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La Salle University

Ozamiz City
College of Computer Studies Engineering and Architecture

A Final Project in Compliance with

Fundamentals of Database System

Cinema Management System Online Booking

Submitted By:
Caliso, Ryan Adrian
Caylan, Kim Philip
Sebarios, Jigger C.
1. Purpose

The Purpose of creating this document is to provide a comprehensive guide for the management

and users, it aims to serve as a reference tool, with a clear information on how to use, navigate

and utilize the system efficiently. By documenting the system's features, functionalities, and user

interfaces, users will find the system convenient, allowing them to easily select preferred

showtimes and reserve seats with minimal effort. This system enhances the cinema and overall

movie-going experience, providing a hassle-free and time-saving alternative to traditional ticket

purchasing methods. Through this system, people can not only book tickets but also explore

additional information about movies, such as trailers, reviews, and screening details, enabling

them to make informed choices tailored to their preferences.

1.1 Document Objectives

This documentation provides simplifying operations and enhancing efficiency. It acts as a guide

for cinema administrators, its primary goal is providing a clear instruction, enabling a quick

understanding of the system, and minimizing the learning curve on managing bookings and

addressing customer inquiries. In the other hand, it guides users through the platform by

providing insights into the system's functionalities.

1.2 Intended Audience

This system is specifically tailored to cater to a diverse audience, encompassing various

stakeholders involved in the system's usage, maintenance, and support. The intended audience


 End Users:

Movie enthusiasts who utilize the system to browse movies, select showtimes, reserve

seats, and complete ticket transactions. The documentation aims to provide a user-

friendly guide for a seamless experience.

 System Administrators:

Individuals responsible for the system's maintenance, updates, and overall management.

The documentation serves as a reference for performing routine tasks, troubleshooting

issues, and implementing system enhancements.

 Frontline Staff:

Staff members directly involved in customer interactions, such as ticketing counter

personnel or ushers. The documentation assists them in understanding the online booking

process, handling customer queries.

 Aspiring Developers and IT Professionals:

It's a handy resource to help developers and IT professionals to enhance and customize

the system. This documentation provides valuable support for technical tasks in

developing and optimizing the system.

1.3 Acronym and Abbreviations

Acronym/Abbreviations Meaning

IT Information Technology

API Application Programming Interface

AWS Amazon Web Services

SQL Structured query language

DBA Database Administrator

DBMS Database Management System

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram

DFD Data Flow Diagram

UI User Interface

RDBMS Relational Database Management System

1.4 Key Personnel

Role Name

Database Administrator DBA manages the database structure,

ensures data integrity, and optimizes

performance. Responsible for data

security, backups, and the overall

health of the database

Ticketing Counter Personnel The frontline individuals stationed at

the ticketing counter. They interact

directly with customers, collect

necessary information, and process

ticket transactions. Ticketing counter

personnel are responsible for

verifying proof of booking, issuing

tickets, and addressing customer


Parametric End User Trusted personnel of the shop owner

that frequently queries and updates

the database.

Sophisticated End Users They are the owner’s IT team that

familiarizes themselves with the

DBMS to formulate steps needed to

attract more customers and improve

system overall capabilities.

1.5 Data Owners

Type of Data Name Email Address Phone Number

VARCHAR Parametric 09*********

VARCHAR Admin 09*********

VARCHAR Staff 09*********

VARCHAR User 09*********

2. Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies

2.1 Assumptions

Cinema Management System Online Booking is outline considering the following


 User’s End

o Navigating the system, enabling users to easily browse available movies, choose

preferred showtimes, and reserve seats with ease.

o Updates on movie schedules, seat availability, and any changes to bookings.

o Users log in or sign up for an account.

o Supported by payment methods, including credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, and

other digital payment options.

