RRP 58005 REV E - Unlocked

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RRP 58005
PROCESS First Issued 16/09/2008
SPECIFICATION Revised 08 Feb 2022

Training and Approval of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)



This specification establishes the minimum requirements for training and approval of
personnel carrying out any non-destructive testing (NDT) for the inspection of gas turbine
materials and components for, or on behalf of, Rolls-Royce.


2.1 The following publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. The
applicable issue shall be the current issue, unless a specific document issue is specified.
When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has
been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply. Additionally, contact
your sector’s Rolls-Royce Technical Authority to obtain guidance/approval on action to
remove or replace the cancelled reference by a drawing, standard, and/or specification
change. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references
cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence.

2.2 Rolls-Royce Documents

Available internally from the A to Z Infocentre website http://www.infocentre.rolls-

royce.com/technical_library and Teamcenter.

Available externally from the Global Supplier Portal: https://suppliers.rolls-royce.com/

RRP 58000 Technical Control of Non-Destructive Testing

2.3 AECMA (AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe—Standardization)


Available from www.asd-stan.org

EN 4179 Qualification and Approval of Personnel for Non-destructive


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UK Not Listed 19 Jul 2016
US No Export Controlled Data. 19 Jul 2016
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2.4 Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) National Aerospace Standards (NAS’s)

Available from www.aia-aerospace.org

NAS 410 NAS Certification & Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel


3.1 General Requirements

3.1.1 Rolls-Royce and each of its suppliers approved to perform NDT processes shall establish
a detailed procedure (written practice) for qualifying, approving, and re-approving their
NDT personnel in accordance with the requirements of EN 4179 or NAS 410.

3.1.2 The written practice shall include a code of ethics that shall be acknowledged by NDT
personnel when being approved and at least every five years. The code of ethics used at
Rolls-Royce is included in Appendix B. Supplier codes should embody similar principles.

3.1.3 The written practice for each supplier shall be mandated through its quality management
system and authorised by the Responsible Level 3.

a) Suppliers holding Nadcap NDT accreditation are not required to submit their
written practice to Rolls-Royce for approval.

b) Suppliers that do not hold Nadcap accreditation shall submit their written practice
to the relevant Rolls-Royce Technical Authority for approval. Rolls-Royce shall be
notified of any changes to the written practice after approval.

3.1.4 In countries where a National Aerospace NDT Board (NANDTB) exists, and operations
do not fall under a foreign board jurisdiction, NDT qualification examinations must be
under the control of that NANDTB.

3.1.5 Inspection shall be conducted by Level 2 approved personnel as a minimum. Level 3

personnel may conduct inspection provided that the use of NDT equipment and/or the
authorisation to accept/reject hardware is part of their Level 3 duties. However, where an
inspection task is determined by the appropriate Level 3 to have clearly defined
acceptance and rejection criteria requiring no interpretation, then inspection may be
performed by Level 1 approved personnel as detailed within the written practice.

3.1.6 The practice of employing trainees periodically with no intent of approving them in the
applicable NDT method is not permitted. A formal plan showing objectives for obtaining
NDT approval shall be available.

3.2 Administration

3.2.1 NDT personnel training and qualification shall be administered by a Level 3 holding a
recognised qualification in the relevant method.

3.2.2 The supplier shall be responsible for approval of NDT personnel in accordance with their
written practice.

3.2.3 The specific theory and practical examinations shall reflect the type of equipment to be
used and the typical parts to be processed within the employer’s facility commensurate
with Rolls-Royce procedures, specifications, and standards.

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3.2.4 If an outside agency is used to provide Level 3 services, the supplier shall have
documentation on file to verify adequacy of Level 3 services provided.

3.3 Outside Agencies

3.3.1 An outside agency may be used to provide training and qualification services. An outside
agency cannot issue NDT personnel approval; this is the responsibility of the supplier
(employer), having satisfied itself that all requirements of the written practice have been

3.3.2 Outside agency Level 3 personnel shall be knowledgeable of the specifications,

procedures, and standards applicable to Rolls-Royce.

3.3.3 When a supplier uses an outside agency to provide training and qualification services,
that outside agency must be subject to audit under the supplier’s documented quality
management system to ensure compliance with the supplier’s written practice. When an
outside agency is under the control of a National Aerospace NDT Board, the supplier
may take due regard of this when planning audit activity.

