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IEEE Std ll3-1985

(Revision of IEEE
Std 113-1973)

IEEE Guide: Test Procedures for

Direct-Current Machines

Rotating Machinery Committee of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association

@Copyright 1985 by

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics, Inc

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA
No part of this publication may be reproduced i n any form,
,?- in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Com-

mittees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Commit-
tees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve
voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily mem-
bers of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent
a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute
as well as those activities outside of IEEE which have expressed an in-
terest in participating in the development of the standard.
Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an
IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to pro-
duce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and ser-
vices related t o the scope of the IEEE S t p d a r d . Furthermore, the view-
point expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject
to change brought about through developments in the state of the art
and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Stan-
dard is subjected to review at least once every five years for revision
or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five years old, and has
not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable t o conclude that its contents,
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Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any
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Interpretations : Occasionally questions may arise regarding the mean-
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Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be ad-
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(This Foreword is not a part of IEEE Std 113-1985, IEEE Guide: Test Procedures for Direct-Current Machines.)
This standard is a revision of IEEE Std 113-1973, Test Code for Direct-Current Machines. A title
change has been incorporated into the revision to be similar to other standards of this type. The title is
now IEEE Guide: Test Procedures for Direct-Current Machines.
The institute wishes to acknowledge its indebtedness to those who have freely given of their time and
knowledge in the preparation of this revision. Appreciation is also expressed to their employers, whose
cooperation is essential in a volunteer effort such as this.
This revision was prepared and approved by a working group of the Direct-Current Machinery Sub-
committee of the IEEE Rotating Machinery Committee, and at the time of this revision had the follow-
ing membership:

F.T. DeWolf, Chairman

H.B. Hamilton JB. Salay J.V. Stude
E.F. McBrien LA. Schlabach V.E. Vrana
D.C.Morton E J . Silva W.P. Willendrup
J.D. Raba EJ. Woods

At the time this standard was approved, the Direct-Current Machinery Subcommittee of. the IEEE
Rotating Machinery Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society had the following membership:

E.J. Woods, Chairman

F.S.Buchwald W. Lord J.E. Radcliffe
O.C. Coho, Jr R.E. Lordo JB. Salay
F.T. DeWolf CH. Merrifield LA. Schlabach
J.S. Ewing EH. Myers E J . Silva
E. Fuchs E.P. Priebe E.P. Smith
H.B. Hamilton J.V. Stude

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on September 22, 1983, it had the following

James H. Beall, Chairman Edward Chelotti, Vice Chairman

Sava I. Sherr, Secretam
J J . Archambault Donald H.Heirman John P. Riganati
John T. Boettger Irvin N. Howell Frank L. Rose
J.V. Bonucchi Joseph L. Koepfinger' Robert W. Seelbach
Rene Castenschiold Inring Kolodny Jay A. Stewart
Edward J. Cohen George Konomos Clifford 0. Swanson
Len S . Corey John E. May Robert E. Weiler
Donald C. Fleckenstein Donald T. Michael* W.B. Wilkens
Jay Forster Charles J. WyIie

'Member emeritus

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11. Scope ................................................................................. 7

1.1 Tests of Direct-Current Motors and Generators Designed for
Essentially Ripple-Free Operation .................................................. 7
1.2 Tests of Direct-Current Motors Designed for Use with
Rectifier Power Supplies .......................................................... 7
1.3 Other Test Procedures ............................................................ 7
1.4 References ...................................................................... 7
2. Tests .................................................................................. 8
2.1 General ......................................................................... 8
2.2 Alternative Methods .............................................................. 8
3. Electrical Measurements and Power Sources for All Test Procedures ......................... 8
3.1 Instrument Selection Factors ...................................................... 8
3.2 Voltage Measurement ............................................................. 9
3.3 Current Measurement ............................................................. 9
3.4 Power Measurement .............................................................. 9
3.5 Power Sources ................................................................... 10
4. Preliminary Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.1 Reference Conditions ............................................................. 10
4.2 Winding Resistance Measurements ................................................. 10
4.3 Air Gap Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.4 Polarity and Impedance Drop of Field Coils ......................................... 13
4.5 Vibration ........................................................................ 13
4.6 Brush Setting .................................................................... 13
4.7 Insulation Resistance ............................................................. 15
4.8 High-Potential Tests .............................................................. 15
5. Performance Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.1 Magnetic Saturation .............................................................. 15
5.2 Commutation .................................................................... 16
5.3 Regulation ...................................................................... 16
5.4 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.5 Description of Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.6 Measurement of Rotational Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.7 Load Test of Fractional-Horsepower Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.8 Load Test of Integral-Horsepower Motors ........................................... 23
6. Temperature Tests ...................................................................... 24
6.1 Purpose ......................................................................... 24
6.2 General Instructions .............................................................. 24
6.3 Methods of Temperature Measurement ............................................. 24
6.4 Test Procedure .................................................................. 26
6.5 Armature Shut-Down Temperature Determination .................................... 26
6.6 Temperature Rise ................................................................. 27
7. Miscellaneous Tests ..................................................................... 27
7.1 Audio-Noise Test ................................................................. 27
7.2 Electromagnetic Interference Test .................................................. 27
7.3 Voltage Wave Shape .............................................................. 27
7.4 Exciter Response Measurement .................................................... 28
7.5 Winding Inductance Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7.6 Shaft Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.7 Moment of Inertia Measurement ................................................... 31

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8. Bibliography (Papers Relating to the Operation of

DC Motors on Rectifier Power) ........................................................... 32


Fig. 1 Schematic Connection Diagram for Pump-Back Test ............................... 19

Fig 2 Time-Temperature Plot Armature ................................................. 26
Fig 3 Nominal Exciter Response. ...................................................... 28
Fig 4 Test Circuitry for Saturated Shunt Field Inductance Measurement ................... 30
Fig 5 Steps in Derivation of Moment of Inertia by the Retardation Method ................ 31


FormA Report of Complete Tests on Direct-Current Machines ............................. 34

FormB Report of Routine Tests on Direct-Current Machines ............................... 35
Form C Rectified Power Dynamometer Test of Direct-Current Motors ....................... 36
Form D Dynamometer Test of Direct-Current Machine (DC Power) ......................... 37
FormE Stray-Load Loss Calculation from Dynamometer Test .............................. 38
Form F Pump-Back Test Direct-Current Machines ......................................... 38
Form G Stray-Load Loss Calculation from Pump-Back Test ................................. 39

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IEEE Guide: Test Procedures for
Direct-Current Machines
A brief bibliography of technical papers relat-
WARNING: Because of the dan- ing to the operation of dc motors on rectified
gerous current, voltages, and forces power is located in Section 8.
encountered, adequate safety precau-
tions should be taken in aU tests to 1.3 Other Test Procedures. It is recognized that
avoid damage to equipment and injury there may be test procedures other than those
to personnel. No attempt i s made here to described herein. When more than one procedure
list or review the manifold general can be used, local conditions and the degree of
safety precautions which are well estab- precision desired will determine the procedure to
lished throughout the industry. How- be used. This guide shall not be interpreted or
ever, these test procedures do recom- construed as requiring the performance of any or
mend special scCfety precautions appli- all of the tests herein, in any given transaction.
cable to the particular test described. All
tests should be pe@ormed by knowl- 1.4 References
edgeable and experienced personnel.
The IEEE working group and commit- [l] ANSI C63.4-1981, American National Standard
tee members having voluntarily devoted Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emis-
time and knowledge to benefit the elec- sions from Low-Voltage, Electrical and Electronic
trical industly in creating and revising Equipment in the Range of 10 kHz to 1 GHz.’
this specification, disclaim aU respon-
sibility f o r its use and application. [2] ANSI/IEEE Std 4-1978, IEEE Standard Tech-
niques for High-Voltage Testing?
1. Scope
[3] ANSI/IEEE Std 43-1974 (R 198l), IEEE Rec-
ommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resist-
ance of Rotating Machinery.
These test procedures include recommenda-
tions for conducting and reporting generally
acceptable tests to determine the performance [4] ANWIEEE Std 100-1984, IEEE Standard Dic-
characteristics of conventional direct-current tionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms.
machines. The tests are in two categories as
described in 1.1 and 1.2. [51 ANSI/NEMA MG1-1978, Motors and Gener-
1.1 Tests of Direct-Current Motors and Gener-
ators Designed for Essentially Ripple-Free [61 IEEE Std 85-1973 (R 1980), IEEE Standard
Operation. For operation to be classed as ripple- Test Procedure for Airborne Sound Measure-
free in accordance with this test procedure, the ments on Rotating Electric Machinery.
peak-to-peak value of the alternating component
of the current shall be less than 6%, or the rms [7] IEEE Std 118-1978, IEEE Standard Test Code
value less than 2%, of the rated current of the for Resistance Measurement.
lest machine at any of the test conditions pro-
vided that the lowest alternating frequency com- [81 IEEE Std 119-1974, IEEE Recommended
ponent of the current is 50 Hz or greater. Practice for General Principles of Temperature
Measurement as Applied to Electrical Apparatus.
1.2 Tests of Direct-Current Motors Designed ANSI documents are available from the Sales Department,
for Use with Rectifier Power Supplies. When a American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New
test procedure applies to a dc motor supplied York, NY 10018.
<withrectified power not meeting the essentially *IEEE documents are available from IEEE Service Center,
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.
ripple-free criteria of 1.1, the procedure will be
NEMA documents are available from the National Electrical
identified by the following opening statement: Manufactures Association, 2101 L Street, NW Washington, DC
“On rectified power . . .” 20037.

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2. Tests 3. Electrical Measurements

and Power Sources
for All Test Procedures
2.1 General. The tests in this guide used to
check the performance of direct-current machines
are divided into four general categories:
3.1 Instrument Selection Factors. Either ana-
(1) Preliminary tests (see Section 4)
log or digital-type instruments may be used in
(2) Performance determination tests (see Sec-
testing. Factors affecting accuracy, particularly
tion 5) with nonelectronic, analog instruments are: load-
(3) Temperature test (see Section 6) ing of the signal source, lead calibration, and the
(4) Miscellaneous tests (see Section 7) range, condition, and calibration of the instru-
The preliminary tests include not only those ment. Since instrument accuracy is generally
tests incorporated in the group of static tests
expressed as a percent of full scale, the range of
(see 2.1.1), but, in addition, those tests usuduy
the instrument chosen should be as low as prac-
conducted before the performance determination
tical. The instrument should bear record of
test can or should be undertaken. The perform-
recent calibration and if extreme importance is
ance determination tests and temperature test
attached to the test results the instrument should
are those usually made to determine the perform-
be calibrated immediately before and after the
ance of a direct-current machine. Miscellaneous
completion of the test procedure. When several
tests are often undertaken to provide additional
instruments are connected in the circuit simulta-
information pertaining to a specific dc machine.
neously, additional corrections of the instrument
Direct-current machines are usually tested at
indication may be required.
the point of manufacture (see 4.1.1). Certain tests
Electronic instruments are generally more ver-
from each of the four general categories are fre-
satile and have much higher input impedances
quently incorporated into three groups of tests to
than passive (nonelectronic) types. Higher input
serve as a guide, but these three groups do not
impedance reduces the need to make corrections
necessarily constitute standard tests.
for the current drawn by the instrument. How-
2.1.1 Static Test. The static test usually
ever, high input impedance instruments are more
susceptible to noise. Common sources of noise
(1) Resistance measurement of windings (4.2)
are: inductive or electrostatic coupling of signal
(2) Air gap measurements (4.3)
leads to power systems, common impedance cou-
(3) Polarity and impedance drop of shunt-field
pling, or ground loops, inadequate common-mode
coils (4.4)
rejection, and conducted interference from the
(4) Electrical resistance of insulation (cold) (4.7)
power line. Good practice requires the use of
(5) High-potential test (4.8)
shielded twisted pairs for signal leads, grounding
2.1.2 Complete Test. See Form A. The com-
of the shield at only one point, and keeping sig-
plete test usually includes the static test (see
nal cables as far away as possible from power,
2.1.1) and the following tests:
cables. All exposed metal parts of these instru-
(1) Vibration (4.5)
ments should be grounded for safety. Instrument
(2) Magnetic saturation (5.1)
calibration requirements are similar to those of
(3) Commutation (5.2)
nonelectronic instruments.
(4) Regulation (5.3)
When suitable automatic data-acquisition s y s
(5) Efficiency and Losses (5.4), (5.5), (5.6)
tems or high-speed recorders are available they
(6) Temperature tests (6)
may be used provided they are suitable for the
2.1.3 Routine Test. Routine tests are often
pulsating nature of the signals arising from oper-
listed in a specific standard applying to a par-
ation on rectifier power supplies.
ticular type or size of dc machine. See Form B.
3.1.1 On rectified power, the average or dc val-
ues of armature and field voltages and current
2.2 Alternative Methods. For many of the tests, can be measured using permanent-magnet mov-
alternative methods are described that are appro- ing-coil (d’ksonval) type instruments, or other
priate for the different size and types of direct- instruments, including digital instrumentation
current machines and for the different conditions known to provide true average readings. Root-
encountered during the test. In some cases, the mean-square values can be measured with elec-
preferred test method is indicated. trodynamometer-type, iron-vane-type, or other