 Admin’s Ends

o Administrators have the capability to view the entire movie database, enabling

them to add, edit, and remove movies.

o The admin can confirm a booking by selecting "Confirm" after verifying details,

also view the list of pending or unconfirmed bookings in the system.

o Admins query financial data from the system to monitor revenue and track


o Selects a specific booking from the list to review its details.

 Technical Issues

o Data Breach

o System Downtime

o Redundant and unorganized data

o Archived data might be deleted due to limited storage space.

2.2 Constraints

Several constraints need to be acknowledged in the development of the proposed system,

and understanding these limitations is important for effective project management. The

constraints include:

 Internet Connections

The speed and reliability of internet connections is important in the

performance of the system. Users and administrators should be aware of their

internet connections to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted.

 Budget

The allocated budget for the project stands at P100,000. Deviating from this

financial plan could have implications on the proposed system's quality. If the

budget falls short, there's a risk of diminishing the system's effectiveness.

 Team

The team faces a challenge due to limited firsthand experience and knowledge in

database implementation. This lack of expertise could potentially impact the

system's development and functionality.

 Time

The project must meet the deadline before the final examination. Unforeseen

emergencies may affect the project's quality, leading to necessary trade-offs

between speed and excellence.

2.3 Dependencies

This document outlines the various dependencies associated with the system. This will rely on

the resources that provided to the clients. This listed below will consider the system relies upon:

 Payment Gateways

Payment gateways is to facilitate secure and efficient transactions in Cinema

Management System Online Booking. The system communicates in real-time

with these gateways through APIs, ensuring secure processing.

 Cloud Server

The System will need an efficient management of data storage, and the

adaptability to varying workloads. Hosting the system on a cloud platform, like

Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, ensures that the online

booking service can scale resources effectively during periods of heightened

demand, delivering a responsive and uninterrupted user experience.

 Regular Backups

Dependence on regular data backups is essential for system recovery in case of

unexpected data loss. Scheduled backups protect against potential disruptions and

ensure data resilience.

 Integration with External Systems

If the system integrates with external platforms or services, its functionality

depends on the smooth operation of these external systems. Any disruptions in

these integrations may impact the overall performance.

3. Database Overview

3.1 Database Objective

The primary objective of the Cinema Management System Online Booking is to enhance

the movie ticket booking process, utilizing the convenience and accessibility offered by

modern technology. By simplifying the booking process, the system contributes to an

improved the cinema experience for the customers.

Additionally, the database design prioritizes reducing the workload of cinema staff and

administrators. This aspect aims to free up valuable time for staff members, allowing

them to focus on delivering exceptional customer service and addressing more complex

tasks, ultimately contributing to an optimized workflow within the cinema management


Furthermore, it prioritizes security measures to safeguard user data and transaction

information. By implementing security protocols to ensures the confidentiality and

integrity of sensitive data. This focus on security not only protects user information but

also give a sense of trust to the users, contributing to the overall success and

sustainability of the cinema management system.

3.2 Scope and Limitation

Cinema Management System Online Booking focuses on key aspects such as user

registration, movie catalog management, showtime scheduling, seat reservations,

payment integration, and the confirmation/ticket generation process. However, it does not

cover offline operations, extensive third-party integrations, accessibility features for users

with disabilities, deep customization beyond defined parameters, legal compliance

specifics, detailed testing scenarios, or hardware dependencies. These limitations are

important to note to provide a clear understanding of the documentation's scope and

3.3 Database Software Utilities

Vendor Product Function

MySQL MySQL Workbench Web application data is best

stored using MySQL.

Additionally, MySQL is

utilized in our database

management system to help

organize several tables of

data storage in our relational


Oracle Corporation Oracle RDBMS Serves as a tool that supports

many Windows, Linux, and

UNIX versions and

incorporates cloud

computing. Additionally, this

software aids in the security

and maintenance of huge

databases while at the same

time taking up less space and

speeding up CPU processing.

3.4 Support Software

Vendor Product Function

Google Gmail Use to send important

notifications like booking

confirmations and updates on

movies or promotions and

enhances security by allowing

users to recover their

passwords through Gmail.

