden, 137
Acorn Ecological Association, 120 OF MACEDONIA MONTENEGRO
Angels Without Wings, 115 Alliance of Technical Culture Associations Bonum NGO, 159
Arteria - Association of Youth, 103 / Country Technique / Kicevo, 133 Foundation for the Development of
Baranja - Association for Peace and Biosfera Centre for Education, Northern Montenegro, 160
Human Rights, 102 Environment and Nature Protection, 132 Most Development, Cultural and
Rustica - Organization for Protection and Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134 Information Centre, 161
Development of Biological Diversity and Citizens’ Committee for Development, NGO Natura, 158
Rural Heritage, 118 Probistip, 136 Production of Organic Food, 159

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 257

SERBIA Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188 Albanian Centre for Sustainable

Agro Business Centre for Development Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184 Development, 45
Belgrade, 175 Mushroom Gatherers Association of Albanian Centre for Environmental
Advanced Research Association, 200 Valjevo, 201 Studies and Development, 45
Agronomic Centre, 197 Natura Natural Resources Centre, Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
Valjevo, 202 Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Argument Politics Research Centre, 197
NGO Group 022, 198 Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 200
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
Association of Farmers ‘Stara Planina’
Municipality, 188 44
Pirot, 197
NGO Natura Balkanika, 185 Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre, 46
Association of Household Heads Valjevo,
Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187 Association for Cooperation and
Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199 Development, Diber Region, 43
Association of Young Researchers Bor, 183
Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 Association for the Cultivation of
Avalon Environmental Association, 203
Society for Medicinal Herbs Research Medicinal Plants, 38
Barosevac Ecological Association, 189
Valjevo, 202 Association for Development of Environ-
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 SPARK-LOZNICA, 190 mental Policies — G & G Group, 46
Carbirod Mountaineering Association, 185 Stara Planina Association for Environment Association for Protection of Natural
Centre for High Quality Education, 176 Protection, 196 Resources, 47
Centre for Human Resources, 182 Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174 Association of Conservation and
Centre for Modern Education, 201 Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199 Development of Natural Environment -
Nat, 36
Centre for Rural Development, 193 Vreoci Ecological Association, 189
Association of Natural Landscape
Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185 Youth Club Morović, 190
Protection in Albania, 38
Eco-Camp, 190
Awareness for Progress, 47
Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity KOSOVO (territory under interim Children First Foundation, 47
Conservation and Sustainable UN administration)
Co-Plan Institute for Habitat
Development, 177 Agency for Rural Cleaning, 217 Development, 48
Ecological Association for the Cleaner ‘Agimi-Isniq’, 216 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Town, 192
Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental Ecologists for the Region, 40
Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185 Protection Association), 220
Ecomovement Group, 48
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Association of Independent Intellectuals,
Sad, 193 EDEN Center (Environmental Center for
Development, Education and
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Networking), 48
Ecological Movement SCG OO Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Egnatia Association, 42
‘Moravski Orašak’ Trstenik, 200 Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219 Environment - Education – Health, 41
ECOplan Civilian Association for Ekovision, 221 Environment in Community Association, 43
Environmental Planning, 178 Environmental Association, 223 Environmental and Social Protection and
EKO Stepojevac Ecological Civilians Environmentally Responsible Action Development ‘Iliria’, 49
Union, 199 Group, 219
Environmental Association (Alpin),
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177 Environmental Protection Initiative Tropoje, 53
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable ‘Nature’, 222
Environmental Association Morava,
Development and Protection of the Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 Korce, 39
Environment, 178 Freedom-I, 218 For a Healthy Albania, 36
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco- Future Vision Youth Association, 219 For Progress and Civilization, 50
logy and Sustainable Development, 178
Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216 Forest Progress NGO, 49
EKOpolis, 191 Life Quality, 216 Green 2000, 53
Environment Engineering Group, 194 Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help Health and Environment Association, 50
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Ecological Businesses, 221
Himariote League, 50
Environmental Society for Local Organic Agriculture Association of
InfoVlora Agency, 54
Sustainable Development, 188 Kosovo, 222
The Institute for Justice and Domestic
Green Key, 192 Renewal of agriculture, 224
Affairs, 51
Green Network of Vojvodina, 195 Rinia Youth Centre, 218
Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness
Green Obrenovac, 196 Society for Society, 224
Management, 51
Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Vision Towards the Future, 223
Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic
Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192 Environment, 51
Ibar Development Association, 187 National Association of Cooperatives of
InterLink-Balkan, 200
Sustainable development Albania, 52
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube - ALBANIA National Centre Environmental
River of Cooperation’, 179 AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44 Movement, 52

258 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Nature Protection and Environment Golden Bee Lužani Bee & Ecology Croatian War Veterans Association of the
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Association, Derventa, 70 City of Split, 111
Organic Agriculture Association, 52 Humanitas Centre for Development of The Dolphin Dream Society, 115
Protection and Preservation of Natural Education and Business, 70 Dubrovnik Diving Club, 103
Environment Shkoder, 44 International Forum Bosnia Regional Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, 111
Transborder Wildlife, 39 Centre of Mostar, 76 Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research
Vlora Region Local Economic International Forum Bosnia Banjaluka and Educational Centre for Nature
Development Agency, 54 Regional Centre, 66 Protection, 109
Kremenik Environmental Association, Eco-organisation Argonauta, 106
Vitez, 89 Ecological Society of Brod, 111
Local Development Initiative, 67 Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
AOC Tolerance vs Difference, 70
‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association, and Environment Protection, 114
Association for Business and Agriculture Department for Ecology and Department Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Usora, 88 for Activities with Youth and Children, 78 Nature and Environment, 116
Association for Development, NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Europe House Vukovar, 114
Improvement and Promotion of
NGO Buna, 76 Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and
Natura BH, Association for Promotion, Environment Protection and
Environment Protection, 86
Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Improvement, 112
Association for Healthy Living and Mind Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 Green Action, 116
Ecology, Shamac, 83
NGO DRINA - SKELANI, 83 Green Action Micevec, 112
Association for the Protection of Nature,
NGO Krajina, 67 Green Istria, 108
Rivers and Environment, 79
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
Association of Displaced and Expelled
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107
Citizens, Refugees and Returnees, 84
82 Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
Association of Producers and Users of
Peace Trees NGO, 89 Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Jajce, 73 Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 Institute for Sustainable Development, 104
Association Research and Development Rotor Organisation for Development of Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
Corporation, 86 Tourism in Doboj Region, 71 Living Earth - Association for Eco-agricul-
Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 Triton Fojnica Association, 71 ture, Rural Development and
Troya Tourism Development and Environmental Protection, 116
Centre for Environment, 66
Environment Protection Association, 83 Mala Rava - Association of Olive
Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 Growers, 109
Development, 79
West Herzegovina Association for The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
Contact Plus Association, 90
Protection of Environment and Cultural Association for Wildlife Research and
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 and Historical Heritage, 72 Protection, 117
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Wigwam Association of Friends of Mornar Underwater Research Club, 111
Ecological Coalition of the Una River Cultural and Natural Values, 82 Motovun Eco-town, 105
Basin, 68 Youth Association for Scientific Research Nature and Society - Organisation for
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK of Republica Srpska, 68 Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural
Zenica, 90 Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Values, 102
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
ECON Foundation Economic Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Homeland’, Ploce, 108
Cooperation Network, 80 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation, Homeland’, 117
72 Nature Society ‘Drava’, 113
Acorn Ecological Association, 120
Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić, NGO Metkovic Healthy City, 105
Angels Without Wings, 115
84 NGO Society Sovinjak, 102
Arteria - Association of Youth, 103
‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102
Association for Environmental Protection -
Improvement of Environment, Nature and ODRAZ - Sustainable Community
Karlovac, 104
Health, 80 Development, 117
Rustica - Organization for Protection and
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Osijek Greens, 107
Development of Biological Diversity and
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Rural Heritage, 118 Society for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development and Quality of Design, 118
Blue World - Institute for Marine Research
Life, 81 and Conservation, 112 Society of Food Technologists,
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, 119
Foundation of Local Democracy, 81 Centre for Sustainable Development - Sushak Citizens Club, 110
Futura Plus NGO, 84 Pernat Ecopark, 109 Volunteer Centre Zagreb, 119
Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107 Vukovar Eco-cultural Union, 114

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 259

Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 Bent River Drina, 189
Nature and Cultural Heritage of the Metamorphosis Foundation, 133 Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174
Lower Neretva River, 106 Milieukontakt International - Local Office Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184
Youth Association Collective in Metkovic, Macedonia, 133 Carbirod Mountaineering Association, 185
105 Movement for the Environment Molika, Centre for Civil Activities, 202
Zmergo Eco Group, 106 132 Centre for Civil Society Development, 191
ZOE - Centre for Sustainable Municipal Ecological Organisation Centre for Ecology and Sustainable
Development of Rural Communities, 119 Enhalon Struga, 142 Development, 182
The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142 Centre for High Quality Education, 176
NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134 Centre for Human Resources, 182
OF MACEDONIA ORT Training for Sustainable Centre for Modern Education, 201
Development, 140
Alliance of Technical Culture Associations Centre for Regional Cooperation and
/ Country Technique / Kicevo, 133 Permaculture and Peacebuilding Centre, Development, 188
Areal Ecological Association, Struga, 141 Centre for Regional Development and
Prilep Centre for Children and Youth, 136 European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176
Biosfera Centre for Education,
Environment and Nature Protection, 132 Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140 Civil Ecology Action - Thales, 177
Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134 Regional Centre for Democracy - Civil Movement for Environmental
Medijator, 133 Protection, 193
Citizens’ Committee for Development,
Probistip, 136 Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov, Veles, 144 Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
Eco Action, 143 Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre,
Eco Awareness Citizen Association of South Garden, 137 203
Environmental Protection, 135 Vila Zora Environmental Association, Eco Echo, 191
The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia, Veles, 144 Eco-Camp, 190
140 Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity
Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association, MONTENEGRO Conservation and Sustainable
136 Development, 177
Bonum NGO, 159
EKO Ecological Association, 141 Ecological Association for the Cleaner
Centre for the Protection and Research of
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Town, 192
Birds of Montenegro, 159
Communication, 137 Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy for the Sake of a Ball, 186
Environmental Consultancy of
Food Negotino, 135 Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185
Montenegro, 159
Environment and Sustainable Economic Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in
Development, 138 Sad, 195
Society, 160
Environment Association Desat Debar, 133 Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194
Foundation for the Development of
Environmental Association Planetum Northern Montenegro, 160 Ecological Movement SCG OO
Strumica, 142 ‘Moravski Orašak’ Trstenik, 200
Green Forest Society, 160
Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134 Ecological Society Čačak, 184
The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160
Florozon NGO - Association for Eco-Park, 187
Most Development, Cultural and
Protection of Natural Environment and ECOplan Civilian Association for
Information Centre, 161
Sustainable Economic Development, 138 Environmental Planning, 178
NGO Green Home, 161
Forum of Young Ecologists of Macedonia, Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
138 NGO Natura, 158
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Horizonti Society for Citizens’ Initiation, Production of Organic Food, 159
Development and Protection of the
145 Environment, 178
Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological SERBIA Drina Youth Centre, 174
Development, Tetovo, 143
Advanced Research Association, 200 Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco-
Interactive Education And Resource logy and Sustainable Development, 178
Agronomic Centre, 197
Network, 132
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201 EKOpolis, 191
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti
Association for Rational Use of Environment Engineering Group, 194
Nikole, 143
Renewable Energy Sources, 175 Environmental Ambassadors, 179
Izvor Association for Protection of the
Association of Household Heads Valjevo, Environmental Society for Local
Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and
Human Health of Kratovo, 134 201 Sustainable Development, 188
Krste Jon Scout Group, Struga, 141 Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic, Environmentalist, 194
191 The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for
LED-IT Foundation for Information
Technology and Local Economic Association of Young Researchers Bor, 183 Sustainable Development), 192
Development, Stip, 141 Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Forum for the Roma Initiative, 189
Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, Barosevac Ecological Association, 189 Friends of Brodarevo NGO, 183
138 Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176 ‘Green Island’ Eco-Movement, 182

