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European Master Course

“Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion”

APPLICATION FORM for Third-Country students

running for ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships
Application deadline: January 31st 2007

Please fill out all fields as completely as possible. Please make sure that you provide, together
with this particular “administrative” form, all the necessary documents listed within the
“How to Apply” page of our www site.
Please save this document as a pdf or Word file : Yourname_appli07.pdf

Family name (last name)


First name(s) Sex (F, M)

Qian F

Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Place of birth and nationality Country of birth

12/02/1984 Hubei, Chinese China

e-mail address Valid until April 2007 at least;

Passport number (or other valid document; please specify which kind of document: passport ID, etc.)

ID card number:429006198402125502

Permanent personal address in your home country (street and number, town, postal code, country; telephone, mobile)

Street and number: 68-301, Lane 78, Wu Chuan Rd,

City: Shanghai
Country: P.R. China
Postal code: 200433
Telephone: 86-21-55072836
Mobile: (86)13764931636

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Application Form
Permanent address for all correspondence, if different from above (street and number, town, postal code, country; telephone,

Street and number: Room 109 West Chemistry Building, 220 HanDan Road
Town: Shanghai
Country: P.R. China
Postal Code:200433
Telephone: 86-21-65642141
Mobile: (86)13764931636

Marital status Number of children

Single Zero

If you have spent period(s) in Europe during the last three years, please specify where, how long and for which purpose:
Sorry, I haven’t yet.

Specify languages in first column. Describe your language skills under the following columns with the marks:
0=”no knowledge”, 1=“basic”, 2=“average”, 3=“advanced”. Include your mother tongue (if other than English).

Reading Writing Speaking Listening
English (not mother
tongue) 3 3 3 3 3

Chinese (mother
tongue) 3 3 3 3 3

Japanese( second
1 1 1 1 1
foreign language)

Explain how you acquired your linguistic skills in languages other than your mother tongue (e.g., contact with in a given language
and for how long; summer internships; periods abroad for study or work; etc.)
As English is a compulsory course in China, I took it as a second language in primary school, and
have never stopped learning it since then. Even at present in our university, we have multifarious
English courses aiming at enhancing one’s each aspect of English ability, such as listening, translation,
writing and oral part and so on. To make use of the good resources, I have completed a number of credit
hours on English, and also acquired good marks on them. In addition, trying to keep pace with the
international famous university, some of my major courses in our university are also given in English;
and the good marks prove that I can catch them quite well.
What’s more, when I was a senior, I worked as a summer intern in GE from Jul 2004 to Aug 2004,

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Application Form
where there are many foreign employees and the working language is English, so I have to communicate
with others in English. During this time I have a great enhancement of both my oral and listening
capability of English. In both October 2005, the 15th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and
Functional Polymers (FCFP-XV) & IUPAC 1st International Symposium on Novel Materials and
Synthesis (NMS-I), and Aug 2006, the International Mesostructured Materials Symposium, I worked as
one member of secretariats and had a great practice of my oral English. In July 2006, when PD Dr.
Novák Petr from Switzerland was invited to our university, I had a great appreciation of his lectures and
was selected to be his guider and interpreter during his stay in Shanghai. And even now we also keep
contact with each other by mail correspondence in English. Furthermore, as a master student, in order to
keep pace with the update research information, I should read academic papers which are written in
English in my research fields between whiles, which means I contact with English nearly every day.
After so many academic curriculums and these activities, I think I can communicate with others as
well as take classes in English quite well.

Did you recently take an English language test such as TOEFL or TOEC or IELTS? If so, specify your score and the date of the test.
Please, provide a formal proof within your application

Sorry, I haven’t yet. But I will take an IELTS test next March according to my schedule.

Provide full records of your education to date, including high school, university degree(s) at or below BSc level,
and any other higher education title (specialization, MSc, PhD, etc.). Also specify any post-graduate or training
programmes you have undertaken during the last three years, even if they haven’t led you to a degree yet. Please
add on a separate file a list of the main courses you attended after high school degree.

