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PHYSICS[8.30 to 9.



Student Name: Grade: 8 Sec:

Subject:Combined Science Date: 3/10/2023 Total no of Pages: 8

Paper code: Physics Paper Duration: 60 Minutes

Topics: Chapter 3 : Forces and energy

Physics Total Marks: Chemistry Total Biology Total Marks: 40 Practical Total Marks: 40
40 Marks: 40

Obtained Obtained Obtained marks: Obtained marks:

Marks: Marks:


Assignment Submissions Grades Total Marks (P+C+B+P) 160

● Regularity

Marks Obtained:
● Quality

● Class Participation Marks In words

1. Below are SIX words relating to the transfer of thermal energy.

conductor, convection, evaporation, insulator, radiation, dissipated

Complete each of the following sentences by writing in the appropriate word from the list. [4R]

(a) Cooking pots often have a wooden handle, because wood is a good thermal ………………………
(b) The thermal energy transferred from a lamp to its surroundings is called ……………. energy.
(c) Copper is a good …………………………….. of thermal energy.
(d) The heating element is put at the bottom of an electric kettle, so that ………………………….. can
rapidly transfer thermal energy throughout the water.

2. The diagram shows a heater used to heat a tank of cold water.

What is the main process by which heat moves through the water? Circle the correct
alphabet. [1R]

A conduction

B convection

C evaporation

D radiation

3. Below figure shows students walking to school. There are puddles of water on the ground.

After school, the puddles have disappeared and the ground is dry.

(a) (i) State the name of the process that causes the puddles to disappear.


(ii) Describe the process that causes the puddles to disappear. Use your ideas
about particle theory. [1U]




4. Below figure shows a mercury-in-glass thermometer, calibrated in oC.

(a) (i) What temperature would the thermometer read if put in steam, just above boiling water at standard
pressure? ………………………..oC. [1U]

(ii) What temperature would the thermometer read if put in pure melting ice? ……………..oC. [1U]

(iiI) On the above figure, mark where the end of the mercury thread might be when the thermometer is in a
freezer, where the temperature is well below the freezing point of water. [1U]

(b) The mercury-in-glass thermometer uses the expansion of a liquid to measure temperature. State another
change in physical property that can be used to measure temperature. For example, melting of wax.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1U]

5. How does thermal energy (heat energy) travel through the vacuum between the Earth and the Sun? [1R]

A by conduction

B by convection

C by radiation.

6. Two plastic cups are placed one inside the other. Hot water is poured into the inner cup and a lid is put on top as
shown.Which statement is correct? Circle the right alphabet. [1U]

A. Heat loss by radiation is prevented by the small air gap.

B. No heat passes through the sides of either cup.

C. The bench is heated by convection from the bottom of the outer cup.

D. The lid is used to reduce heat loss by convection.

7. A block of ice is heated at a constant rate. Eventually the melted ice is boiled.

The graph shows how the temperature changes with time.

How many minutes did it take to melt all

the ice? [1U]

A 4

B 7

C 11

D 13

8. Some gasses in a sealed plastic bag are placed in a refrigerator to cool down. [1U]

How do the gas molecules behave when this happens?

A. They move more quickly and are close together.

B. They move more quickly and are further apart.

C. They move more slowly and are close together.

D. They move more slowly and are further apart.

9. A student suggests that there are several ways of transferring energy to a small, stationary block of iron on a smooth

1. Heat it
2. Shine light on it
3. Pass a current through it.

Which suggestions are correct? [1U]

A 1 and 2 only B 1 and 3 only C 2 and 3 only D 1,2 and 3

10. The below diagram shows a measuring cylinder containing a liquid, and that same measuring cylinder when it's

What is the density of the liquid?


A 6.30 g/cm3

B 3.00 g/cm3

C 0.33 g/cm3

D 0.16 g/cm3

11. Two metal boxes containing air are kept standing in a room. Box X is on top of a heater. Box Y is on a bench. The
boxes are left for a long time.

Which line in the table best describes the average speed of the molecules in
the containers? Circle your answer. [1U]

12. A person holds a glass beaker in one hand and fills it quickly with hot water. It takes several seconds before his hand
starts to feel the heat.

Why is there this delay? Circle the correct alphabet. [1U]

A. Glass is a poor conductor of heat.

B. Glass is a good conductor of heat.

C. Water is a poor conductor of heat.

D. Water is a good conductor of heat.

13. When water evaporates, some molecules escape.Which molecules escape? [1U]

A. the molecules at the bottom of the liquid with less energy than others.

B. the molecules at the bottom of the liquid with more energy than others.

C. the molecules at the surface with less energy than others.

D. the molecules at the surface with more energy than others.

14. Two students carry out different experiments to compare the abilities of different metals to conduct thermal energy.

In experiment 1, the bar is heated for one minute and the length of the wax strip that melts is measured.

In experiment 2, the bar is heated and the time taken for the pin to drop off is measured.

What happens to each of these measurements when a better conductor of thermal energy is tested?

Circle the correct alphabet. [1U]

Length of melted wax strip Time take for the pin to drop

A decreases decreases

B decreases increases

C increases decreases

D increases increases

15. In which substances is convection a method of thermal energy transfer? [1U]

A. air and water only.

B. air only.

C. air, water and wood.

D. water only.

16. In an experiment to find the density of some oil, a student takes the following readings.

Fig 16. 1

Fig 16.2

(a) (i) Calculate the mass of oil in the Jug.

Mass of oil = ……………………………… g [1A]

(ii) Calculate the density of the oil.

Density of oil = ……………………………. [1A]

(iii) How could the volume of the oil be more accurately measured than with the measuring jug? [1U]



(b) Water is more dense than oil.

On Fig 16.3 , mark approximately where the surface of the same mass
of water would be if it replaced the oil.

Fig 16.3

17. (a) State what is meant by the melting point of solid.

The melting point is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1R]

(b) Which two of the following quantities are the same? Tick two boxes. [1U]

(c) Some liquid in a beaker is kept boiling by heating the beaker, as shown in Figure below.

(i) On the axes below, sketch a graph to show what happens to the temperature
of the liquid whilst it is boiling.

(ii) On your graph, mark the boiling point of the liquid. [1Cr]

18. (a) An unopened bottle of olive oil has a mass of 0.97 kg. The empty bottle has a mass of 0.51 kg. Calculate the
mass of the Olive oil. Show your working. [2A]

Mass of the Olive oil = ………………………………. kg

(b) The olive oil is poured into three 250 cm3 measuring cylinders. The first two cylinders are filled to the 250 cm3
mark. The third is shown in the below figure.

(i) What is the volume of the olive oil in the third measuring

Volume ……………………………….. cm3 [1A]

(ii) Calculate the volume of the olive oil in the unopened bottle.

Show your workings here:

Volume = ………………………………….. cm3 [1A]

(iii) Calculate the density of the olive oil. Express your answer to 2 significant figures with the corresponding units.

Density = …………………………………….. [3Ev]

19. An immersion heater is put into some crushed ice at 0oC. The immersion heater is switched on.

(a) On the below figure, sketch the graph of temperature against time, up to the time when all the ice has
melted. [1Cr]

(b) The heater is left switched on after all the ice has melted, and the temperature rises. After some time, the
temperature stops rising, even though the heater is still on.

(i) Suggest why the temperature stops rising, even though the heater is still on. [1An]



(ii) State what happens to the energy received by the water particles and explain the change of physical change.



--------------------------------------------------END OF TEST------------------------------------------------------------ 8

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