3.4 Records

Records of training, qualification and approval of NDT personnel shall be complete,

accurate, and available for review. These records shall as a minimum comply with the
requirements specified in EN 4179 and/or NAS 410.

3.5 Proficiency Review

3.5.1 All personnel who operate NDT equipment and/or make accept/reject decisions of
production/flight hardware shall be subject to an annual assessment of NDT performance
comprising the following as a minimum:

a) Assessment of processing/inspection of a component

b) Demonstration of retrieval of applicable paperwork, and method of reporting for
conforming and non-conforming parts
c) Assessment of knowledge of controlling specification
d) Assessment of application of quality standard
e) Verification of activity in the NDT method
f) Review of eyesight record
g) Review of inspector’s finding rate (where applicable)

3.5.2 Part of the annual proficiency review will include a check that an inspector’s finding rate is
being monitored on a continuous basis. The inspector finding rate is not mandatory for
NDT carried out within Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) contexts. The inspector finding rate is a monitor of an NDT inspector’s output in terms of parts
rejected, defects found or indications reported etc. as a percentage of parts inspected.
The output from a prescribed period, i.e. weekly or monthly shall be plotted over time and
reviewed. Sudden or gradual changes observed (which may be indicative of some
unspecified or unknown problem) shall be investigated and acted upon where necessary.
Refer to example in Appendix C.

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AEROSPACE PROCESS SPECIFICATION RRP 58005 E The purpose of the inspector finding rate is to maintain a continuous monitor of an NDT
inspector’s performance between 5 yearly re-approvals and annual proficiency reviews.
The finding rate monitor shall not be used to compare the performance of one inspector
versus other inspectors and therefore also is applicable when only one inspector is
employed. Alternate methods of continuous inspector performance monitoring may be
used when agreed to by the appropriate Rolls-Royce Technical Authority: the intent is for
the supplier to develop a process that will provide them with useful information, and to
use this information to provide insight into inspector performance over time.

3.5.3 Level 2 or Level 3 personnel approved in the method shall review Level 1 personnel.
Level 3 personnel approved in the method shall review Level 2 personnel. Level 3 reviews
shall be conducted by a Level 3 approved in the method or a Level 2 approved in the
method designated by the employer.

3.5.4 Criteria reviewed as unsatisfactory require consideration as per the applicable written

3.5.5 Results of all proficiency reviews shall be documented. An example form is found in
Appendix A.

3.6 Eyesight Requirements

3.6.1 Eyesight requirements are as per EN 4179 and/or NAS 410.

3.6.2 Where an NANDTB has mandated one of the permitted vision tests specified in EN 4179
or NAS 410, that test shall apply.


4.1 Marginal Indicia:

Revision bars in the left margin indicate where changes were made to the previous issue
of this specification.

4.2 Change History:

Issue Change (ESC) Number Change Summary (in descending order) Date
3.2.2 Clarification that this refers to the supplier’s written practice.
3.5.1 b) and Appendix A. Clarification that annual proficiency review
E EDNS01000929451/002 should include checking that the inspector understands the correct 08 Feb 2022
method of reporting for conforming and non-conforming parts.
Appendix B: Significant update to Code of Ethics.