Name and full address Marks obtained Rankings minimum
Academic Degree obtained
of Educational Institution out of maximum (out of how duration to
year and date of award
(specify country) (e.g., 98/120) many obtain degree,
students) in months

Entrance to the college Tianmen High School,

1998~2001 658/750 3 years
Jul 1st,2001 Hubei, China 15/720

Bachelor Degree, Jul Fudan University,

2001~2005 3.49/4.0 4 years
1st,2005 Shanghai, China 15/131

To be obtained on Jul Fudan University,

2005~present 3 years
1st,2008 Shanghai, China

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Application Form
Additional education, training in industry or research centers, publications
Additional experiences:
Sep 2005 – Present: Research Assistant in the LIB center of Fudan University, research on the cathode
materials of lithium ion batteries.
Sep 2006 – Present: Assistant Administrator in charge of teaching in Chemistry Department
Aug 2006: Work as one member of secretariats in the 5th International Mesosructured Materials
Jan 2006 – Jun 2006: Teaching Assistant of Physical Chemistry
Oct 2005: Work as one member of secretariats in the 15th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry
and Functional Polymers (FCFP-XV) & IUPAC 1st International Symposium on Novel
Materials and Synthesis (NMS-I).
Jun 2004 – Jan 2005: Analyzing Assistant in the Material Characterization Lab, GE, CTC.

Publication list
Journal Publications:
1. Q. Cao, Y.P Wu, et al. A novel carbon-coated LiCoO2 as cathode material for lithium ion battery,
Electrochem. Commun, submitted
2. H. Liu, Q. Cao, L.J. Fu, et al. Doping effects of zinc on LiFePO cathode material for lithium ion

batteries. Electrochem. Commun. (2006) 8, 1553

3. L.J. Fu, J. Gao, T. Zhang, Q. Cao, et al. Preparation of Cu2O particles with
different morphology and their application in lithium ion batteries, J. Power Sources, accepted.
4. L.J. Fu, L.C. Yang, H. Liu, Q. Cao, et al. Research & development on nano anode materials for
lithium ion batteries, J. Fudan University (Natural Sciences), (2004) 43, 571
5. H. Liu, C. Li, Q. Cao, et al. Influence of Zn doping on novel cathode material LiFePO4, J. Fudan
University (Natural Sciences), (2005) 44, 877

Conference Publications:
1. H. Liu, C. Li, Q. Cao, et al. The Modification on Novel Cathode Material LiFePO for Lithium Ion
Batteries. The 12 Chinese Conference on Solid State Ionics, B13
2. L.J. Fu, L.C.Yang, H. Liu, C. Li, Q. Cao, et al. Modifications on the Surface of Anode Materials for
Lithium Ion Batteries, 14th International Symposium On Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers,
Hohhot, China, 2004, p.101.
3. L.C.Yang, L.J. Fu, H. Liu, C. Li, Q. Cao, et al. Modifications on the Surface of Anode Materials for
Lithium Ion Batteries, 12th Chinese Conference on Solid State Ionics,
Suzhou, China, 24 - 28 October, 2004, B41.

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Application Form
Applied Patent
Q. Cao, Y.P. Wu et al. A carbon-coated LiCoO2 and its preparation and application, Chinese Patent,
Application No: 200610117066.4, applied on 12 October, 2006.

Please indicate the names and full contact addresses of the 2 academic mentors (including telephone and e-mail addresses) who
wrote the two recommendation letters that you must join to your application file.

Prof. Yuping Wu Tel: +86-21-55664223 Email:;

PD Dr. Petr Novák Tel: +41-56-310-2457 Telefax: +41-56-310-4415 Email:

Prof. Yongyao Xia Tel: +86-21-55664177 Email:

Prof. Richard Trombly Tel: (86)13818837641 Email:

Describe, if any, your employment and/or professional experiences. Specify also your present status (employed, unemployed,
student, part-time, ...)

I have ever taken a part-time job in the R&D center of GE, CTC, in Shanghai. I mainly worked as an
analyzing assistant in the Characterization Department, and I have learnt much there. I got touch to
many characterization instruments in the lab, such as GC-MS, NMR, SEM, TEM, ICP, XRD and so on.
Also as the working language in the company is English, I have a great practice of my English.