Google Chrome Main web application platform

used by the admin and user

Gcash Gcash Users can leverage Gcash to

pay for their bookings, or

other services, streamlining

the payment process

4. Architecture
4.1 Hardware Architecture

4.2 Software Architecture

4.3 Data Stores

The component of data store in this system plays a pivotal role in storing and managing

various types of data for to the system's functionality. To make it easier to store and

handle data collections the team will create a data store in response to this necessity. The

following are the possible data stores of the cinema management system online booking:

 Movie catalog

 Movies Description

 Categories

 Showtimes

 Users

 Booking

 Transactions

5. Schema Description
In this part provides an insightful overview of the Cinema Management System Online
Booking's, underlying structure outlines of the blueprint for storing and organizing data.
Featuring the ERD, DFD, SQL and the normalization of the system.
5.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

5.2 Data Flow Diagram

5.2.1 Context Diagram

5.2.2 Level 1 DFD
5.2.3 Structure Query Language
BookingTimestamp TIMESTAMP,
Price DECIMAL(10, 2),


ShowDate DATE,
StartTime TIME,
EndTime TIME,


Title VARCHAR(60),
Description VARCHAR(400),
Duration TIME,
Genre VARCHAR(20),
ReleaseDate DATE


Amount DECIMAL(10, 2),
Timestamp TIMESTAMP,
TransportationFee DECIMAL(10, 2),
PaymentMethod VARCHAR(64),


Name VARCHAR(64),
Password VARCHAR(20),
NumOfSeats INT,
Phone VARCHAR(20)


HallNo INT,
SeatNo INT,
FloorNo INT,
Status VARCHAR(20)

5.2.4 Normalization
1st NF

Bookings (Booking_ID, User_ID , Movie_ID, Show_ID , Cinema_ID,

BookingTimestamp, Price );

Showing ( Show_ID, Movie_ID, CinemaHall_ID, ShowDate, StartTime,


Movie ( Movie_ID, Title , Description , Duration, Genre,


Payment ( Payment_ID, Booking_ID, Amount, Timestamp,

PaymentMethod );

User ( User_ID, FirstName, LastName , Password , Phone );

Cinema (Cinema_ID, HallNo, SeatNo, FloorNo, Status);

2nd NF

Bookings (Booking_ID, Showing_ID, BookingTimestamp, Price);

Showing (Show_ID, Movie_ID, CinemaHall_ID);

Movie (Movie_ID,Title, Description,Duration, Genre, ReleaseDate);

Payment (Payment_ID, Booking_ID, Amount, Timestamp,PaymentMethod);

User ( User_ID, FirstName, LastName, Password, Phone );

Cinema ( Cinema_ID, HallNo, SeatNo, FloorNo, Status );

6. Database-Wide Design Decision

In designing the system’s database, key decisions prioritize optimal system performance
through efficient indexing and query optimization. To realize and finalize the design of the
system the following are the most crucial decisions to be made that will either limit or
enhance the database. Adjustments to these decisions will be made as needed to align with
evolving system requirements and industry best practices.

6.1 Key Factors influencing Design

 Time: Project timelines and deadlines.
 Budget: Financial considerations impacting resource allocation.
 Board Decisions: Aligning design with organizational strategies.
 Aesthetics: Visual appeal for enhanced user engagement.
 Functions: Determining system capabilities and user experience.
 Icons: Visual communication and improved user interface.
 Color Composition: Influencing the system's visual identity.
 Accessibility: Prioritizing inclusivity in design.
 Technology Trends: Integrating modern features for competitiveness.

6.2 DBMS Platform

Choosing the Database Management System (DBMS) platform for the Cinema
Management System Online Booking is to consider the specific requirements of a cinema
management system, a relational database management system (RDBMS) is typically
well-suited for handling structured data such as movie details, showtimes, user
information, and transaction records.

