Exam Paper

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1. Choose the most suitable word to complete each sentence.

2. For the _______of rewiring your home, hiring an electrician is a wise move.
A aim C object
B purpose D intention
3. It’s important to protect a(n)_______image during the interview.
A upbeat C optimistic
B positive D cheerful
4. She’s brilliant _______ getting children to join in activities.
A with C for
B at D in

4. He _______ more and more experience until the finally reached the top of his profession.

A achieved C earned

B gained D won

5. Having worked his fingers to the _______ for many years, he eventually saw the fruit of his hard
work at the age of fifty.
A end C bone
B edge D nail
6. Overconfidence due to overnight success can take us quickly down that _______ road to failure.
A sticky C oily
B slippery D slithery
7. She was _______ an array of questions during the interview.
A put up with C put over
B put forward D put through
8. I always_______ going to the dentist’s.
A dread C complain
B feel D hurt
9. She leaned over and _______ quietly in his ear.
A clapped C whispered
B wept D yawned
10. I always _______hands with someone when I meet them for the first time.

A wave C give

B shake D clap

11. Tom is as proud as a _______.

A parrot C peacock

B lion D fox
12. Peter was very annoyed _______ Paul so he isn’t speaking to him.
A for C of
B to D with
13. Sarah has been a bit depressed lately so we have bought her some flowers to _______ her up.
A calm C loosen
B cheer D ease
14. I don’t feel well. I think I will make an appointment _______ the doctor today.
A at C with
B to D for
15. I’ve been trying to get _______ to the bank all morning.
A at C through
B with D in
16. I’m absolutely _______! I haven’t slept all night.
A furious C delighted
B exhausted D horrified
17. The company has more than one owner; there’s Mr Peters and his two _______ .
A colleagues C employees
B personnel D partners
18. They felt rather _______by the rude comment that the report made.
A offensively C offending
B offended D offensive
19. My parents were in quite a(n)_______mood after the exam results came out.
A worried C frustrated
B bad D upset
20. Harry felt really _______when Lyn told him the news.
A amazing C obsessive
B panicked D angry
21. Once she had achieved the success she desired she decided that it was time to _______ it easy
for a while.
A take C have
B make D do

Total_______ (20x2)

2. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Они бы заметили эту ошибку, если бы были более внимательны.
2. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы пошел пораньше, чтобы застать его.
3. Что бы вы сказали, если бы я спросил вашего совета?
4. Если бы не важность этого дела, я бы остался дома.
5. Если не застанешь нас дома, оставь записку.
6. Я сожалею, что не смогу пойти завтра на вашу лекцию.
7. Мой брат сожалел, что не присутствовал при проведении этого опыта.
8. Жаль, что ты не сказал мне этого сразу.
9. Жаль, что он не говорит по-английски.
10. Какое красивое платье. Жаль, что у меня нет
1. They would have noticed this error if they had been more attentive.
2. If I were you, I would go early to catch him.
3. What would you say if I asked for your advice?
4. If it wasn't for the importance of this case, I would have stayed at home.
5. If you don't find us at home, leave a note.
6. I'm sorry that I won't be able to go to your lecture tomorrow.
7. My brother regretted that he was not present during this experience.
8. I wish you had told me that right away.
9. It's a pity that he doesn't speak English.
10. What a beautiful dress. I wish I had one.

Total_______ (10x4)

3. Read the article and choose from the list A-H the sentence which best fits each gap 1-6 in the
article. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning
1. E 4. C

2. F 5. A

3. B 6. G


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