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Lantern's Cross

A Drag n' Drop RPG Town

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Lantern's Cross: A Drag n' Drop RPG Town
Using this Town Rumor Mills
Lantern's Cross is a small town near the geographical Use the Town Rumor Mill for NPC introductions and for
center of Aloria, a small kingdom on the outskirts of the the first time PCs visit a location. Have the party
Forgotten Realms (or whichever setting you prefer). This overhear the tail end of a conversation or showcase an
immediate conflict involving one of the rumors.
town has been designed to make it as easy as possible to
Use the Region Rumor Mill when PCs start actively
drag n' drop this settlement into your home game. As
such, the exact details about the town, such as names, are looking for adventure, or to add a sense of wonder and
not set in stone, and can be changed without much issue. magic to the area surrounding Lantern's Cross.
That being said, as many details as possible have been
provided in order to alleviate burden on the GM. Town Rumor Mill
This town assumes a fantasy world of swords and 1d8+1d12 Rumor
sorcery with relatively low technology levels and high
Villagers swear they've seen strange dancing
levels of wonder. Lantern's Cross was designed with 1st
2–4 lights on misty nights by the Druidic Standing
and 2nd level characters in mind, but may be used in your Stones just west of the town.
game anywhere where your characters would normally
encounter a small town. Matthias the Wizard once directed an
5–6 adventuring party into a nearby ruin to retrieve
an artifact, but the party never returned.
Lantern's Cross: Overview 7–8
Captain Langley once killed a man for looking at
Population: 1,126 her the wrong way.
Racial Makeup: 80% Human, 10% Halfling, 5% Half-elf, Petty theft and vandalism has been unusually
4% Dwarf, 1% Other. 9 – 13 high in Lantern's Crossing lately. Merchants
Terrain: Forest and Plains. blame leadership.
Vandren the Smith suspects Athlia the Fletcher
14 – 15
Town Center of stealing his arrowheads.
Baron Ambrose accepts bribes from merchants
The glowing center of Lantern's Cross is visible even at a
16 – 17 and vendors to secure "prime" selling spots at
distance. Rows and rows of glass lanterns hang from Lantern's Crossing.
granite stone columns that decorate the central
There is an abandoned farmhouse on the
crossroads. These dirt roads connect several major towns
outskirts of town that villagers have heard
and villages across the kingdom, intersecting at the trading 18 – 20
weird groaning noises coming from in the dead
post of Lantern's Cross. of night.
Most days of the week, the intersection is crawling with
vendors and buskers, the lantern posts surrounded by
colorful tents and stalls. Local tradespeople and traveling
Region Rumor Mill
merchants alike frequent the crossroads every weekday to 1d8+1d12 Rumor
hawk their wares. The town radiates outwards from this
A young white dragon was spotted to the far
central hub of trade and commerce, from the residential 2–4
thatch houses, to the wooden palisade that surrounds the
city, to the outlying farmlands and homesteads. A goblin tribe is seeking to conquer the
Mosswind Wood.
These crossroads are also known as Lantern's
Crossing. The region has been experiencing a drought in
7–8 the last month, which does not bode well for
this year's harvest.
Wild dogs have been killing livestock near the
A wooden palisade marks a tight defensive outline around 9 – 13 Mosswind Wood with increasing frequency as
the bulk of the population in Lantern's Cross, enough to of late.
keep out wild animals and the incorrigible bandit at the A bandit gang has been hassling travelers on
14 – 15
very least. Beyond the wall lies a mixture of abandoned the East Road.
buildings, farmhouses, and a scattering of ruins. Not far to A traveling merchant claims they saw a massive
the west of Lantern's Cross lies Mosswind Wood, a dense 16 – 17 sea serpent swimming beneath the Singing
forest full of wild and scary beasts. Not many residents or River to the east.
visitors to Lantern's Cross are interested in what happens
A young boy started exploring an abandoned
outside the palisade wall. Those lands belong to tower at the edge of the Mosswind Wood, but
archaeologists, historians, explorers, and adventurers... 18 – 20
when he returned the next day, the tower had

