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— br (02 s1asert- onso06s4s 8O DE THI HQC SINH GIO Dé Tru HocsiNH 616186 1 1. a. Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others, 1A please B. measure Crise D. pause 2. A biscuits B. magazines C.newspapers —_D, vegetables 3. A. honourable B. honesty C historic D. heir A. bush B. brush pull D. sugar A.depth B. with . smooth D. mouth '. Choose the word that has the different stress from the others. - A hospital B. mischievous C. supportive D. special B. whenever . obedient D. solution A. biologist B. generally responsible D. security ‘confident B. important together D. exciting A possible B. university C.seeondary D. suitable I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Ws a good idea to see your dctor regularly for ‘Acarevision B. acontol Craninvestigation —D.acheck-up Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it looks as though we shall havea better A. product B. outcome C.amount D.crop ‘When the staner gave the all the competitors inthe race began to run round the rack. B. warning ©. shot D. show fom Bil, all he students sid they would go, A Bxcept B. Only Apart D. Separate ‘The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to new procedures to save time and money. Acmanuficture —B, establish contra D. restore ‘Ther is fault at our television station. Please do not Your television set. A. change B.adjust repair D. switch ‘The crowd ata football match are often Avexcite B.excited Cexeiting D. excitement Tmvery in the information you have given me. A. concemed B. surprised . bored D. imerested 1 saw athe take Peter's wallet so Iran him, but I dda catch him. Better Cover D. near 1 tomorrow, we shall have to, the match till Sunday. © play D. potaway Bi doug he sin gid Titig An lp 9 theo chuyén dé Dai boi TIL Give the correct form of the words in brackets. Kids watch more TV ‘A study info children's television (0, view) viewing habits reveals that children whose parents have a high level of (1, eduete) ‘end to watch les television than chien fiom less educated family (2. back) The repor also suggests that a high rate of TV watching. among children in poorer G. suburb) ffeas and in the provinces, compared to those living in large urban centre, is offen dew (4. poor) anda lack of other kinds of (5. entertain) inthe area, Disco, cinema, theatre and sports (6 active) ‘offer childs iv urban ceive a wider range of pastimes. which leads to Far few hours being spent in front of the box. (B. commerce) _ ‘comedies and adventure films are children’s (9. favour. programmes, whi pereen of children sai they prefered (10. violence). films and thrillers. IV. Match each phrasal verb with the correct meaning, PIRASE VERB (EANING [fa “panne 2a into B. select, choose 3 puanay change into, become ‘ran out of D coninue 5.joinin complete form) 6-pick out Fleme T-heepon G. recover fom | | 8 getover Huse up completely Y. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets, TA rite) to express my dissatisfaction of my stay at the Lord Hote in London last weekend. 1(2. book) the hotel in Sweden and also (3. receive) information about the hotel T (4. promise) usury. weekend. However 1 (5. be) not saisfied, The room was comfortable, but the tafe from. the road opposite the hotel (G make) __it impossible © (7. sleep) ___ (8 ask) Ter another room, but no Single Faoms (9. be) aval requised rmomservice one night and 1 (10. have) to wait or almost one hour before VI. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1, She wat very conscious (1) her lack of experience om her frst day at wok . He has anew solution (2), the problem. «, Nobody helped him. He managed (3) is own, 4. The drivers (4) [London kept deirears(5)_____the lef. . The summer holiday is coming. We are all excited (6) going (7) _ 1 Tong tip (8). the Sout, ne 4 BT: (028) 30103821- 0903806848, The children were amazed (9) the tion show atthe circus, «Her small garden looks very beautiful in spring because all the flowers are (10) full bloom. VII. Read the passage and complete each blank with one word, ‘Miss Darby was one of those people who never threw anything away. "You never know when you might need it” was (1) of her favorite sayings. She lived (2) herself na large Victorian house across the road from us. Although | never went t her house, knew it was full @) antique furitue, Persian earpes and son. In every r00%, there were dozens of paintings so that her house was (4) an ar gallery. 1 remember my father () that she was @ “Staffordshire Darby” but Thad (6) ‘idea what he meant. (7) ‘out years later thatthe Darby family had ‘made their money from cosl-mining in Staffordshire. We used to make up stores (8) het. My sister Alice, (9) ‘was a romantic gil cold ws tat Miss Darby ‘once had a lover but he walkad out ane day aad she (0) ‘sive him again! VIIL. Read the passage and answer the questions. ‘The world’ oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of pollution However, litle is known about the long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious problem of modem time is that man is destroying the carth’s natural resources and ‘transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, itis becoming extremely difficult to row enough to feed the work's rapidly increasing population, Away of protecting all wild Jife onthe earth must also be found as many species are in danger of disappearing completely from the face ofthe eanh, The smoke in the ttmosphere, for example, i increasing 30 much that the amount of sunfight has been reduced in many’eities, Man's whole environment is, ‘being changed in a stious way. 1, What isthe process of making something dirty? 2, Find a word or phrase fom the passage with the same meaning a the air, water and land in which we Hive? Dove ee 3. What i the air surrounding the earth called? 4, What could be best replaced! wealth, oods or products people can use? >. 2 difficulty whieh needs attention and thought? 1X Rewrite the sentence without changing the meaning, Example: He wrote the letter in two hours took him two hours 1 write the fete, 1. The keepers fed the lions at 3 pm everyday. ‘The ions 7 ne cg Bi dung hoe sinh gibi Ting Aut dp 9 theo chun dé - Boi Lot 2, We got lost because we did't have a map, ltwe —— 3. [would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday. [would rather . 4. The bridge was so low thatthe bus couldnt go under it Teva . 5. That wasa silly thing to say What . 6, We've run ut of tea. 7. Hast saw him when I wasa student. havent 8, Susan was too excited to sleep. Susan was 9, Rober has not had a job fortwo yeas Robert has Bee nnn 10. She will eomplete the work only she spa She will not X. a. Use the words inthe brackets to combine the following sentences. 1. Allthe students love the principal. He is very kind. (because of) Poovon 2. Ihave forgotten the tickets. I'm sorry fori (having) >. 3. Isaw it with my own eyes. beloved it (i) >. 4. The house atthe end ofthe stoet has been so. It has been empty for years. (which) ae " 5. tsa pity he doesnt ake the doctor's advice, (wish) . ». Use the given words to write about benefits ofthe Internet. 1. As we know! Inteme par! everyday life/ people use/ alt of things. Peon 2, Firsll/ source of information news! article! weather Forecast >. bs 3. source oFenterainmesl muse! movies games. >. a 4. finally means of education! online lessons! self study >. Sons - 5. conclusioe intemev wonderl invention’ modern li 3 eae BT: (028) 39103821- 0903906848 ©. Write a short paragraph (20-100 words) about a traditional craft village. Your writing should include: Name ofthe village = Where the village is = What taditional product is ‘bE THI NOC Sint G61 56 2 1. Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others, 1A. food 1B. blood boots D. booth 2. A. promote B. promise C. proper D. profit 3. B. petal C. pal De level 4 A.coneeal C200 D. success 5. A-jtem B idiom idle D. ideal }. Choose the word that has the different stress from the others 1A. hospital B. mischievous C, supportive D. special 2. A. family B. whenever obedient D. soli 3. A. biologist B. generally responsible D. seeurty 4. A.contident| 2B. important together D. exciting 5. A. possible B. university secondary D- suitable 4, Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1 Tam __ 80 fishing with his brother when he was young, A. wedo B.isused to Chas used 10 D. was used 10 2 don't know what todo this evening, What about to the movies? Apo B.togo . going D. goes 3. Idonit like doing the __ especially cleaning the windows. ‘A. homework B. housework job D. eccupation 4. Mylavorite is Literature Avplay B. game C. subject D. activity ae ee _BBi dung hoe sah gi Tig Auk Lop 9 theo chuyén dé - Dai Loi 5. My mother is very __ at cooking, A.well B. good . popular D. famous 6. She ‘etter when the telephone rang A writs B. wrote as writen D. was writing 7. He has just got aa interesting ina textile company. A. work B.job . occupation D. employment 8. William suggested _ at home fora change A. staying B10 stay C. stay D. stayed 9. The of waste paper can save a great amount of wood pulp. A-rexyele 1B. reeyelable . recyclement ——_D.reeyeling 10. Mrs Nga forgot to the faucet when she left for work. ‘A.tum off Bitumen C.tum up tum down, 1. This book is different the one I had. Ac with Bo C. from 12, What will happen ithe polation on, A. pats B. goes keeps Ditakes 13, Pm afraid this article is date A.over B paws . behind Deout of 14, Ua to getup early, [sould miss the tan A. otherwise Bifaot ©, but so that 15. Most young people want to ‘more ahout environmental problems. A ook up B. find out C. deal with make out IL. Give the correct form ofthe words in brackets. ‘The holiday of lifetime you want ately (1. memory) holiday, book with us now! We ean offer you a (2. person) ___service that no other company can. Our expert staff will provide you with useful Gfarm) about all ofthe (4 history buildings and areas that you can visit. On some excursions, fora small (5. ad) change, we ean even rovide you with your ovn individual guide. A trip with us will give you an insight into the (6 cultural) ‘of the region. We try to make sure that nothing is (7. miss) inorder to make your trip a (8. marvel) fone that you wil tlk about ge. We have something to offer both those (9, Took) — for a peaceful time ‘aking it easy, and) more (10. energy) people looking for the adventure of a ‘iti IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. VOLUNTEERING ‘Two and a half years ago, Anita Kapur (0. leave) left university with high hopes and a ‘degre inthe History of Ar. She then (1. spend) the next 199 years applying in ‘ain for jobs. “I soon (2 realise) that 1. study) something more 122 saceeenatariia ae khangoietbook.comam DT: (28) 39103871- 0903906888 tical, like computing or secountancy,’ admits Anita, “I (4. have) 0 work rience, and there (5. always be) lot of competition fr jabs in the art word summer, Anita (6. se) ‘advertisement for volunteers to elp otginise an festival in her home tow, She (7. apply) and (8. accep!) Since , Anita (9. find) job as an administrator in @ London gallery “t defintely not et) — this job, 11 (11. not gain) such useful experience doing voluntary job atthe ars festival” she says. Anita's experience is far from unique, bi itis only job-seekers who (12. benefit) from volunteering. I businesses (13. sce) to be doing something forthe community, i (14, enhance) ‘hele public ge: For this reason, more and more companies nowadays (15. encourage) thet loyees fo volunteer, ether partly or wholly in the company’s time here is 4 mistake in the sentence, Underline the mistakes and correct it. eter and Tom play tennis every aftemoon with Mary and me > in enjoyed tobe abe to moet some of her old friends during her vacation Jeeause they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the students lost the pportuity to lease the apartment. ould you mind telling me the Way to the nearest restaurant? nr spent Tong time to travel 10 the ski ; aaa he would speak more slowly. [could understand him. ? joang has felt much better when he tok the il. bo : sont our brother hardly goes a work by bus, doesnt he? ; - forsee - fer living in London fortwo moaths, my brother got used to drive onthe lel —— vi suggested that you weting to them to acoupt their aer. , g resort but inthe end we got there llin the blanks with suitable prepositions. fy parents are tired __ living inthe ety. ckson was late hocase he was not aware the time hee prisoners eseaped the prison in May leasuring money must be very dificult to carry ake an umbrella with you Iwill save you geting wet on the way home. ranslate this article English forme, please ona i thinking of importing Bowers Vietnam. » ee - ‘Bai dudng hoe sinh ii Tg An lp 9 theo chayén f@- Dui Lot - ‘ 8. They have only been there few minutes. 5 9. The canoe overtumed and everyone Fell the deep water. 6 10. come to pick her at 8 oclock, 2 5 9. u Vil. Read the passage and decide which the best answers. Paper is named for papyrus, a reed like plant used by ancient Egyptians as writing material ‘more than $000 years ago, The Chinese invented the paper that we use 2000 years ag. ‘A piece of paper is really made up of tiny fibers, unlike apiece of material The fibers wsed in | 1x, Paper, however, are plant fibers, and there are millions of them in one sheet. In adtion tothe | me plant fiber, dyes and additives such as resin may be used. Dyes ean make the paper different | colors; resin may add weight and texture ‘Where do these fibers come from? The majority of paper is made from the plant fiber that |» comes from tees, Millions ae cut down, but new trees ae planted in their place. Paper may ‘bo also made from things like old rags or pieces of cloth. Wastepaper, paper that has been | ‘made and used, can he tured into reeyeled paper. This recycling process saves forest, energy and reduces air end water pollution. 1, According othe passage, the paper that we use was first invented by ‘A the Chinese B.the Egyptians C.ancient cultures _D, foresters i 2. Whats the mai ingredient in ost paper? . Avan eeahond—C.plat fer papyrus u 5, According to the pasage the primary souee ofthe plant fiber sed in papers 5 Avrags Brees fab D. wastpaper - 4. According tothe passage, recycling paper is j ‘Abad forthe eovironment . good forthe environment : B wasteful D. economical a 5 According tothe passage, reeycling paper does al ofthe following EXCEPT : ‘Acreduce the nes for ink Cosave enerey Pa B. save forests , reduce sir pollution fl VII Read the passage and choose the best option to complete It. a ‘George Holmes has (1) a lotery ticket once a week for as long as he can 2) , but he won't be dang that any more. He to dream about what be | ‘would doit he ever 4) 8 big prize but he never wally (5 this to | sam happen, However, on Saturday George (6) the news that would change his fife | 1 1 fever ~he had Become a milinaie! In (7) his lucky ticket had rewarded him J with £37 milion. The fist thing he id was to) some flowers delivered for is. | 2. 