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instrument types including digital instrumenta- Tests should be made at as near rated voltage
tion known to provide true rms readings. Alter- as practical. If terminal voltage is slightly differ-
nating-current instruments of the type using ent from rated voltage, this difference shall be
rectifiers so as to sense only a portion of the taken into account and corrections made in cal-
voltage or current signal and instruments which culating machine characteristics.
are calibrated based on the assumption of a On rectified power, the input ac voltage to the
sinusoidal wave shape should not be used. rectifier should be the specified value, +2%, -0%.
Oscilloscope observations of the voltage and cur-
rent signals are recommended to ensure that the 3.3 Current Measurement. Where the current
waveforms are of the shapes to be expected. to be measured is within the range of available
Suitably low-inductance current transducers and ammeters, an ammeter may be inserted directly
shielded leads should be used to minimize signal into the circuit. Current transducers are used
distortion and eliminate extraneous voltages. when the range of available ammeters is
3.1.2 The ac component of the armature and exceeded. Also, isolation amplifiers may be used
field voltages and current can be measured sepa- for safety purposes and to be compatible with
rately using suitable instrumentation and com- other instrumentation. In all cases, the imped-
bined with the average value to yield the rms ance of the ammeter or transducer shall not
value of the variable. For example, the compo- appreciably affect the characteristics of the
nent values of the armature current are interre- machine or the circuit tested.
lated The current required by all protective devices
used during the test shall not appreciably affect
the test results. This guide recommends that
these devices be so connected that a minimum of
correction is necessary.
On rectified power, the rms value of the arma-
I,, = rms value of the current
ture current or the ac component of the arma-
zdc = average value of the current ture current, or both, should be measured.
I,, = rms value of the ac component of the
3.4 Power Measurement. Electric power
If a current transformer is used to block the dc (watts) is usually computed as the time average
component of the current, it should be of suffi- of the instantaneous product of voltage and cur-
cient size to avoid magnetic saturation resulting rent. A direct-reading wattmeter may be used. If
from the direct current passing through the pri- very high accuracy is required, corrections
mary winding. If a dc bias winding is used to should be made for power loss in instruments,
avoid magnetic saturation of the transformer, test connections, and protective devices.
means should be taken to restrict ac ampere If a calibrated driving motor or cradled dyna-
turns in the bias winding to less than 2% of the mometer or torquemeter is used in loss measure-
ac ampere turns in the primary windings. The ments it should preferably be of such a size that
magnitude, wave shape, and phase relationship of it is loaded to at least one-third of its rating
the secondary current should be observed with when losses for rated load are measured.
an oscilloscope and compared with the primary 3.4.1 Input Armature-Circuit Power. On rec-
current. tified power, input armature-circuit power may
If a capacitor is used to block the dc compo- be measured directly using a true-reading watt-
nent of voltage, it should be of sufficient size so meter or other measurement means wherein the
that the ac voltage drop across the capacitor is instantaneous product of voltage and current is
less than 2% of the ac component of the voltage time averaged. Alternatively, the dc and ac power
measured. components may be measured separately as
described in (1) and (2) below and added
3.2 Voltage Measurement. Machine voltage together.
measurements should be taken with the signal (1) The dc component of armature circuit
leads connected to the machine terminals. If power input is the product of the average input
local conditions will not permit such connec- armature circuit voltage and current as measured
tions, the error introduced should be evaluated with average-reading instruments.
and the readings corrected. (2) The ac component of the armature cir-

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cuit power input is the average value of the prod- When so noted on the test-data record, a direct
uct of the instantaneous ac components of the current power supply having a low-ripple voltage
armature circuit voltage and current. It may be content, such as a dc generator, may be used to
measured by blocking the dc component of supply the shunt-field circuit power during tests
either the voltage or current signals passing to using a rectifier to supply the motor armature
the power measurement .means. The precautions circuit.
described in 3.1.2 relating to the fidelity of volt- An indication of motor heating can be obtained
age and current signals apply to these signals at from tests using dc armature power having a
the power measurement means. In addition, it low-ripple content, such as a dc generator, by
should be determined by simultaneous oscillo- maintaining the armature current at the antici-
scope observations that the current and voltage pated ms value in rectifier service. However, it
signals are repetitive and precise in their phase should be recognized that machine temperatures
relationship. may be higher in actual rectifier service, par-
3.4.2 Input Shunt-Field Power. The input ticularly in the case of enclosed machines. Such
shunt-field power can usually be taken with sufii- tests do not measure commutation performance.
cient accuracy as the product of the average A low-ripple dc supply may also be used in con-
shunt-field voltage and current. If the shunt-field ducting loss separation tests and in taking com-
current is not ripple-free as defined in 1.1 the parative heating and commutation tests.
shunt-field power shall be calculated as the prod-
uct of the square of the rms value of the shunt-
field current and the dc resistance. 4. Preliminary Tests
3.5 Power Sources
3.5.1 Direct-Current Supply. The power sup- 4.1 Reference Conditions
ply should be such that a minimum of aGust- 4.1.1 Location for Tests. Tests are usually
ment is necessary during the time test readings made at the plant of the manufacturer, unless an
are taken. In general, it should be of sufficient otherwise mutually agreed upon location is
size and in such a condition that its operation established.
does not influence the machine under test. The 4.1.2 Ambient Air. Unless otherwise agreed
.power supply should be essentially ripple-free as upon, the surrounding air temperature should be
defined in 1.1. between 10 "C and 40 "C, and the altitude should
3.5.2 Rectified Alternating Current Supply. not exceed 1000 m (3300 ft). The procedure to be
Performance and conformance tests on dc followed in the measurement of ambient temper-
motors intended for service with rectifiers should ature is given in IEEE Std 119-1974 [SI'.
be conducted using a power supply of the type 4.1.3 Terminal Markings. Terminal markings
resulting in the amount and frequency of current should be in accordance with ANSUNEMA
ripple for which the motor is designed. The volt- MG1-1978 [5]. However, the manufacturers' dia-
age and current waveforms should be of the gram of connections should be the authority for
expected shapes and free from disturbances and checking terminal markings and polarities.
instabilities. The difference between the highest 4.1.4 Direction of Rotation. When the direc-
and lowest peak amplitudes of the current pulses tion of rotation is not specified, motors shall be
over one cycle of the fundamental frequency tested with counterclockwise rotation and gener-
should not exceed 2% of the highest pulse ampli- ators with clockwise rotation, when viewed from
tude. Sigruficant rectifier parameters regarding the commutator end.
armature current ripple are: number of phases 4.1.5 Test Machine Rating. In these test pro-
and circuitry, input ac voltage and frequency, and cedures by rated load is meant rated load cur-
armature circuit inductance and resistance. In rent.
the absence of rectifier facilities meeting these
requirements, and when so noted on the test data 4.2 Winding Resistance Measurements. The
record, an armature circuit power supply provid- resistance of the machine windings is determined
ing the same frequency but more current ripple so as to check the completed winding connec-
than expected in service may be used and the
ripple restricted to the rated value using a Numbers in brackets correspond to those of the references
smoothing choke. in 1.4 of this standard.

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tion, to calculate the PR loss, and to establish a components are measured as indicated below:
reference resistance at a reference temperature (1) Armature Winding
to be used in the determination of the average (a) Method A. This method is limited to
temperature of the winding. (For the last of these wave-wound armatures including all two-pole
purposes a portion of the winding may be used rotor windings. For other winding types, or if the
... rather than the complete winding. See winding type is not known, Methods B or C given
Resistance measurement should be made as below should be used.
outlined in IEEE Std 118-1978 E71. The average Using this method, the armature resistance can
temperature of the winding should be recorded be determined by applying a resistance bridge
at the time the cold resistance is measured. The across two commutator segments as near as p o s
temperature of the surrounding air shall not be sible to one pole pitch apart. In the case of sim-
regarded as the temperature of the windings, plex, two-pole rotor windings having an odd
unless the machine has been standing idle under number of segments, one bridge contact should
constant temperature conditions for a consider- cover two adjacent segments. In the case of
able period of time. Extreme care should be duplex windings, each bridge contact shall cover
taken to secure accurate cold resistance meas- two adjacent segments.
urements since a small error in measuring resist- (b) Method B (Preferred). A suitable low-
ance will cause a comparatively large error in resistance harness should be connected to the
determining the temperature. rotor winding either at the risers or end clips or
4.2.1 Temperature Correction of Winding on the commutator segments so as to contact the
Resistances. The equation to be used to correct rotor winding at each brush location. For a sim-
the measured cold resistance to a common tem- plex winding the harness should contact one
perature standard such as 25 "C is: commutator segment per pole spaced one pole
pitch apart. In the case of nonintegral spacing,
the contact may be made to two adjacent com-
mutator segments simultaneously. For a duplex
rotor winding the harness should contact two
where adjacent commutator segments simultaneously at
each brush position. In case the rotor winding
R , = resistance of winding (ohms) measured type is not known, a close approximation to the
at cold temperature standard t , ("C) winding resistance may be attained by connect-
R2 = resistance of winding (ohms) measured ing the harness as described for a duplex wind-
at temperature t2 ("C) ing or Method C may be applied.
k = 234.5 for copper The resistance measured by connecting the
- 225 for aluminum (EC grade based on a bridge between the terminal legs of this harness
volume conductivity of 62%) simulating the positive and negative brushes is
considered as the rotor winding resistance. Care
4.2.2 Method of Resistance Measurement. shall be taken to reduce the contact resistance to
The bridge method is the preferred method. The a negligibly low value.
voltage-drop method may be used as an alternate (c) Method C (Alternate). This is the volt-
method. age-drop method of measuring the armature Shunt-Field-Circuit Windings. The resistance. The brush rigging should be properly
cold resistance of the shunt field shall be deter- assembled. The brush fit should be good (see
mined at the terminals of the shunt field with 4.6.1). The rotor should be suitably blocked to
proper connections excluding all external resist- prevent rotation. The brush rigging should be
ances. used as the current connection and the potential Armature-Circuit-Winding Resist- drop measured as follows: The two potential
ances. The armature-circuit-winding resistance leads should be applied to the commutator seg-
comprises the sum of the various components ments approximately one pole pitch apart. These
(excluding brush and brush-contact resistance) leads should be located on segments as near the
connected in accordance with the winding dia- center of the brush contact surface as possible.
gram of the machine. This summation should be The potential leads should be shifted and read-
made only after each resistance component has ings recorded for each pole pitch. The current
been corrected to a common temperature. These shall be maintained constant for all of these


