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The Study of Time Management’s Effectiveness to Piles of

Pending Activities Among Senior High School Students
in Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla

Submitted by:

Gavica, John Ivan J.

Gentiles, Windelow T.
Octaviano, James Luis A.
De Ocampo, Angel
Palmos, Giewel Aliyah R.

Submitted to:
Mr. Ramer P. Cerillo

Time management that impact successful academic performance is key skill that is of utmost importance.
While for senior high students who usually have to cope with a variety of academic tasks, extracurricular
activities, and personal duties; mastering time management is important for them to deal with the loads of
assignments they meet in the upcoming future. It is within the context of Gov, Juanito Reyes Remulla’s
educational setting where the task of carrying out pending activities amidst an exhausting academic routine
highlights the necessity to research on the adequacy of time management tactics. This research will attempt to
uncover the relationship between time management skills and the ways by which senior high students from
Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla cope with pending tasks. Through an investigation into the approaches used by
the students for managing their time, the obstacles they encounter, and the results they attain, the research
aims to uncover the complex connections among time management and academic success in the context.
Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla is an ideal setting for this research because it has a diverse student population
and a challenging curriculum. Institution’s dedication to encouraging holistic development empowers the
students to study the intricacies of time management as high school seniors. By narrowing down this
particular demographic specific to Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla, this research endeavors to produce insights
that will ultimately become the basis for targeted interventions and support mechanisms that will help students
effectively manage their time.

Senior High Schools Students now are expected to cope with tight schedule accompanied by the increasing
academic demands, extracurricular commitments, and time-consuming personal responsibilities. So, the
students are dealing with heavy pressure of time management. This problem is really seen among those in
senior high school since they are faced with a lot of impending events while at the same time trying to excel
academically. Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla , as one of the most known educational institution which stands for
the holistic development and learning, definitely gives us the opportunity to evaluate the link between time
management and having long list of uncompleted activities among senior high school students.

According to the study by Alsalem et al. (2017), time management is not a skill that is typically taught to us,
so learning how to take an organized approach to your studies that can help you become more productive,
enhance the quality of your work and reduce stress. Students are full of energy that cannot be completely
focused to their study. The upper high schools students of Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla are confronted with a
variety of academic assignments, for instance, homework, projects, tests, as well as extra-curricular exercises.
These responsibilities are more likely to collect as the deadlines borrow and worry students about
prioritization, organization, and completion. For instance, the shift from junior high to senior high imposes the
necessity of being more responsible and independent which means the mastering of good time management


The issue with this study regards the poor time management among student’s free time. Many students
struggles in handling their time effectively, which results in high stress level which will ultimately result in
poor academic performance. Thus, student’s time needs to be given attention especially with the prevalence of
time waste in the academic achievements among Senior High School Students in Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla.
The purpose of this study was to respond to the following inquires:

1. What is the effective approach to manage the timetable and complete the numerous unfinished pending
activities students in Gov. Juanito Reyes Remulla have?

2. How Government Juanito Reyes Remulla students manage their stress when working on their pending


Students who does time management regularly to their task will improve their discipline, and it can lead to
reduced stress and enhanced productivity, Compare to the students who didn’t do time manage can experience
stress and lack of productivity.


This study is to confirm if Time Management does have a positive effect to Piles of Pending Activities

Researcher: This study allows researcher to focus on their work, contributing to research productivity,
efficiency, improve the quality of their research, and overall success in their field.

School Administration: This study will benefit them because it helps them understand and guide the teaching
staff to students who struggle, in regards to the piles of activities in school.

Parents: Parents are a part of the beneficiary as they will understand the effectiveness of the time
management and raise concern to their children who lacks the said practice.

Teachers: This study can benefit teachers when they encounter students who struggle in keeping with their
activities. In that case, teachers will understand the issue of the students who suffer from lack of time

Future Researcher: This study can act as a reference material to them in progress study, which has the same

Students: This study will benefit the students who experience the same situations or to help them if they
encounter some of this.