1 Wile — one thousand red oses, 1 he exit. George ©) that the money won't |W change his life completely but he has (10) is wife ly to the Caribbean with 3.7 im, on thir first hlidy abroad fr more than en years q 1. Apa B, spent Coeamed D. bought 2. A. remind B. koove C-remember Dibelieve i 3. Achad B. used nected Damust Pe 4. A. won 2 put Condered Da kept i ae eral sein tothe ferent that ‘may been nergy BT: (028) 39103821- 050300648. —____Blangoietbook.comon D028) 39103821- 0903006848 5. A. thought B. felt . expected D. imagined 6. Arplied B.sent handed D received 7. Atm B. fact Cease Datime 8 Ase B. book. Geet D. make 9. Actells Binsists speaks D. refuses 10. A. argued B. blamed C offered D. persuaded DX Using the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences without changing their ‘meaning, 1. I'm gory Lean’t speak English perfetly. (ish) Tee sss English perfectly 2. Walking among the een tots gave Lis pleasure. (enjoyed) Liz. green ees Mai began singing when she wasceven able) Mai has she was eleven He speaks to quickly fore to understand (enough) He doesn't see 1 Understand, Ip he weer’ bry i ssn Date today, “Would you like to come on pienie with me” Mike sad to me. (invited) Mai. ‘penie with him, The ast ine we vse Kuala Lumpur was two years ago(snc) teciten visited Kuala Lumpur. Minh ast wrote to his pen pal ive months ago. (or) Minh hast ystceeeseneterenn ive mths ‘They usually wore jeans when they were young, (used) They they were young. 10. Our house is going to be painted by a local frm (have) Weare going. veces BY aoa ft, X a. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning remains the same. 1. Lam sorry I don’t have time to come and ply 00 vith your ame ak I wish Let's visit the muscum this afternoon Why don't ‘The school keeper cleans the classrooms everyday. The classrooms 7 1 “Why don’t we go out for & while?” He suggested enn He forgot his umbrella, so he wot wet. He got : sadn hoe sini gibi Ting Ani lp 9 theo chayén dB ~ Dai Lot wet pnp ean dig wn During the week T The college where I study is quite near my apartment The college Yestenlay morning my fiend Marco arrived befor I Finished breakfast, Yesterday morning I was Marco told me not foryet my tennis racket Marco said: "| We play tennis every Wednesday afernoon We play tenis once ae p. Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) about life in your city. Your writing. uld include: ‘What's the name of your city? Where i the city? How is the ety? What do the people in your city lke? What do you like best in your city? pt tri 119 sin gibi 80 3 2. Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from. others. A. invite B.time imitate D. kind A. sate B. statue . station D.suy A. coughed B, missed C watched D. visited A. runaway’ B. agree relaxed D. accept A. betray B. gd Chall D. bend b. Choose the word that has the different stress from the others. A. decision B. reference Crest! D. important A. intelligent Bcomfortble necessary D. seeretary A. cooperate B. permanent C recognize D- industry A. binbday B. cowboy C.enjoy D. pleasure A.expression B. decisive dependent D. independence AM 16, Wh Acoma 17. ha A301 Cas 18. Hei Ach BT: (28) 39103821- 0003906548 1, Choose the best option to complete the sentence, |. They named their daughter their favourite movie star, Af Bfor Calter D.on 2. Tot speak to her she apologies. ALinease Bin pie of| so that D.unlese 53. My mother used ta research in ths brary when she was a student, Avmake Coding D. making 4. Let's goto the beach this weekend, ? A. shall we B.dowe don't we D.let we 5. The historical places in my city are open and fice ‘everyone on special holidays A for Bio Coit D. from 6. [dont mind home but rather ata Ato walk to gst B. walking’ geting C. walking? get D. walk’ geting 7. There are young people who care abot hip hop. ‘A-more and more B.lessandiess——C. many and many. most and most 8, The parting meeting was really moving and wonderful. wish you come B. had come would have come D.came 9. Udon usually tke staying at hotels but lst summer we spent a few days at very nice hotel by sea. Ag- Bowithe Cothela D.-!the 10. {cant find the tickets. seem them, Atohavelost —— Bo lose C- losing D.tolost Take your coat with you it gets cold later. A Baslong as when Diinease 12. John wasnt at work yesterday, He ‘A, must have been ill B, must be ill C. must have ill 1D. must tobe it 13, My father has gone away. Hel be back week, A for Boat cor Din 14, The math problem was ifieul for him work out, A.salto B. too! that . so that D.toor to 1s. dni vst this part of the town, ‘A Mostiourts B. Most oftourissC. The most tourists, Many tourist 16. What she sie me ‘unhappy. ‘A.made’to feel, mada! feel made’ fet D. to make’ fecting 17 haveat seen her for ‘hat Ihave forgotien what she looks lik, ‘ long time B. aso longtime C.a such long time D. such long time 18. He i the most humorous man Thave ever met A who B, whose that Bb dung hoe sinh gid Ting An dp 9 theo chuyén dB Bei Lgi 19, Do you know all the puests to the party? A. inviting B. invited C.who invited, were invited 20, How beauifl she i! She is wearing a A. silk pretty puple dress B.dresssitk pretty purple CC. purple prety silk dress D. prety purple sik dress I. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. 1, The (careful) you write, the (bad) your mark wil be 2 Ws (possible) To drink the water Because ithastt heen (pure) __ yet. 3. The trip was (@xireme)__(enjoy) 4. believe in (prevent) diseases because (prevent) is always beter than cure. 5. The coal industry was (origin). IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Lina has lost her passport again. I's the second time this (happen) 2, Itwasa great party lastnight. You (come) __ Why didnt you? "Ann is in hospital”, "Yes, 1 know, (visi) _her tomorrow.” The boy (knock) down by abus while he the street. (cross) ‘The police officer stopped us and asked us wire we (go) [dont feel ike (go) _out this evening (work) inthe garde all day ‘Are you having your house (paint) atthe moment? IT (lallow) _____the doctor’ advice, I ould be beter now. /-Bach sentence has 1 mistake. Circle it and correct it. ‘Graham Bell vas one a teacher who runs @ school for the deaf in Massachusets A BC D 2, Telephoto, a process for sending pictures by wie, hus ben invented during the 1920s, A B c and the fist transcontinental telephoto was eatin 1925, D 3. The immune system isthe hodies way of protecting itself azanst viruses. A B Cpt 44. What old her a few days ago were not the solutions to most of her problems, A B © D 5. However cheap itis. the poor quality products cannot always appeal to customers. A B cD 6, Iyoudo not ep my secret, I would surely reveal yours. A BC D 7. ims grandfather left him 50,000 dollars, this was oo Bia sum to him. A B D 8, So far Linda has been writing 5 novels on the problems tsmagers have to ope wih inthe aA B a D private but was (ation) —_—_ the 1940s, Bre eetetti es ew word 126 fam al hi wile the ps shen record When ay co cary compu andr "Pry DT: (028) 39103521. 