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Toannis Arvanitis A Way to the Transcription of Old Byzantine Chant by means of Written and Oral Tradition A In the Greek Orthodox Church there has been an uninterrupted tradition of chant, cach composer following, usually, the footsteps of his predecessors, Cor- respondingly, there is a continuity between the various appearances of a hymn, or classes of hymns, through a very long period up to the time of Petros Lampadarios, who gave the music a form which through the transcriptions by the Three Teachers is still in use today. Starting from these transcriptions (that constitute a written tradition but at the same time are based on an oral tradition that inclicates the specifie fimetion of the various musical signs), one can trace a way to the tanscription of Old Byzan tine Chant, especially that of the Heir- mologion and the Sticherarion, having in mind the continuity of the chane tradi tion In this paper will be dealt only with the subject of transcription in relation to the melodic movements, without exam- ining the subject of scales and interval. [t is presupposed that there is a close rela~ tion or identity of the modern echoi with the old ones, despite the differences caused by the evolution of the melopoita ‘The starting point for my way of tran- scribing the Old Sticherarion and Hei mologion is the close relation between the Heirmologion of Petros Lampadarios (18th cent.) and that of Balasios (17eh cent.) especially in the Heitmoi of Holy Week. This period of the ecclesiastical year seems to be very conservative in the earlier as well as in later times, Thu many melodies are preserved in the same, or almost the same form, despite the fact that the style of the melopoifa may have changed for the hymns of the rest of the year. We can conclude from the heinnoi of the Holy Week that Petros and Balasios followed a common tradition, based on the same or closely related formulas, Table A shows some heinnoi of the Holy Week from the Heirmologia of Balasios and Petros that verify this close relation (or identity) Se table A In Table B there is given an example of a formula in the Second Mode from the Heirmologion of Petros. This formula is contained in the Heirmoi of Table A too. There are two forms of this formula: one ‘stenographic’, given by Balasios, but also found in the version by Petros, and one analytic’ given only by Petros. Bue in Table B we can see that for the heirmos and the troparia of the same ode Petros uses both the ‘stenographic’ and the "= analytic’ form, From the similarity of the music of the heinnas and the correspond- ing sroparia of an ode, we can conclude that the ‘analytic’ form in fact is an analy- sis of the ‘stenographic’ one and that they produce the same music, a music through exegesis given by the Three Teachers. Se table B But this and other related formulas have counterparts in the Old Sticherar- ion and Heirmologion, as one can see in Table C.The earlier and later forms (note expecially that of Balasios) have at least the same interval (‘phonetical’) signs ‘Therefore, they are likely to produce the same music. Se table C Table D pre ples of the clo: ents some further exam relations between the 123 Table A Hermor of a Holy Week trom Herel of Batasios MS of the National Library of Athens fepe] 946 3x | - SNS 2 Se Saas ey 3 pat ye pene Gugarea Ba ae OS te = =_ 2 =.