260 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Green Key, 192 Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219 Association for Healthy Living and Mind
Green Network of Vojvodina, 195 Ekovision, 221 Ecology, Shamac, 83
Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Environmental Association, 223 Association of Producers and Users of
Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192 Environmentally Responsible Action Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
Herballand, 196 Group, 220 Jajce, 73
Ibar Development Association, 187 Environmental Protection Initiative The Association of Pupils, Parents and
‘Nature’, 222 Teachers from Glamoč, 72
Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo,
188 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75
InterLink-Balkan, 200 Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216 Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture,
Kladany, 74
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube - Kosova Women’s Initiative, 217
River of Cooperation’, 179 Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66
Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222
Kruševac Ecological Centre Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help
K-Town Group, 188 Ecological Businesses, 221 Fondeko Association for Stimulation of
Sustainable Development and Quality of
Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184 Organic Agriculture Association of
Life, 81
Mushroom Gatherers Association of Kosovo, 222
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69
Valjevo, 201 Rinia Youth Centre, 218
Futura Plus NGO, 84
Natura Natural Resources Centre, Society for Society, 224
Local Development Initiative, 67
Valjevo, 202 Vision Towards the Future, 223
‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association,
NGO Antares Association for Holistic
Department for Ecology and Department
Health Care, 187
for Activities with Youth and Children, 78
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Sustainable/green NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81
Municipality, 186
NGO Natura Balkanika, 185
consumption Natura BH, Association for Promotion,
ALBANIA Stimulation and Development of Tourism,
Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187
Albanian Centre for Sustainable Ecology and Healthy Living, 81
Organisation Pro Vitae - For Life, 199
Development, 45 NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84
Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199
Albanian Ecological Association, 42 Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87
Sanitary Ecological Society, 180
Association for Cooperation and West Herzegovina Association for
Serbian Green Youth, 180 Development, Diber Region, 43 Protection of Environment and Cultural
Society for Medicinal Herbs Research Association of Natural Landscape and Historical Heritage, 72
Valjevo, 202 Protection in Albania, 38 Youth Association for Scientific Research
SPARK-LOZNICA, 190 Care, 40 of Republica Srpska, 68
Stara Planina Association for Environment Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77
Protection, 196
Ecomovement Group, 48
Students Union of the University of Novi
Egnatia Association, 42 CROATIA
Sad, 195
Environment - Education - Health, 41 Angels Without Wings, 115
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Environment in Community Association, Arteria - Association of Youth, 103
Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199
43 Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Vladimir Mandić Manda Research
Environmental and Social Protection and Compost Centre, Osijek, 107
Society, 202
Development ‘Iliria’, 49 Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Vreoci Ecological Association, 189
Environmental Association (Alpin), 111
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Tropoje, 53
Ecological Awareness, 181 Ecological Society of Brod, 111
For Progress and Civilization, 50 Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Forest Progress NGO, 49 Nature and Environment, 116
Youth Club Morović, 190
Himariote League, 50 Europe House Vukovar, 114
Zero Waste Serbia, 182
National Association of Cooperatives of Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Albania, 52 Environment Protection and
KOSOVO (territory under interim Nature Protection and Environment Improvement, 112
UN administration) Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Green Action, 116
Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216 Organic Agriculture Association, 52 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217 Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
Protection Association), 220 Larus - Association for Sustainable
Association for Business and Agriculture
Association of Independent Intellectuals, Usora, 88 Development and Protection of Seas and
216 Coasts, 108
Association for Development,
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Improvement and Promotion of Mala Rava - Association of Olive
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and Growers, 109
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Environment Protection, 86 Motovun Eco-town, 105

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 261

Nature and Society - Organisation for

Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural
Civil Movement for Environmental Tourism/sustainable-
Protection, 193
Values, 102 Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, 203
/eco- tourism
Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful Eco Echo, 191 ALBANIA
Homeland’, 117 AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44
Ecological Association for the Cleaner
NGO Society Sovinjak, 102 Town, 192 AKS, 41
Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102 Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Osijek Greens, 107 Sad, 193 Development, 45
Society for Sustainable Development Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Albanian Association for Environment
Design, 118 Education, 44
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Vukovar Eco-cultural Union, 114 Development and Protection of the Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the Environment, 178 Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Nature and Cultural Heritage of the
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco- Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39
Lower Neretva River, 106
logy and Sustainable Development, 178 Albanian Environmental League, 53
Zmergo Eco Group, 106
EKOpolis, 191 Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 44
FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for Association for Cooperation and
OF MACEDONIA Sustainable Development), 192 Development, Diber Region, 43
Eco Awareness Citizen Association of Association for the Cultivation of
Green Key, 192
Environmental Protection, 135 Medicinal Plants, 38
Ibar Development Association, 187
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Association for Development of Environ-
Communication, 137 InterLink-Balkan, 200
mental Policies — G & G Group, 46
Environment and Sustainable Economic Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
Development, 138 Natura Natural Resources Centre, Kukur, 37
Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134 Valjevo, 201
Association of Natural Landscape
Florozon NGO - Association for NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Protection in Albania, 38
Protection of Natural Environment and Municipality, 186 Coordinating Centre of the Permet local
Sustainable Economic Development, 138 Roots - Loznica, 189 NGO, 43
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 Co-Plan Institute for Habitat
Nikole, 143 Serbian Green Youth, 180 Development, 48
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143 SPARK-LOZNICA, 190 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, Ecologists for the Region, 40
Stara Planina Association for Environment
Protection, 196 Ecomovement Group, 48
Movement for the Environment Molika,
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174 EDEN Center (Environmental Center for
Turija Ecological Association, 202 Development, Education and
NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134 Networking), 48
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
ORT Training for Sustainable Egnatia Association, 42
Ecological Awareness, 181
Development, 140
Environment - Education - Health, 41
Prilep Centre for Children and Youth, 136 Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Environment in Community Association,
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140 43
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 KOSOVO (territory under interim Environmental and Social Protection and
South Garden, 137 UN administration) Development ‘Iliria’, 49
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Environmental Association (Alpin),
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Tropoje, 53
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Environmental Association Morava,
Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
Korce, 39
Most Development, Cultural and Ekovision, 221
Information Centre, 161 Environmental Women’s Association, 49
Environmentally Responsible Action
NGO Green Home, 161 Group, 220 For Progress and Civilization, 50
NGO Natura, 158 Forest Progress NGO, 49
Environmental Protection Initiative
Production of Organic Food, 159 ‘Nature’, 222 Health and Environment Association, 50
Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 Himariote League, 50
The Institute for Justice and Domestic
SERBIA Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy,
Affairs, 51
Agronomic Centre, 197 222
Institute of Farm and Agrobusiness
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201 Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216
Management, 51
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222 Institute of Nature Conservation in
Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176 Multi-ethnic Organisation to Help Albania, 51
Bent River Drina, 189 Ecological Businesses, 221 Lura Association of Ecological & Touristic
Centre for Modern Education, 201 Society for Society, 224 Environment, 51

262 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Media Association, 36 Futura Plus NGO, 84 Eco-organisation Argonauta, 106