0903906848 9. The choice of which restaurant to go wo for tonights meal i entirely your, A Boe D 4. You mustn’t have seen my sister, fr have no sister living in this city. A B c D Vi. Puta correct preposition in each blank. . Mr Thanh leaves Hanoi 2pm, He arrives in Singapore Monday evening. (On Tuesday moming, there isa meeting Tam and 1 pam ‘Mr. Thank as appointments 1pm. He returns tothe hotel pm. 5. We walk half'an our to reach the water, ‘They planned have the tip. Jue. 8, She loves to wateh the stars night, 9. Good bye! See you Monday, 10. The bus collet us the mening. Vil. Read the passage and fill in each blank with one word. Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong ho (1). bom in 1990 and (2) in 1971. was a very Samus jazz musician, He used to be Known as “Satchmo” and this nickname stayed with hia all his (3) AAS a child in New Orleans, he learnt to (4) the trumpet ‘while he was living ina special home for ehilen who (3) ‘gino trouble with the police. When he had finished his stay in the home. he (6) various bads and then he Formed his own. Between 1925 (7) 1928 he made about 60 reconds, These records made him one (8) the frst solo stars inthe history of pop (9) When he died, he had (10) ‘making records and he had been touring all over the (11) ___for more than forty years. and he (12) just as popular (13) hie had been before, He even (14) ‘number one pop record = What A Wonderful World -(13) the 19605 IIL. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete it. COMPUTERS Computers (1) 4 important part in ou life nowadays. Its@) to sary on our work witbour computers. For example, (3) ae necessany i ‘university Ibrary. All the (4) onal found in a library is now (5) in ‘computes, This is very (6) fr students because they ean (7) messages, snd receive information @) having to leave their computers. Access (9) —___acomputer has now (10) students" need, TAdo B, make Cave D. play 2 Acasy B.diticut exciting important 3. A. books B. computers D. messages 13 Se BS dug ge sin gi Titg Anh Lip 9 theo chien AB -BaiLgi 4. Acinformation BL work clit D.event 5. A. kept B stored C put D. made 6, A.dificult B.comforable —_C. suitable D. convenient 7. Acteosive Bi send Caive D. write 8 Acand B. but without Dinot 9. Ato Bin Cof D. with 10.A. became B becomes becoming D. Become 1X Rewrite the sentences without changing thelr meaning, 1. That get's mother used to work with mine ‘Thats the gil 2, They think the the goin trough the Bathroom window. “The thief. 7 3, "Thavent got any siblings o pay with” She Wishes. 4, My brother used to smoke, My brother has ‘5, Without your help, shoulda have ben abet find my wa. Ifyou. 6. Her stp-mother made her do chores al day. Sho 2. Did anybody ne him come down the Lane? Was 8: Thavet enjoyed myselso much fr yeas Ws 9, Tunafal th switches before leaving the workshop All the switches 10, Although the trafic was heavy, I rived on time, In spite. ea Reorder the words to have correct vento, +, pl San me sul onl ol wb isin 4. iat adi aro! al a oi people work cua pa el Tio conse 6 aoe iid alain iv od wa el ~ Pn BT: (28) 30103821- 0803906848 7, the book! you for me taking/ would tothe library mind back? — . wi : 8. spov the accident is! happened the axl thi! where > : — 9. answering agin and agnin/ tired’ hiswe! of questions! got. 10 students’ during! suits this jo who holidays to work! want. . Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) about one of your best friends, Your ‘writing should include: += Whats her name? = What ise! she like? = What does he/she lke dong in his! her fee time? = What subjects does he! she lke? = Why do you like hi! her? be TH FOC SINH aid 56.4 |. & Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others. Lame B. free . preter 2. A. Inia Boeiver Cofinger 3. A include B sun Cun 4. A chocolate B.oftice forty A.ape B. change shave }, Choose the word that has the different stress from the others. ‘A. partnership B. romantic . actualy D. attitude - A. beiove B. mariage response D.mainsin A summary B. different C. physicl D. decision Acatraciveness —_B. traitonal . generation D. Ameria ‘A.centain B. couple cds D. eaual i ee Bi dng he sink gibi Ting An 2p 9 theo chuyén dé - Bai Lot 1. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1, When the party was we helped them clear up the house Asp Boi C.out Da over 2, Jack can't remember the telephone number down, A. write Bitewsite writing Di vriten 3, Has Sue finished. yer? A.washing up Bo washup. Cash up D. wash upping 4, Jane stopped the ear ‘newspaper. A. buying Booby D. bought S1 your name, Could you tll me again? ‘Ac am forgeting B. "ve been forgeting "ve forgotten D. was forgetting 6. There you are! far nwo hours. Where've you been? Aan waiting B. wait . waited have boon waiting 7. This job working very long hours. A. involves B. consists includes D- contains 8, “Have they arrested the thieves yet?" “I's oly a of time.” A. period 1B, mates length D, waste 9, Just think, ‘590 years’ time, we'll be I Avunder B.over Coafter Dain 10.1 give you ten minutes to come tha better idea, Aout Bin though Diup IL. Give the correct form of verbs James : Dave, Laven’ seen (0, see) you for a long time Dave : Well (live) in West London forthe last few years James + Right! So what you 2.40)? Dave : Well {G. work) fora film company forthe last ewo years, James : Wow! A film company. That's glamorous! Dave + No, not really I's hard work. I'm an assistant director, Jam you (Geet) anyone famous? Dave + Wel, yoo! (& work) with some famous poople in the time ve been there. Last year we (6 make flim with Jack Anderson, James: Wow! | (7 ss) hm ina fil last week. He"s really briliant Dave + And1 (lm) with Belinda Barker a couple of months ago. (Oh lucky thing? Oh, yesh, and 1 also (© become) fiends with Matt (To. meet on te last film 1 worked on ‘you (11, do) this year? Dave : Well, ‘12, finish) work on a comedy, and for the past couple of weeks 1 (13. help the director to cast @ new romantic comedy. khangviethook.coman BT: (28) 39103821. 0903906518. James: What you (14. work) on today? Dave : I'm afraid 1 can’t well you. 1°s a secret! Anyway, enough about me! What you (15. do) lately? IV. Give the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets. Original Olympic Games began in Ancient Greece inBC 776 in Olympia. ‘The Games ‘were very popular and were held (I. regular) every four years until AD 393 when ‘hey were stopped by the Roman Emperor. The moder games were strted again in Athens in 1896.The Games have become the World's most important intemational athletics (2 compete) in which the best athletes spend years training in (3. prepare) {or this erat event. Sports range from basketball horse riding. Pethaps the most challenge) ‘wack and field event is the decathlon, Athletes take part in ten different running. jumping and throwing events. Almost every nation sends a tem to the Olympic Games and one of the ideas is that the Games encourage (S. frend) between countries. (6. dedicate) sports lovers travel thousands of miles to watch the Games and most (7. ambition) athletes want the chance of winning an Olympic ‘medal, Such an (8, achieve) ‘an make them known throughout the word V.Fillin each blank with one suitable word. 1. Quiet please! The headmaster would lke to afew words ‘You are late: we've been waiting for you ight o'elock, ____he is wrong, slmost everyone admires him. don’ think 1've lent you this book before, PR ‘Many people find iculto give up smoking. 1 don't know. ‘call him, Mister or Doctor, ‘We must find him, eis. 8. 