= ee eee va ge ga vevti 4 ay ee eee ea == et oe ee | SS ee eae Me ev 4g Be ye way ore Av gle a se S55 ee Ee do fas yagoe oe fa eras sw ea eS ee he are eace Bpavii vn ail alla ~ = alas SS ee — pa WH rel fase ee evn xa pl ~> 2s oe Se ee Tew) hu seve ey eee xe yay e @ oe bea eS oe ee ge eS on = aye ge ee EO oe te ee ee | us eo eae a8 ee en re 0 cs Table A (continued) ~~ ae ee Meal a tag Ge ee ore xtu cay ba Bel Ae te may SE oS. Se cee avi Dope | ate Ce ee i a, = <= Tas ee 32 ose Se, SS Ses || Ta Ta ep yo my giov Tov wi gia 6 ov v pvete So ea NS = US Val ore ev eave ere eravior ee aeidiih Gan vase | The same Hirmoi from Hirmolegion of Petros Lampadaries eat isan F SAS as See ee Se NSS wotHva ba roy xp Har vo pe vHV Go Aac sav Ge ee ee ee = a ae ae wav Twp sta yaa 71 ava fuga vaver 1 4 en ee a ae | ys = SS anaemia ite gy, | et ute el cor aus | Toy | ep e355 SNS —~> e os et : # AL Aw wv 2 fo e av Ts uy pt = — ee = < a cw ue ev bus ap Nhe era st 125 Table A (continued) =~. © evyo yer re Se Tor wv » Bt = oo = oe eve # 4 =o 2 oe > oe ee 126 ee Bae es aoe a @ Doya mi Tha W gay vt uw 01 @ ot ae ee --> =~ ogee a pe co eee oa oe a oS ye ee fe ee 2 Ss a po © v0 Ae you ow fa a me te ~ Dora 6 6 a Reb oo 2 6 wis wav tara ep fa rw ae ee ee Se — 7 —= = —= = | 0 oe ae eee | See ee ee | = = = ee ee ee | So wo vaso | Table B | aH toy axcpwrey Beor” A Ho oo OcpH MY y # OF oa a + Toc pabnrai, , Teetapioy Re os Ee ae Ev th Seattea”, teondpey vic # -G) Nc — ae = = mee fa aac pe« cv vy re a Lov Se SNS Faye srgarvev", Elgucs tas 4 >a Dic *S Se me ce oe be Sew cee «Anonerotan yw ,reenapiov tee W odie eS eee eS ‘See a = ie Tey 1 Kyavcevover « TE rw fe To «Adxpuer marva” , tgondpiey tae Ww aN toy ey bs wwe ov BT 4 pap re a ‘lepovpyerra” , ponngion tke a” adie = . OD a ee € 6 6 a ye pe ce oe S oe Table C ES re Examples from the Stickevayium (Gdex Ambrosianus) os ee © euv aw gos Try fa va Tey SSN Cf. 800) i eg ey ces ASKS wn 6° av aw Tw * | ee] = pe the B. Examples from the Hivm oe ow pey CEBE 883) A Ne ologivm (Cod. Ceyplensis Ey 1) | ao ae Cf 52x) | e Spo mm vey 0 a He Avs | ya a Cf: 360) Pa ay € © po Heirmologia of Petros and Balasios on the one hand and the and the old ones on the other. Se table D But also the Sticherarion of Petros con~ tains formulas which can be found in the Heirmologion of Balasios and in the Ole Sticherarion and Heirmologion, as can be seen in Table E. Se table E From the preceding material we can confirm, | think, the importance of the Heirmologion of Balasios as a guide to the transcription of Byzantine Chant. Another example will be useftl. Balasios’ Heirmologion has not been transcribed by the ‘Three Teachers, but there is an 128 2 N civ € penvev ae fe Se et) Ae [evy $a Drores exegesis of it in a manuscript of the Monastery of Koutloumousi on Mount Athos (No. 440), written in a stage of notation previous to that of the Three Teachers. Gr. Stathis