National Association of Cooperatives of Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85 Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Albania, 52 Humanitas Centre for Development of Nature and Environment, 116
National Centre Environmental Education and Business, 70 Fountain Ecological Syndicate, 106
Movement, 52 International Forum Bosnia Regional Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Nature Protection and Environment Centre of Mostar, 76 Environment Protection and
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 International Forum Bosnia Banjaluka Improvement, 112
Organic Agriculture Association, 52 Regional Centre, 66 Association of Friends of Historical,
Protection and Preservation of Natural Kremenik Environmental Association, Cultural and Natural Inheritance
Environment Shkoder, 44 Vitez, 89 Association PAGANIA BACINA, 107
Vlora Region Local Economic Local Development Initiative, 67 Green Action, 116
Development Agency, 54 ‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association, Green Action Micevec, 112
Department for Ecology and Department Green Istria, 108
for Activities with Youth and Children, 78
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81
Association of Citizens Počitelj, 78 Harmonious Alternative Association, 112
NGO Buna, 76
Association for Business and Agriculture Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Usora, 88 Natura BH, Association for Promotion,
Institute for Sustainable Development, 104
Stimulation and Development of Tourism,
Association for Development, Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
Ecology and Healthy Living, 81
Improvement and Promotion of
NGO DRINA - SKELANI, 83 Mala Rava - Association of Olive
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and
NGO Krajina, 67 Growers, 109
Environment Protection, 86
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
Association for Healthy Living and Mind
Ecology, Shamac, 83 Association for Wildlife Research and
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82
Protection, 117
Association for Protection of Cultural, Peace Trees NGO, 89
Historical and Natural Values, 72 Mornar Underwater Research Club, 111
Ponir Banja Luka Speleology Association, 68
Association for the Protection of Nature, Motovun Eco-town, 105
Red Cross of Sarajevo Canton, 82
Rivers and Environment, 79 Nature Centre - Old Drencina, 110
Rotor Organisation for Development of
Association ‘Homeland Spring’, 75 Tourism in Doboj Region, 71 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Association of Displaced and Expelled Homeland’, Ploce, 108
Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69
Citizens, Refugees and Returnees, 84 Nature Friends Movement ‘Our Beautiful
Triton Fojnica Association, 71
Association of Producers and Users of Homeland’, 117
Troya Tourism Development and
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, NGO Metkovic Healthy City, 105
Environment Protection Association, 83
Jajce, 73 Eco-organisation ‘Twister’ Bacina, 108
Turbe Youth Centre, 85
Banovići Association of Engineers, 68 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87
Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 ODRAZ - Sustainable Community
‘Viktoria 99’ Women’s Association, 73
Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture, Development, 117
Kladanj, 74 West Herzegovina Association for
Protection of Environment and Cultural Paks Ecological Research Society, 104
Contact Plus Association, 90 Volunteer Centre Zagreb, 119
and Historical Heritage, 72
DRIN-tim Ecological Association, 88
Wigwam Association of Friends of Vukovar Eco-cultural Union, 114
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 Cultural and Natural Values, 82 Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Youth Association for Scientific Research Nature and Cultural Heritage of the
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK of Republica Srpska, 68 Lower Neretva River, 106
Zenica, 90 Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Youth Association Collective in Metkovic,
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 Youth Network Kakanj, 73 105
ECON Foundation Economic Zmergo Eco Group, 106
Cooperation Network, 80
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, CROATIA
87 Acorn Ecological Association, 120 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC
Angels Without Wings, 115 OF MACEDONIA
Eko Viking Association for Protection of
Rivers, River Beds and Extreme Sports, 89 Centre for Sustainable Development - Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and Pernat Ecopark, 109 / Country Technique / Kicevo, 133
Improvement of Environment, Nature and Compost Centre, Osijek, 107 Areal Ecological Association, Struga, 141
Health, 80 The Dolphin Dream Society, 115 Biosfera Centre for Education,
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, Environment and Nature Protection, 132
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of 111 Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134
Sustainable Development and Quality of Eco-centre Caput Insulae-Beli, Research Citizens’ Committee for Development,
Life, 81 and Educational Centre for Nature Probistip, 136
Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Protection, 109 Eco Awareness Citizen Association of
Foundation of Local Democracy, 81 Ecological Society of Brod, 111 Environmental Protection, 135

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 263

Eco Mission Environmental Society, Eco Centre Dolphin, 158 EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Skopje, 137 Environmental Consultancy of Development and Protection of the
Ecological Group Green Power, Veles, 144 Montenegro, 159 Environment, 178
Ekonet Centre for Electronic Foundation for the Development of Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning,
Communication, 137 Northern Montenegro, 160 Ecology and Sustainable Development,
Environment and Sustainable Economic 178
Green Forest Society, 160
Development, 138 EKOpolis, 191
Most Development, Cultural and
Environment Association Desat Debar, 133 Environmental Ambassadors, 179
Information Centre, 161
Environmental Association Planetum Environmental Society for Local
NGO Green Home, 161
Strumica, 142 Sustainable Development, 188
NGO Natura, 158 The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for
Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
Production of Organic Food, 159 Sustainable Development), 192
Florozon NGO - Association for
Protection of Natural Environment and Green Key, 192
Sustainable Economic Development, 138 SERBIA Green Network of Vojvodina, 195
Forum of Young Ecologists of Macedonia, Agro Business Centre for Development Green Obrenovac, 196
138 Belgrade, 175 Green Place Association of Ecologists of
Horizonti Society for Citizens’ Initiation, 145 Agronomic Centre, 197 Kikinda, 186
Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection
Association for Rational Use of
Development, Tetovo, 143 Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192
Renewable Energy Sources, 175
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti Ibar Development Association, 187
Association of Farmers ‘Stara Planina’
Nikole, 143 Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo,
Pirot, 197
Izvor Association for Protection of the 188
Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and Association of Household Heads Valjevo,
InterLink-Balkan, 200
Human Health of Kratovo, 134 201
International Scientific Forum ‘Danube -
Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association, Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic,
River of Cooperation’, 179
136 191
Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
Krste Jon Scout Group, Struga, 141 Association of Young Researchers Bor,
K-Town Group, 186
LED-IT Foundation for Information 183
Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184
Technology and Local Economic Avalon Environmental Association, 203
Mushroom Gatherers Association of
Development, Stip, 141 Balkan Music Centre NGO, 175
Valjevo, 201
Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 Bent River Drina, 189
NGO Antares Association for Holistic
Macedonian Mountaineering Sport Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 171 Health Care, 187
Federation, 139
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac
Movement for the Environment Molika,
Carbirod Mountaineering Association, 185 Municipality, 186
Centre for Regional Cooperation and NGO Natura Balkanika, 185
Municipal Ecological Organisation
Development, 188 Požega Forum of Civic Action, 197
Enhalon Struga, 142
The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142 Centre for Regional Development and Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199
European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176 Roots - Loznica, 189
NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134
Civil Movement for Environmental Serbian Green Youth, 180
Permaculture and Peacebuilding Centre,
133 Protection, 193 Society for Medicinal Herbs Research
Prilep Centre for Children and Youth, 136 Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185 Valjevo, 202
Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140 Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, SPARK-LOZNICA, 190
203 Stara Planina Association for Environment
Regional Centre for Democracy -
Medijator, 133 Eco Echo, 191 Protection, 196
Scout Group Dimitar Vlahov, Veles, 144 Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177 Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 Eco-Camp, 190 Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199
South Garden, 137 Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Vila Zora Environmental Association, Conservation and Sustainable Drina Youth Centre, 174
Veles, 144 Development, 177 Youth Club Morović, 190
Women’s Organisation of Mavrovi Anovi, Ecological Association for the Cleaner Yugo Cycling Campaign, 181
135 Town, 192 Zlatibor Circle, 184
Ecological Movement Bajina Bašta, 175
MONTENEGRO Ecological Movement of the City of Novi KOSOVO (territory under interim
Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal Sad, 193 UN administration)
Engineering and Consulting, 158 Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216
Bonum NGO, 159 Ecological Movement SCG OO ‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217
Centre for the Protection and Research of ‘Moravski Orašak’ Trstenik, 200 Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental
Birds of Montenegro, 159 Eco-Park, 187 Protection Association), 220

264 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220 Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
Association of Independent Intellectuals, Jajce, 73 Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
216 Association Research and Development Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 Corporation, 86
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 Contact Plus Association, 90
South Garden, 137
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76
Ekovision, 221 Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla,
Environmental Association, 223
Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić, NGO Natura, 158
Environmentally Responsible Action
84 Production of Organic Food, 159
Group, 220
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of SERBIA
Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222
Sustainable Development and Quality of
Multiethnic Organisation to Help Agronomic Centre, 197
Life, 81
Business Ecology, 221 Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic,
Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85
Local Development Initiative, 67
Avalon Environmental Association, 203
‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s
Toxics, chemicals Association, Department for Ecology and Bent River Drina, 189
and POPs Department for Activities with Youth and Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174
Children, 78 Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184
Natura BH, Association for Promotion, Centre for Human Resources, 182
Albanian Centre for Sustainable Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Centre for Modern Education, 201
Development, 45 Ecology and Healthy Living, 81
Civil Movement for Environmental
Albanian Ecological Association, 42 ‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Protection, 193
Albanian Ecological Club, Kruje, 39 West Herzegovina Association for Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
Association for Development of Environ- Protection of Environment and Cultural
Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, 203
mental Policies — G & G Group, 46 and Historical Heritage, 72
Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
Association of Conservation and Youth Association for Scientific Research
for the Sake of a Ball, 186
Development of Natural Environment – of Republica Srpska, 68
Mat, 36 Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Sad, 193
Centre of Study and Consulting in
CROATIA Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194
Sustainable Use and Management of
Natural Resources, 47 Association for Environmental Protection - Ecologocal Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, 183
Karlovac, 104
Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 EKO Stepojevac Ecological Civilians
Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos Union, 199
Ecomovement Group, 48
Affected Persons, 113
Environment - Education – Health, 41 Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Environmental Association (Alpin), EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA, Development and Protection of the
Tropoje, 53
115 Environment, 178
Environmental Association Morava, Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia,
Korce, 39 Environment Engineering Group, 194
For Progress and Civilization, 50 Environmental Ambassadors, 179
Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Forest Progress NGO, 49 Environment Protection and InterLink-Balkan, 200
Health and Environment Association, 50 Improvement, 112 Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
National Association of Cooperatives of Green Action, 116 NGO Antares Association for Holistic
Albania, 52 Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful Health Care, 187
Nature Protection and Environment Homeland’, 117 NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102 Municipality, 186
Protection and Preservation of Natural Society of Food Technologists, Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187
Environment Shkoder, 44 Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, 119 Raškin Sliv Ecological Association, 193
Protection of Environment, 40 Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Sanitary Ecological Society, 180
Serbian Green Youth, 180
Association for Development, OF MACEDONIA Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199
Improvement and Promotion of The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia, Turija Ecological Association, 202
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and 140 Union for the Protection of the
Environment Protection, 86 Ekonet Centre for Electronic Environment and Prevention of Malignant
Association for Healthy Living and Mind Communication, 137 Diseases, 180
Ecology, Shamac, 83 Environmental Association Planetum ‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Association of Producers and Users of Strumica, 142 Ecological Awareness, 181