11 ad today T would goto the seaside, 9. Practice perfect 10. The book Tam taking about is that ‘on the second shelf. Mi. Circle the mistake and correct it. 1. They asked a lot of questions, checked ther gure and came up with a best solution. 4 B cob 2. We will be interviewed al ob apoicans as soon as their papers have been processed A B Gi D 5. This telephone isn’t as cheap the ater one, but it works much better A B cD “4 That sceretary of mine sso efficient tht she always amazes myself with her speed, A B cD 5. Moststudenis were abl of finding good jobs three to six months ater graduation, AB c D 6. We were made leaming fly new words every week, A BOC D 1H dug ge sink gid Tig Anh Lp 9 theo chuyén d - Dai Loi 7. Both cate or railroads helped build the city of Chicago. A OB % D 8, Mrs, Adams was surprise that her son and his frend had gone tothe mountains to ski A B Gi D 9. The letter was sent by special delivery must be important. A B cD 10. Suzy had beer to change er study habits if she hopes o be admitted to & good univensity A B a > ‘VIL Read the passage and choose the best option to complete it. Its always worth preparing well for an interview. Don't just hope (1). the best, Here are a (2) tips, Practise how yeu say things, as well as what you (3) to say, If you don’t own a Video camera, perhaps a friend of (4) does Borrow it and make a video tape of yourself. Find (5) to watch i with you and sive you a (6) of advice on how you appear and behave, Before the interview. plan what to wear, Find out how the company expects its (7) to dress. At the imerview, believe (8) yourself and be honest, open and Irienly. (9) ‘tention and keep your answers to the point, The interviewer doesn want to waste ine and (10) do you. LA against B. foe co 2. Alitle B. several few D.lot 3. A intend B. consider . imagine Di think 4 Ais B. yours C. mine D. ous 5. A.anybody 1B nobody everybody D. somebody 6. A. number Bistice plenty D.bit 7. A.colleagues 1B. employees customers D. employers 8 Ain Bot with Diby 9, A. atast Di give C.tun D. pay 10, A.also B.cither nother Door VIL Choose sentences from A (o H which fits each gap 1-6. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use, ‘A. Industries have polluted the water, fishing has destroyed sealife and divers have damaged Jarge parts ofthe coal B. The erew were helpful and pleasant and the price was also very reasonable CC. Altogeter, it was a wonderful wip. .T'm not sute I would go again E, Istrethes fr 2000 ilometees and is up 1 800 motes wide F. However. didn't think I could take patina dive eruse and nat dive G. Atno point were we permitted to sim avay on our own. 1 Las eight it was an increible sight, 14 En Bi ding ng sinh gi Ting Au lp 9 theo chuyén dé Dot 8. “Why didn't you mention the problem before?” [asked them, (had) asked them 9. You are unfit beeause you don't do enough exercise. (would) i 10. Thought myself some good new clothes. I need them for my new job, (hich) Tbovght i X a. Finish each ofthe following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the ‘same as the sentences printed before it. 1, We atved to late tose the frst il, 3 We ido't 2. "Would you mind not smokin 2rd rather 3. He wrote the letter in 180 hours. > Ieto0k 4, “Why don't we go out fora walk?” > My father suggested 5 Ingpite oF hisage Mr, Benson runs 8 mils before beaks. 3 Though ». Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the frst sentence using the word in brackets. 1. Itwould be dificult for me to finish the work by the weekend. (i >. eerie 7. 2. Be sure to say goodbye to your grandmather before you leave (without) >. z 3. IF don't leave now, I'l miss the wai. (unless) >. 7 : 4. You know alot of people. (seem) a 5. Tan looks nothing like hs father. (tk) >. in bere?” ty) «. Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) to make a comparison between your village! city in the past and your village/ city now . Your writing should inchude: = Name ofthe village ‘Some comparisons about = Roads = Houses Vehicles People's characters shangoietbookcom.on DT: (028) 39103821- 0903806848 tgeiethook.comon BT: (028) 39103821- 0903906845 bE TH Hoc SINH G16 s6 5 1. a. Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from theothers. 1A. polite B right hie D. drawing, 2. A. potato 2B. clothes hole D. smoke 3. A. bald B. walking Cold D. eoaner 4A same Besit Cu easy D.sistor 5 Ast B fat Ceat D. bath '. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. appliance B. activity adventure D. average 2. A favorite B.govemment ——_C. nfluence D- identity 3. A, evonomie B.voleanic Cisappoimed scientific 4. A. reputation B. description suggestion D. polation 5. A. magazine pictures documentary —_D. entertain 1. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence, 1. Hung__ go fishing with hs unele when be lived inthe countryside. A. used io Beis used to Chas used to D. who used to 2a yu ' take some rest before the game tomorrow Aan B. could be Cwere D. would be 3. You have never been to Ha Long Bay, 2 A have you B. haven't you! you have D. you haven't 4. only Play the guitar as well as you. A. would B. shall . could D. might 5. There's no need tobe nervous. You're quite capable your final exam, A.ofpassing B. passing to pass D. pass 6. As she arrived at the theatre, she remembered that she fo meet a fiend somewhere else ‘A. promised had promised Chas promised —_D. promised 7. "Does Jack know about your project” "Yes Hold him todo! A. what was I planning 1B. what T have planed what dit plan . what was planning oe, Ae [Bb dng hoe sinh gi Ting Auk 1p 9 theo chyba dB ~ Dai Lot 8, Ifyou have finished the test, you__the room, A. would B. may leave C.may be leaving D. could leave 9. Lwish you ‘me how todo this exercise Aca help B. will help could help . should help 10, The children tthe 200, ‘A. were enjayed taken B. enjoyed being taken C. were enjoyed tking D. enjoyed taking IIL, Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 1. They asked me what did happen lastnight butt was unable to tel them, A B cD terng, an easing many problems in our lrg, industrial cies aA B c D 2. Aiepotution, together today. ‘These televisions was quite popular in Europe twenty years ao, A B A B 4. Nora hardly never misses an opportunity to play in the tennis tournaments A B cD ‘5. Many people believe that New York isthe most peat city in America A Ea a D 6, Each year people around the world spending billions of dollars buying goods on the Inter A B c D 7. Children enjoy telling and listening wo ghosts stores, especially on Halloween night A B a D 8. One ofthe most urgent problem facing us now isthe ned to como! population prow A B c D 9, Vl lost my front door key an aa to smash a window by a brick to get in A B c D 10, Despite ofthe heavy snow. she went out. A BoC D IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets, 1, He simterested inthe ‘of eld building (preserve) 2, Dont depend on him: besa very person. (ely) 3. Rob was dismissed after being (ld by is___that he must leave in a months time. (employ) He's quite an___ person, He plays ots of'spor and goes running everyday (energy) English 2 guage for Swedes to lear, (compare) [think its very = of him to expect us t9 work overtime every night this week: (reason) is boss tld him off because he had behaved (esponsible) 8, She left school with good ____ (qualify) 138 BT: (2S) 39103821- 0913906848 9. She has one ofthe biggest. in Britain, (cllees 10. Samy about the mistakes, | the instructions you gave me. (understand) V. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. [was tted when I got home. (1 work). all dy. b. 1 artive) England in the middle of July. 1, be tld) England (4. be) —___ shrouded in fog all year round, so 1 (5. bs) surprised to find that i was merely raining 1 (6. ak) ‘another passenger, an Englishman, about the fog and he (7. say) ‘hac there (8. not he) any since previous February John and 1 went for a walk, 1 (9. have) trouble (10. keep) up with him because he (1 walk) sot By next June John (12. partisipate) in four Olympics want fo get marred, but I (13, not met) the tight person ye. ‘We had clearly been listening t our conversation and I (14. wonder) how much he (IS.bear) When I (16. ask) him what he (17. do) abe (18. say) that he (19. drop) 1 30 piece outside the door and (20, look), fori. ‘VL Fil in the passage with the correct preposition, 4 What do you think isthe best solution (1) the problem? ‘There has heen a bia increase (2)___the price) _ land recently «Paula isa wonderful photographer. She likes taking pietutes (4) people 4. Me Pike is away (5). vacation this week ‘My friend and I disagreed (6) that subject. © Chidren ety (7)___their parents (8) fou and shelter 2 We wear sunglasses (0 protet our eyes (9) the sun. +. Children’s play teaches them (10) __ their environment while they are having fun ‘VIL Read the following passage and the decide which option A, B, C of D best fits ‘each space. Have you ever stopped (1) ‘why people give each (2) Easter? ~ The Christian festival of Faster celbrates the return of Chtist from dl festival is actually name (3)_the goddess of the sun, Eostrs, whose mame is taken fom the East where she (4) In very ancient times, Easter as a celebration that winter was (8) _— and that a new fife was about to begin. The rabbit, (6) to the numberof young it produces. it the symbol of ils. n some parts ofthe word the rabbit leaves lange (7) _of egps (another symbol of new life) inthe garden and ehilen have to find as many as they ean. Ths is very (8)_____ Christmas when Santa Claus leave presents for individual children. At Kastor children have to be independent and (9) aller themselves. In this (10) _ the hunt for Easter eggs presents the for young people to yo out in to the world and make their own fortune Bi dng hoe sinh gibi Tig Auk Idp 9 theo 1. A.t0 wonder B, wondering wonder D. wander 2 Aclse B, person C others D. other 3. A. for B. about after D.with 4A, goes B. set Crises D. mises 5. Acfinish B.conelusio Cup D.over 6. Ass B since Cue D. because 7. Acnumbers Bsums figures D.totals 8. Alike B. unlike different D. similar 9, A.take Beet look De cary 10.Aday Bway C habit Datime VIL Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to the questions below. During the teenage years, many young people can at times be dificult to tak to. They often seem to dislike being questioned, They may seem unwilling to talk about their workin school. This isa normal development at this age, though it ean be very hard for parents to ‘understand, I is part of becoming independent of tenagers trying to be adult while they ae sill growing up. Young people are usually more willing to talk ifthe believe that questions are asked out of real interest and not because people are trying to check up on them. Parents should do their best to talk to their Sons and daughters abeut school work and future plant but should not push them to talk i they don't want o, Parents should also wateh for the anger signs: some young people in tying to be adult may experiment with sex, deugs, alcoho, or smoking. Parents need to watch for any sign of unusual behaviour which may be comected with these and get help if necessary 1, This passage is taken from a ‘A. handbook for parents B. schoo timetable CC. wenage magazine. . book for children ‘Why do adults sometimes find teenagers dificult to tlk to? ‘A because most teenagers ae quiet B. because teenayers donit want to talk o other people. . because teenagers think adults are not honest D. because most teonagers hate adults 3, When can you expect young people to be more talkative than usual? ‘A. When people talk to them because they are really interested and not just checking on them, B. When adults give them a lot of money to spend, (C. When adults tak 1 them about something other than thelr work in schoo. When adults tlk to them about sex, aleohol and drugs. 4. Some teenagers experiment with drinking bad smoking because ‘A. cigarettes and alcohol are available everywhere B. cigaretes and aleohol are cheap C-women like smoking and drinking men D. they regard them as a matk of adulthood 8 (628) 39103621- 0303906845 Hunger br (028) 30103521- 0903906848 5. The word BEHAVIOUR in the passaye most nearly means A feeling B, manners Cactivitis D. reaction 1X. Complete the following sentences by choosing the best option A, B, Cor, 1, Can you please tell me 2 A. What time arrives the next bus . when arzives the next bus C. What time the next bus arives D, when arrives the bus think you should ‘A-have your aie be ext cut your hair have your hair ext D. have your hair ben eut . He wanted to win the race. He ran ‘Acfaster than he ean as fast a he could fast ashe could D. sofastas he ean ‘The problem A. Thad expected B. who [had expected that Thad expected it Dt had expected Does anybody know ‘on the ground? A. how fong this plane willbe B. how long willbe this plane Chow long will this pane be . that how Tong this plane will be All he students do wel in writing ‘A.Mr. David teaches them B. Me, Davi teaches CC. which Mr. David teaches D. whom Mr. David teaches them "I.dont like your attitude” "I don't care * Aor not you ike BB. whether you Tike it oF not C. do you like it or not D. you like it oF not “What do you think about Maria” “ A LToewet all about her , She's sweet and gentle ©, She went York D.No, I dont Mi John forgot he was supposed to goto |A. Which the room BB. which oom CC. which was the room D. wiat room was it 10." When did you get the bike" "My father gave q Ato me the bike last week Bm the Bike lst night €to:me the bike fast night D. last night the bike to me, X. Make a complete letter from the given words. Dear Jack, 1. Thank you eter eceive when get home! lastnight. 2. Ube please! hear you after such longtime, 3. Wlove! go! bale with you! but/ I no be fee! until 630 pam! [Boi dng hge sin git Tig Anh 1p 9 theo chuyén dd - Ba Loi _ 4, How abut come! my fav and have someting el eng? 5. no wan ke mye becuse tb! cl ind some pak 6. Why wenot go ta? 7. Let hope! dancing/ be! good at reviews sy 8. ok forward ce you! omorow aig 9. Love ‘Anne. b. Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) about Vietnamese people. Your writing should include: ~ Your name, your country + Vieamese’s characters The characters of Vietnamese you like «The characters of Vietnamese you don’t ike pe TH MgC SINT GI61 56 6 1. a. Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others. Behumpagne Chain D. choose 2 Ail Ball fide 3. A.television B. sugar © section D. conversation 4A. profession B. picture C. special D. information 5. A. amuse B. bush Cotube Deu . Choose the word that has the different stress from the others. 