State why you are applying to the M.E.S.C Master course; discuss your motivations to study abroad, your professional interests and
your career goals and expectations (not more than 1 page).
I am really very interested in this M.E.S.C Master course. I would like to apply for this Course in
Europe and wish to pursue this opportunity to study abroad. The reasons can be explained in detail as
follows. Firstly, this course is closely related with the lithium-ion batteries which I major in. Through this
course, I think I can have better comprehension of the theoretical part of materials for Energy Storage
and Conversion, which will undoubtedly lay a good foundation for my further research in this field.
Secondly, it is a great chance to get contact with many famous researchers and numerous high-level
experts, who will give detailed information about all the techniques and methods in the field of the
energy storage. And we can learn from them not only the theoretic knowledge but also the academic
spirit of them, which we will benefit all our lives. Furthermore, Studying in different European countries
with students of different origins really attracts me so much! What's more, I love challenge, and the
M.E.S.C Master course of studying abroad with frequent changes from one university to another

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Application Form
sounds really exciting to me! Above all, I wish to apply for M.E.S.C Master Course to study abroad, to
obtain more study experiences, to exchange the cultures between China and the other countries.
As to my professional interest, I became interested in lithium-ion batteries as soon as I got to them.
Lithium-ion batteries have obtained an expanded application in portable electronic equipments, and
prospective application in vehicle and military affairs, as a burgeoning power source for their unique
advantages, such as no pollution, long longevity, high energy density and high working voltage
compared to conventional batteries and so on. But the technology of lithium-ion batteries is not yet
matured, having a prospective possibility to be improved in the further. I will most probably continue my
phd after I get my master diploma, and I hope that I can be a researcher in this field later on, finding the
novel promising materials to make contribute to the presently energy problem, which is a challenging
If I am fortunate to be one member of the students in the M.E.S.C Master Course Program, I will
cherish the opportunity to strengthen my theoretic knowledge on materials for Energy Storage and
Conversion. In the same time I will also make good friendship with the other foreign students, as well
as exchange the cultures between China and the other countries.


Choose your preferred option by marking one box (see details in the curriculum). Note that assignment to the
designed location is not guaranteed by the MESC Consortium

Université P. Sabatier
(Toulouse, France) 3 Université de Provence
(Marseille, France)


In case you are not awarded an Erasmus Mundus grant, will you be able to afford the M.E.S.C. Master course
fees (4,000 euros / year) by any other means and would you still be interested in joining the program ?

YES NO 3 Sorry, I am
afraid not.

If you are selected to attend the M.E.S.C. Master course, please select the type of housing you would like to get:

Approx. rate (per month) Please mark one box

Room (1 person) 300 euros
Flat (2 people) 450 euros
Apartment (>2 people) 600 euros
I will take care about my housing by -


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Provide any additional information that may further improve your application.
During the university process, I was awared fellowship every year, which are listed as follows:
Sep 2001 – Jul 2002: People’s Scholarship in Fudan University.
Sep 2002 – Jul 2003: People’s Scholarship & the National Scholarship in Fudan University
Sep 2003 – Jul 2004: People’s Scholarship in Fudan University
Sep 2004 – Jul 2005: People’s Scholarship in Fudan University
Jul 2005: Excellent Graduate in Fudan University
Sep 2005: New Master Student Scholarship in Fudan University
Sep 2005 – Jul. 2006: Honeywell Corporation Scholarship in Fudan University.
Furthermore, I am now the director of the Liaison Department of the Federation of Youth League and
Student Union, a student organization in charge of nearly all the activities among the students in our
chemistry department. By the way, due to our good cooperation and organization in 2006, our
organization was praised and I was awarded as the excellent individual. I believe that I have good
ability to communicate with others and I am easy to get well with, which will benefit for me to melt
into the other students.

I understand that this application shall remain with the M.E.S.C. Master Consortium Office. I declare and certify
that the information on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and agree, if registering as a student, to
abide by all of the M.E.S.C. course regulations.

I hereby authorize the M.E.S.C. Consortium to treat the data provided to the purpose of the student selection for
the M.E.S.C. program.

Cao Qian

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