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measurements. The current should not exceed Resistors. The-resistance of all auxiliary wind-
10% of the rated value. The resistances shall be ings should be measured at the terminals. The
computed from the average of all of the poten- resistance of all auxiliary winding adjusting
tial-drop readings and the circulating current. resistors should be measured at the terminals of
Usually this will give a lower value of resistance the cables which join these resistors to the wind-
than the value measured using Methods A or B. ing. In addition to the resistance, the connections
of all adjusting resistors should be recorded.
e current a
applied shaU be limited to prevent damage to 4.3 Air Gap Measurements. The measurement
the commutator due to local heatingfimn this of the air gaps should include a check of correct
circulating current. installation of main poles, test of possible defor-
mation of bearing or bearing support, inspection
(2) Commutating-Field Winding. On uncom- for sufficient clearance before testing, and proper
pensated machines, the resistance of this winding assembly of rotor with respect to stator. Dissym-
may be measured directly at its terminals. If one metry in main- or commutating-field pole air gaps
end of the winding is permanently connected to may cause difficulties such as excessive voltage
the brush rigging, the commutating field resist- ripple or overheating of equalizers.
ance should be measured between this point and Measure the minimum air gap beneath the cen-
the outside terminal. On machines that are com- ter (approximately) of each main pole and each
pensated, this winding may be interleaved with commutating-field pole piece using a suitable
the compensating-field winding (poleface wind- feeler gage or tapered gage to determine the gap
ing). In such designs the combined resistance of to at least the nearest 0.100 mm (0.005 in) for
these two windings should be measured. integral-horsepower motors and to the nearest
If the windings are split and located elec- 0.050 mm (0.002 in) for fractional-horsepower
trically on opposite sides of the armature or motors. All measurements should be made
arranged in some other manner, the resistance of between iron surfaces of the pole pieces and the
each winding component should be measured rotor. In normal practice, a common point on the
individually. rotor is selected and the point is rotated to each
(3) Compensating-Field Windings. If separate pole in turn as measurements are made.
from commutating-field windings, the resistance Where apertures are not provided, the uniform-
should be measured at the terminals of this ity of the air gap can be determined by ascertain-
winding. ing that the rotor turns freely in the assembled
(4) Series-Field Windings. The resistance machine when wound with a wire spaced spirally
should be measured at the terminals of all dis- around the rotor periphery. For this test the
tinct windings. If the winding is permanently con- diameter of the wire should be at least 70% of
nected to one of the other stationary windings half the difference between the diametric dis-
and with only one distinct connection strap tance of the main pole faces and the outside
between the two windings, the series-field resist- diameter of the rotor.
ance should be measured between the terminal 4.3.1 Data Record. This procedure recom-
and this distinct connection strap. If the series- mends uniformity in pole identification. Main
field winding is interleaved, or does not have a pole N o 1 and commutating-field pole No 1 shall
distinct connection between windings, then its be either the top pole or the first pole of each
resistance should be measured in combination kind in a clockwise direction from the vertical
with the other stator windings to which it is centerline above the horizontal centerline when
interconnected. the machine is viewed from the commutator end.
( 5 ) Shunts. The resistance of any shunts con- Each main pole will be numbered starting with
nected in parallel with the machine windings pole N o 1 and proceeding consecutively in a
should be measured at the cable terminals of the clockwise direction.
shunt. The shunts shall be disconnected from the For a machine with a vertical shaft, the No 1
windings when measuring the winding and shunt pole is the first one in a clockwise direction as
resistances. The windings shunted by these vari- viewed from the commutator end of the machine
ous resistors should be identified with the resist- from some designated point such as the name-
ance of the shunts. plate or direction of rotation mark. This point
( 6 ) Auxiliary Windings and Associated Series should be identified on data record.

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4.4 Polarity and Impedance Drop of Field velocity is the recommended measurement quan-
Coils. tity.
4.4.1 Polarity. The polarity of the various Radially- and axially-directed vibration meas-
field windings may be determined by any of the urements should be made at the machine bearing
methods indicated below. Each field-winding housing. If the bearing housings are not accessi- .
polarity should be ascertained independently. ble the readings should be taken at the housing
Polarity may be checked by means of a com- support as near the housing as possible.
pass while passing current through all of one Mounting conditions will affect the vibration of
type of field coils connected in series or by the machine. Machines provided with self-sup-
observing the attraction or repulsion between the porting bases, or of the end-shield type construc-
ends of two short, soft-iron bars bridging tion, may be mounted in such a manner as to
between adjacent pole tips. make them independent of mounting conditions.
Field coils that are constructed of large size On large machines this becomes impractical and
conductors that may be easily traced throughout experience has shown it to be unnecessary. To
the winding may have their polarity checked by obtain measurements that are as nearly as possi-
tracing the winding and applying the right-hand ble independent from mounting conditions, the
rule. machine should be placed on flexible pads or
4.4.2 Impedance Drop. Since a dc resistance springs. These should compress by the weight of
test is apt to be insensitive to the detection of the machine alone, in amounts not less than the
variations among the field coils, an ac impedance values shown below.
drop test is recommended. A coil having shorted
turns will be indicated by a low impedance when
Speed Minimum Compression
compared to that of the other coils.
(r/min) (mm) (in)
7200 0.4 64
4.5 Vibration. Motor vibration caused by 3600 1.5 -
mechanical or electromagnetic dissymmetry 1800 6
should be measured using a low ripple source of
1200 15 -169
direct current such as a generator. Such meas- 900 25 1
urements are usually made at no load and at
rated speed using a half-key in the shaft exten-
720 40 14
600 55 2i
sion. The frequency of vibration is related to the
speed of rotation.
On rectified power, in addition to vibration The value for minimum compression at other
caused by mechanical or electromagnetic dissym- speeds may be determined from the equation:
metry, vibrations may be experienced related to
the amplitude and frequency of the ripple compo-
nents of armature and field current. The power
supply used should be in accordance with 3.5.2.
c = y:(
Tests should be conducted at various loads over where
the entire speed range of the machine including
speed control by armature voltage where applica- k = 4500 for c (millimeters)
ble. To differentiate between vibration due to 900 for c (inches)
current ripple and that due to slot ripple or other D = speed (r/min)
factors, the vibration frequencies should be
examined as the speed of rotation is changed The pads or springs should be selected so that
slowly. Natural frequencies of machine mechan- the compression is not more than one-half of the
ical parts may be excited by power supply fre- unloaded thickness.
quencies, harmonics, or sub-harmonics acting
independently or reinforced by slot ripple. Also, 4.6 Brush Setting. The best brush position for
measurements can be made with varying degrees good commutation and the desired voltage or
of current ripple as accomplished by the use of a speed characteristics of generators or motors,
smoothing reactor or by using a low ripple respectively, shall be determined by observation
power supply, such as a dc generator. Vibration of the machines under load. The manufacturer of


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direct-current machines determines the brush On opening the switch, the decaying field flux
position which gives successful commutation and will induce a voltage in the armature coils
provides reference marks and directions which between the selected segments and this kick will
permit this position to be relocated. On some be read on the voltmeter. Observe the direction
machines, the brush rigging is fixed and cannot of the induced voltage upon removal of the field.
be moved. When provision is made €or moving The armature should be turned a few degrees
the brush rigging, one of the methods in 4.6.2, at a time, with the voltmeter always connected to
4.6.3, and 4.6.4 may be used t o determine the the same segments and the observation repeated
electrical neutral. until a position is found so that intempting the
4.6.1 Definition-good brush fit. At least 75% field current produces a minimum indication on
of the brush face area and 100%of the circum- the voltmeter. When this occurs, the portion of
ferential brush arc are i n apparent contact with the winding between the voltmeter leads is
the commutator. equally or symmetrically located under the poles
4.6.2 Reverse Rotation Method (Full-Load and the center of the brush faces should be set
Neutral). Reversible machines may have the on these points.
neutral located by this method. Operate the
NOTE: A low-reading voltmeter or millivoltmeter should be
machine at constant voltage, constant field cur- used to ensure a discrete null-point location.
rent, and constant armature current. The fit
between brush face and commutator shall be 4.6.4 Armature Stationary (Kick Method)
good. Measure the rotational speed for both Measurement with Brushes Raised.
directions of rotation. When the brushes are If the armature cannot be rotated readily, for
located on neutral, the rotational speed should example on large machines or multiple units, the
be nearly the same in both directions. The voltmeter leads may be moved around the com-
machine should be run at near rated load and mutator maintaining one pole pitch between
near top operating speed. To avoid speed incon- leads.
sistencies caused by magnetic hysteresis in the The neutral point on the commutator is then at
direct and quadrature axes, the field current the two segments where the minimum voltmeter
should be adjusted in the same manner in the tests indication is obtained when the field current is
in both directions of rotation. Also, excessive switched, see 4.6.3. The centers of the brushes
armature current should not be allowed to flow, should be set on these points. In cases where the
particularly during acceleration and stopping. bars per pole pitch is not an integral number, the
4.6.3 Moving Armature Through Small voltmeter leads shall still remain a pole pitch
Angle (Kick Method), The no-load or inductive apart and a number of readings should be taken
neutral may be located by observing the voltage on either side of the point where the kick
induced in the stationary armature winding by reverses. The point at which a curve plotted from
alternately establishing and destroying a flux in these readings passes through zero will indicate
the main poles. The usual procedure is as fol- the no-load neutral position.
lows: Raise the brushes. Select two commutator Measurement with Brushes Down.
segments spaced one pole pitch apart (total seg- This method is similar to that of except
ments divided by number of poles). In case the that the inductive voltage is measured through
bars per pole pitch is not an integral number, the brushes. All the brushes may be down,
two sets of readings should be taken; one with a though some may be lifted in case the brush fric-
pitch of the next integral number below full pitch tion tends to also rotate the armature as the
and one with the next higher number. A brushes are shifted. The brushes shall have a
weighted average between the two will represent good fit. Connect a low-reading millivoltmeter to
the readings sought. Connect to these segments a two adjacent brush arms.
low-reading direct-potential voltmeter or milli- First, loosen the brush rigging so it can move
voltmeter. Employ a quick-break auxiliary-jaw freely. Next, move the brush rigging from the
knife switch to ensure a more uniform rate of assumed mechanical neutral position approx-
interruption of current. Arrange to excite the imately two commutator segments in the direc-
main field from a separate direct-current source tion of machine rotation. From this position,
with not more than 20% of normal current which move the brush rigging in small increments back
may be established and interrupted by means of against the direction of machine rotation; at each
the quick-break switch. position, make and break the field current and


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record the meter deflection and direction of This test should be applied when, and only when,
deflection for both make and break condition. A the machine is in good condition and the insula-
zero-center millivoltmeter or a recorder should tion resistance is not impaired due to dirt or
be used for this purpose. Continue to move the moisture. Tested windings should be discharged
brush rigging approximately two commutator carefully to avoid iqjury to personnel on contact.
segments past the electrieal neutral position. 4.8.1 The high-potential test voltage should be
Plot on graph paper the meter readings as a successively applied between each electric cir-
function of the brush position and draw a cuit and the frame (or the core in case of rotor).
straight line through each set of points; the two The windings not under test and all other metal
lines, one for making and one for breaking the parts should be connected to the frame (or core)
field current, will intersect on or near the during this test. The frame (or core) should be
abscissa; this is the neutral brush position to suitably grounded during this test. All accessories
which the brushes should be moved. such as capacitors, reactors, autotransformers,
Reversing machines should have the neutral etc which may be damaged by high voltage
position identified by moving the brush rigging should be disconnected during this test. The
first in one direction, then in the opposite direc- accessories should be subjected to the high-
tion; for each direction, a set of meter readings potential test applicable to the class of apparatus
should be taken as indicated above. The final to which the accessory belongs. Such tests should
neutral position is the average value of the two be made at the point of their manufacture.
curve intersections as plotted above. The value of high-potential test voltage and its
frequency, wave shape, duration, and crest value
~4.7 Insulation Resistance. The resistance of the shall be in accordance with ANSI/NEMA
insulation between the windings and frame is MGI-1978 [5], Sections 3.01, 12.03, 15.48, 23.50, or
rarely measured on small or low-voltage 24.48 as applicable.
machines, but is commonly taken on large (200
hp and larger) and higher voltage (250 V and CAUTION: Repeated application of the high-
above) machines, and on machines subjected to potential test degrades the dielectric qualities
insulation damage from exposure or severe serv-
The insulation resistance to ground is a useful 4.8.2 No leads should be left unconnected dur-
indication of whether or not the machine is in ing the test as this may cause an extremely
suitable condition for the application of a high- severe stress at some location in the winding. In
potential test or running tests. In those cases making the test, the voltage should be increased
where insulation resistances are being recorded, smoothly to full value as rapidly as is consistent
it is important to obtain a good set of initial val- with its value correctly indicated by the meter.
ues for future comparative purposes. After the specified duration of the test voltage, it
For test methods see ANSI/IEEE Std 43-1974 should then be reduced at a rate that will bring it to
one-quarter value or less in not more than 15 s.
CAUTION: The voltage should neuer be
4.8 High-Potential Tests. In the interests of switched off from fuU value in one step.
safety, precautions should be taken to prevent ~~~

anyone coming in contact with any part of the For measurement of high potential test voltage,
circuit or apparatus while dielectric tests are in see ANSVIEEE Std 4-1978 [21. The transformer-
progress. voltmeter method of measurement is commonly

