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This text is forCHOICES

MULTIPLE questions 1 and 2. 5. What changes happen to East Berlin after the fall of the
Berlin wall?
To : Arman A. It will become one of the richest cities in Germany.
B. It’s now the centre of the country’s government.
Please represent our company to the welcoming party of Mr. C. It’s developing to become a leading city of Germany.
and Mrs. Aditya Pratama on: D. It will be the biggest city in the world.
Date : Saturday, 26th April 2022 E. It has become a state city.
Time : 7 p.m.
Place : Delicious Restaurant, Jl. Sudirman number 6. “…investments in new construction are expected to
24 Bandung. exceed $20 billion.”
Thank you. The underlined word has the closest meaning to ….
Riska A. Known C. Predicted E. Expanded
1. What is the text about? B. Calculated D. Completed
A. Asking someone to do something.
B. Holding a welcoming party. This text is for questions 7 to 10.
C. Apologizing for a mistake. Chimpanzees use a system of different sounds to
D. Inviting someone. communicate with each other. One type of cry seems to mean
E. Offering something. something like ‘danger in the air’ or ‘big birds’ and another
apparently means ‘danger on the ground’ or ‘snakes’. The first
2. When will the event be held (date)? cry causes them to hide in hole or under trees and look up at
A. On Saturday at 7 a.m. D. On Saturday evening. the sky. When they hear the second cry, they hide in the upper
B. On Saturday afternoon. E. On 26th April 2022 branches of trees and stare nervously at the grass.
C. On Sunday morning. Chimpanzees are capable of learning sign language. One
chimp called Washoe learned to make about 160 separate
This text is for questions 3 to 6. meaning things like “give me a drink” and “banana”. Washoe
Before the fall of the Berlin wall, East Berlin was like even learned to swear. She has a teacher called Jack who once
the rest of East Germany – drab and depressed. Today it is a refused to give her a drink. Washoe got angry and used several
different story. There are over 40 major construction projects signs which meant “dirty Jack”.
underway and investments in the new construction are A group at chimp at a research institute in Atlanta,
expected to exceed $20 billion. Part of this boom can be Georgia, has recently been taught to type sentences using a
attributed to the fact that the national government of computer. The chimps’ trainer was called Tim, and he kept
Germany will move to Berlin. The city will once again be correcting the mistake made by one of the chimps. The chimps
Germany’s leading city and a gateway to the expanding market obviously wanted Tim to stop correcting him and type out the
in Poland, Czech Republic and other countries east of the following request. “Tim, please leave this room”.
German border.
7. The text mainly tells about ….
3. How was East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin wall? A. A research institute in Atlanta, Georgia.
A. Beautiful and nice. D. Leading and expanding. B. How to teach chimpanzees to communicate
B. Modern and interesting. E. Sophisticated and good. C. Jack and Tim, the chimpanzees’ teachers.
C. Dull and uninteresting. D. How Chimpanzees communicate with each other.
E. Chimpanzees’ ability in communication.
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the
text? 8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the
A. The government of Germany has been moved to text?
Berlin. A. Chimpanzees can be regarded as clever animals.
B. East Berlin is like the rest of Germany-a drab and B. Chimpanzees use a different system to communicate
depressed city. with each other.
C. East Berlin has changed after the collapse of the Berlin C. Jack was a chimp’s trainer at a research institute in
wall. Atlanta.
D. Before the fall of the Berlin wall, East Berlin was the D. Washoe got angry because she was asked to correct
center of Germany. her mistakes many time.
E. There are not more than 40 major construction E. Chimpanzees get angry easily.
projects in East Berlin.
9. Paragraph one mainly discusses …..
A. How Chimpanzees avoid their enemies.
B. How a chimpanzee communicate with other chimps.
C. The sign language used by chimpanzees. 13. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to
D. Why chimpanzees like hiding under the trees. the text?
E. What chimpanzees’ cry means. A. Bendurana’s companions were wounded when they
tried to take the hair.
10. “… and another apparently means ‘danger on the ground’ B. The bird told Bendurana the place where the hair
….”(paragraph 1) came from.