Athlia Ironeye
Lantern's Crossing Role: Dwarven Fletcher.
The crossroads at the center of town hosts a number of Appearance: A dwarf with long braided red hair and
vendor stalls and tents, colloquially known as Lantern's red freckles. She has large muddy-brown eyes and always
Crossing. It is the hub of trade and culture in the town. seems to maintain eye contact for an uncomfortably long
This is where PCs will do the majority of their shopping time.
and interaction with major NPCs. This hub is unique due to Trait: Stubborn. Athlia rarely admits she is wrong, and
the high amount of traffic it receives from all corners of often places the blame for her hardships on other people
the surrounding kingdom. As such, the party may in town. She will pay attention to see whether the party
encounter new and familiar NPCs every time they return chooses to agree or disagree with her complaints.
to Lantern's Crossing. Friendly: Athlia will sell specially crafted +1 arrows at a
It is recommended that the GM come up with rumors price of 1 gp per arrow.
and NPCs that fit exotic locations in their settings to Hostile: Athlia sabotages the weapons she sells,
sprinkle into interactions that occur at Lantern's Crossing, causing them to break upon use.
especially for return visits to the site. Executing this well
will help make Lantern's Cross feel like a living breathing
town. The Rumor Tables and Sample NPCs listed here
serve as a way to help GMs get started on this. Lantern's Cross and the surrounding area is looked after
by Baron Winston Ambrose. He is an eccentric man, largely
The party should be able to purchase any equipment keeping to his timber mansion on the outskirts of town.
listed in the Player's Handbook at Lantern's Crossing. Baron Ambrose's interests lie in the collection of strange
artifacts and ancient treasures. When he is spotted outside
Sample NPCs of his abode, it is wandering Lantern's Crossing looking
for a new antique to add to his collection. If the party were
Vandren Trussek to bring him an ancient weapon or fine ruby, they might
Role: Human Blacksmith. win his favor.
Appearance: A clean-shaven man of middle years. He In most matters, Baron Ambrose leaves the authority
often squints his eyes at people in conversation due to with Captain Quinn Langley of the Lantern Watch. Her
poor eyesight. small militia is largely comprised of young men and
Trait: Haughty. Vandren is a proud man, and prouder women who have the free time and the will to volunteer.
still of his craft. He won't miss a chance to criticize poor Captain Langley and her militia monitor disputes between
craftsmanship. merchants that come up at Lantern's Crossing and ward
Friendly: Vandren offers a 20% discount on weapons off the occasional wild animal.
and armor to his loyal customers.
Hostile: Vandren refuses to sell to those he believes will Quinn Langley
mistreat his quality wares. Role: Human Captain.
Appearance: Scarred woman of middle age and
Teriak Sherwind grayish-blonde hair. She keeps a longsword at her waist
Role: Human Leatherworker. and wears practical clothes in muted colors.
Appearance: A man with a boyish face and a Trait: Stern. Captain Langley has a no-nonsense
mischievous grin. He talks at about twice the speed of the disposition, and keeps a deadpan expression even in the
average person. most emotional of circumstances. She might only ever
Trait: Chatty. Teriak loves to chat with customers about crack a smile at an exceptional war story.
even the most inane details, even long after business has Friendly: Captain Langley has a strong belief in justice
subsided. It can be hard to extricate yourself from and in the law. The party might win the Captain's favor by
conversation with him. solving disputes in the town. Langley will offer free training
Friendly: Teriak offers free engravings on leather armor to anyone with whom she is friendly. A character who
to those who indulge in his chattiness. spends a day training with Captain Langley gains
Hostile: Teriak is short and terse with those he believes advantage on ability checks that require Strength for the
to be rude. next week.
Hostile: Captain Langley assigns 1d4 guards to follow
the party.

Points of Interest
1d8+1d12 Spell Scroll
The Burning Wick 2–4 Shield
The Burning Wick is a stone brick establishment on the 5–6 Chromatic Orb
corner of Lantern's Crossing that overlooks the trade
7–8 Detect Magic
tents. It hosts a second story with a dozen small but well
cared for bedrooms. The inn offers food, drink, and board 9 – 13 Featherfall
for modest prices. Often found roaming the first floor and 14 – 15 Alarm
chatting with locals is Korrin Merryleaf, the owner of The
16 – 17 Expeditious Retreat
Burning Wick.
18 – 20 Misty Step
Korrin Merryleaf
Role: Halfling Barkeep. Church of Light
Appearance: Laugh lines frame the face of a halfling
who seems to be simultaneously boyish and wise beyond Near the Baron's mansion stands a one story stone
his years. Amber eyes crinkle at their corners as his face church, the front of which is decorated with marbled
seems to be bent in a permanent smile. He smells of pillars and red stained glass windows. The establishment
freshly baked bread. was built to honor Freynir, the God of Light, Home, Hearth,
Trait: Good Cheer. Korrin hates to see people suffer, and Travelers (or whoever a suitable equivalent may be for
and will do everything within his power to raise people's your region). Father Gabriel lives in and tends to the
spirits. If the mood becomes dark, Korrin will offer food, church, and is a beloved figure of the community.
drink, or a joke in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.
Friendly: The party may have free meals at The Gabriel Festus
Burning Wick. Role: Human Priest.
Hostile: Korrin no longer laughs in the party's presence. Appearance: Gabriel has thinning gray hair, pale skin,
and a slight limp.
Wizard Silo Trait: Mediator. Gabriel hates discord in Lantern's
Cross, and invites those with disputes or arguments into
The aging wizard, Matthias Payne, lives in a repurposed the Church of Light to settle things. In conversation,
grain silo south of the town. He moved in without anyone's Gabriel keeps an almost unsettlingly soft tone of voice.
permission, preferring to take his arcane studies to the Friendly: Gabriel will bless holy water for the party at a
privacy of a makeshift wizard tower. Matthias likes his cost of 25 gp per flask.
privacy, and the silo is far enough removed from the town Hostile: Gabriel will not offer his spell casting services
proper to prevent prying eyes. to the party.

Matthias Payne Gabriel can cast Lesser Restoration for the party at the
Role: Human Wizard. cost of 50 gp.
Appearance: Matthias has cropped gray hair. He has a
disarming smile despite his crooked teeth and a terrible Standing Stones
hunchback. He likes to raise his eyebrow at people instead
of answer questions. Betwixt Lantern's Cross and the Misty Woods lies a
haphazard configuration of five ancient standing stones.
Trait: Lonely. While the wizard prefers the company of
Symbols written in Old Druidic can be found here,
his books and artifacts to people - he gets overly excited
detailing the place as a holy site designed for communing
when he finds people who seem to share his interests, and
with nature. The stones are covered in a creeping green
is loathe to see them leave.
moss, and they seem to shift locations slightly every time
Friendly: Matthias will give the party a 20% discount on
the party revisits them.
his spell scrolls and spellcasting services.
Hostile: Matthias won't open his door for the party. A character who is a druid or a ranger can meditate
here for 1 hour in order to gain the ability to cast Speak
Matthias can cast the comprehend languages and
with Animals or Speak with Plants for the rest of the
identify spells for the party at a cost of 10 gp per cast.
Matthias usually has a stock of spell scrolls he can sell.
He sells each spell scroll for 100 gp each, and restocks
on new spell scrolls at the start of each week from
traders that come into town.

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