WARNING: Due to the high voltuge used

which could cause permanent injury or
death, high-potential tests should be con-
ducted only by mprienced personnel, and 5. Performance Determination
adequate safety precautions should be taken
to avoid injuqi to personnel and damage to
5.1 Magnetic Saturation. The no-load satura-
tion curve is a nonlinear relationship between


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the armature terminal voltage and field current at rated speed at the different voltages differ from
rated base speed and zero armature eurrent. The no-load saturation data because of the effects of
data should be taken at properly spaced voltages the armature current which is required to oper-
to permit an accurate plot from zero field current ate the machine as an uncoupled motor. The
up to approximately 125% of rated voltage. machine may become unstable at low voltage
5.1.1 Separately Driven. The machine should and precautions against overspeed should be
be driven at rated speed by any suitable means. observed.
If possible, field current should be supplied fr01.1
a separate source to stabilize the voltage and 5.2 Commutation. Successful machine com-
facilitate the taking of data Simultaneous read- mutation is attained if neither the brushes nor
ings of field current, armature voltage, and speed the commutator are burned or injured in the con-
should be taken. formance test or in normal service to the extent
that abnormal maintenance is required. The pres-
ence of some visible sparking is not necessarily
CAUTION: If the machine being tested has
evidence of unsuccessful commutation.
no commutating poles and i s constructed
On rectified power, motor commutation will be
with brushes located of neutral such a test
affected by the ac line reactance, dc line reactors
may be damaging and lacking in signi,f-
or impedances, and the relationship of the ac
voltage to the dc voltage. It is important, there-
fore, when judging commutation to use a power Ascending Curve. A set of readings supply having characteristics which are as sim-
should be taken beginning with zero field current ilar as possible to the intended power supply.
and increasing until maximum voltage is See also 3.5. The apparent visible commutation
obtained. Three of the readings taken should be will generally seem more severe on rectified
as near as possible to 90%, loo%, and 11W of power supply. Because of the persistence of the
rated voltage. eye, very short sparking appears as prolonged or
To avoid inconsistencies caused by hysteresis continuous sparking. Commutation shall be
effects, the armature terminal voltage should observed over a long period of time to accurately
never be carried above the intended test point evaluate whether harmful sparking is occurring.
and then decreased. If this should occur during
the test, the field current should be reduced to 5.3 Regulation. (Not applicable to series-wound
zero and the armature terminal voltage increased motors)
to the intended test point. 5.3.1 Speed Regulation of Motors. The pur- Descending Curve. Another set of pose of this test is to determine the variation in
readings may be obtained by starting at max- motor speed as the load is decreased uniformly
imum armature terminal voltage and decreasing from rated load to no-load with constant arma-
field current to zero. To avoid inconsistencies ture voltage and constant field current. The test
caused by hysteresis effects, the armature termi- procedure is as follows:
nal voltage should never be carried below the This test should be taken after the
intended test point and then increased. If this
motor has attained a stabilized temperature
should occur during the test, the field current
resulting from continuous operation at rated
should be increased to the maximum value and
load. Test points should be taken rapidly so that
the armature terminal voltage decreased to the
the temperature of the windings does not change
intended test point. appreciably. Operate the motor maintaining rated
5.1.2 Self-Driven (Except Series-wound armature voltage and rated field current. If the
Motors). If no suitable separate drive is availa-
motor uses a field rheostat in service, adjust the
ble, data for an approximate no-load saturation
rheostat to obtain rated speed at rated armature
curve may be taken by operating the machine as current and voltage.
an uncoupled motor from a separate source of
ripple-free direct-current power. This source Gradually remove and apply full load
must be adjustable from approximately 25% to several times until consistent readings are
125% of rated voltage. The effects of magnetic obtained. Record the respective full-load and no-
hysteresis should be avoided as discussed in load speeds and calculate the speed regulation in and Field current required to obtain accordance with the following equation:


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losses) are known, the efficiency can be deter-

Percent speed- p2?)-(::;d1:LJ
speed at rated load mined by one of the following equations:
regulation -
output power
Efficiency =
When requested, more complete speed-load test input power
data can be taken. input power - losses
5.3.2 Voltage Regulation of Generators. The Efficiency =
input power
purpose of this test is to determine the change in (Particularly applicable
terminal voltage which accompanies the gradual to motors)
removal of rated armature current with the main
ffield aaustment for rated load voltage undis- output power
Efficiency =
turbed. The test procedure is as follows: output power +
losses If the generator is self-excited, the (Particularly applicable
rheostat setting should remain fixed during the to generators)
test load changes. If the generator is separately
excited, the rated-load field current should be For motors, input power can be determined by
maintained during the tests. measuring the armature circuit and shunt-field
The generator should be operated at rated power including the dc and ac components if
speed. The test should be taken after the gener- operation is on rectifier power, as described in
ator has attained a stabilized temperature result- 3.4. Output power can be determined by measur-
ing from continuous operation at rated speed and ing the mechanical output using a torquemeter or
load. Test points should be taken rapidly enough dynamometer and a tachometer as described in
that the temperature of the windings does not and The segregated losses can be
change appreciably. determined as described in 5.4.5 and 5.5. Gradually remove and apply rated For generators, input power can be determined
load several times until consistent readings are as the sum of the mechanical power input, meas-
obtained. Record the respective full-load and no- ured using a torquemeter or dynamometer and a
load voltages and calculate the voltage regula- tachometer, and the electrical power input to the
tions in accordance with the following equation: shunt field. Output power can be determined as
the product of the measured armature terminal
voltage and current. The losses can be deter-
mined as described in 5.4.5 and 5.5.
5.4.1 Reference Conditions Unless otherwise specified, efficiency
data shall be determined for the rated voltage
When requested, a more complete voltage-load and speed. In the case of adjustable speed
test can be taken. motors, the base speed shall be used unless oth-
5.3.3 Combined Voltage Regulation of Gen- erwise specified.
erator and Prime Mover. The test procedure In determining individual PR losses
given in is for the inherent voltage regula- for efficiency calculations, the resistances of the
tion. The combined voltage regulation is taken by windings shall be corrected to a temperature
the same procedure except the speed-load char- equal to an ambient of 25°C plus the observed
acteristic of the generator’s prime mover is intro- rated-load temperature rises by resistance. When
duced. The generator should be driven at rated the rated-load temperature rises have not been
speed at rated load. The speed at a l l other points measured, refer to ANWNEMA MG1-1978 [5], for
should be from the inherent speed-load char- the temperature to be used in correcting winding
acteristics of the generator’s prime mover. If the resistances.
exact speed-load characteristic is unknown, it If input-output tests are used for
should be assumed to be a straight-line function determining efficiency, they should be made as
throughout the load range. nearly as possible at the final temperature
attained at operation for the time specified in the
5.4 Efficiency. Efficiency is the ratio of output rating under the conditions above.
power to total input power. Output power is Losses other than IzR losses are not
equal to input power minus the losses. Therefore, to be corrected for temperature if data are taken
if two of the three variables (output, input, under standard conditions. See 4.1.2.

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5.4.2 Methods. In general, for the size of Brake Method. Care should be exer-
machines indicated, the following methods cised in the construction and use of the brake
should be used for which the precautions listed and brake pulley. The tare shall be carefully
in Section 3 of these procedures shall be determined and compensation provided. Perform-
observed ance of a motor shall be calculated as shown in
Form D. Dynamometer or Torquemeter
Method. When the dynamometer or torquemeter
Machine Size Machine Method method is used, the shaft power is obtained from
Fractional horsepower Brake, dynamometer, or the following equation:
Integral horsepower Dynamometer, torquemeter, p = -T - n
brake, pumpback or k
segregated loss

5.4.3 Direct Measurements of Input and P = shaft power (kilowatts)

Output. Direct measurements of input and out- T = torque
put are always made on fractional-horsepower n = rotational speed (r/min)
machines and generally on small machines but k = constant related to units used
they become increasingly more difficult as the
size of the machine increases because of limita- T k
tions of available test equipment. newton meters 9.549 l@j
Readings. Readings of current and voltage pound-force (ft) 7.043 * l @ j
input (or output), speed and torque output (or ounce-force (in) 1.352 * 1IY
input), ambient temperature, armature tempera-
ture or resistance, and field coil temperatures or To obtain accurate results, the dynamometer
resistances, should be obtained for six load rating should not exceed three times the test
points substantially equally spaced from 0.25 to machine rating and it should be sensitive to a
1.5 times rated load. With series excited motors, torque of 0.25% of its rated torque. Dynamometer
the minimum load is determined by the speed correction should be made as outlined in Form
limitations of the machine. For readings to be D.
used in performance determinations, the machine The cradle bearing friction in the dynamometer
temperature rise shall be some value between may result in scale readings differing, for the
50% and 100% of rated temperature rise. same value of electric power, depending upon
On rectified power, (See Form C) the following whether the load is increasing or decreasing
readings should be taken at each of the six load prior to reading. Accordingly, the average of two
points sets of readings should be taken. The first set
should be taken while gradually increasing the
RMS Average load the second set while decreasing the load.
Reading Value Value Care should be taken in each case not to overrun
Voltage input to power supply, all phases X the points to be read. Curves of torque versus
Voltage input to armature circuit
electric power should be plotted for each set of
Current input to armature circuit readings and the average of the curves shall be
AC component of armature-circuit current X
Power input to armature circuit - used.
AC component of power input to armature In special cases during the testing of a motor,
circuit X it may be desirable to make a check test, operat-
Voltage input to shunt-field circuit X
Current input to shunt-field circuit X ing the machine as a generator and the dyna-
Power input to shunt-field circuit * mometer as a driving motor. The test is made in
Speed X exactly the same way as for the usual motor
Torque X
Armature temperature or resistance X ihput-output test, but in this case the total loss
Field-coil temperatures or resistances X will be equal to the mechanical input minus the
Ambient temperature X electrical output instead of being equal to the
*Optional electrical input minus the mechanical output.