1A. majority B. minority partnership D. enjoyable 2. A appearance B. measurement C. counterpart D. cultural 3, Aromantie B. following summary D. physical uaz 16 —— Br: (028) 39103821- 0903906888 4. A. determine B. appearance C. develop D. different 5. A. contractul B significant Asian D. demanding I Choose the best option to complete the sentence, 1. Peter used to swimming every Friday when he was a student, A. went B. goes C. going D.go “There was such a huge ‘outside the stadium that it looked like we'd newer get inside. A. team B.class crowd D. group My friend me that he was going 1 ake adeving test. A spoke Btold said D talk ‘The teacher advised the ehildeen nd See the dentist regulary, A. went B. going Coo D.w g0 Carmen that you are making a mistake by turing down their offer. Ac thinks thinking ©, thought . has thought ‘When you the intersection o Fifth and Broadway, urn right, A.come Breach Cpe D.arive 1. asked my fiend Ihe wanted to go out with me, Atha Bowhich who Dit 'm feaming English 1 want to get abeter ob, Aor Bbw therefore D. because 9. Ladmire so many ators, it would be hard to say who my oncis. « A. perfect B. favorite C. better D. best 10, "Would you like to have dinaer with me”, AYes,Tdlowto B.Yes,sodol —C.Imvery happy. Yes.itis 11, Mary never cooks, 2 ‘A. didnot she BB doesn't she . does she D.did she 12, [think thei house is___T've ever seen. ‘A the most beaut 'B. more beau C. mast beautiful hat , more beauifilthat 13. "What do you know about the new chairperson?” My assistant, worked for him for years, says he’s a wonderfil man.” Avthat B.she Cho . whose |4.-1'm having luneh with Sue Peterson tomo. “Please her my regards when yousse hee" A.give B. you give C.togive D. be giving 15. "Dos this jacket belong to you?” "No, and Pim not sre ints: A.who B. whose which D. that 16. They left the restaurant because there was nothing onthe ____they wanted to eat. Avlist B. program menu D. catalogue — Le ‘Bi dudg hoe sinh gibi Tig Auk ip 9 theo chuyén dé- Dai Loi _ IL. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, ‘As soon as she arrives, we (have) dinner 1 2. If we iayed in tonight, wh ‘we (0) 2 3. She said that she (all) __ back later. 4. My father (smoke) ‘ot, but he quite ten years ago 5. My ear (eps) ‘atthe moment. had an accident last week. 6, The movie star's picture (ake) when he was shopping with his ieiiend 7, She started the jab last month, and she already (give) a nse 8, When we (check in) Task fora window seat. 9. Celebrities __ often (se) atthe best New York resiurans 10, Ifwe don't use less electricity global warming (get)__ worse 1V. Give the correct form of the bolded words in brackets. 1. Bien Hoa is an city inthe south of Vietnam. industry) 2. She fet alone and (friend) 3. English and French are Canada’s: nguage (ofies) 44, He wants to make a good ‘om everyone he meets. (impress) 5. Thad my trouser Because its oo short. long) 6, How serious her a 1 isa source of income for radio, TV and newspapers. advertise) 4. My sister wears nice and new clothes, She looks very____ (fashion) 9. There used tobe a big tee atthe to this village. (enter) 10, Jeans made in China are sometimes heap, (surprise) V. Putin 2/an/ theor Gin each blank. 1. She was in Fury and ate quick neh, 2. Swedes ropean county. IPs in north of Europe 5. Both of my sister altended Havard Universi. 44 Hewat in 1912 that janie sank while crossing. Alani 5, Did you come by air? No, Ieame by 6, Weare going to tea with Smiths today. Shall we tke 7. If you want to study Plysics, you vill fist have to take sever sath classes, 8. Most people ike rest after hard day's work. 9. John and Mary are brother and sister 10, Were you sick? Thad fever I hink {have fe. ‘VL-Pillin the blank with a correct preposition. 2, In theare, she is famous (1) the best singer. b. These species of animals are (2) danger (3) extinction us BY: 028) 39103821- 0803906848 «©. Whom does she fall 4)_____tove (S)_ |: Mai fled t ive satisfactory reasons (6) er absence (7), _ clas, «Bilis jeatous ‘anyone who has someting be hasn't Fé rather you paid (9) dollar instead (10). ‘Nb. MII. Read the passage and fil in each blank with @ word given, ig ‘starve es words food hope work nid me accounts __let’s Living ‘eumple pe need for money (0) comes from the fact that diferent people i Socey dace ferent things. This (1) ____ tha people depen on each athe for goods cal (2) ———— Let ws ke the @) of farmer who produces more food then io equies anda carpenter who cans a by selling the tables and chairs that he has made. will be obvious that (5) means of exchange is found, the famier Will not he able to pet (6) ‘of his surplus food and the carpenter, having nahin t0 ‘at will (?)_to deat Clearly, the possible means of exchange for thom tune il he barter ~ in other (8) to exchange a certain amount of one kind of goods (9) say flour) for a cevain amount of another (tables or chai, in this ease) Obviowsly, barter ean (10) only in a very simple society. In an advanced society one can’t zo around carey things inthe (11) that he can exchange them forthe right things he needs. So, we need something tha will stand fr the powds and services ‘hat we want io exchange. That 12) for the origin of money. VIL. Read the passage and decide true (1)/ false (F)/ or not glven (NG) for each statement, ‘There are about 3000 living languages in the world, but only six of thom are the most important ones. Two-thints of the work's population speaks those languages, Move than 100 million people spesk English as thet mother tongue. Another 400 million speak to a scan [aneuage. No one knows how many people speak it asa foreign language, Chinese fe the {anes with more speakers than English, but it is only the language for more than one billion Chinese people. English is theofficial language on one-fifth of the land ares tn the Statement ‘Chinese isthe 03 important language: About 6646 per eent of the word's population speak Six major languages Vietnamese speak English as their rst language: 75 pereent ofthe work's mal isin English, 40 percent oF the world’s radio stations use Engl Bi dung hoe sinh git Tig Anke 6p 9 theo chuyén dé - Bai Loi English has more speakers than Chinese T People in india speak English a their second language. I 6 7. '._| People in New Dehli cannot speak English '9_| People in France speak English as therfore language 0._| People in Austala also speak English, IX. Rewrite the sentence without changing the meaning. 1. “Are you a member of this club?”.the receptionist sid to me, ‘The weeptionist asked 2. W's pity that we don’t havea video camera Lich, 5. Ifposible, you should keep the ae inane tno possible, your. 4, Cheaper ckes are valable from some travel agents Some travel : 5, There ae usualy long waits athe arp. ‘You usually have 6. Weespent five hours geting to Londen, took " 7. My father hasnt smoked since he was thir. My father gave 8. Mary isthe most intelligent gir in er cass. Noone. X. Write in full sentence using the given words. Example: be! teacher. am a teacher. 1. Nam’ Mary! be! pen pals! over four years >. — aes 2. U use! walk! pas temple! on way! primary school! when litle boy! 4. lw very diffculd Vietnamese students! study abroad >. 4. now stad build! this are’ next month >. 5. Aller finish! degree! English she! went on’ study’ Law Harvard university >. e 6. The book! you reed lastnight! write! Charles Diekens! >. 1. They/ spend all da practise’ song they sing’ Lan’s next bishday/ >. oe 4, Shel read/a book! waite’ Nguyen Nhat Ani nows >. —s a6 DT; (028 39103821- 0903906548 >. Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) bout a traditional Vietnamese special food. Your writing should include: Name of special food = When people often eat this food How to make this food. Do foreigners like this food? Why? be Tr OC Sinn Gid1 56 7 |. a. Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others, LA. meat Coeaeh D. bread 2A. hut sure D. burn round found D-roush Athan think Ds thing A. noticed stopped D. provided ». Choose the word that has the different stress from the others. | A ataet BB, person . signal D. instance A. verbal B, suppose even D.cither A. example B. consider C.severat D_ attention ‘situation B. appropriate C. informality D. entertainment 5. A. across B. simply common, D. other I. Bach sentence has 1 mistake. Circle it and correet it 1 you drank ess you wil fl beter, A BCD 2 They lve independent of their parents. a BoC OD 3. During ate 1900's, many companies invested heavily in digital communications systems. A B c D ‘4 My parent allowed me to go camping with my friends. A BoC OD 5. The most common languages afer English in Australia are Chinese, aly, reek, Vietnamese, A B c D and Arabic, ———— ‘Boi dng hoe sinh 64 Ting Ani lip 9 theo chayén dé 6. Europe has many ofthe world’s oldest and more respected universities A B ¢ D 7. Allhe students are Jooking forward spending ther fee time staxing in the sun this summer AB @ D £8. Uniform is style of clothing that identifies people as members ofa group or as workers in A B c particulary field D 9, You should try your better to pass the exam. A BCD 10, Many kinds of tigers area danger now. A a) 11, Ourenvironment is being damaged thus something should do. Eas c Db 12 She didn’ find jt easly wo Keep the children amused AB C D 13, Each of student should write the lesson carefully. A BOC D 14. he does a mistake, will he fel sorry frit? A B cD 15. There ere interesting news onthe radi this moming about the earthquake in Japan, A B iq D 16. Many experts group the language ofthe word nto nine major language Families A B ic D IL, Put acorrect preposition in each blank, He sent a copy of his wil to his bank _ safe keeping. Although I practise quite a lot, Tnever seem to win very often. vennis. Nam's brothers are very fond team sports. “Mos peopl think the government is to blame rising unemployment. There has ben a sharp increase house prises in recent months Do you know of cure baldness? Could you come back in half an hour? Mr. Baston's Tunch tthe moment Tow ‘experience that I do my best work early inthe morning ‘She intended Yo post my Jeter, but she forgot all it 10. After the war, several people were ied for erimes humanity 1V. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. 1, Tourists are pleased with food ofthe South region) 2. These films are not good fr children. There are lots of (iolen) 3. Her uncle is famous ingustes) 4. The, ‘monument was built in the center ofthe city. (impress) DT: (026) 39103871- 0913906848 5. These works have been for many centuries. (clletion) 6. This very hard for us to understand his explanation. is (logical, 7. The boy was very He saved fou of his fiends from the strong flood. (encourage) 8: Presents were divided tall children. One bag of toys to every child, equal) V. Supply the correct verb tense. Last week I (1. walk) home after playing tennis when it 2. str) raining very heavily. "Of, no. 1G. get) soaked before 1 (4, reach) home.” 1 thought " 1 wish 1 (5. remember) to bring my raincoat” But ‘unfortunately 1 (6, leave) it at home. * How stupid of me! I always (7. get) ‘o bring it with me.” Luckily just then friend of mine passed in her eat and offered me a HiR. "8. You go). home? she asked me, "or (9. you want. 'o go fora drink?" "I think Td rather you (10. take) ‘me home." sid VI. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. Ta lke to stay Sunday, if that's OK. Ato Bby unit Dat 2. Have you had much experience ‘computers? AL with Bin for D. about 3. Anew came tothe party hae hadn't been invited. ‘although B. despite Cinease Deven 4, PO box stands "Post Office” box. Aas Bilike far S. Teas Sunday hop was open, all th others were closed A.One Ba Can D.Some 6, He's always telling. lies. Ax Balitle Catew D. the 1 are allowed inthe city enter. ‘A, None cars B.Nocars C.No of cars D. no car 8. ve told you time and time ‘ot to leave the doar open, Ato Boover again D. before 9. happens, I shall stand by you. A Whatever B. What ©. Which D.That 10. Don't let a good chance go Aon Bolt Dover 11, He was only nine, but he ate ‘Acmuch than B, move than that 1D. as moch than 12, Stop now! You've done ‘work for one day. 109 many B. plenty C- quite more D. quite enough 13, Let's go fora walk, wwe? ‘Awill do ©. shall D.must 14. She eat get home she has no money. Av unless Bir C. until D. without Bb dg hoe sin gi Tidig Anh Lop 9 theo chug 13, The librarian went to lok inthe cuphoard rare books are kept. A whieh B, where that D. there Vil. Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions. ‘The Winterthur Museum isa collection and a house. There are many museums devoted 10 the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is @ great collection displayed in a grest country house. Passing through successive generations of @ single family, Winterthur has been a private esiate for more than a century. Even after the extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931, the howse remained» family fesidence. This fact is of importance to the atmosphere and effect of the museum. The impression of a live-in house is apparent to the visitor: the rooms Took as if they were ‘vatated only short while ago whether by the original owners ofthe furniture oF the most recent residents ofthe house ean be a matter of personal interpretation. Winterthur remains, then, a house in which a collecion of furniture and architectural elements bas been assembled. Like an English country house, its an organic suture the house, as well a the collection and manner of displaying itt the visitor. has changed over the yeas. The changes have coincided with developing concepts of the American ats, increased knowledge on the pat of collectors and stents, anda progression toward the achievement ofa historia! effect. in perod-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur have followed this euren, yet il rewined the character ofa private house The concept of @ period room at a display technique has developed gradually over the years inn effort to present works of art in a context that would show then to greater effect fad would give them more meaning forthe viewer. Comparable to the habitat group in @ hatural history museum, the period room represents the decorative sets in a lively and imeresting manner and provides an opportunity to assemble objects related by syle dite, oF place of manufactre 1, What does the passage mainly discuss? ‘A. The reason that Winterthur was redesigned B, Elements that make Wintethur an ususual museum How Winethur compares to English country houses D. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur 2, ‘The phrase "devoted to" inline 1 is closest n meaning to A. surrounded by BspecializinginC. suceessfulin _D. sentimental about 5. What happened at Winterthur between 1929 and 1931? A. The oviners moved out B, The house was repaired The old furniture was replaced D. The estate became a museum 44. What does dhe author mean by stating "the impression of a live-in house is apparent to the Visitor A Winterthur is very old 1. Few people visit Winterthur Winterthur doesnot look lke atypia museum D. Te furniture at Wintethur looks comfortable 150

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