Time management skills are highly valuable for the students, especially those in senior high school which is a
time the academic tasks increase. Several factors govern how the seniors at high school deal with such matter
prioritizing the available projects. The Bucket of Rocks Theory of time management illustrates a hypothetical
mechanism use to explain how individuals plan and allocate tasks according to their self-importance.Time
management Eisenhower Matrix popularized by Stephen Covey in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People” , which helps individuals prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Another
theory is the Time Blocking Method, where time is divided into blocks dedicated to specific activities or tasks,
minimizing multitasking and enhancing focus. The Pomodoro Technique, discover by Francesco Cirillo in the
late 1980s, is another pivotal part of this research.It involves breaking work into intervals separated by short
breaks. This method aims to improve concentration and stave off mental fatigue. This study depends upon
pickle jar theory which is the most relevant and modern theory of time management educated in
administration course. Wright (2002) gave the idea of jar theory that focuses on time management (Olubor &
Osunde, 2007). This theory expresses that human beings need to be create balance among things and activities
while adopting time management techniques effectively.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Time Management Piles of Pending Activities

Senior High students’ capacity to plan, organize, The build up of incomplete assignments
prioritize, and complete tasks efficiently within and projects among senior high students as
a specified time frame. a result of poor time management
Planning is the process of establishing goals, techniques.
selecting tasks, and scheduling time for every
task. Organization means organizing
assignments and assets in a systematic order to
improve work efficiency.

Prioritization involves determining the priority

and urgency of tasks in order to allocate time
accordingly. Execution is the process of carrying Number of pending assignments.
out tasks effectively and according to defined Missed deadlines happen regularly cause of
time line. stress and worry.


Students in their senior year of high school have to expand their knowledge and practice time management to
achieve success academically and maintain healthy lives. Students can improve their emotional well-being and
productivity by developing good study habits, avoiding procrastination, setting achievable goals, scheduling
tasks, and asking for help when they need it.



Time Management – Refers to the systematic organization and allocation of one’s time to various tasks,
activities, or responsibilities. In the context of this study, time management involves the strategic planning and
utilization of time to address academic and personal commitments, aiming to enhance productivity and reduce
the accumulation of pending activities.
Exhausting Academic – Could be an experience characterized by persistent mental and physical fatigue
resulting from extensive scholarly pursuits, research, and intellectual demands, often leading to a sense of
overwhelming stress and burnout.

Pending Activities – Are tasks, assignments, or responsibilities that have not been completed within the
specified time frame or deadline. In the context of this study, pending activities specifically pertain to
academic tasks that senior high students are required to fulfill but have not yet been addressed, leading to a
backlog of obligations.

Extracurricular Activities – Refer to the organized and voluntary activities that students engage in outside of
their regular academic curriculum. Theses activities can encompass a wide range of interests, including sports,
arts, clubs, community service, and other pursuits, providing students with opportunities for personal
development, skill enhancement, and social interaction beyond the traditional classroom setting.

Effectiveness – In the scope of this research, refers to the degree to which time management strategies
contribute to the successful resolution of pending activities among senior high students. It involves assessing
the impact of various time management approaches in mitigating the challenges associated with pending tasks
and improving overall task completion.


Time Management – Is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different
activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even
when time is tight and pressure are high.

Exhausting Academic – Refers to a situation or experience within the academic realm that is mentally and
physically draining. It often implies a heavy workload, rigorous intellectual demands, and a challenging
environment, potentially leading to fatigue or burnout.

Pending Activities – Is a correct and usable phrase in written English. You can use it to refer to activities that
are currently in progress or still need to be completed.

Extracurricular Activities – A range of activities organized outside of the regular school day, curriculum or
course intended to meet learner’s interests. These activities can help learners become more involved in their
school or community and can help them to develop social and soft skills and to promote well being.

Effectiveness – The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success.

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