The underlined word means …. C. Landorundun used to take a bath in the river.
A. Precisely C. Completely E. Approximately D. It took a short time for the mango tree to bear fruits.
B. Obviously D. Thoroughly E. Landorundun was happy at the wedding before seeing
a crow with invalid leg.
This text is for question 11 to 13.
Once upon a time there was a young beautiful girl with This text is for questions 14 to 16.
long hair. Her name was Landorundun. Hotel Cannero
One day Landorundun took a bath in the river, and 28051 Cannero Riviera, Italy
combed her hair. Unfortunately, one of her hair was fallen. Phone: 323788046
When she put it on a stone, the wind flew it to the river bank Waiter/waitresses (2), Swimming Pool Attendants, Bar Staff
and it reached the middle of the sea.
Amazingly, Landorundun’s hair was glowing in the Around $150 per week. 12 hours per day, 6 days per week. Free
sunlight. Coincidentally, an adventurer, Bendurana saw it from board and accommodation. Knowledge of German, Italian, or
his ship. Later, he ordered his companions to take that hair, but French required. Period of work 3 or 6 months between end of
all of them came back wounded. March and end of October. Applicants should be fit and
Bendurana then walked on water and took the hair healthy, organized and clean. Applications from 25th March to
himself. He rolled the hair over his arm, and surprisingly the the end and send to Maria Carla at the above address.
hair turned to be very long. When he wondered the origin of
the hair, a bird said to him where it came from. To hear the 14. What is the text about?
bird’s explanation, he decided to follow the flock of the birds to A. A job vacancy in Hotel Cannero.
meet the owner of the hair. Finally, the ship dropped the B. A week tour to Italy.
anchor to a stone. You know, the stone nowdays is called Batu C. A three-day tour to European countries.
Sangkinan Lembang. D. A healthy and clean environment.
Then, Bendurana planted a mango tree which instantly E. The description of Cannero Riviera.
grew and had fruits. After that, he walked around the place the
place and found Landorundun. Straightly, Bendurana asked 15. Who is the addressee of this advertisement?
Landorundun to marry him, but she refused it. She said that A. All who meet the requirements mentioned.
her father Solokang and mother Lambe Susu weren’t ready to B. Those who can speak two foreign languages.
be separated from her. Then, Bendurana walked away, but he C. Those who can serve foreigners.
kept stalking Landorundun. D. All who are fit and healthy.
The following day, when Landorundun took a bath at the E. The educated people who can handle service jobs.
river, she saw the mango tree that Bendurana had planted and
picked fruits. After she ate it, Bendurana asked her who ate his 16. Those who are accepted to work for the hotel ….
mango. Landorundun said the Shepherd boys did it, but the A. are mostly Italians.
boy said Landorundun did. Finally, Landorundun surrender and B. will get accommodation.
agreed to marry Bendurana. C. are under control of Maria Carla.
However, Bendurana had another problem. He had to D. will take control of each department.
find a way to take Landorundun with him, apart from her E. will start working between March and October.
parents. Yeah, he got one. To trick her mother Lambe Susu,
Bendurana gave her a bottle with large hole on its bottom, and This text is for questions 17 and 18.
ordered Lambe Susu to fill it with water. When Lambe Susu Dear Tania,
realized that she had been tricked, she just saw her daughter We have known each other for such a long time, and been
sailed away. friend for many years. I am writing you this short letter to thank
Far from her land, at the wedding ceremony, you for being such a great friend.
Landorundun wasn’t happy, and kept quiet. But when a man I am in Senior One now, and still have few more years to
brought a crow with invalid leg, she laughed seeing the crow go. I work hard here. My results are also very good. I may even
jumping in an odd way. think about going to university after finishing high school.