gives two photo: graphs from this MS in his catalogue of the manuscripts of Mount Athos!. We see here the sticheron “Oore Tdé-tep in a form of exegesis, From the MS of the National Library of Athens No. 946 1 transcribe the same sticheron in two forms, ‘teinnologikon’ and ‘sticherarikon™ Gee Table F). Se table F Table G shows some examples of formu- las from these stichena, including the exe- gesis of Koutloumousiou 440 and an exe ‘gesis by me in modern Byzantine nota To ope 3 a STW AW pine * 2° \G = neta ge a Ne Ney “we € Crd eee = me pe Sa yue oT tion (i.e. an ‘exegesis of the exegesis" in Koutloumousiou 440 and other corre- sponding exegeseis), as well as a few addi sonal comments. Se table G It is necessary to take into only the theseis cited above, but also the ount not EBE,MNT F42 nos pe xp: tra Pw *Analopeer Temes -WrH Aw antec ” Mragactoy ncuyel nega Tal eel eeme ae LS ERE 890 =< 5 _\= MR Ae oe Wvalpe Ae Te da ea | a a o Graz xpslae” tN Se ee CEBE 290) i C Petros) CeBE 290) € Balasios) cay whole tradition written in the short mel ismatic style, i.e. the short Doxologies, the short Polyeleni ete. Only on this basis can we, with the help of the theoretical treatises, accomplish a transcription of the Old Sticherarion and Heirmologion in short melismatic style, According to my opinion, this style permits the neumatic 129 Table D (continued) aS ao nee ee = ce ape Sues ye a 7m cay Paps sypavoe$ [os] SSNs a Thepow me yore pl | exy cev 1 Banpror mite, = SNS Tle te0% rac ro Sag v we ev Gu vec Te Tagavioy ”, = = a Thetpow HU pi tt ev Toy wo pi ov | 4. Geiauy agnulas = CEBE 390) Woy Ae ew © © © Ta +e Cate) fou Ace e ve TH Se C Petros ) Gi oe a 5. , Wrevparinise fipac meter” ,EBE 2490 ,£ 64u-E5x | 2 oie. | a fe (av 4! pe a o ae Te nlerewe 4 Herpov oe oee WG ti abate“. TMetpow C: omedy He form) ee a vagwpaaveyvn te uv et (Note: The MSS EBE 290 and EBE 2490 belong te the 444h cent.) 130 Table E a) Batasios ,EBE S46 | , Geos Kipws ” ae a => 4 — eek SS war ua dwy v pes rpau Ta Gov Tes 2 fy = 2 > pS SS Soe Vet wDaaDwy v pw! a oie mpavla a a Lo © ov >a es The same by Telros SS a . = | | | | x91 ua Dov v pvoro! ec repau fe a a Go ov Te | Exegesis by the Three Teachers : Se nga waa Sw v pve ot ercupan laa a a Coo caves Petyos ,Dexastarion, December 24 th: Oe ee a * = a ee ee ee | Seegdes Gp) em ee a (3 Teachers) © 0 paaayunea 4 a caaaa lec Old forms of this Pode » found Im Stichera and Hirmoi of the 3,243 and GH Modec,ares SNS ee ee VS tr Ey. ae ae mv me pe mee ve pus ‘ = = Xpusadns Paha & ydos "ey eres po we wa oles | Je 7 ee eS Tou nev po ales eaQ wi «elas Table F ce Elguorcyiuty» , EBE 946 q2454 a8 A 4 a Tie + = — eo ee Se tS Se Ss 5 poe yi ga ge cle oul | Teme | Ao = i s = eS a = Se en sy ma, fe vo pee ev THe wv cwy doe A ae ee ne ee SS = By) wv eto ene etlgel cm we ee ave SS === Peo Po bel Ouawy xer get ee = ae oS yo 0 oven Ge & Fe ov 2. 