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Issue Change (ESC) Number Change Summary (in descending order) Date
3.1.3 Changed "and authorised by the level 3 responsible for control
of NDT within the supplier’s facility per RRP58000" to "and authorised
by the Responsible Level 3".
3.1.4 Changed “In countries where a National Aerospace NDT Board
(NANDTB) exists, NDT qualification examinations must be under the
control of that NANDTB.” to “In countries where a National Aerospace
NDT Board (NANDTB) exists, and operations do not fall under a
D EDNS01000929451/001 foreign board jurisdiction, NDT qualification examinations must be 23 Nov 2020
under the control of that NANDTB.”
3.1.5 Clarification of wording around Level 3s who hold authorisation
to conduct inspections.
3.5 and Appendix A: re-title maintenance review to proficiency review
in accordance with change in terminology in prEN4179:2020.
3.5.2 Excuse MRO NDE from inspector finding rate requirement.
Minor wording changes in and to clarify intent.
Change Performance Review to Maintenance Review. Clarification of
the inspector finding rate monitor and applies to all inspection
personnel. Clarification of who can perform annual maintenance
C EDNS04000011189/004 Eyesight test shall be one of the permitted vision tests specified in 19 Jul 2016
EN4179 or NAS410.
Included acuity and colour in Appendix A (f).
Minor addition to NDT Code of Ethics.
Introduced requirement to ensure that inspector finding rates are
B 500016939224 being monitored and reviewed regularly as part of the annual 4 Oct 2012
performance review.
Addressed performance reviews, ethics, and eyetest requirements to
meet requirements of NAS 410, EN 4179, and the Airworthiness
A 500015028119 29 Sep 2011
Authority, as well as to incorporate material covered by legacy
specifications in preparation for supersession.
Needed for the RB282 engine program.
Initial N/A The master version of this document is stored in Teamcenter at 16 Sep 2008

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(*Where use of NDT equipment and/or acceptance/rejection of hardware is part of Level 3 duties)

Candidate’s name: Check number:

Candidate’s signature:

Department name: Site & facility:

Review date: Department number:

Method: Technique:

Criteria Review Details

a. Assessment of [Part number/identification]

processing and/or
inspection of a

b. Demonstration of [Paperwork retrieved]

retrieval of applicable
paperwork (process
specs, quality standards,
etc.) and method of
reporting for conforming
and non-conforming

c. Assessment of [Process criteria]

knowledge of controlling

d. Assessment of [Quality standard applied]

application of quality

e. Verification of activity in [Full time/Part time/No time]

the NDT method

f. Review of eyesight [Date of test]

record (Acuity and

g. Review of inspectors [Check monitor is in place and is being reviewed on a regular

finding rate monitor basis.]
(where applicable)
Note: Any criteria reviewed as unsatisfactory require consideration per the applicable written practice.

Reviewer’s name: Date

Reviewer’s signature:

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B1.1 To define the agreed code of ethics for NDT personnel and provide an opportunity for
them to acknowledge the seriousness of their work and the trust that other people have
placed in them. All personnel involved in NDT shall comply with this code of ethics.

B1.2 Rolls-Royce will treat inspection personnel with respect and understands the responsibility
for safety placed upon those working in NDT. Any technical or ethical concerns brought to
the attention of the Rolls-Royce NDE Technical Authority will be treated seriously,
investigated appropriately and the necessary action taken.


Code of Ethics* Read & Initial:

I acknowledge the criticality of inspection and accurate reporting in aerospace

applications. I understand that my actions and behaviours directly affect the
safety of our products. I understand that fraudulent, unethical, and dishonest
behaviours endanger the users of our products and the reputation of our
business. I understand my responsibility to safeguard the life, health, property,
and welfare of the public.
I will be aware of and uphold the provisions of all applicable codes, standards,
and regulations under which I am working. If issues are encountered (for
example, if compliance to specification requirements is not achievable) I
agree to stop work and seek clarification/help from my technical supervisors.
I will act with honesty and integrity, and will:
• Fully disclose any pertinent limitations of inspections
• Not falsify or distort any inspection-related data or results
• Make decisions based on factual evidence
• Be objective in any NDT inspection, report, or statement, avoiding
any omission that would or could lead to misrepresentation.
I will maintain proficiency and high standards of skill and practice in the
profession of NDT. I will perform NDT duties only when approved in the
B2.4 specific methods and techniques involved (or within the scope permitted
whilst I am a trainee). I will not falsify or allow misrepresentation of training,
experience, or certification records.
I will bring any technical or ethical concerns to the attention of
management/supervision. This includes violations, conflicts of interest,
professional misconduct, undeclared non-conformance, or non-compliance
B2.5 with specifications/procedures.

If no satisfactory explanation is given or corrective action taken, then I have

the right to escalate to the Rolls-Royce NDE Technical Authority.

Sign: Date:

*This code of ethics is to be acknowledged by all NDT personnel upon initial approval, and subsequently
5 yearly as a minimum.
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Higher finding rate, could be

inspecting a different commodity
with a higher rejection rate

Sudden change, could be due to

Ongoing downward trend,
investigation and action required

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