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This technique involves presenting multiple alternatives and having team members cast their
votes for the option they prefer. The option with the most votes is then selected.

Suppose a project team is trying to decide which feature to prioritize for the next release of their
product. The team presents three options: A, B, and C. Each team member then casts their vote
for the option they prefer. After all the votes are tallied, it is determined that option B received
the most votes. The team then decides to prioritize feature B for the next release.

Guidelines for using voting as a decision-making technique:

 Clearly define the problem or decision to be made.

 Present multiple alternatives for team members to choose from.
 Ensure that all team members have an equal opportunity to cast their vote.
 Determine the criteria for selecting the winning option (e.g. most votes, 2/3 majority,
 Communicate the results of the vote to the team and ensure that everyone understands
the decision that was made.

This technique can be used in various situations, such as prioritizing product requirements,
selecting a vendor, or deciding on a project approach.

Pit falls

 The option with the most votes may not necessarily be the best option for the project or
 Some team members may feel pressured to vote for a certain option, even if they don't
fully agree with it.
 The decision-making process may become more focused on winning the vote rather
than finding the best solution.
 The team may become divided if there are strong disagreements about the options
being presented.
 The team may not have all the necessary information to make an informed decision.

To mitigate these potential drawbacks, it's important to carefully consider when and how to use
voting as a decision-making technique. It may be more appropriate to use other techniques,
such as consensus-building or expert judgment, in certain situations.


Option Number of Votes

Option A 5

Option B 8

Option C 3
To record why a team member has chosen a decision and explore alternative options, you can
use a template that includes the following sections:

 Decision: Clearly define the decision that was made.

 Justification: Explain why the decision was made and provide any supporting evidence
or data.
 Alternatives: List any alternative options that were considered and why they were not
 Feedback: Provide an opportunity for team members to provide feedback or
suggestions related to the decision.

Decision Justification Alternatives Feedback

[Insert decision here] [Insert justification here] [Insert alternatives here] [Insert feedback here]

Majority: A decision that is reached with support obtained from more than 50% of the members
of the group. Having a group size with an uneven number of participants can ensure that a
decision will be reached rather than resulting in a tie.
Suppose a project team is trying to decide on a new software tool to use for their project. The
team presents three options: Tool A, Tool B, and Tool C. Each team member then casts their
vote for the option they prefer. After all the votes are tallied, it is determined that Tool B received
the most votes with 60% of the team members in favor. The team then decides to use Tool B for
their project.

Unanimity: A decision that is reached whereby everyone agrees on a single course of action.
The team presents three options: Option A, Option B, and Option C. After a thorough
discussion, the team agrees unanimously on Option A as the best course of action. The team
then proceeds with Option A as the scope for their project.

Plurality: A decision that is reached whereby the largest block in a group decides, even if a
majority is not achieved. This method is generally used when the number of options nominated
is more than two.
The team presents four options: Design A, Design B, Design C, and Design D. Each team
member then casts their vote for the option they prefer. After all the votes are tallied, it is
determined that Design B received the most votes with 40% of the team members in favor. The
team then decides to use Design B for their product.

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