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 265

KOSOVO (territory under interim Youth Association for Scientific Research NGO Antares Association for Holistic
UN administration) of Republica Srpska, 68 Health Care, 187
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217 NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac
Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 CROATIA Municipality, 186
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107 Sanitary Ecological Society, 180
Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 217 Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA, 115 Students Union of the University of Novi
Sad, 195
Ekovision, 221 Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, 111
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Environmnetal Association, 223 Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
Ecological Awareness, 181
Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 and Environment Protection, 114
Franjo Koscec - Society for Human Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Life Quality, 216 Yugo Cycling Campaign, 181
Environment Protection and
Multientic Organisation for Help Ecology, Improvement, 112
Green Action, 116 KOSOVO (territory under interim UN
Organic Agriculture Association of
Green Istria, 108 administration)
Kosovo, 222
Homeland Ecological Society, 119 Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental
Nature and Society - Organisation for Protection Association), 220
Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural Blue Life Environmental Association, 217
Transport/traffic Values, 102 Ekovision, 221
ALBANIA Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful Environmentally Responsible Action
Albanian Centre for Sustainable Homeland’, 117 Group, 220
Development, 45 Sushak Citizens Club, 110 Environmental Protection Initiative
Albanian Association for Environment Zmergo Eco Group, 106 ‘Nature’, 222
Education, 44 Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy,
Albanian Ecological Association, 42 222
Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39 OF MACEDONIA
Association for Development of Environ- Ekonet Centre for Electronic
mental Policies — G & G Group, 46 Communication, 137 Urban environment
Co-Plan Institute for Habitat Izvor Association for Protection of the ALBANIA
Development, 48 Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Human Health of Kratovo, 134 Development, 45
Environmental and Social Protection and Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 Albanian Association for Environment
Development ‘Iliria’, 49 Milieukontakt International - Local Office Education, 44
Environmental Association (Alpin), Macedonia, 139 Albanian Centre for Environmental
Tropoje, 53 Proaktiva Civil Association, Skopje, 140 Studies and Development, 45
Health and Environment Association, 50 Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
The Institute for Justice and Domestic Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Affairs, 51 Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39
Protection and Preservation of Natural Albanian Environmental League, 54
Most Development, Cultural and
Environment Shkoder, 44 Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
Information Centre, 161
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Association for Development of Environ-
Association for the Protection of Nature, SERBIA mental Policies — G & G Group, 46
Rivers and Environment, 79 Association for Rational Use of Association for Protection of Natural
Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics Renewable Energy Sources, 175 Resources, 47
in Sarajevo, 79 Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Association of Forest and Pasture Users, 38
Centre for Environment, 66 Development, 182 Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, 209 Kukur, 37
Improvement of Environment, Nature and Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Care, 40
Health, 80 Sad, 193 Children First Foundation, 47
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Coordinating Centre of the Permet local
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable NGO, 43
Sustainable Development and Quality of Development and Protection of the Co-Plan Institute for Habitat
Life, 81 Environment, 178 Development, 48
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco- Ecological Club, 42
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 logy and Sustainable Development, 178 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
West Herzegovina Association for Environment Engineering Group, 194 Ecologists for the Region, 40
Protection of Environment and Cultural Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Ecomovement Group, 48
and Historical Heritage, 72 InterLink-Balkan, 200 Egnatia Association, 42

266 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Environment - Education - Health, 41 Eco-San Association for Protection and Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Environment in Community Association, Improvement of Environment, 80 Nature and Environment, 116
43 Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
Environmental and Social Protection and Varos, 77 Environment Protection and
Development ‘Iliria’, 49 Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić, Improvement, 112
Environmental Association (Alpin), 84 Association of Friends of Historical,
Tropoje, 53 ‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and Cultural and Natural Inheritance
Environmental Association Morava, Improvement of Environment, Nature and Association PAGANIA BACINA, 107
Korce, 39 Health, 80 Green Istria, 108
Environmental Women’s Association, 49 Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
For Progress and Civilization, 50 Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Forest Progress NGO, 49 Sustainable Development and Quality of Institute for Sustainable Development, 104
Life, 81
Health and Environment Association, 50 The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
Forum of Non-governmental organisa- Association for Wildlife Research and
InfoVlora Agency, 54
tions, 75 Protection, 117
The Institute for Justice and Domestic
Foundation of Local Democracy, 81 Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful
Affairs, 51
Futura Plus NGO, 84 Homeland’, 117
Media Association, 36
Green Eco Movement, Ključ, 74 NGO Metkovic Healthy City, 105
National Centre Environmental
Movement, 52 Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102
Nature Protection and Environment Korak Kozarska Dubica NGO, 74 Sushak Citizens Club, 110
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Kremenik Environmental Association, Youth Association Collective in Metkovic,
Protection and Preservation of Natural Vitez, 89 105
Environment Shkoder, 44 Local Development Initiative, 67 Zmergo Eco Group, 106
Protection of Environment, 40 ‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association,
Women’s Forum of Elbasan, 37 Department for Ecology and Department
for Activities with Youth and Children, 78 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Biosfera Centre for Education,
Natura BH, Association for Promotion,
AOC Tolerance vs Difference, 70 Environment and Nature Protection, 132
Stimulation and Development of Tourism,
Association of Citizens Počitelj, 78 Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 Citizens’ Committee for Development,
The Association of Pupils, Parents and Probistip, 136
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84
Teachers from Glamoč, 72 Eco Mission Environmental Society,
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82
Association for Healthy Living and Mind Skopje, 137
Peace Trees NGO, 89
Ecology, Shamac, 83 The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69
Association for Protection of Cultural, 140
Troya Tourism Development and
Historical and Natural Values, 72 Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association,
Environment Protection Association, 83
Association for the Protection of Nature, 136
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87
Rivers and Environment, 79 EKO Ecological Association, 141
West Herzegovina Association for
Association of Drivers and Car Mechanics Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Protection of Environment and Cultural
in Sarajevo, 79 Communication, 137
and Historical Heritage, 72
Association of Producers and Users of Environment and Sustainable Economic
Youth Association for Scientific Research
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Development, 138
of Republica Srpska, 68
Jajce, 73 Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77
Association Research and Development Florozon NGO - Association for
Corporation, 86 Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’
Protection of Natural Environment and
Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 Association Ecological Organisation, 69
Sustainable Economic Development, 138
Centre for Environment, 66 Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological
Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture, CROATIA Development, Tetovo, 143
Kladanj, 74 Arteria - Association of Youth, 103 Izvor Association for Protection of the
Contact Plus Association, 90 Rustica - Organization for Protection and Environment, Culture, Historical Sites and
Democratic Youth Movement, 79 Development of Biological Diversity and Human Health of Kratovo, 134
Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla Rural Heritage, 118 LED-IT Foundation for Information
Canton, 86 Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Technology and Local Economic
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107 Development, Stip, 141
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 The Dolphin Dream Society, 115 Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138
Ecological Association of Citizens Earth Ecological Society, BEUZ Croatia, Metamorphosis Foundation, 139
Kalesija, 73 111 Municipal Ecological Organisation
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming Enhalon Struga, 142
Zenica, 90 and Environment Protection, 114 NGO ‘Vavilon Kocani’, 134

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 267
I N D E X I I : U R B A N E N V I RO N M E N T  WA S T E I S S U E S

ORT Training for Sustainable Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 217
Development, 140 Ecologocal Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, 183 Ekovision, 221
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 Eco-Park, 187 Environmental Association, 223
Zletovica Ecological Association, ECOplan Civilian Association for Environmentally Responsible Action
Probistip, 136 Environmental Planning, 178 Group, 220
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable Environmental Protection Initiative
MONTENEGRO Development and Protection of the ‘Nature’, 222
Environment, 178 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220
Bonum NGO, 159
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco- Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222
Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
logy and Sustainable Development, 178 Life Quality, 216
Environmental Consultancy of
EKOpolis, 191
Montenegro, 159
Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in Environment Engineering Group, 194
Society, 160 Environmental Ambassadors, 179 Waste issues
Foundation for the Development of Environmentalist, 194
Northern Montenegro, 160 The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for
Albanian Centre for Sustainable
Most Development, Cultural and Sustainable Development), 192
Development, 45
Information Centre, 161 Forum for the Roma Initiative, 189
Albanian Association for Environment
NGO Green Home, 161 Friends of Brodarevo NGO, 183 Education, 44
NGO Natura, 158 Green Obrenovac, 196 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46
Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Albanian Ecological Association, 42
Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192
SERBIA Albanian Ecological Club, Kruje, 39
Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo,
Advanced Research Association, 200 Albanian Environmental League, 54
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201 Albanian Regional Environmental Board,
InterLink-Balkan, 200
Association for Rational Use of International Scientific Forum ‘Danube -
Renewable Energy Sources, 175 Association for Cooperation and
River of Cooperation’, 179
Development, Diber Region, 43
Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic, Kruševac Ecological Centre
191 Association for Development of
Mountaineering Club Kablar, 188 Environmental Policies —
Association of Young Researchers Bor, 183 NGO Antares Association for Holistic G & G Group, 46
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Health Care, 184 Association of Forest and Pasture Users,
Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176 NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Prespa, 39
Bent River Drina, 189 Municipality, 186 Care, 40
Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187 Coordinating Centre of the Permet local
Centre for Civil Activities, 196 Organisation Pro Vitae - For Life, 199 NGO, 43
Centre for Civil Society Development, Požega Forum of Civic Action, 197 Co-Plan Institute for Habitat
191 Raškin Sliv Ecological Association, 193 Development, 48
Centre for Environmental Balkan Recan Fund for Recovery and Recycling Ecological Club, 42
Initiatives, 176 of Beverage Cans, 179 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36
Centre for Human Resources, 182 Roots - Loznica, 189 Ecomovement Group, 48
Centre for Modern Education, 201 Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 EDEN Center (Environmental Center for
Centre for Regional Development and Serbian Green Youth, 180 Development, Education and
European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176 Networking), 48
Centre for Social Initiative, 198 Egnatia Association, 42
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Centre for Sustainable Development Ecological Awareness, 181 Environment - Education – Health, 41
Kamena Gora, 198 Young Researchers of Serbia, 181 Environment in Community Association,
Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, 203 43
Yugo Cycling Campaign, 181
Eco Echo, 191 Environmental and Social Protection and
Development ‘Iliria’, 49
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
KOSOVO (territory under interim Environmental Association (Alpin),
Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity
UN administration) Tropoje, 53
Conservation and Sustainable
Development, 177 Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216 Environmental Association Morava,
‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217 Korce, 39
Ecological Association for the Cleaner
Town, 192 Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental Environmental Women’s Association, 49
Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens Protection Association), 220 For Progress and Civilization, 50
for the Sake of a Ball, 186 Association of Independent Intellectuals, Forest Progress NGO, 49
Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185 216 Health and Environment Association, 50
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi Blue Life Environmental Association, 218 Himariote League, 50
Sad, 193 Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219 InfoVlora Agency, 54