2 (es e ih sestiv ? Tov v we aN Va . So ce oe eee ares ee ae = a oe ae pir SS oe te Pee ey a | a S —_ ie as. i ee No eee Ty Oe Tye icy rev) OV oa ren eau SS a SS « ~= < i Se -" Se Se ee re is oe ENS = eeu We pee fac Ae on 132 Table F (continued) ec(rinupagindy» ,EBE S46 £2944-v , Fxoc Q) vas ~2 S>-NE aw eS Bye eae, fe 5 ee eg Se os =o oS . = oe 6 pe fe Awe ule wot 1 ow ep te go Syai se ee ee Qa « ey U pve ye YA Her ex _6 at ane te ES 5 3 = = usta Fev me 6 «tag tu woe Fe Yo pe voc eee SR Ls Tv cov boro TH THY pup Decuiyoge © ev cc pe Tua a Tov a cw pa aatuy fw Sa tte wat aS CS Xgr ere a avzwe Dv fo Ao we w ww av over fe ov Oeov Xoo o © fev = (ea SAU Tew THy Tov v Tro MAL Yauav Ta TH AY KO a a NA ee ee aa = 306 Sy as = Be ge tee So vg ee pe oe © oe = ~ Se SNe 5 SS eeu = = ae tH av du owt, v Mea tev ow TOV toe NS SA a rev «¢ au revdy ae me oo e wen Suva | — = bg we NE Se ev | == 3 = = |e aoe eee oy vee © pe vol ov a eH # H vay Sm SS agi pec fa © Aci e ace a Table G CEBE 946) a 5, -S te = SS 2 Ao Te w (hejov a) Analysis of eso thematismoe om ayia as we b) EBE 946 , . Eipporcyuov” : >) EBE D s ee ae ee es To o ov ex Be x fe ov Re ov ov Ge oy Koull. 440: ro 0 ev ex Be ov Exegesis of Koutl, 440 (¢) — 2a mes e a € ovov ov ~— = < be Another shorter () —~-=s 2 a x oie exegesis ee ev ovovte € ov ae el ee ¢) 4S Se xg ao [put 1 1 ots 6 SMR See o eo tt ae ee 3 tous ee Excy.(Koull 440) 2 —e>Qet~ ageaaa pew: 6 1 134 Table G (continued) The egegesis of the syllable ,—-nwi-~ chas the shape of the streplou 1. It could have the shepe of the tvommkon § as well , thal is —— <--> — Mi tt 1 as ah Oe < Aen Sst x CEBE 946) cuy forte 4% Tov SNe ee Choutl. 440) oo av Gove 4H w Tuy Exe ge: wE Ye eel est gesis: <2 a 5 cw wey do TH # HH Tov LOrixdpopinsy "2 oe Su | (ERE S46) bes 2g A Tha Toy eS Nl ea (Hout t 440) Ge ov roo 0 2 fo ov ag Avy Co Ex. 2 wee Se ao be ae co Tet ae ay UL coudd atse be transcribed a: follows , with an arfidemema on the word » dvrpwrey~ thal Is wea NET Be ov Ao o © 0 ley mg Av Tow Tor A ews eee =. 7 \- “NS sl =T ape in Se ee heme a The same in y ee CShape =f strepten) Sane CEBE 346) Tov o@u Avy Tpw Tov we SE Fe Ceoutt 440) Reg 6 Te ev wy [pa Tay 135 Table G (continued) 0 2 @ Ve oov yu Av » uv Tp TH d) 1 Grint papiucy ” aes 2 nS = 0 m6 ware, 9 ot 6 maa a ore Pebvoc Lampadaries ,Doxucarion, September 4st a4 Ss SS Doe 6 ee ee of this Thestc~ by the Three Teachers: OE gee ate a en AStixnpopney “29 <= = st ~ =< SS example From 4 T nposrax sev | Biles =e = ee | a vw ee ao wy v vondec ce he cwle 139 Table K CEBE 2406) So ee es tee ‘TTpeweiperoy , Ao © Verto xy pi € Te € Ae eecovebh o pasyy bo =o SS aes a+ x arepHATH cu fev € © | Tht gol . Th Ayla agi Mardy Teca pauses Tpadiuty Face 5 ee ee a tea ee ee ee 1 agus pop dw cect Tov a ow patwy by va pe w wy Wp vo « pav yu a UY aoov a vate pe vere! ee —— =~ oe evye, av MoH TH eu Ow pea SH pate Tp ee nega Se ttt Cit aoe Te. Ge ote tec, Deas Me Wet E BAup tN xe pe eee ee — 2A. : ie == 5 140 Bibliography Stats, 6.1998 Te Xeipdypaga Butavevi ¢ Movoixiic, “Avtoy “Opos. Kardéoyos Teprypaoixds tv xerporpcooy _ Kodi Kov Buoy tiv ¢ Movatxi ¢ tov anoxersévov by cad g BrBALoOH Keg ov \epby Movio xat Exnviv 10d ‘Azfow. “Opous,Val. If], Athens otes names are aewibuted by me. The ‘of Koutloumousiow 440 signifying wsarikon' rads “Td napév dxdpyer Grepov weprynévoy ué ott a 141

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