The aim of the Cinema Management System Online Booking is to effectively gather and
structure data, allowing the users to make informed decisions across the organization.
Considering the system's extensive data collection, incorporating a Database
Management System (DBMS) is essential. The DBMS serves as a foundational tool for
storing, manipulating, and managing the diverse array of data types acquired by the

For the optimal functioning of the Cinema Management System Online Booking, the
preferred Database Management System (DBMS) platform is MySQL. The scalability of
MySQL addresses the dynamic nature of cinema operations, accommodating growing
datasets and varying user loads, ensuring a seamless experience for patrons. As an open-
source solution, MySQL provides cost-effectiveness and flexibility, making it an
advantageous choice for cinema businesses.

6.3 Security and Availability

Databases gain enhanced capabilities as technology advances, but this progress also
brings about increased vulnerabilities, exposing databases to potential attacks or data
loss. Acknowledging these risks, the team recognizes the potential challenges that could
compromise or diminish the integrity of the database. To address these, the team is
implementing straightforward and effective security measures such as:

 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

 Firewall Deployment
 Continuous Database Monitoring
 Regular System Maintenance and Updates
 Secure Authorization Methods
 Data Encryption
 Data Backup Features
 Limited Access and Privileges
 Code Repository Usage
 Physical Hardware Protection

6.4 Distribution
The Cinema Management System Online Booking is distributed primarily through web-based
access such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. This web-centric distribution ensures
widespread accessibility across various devices, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones,
supporting cross-platform compatibility on operating systems like Windows, macOS, iOS, and
Android. Also dedicated mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms enhance user
convenience, available for download through their respective app stores (App Store for iOS and
Google Play for Android). These mobile applications complement the web-based access,
offering users a tailored experience optimized for on-the-go movie planning and booking. The
system's distribution strategy aims to provide flexibility and convenience, meeting the diverse
needs of users across different devices and platforms.

6.5 Backup and Restore Operations

To safeguard against unforeseen circumstances and mitigate the risk of data loss, our system
employs a meticulous backup and recovery framework that addresses both hardware and
software dimensions. On the hardware front, we utilize physical data servers and dedicated hard
drives for archive storage, establishing a robust backup foundation. Simultaneously, our software
backup strategies incorporate private cloud servers, providing an extra layer of data storage to
enhance security measures. We adopt a comprehensive approach to backup frequency,
conducting full backups of data and databases twice a week to ensure the preservation of up-to-
date information. Additionally, daily incremental backups capture only new and changed data,
optimizing storage efficiency while maintaining data integrity. This holistic strategy aims to
fortify the resilience of our systems and safeguard your valuable data.

6.6 Maintenance

Maintaining the reliability and optimal functioning of the system is important, and our approach
to maintenance involves a combination of proactive measures and responsive actions. Regular
system inspections and continuous monitoring form a crucial part of our strategy, enabling us to
detect and address potential issues before they escalate and impact the user experience. Security
is a top priority, and we are committed to implementing timely updates and patches to safeguard
against evolving threats, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of user data. In addition,
database maintenance is a key focus, involving tasks such as data cleanup, indexing, and
ensuring data integrity. Our holistic maintenance approach is designed to provide users with a
secure, efficient, and seamless experience while utilizing the Cinema Management System
Online Booking.

7. Database Administrative Functions

7.1 Responsibility

Role Name Responsibility Email Address

Maintenance Caylan, Kim Ensuring all hardware Kimphilippe.caylan

Philippe and software
components are
functioning properly,
perform routine
system checks,
technical issues, and
resolve disruptions to

Data Analyst Sebarios, Jigger C. Cleaning and Jigger.sebarios@lsu.

interpreting data,
creating reports for
decision-making, and
collaborating with
other departments to
address data needs
and enhance the
customer experience.

Security Caliso, Ryan Adrian safeguarding Ryanadrian.caliso@

Management sensitive information,
protecting against
unauthorized access,
and ensuring the
integrity of data.

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