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Estructura de les Llengües

Exercici addicional – Cas i concordança

Cas i concordança. Yidiny (Austràlia; Dixon 1977, 1980, dades de l’ex. 7C de Kroeger
2005). Descriu el sistema de cas de yidiny. Concretament: a) El Sistema de cas és
nominatiu/acusatiu o ergatiu/absolutiu? Per què? b) Feu un llista d’afixos de cas i indica per
cada un la seva funció o, quan es tracta de cas semàntic, el paper(s) temàtic(s) que indica.
NB: no cal fer casa als canvis de llargada de les vocals (mujam vs. muja:mbu), I els sufixos -
du, -bu i -ŋgu son variants fonològics del mateix morfema. [3 punts]

1. yiŋu wagu:ja galiŋ. 8. muja:mbu waga:lni guda:ga wawal.

this man go mother wife dog
‘This man is going.’ ‘Mother is looking at (my) wife’s dog.’

2. muja:mbu wagu:ja wawal. 9. galŋa galiŋ digarrala.

mother man uncle go beach
‘Mother is looking at the man.’ ‘Uncle is going to the beach.’

3. waga:ldu mujam wawal. 10. mujam galiŋ digarramu.

wife mother mother go beach
‘(My) wife is looking at mother.’ ‘Mother is going away from the beach.’

4. galŋa:ŋ[gu] baŋgal budi:jiŋ. 11. yiŋu wagu:ja galiŋ minya:gu.

uncle axe keeps/owns this man go meat
‘Uncle usually keeps an axe around.’ ‘This man is going for meat (i.e. to spear
5. ŋanyji mayi galŋa:nda wiwi:na.
we food uncle give 12. ganyarraŋgu ŋuŋu burriburri baja:l.
‘We must give some food to uncle.’ crocodile that bit
‘The crocodile bit that old man.’
6. wagujaŋgu minya bujiŋ waga:lnda.
man meat talk.about wife 13. ganyarrani wari bala:ny.
‘This man is talking about meat to (his) crocodile mouth opened
wife.’ ‘The crocodile’s mouth opened.’

7. gudagaŋgu mujam bajal.

dog mother bite
‘The dog is biting mother.’

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