Kahoot Outline

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Title: Unleash the Fun in Learning with Kahoot! competitive atmosphere in the classroom. Students can participate 2.

udents can participate 2. Sign Up or Log In: If you're new to Kahoot!, you'll need to sign up. If
individually or in teams, answering questions and earning points based on you already have an account, simply log in.
Are you tired of the same old teaching methods? Do you want to their speed and accuracy. This gamified approach motivates students to
actively engage in the lesson and strive to do their best. 3. Create or Choose a Game: You can create your own game by selecting
make learning fun and engaging for your students? Look no further!
the 'Create' option. Alternatively, you can choose from the many pre-
Introducing Kahoot – the game-based learning platform that's taking Interactive Quizzes: With Kahoot, teachers can create interactive made games available. Just tap on the game you're interested in playing.
the world by storm. quizzes that cover various social studies topics
such as history, geography, culture, and more. 4. Play Solo or Host a Game: If you want to play by yourself, select 'Play
These quizzes can include multiple-choice Solo'. If you'd like to engage other players, select 'Host'.
questions, image-based questions, and even
videos, making the learning experience more 5. Share the Game PIN: If you're hosting a game, you'll be given a unique
interactive and engaging for students. Game PIN. Share this PIN with the players so they can join the game.

Real-time Feedback: Kahoot provides instant 6. Start the Game: Once everyone has joined, you can start the game. The
feedback to students after each question, allowing questions will appear on the host's screen, and players will answer on
them to see their progress and compare their their own devices.
performance with their peers. This immediate
feedback helps students understand their strengths 7. Review the Results: After the game, you can review the results to see
and areas for improvement, fostering a sense of competition and how everyone did.
encouraging them to strive for better results.
Engage, Learn, and Grow Kahoot History!
Kahoot is not just an app; it's a revolution in learning. It transforms the Collaboration and
traditional learning process into an exciting game, making it more Discussion: Kahoot offers Kahoot! was founded in 2012 by Morten Versvik, Johan Brand, and Jamie Brooker.
collaborative game modes
interactive and enjoyable. With Kahoot, learning is no longer a chore where students can work Kahoot! was founded in 2012 by Morten Versvik, Johan Brand, and Jamie Brooker
but a fun-filled journey. together as a team to answer who, in a joint project with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
questions. This encourages peer- (NTNU), teamed up with Professor Alf Inge Wang, and were later joined by
to-peer learning, fosters entrepreneur Åsmund Furuseth. The technology is based on research conducted by
teamwork, and promotes classroom discussions. Students can discuss and Kahoot! co-founder Morten Versvik, a student of Professor Wang’s at the time, for
debate the answers, enhancing their understanding of social studies his Master’s degree at NTNU.
concepts through active participation.
Kahoot! was presented at SXSW EDU in March 2013. In September 2013, Kahoot!
was opened to the public, and it’s been quite a ride ever since!
Wide Range of Subject Area: Kahoot can be used for any subject,
ranging from math and science to social studies, language arts, and more. The are also in other Social Media Platforms!
Teachers can create quizzes, surveys, and discussions tailored to their
specific subject area.

Versatile and User-Friendly

Whether you're an educator, a student, or a corporate trainer, Kahoot is
for you! Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to create your own
quizzes, surveys, and discussions. You can also access millions of
ready-to-play games on various topics.

Interactive Learning
Kahoot promotes active participation, ensuring that everyone is
involved in the learning process. It's a fantastic tool for classrooms,
training sessions, or even friendly competitions! The instant feedback
feature enables learners to track their progress and understand their
areas of improvement.
How to Use Kahoot:

1. Download the App: First, download the Kahoot! app from the App Store
or Google Play Store. It's free to download. You Can use the QR code

Features of Kahoot Relevant to Social Studies and other

Subject Areas:

Gamification: Kahoot turns learning into a

game-like experience, creating a fun and

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