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Any errors in any of the scales or meters will can be taken omitting the booster generator;
occur in opposite directions in the two tests, and however, system instability may be encountered.
the average of the stray-load losses given by the The motor and generator should be
two tests will, therefore, be nearly correct even operated with the field strength required to pro-
though relatively large errors have occurred in duce the calculated internal voltage correspond-
the calibrations. ing to the load tested.
It is recommended that the test operating the The total loss in the two machines
machine as a generator be made at rated speed equals the power supplied by the loss supply and
and voltage, and with the same mechanical booster generator plus losses in any separately
torque on the dynamometer as in the test of the excited fields that are used, minus the losses in
machine as a motor. The stray-load losses found the cables, bus bars, switches, breakers, etc, used
xn the generator and motor tests should be sepa- to connect the machines.
rately determined in each case by subtracting Tests should be conducted at six
from the measured total loss the armature circuit load points and readings should be taken as indi-
PR loss at the temperature of test, the core loss cated in 5.4.3. The machine efficiency shall be
and friction and windage. Judgment should be determined as outlined in Form F.
exercised in interpreting the stray load loss so 5.4.5 Segregated Loss Method. When the
obtained, as the temperatures of the windings motor efficiency is determined by the segregated
may not be known accurately. Furthermore, large loss method, the following losses shall be used
errors may occur when two large numbers are
subtracted from one another. Several load points
should be taken for each test and the resulting Description of Test
stray-load losses plotted against armature cur- Type of Loss or Calculation
rent. A single curve drawn through the averages
of the motor and generator test results gives the Armahire IzR 5.5.1
final stray-load loss value. Adding this to the Series connected windings IzR 5.5.2
other losses gives the total losses and hence the Brush contact 5.5.3
efficiency. Form E may be used for this calcula- Stray load 5.5.4
tion. Shunt field IzR 5.5.5
5.4.4 Pump-Back Method. This method may Rheostat 5.5.6
be used when duplicate machines are available. Exciter 5.5.7
The two machines are coupled together and elec- Rotational core 5.5.8
trically connected as shown in Fig 1. One Brush friction 5.5.9
machine is operated as a motor and the other as Friction and windage 5.5.10
a generator. The main power is pumped-back and Ventilating 5.5.11
only the losses are supplied. Approximately, the
booster generator supplies the load loss and the
loss supply supplies the no-load loss. This test 5.5 Description of Losses
5.5.1 Armature P R Loss. The armature P R
Fig 1 loss is the square of the armature current at the
Schematic' Connection Diagram load being considered, multiplied by the arma-
for Pump-Back Test ture resistance as measured using direct current
and corrected to the proper reference tempera-
ture. See
On rectified power, the armature 12Rloss shall
be calculated as the product of the square of the
rms value of the current and the temperature-
GENERATOR corrected dc resistance of the armature winding.
5.5.2 Series-Connected Windings IzR Loss.
Series windings (includes interpole or compen-
sating windings when used) 12R loss is the prod-
uct of the current in the series-connected field
windings squared, and the measured resistance
corrected to the proper reference temperature.
See In case shunts or auxiliary field, wind-


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ings are used across any of these fields, the mul- be measured by subtracting the ac component
tiple resistance should be used. IZR losses in the armature circuit windings from
On rectified power the P R loss of the series the ac component of the power input to the
connected windings shall be calculated as the armature circuit. For measurement of the ac
product of the square of the -nnsvalue of the components of the armature current and of the
current and the temperaturecorrected dc resist- armature circuit power input, see 3.4.1.
ance of the winding. For series-wound motors, a small amount of
5.5.3 Brush-Contact Loss. The brush-contact the ac power input contributes to the developed
loss may be determined by the product of the motor torque. This amount is usually so small
armature current and a voltage drop. The total that it can be neglected.
voltage drop (that is, for both polarities) that 5.5.5 Shunt-Field PR Loss. The shunt-field
shall be used in determining this loss is as fol- PR loss is the product of the field current
lows: squared and the measured resistance of the field
windings, coFected to the proper reference tem-
perature. See The field current is the cur-
Carbon, electrographitic, and graphite rent required by the field for the load at which
brushes, shunts attached 2.0 v the loss is computed.
Carbon, electrographitic, and graphite On rectified power, the shunt field PR loss
brushes without shunts 3.0 V should be calculated in accordance with 3.42.
Metal-graphite brushes, 5.5.6 Rheostat Loss. Usually, all losses due to
shunts attached 0.5 V field rheostats are not included in determining
machine efficiency. If this loss is to be included,
it may be computed by taking the product of the
This voltage drop shall be assumed to be the
excitation system voltage and the field current
same value for all loads.
for the load at which the bss is computed and
On rectified power, the brush-contact loss shall
subtracting the shunt-field PR loss.
be calculated as the product of the brush-contact
On rectified power, the rheostat loss should be
voltage and the rms value of the armature cur-
calculated using the rms value of the current;
however, the average value can be used if the
5.5.4 Stray-Load Loss. Stray-load loss is the
shunt-field current is essentially ripple-free as
additional loss in the machine due to load that is
defined in 1.1.
not included in any of the other loss categories
5.5.7 Exciter Loss. Usually, the losses of all
in 5.5. These losses are of two types:
exciters are not included in determining machine
(1) Stray-load losses resulting from the dc
component of the armature current
(2) On rectified power, additional stray-load 5.5.8 Rotational Core Loss. The rotational
losses resulting from rectifier operation core loss shall be taken as the difference in In the absence of test measurements, power required to drive the machine at given
the dc stray-load loss component shall be taken speed when excited to produce an open-circuit
as 1% of the output power. Two methods of voltage at the terminals corresponding to the cal-
determining the dc component of the stray-load culated internal voltage and the power required
loss are given in and if needed. to drive the unexcited machine at the same The dc component of the stray-load speed. The internal voltage shall be determined
by correcting the rated terminal voltage for the
loss may be determined from the dynamometer
test, Form E may be used to calculate armature circuit resistance drop including the
stray-load loss. contact drop of the brushes of both polarities as The dc component of the stray-load specified in 5.5.3 and using the equations given in
loss may be determined from the pump-back test, Detailed measurement instructions are
5.4.4, by subtracting all of the other applicable given in 5.6.
losses from the total loss supplied to the
machines tested. Form G may be used to calcu- no commutating poles and i s constructed with
late stray-load loss. brushes located off neutral, such a test m a y be On rectified power, and for shunt- damaging and lacking in sipi$cance.
wound motors, the additional stray-load loss can


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5.5.9 Brush-Friction Loss. Experience has charged against the machine except as specified
own that wide variations are obtained in tests below.
of brush friction made at the factory before the The power required to force the gas
commutator and brushes have developed the through parts of the ventilating system external
smooth surfaces that come after *continuedoper- to the machine and cooler should usually not be
8 ation. Conventional values of brush friction, rep- included in determining machine efficiency.
resenting average values of many tests, shall The power required for air ventilation may be
therefore be used as follows: conveniently found by using the following equation:

F = k U - a P = k * (pressure drop) * (volume rate of flow)

per unit blower efficiency
F = brush friction (watts) P = input power (watts)
v = surface velocity k = constant related to units used as follows:
. a = brush contact area
k = constant related to the brush type and Pressure Flow
units of variables used as tabulated
Units Units k
below: Pa (N/m2) m"/s 1.o
millimeters of water L/min 0.0163
Velocity Area inches of water fPmin 0.117
Brush Type units units k
Carbon m/min mm2 4.0 e
5.5.ll.2 In those cases in which an external
Electrographitic 8.0 . 10-3 fan is employed to supplement the fanning effect
Graphite incorporated in the structure of the machine for
the purpose of compensating for pressure drops
Metal graphite m/min mm2 2.5 - lom5 in long or restricted ducts, the power input of
ft/min in2 5.0 . 10-3 the external fan should usually not be included
in determining machine efficiency. Ventilating-Loss Tests. Machines
In the event that the conventional values in may be tested at the factory without cooler and
5.5.9 are questioned, the brush friction can be external duct system, but with the fan running as
measured by taking the difference between the in service, and the losses so measured should be
power required to drive the machine with used in calculating the efficiency of the machine.
brushes in place and with brushes raised observ- This practice is permissible because, in most
ing the precautions given in practical cases, the difference between the ven-
5.5.10 Friction and Windage Loss. The fric- tilation losses with free entrance and discharge,
tion and windage loss, excluding brush friction, and the ventilation losses with normally
is the power required to drive the unexcited restricted entrance or discharge, or both, will be
rna&ine at rated speed with its brushes lifted. relatively small. In the case of a machine furnished In general, this test procedure will be followed
with incomplete bearings, the friction and wind- where the losses in the external ducts and cool-
age loss should usually not be included in deter- ing system are relatively small compared with
mining machine efficiency. The friction and the losses in the machine.
windage loss may be supplied separately from
the efficiency if this information is requested. 5.6 Measurement of Rotational Losses. In gen- The additional losses due to direct- eral, the individual losses, except the PR, brush
connected flywheels, or other direct-connected contact, brush friction, and stray-load losses, are
apparatus, should usually not be included in determined from calculations of measurements
determining machine efficiency. of the power input required to run the machine
5.5.ll Ventilating Losses. The power re- under specified conditions using the mechanical
quired to circulate the gas through the machine input method, the electrical input method, or by
and ventilating system if one is provided, whether using the retardation method.
by self-contained or external fans, shall be 5.6.1 Mechanical Input Method. The mechan-


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ical input method consists of driving the test The rotational core loss can be evalu-
machine at no-load with a dynamometer or with ated by observing the decrease in mechanical
a suitably calibrated motor. When the machine is power input as the field excitation voltage is
excited in accordance with, the output of decreased to zero.
the dynamometer or driving motor is the power The brush friction loss under the
required to supply t h e rotational losses of the condition of test can be evaluated by removing
machine under the condition of test. the field excitation and observing the difference All brushes should be raised except between the power required to drive the machine
those required for the measurement of armature with brushes in place and with brushes raised. If
voltage. With the test machine driven at no-load it is desired to measure brush friction representa-
at rated speed, the main field winding should be tive of the test machine in service, a test should
separately excited so that the armature terminal be taken with all brushes assembled at the pre-
voltage is equal to the internal voltage developed scribed brush pressure. Surfaces of the com-
by the machine in service at rating as explained mutator and brushes should be smooth and
below. polished from running following several hours of
The internal voltage in a motor is lower than operation at rated speed and load. It should be
the voltage impressed on the armature circuit recognized that brush friction varies widely with
while the internal voltage in a generator is higher load current and with temperature so that the
than the terminal voltage by an amount equal to losses derived from measurements at no-load can
the resistance drop of the armature and series differ widely from the amount of brush friction
connected field windings at rated-load, and the encountered in service.
sum of the contact drop of the brushes of both 5.6.2 Electrical Input Method. Using this
polarities: method, the rotational losses are determined
from measurements of the power required to
For motors: E = V - IR, - V , operate the test machine as a motor at no-load at
rated speed and with field excitation adjusted so
For generators: E = V + IR, + Vb as to generate an internal voltage equal to the
value developed by the machine in service at
where rating. A rectifier power supply should not be
E = internal voltage at rating (volts) Excite the main field winding at rated
V = rated armature circuit voltage (volts) value and operate the machine as a motor at
I = rated armature current (amperes) rated speed, preferably at rated load, for several
R, = temperature-corrected resistance of hours so as to stabilize friction factors. It is nec-
armature and series-connected field essary that all brushes be in place during this
windings (commutating, compensating, period.
and series) as used in service (ohms) Stop the machine, uncouple it from
(see the loading means, and raise all of the brushes
V , = brush-contact drop (volts) (see 5.5.3) except two (one of each polarity). Measure the
resistance of the armature and series-connected The machine should be operated at field windings. Restart the machine and, running
rated speed, preferably at rated load, for several as a motor at no-load and at rated speed, adjust
hours so as to stabilize friction factors. During the main field excitation and armature circuit
this warm-up period, it is necessary that all voltage so that the internal voltage is equal to the
brushes be in place on the commutator. Follow- value developed by the machine in service at
ing this warm-up period, raise all brushes except rating, a s determined using the appropriate equa-
two (one of each polarity) and measure the tion given in The internal voltage at test is
mechanical power input carefully with the determined using the first of these equations
machine running at no-load at rated speed and except using R, equal to the measured resistance
with the field excited in accordance with of the armature and series-connected field wind-
The rotational losses so measured consists of the ings.
sum of the rotational core loss and the friction With the machine uncoupled and
and windage loss including brush friction with with the speed and field excitation adjusted in
the brushes used. accordance with, carefully measure the


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power input to the armature circuit. This power 5.7 Load Test of Fractional-Horsepower
is the sum of the rotational core loss, the friction Motors. Load performance for fractional-horse-
and windage loss, the brush-friction loss under power motors should be measured by means of a
the condition of test, the IZR losses in the arma- dynamometer, torquemeter, or prony brake.
ture circuit windings at light load, and the brush- On continuous-rated motors, the machine
contact loss. To determine the sum of the fric- should be operated at rated load until essentially
tion and windage loss, the brush friction loss constant temperature is attained prior to test. On
under the condition of test, and the rotational short-time-rated motors, the rated load should be
core loss, it is necessary to subtract the IZR carried for the period of time for which it is
losses of the armature circuit windings and the rated prior to making the load test. Start the load
brush-contact loss from the input power. test at two and one-half to three times rdted load
5.6.3 Retardation Method. The retardation current and take readings at approximately 25%
method is used when measurement of input steps down to no-load, or in the case of a series
power is inconvenient and is most commonly motor, to the maximum safe speed. Readings
employed for tests made after installation. It is should be taken at each load of line voltage, line
especially adaptable to machines of large inertia. (input) current, shunt-field current (whenever ter-
The method consists of bringing the machine up minals are provided), speed, and torque.
to a speed slightly in excess of rated, but below
its maximum safe speed, shutting off the power 5.8 Load Test of Integral-Horsepower Motors
supply and making simultaneous readings of 5.8.1 Loading. Small integral-horsepower mo-
speed and time as the machine speed decreases. tors can be loaded using a load generator, dyna-
With these relationships and the calculated or mometer, or prony brake with or without a
measured moment of inertia of the rotating mass, torquemeter.
the total loss may be determined by the follow- On large integral-horsepower motors, means
ing formula: for direct measurement of output torque are usu-
ally unavailable. The pump-back method (see
5.4.4) can be used, provided that two machines
of the same type and rating are available for the
test. Where the same type and rating of machine
where is not available, the load test may be run by load-
ing the test motor using a calibrated direct cur-
P = power loss (kW) at speed n rent generator, or the motor may be run at rated
n = rotational speed (r/min) speed as a short-circuited generator at very low
- field current, driven by a small motor. The losses
- rate of deceleration (r/min)/s at speed n under short circuit condition are primarily PR
J = moment of inertia of rotating parts losses. Only very limited load data can be
c = constant related to units used: obtained by the short-circuit method.

