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Underwater cave with buried treasure

When I was living on the island, There was me, Aragorn, Woo, Silly Pete and Clay.
We were lying around in our hammocks at the hut just starting to stir from our afternoon nap.
We all decided we needed to go somewhere to do something a bit different.
Clay said “Why don’t we all go to Anegada?”
Why not, I thought. So we grabbed our masks, snorkels, ippers and spear gun and put them into
the big wooden boat “Marjorie”
We loaded her up with plenty of bananas, oranges, bread, cheese and biscuits so we would have
something to eat on the way.
“It’s a long way to Anegada” said Silly Pete. “We’ll need another nap along the way”
Not long after we had set off, we were going past bird poo rock and saw that there was not one big
round rock, but two. “That can’t be right” I thought.
So we went over to take a closer look. I jumped off marjorie onto the new rock. Suddenly, it started
to move beneath my feet.
It was not a rock after all. It was a huge turtle.
“Quick. Throw me a line” I shouted.
Aragorn threw me a line , which I offered to the turtle to hold in his mouth. He looked up at me with
very kind eyes. He then towed us all the way to Anagada while I rode on his back. We didn’t even
need to start the engine.
Silly Pete set up the hammock on the front deck and enjoyed his second nap with the gentle
movement of the boat.
When we arrived at Anagada, we weaved our way through the reef and piles of conch shells left
from the Arawak indians. We came inside the reef into a beautiful blue bay; a great spot to go
spear shing and conch collecting.
So we put on our masks, ippers and snorkels; grabbed our spearguns and jumped in.
I spotted a rock cod and started to follow him as he tried to hide behind the brain coral. Every time I
got close enough to take a shot at him, he would shoot off quickly and swim further away. I
followed him down into an underwater tunnel which led to a hidden cave. The cave opened up into
a huge underground cavern. We climbed out of the water to take a look around the cavern. Just a
short way into the cavern, We found two huge treasure chests. I opened the lid of the rst chest to
see it full to the brim with gold and silver coins, diamonds, rubies, blue sapphires, yellow sapphires
and emeralds. When we opened the second chest, we found daggers, knives and cutlasses. We
looked around nervously; half-expecting to see pirates coming to protect their treasure, but no-one
was there but us. We collected a few of the gold and silver coins, diamonds, rubies, blue
sapphires, yellow sapphires and emeralds. From the other chest I took a cutlass with a beautifully
carved wooden handle.
We took a look around the cavern and noticed some drawings on the wall. They were strange
symbols and shapes we didn’t understand the meaning of. Some of the shapes looked like some
sort of strange looking creatures. “probably a coded treasure map to more treasure” said Clay. Just
as he said that, the water suddenly started to boil and bubble. Something was coming up from the
water. Something BIG! A huge dark shape was coming from deep in the water. We couldn’t tell
what it was. Then we realised that it was the giant turtle that had brought us to Anagada.
He had come to warn us that the pirates were coming.
We all quickly jumped into the water and climbed onto his back.
He carried us back down under the water, out of the cave and up to the beach.
We all sat on the beach watching as the pirates arrived out at the cave.
That sure was a close call

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