What have you been doing lately? Is everything okay with
11. What does the text tell you about? you? Write me sometimes when you have time.
A. A girl with long hair and her family. Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon.
B. Bendurana and his companions. Best wishes,
C. A girl with long hair and an adventurer. Rihanna
D. The stone called Batu Sangkinan Lembang.
E. An adventurer and his ship. 17. Which of the following is NOT TRUE based on the text?
A. Rihanna got good grades at school.
12. Why did Landorundun decline Bendurana’s proposal? B. Rihanna studies in senior high school.
A. Because she didn’t love him. C. Tania wrote the letter for Rihanna.
B. Because she had already had a fiancé. D. Tania and Rihanna are good friends.
C. Because Bendurana was not a good person E. Rihanna plans to continue her study in a university.
D. Because her parents couldn’t live apart from her.
E. Because her parents didn’t allow it. 18. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the letter?
A. To tell her past experience.
B. To thank her friend for being a true friend.
C. To invite her friend to visit.
D. To ask for an apology. 22. Why do people prefer using mobile phones to home based
E. To ask for a favour. telephone?
A. it has cheaper calls cost than the normal ones.
This text is for questions 19 and 20. B. they can use it almost anywhere.
Announcement C. mobile phones let them free to talk in public places.
In accordance to maintain our employee’s health, PT D. mobile phones are cheap.
Sejahtera Jaya in collaboration with Sehat Sentosa Hospital will E. they can afford it.
organize a Blood Donor event in commemoration of PT
Sejahtera Jaya’s 40th anniversary event. 23. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the text?
The blood donor event will start on Monday, 17th 26 April A. Sometimes someone disturbs other people when
2022, from 9 – 12, in the entrance hall area. All employees are he/she make a conversation in the bus.
hoped to participate in this blood donor event. For registration B. Communicating using a mobile phone may cause
and data submission, please call each of the chiefs of the traffic accidents.
division for further information. C. People can use mobile phones to connect to the
Pontianak, 10 April 2022 Internet.
Satria Kurniawan D. Not many people use mobile phones recently.
Satria Kurniawan E. Mobile phones ease us to communicate.
Chief of HRD
19. What is the text about? 24. “… because they give us more freedom and make
A. The company’s 40th anniversary celebration communication easier.” (last paragraph).
B. The blood donor event in PT Sejahtera Jaya A. The readers. D. Emergency situations.
C. The adventages of blood donor for our health B. The advantages. E. Mobile phones.
D. The suggestion to the entire employees to stay of mobile phones
healthy C. The readers and the writer.
E. The location of the company’s anniversary celebration
25. “Another advantage is that they are really useful in
20. What can you infer from the event in this announcement? emergency situations.”(paragraph 2).
A. This is a mandatory announcement to all employees. The underlined word has similar meaning of ….
B. This event is for the public, so everyone can A. Important C. Critical E. Impossible
participate. B. Busy D. Spare
C. All employees should celebrate the company’s 40th
anniversary. The following text is for questions no 26 to 30.
D. The only registered employees can participate in this ANZAC BISCUITS
You will need :
E. The only healthy employees can join this blood donor
event.  2 cups of rolled oats
 1,5 cups of caster sugar
This text is for questions 21 to 25.  4 tablespoon of golden syrup
Mobile Phones: Good or Bad?  2 tablespoon of boiling water
Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using  2 cup of plain flour
mobile phones. From school children to the people, you see  250 grams of butter
them talking in the supermarket, on trains, in the street,  1 teaspoon of baking soda
everywhere! Steps :
So what are the advantages of mobile phones? 1. Turn on the oven 160 C.
First of all, they are very convenient because you 2. Lightly grease on oven tray.
phone from nearly anywhere. Another advantage is that they 3. Mix oats, flour and sugar in a large bowl.
are really useful in emergency situations. 4. Melt butter and golden syrup in a pan.
For example, if you are alone in your car and it breaks 5. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup.
down, you can get help quickly. In addition, you can also use 6. Add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup.
your mobile to text your friend or connect to the Net. 7. Add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl, mix together
However, there are disadvantages such as the cost. well.
Mobile phone calls cost more than normal calls. Furthermore, 8. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Put on the tray
it can be annoying if you are on a train or a bus, and you have 5 cm apart.
to listen to someone else’s boring conversation. It happens 9. Press lightly on top of each with a fork.
because people can contact you anywhere, at any time, unless 10.Bake for 20 minutes.
you switch your phone off!