J C WARNING: During short-circuit tests, the

~ ~~~

air gap j l u x i s very low and the brush posi-

k.m2 (SI units) 10.97
tion m a y have a n adverse effect on the load
lb. ft2
stability of the machine; a load current run-
(numerically equal to wk2 [lb. ft2]) 0.4621
away condition m a y occur. The circuit
slug ft* 14.88 should be protected by a quick-acting circuit
breaker of high interrupting capability. r f
If the armature terminals are open-circuited,
instability should occur, readjust the brush
the total loss includes the friction and windage position toward the neutral position. Failure
of all mechanically connected appantus together to observe these precautions m a y result in
with the open-circuit core loss corresponding to inju?y to personnel and damage to equip-
the value of the field current held. The open-cir- ment.
cuit core loss curve may be segregated from the
friction and windage loss by taking readings at
various values of field current and subtracting 5.8.2 Test Procedure. On continuous-rated
the loss when the field current is zero. motors, the machine should be operated at rated

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load until essentially constant temperature is one on which the rating is based. If a suitable
attained prior to test. rectified-power-source is not available, an indica-
On short-time-rated motors, the rated load tion of motor heating can be obtained by using
should be carried for the period of time for direct-current-mature power and maintaining
which it is rated prior to making load test. the armature current at the rms value anticipated
(1) For motors with no speed range by field in rectified service. It should be noted, however,
weakening, the load test should be started at one that because of additional copper and iron
and one-half times rated load current and read- losses, machine temperatures in actual rectifier
ings taken in approximately 25% steps down to service will be higher than the test values, par-
no load. In the case of series-excited motors, the ticularly in the case of enclosed machines.
load should be decreased in 25% steps, until max-
6.2.1 Instrumentation. The temperature
imum safe speed is a w e d .
measuring instruments should be in accordance
(2) For motors intended for speed adjustment
with IEEE Std 119-1974 [SI. Before commencing
by field weakening, the load test may be per-
any heating tests, all instruments should be
formed at both base speed (full field) and max- checked to minimize errors or stray field effects.
imum rated speed (weak field). Proceed as in (1)
except note motor speed stability at maximum
6.3 Methods of Temperature Measurement.
speed operation.
Usually the most dependable method of tempera-
5.8.3 Readings. The same readings should be ture measurement of machine windings is by
made as indicated in 5.4.3 except that torque
observing changes in the resistance of the wind-
measurements may be omitted in load tests of a
ings or portions thereof. Typically, surface tem-
routine nature.
perature measurements of windings are markedly
cooler than the average winding temperature.
Accordingly, winding temperature limits shall
take into account the method-of measurement.
6. Temperature Tests
6.3.1 Winding Temperature Measurement by
Resistance. This method consists of the deter-
6.1 Purpose. Temperature tests are made to mination of temperature by comparison of the
determine the rise in temperature above the resistance of the winding, or of part of the wind-
ambient temperature of specified parts of the ing, at the temperature to be determined with the
direct-current machine, when subjected to rated resistance at a known temperature using the
load. Guides for the test procedures and the equation given in 4.2.1.
treatment of data are as follows: For the stationary field windings,
there is little difficulty in obtaining satisfactory
6.2 General Instructions. The machine being results by straightforward methods as outlined in
tested should be assembled with all parts, covers, 4.2. Usually the voltage-drop method will give
and accessories that will affect the temperature best results. It is recommended that the same
rise. The enclosure should be in accordance with instruments be used for hot and cold measure-
the guarantee. ments. This will minimize instrumentation error.
The machine under test should be protected Alternatively, using a double bridge or equivalent,
from drafts of air issuing from adjacent machines cold and hot resistance measurements may be
and other sources which may af€ect the ambient taken on low-resistance stationary windings
temperature and the temperature rise of the before and after the test using the techniques
machine under test. Ample floor space should be described in
allowed for free circulation of air. Small changes For armature windings, cold and hot
in the natural ventilation may greatly affect the resistance measurements of the winding or a por-
temperature rise. tion thereof should be taken using a suitable
The machine should be correctly adjusted for instrument such as a Kelvin double bridge or
commutation and regulation before heating tests using the voltage-drop method. For cold resist-
are undertaken. ance measurements, the machine should have
On rectified power, motor temperature tests been at rest for a sufficient length of time so that
should be conducted using the type of rectified the complete rotor has equalized to one tempera-
power for which the motor is intended or the ture. The surface temperature should be meas-

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ured at the time the cold resistance measurement machine structure. The following temperature
is made. readings, if taken, should be measured as
For the double-bridge method, the terminals of described below.
the bridge should be connected to two com- Windings (Stationary). On integral-
mutator segments located between adjacent horsepower machines, temperature sensors, if
brush studs and separated by a minimum of one used, should be placed on at least one main-field
half the space between the studs. Care shall be and one commutating-field coil on each side of
taken to reduce the contact resistance to a ne&- the machine. Several sensors should be placed
gibly low value. The particular segments used on each coil. Where sue and the accessibility of
should be marked. the machine make it impractical, the number of
For the voltage-drop method, a current of not locations may be reduced.
more than 10% of the rated value should be On fractional-horsepower machines, the same
passed through the bpshes of the machine. The procedure should be followed except one tem-
potential drop should be measured using a milli- perature sensor per pole should be used. It
voltmeter with the terminals connected to two should be located as far in between the poles at
commutator segments located between adjacent the top of the machine as practical. Care should
brush studs and separated by a minimum of one be taken to place the sensors so as not to be
half of the distance between the studs. Connec- cooled by the ventilating air and so as not to
tions to the segments should be made by press- affect the air flow substantially. Also, for these
ing sharp voltmeter leads into the commutator machines, the temperature of the top of the
segments so as to penetrate any surface oxide frame should be measured. This is particularly
film that may be present. The segments con- important during tests taken on rectifier power.
tacted should be marked. Bearings. (1) BaU or R o b Type.
On large machines where positioning the rotor Temperature readings should be taken on the
is difficult, several positions on the commutator stationary race if possible. If not, the housing
should be available for use in making the above temperature readings should be taken.
measurements. This will ensure that at least one (2) Sleeve Tme. Temperature readings should
pair of marked segments are located between be taken as near as possible to the bearing lining
adjacent brush studs when the rotor stops at the surface.
end of the heat run. (3) Lubricant. It is customary to measure the
. After the cold resistance has been determined, temperature of the oil lubricants. Reading should
the armature should be rotated at least one revo- be taken in the reservoir. With forced-lubricated
lution and returned near its original position. The assemblies, ingoing and outgoing temperature
cold resistance should be remeasured again. If it readings should be taken.
does not agree with the initial reading within the 6.3.3 Measurement of Ambient Tempera-
accuracy of measurement, the cause of the dis- tures. The procedure to be followed in measur-
crepancy shall be found, corrected, and a ing the ambient temperature is given in IEEE Std
repeatable measurement obtained. For best 119-1974 [8].
results, the cold resistance and the hot resistance On open machines, the cooling-air temperature
should be measured between the same set of should be measured by means of several temper-
marked commutator segments. ature sensors placed at different points around,
With reduced accuracy, it is not necessary to the machine and halfway up above the base.
use the above marked-bar method whenever the These devices should be protected from abnor-
resistance is repeatable with any position of the mal drafts and heat radiation. They should be
rotor provided the same segment spacing is located in the path of the cooling air. When cir-
employed. culation of cooling air is restricted by surround-
6.3.2 Surface Temperature Measurements of ings, in the test area, the temperature of the
Components. Ziis method consists of the deter- rotor shall be referred to the weighted mean of
mination of temperature of machine parts, all the cooling-air temperatures.
including but not limited to the windings, by suit- For enclosed, separately ventilated machines,
able means such as thermometers, thermistors, the cooling air shall be measured by temperature
or infrared temperature detectors; any of these sensors placed in the cooling air ducts at the
instruments being applied to the hottest parts intake of the machine.
readily accessible without alteration of the The value to be adopted for the cooling-air

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temperature during a test is the average of aU the the stopping period and to maintain the tempera-
cooling-air temperature measurements taken at ture during the stopping period, as for example,
equal intervals of time during the last hour of the by maintaining armature current. It is recom-
test or, in the case of time-limited test, during the mended that means be used to limit the time
last quarter of the duration of the test. required to take the first resistance or tempera-
ture reading to a value not exceeding that spec-
6.4 Test Procedure. The machine may be ified for the given rating as follows:
loaded by one of the methods outlined in 5.42.
The test shall be made at rated voltage and Rating Time
speed. The loading may be determined by direct
measurement of the output or input. A machine 50 kW and less 60 s
having more than one rating shall be tested at 50 kW through 200 kW 90 s
the rating which produced the greatest tempera- Above 200 kW 120 s
ture rise. In cases where this cannot be predeter-
mined, the machine s h d be separately tested at Measurements of the armature winding tempera-
each rating. ture at shutdown should be taken as described in
6.4.1 The test shall be continued for the spec- 6.5.
ified time (for machines not continuous rated) or
until constant temperatures have been reached. 6.5 Armature Shut-Down Temperature Deter-
Unless otherwise specified, a short-time test shall mination
commence only when the machine parts are 6.5.1 Resistance Measurements. First read-
within 5 "C of the ambient temperature. ings of hot armature resistance should be taken
6.4.2 On continuous-rated machines when a within the time limits given in 6.4.4. The readings
long time is required to attain steady tempera- should be taken as frequently as practical. The
tures, reasonable overloads during the prelimi- readings should be taken for a period of not less
nary heating period are permissible to shorten than 10 min after shutdown. Time shall be meas-
the time of the test. ured from the instant of shutdown.
6.4.3 On continuous-load tests, readings should The hot-temperature rise will be deemed to be
be taken at least once every 30 min until all tem- the value determined by extrapolation of the data
perature rises do not vary more than 2%for t h e e to the instant of shutdown. The extrapolation can
consecutive half-hourly readings. On load tests be made using uniformly scaled curve paper by
with time limits, the readings should be taken as plotting versus time the values of the logarithm
often as practicable and at intervals which are of temperature rise as determined from the
consistent with the time rating. measured resistance data. An example of such a
6.4.4 Precautions should be taken to minimize plot is shown in Fig 2. A straight line is drawn

Fig 2
Time-Temperature Plot Armature


TR,, = log-' (TR, + TR,)