268 N G O D I R E C T O R Y
I N D E X I I : WA S T E I S S U E S

The Institute for Justice and Domestic Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, ‘Youth House’ Humanitarian
Affairs, 51 87 Organisation Sanski Most, 78
Media Association, 36 Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor- Youth Network Kakanj, 73
National Centre Environmental Varos, 77 Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’
Movement, 52 Eko Viking Association for Protection of Association Ecological Organisation, 69
Nature Protection and Environment Rivers, River Beds and Extreme Sports, 89
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić,
Protection and Preservation of Natural 84
Angels Without Wings, 115
Environment Shkoder, 44 ‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and
Protection of Environment, 40 Improvement of Environment, Nature and Eco-organisation Argonauta, 106
Women’s Forum of Elbasan, 37 Health, 80 Arteria - Association of Youth, 103
Environmental Association Ekologika, 69 Association for Environmental Protection -
Fondeko Association for Stimulation of Karlovac, 104
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Sustainable Development and Quality of Beagles of Asbestos - Society of Asbestos
Association of Citizens Počitelj, 78 Life, 81 Affected Persons, 113
The Association of Pupils, Parents and Forum of NGO Derventa, 69 Rustica - Organization for Protection and
Teachers from Glamoč, 72 Forum of Non-governmental organisa- Development of Biological Diversity and
Association for Development, tions, 75 Rural Heritage, 118
Improvement and Promotion of Futura Plus NGO, 84 Caving Club Samobor, 110
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and
Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77 Cazma Ecological Association, 103
Environment Protection, 86
Green Eco Movement, Ključ, 74 Compost Centre, Osijek, 107
Association for Healthy Living and Mind
Ecology, Shamac, 83 Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85 Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA,
Humanitas Centre for Development of 115
Association for the Protection of Nature,
Rivers and Environment, 79 Education and Business, 70 Ecological Society Zumberak, 116
Association of Displaced and Expelled International Forum Bosnia Regional Eko Zadar - NGO for Organic Farming
Citizens, Refugees and Returnees, 86 Centre of Mostar, 76 and Environment Protection, 114
Association of Producers and Users of International Forum Bosnia Banjaluka Eko-Eko Komin Ecological Organisation,
Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region, Regional Centre, 66 105
Jajce, 73 Korak Kozarska Dubica NGO, 74 Eleonora - Society for Protection of
Association Research and Development Kremenik Environmental Association, Nature and Environment, 116
Corporation, 86 Vitez, 89 Fountain Ecological Syndicate, 106
Banovići Association of Engineers, 68 Local Development Initiative, 67 Franjo Koscec - Society for Human
BH Solidarity Citizens Association, 86 ‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association, Environment Protection and
Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75 Department for Ecology and Department Improvement, 112
for Activities with Youth and Children, 78 Association of Friends of Historical,
Center for Civil Cooperation, 75
Natura BH, Association for Promotion, Cultural and Natural Inheritance
Centre for Environment, 66
Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Association PAGANIA BACINA, 107
Centre for Environmentally Sustainable Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 Green Action, 116
Development, 79
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 Green Action Micevec, 112
Centre for Youth, Ecology and Culture,
NGO Buna, 76 Green Istria, 108
Kladanj, 74
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Green Network of Activist Groups, 113
Contact Plus Association, 90
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107
Eco Green Ecological Alliance, Tuzla
Canton, 86 Peace Trees NGO, 89 Homeland Ecological Society, 119
Eco-Green Environmental Association, Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
Srebrenik, 83 Ponir Banja Luka Speleology Association, Larus - Association for Sustainable
Eco-green Upper Tuzla, 87 68 Development and Protection of Seas and
Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76 The Sehara Association of Citizens, 71 Coasts, 108
Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66 Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69 The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
Ecological Association of Citizens Triton Fojnica Association, 71 Association for Wildlife Research and
Kalesija, 73 Troya Tourism Development and Protection, 117
Ecological Coalition of the Una River Environment Protection Association, 83 Nature and Society - Organisation for
Basin, 68 Turbe Youth Centre, 85 Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural
Values, 102
Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87
Zenica, 90 Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful
West Herzegovina Association for
Homeland’, 117
Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77 Protection of Environment and Cultural
and Historical Heritage, 72 NGO Metkovic Healthy City, 105
Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation,
72 Youth Association for Scientific Research NGO Society Sovinjak, 102
Eco-San Association for Protection and of Republica Srpska, 68 Eco-organisation ‘Twister’ Bacina, 108
Improvement of Environment, 80 Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 269
I N D E X I I : WA S T E I S S U E S

ODRAZ - Sustainable Community Movement for the Environment Molika, Centre for Modern Education, 201
Development, 117 132 Centre for Regional Cooperation and
Osijek Greens, 107 Municipal Ecological Organisation Development, 188
Society for Sustainable Development Enhalon Struga, 142 Centre for Regional Development and
Design, 118 The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142 European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176
Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the ORT Training for Sustainable Centre for Social Initiative, 198
Nature and Cultural Heritage of the Development, 140 Centre for Sustainable Development
Lower Neretva River, 106 Pelagonija Environmental Association - Kamena Gora, 198
Youth Association Collective in Metkovic, 105 Bitola, 132 Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185
Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Prilep Centre for Children and Youth, Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre,
136 203
Society of Environmental Engineers, 140 Eco Echo, 191
South Garden, 137 Eco-Camp, 190
Vila Zora Environmental Association, Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity
Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
Veles, 144 Conservation and Sustainable
/ Country Technique / Kicevo, 133
Women’s Organisation of Mavrovi Anovi, Development, 177
Areal Ecological Association, Struga, 141
135 Ecological Association for the Cleaner
Biosfera Centre for Education,
Zletovica Ecological Association, Town, 192
Environment and Nature Protection, 132
Probistip, 136 Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens
Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134
for the Sake of a Ball, 186
Citizens’ Committee for Development,
MONTENEGRO Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185
Probistip, 136
Bonum NGO, 159 Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Eco Action, 143
Sad, 193
Eco Awareness Citizen Association of Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194
Environmental Protection, 135 Environmental Consultancy of
Montenegro, 159 Ecological Movement SCG OO
Eco Mission Environmental Society,
‘Moravski Orašak’ Trstenik, 200
Skopje, 137 Foundation for the Development of
Northern Montenegro, 160 Ecological Society Čačak, 184
The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
The Greens of Montenegro NGO, 160 Ecologocal Union Ecoagenda 7/1935,
Kladenec Pehcevo Ecological Association, Most Development, Cultural and
Information Centre, 161 Eco-Park, 187
NGO Green Home, 161 ECOplan Civilian Association for
EKO Ecological Association, 141
Environmental Planning, 178
Ekonet Centre for Electronic NGO Natura, 158
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177
Communication, 137 Production of Organic Food, 159
EKO Stepojevac Ecological Civilians
Environment and Sustainable Economic
Union, 199
Development, 138
SERBIA EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable
Environment Association Desat Debar,
Agronomic Centre, 197 Development and Protection of the
Argument Politics Research Centre, 197 Environment, 178
Environmental Association Planetum
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201 Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco-
Strumica, 142
Association for Rational Use of logy and Sustainable Development, 178
Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134
Renewable Energy Sources, 175 EKOpolis, 191
Florozon NGO - Association for
Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic, Environment Engineering Group, 194
Protection of Natural Environment and
191 Environmental Ambassadors, 179
Sustainable Economic Development, 138
Association of Young Researchers Bor, Environmentalist, 194
Halca Al Brova Association of Vlahs,
183 The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for
Kumanovo, 135
Avalon Environmental Association, 203 Sustainable Development), 192
Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological
Development, Tetovo, 143 Barosevac Ecological Association, 189 Forum for the Roma Initiative, 189
Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti Belgrade Ecology Centre, 176 Friends of Brodarevo NGO, 183
Nikole, 143 Bent River Drina, 179 Green Key, 192
Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143 Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174 Green Obrenovac, 196
LED-IT Foundation for Information Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184 Green Place Association of Ecologists of
Technology and Local Economic Centre for Civil Society Development, Kikinda, 186
Development, Stip, 141 191 Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection
Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency, Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192
138 Development, 182 Ibar Development Association, 187
Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138 Centre for Environmental Balkan Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo,
Milieukontakt International - Local Office Initiatives, 176 188
Macedonia, 139 Centre for Human Resources, 182 InterLink-Balkan, 200

270 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Kruüevac Ecological Centre, 188 Albanian Centre for Sustainable Association for Protection of Cultural,
K-Town Group, 186 Development, 45 Historical and Natural Values, 72
Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184 Albanian Association for Environment Association for the Protection of Nature,
Natura Natural Resources Centre, Education, 44 Rivers and Environment, 79
Valjevo, 201 Albanian Centre of Excellence, 46 Association ‘Homeland Spring’, 75
NGO Antares Association for Holistic Albanian Ecological Association, 42 Association of Producers and Users of
Health Care, 187 Albanian Ecological Club, Kruja, 39 Healthy Food in Upper Vrbas Region,
NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac Jajce, 73
Albanian Environmental League, 54
Municipality, 186 Association Research and Development
Association for Cooperation and
Non-Smoking Education Centre - RP, 187 Corporation, 86
Development, Diber Region, 43
Organisation Pro Vitae - For Life, 199 Banovići Association of Engineers, 68
Association for Development of Environ-
Raškin Sliv Ecological Association, 193 mental Policies — G & G Group, 46 BH Solidarity Citizens Association, 86
Recan Fund for Recovery and Recycling Association of Forest and Pasture Users, Bura Ecological Association Mostar, 75
of Beverage Cans, 179 Kukur, 37 Center for Civil Cooperation, 75
Roots - Loznica, 189 Care, 40 Centre for Environmentally Sustainable
Sanitary Ecological Society, 180 Children First Foundation, 47 Development, 79
Serbian Green Youth, 180 Ecological Club, 42 Centre for Environment, 66
SPARK-LOZNICA, 190 Ecological Club of Elbasan, 36 Contact Plus Association, 90
Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174 Ecomovement Group, 48 Eco-Green Environmental Association,
Terra’s Organic Food Association, 199 Srebrenik, 83
Egnatia Association, 42
Turija Ecological Association, 202 Eco-green Upper Tuzla, 87
Environment - Education – Health, 41
Union for the Protection of the Eco-Jasenica Ecological Association, 76
Environment in Community Association,
Environment and Prevention of Malignant Eco-logic Academic Association NGO, 66
Diseases, 180 Ecological Coalition of the Una River
Environmental and Social Protection and
Vreoci Ecological Association, 189 Basin, 68
Development ‘Iliria’, 49
‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing Ecological Movement of BiH ZDK
Environmental Association (Alpin),
Ecological Awareness, 181 Zenica, 90
Tropoje, 53
Young Researchers of Serbia, 181 Ecological Movement Zelenkovac, 77
Environmental Association Morava,
Youth Club Morović, 190 Eco-Neretva Environmental Organisation,
Korce, 39
Zero Waste Serbia, 182 72
Environmental Women’s Association, 49
Zlatibor Circle, 184 Eco-San Association for Protection and
For Progress and Civilization, 50
Improvement of Environment, 80
Forest Progress NGO, 49
Eco-Green Ecological Movement, Tuzla, 87
KOSOVO (territory under interim Health and Environment Association, 50
UN administration) Eko Opstanak Eco-movement of Kotor-
InfoVlora Agency, 54 Varos, 77
Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216
Media Association, 36 Eko Viking Association for Protection of
‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217
National Association of Cooperatives of Rivers, River Beds and Extreme Sports, 89
Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental Albania, 52
Protection Association), 220 Ekotes Environmental Association, Teslić,
National Centre Environmental 84
Association of Independent Intellectuals,
Movement, 52 ‘Ekotim’ Association for Protection and
Nature Protection and Environment Improvement of Environment, Nature and
Blue Life Environmental Association, 217
Administration - Adriatiku, 54 Health, 80
Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
Protection and Preservation of Natural Environmental Association Ekologika, 69
Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219 Environment Shkoder, 44 Fondeko Association for Stimulation of
Ekovision, 221
Water Supply and Sewerage Association Sustainable Development and Quality of
Environmental Association, 223 of Albania, 53 Life, 81
Environmentally Responsible Action Forum of NGO Derventa, 69
Group, 220
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Forum of Non-governmental organisa-
Environmental Protection Initiative tions, 75
‘Nature’, 222 AOC Tolerance vs Difference, 70
Futura Plus NGO, 84
Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220 Association of Citizens Počitelj, 78
Gift of Nature Citizens’ Association, 77
Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222 The Association of Pupils, Parents and
Teachers from Glamoč, 72 Green Eco Movement, Ključ, 74
Mission of People of Good Will, 219
Association for Development, Green Hill Speleo Society, Trebinje, 85
Improvement and Promotion of Humanitas Centre for Development of
Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and Education and Business, 70
Water issues Environment Protection, 86 Kremenik Environmental Association,
ALBANIA Association for Healthy Living and Mind Vitez, 89
AFPU Baldushk Commune, 44 Ecology, Shamac, 83 Local Development Initiative, 67

