Task 2 Summary Plan Reswana A12121173

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Nim : A12121173
Class : E

Summary research plan articles

Title – it announces the exact topic/area of analysis and can even be formulated to briefly
announce key finding(s) or argument(s) delivered.
Abstract – this is a very concise and comprehensive description of the study, present virtually in
any academic article (the length varies greatly, typically within 100-500 words). Unlike an
academic article, your research summary is expected to have a much shorter abstract.
Introduction – this is an essential part of any research summary which provides necessary
context (the literature review) that helps introduce readers to the subject by presenting the current
state of the investigation, an important concept or definition, etc. This section might also
describe the subject’s importance (or might not, for instance, when it is self-evident). Finally, an
introduction typically lists investigation questions and hypotheses advanced by authors, which
are normally mentioned in detail in any research summary (obviously, doing this is only possible
after identifying these elements in the original paper).
Methodology – regardless of its location, this section details experimental methods or data
analysis methods used (e.g. types of experiments, surveys, sampling, or statistical analysis). In a
research summary, many of these details would have to be omitted; hence, it is important to
understand what is most important to mention.
Results section – this section lists in detail evidence obtained from all experiments with some
primary data analysis, conclusions, observations, and primary interpretations being made. It is
typically the largest section of any analysis paper, so, it has to be concisely rewritten, which
implies understanding which content is worth omitting and worth keeping.
Discussion – this is where results are being discussed in the context of current knowledge among
experts. This section contains interpretations of results, theoretical models explaining the
observed results study strengths and especially limitations, complementary future exploration to
be undertaken, conclusions, etc. All these are important elements that need to be conveyed in a
Conclusion – in the original article, this section could be absent or merged with “Discussion”.
Specific research summary instructions might require this to be a standalone section. In a
conclusion, hypotheses are revisited and validated or denied, based on how convincing the
evidence is (key lines of evidence could be highlighted).
References – this section is for mentioning those cited works directly in your summary –
obviously, one has to provide appropriate citations at least for the original article (this often
suffices). Mentioning other works might be relevant when your critical opinion is also required
(supported with new unrelated evidence).
Note that if you need some model research summary papers done before you start writing
yourself (this will help familiarize you with essay structure and various sections), you could
simply recruit our company by following the link provided below.

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