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through the test points disregarding the earliest airborne noise emanating from rotating electric
points. A second straight line is drawn through a machinery see IEEE Std 85-1973 [6].
plot of the difference between the earliest test On rectified power, motors exhibit significantly
points and the first straight line. The initial tem- different noise characteristics than they do on dc
perature rise of the winding or winding part power. For that reason, if noise is considered
measured is derived from the antilogarithm of important, measurement should be made consid-
the sum of the intercepts of the two straight ering the following criteria.
lines with the Y axis. (1) Noise amplitude and the frequencies pro-
6.5.2 Surface Measurements. duced will be determined by the rectified power Windings (Rotating). If surface source characteristics, including those associated
temperature measurements of windings are with the magnitude of the armature circuit cur-
taken, immediately on shutdown temperature rent ripple. This noise is in addition to the noise
sensors should be placed as follows: on the associated with operation on dc power.
armature core at the tooth tops, on the conduc- (2) The maximum noise level resulting from
tors in the end windings, where they are not cov- rectified power will generally occur when the
ered by binding bands, and on the binding bands. armature circuit ac ripple current is a maximum
These sensors should be equally divided between and when the main field windings are excited.
the commutator end and the drive end of the (3) The objectional aspect of noise may be
machine whenever possible. more dependent on frequencies than on magni- Commutator. Immediately on shut- tude.
down, thermometers or other temperature sen- (4) The phase balance of the power supply
sors, or both, should be placed on the affects the noise significantly. The current wave
commutator surface. On machines with tandem shape should be observed and any unbalance
commutators or multiple commutators, each sec- eliminated.
tion of the commutator should be treated as a
separate commutator. 7.2 Electromagnetic Interference Test. (This Determination of Hot Surface test is not normally required for industrial
Temperature. The hot surface temperature will motors.)
be deemed to be the value of the temperature See ANSI C63.4-1981 [l]. The methods
readings extrapolated to the instant of shutdown described in this standard should be used. The
in the manner described in 6.5.1. If the tempera- limits shall not apply.
tures as read indicate a temperature rise after
the first readings followed by declining values, 7.3 Voltage Wave Shape. This test is to deter-
the maximum temperature read is to be consid- mine the variation in the terminal voltage from
ered the temperature at shutdown. pure direct-current potential generated by a dc
machine but excluding all high-frequency volt-
6.6 Temperature Rise. Machines should be ages generated by brush sparking (visible and
given heating tests under standard conditions as invisible). The measuring equipment should have
provided by 4.1. When the machine is ventilated frequency response characteristic that is flat
by the immediate surrounding air, the tempera- within 3 dB to a frequency equal to three times
ture rise is the observed machine temperature the commutator segment frequency. The ripple
minus the ambient air temperature. When the voltage expressed as percent is equal to 100
machine is ventilated by the air obtained from a times the maximum peak-to-peak voltage varia-
remote source, the temperature rise is the tion divided by twice the average test voltage.
observed machine temperature minus the aver- This test should be taken at rated speed, rated
age in-going air temperature. The observed voltage, and no-load. If specified, this test may
machine temperature shall be the maximum also be taken at specific loads, but provision
reading obtained at the time of shutdown. shall be made to ensure that no harmonic con-
tent is contributed by the load device.
The peak-to-peak voltage variation may be
7. Miscellaneous Tests measured using a cathode-ray oscilloscope, a
suitable oscillograph or an electronic peak-read-
7.1 Audio-Noise Test. Regarding the recom- ing voltmeter.
mended test procedure for the measurement of 7.3.1 Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope or Oscillo-


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graph Method. Readings of maximum peak-to- taken for at least the first second of the voltage
peak voltage variations can be me*ured with the buildup.
oscilloscope or oscillograph connected across The results through the first half-second of the
the terminals of the machine through a suitable transient should be plotted as shown in Fig 3.
low-pass filter. The filter should have a cut-off The line EC is drawn so that the area EBC is
frequency not less than 125%of commutator seg- equal to the area beneath the exciter voltage
ment frequency. A uniform cutoff frequency of buildup curve EBD. The main exciter response
16 000 Hz is suggested. This filter should have ratio is:
negligible attenuation up to 80% of the cutoff fre-
quency. A photograph of the voltage waveform Nominal exciter response ratio = -
may be taken to facilitate accurate reading. A
direct-current voltage from a suitably calibrated
source can be used to calibrate the instrument.
7.3.2 Electronic Peak Reading Voltmeter
Method. Peak voltage readings can be taken
with the peak reading voltmeter in series with a 5
suitable capacitor (at least 4.0 pF) connected 9
across the terminals of the machine. Readings 3
should be taken with the voltmeter successively
connected for each of the two polarities. The
higher of the two readings shall be used. NOMINAL RATED-LOAD
10 TIME (S)
CAUTION: A n y resonance of the measuring
circuitry must be avoided. Fig 3
Nominal Exciter Response
7.4 Exciter Response Measurement. The main
exciter response ratio, formerly nominal exciter
response is defined in ANSVIEEE Std 100-1984 7.5 Winding Inductance Measurement
[4].It is not applicable to electronic exciters or 7.5.1 Armature Circuit Inductance Test of
to exciters having series fields of sigruficance.
Shunt- and Compound-Wound Machines
The test to determine the main exciter Unsaturated Inductance. This test
response ratio should be taken at rated speed
is to be taken by applying single phase 50 Hz or
and with no load on the exciter. A permanent
60 Hz alternating current to the armature circuit
record recording device having a frequency
terminals of the machine, including all series-con-
response of ten or more times that of the exciter
nected field windings, if any. The shunt-field
should be used. If there is no internal timing
winding should be short-circuited so as to avoid
means in the recording device, one element
the development of high voltages within the
should be connected to a suitable oscillator or
winding. The inductance, so determined, is gener-
other timing device of known frequency for a
ally representative of the inductance at other fre-
timing wave on the oscillogram. The other
quencies and with direct current and alternating
recording channel should be connected across
current components present.
the armature terminals of the exciter.
The exciter should be aausted to the nominal WARNING: If the shunt-field circuit i s open,
exciter ceili-hg voltage as defined in ANSI/IEEE high voltages may occur within the shunt-
Std 100-1984 [4], using an adjustable resistor con- j k l d winding and at the terminal which may
nected in series with the short-circuited exciter- cause damage to the machine and injury to
field rheostat. Next, the exciter-field rheostat test personnel.
should be adjusted to yield the nominal ruted-
load @ld voltage of the generator. The recording The armature should be locked to prevent
of the exciter armature voltage should be started motion. Normal carbon brushes can be used if
following which the field rheostat should be the alternating current is limited to approx-
short circuited abruptly. The record should be imately 20% of the current rating of the machine

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so as to avoid overheating of the brushes or the tributed by the series field which shall be deter-
commutator during the brief tests. The brushes mined analytically.
should be fitted and inspected before the test is 7.5.3 Shunt-Field Inductance Test. In the
begun. test and calculation procedures detailed below,
With the alternating current adjusted suc- the shunt-field inductance is determined from the
-cessively in three approximately equally spaced rate of buildup of shunt-field current upon abrupt
steps, the largest value not exceeding 20% of the application of voltage to the shunt-field terminals
current rating of the machine, voltage measure- with the machine driven at rated full-field speed
ments should be taken across the complete and with the armature open-circuited. Also, what
armature circuit and across the components is termed the effective inductance is calculated
thereof. The phase angle between the current from the rate of buildup of direct-& flux as
and the various voltages should be observed indicated by the generated armature voltage
using suitable means such as an oscilloscope. measured at the brushes. Both inductance values
Alternatively, measurements using a wattmeter are evaluated as the product of the shunt-field
can be used in the determination of the reactive resistance and time to achieve 63.2% of the ulti-
component of impedance and the associated mate value of the variable.
inductance. The inductance of the complete
armature circuit and of the various components,
from the average of the test data, is
v-sine where
Lf= shunt-field inductance (henrys)
where Ltefr= shunt-field effective inductance (henrys)
L = inductance (henrys) Rf = dc shunt-field resistance (ohms)
V = voltage (volts) Ti,= time to achieve 63.2% of field-current
I = current (amperes) change (seconds)
8 = phase angle between voltage and current Tva= time to achieve 63.2% of armature-volt-
f = frequency (hertz) age change (seconds)
I Saturated Inductance. This test is Unsaturated Inductance. With the
the same as the unsaturated test except that the machine driven at rated full-field speed, the shunt
shunt field is excited from a direct-current power field should be excited from a voltage source
supply as described in 3.5.1 at rated shunt-field having a regulation at rated fulI-field excitation of
current or, in the absence of a current rating, at the test machine of less than 2%. Cycle the shunt-
the current corresponding to the full field, full- field excitation voltage twice between the value
load rating of the machine. yielding rated armature voltage and zero and
7.5.2 Armature Circuit Inductance Test of then reduce the armature voltage to approx-
Series-Excited Machines (Including Series imately 50% of rated value. After noting the
Field). The armature circuit inductance of shunt-field voltage, reduce it to zero and open
series-excited machines varies widely with fre- the field circuit. Adjust the exciter voltage to the
quency and with the magnitude of the dc and ac preestablished value. Observe and record the
components of current. Accordingly, the induc- shunt-field voltage and current, the armature volt-
tance values determined from the tests described age and speed upon closure of the shunt-field cir-
above are of value for analytical and for man- cuit.
ufacturing control purposes but are not a meas- Saturated Inductance. Establish the
ure of machine inductance at rated load and at shunt-field excitation circuitry shown in Fig 4 SO
other than the test frequency. Useful measure- as to allow an abrupt change in excitation volt-
ments of the saturated inductance of the arma- age between values yielding approximately 90%
ture can be taken excluding the series-field and 110% of rated armature voltage.
winding which, instead, is excited at rated cur- With switch SWl closed, adjust the shunt-field
rent using a direct-current power supply as supply voltage, V , , to produce a field current
described in 3.5.1. The saturated inductance, so yielding 110% of rated armature voltage. With
determined, does not include the inductance con- switch SW1 opened, cycle Re,, twice between the

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values yielding 90% and 110% of rated armature supporting structure of the machine. Rotation of
voltage, finishing at the 90% value. Observe and the shaft generates a homopolar dc voltage
record the shunt-field voltage and current, the around the shaft bearing journal interface loop
armature voltage and speed upon closure of the which, if sufficient to break down the dielectric
switch, SW1. strength of the oil film, results in damaging
localized current in the bearing. Because of mag-
netic saturation of the shaft or of the associated
magnetic circuit and because the journal speed is
limited for good bearing operation, the direct
voltage can very seldom exceed a small fraction
of a volt.
(3) On rectified power, bearing current may
result from the capacitive coupling between the
armature winding and its supporting structure
particularly with sleeve bearing motors. The
Fig 4 alternating component of voltage between the
Test Circuitry for Saturated Shunt windings and ground results in a leakage current
Field Inductance Measurement which passes through the bearings in parallel to
ground. Insulation of a single bearing, or a bear-
ing pedestal, as is commonly done at one end of
large machines, does not prevent the possible
7.6 Shaft Current. Shaft current may cause flow of capacitive current at other uninsulated
bearing troubles in motors or in connected equip bearings. Damaging current flows if the peak
ment. Bearings or shaft journals, or both, which shaft voltage exceeds the breakdown strength of
are damaged by shaft current, will have a frosted the oil film in the bearing. Only an effective shunt-
or speckled appearance. The lubricating oil or ing of the path through the bearing can prevent
grease w ill contain fine metallic particle con- damage. A set of properly maintained shaft
tamination and w ill change color. grounding brushes riding on the rotating shaft
On rectified power, motors may be subjected surface w ill provide the necessary shunting path
to shaft current depending on the characteristics and prevent bearing damage.
and grounding of the power supply involved and 7.6.2 Tests for Shaft Current
the electromagnetic and mechanical design of the Circulating Current Due t o Shaft
motor. Electromotive Force. This test should be taken
Causes of Shaft Current. Shaft current is pro- on the machine at no-load, rated voltage, and at
duced by three different causes: both base and maximum speed. The external
(1) Circulating current may result from an electric circuit formed by the bearing supporting
electromotive force generated in the shaft. This structure, bearings, and shaft, shall be open-
voltage is generated by any unsymmetrical distri- circuited.
bution of magnetic flux between poles in either (1) At each of the above conditions, measure
the stationary or rotating yokes which results in the electromotive force generated between the
net flux that encircles the shaft and is alternating ends of the shaft with an ac millivoltmeter. A
in polarity. This alternating flux generates an ac 100 mV full-scale instrument is usually adequate.
electromotive force between the ends of the The electronic or thermal type instrument is sat-
shaft. If this electromotive force is sufficient to isfactory for this test.
break down the dielectric strength of the oil film,
shaft current will flow if an external electric cir-
cuit is provided between bearings. should ensure good metal-to-metal contact
(2) Localized current may result in magnetic
flux circulating through the shaft and bearings. If
any net current encircles the shaft, such as (2) At each of the above conditions, measure
resulting from the stator winding connections, a the current with a 60 A or larger alternating-
magnetomotive force is developed between the current ammeter with each lead 3 m (10 ft) in
ends of the shaft. The resulting magnetic flux length of No 4 wire or larger connected between
passes through the bearings and the external the ends of the shaft.