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 271

‘Mother and Child,’ Women’s Association, Green Osijek Ecological Association, 107 Izgrev Environmental Association Sveti
Department for Ecology and Department Harmonious Alternative Association, 112 Nikole, 143
for Activities with Youth and Children, 78 Kalinka Ecological Organisation, 143
Homeland Ecological Society, 119
NEOLIT Association, NGO, 81 LED-IT Foundation for Information
Krka Ecological Association of Knin, 104
NGO Buna, 76 Technology and Local Economic
Larus - Association for Sustainable
Natura BH, Association for Promotion, Development, Stip, 141
Development and Protection of Seas and
Stimulation and Development of Tourism, Coasts, 108 Macedonian Ecological Scoiety, 138
Ecology and Healthy Living, 81 Milieukontakt International - Local Office
The Mediterranean Monk Seal Group -
NGO DRINA - SKELANI, 83 Association for Wildlife Research and Macedonia, 139
NGO Krajina, 67 Protection, 117 Movement for the Environment Molika,
NGO Vlasić, Planet Earth, 84 Nature and Society - Organisation for 132
‘Our Birds’ Ornithological Association, 82 Promotion of Natural, Social and Cultural Municipal Ecological Organisation
Peace Trees NGO, 89 Values, 102 Enhalon Struga, 142
Perspective Association of Explorers, 87 Nature friends movment ‘Our Beautiful The Natyra Union of Ecologists, 142
The Sehara Association of Citizens, 71 Homeland’, 117 Pelagonija Environmental Association -
Sunflower Ecological Movement, 69 NGO Society Sovinjak, 102 Bitola, 132
Triton Fojnica Association, 71 Nobilis - Eco-Association, 102 Society of Environmental Engineers, 140
Troya Tourism Development and Osijek Greens, 107 South Garden, 137
Environment Protection Association, 83 Paks Ecological Research Society, 104 Zletovica Ecological Association,
Turbe Youth Centre, 85 Society of Food Technologists, Probistip, 136
Vesta Humanitarian Organisation, 87 Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, 119
West Herzegovina Association for Waterbird - NGO for Protection of the MONTENEGRO
Protection of Environment and Cultural Nature and Cultural Heritage of the Adriatik Centre for Marine and Coastal
and Historical Heritage, 72 Lower Neretva River, 106 Engineering and Consulting, 158
Wigwam Association of Friends of Zmergo Eco Group, 106 Eco Centre Dolphin, 158
Cultural and Natural Values, 82
Environmental Consultancy of
Youth Association for Scientific Research Montenegro, 159
of Republica Srpska, 68
OF MACEDONIA Foundation for Democratic Alternatives in
Youth Association of the Krivaja River, 77 Society, 160
Alliance of Technical Culture Associations
‘Youth House’ Humanitarian Foundation for the Development of
/ Country Technique / Kicevo, 133
Organisation Sanski Most, 78 Northern Montenegro, 160
Biosfera Centre for Education,
Zeleni Bosanska Krupa Citizens’ Most Development, Cultural and
Environment and Nature Protection, 132
Association Ecological Organisation, 69 Information Centre, 161
Centre for Initiatives, Kratovo, 134
Citizens’ Committee for Development, NGO Green Home, 161
CROATIA Probistip, 136 NGO Natura, 158
Angels Without Wings, 115 Eco Awareness Citizen Association of NGO Nautilus, 158
Association for Environmental Protection - Environmental Protection, 135 Production of Organic Food, 159
Karlovac, 104 Eco Mission Environmental Society,
Cazma Ecological Association, 103 Skopje, 137
Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA, 115 The Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia,
Agronomic Centre, 197
Dubrovnik Diving Club, 103 140
Argument Politics Research Centre, 197
Ecological Society of Brod, 111 EKO Ecological Association, 141
Ars Nova Club, Valjevo, 201
Eco-organisation ‘Twister’ Bacina, 108 Ekonet Centre for Electronic
Association for Rational Use of
Eleonora - Society for Protection of Communication, 137
Renewable Energy Sources, 175
Nature and Environment, 116 Ekovita Producers’ Association of Healthy
Association of Young Ecologists of Nikšic,
Fountain Ecological Syndicate, 106 Food Negotino, 135
Franjo Koscec - Society for Human Environment and Sustainable Economic
Association of Young Researchers Bor, 183
Environment Protection and Development, 138
Improvement, 112 Avalon Environmental Association, 203
Environment Association Desat Debar,
The Expert Centre FORUM (Centre for 133 Balkan Music Centre NGO, 175
Sustainable Development), 109 Flora Ecology Assocciation, 134 Barosevac Ecological Association, 189
Association of Friends of Historical, Florozon NGO - Association for Bent River Drina, 189
Cultural and Natural Inheritance Protection of Natural Environment and Blue Danube Ecological Movement, 174
Association PAGANIA BACINA, 107 Sustainable Economic Development, 138 Bujanovac Environmental Society, 184
Green Action, 116 Halca Al Brova Association of Vlahs, Centre for Ecology and Sustainable
Green Action Micevec, 112 Kumanovo, 135 Development, 182
Green Istria, 108 Ideal Centre for Economic and Ecological Centre for Environmental Balkan
Green Network of Activist Groups, 113 Development, Tetovo, 143 Initiatives, 176

272 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

Centre for Human Resources, 182 International Scientific Forum ‘Danube -

Centre for Modern Education, 201 River of Cooperation’, 179
Centre for Regional Cooperation and Kruševac Ecological Centre, 188
Development, 188 K-Town Group, 186
Centre for Regional Development and Mountaineering Club Kablar, 184
European Integrations - CRD&EI, 176 NGO Antares Association for Holistic
Centre for Social Initiative, 198 Health Care, 187
Centre for Sustainable Development NGO Local Agenda 21 for Kostolac
Kamena Gora, 198 Municipality, 186
Civil Ecology Action - Thales, 177 Raškin Sliv Ecological Association, 193
Civil Movement for Environmental Riparia Association of Naturalists, 199
Protection, 193 Roots - Loznica, 189
Danube Environmental Forum Serbia, 177 Sanitary Ecological Society, 180
Dragacevo Ecological Society, 185 Serbian Green Youth, 180
Dreamland Children’s Creative Centre, 203 SPARK-LOZNICA, 190
Eco Echo, 191 Telecottage Association of Serbia, 174
Eco-Camp, 190 Turija Ecological Association, 202
Ecolibri Bionet Centre for Biodiversity Union for the Protection of the
Conservation and Sustainable Environment and Prevention of Malignant
Development, 177 Diseases, 180
Ecological Association for the Cleaner Vreoci Ecological Association, 189
Town, 192 ‘The Well’ - Centre for Developing
Ecological Group of Koceljeva, Citizens Ecological Awareness, 181
for the Sake of a Ball, 186 Young Researchers of Serbia, 181
Ecological Movement Cuprija, 185 Youth Club Morović, 190
Ecological Movement of the City of Novi
Sad, 193
Ecological Movement of Yugoslavia, 194 KOSOVO (territory under interim
UN administration)
Ecological Movement SCG OO
‘Moravski Orašak’ Trstenik, 200 Agency for Rural Cleaning, 216
Ecological Society Čačak, 184 ‘Agimi-Isniq’, 217
Ecologocal Union Ecoagenda 7/1935, 183 Aquila EPA (NGO-Environmental
Protection Association), 220
Eco-Park, 187
ARAGONIT Speleo Association, 220
ECOplan Civilian Association for
Environmental Planning, 178 Association of Independent Intellectuals,
EKO Stepojevac Ecological Civilians
Union, 199 Blue Life Environmental Association, 217
Eko-Beo-Grad Ecological Movement, 177 Eco Radio Globi NGO, 219
EkoForum - Forum for the Sustainable Ekoklina Ecologist Association, 218
Development and Protection of the Eko-Trepca Ecological Association, 219
Environment, 178 Ekovision, 221
Ekoplaner Centre for Land Planning, Eco- Environmental Association, 223
logy and Sustainable Development, 178 Environmentally Responsible Action
EKOpolis, 191 Group, 220
Environment Engineering Group, 194 Environmental Protection Initiative
Environmental Ambassadors, 179 ‘Nature’, 222
Environmentalist, 194 Euro-Ecologist NGO, 220
Forum for the Roma Initiative, 189 Freedom-I, 218
Friends of Brodarevo NGO, 183 Institute of Kosova for Developing Policy,
Green Place Association of Ecologists of 222
Kikinda, 186 Kosovo Association of Ecologists, 222
Griffon Vulture Birds of Prey Protection Kosova Development Centre - KDC, 216
Foundation - Nova Varoš, 192 Life Quality, 216
Herballand, 196 NGO Berevice, 223
Ibar Development Association, 187 Mission of People of Good Will, 219
Ibar Environmental Movement, Kraljevo, Rinia Youth Centre, 218
188 Society for Society, 224

