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Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila Educational System



NAME: Rañola, Andreu John C. DATE:03/02/2024

GRADE & SECTION: 11- stem 1 TEACHER: Ms. Opeña

My Home, My Refuge!
Laboratory Activity

I. Objective:
To make an assessment of the Philippines vulnerability to disasters particularly in the area of the
implementation of Building Codes.

II. Materials: Pen and eraser


1. Prepare yourself for inspecting your own/rented house, as a substitute for a public building.

2. Inspect your house in terms of the minimum standards and requirements set by the laws on
the regulation and management of buildings in the country. While the laws is the basis,
you are required to use your own sense of judgment when you evaluate your own/rented

IV. Data and Results

Items for Building Inspection Yes No

Is the building location safe, or at safe distance from streams or bodies
of water and/or sources of water considered to be polluted, a volcano
or volcanic site, and/or any other building considered to be a
source of fire or explosion?
Is the building clean and well maintained?
Are there damaged portions or sections in the building? (Please note
signs of damage from fire or earthquake, typhoon, or any fortuitous
Are the exterior walls and openings, interior walls and enclosures, floors,
exits, stairs, and roofs constructed with safe materials?
Is the building located at a safe distance from public streets or alleys?
Does the building observe adequate environmental safeguard?
Is there an enough number of emergency exits in the building?
Does the building have an “adequate” ventilation system?
Are there fire-extinguishing units installed in the building?

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Overall, does the building meet adequate environmental safeguards?

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V. Guide Questions

1. Does your house, after completing your inspection and made your overall assessment meet
or does not meet adequate environmental safeguards?
-it has met a quite adequate safeguards in my opinion. 7/10 yeses in the
assessment are not bad over passing even.
2. Identify the reasons why your house meets or does not meet adequate
environmental safeguards. Give at least two (2) reasons
-it has a few fault lines around the pillars of the condominium, and that it is
legitimately a few feet away from a river.
3. What are your policy recommendations to the Philippine government to address the
country’s vulnerability to disaster especially in the area of implementation of Building Codes?
-that they should not cheap out on the safeguards within a home, and should apply
penalties to those who would.
4. Which of the hazards are present or could happen in the local community and which
ones are likely to happen and why?
-trash management, so many people just toss away trash to the side and not care
for what happens to that trash. Which would usually cause it to fall into the river
and clog the drains there.
VI. Conclusion
This assessment is quite helpful for us to reflect and realize the dangers and safe
places around us. We can learn a lot just answering this simple assessment. This could
also help laws be made to keep us safer than before.

VII. Application
Recall a recent disaster that you experienced. What made you vulnerable to that disaster?
-volcanic eruption, this proved quite a problem for us because most of us living in
our home has a problem breathing. So, when the ashfall came, we had trouble
breathing and it proved to be harder to clean up without either of us getting

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