In conclusion, there are both advantages and 26. What is the purpose of the text?
disadvantages. Personally, I feel mobile phones are a good A. To tell how to make Anzac Biscuits
thing because they give us more freedom and make B. To see the ingredients of Anzac Biscuits
communication easier. C. To announce a new recipe of Anzac Biscuits
D. To prepare everything for cooking Anzac Biscuits
21. What is the text about? E. To tell how to make coffee
A. the reasons why people have a mobile phone.
B. the advantages and disadvantages of having mobile 27. How many ingredients we need to make Anzac Biscuits?
phone. A. 7
C. how people communicate nowadays. B. 8
D. how people use their mobile phones. C. 9
E. mobile phone calls cost. D. 10
E. 11
28. Why do we use a fork to make Anzac Biscuits? 35. The word “you” inside the song refers to...
A. To mix baking A. The singer
B. To press the balls of mixture B. The song writer’s girlfriend
C. To put the balls on a tray C. The rain
D. To roll the mixture D. The sun
E. To shape the biscuit dough E. The reader

29. What is the synonym of “Tray”? Read the text for questions no. 36 to 40
A. Spatula
B. Oven Yesterday, my family and I wanted to have holiday to
C. Olive oil monas. We (9).... to bekasi station by public
D. Platter transportation.
E. Fork Arrived in Bekasi station, my father (10) .... some
30. How long we should bake the Anzac Biscuits? tickets for going by train. I was very happy because I could
A. 10 minutes see beautiful sight. After one hour, I arrived in Gambir
B. 20 minutes station. Then, we walked to Monas, there were beautiful
C. 30 minutes sights. I could see some trees and some flowers. I and my
D. 40 minutes family (11).... picture there. After that, injoy beautiful
sight in Monas, I saw many people rented and drove
The following text is for questions no 31 to 35. bicycle. I also rented and drove bicycle. The price of
bicycle rent was Rp. 20.000/30 minutes.
Rain and Tear I and my family drove the bicycle around Monas. My
Rain and tears all the same younger sister and my mother took a rest in the yard.
But in the sun you’ve to play the game They enjoyed their meal. My family and I took some
When you cry in winter times photos with clown. After that, we went home to Bekasi.
You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain This is my weekend in Monas with my family.
How many times I’ve seen
Tears coming from you blue eyes 36.
Rain and tears all the same A. Went
But in the sun you’ve got to play the game B. had gone
Give an answer of love I need an answer of love C. goes
Rain and tears in the sun D. go
But in your heart you feel the rain the waves E. going
Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart there will never be a sun 37.
Rain and tears all the same A. Buying
But in the sun you’ve play the game B. Was buying
C. Buyed
31. What does the song express? D. Bought
A. Love E. Buy
B. Sadness 38.
C. Disappointment A. Take
D. Happiness B. Taked
E. Satisfaction C. Was taking
D. Took
32. Which one of the following statements is suitable for this E. Taken
song? 39. Which statement is formed by if clause + a suggestion?
A. The writers lover treats him well A. If you feel unwell, take a rest
B. The writers lover often expresses her sadness B. If you sick, you should take a rest
C. The writer has got his expectation from his lover C. If you feel unwell, put your jacket on
D. The writer of the song feels sure with his love D. If you are happy, you look amazing
E. The writers problem with his lover E. If you feel unwell, you are weak

33. Rain and tears both for shown 40. If it’s summer, the weather is hot
For in my heart there will never be a sun The sentence above uses pattern if clause followed the...
The underlined expression means that the writer... A. Suggestion
A. Will always feel sad B. Imperative
B. Will have his heart be with bright life C. Showing a dream
C. Will feel so faithless all the time D. Reminder
D. Will get very tired all his life E. General truth
E. Will always feel happy

34. The word “rain” in the song refers to ...

A. Autumn time
B. Spring time
C. Winter time
D. Summer time
E. Sunny time
1. D
2. E
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. E
10. E
11. C
12. D
13. E
14. A
15. A
16. E
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. D
21. B
22. B
23. D
24. E
25. C
26. A
27. A
28. B
29. B
30. B
31. C
32. E
33. A
34. C
35. B
36. A
37. D
38. D
39. B
40. E

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