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 273
Questionnaire Part B
Annex: Questionnaire Part B

1. If you are legally registered, how would you evaluate the procedural
complexity of the registration process? (tick the applicable option in each column)

Bureaucracy Financial Legal

 clear and simple  requires significant  requires the services of

financial resources a lawyer
 unclear, complicated,  does not require significant  does not require the
overly bureaucratic financial resources services of a lawyer

2. If you are legally registered, which of the following best characterises the way
in which your organisation’s registration corresponds to its intended activities?
(tick only one option)
 We have the full legal capacity to engage in our intended activities
 Our registration is a formality and is not relevant to our activities
 We intend to amend our registration to conform to our activities or to change our
 We sometimes have difficulties with the authorities concerning certain activities due
to our registration status

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 277


3. Which of the following documents does your organisation produce on a

regular basis? Please select the reports you prepare and indicate why you
produce them. (tick all that apply)

Type of report Why you produce it?

 activity report (annual report)  required by law

 required by internal rules of the
 required under contract (by donors, etc.)
 facilitates fundraising
 information for members
 public information and outreach

 required by law
 financial report (accounts)
 required by internal rules of the
 required under contract (by donors, etc.)
 facilitates fundraising
 information for members
 public information and outreach

278 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

4. If you are legally registered, which of these tax exemptions apply to your
organisation? (tick all that apply in the left column)

Tick the box if your organisation is How do you evaluate the procedure
exempt from the form of taxation listed. for obtaining the reimbursement of
the taxes you are exempted from?
(tick all that apply)

 income taxes for grants, donations  It is fairly easy to use and reasonably fast.
 The procedure is somewhat burdensome
but works.
 The tax rules are applied inconsistently.
 The procedure is too complicated and
we do not invest our time in it.

 income taxes on generated fees  It is fairly easy to use and reasonably fast.
 The procedure is somewhat burdensome
but works.
 The tax rules are applied inconsistently
 The procedure is too complicated and
we do not invest our time in it.

 employment taxes  It is fairly easy to use and reasonably fast.

 The procedure is somewhat burdensome
but works.
 The tax rules are applied inconsistently.
 The procedure is too complicated and
we do not invest our time in it.

 VAT  It is fairly easy to use and reasonably fast

 The procedure is somewhat burdensome
but works.
 The tax rules are applied inconsistently.
 The procedure is too complicated and
we do not invest our time in it.

 other (please specify)  It is fairly easy to use and reasonably fast.

 The procedure is somewhat burdensome
but works.
 The tax rules are applied inconsistently.
 The procedure is too complicated and
we do not invest our time in it.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 279

5. Are donations to your organisation from individuals and corporations tax

deductible? (tick only one option)
 don’t know

6. How would you evaluate the financial status/viability of your organisation?
(tick only one option)
 very good (we do not have any serious financial problems)
 good enough (we have enough funding to support our main activities, but some of
our current and/or prospective programmes lack financing)
 unstable (most of our projects are experiencing financial difficulties)
 poor (we can hardly maintain our basic activities/projects because of insufficient
 very poor (we do not receive any funding)

280 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

7. Approximate the relative importance (proportion of your current budget) of

the main funding sources for your organisation (try to make approximately 100
percent from the different types):

critical very some- minor not a

Type of funding
source impor- what source source/
(>50%) tant impor- (<5%) don’t
source tant know
(25- (5-25%)
F1 – domestic government/public
sector grants or donations
F2 – domestic government/public
sector contracts
F3 – foreign
government/international public
sector grants or donations
F4 – foreign
government/international public     
sector contracts
F5 – domestic foundation
F6 – foreign/international
foundations donations/grants
F7 – domestic business/corporate
sponsorship, donations or grants
F8 – foreign/international
business/corporate sponsorship,     
donations or grants
F9 – other private/citizens
donations or grants
F10 – membership dues (fees)     
F11 – fees and charges for
mission-related services
(economic activity), i.e. research,
consulting, education, training
F12 – fees from rentals or other
assets (investments, copyrights)
F13 – subsidiary businesses and/or
product sales

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 281

8. How would you characterise the status of your organisation’s equipment
resources? (tick only one option)
 excellent (we have all the equipment we need)
 adequate (we more or less have what we need to do our activities)
 inadequate (we don’t have the required equipment, and it hinders our activities)
 none (we have no equipment, and it damages our prospects)

9. Which of the following options best describes your organisation’s

accommodation? (tick only one option)
 Our organisation owns its own office space.
 We rent (or receive for free) the office space we need for our work.
 Sometimes we rent rooms or another space for our work.
 We work informally or in the working places of our members.
 We do not need any room for our work.

10. If you have paid staff or external specialists (part-time or full-time), please
indicate how many your organisation employs or contracts under the following
functions? (write numbers in the boxes below)

Type of position Number

Managers .....
Project staff .....
Administrative/clerical staff .....
External project staff/consultants .....
External accountants/bookkeepers .....
Legal advisors/lawyers .....

282 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

11. Considering all the people “actively” involved in your organisation

(staff, members and volunteers), please estimate the percentage that are women.
(tick only one option)
 more than 80 percent
 between 60 and 80 percent
 between 40 and 60 percent
 between 20 and 40 percent
 less than 20 percent

12. How would you evaluate the overall performance of your organisation in
achieving its goals over the last year, regardless of the reasons?
(tick only one option)
 unsuccessful performance
(we mostly failed to achieve the goals that we had identified)
 partially unsuccessful performance
(some of the goals were partly achieved, but most were not)
 intermediate performance
(several goals were achieved, while several others were not)
 partially successful performance
(many of our goals were achieved, but some were not)
 fully successful performance
(we have achieved all the goals that were identified for last year)
 difficult to say
(don’t know; we did not really evaluate our goals)

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 283

13. Within your organisation, please evaluate the importance of the following
strategic and planning tools. (please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Very Important, Somewhat Less Not

important, this tool is important, important, important,
this tool is regularly we use we only we do not
key to our used as a this tool, occasion- use such a
organisa- planning but it ally or planning
tional mecha- is only informally tool
planning nism and partially use such a
and is mostly applied tool
closely followed for our
adhered planning,
to but it is

Strategic planning of
our activities
Fundraising strategy     
Human resources strategy     
Communication and/or
PR strategy
Business planning     
Others, please specify     

284 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

14. Within your organisation, please evaluate the importance of the following
administrative procedures. (please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Very Important, Moder- Less Not

important, this pro- ately important, important,
this cedure is important, this is we do not
procedure fairly well this is informally have or
is key to developed somewhat devel- use a
our for man- devel- oped, and procedure
organisa- agement oped, is seldom
tional and most- but it is followed
manage- ly fol- partially
ment and lowed followed
is fully

Financial management     
Human resource
Operations manual     
Project management

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 285

15. Which of the following options best describe your organisation’s approach to
training? (tick all that apply)
 Our organisation invests funds into staff training on a regular basis.
 Our staff attends only trainings that are free of charge.
 Our organisation follows a staff development strategy when it comes to training.
 Our staff attends trainings that are relevant to the organisation’s development needs.
 Our organisation encourages its staff to attend as many trainings as possible.
 Our organisation lets the staff attend any training they consider appropriate.
 Our organisation doesn’t think training is important.
 Don’t know.

16. Evaluate if the training offered for civil society meets the training needs of
your organisation. (tick only one)
 very good (we have all that we need)
 good enough (basically we have enough possibilities to answer our needs, but in
some areas we see gaps)
 insufficient (many of the needs are not addressed)
 poor (some training is available but it is insufficient)
 very poor (we do not receive any training)

17. Has your organisation undergone any training-needs analysis in the past
three years?
 don’t know

286 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

18. Please indicate those areas in which your organisation had the opportunity
to participate in training courses. (please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Management topics Very useful Somewhat useful Not useful

Organisational strategy
Strategic planning of activities   
Fundraising strategy   
Human resources strategy   
Communication and/or PR strategy   
Business planning   

Organisational processes
Financial management   
Human resource management   
Operational and administrative
Project management system   

Other relevant skills

Database design and maintenance   
Desktop publishing   
GIS application   
Hardware/software installation   
and management
Management of volunteers   
Presentation skills   
Proposal writing   
Team building   
Webpage management   

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 287

19. If your organisation had the opportunity to participate in training courses on

the following topics, please indicate their usefulness.
(please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Environmental topics Very useful Somewhat useful Not useful

T1 – agriculture/organic or
traditional farming
T2 – air quality/air pollution   
T3 – animal protection/wildlife   
T4 – biodiversity   
T5 – certification and labelling   
T6 – climate change   
T7 – consumer protection/consumer rights   
T8 – economic instruments
T9 – energy, nuclear   
T10 – energy, renewable/energy efficiency   
T11 – environmental education/
education for sustainable development   

T12 – environmental legislation

T13 – environmental policy making   
T14 – forestry   
T15 – genetically modified organisms/

T16 – globalisation/international policy   

T17 – nature protection   
T18 – rural development   
T19 – sustainable development   
T20 – sustainable/green consumption   
T21 – tourism, sustainable/eco- tourism   
T22 – toxics/chemicals/
persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

T23 – transport/traffic   
T24 – urban environment   
T25 – waste issues   
T26 – water issues   

288 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

20. If your organisation had the opportunity to participate in the following skills
development training courses, please indicate their usefulness. (please tick the
appropriate box in each row)

Very useful Somewhat useful Not useful

A1 – advisory services   
A2 – awareness raising campaigns   
A3 – campaigning/protesting/
direct action   
A4 – clean-ups/camps   
A5 – community organising and
planning (Local Agenda 21, LEAP)
A6 – conferences/meetings   
A7 – education   
A8 – environmental impact
assessment (e.g. SEA, EIA)
A9 – environmental management   
A10 – fieldwork   
A11 – information dissemination   
A12 – legal advocacy   
A13 – lobbying   
A14 – media/press   
A15 – monitoring/measuring (technical)   
A 16 – negotiation facilitation/
dialogue facilitation
A17 – networking   
A18 – policy implementation   
A19 – public meetings   
A20 – public participation   
A21 – publishing   
A22 – research   
A23 – social marketing   
A24 – training/capacity building   
A25 – watchdog
(scrutinising public/private activity)

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 289

21. Please assess the general availability of information on environment/sustain-

ability in your country. (tick one)
 excellent (information is freely available on many potential topics and issues)
 adequate (there is enough information but it requires significant effort to gather it)
 inadequate (difficult to access and often incomplete information)
 none (no or very minimal information available)
 don’t know

