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Activity 10, MANIT Bhopal

1. Correct the following sentences:

One of my friends are an engineer.

One of my dogs have disappeared.

I don’t know nothing about him.

I could not find him nowhere.

He does not want none of the cakes.

I look forward to pass the exam.

I, you and he are neighbours.

Let he do whatever he likes to do.

Let he and I solve this problem.

The climate of Hyderabad is better than Odisha.

The roads of Delhi are better than Allahabad.

Either the chief minister or his cabinet colleagues have submitted his resignation.

He will not help you unless you do not give him money.

A good teacher always advices his students to work hard.

The father and the son love one another.

Those three sisters love each other.

Neither of the three boys came.

None of the two boys came.

He is more wiser than his brother.

You are wiser than old.

He is braver than wise.

It is the best of the two books.

He is the better of the three boys.

Which is the best: rice and curry?

Which is better-bread, butter or fruit?

He is senior than me.

I am junior than him.

This book is superior than that book.

He came latter than you.

I will see you latter.

What is your farther programme.

Let’s not walk any further.

The two first pages of this book are torn.

He has returned back from Delhi.

Marconi discovered the wireless.

Flour is made of wheat.

You chair is not made from wood.

He as well as they is ready to jump.

Ten years is sufficient to complete this project.

Three thousand miles are a long distance.

This scissors is not very sharp.

The pages of the book is torn.

The water of these rivers are dirty.

The father as well as the sons are absent.

Either he or you are guilty.

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