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sembled machines-particularly large machmes.

CAUTION: "he contacting probes and the The second method involves testing of the arma-
shaft shad have a very low-resistance junc- ture done.
tion. The magnitude of the current wiU fre- 7.7.1 Retardation Test Method
quently be in the low mnge of the instrument Determine the friction and windage
scale. The scale reading should be recorded. losses of the machine, including brush friction,
The actual magnitude s h d be determined by using the methods of measurement described in
appropriate calibration. A lower reading 5.6. Test at several speeds and plot the sum of
instrument wiU have too high an impedance these losses as a function of speed as shown in
to give good results. Fig 5(a). Local Current Due t o Shaft Mag-

netomotive Force. The test should be taken on
the machine at rated load, rated voltage, and
maximum rated speed. The magnetic circuit
formed by the bearing supporting structure, bear-
ings, and shaft should simulate the actual appli-
cation as closely as practical. Measure the
voltage residual under the above condition with a
direct-current millivoltmeter. A 100 mV full-scale
instrument is usually adequate. The instrument
leads fitted should contact the surface of the
shaft with low-resistance probes at each side of
the bearing housing. This test should be repeated
for each bearing. Bearing Current Due t o Winding-
to-Ground Capacitance. On rectified power, Fig 5
possible shaft potentials can be detected by Steps in Derivation of Moment of
measuring the shaft-to-ground ac potential with Inertia by the Retardation Method
an oscilloscope or an electronic ac voltmeter
with the machine powered under normal operat- With the machine uncoupled, increase
ing conditions and the shaft grounding brushes the speed to the maximum rated value and
raised. A voltage level of less than 50 V peak to remove armature- and field-excitation power.
peak can be considered normal. If the reading Measure the speed as a function of time as
shows a higher voltage level, the effectiveness of shown in Fig 5(b) and, from the slope of the
the grounding brushes becomes greatly reduced curve, derive the rate of change of speed as a
and the hazard to personnel increases. Accord- function of speed.
ingly, the integrity of the power supply should be Derive the moment of inertia from
investigated. With the shaft grounding brushes observations at several speeds using the follow-
lowered and with proper maintenance, the peak- ing equation:
to-peak voltage should diminish to less than 5 V
under normal operating conditions. P * 106
J = dn
CAUTION: The above observations should be
made quickly so as to avoid damage to the where
shaft and bearing journals.
J = moment of inertia
P = friction losses (kW at speed n )
7.7 Moment of Inertia Measurement. Two n = rotational speed (r/min)
methods are described below for determining the
moment of inertia of direct-current machines.
= rate of deceleration, (r/min)/s at speed n

The f i s t method is suited to the testing of as- c = constant related to units used


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-~ ~ ~

kg m2 10.97 J = moment of inertia
*Ib * ft2 0.4621 m = armature weight
slug ft2 14.88 1 = length of wires
d = separation of wires
'Numerically equal to wkz (lb.ftz)
f = frequency of oscillation in hertz
c = constant related to units used
7.7.2 Angular Oscillation Yest. Suspend the armature with the shaft
oriented vertically using two parallel wires as J m 1,d C
indicated in Fig 6. The wires should be attached kg- m2 kg m 6.2 -
*lb. ft2 lb ft 2.04. lo-'
slug-f t 2 lb ft 6.33.
'Numerically equal to wkz (lb.ftz)

8. Bibliography
(Papers Relating to *the Operation
of DC Motors on Rectifier Power)

[Bl] IEEE Std 62-1978, IEEE Guide for Field

Testing Power Apparatus Insulation.

[B2] IEEE Std 120-1955 (R 1972), IEEE Master

Test Code for Electrical Measurements in Power

[B3] DEWOLF, F. T. Measurement of Inductance

of DC Machines, IEEE Transactions, Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol 98, no 5, 1979,
pp 1636- 1644.
Fig 6
Angular Oscillation wk2 Test [B4] DEWOLF, F. T. and MICHAEL, R. N. Meas-
urement of Input Power of DC Motors Operated
Using Rectifier Power Supplies and Choppers,
IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference
Record, 1978, pp 749-754.
diametrically, equally spaced from the c n erline
of the shaft. The length to separation ratio (Zld) [B5] EWING, J. S. Efficiency and Displacement
should be approximately ten. Displace (rotate) Power Factor of Static DC Drive Systems, IEEE
the armature a small amount from the equilib- Industry Applications Society Conference Rec-
rium position, and after release measure the fre- ord, 1977, pp 917-922.
quency of angular oscillation. The moment of
inertia is determined from the equation: [B6] EWING, J. S. Lumped Circuit Impedance
Representation for DC Machines, IEEE Trans-
actions, Power Apparatus and Systems, vol 87,
no 4, 1968, pp 1106-1110.


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[B7] HAMILTON, H. B. and STRANGAS, E. Series [B9] PFAFF, R. W. Characteristics of Phase-

Motor Parameter Variations as a Function of R e - Controlled Bridge Rectifiers with DC Shunt
quency and Saturation, IEEE Power Engineering Motor Load. AIEE Transactions, Applications
Society Winter Meeting, F80 151-1. and Industry, vol 77, part 11, 1958, pp 49-53.

[B8] KUBLER, E. F. The Armature Current Form

Factor of a DC Motor Connected to a Controlled [BlOI VRANA, V. E. The DC Motor and Thyristor
Rectifier. AIEE Transactions, Power Apparatus Power Supply, Westinghouse Engineer, vol 27,
and Systems, vol 78, part IIIA, 1959, pp 764-770. no 4, 1967, pp 98-104.


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Form A
Report of Complete Tests on DirecbCurrent Machines
Name of manufacturer
Address of manufacturer
Report of test on dc
(Motor, generator, or exciter)

Purchaser Report No

Date of test

(kw o r h p ) I Rated-Load
Type Frame

Input to Power Supply * Terminal Conditions

ac ac N o of Freq Avg Arm Avg l7llS* Speed Avg Field Avg Field
(volts) (amperes) Phases (Hz) (volts) (amperes) (amperes) (r/min) (volts) (amperes)

Temperature Rise OC*

III t II * II I *
I Hours 11 Cooling Air I Armature winding 11 1
Armature core I
Shunt field
I Series field I1 I I I I I I
I Commcoil II I I I I I I
I Commutator II I I I I I I
Armature Armature Hot-Field Ohms a t 2 5 OC
Loail Current Voltage Speed Current
(amperes) (volts) (r/min) (amperes) Fields
--- Armature -
Shunt 1 Series I ('ornm Pole

I O O ~ O
- i
Efficiencies Air Gaps High Potentia]. Tests 5
IilllS I\lternaring i'oltage for -seconds

NOTE: Data from test on machine.

(this o r duplicate)
*For motors operated on rectified power supplies
+For forced ventilated machines
*Method of temperature measurement is indicated by: T-Thermometer method
R-Resistance method
§ I f test is made at other than room temperature, record winding temperatures


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, Form B
Report of Routine Tests on DirectiCurrent Machines

Name of manufacturer

Address of manufacturer

Report of test on dc
(Motor, generator, or exciter)

Purchaser Report N o

Date of test

Purchaser's order NO Mfrs order No

Model No

Rated-Load Line Rated-Load Temperature Field

Output Speed Voltage Current Type Frame Rise, Time Voltage Winding
(kW or hp) (r/min) (volts) (amperes) (QC) Rating (volts) Type

No Load Rated Load

Avg term, volts
A- armature, amperes
Speed, r/min
Field Current, amperes

(For rect power)

AC line volt to rect (rms)
AC line amperes t o rect (rms)(optional)
Number of phases
Frequency, hertz

Air Gaps
Resistances - Ohms at 2 5 'C
Arma- Fields
--- -
I l l
ture Shunt
Comm Otheri Scrier


1 1 I
Alternating Voltage for- Seconds
Serial Fields
No Am..
turc Shunt Series Comm Others

Certified and Approved by Date



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Form C
Rectified Powe;
Dynamometer Test of Direct-Current Motors
-hp kW r/min volts amperes O C Time Rating
RESISTANCE: Armature ohms at OC
Serial No Series Windings ohms at-OC

Test Points #I #2 #3 #4 #S #6
Terminal Voltage, avg
Armature Amperes, avg
Armature AmDeres. rms

Torque, lb ft (or oz ft) I

(1) Dynamometer Correction

(2) Corrected Toraue
(3) Output, hp
I2R at C-Armature Winding, watts* (7)
Series Winding, watts* (8)

(6) Efficiency, percent

*Resistance corrected for temperature
t p R loss at the windingtemperature during test.
(a) Record ac power component of input power if total power in (d) is not recorded.
(1) Corrects for windage and bearing loss of dynamometer and is equal t o :
k (A B)
A = power required to drive machine when coupled to dynamometer with dynamometer armature circuit open, watts
B = power required t o drive machine when running free and uncoupled, watts
C = Torque output registered by dynamometer during test “A”
k= 9.549 for torque in newton meters
7.043 for torque in pound-force feet
112.7 for torque in ounce-force feet
1352 for torque in ounce-force inches
NOTE: A and B tests t o be made with ripple-free power.
( 2 ) Corrected torque is equal to observed torque plus correction (1).
( 5 ) This value is equal t o observed power (d) plus correction (4).
(6) Percent efficiency = -
* 100 = -
(5 )
* 74 600

- (5) for a generator

(3) 7.46
(7&8) Use rms value of currents and include total connected series fields (that is, intercoils).
(9)Measured with wattmeter or the sum of the product of average terminal voltage and average armature current plus (a)
ac watts. Also include shunt field watts.


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Form D
Dynamometer Test of Direct-Current Machine (DC Power)
-hp kW r/min volts amperes OC Time Rating
RESISTANCE. Armature ohms at-OC
Serial No --Series Windings- ohms at-OC
Test Points


(6) Efficiency, percent

Performance Curve No

-- obtained from performance curve

Load v
4 I Rated
Percent Efficiency
Speed, r/min
*Resistance corrected for temperature per Section of this code
t12R loss at the winding temperature during test
(1) Corrects for windage and bearing loss of dynamometer.and is equal to

-- - B)
k (A
A = power required to drive machine when coupled to dynamometer with dynamometer armature circuit open. watts
B = power required to drive machine when running free and uncoupled, watts
C = torque output registered by dvnanometer during test A
k= 9.549 for torque in newton meters
1.043 for torque in pound-force feet
112.7 for torque in ounce-force feet
1352 for torque in ounce-force inches

(2) Corrected torque is equal to observed torque plus correction ( I ) .

(5) This value is equal to observed power (d) plus correction ( 4 ) .

(6) Percent efficiency = input f 100 = (5) 74 570 for a mot01

-- ( 5 ) for a generator
(3) 7.457


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Form E
Stray-Load Loss Calculation from Dynamometer Test*
-hp kW r/min volts amperes
-"C Temperature Rise Time Rating Serial N o

*No1 applicable to operation with r c c f i k d power.

(7) Input from line (d) or ( 3 ) on Form B
( 8 ) Output fmm line (3) or (d) on Form B.
All o l chc abovc arc dctcrmincd lor rhc conditions durinr test

Form F
Pump-Back Test Direct-CurrentMachines
-hP rlmin ___ volts amperespoCpTime Rating
RES1 STANCE: Armature ohms at- "C
Serial No.--Serics Windings- ohms at- 'C


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Form G
Stray-Load Calculation from Pump-Back Test*
-hp kW r/min volts amperes
-OC Temperature Rise Time Rating Serial No

Generator Ventilating
(M) Total of above losses
( N ) Total Loss supplied
(PI = (N)-(M)
Stray-Load Loss = %P
N = total loss supplied = line 16 from Form C.
All of the above are determined for the conditions during the teat.
*Not applicable to operation with rectified power.


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