22. Regarding the quality of content and distribution of official (governmental)

environmental information, please evaluate the following factors. (please tick the
appropriate box in each row)

Large Some No Don’t

improve- improve- improve- know
ments ments ments
needed needed needed
Currency (i.e. is it up to date?)    
Presentation (clarity)    

Ease of accessibility    
Reasonability of price    
Timeliness of delivery 
Through media    
Electronic forms    
Printed formats    
Public info centres    

Physical (face-to-face) fora for dialogue    
Virtual (electronic) fora for dialogue    

290 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

23. Please assess your organisation’s knowledge capacities/skills on the

environmental topics you work on. (tick only one option)
 excellent (we have all the information we need)
 adequate (we more or less have what we need to do activities)
 inadequate (we don’t have the required knowledge, and it hinders our activities)
 none (we have minimal knowledge, and it is damaging our prospects)

24. What are the formats in which your organisation collects and/or distributes
environmental information? (please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Collected Distributed

Environmental books  
Environmental CD-ROMs  
Educational and documentary films  
Monitoring data and statistics 
Newspaper/periodical articles  
Press releases  
Environmental reports  
Verbal opinion and commentary
regarding environmental  
decision-making processes

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 291

25. Evaluate how regularly your organisation utilises each of these

means/mechanisms to distribute environmental information or data.
(please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Data/information Often used Occasionally Never used

distribution used

Direct mail   
Independent newspaper
articles or advertisements   

Internet website   
Library/info centre   
Own hardcopy report
or newsletter   

Radio programmes or advertisements   

26. Does your organisation use any data management/processing system?

(tick all those that apply)
 desktop publishing
 other, please specify:
 we do not

292 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

27. Evaluate your general experience within civil society networks. (tick only one)
 very good (we have good experiences, and it is crucial to our work)
 good (overall we have positive experiences and we use them often)
 adequate (usually positive experiences, but it doesn’t always meet our requirements or
 poor (we found the networks to be rarely useful or relevant to us)
 very poor (we did not find them useful for our work)

28. Which of these functions of a CSO network would “especially” encourage

your organisation to use or participate in it? (tick all that apply)
 news and information sharing
 experience exchange
 awareness of funding opportunities
 awareness of training opportunities
 partner identification for joint projects
 partner identification for lobbying activities
 increase campaigning effectiveness
 greater visibility and exposure
 other, please specify

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 293

29. How would you evaluate your relationships with governmental authorities?
(please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Level/type of We There is There is no We Difficult to

cooperation cooperate occasional cooperation confront say/don’t
closely and cooperation yet (we each other know
construc- plan to
tively develop it)


National authorities,
agencies (and bodies)
responsible for     
environmental issues
Other national
governmental bodies     
and agencies
Local governments     
Other local level
official bodies and
agencies or their
Foreign governments
(embassies, agencies)     

(e.g. the UN)

294 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

30. How would you evaluate your relationships with business, media and
academia? (please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Level/type of We There is There is no We Difficult to

cooperation cooperate occasional cooperation confront say/don’t
closely and cooperation yet (we each other know
construc- plan to
tively develop it)


operating in     
your country
Local media     
National media     

31. How would you evaluate your relationships with citizens, community
organisations and other CSOs? (please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Level/type of We There is There is no We Difficult to

cooperation cooperate occasional cooperation confront say/don’t
closely and cooperation yet (we each other know
construc- plan to
tively develop it)

Citizens and
general public     

Local CSOs and

community groups     
in your country
National CSOs     
CSO from
International CSOs     

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 295

32. How do you inform the citizens in your community about the initiatives you
are taking or the activities you are involved in? (tick all that apply)
 media (TV, radio, newspapers)
 Internet, e-mail, websites
 publications ( e.g. leaflets, brochures, newsletters)
 direct mailing (e.g. postcards, letters, flyers)
 public meetings
 street actions, demonstrations, posters
 other, please describe:
 we do not target citizens with our initiatives

33. If you involve citizens of your community in your activities, what process or
tools do you use? (tick all that apply)
 informing citizens in advance about upcoming events, places, dates, programmes
 organising public meetings or discussion(s) with key stakeholders of the community to
discuss needs and proposals
 organising public meeting(s) or discussion(s) with municipal representatives and key
stakeholders of the community to discuss needs and proposals
 collecting comments and feedback from citizens
 establishing joint working group(s) with stakeholder involvement to develop
proposals for activities
 establishing expert groups with citizen involvement to discuss specific issues
 focus groups
 organising workshops
 opinion polls, questionnaires or surveys
 research, studies
 other, please describe:
 we do not involve citizens in our initiatives

296 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

34. What is your experience with access to environmental information and

public participation in decision making and access to justice in environmental
matters? (please tick the appropriate box in each row)

If yes,
how often
Has your organisation in the last three years: YES NO (instances)

submitted an official request for environmental

information to the responsible authority?
participated in public participation on:
a specific activity, such as EIA, licensing,
permitting?   .....

a strategic document such as a national/regional/local

plan, programme strategy, policy and its SEA?   .....

drafting a law or regulation?   .....

been a plaintiff in an environmental case

(either as part of the administrative   .....
procedure or court procedure)

Only answer the following questions on information access (Q.35), public

participation (Q.36) and access to justice (Q.37) if you answered yes to the
appropriate parts in question 34.

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 297

35. Based on your experiences, how do you evaluate the current situation for
accessing environmental information upon request from government
authorities in your country? (please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Positive Negative
 Legislation regarding rights and  Legislation regarding rights and
responsibilities is in place. responsibilities is absent.
 There are clear procedures or rules.  Procedures and/or rules are unclear.
 Legislation is enforced properly.  There is a lack of implementation and
enforcement of legislation.
 There is enough knowledge about what  Knowledge about what rights citizens and
rights citizens and CSOs do have. CSOs do have is weak.
 There is good knowledge and skills about  Knowledge and skills about how to use
how to use rights, procedures and rights, procedures and opportunities is
opportunities. missing.
 The timeframe is appropriate to receive the  The timeframe is too long to receive the
information. information.
 Information is kept confidential only in well  Confidentiality is claimed too frequently,
justified cases. creating barriers to access to information.
 There are no costs for receiving the  Cost of receiving information is
information, or they are appropriate and unjustifiably high and creates barriers to
reasonable. access to information.
 It is clear which authorities hold what  Information on which authorities hold what
information, where and how it can be information and where and how it can be
accessed. accessed is unclear.
 The information provided is usually up to  The information is often outdated.
 The information is in the right format and  The information is in an
easy to understand and use. improper/complicated format and difficult
to understand and use.
 Authorities generate and collect a good  Information if often not available.
variety of information.

298 N G O D I R E C T O R Y

36. Based on your experiences, how do you evaluate the current situation on
public participation in environmental decision making in your country?
(please tick the appropriate box in each row)

Positive Negative
 Legislation regarding rights and  There is a lack of legislation regarding
responsibilities is in place. rights and responsibilities.
 Procedures or rules are clear.  There is a lack of clear procedures or rules.
 Implementation and enforcement of  There is a lack of implementation and
legislation is good. enforcement of legislation.
 Knowledge about what rights citizens and  There is a lack of knowledge about what
CSOs have is adequate. rights citizens and CSOs have.
 Knowledge and skills about how to use  Knowledge and skills about how to use
rights, procedures and opportunities is rights, procedures and opportunities is
good. missing.
 Notification about upcoming decision-  Notification about upcoming decision-
making and public participation making and public participation
opportunities is made in time. opportunities is made late.
 Proper information about upcoming  There is no information about upcoming
decision-making and public participation decision-making and public participation
opportunities is distributed. opportunities.
 The timeframe to prepare for public  The timeframe to prepare for public
consultations is adequate. consultations is too short.
 We have sufficient resources for  The lack of resources hinders our activities
participation. in this area.
 We have adequate technical expertise to  We are missing technical expertise to
comment properly on comment properly on
technical/environmental aspects. technical/environmental aspects.
 Public hearings are properly organised.  No public hearings are organised or they
are not properly organised.
 Public comments are normally taken into  Public comments are not taken into
account. account.
 Information is given about which  No information is provided about which
comments were taken into account and comments were taken into account and
which were not. which have not.
 Detailed information is given about the  No detailed information about the
outcome of the decision making. outcome of the decision making is

N G O D I R E C T O R Y 299

37. Based on your experiences, how do you evaluate the current situation of
access to justice in environmental matters in your country?
(please tick the appropriate boxes in each row)

Positive Negative
 The court system is adequate.  The court system is inadequate.
 There are clear access to justice  There is a lack of clear access to justice
requirements on the right to administrative requirements on the right to administrative
appeal and to go to court. appeal and to go to court.
 There are broad standing rights for citizens  There is a lack of, or there are restrictive,
and CSOs. standing rights for citizens and CSOs.
 There are special standing rights  There are no special standing rights
for CSOs. for CSOs.
 Enforcement of existing legislation and  There is lack of enforcement of existing
court decisions is good. legislation and court decisions.
 Knowledge about rights of citizens and  There is a lack of knowledge about rights
CSOs is adequate. of citizens and CSOs.
 Knowledge and skills about how to use  There is a lack of knowledge and skills
rights, procedures are adequate. about how to use rights and procedures.
 Timeliness of procedures is adequate.  Court procedures are too slow and take
too long.
 Court fees are reasonable.  Court fees are too high.
 There is good access to lawyers and legal  There is no or limited access to lawyers and
advice. legal advice.
 There is good access to technical expertise.  There is no or limited access to technical
 Resources are available to finance fees for  There is a lack of resources to finance fees
experts and lawyers/attorneys. for experts and lawyers/attorneys.

300 N G O D I R E C T O R Y
EASTERN EUROPE (REC) is a non-partisan, non-advocacy, not-for-
profit international organisation with a mission to assist in solving
environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
The center fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among
non-governmental organisations, governments, businesses and other
environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of
information and public participation in environmental decision making.

The REC was established in 1990 by the United States, the European
Commission and Hungary. Today, the REC is legally based on a
charter signed by the governments of 28 countries and the European
Commission, and on an international agreement with the govern-
ment of Hungary. The REC has its head office in Szentendre,
Hungary, and country offices and field offices in 17 beneficiary
countries, which are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland,
Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.

Recent donors are the European Commission and the governments

of Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech
Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary,
Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom,
and the United States, as well as other inter-governmental and
private institutions.

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