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Precious Mae O.

Alcaya STEM 1-1B

Mind Over Matter: My Personal Experience

I see myself as having a body, but not being a body. My body is a vessel for my
mind, but it is not who I am. I am my thoughts, my feelings, and my experiences. My body
is simply a tool that I use to interact with the world around me.

One personal experience that solidified this belief for me was when I fell from the
bleachers in elementary school. They were old and rickety, with no support at the back. I
was sitting on them with my co-facilitator, preparing for a meeting for Buwan ng Wika,
when I heard a loud bang! and everything went black.

I woke up in the hospital. I was surrounded by my teachers and classmates, all

looking worried. My body was aching all over, and I could smell blood. I was told that I
had fallen from the bleachers and hit my head on the concrete. I was lucky to be alive.

But what I remember most about that experience is not the pain or the fear. It's the
sense of peace and calm that I felt as I was falling. In that split second, I knew that I was
going to be okay. I knew that my mind was stronger than my body.

I closed my eyes and imagined myself landing safely on my feet. I imagined the
ground being soft and forgiving. And when I hit the ground, it was just as I had imagined.
It was as if I had landed on a giant pillow.

I believe that this experience was a testament to the power of mind over matter. I
was able to survive a fall from the bleachers because I believed that I would be okay.

This experience has shaped my view of the world and my place in it. It has taught
me that I am more than just my physical body. I am a powerful being with the ability to
create my own reality.

It taught me that the mind is more powerful than the body. We can overcome
physical challenges through sheer force of will. We can create our own reality through the
power of our thoughts.

Since then, I have tried to live my life with this belief in mind. I have learned to
focus on my thoughts and to visualize my goals. I have also learned to believe in myself
and in my ability to achieve anything I set my mind to.

I believe that the power of mind over matter is something that we all possess. We
can all learn to use this power to create a better life for ourselves.

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