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Reliable Solutions Today! Section 3 Winding Failures Root Cause Failure Analysis Copyright © 2002, Electrical Apparatus Service Assocation, Inc. Root Cause Failure Analysis Winding Failures — Section 3 Winding Failures Section Outline Introduction to winding failures. Analysis of winding failures . Failure modes Failure patterns... ‘Appearance considerations ‘Application considerations. Maintenance history sn... Summary of wining flutes and methodology ‘Symmetrical damage pattern with all phases overheated ‘Symmetrical damage pattern with 1/3 or 2/3 of phases overheated ..... ‘Symmetrical damage pattern with 1/2 of phases overheated Nonsymmetrical damage pattern (winding is grounded) Nonsymmetrical damage pattern (excluding grounds)... The need to separate cause and effect. Line and ground faut... ‘Special thermal patterns... ‘Thermal stress ‘Thermal aging process... Overloading... Voltage variation. Votiage unbalance. Winding damage caused by single phased condition. Five cases where three-phase motors may run single phase Ambient... Load cycling, starting and stalling Poor ventilation... Circulating currents Copyright © 2002, Electical Apparatus Service Associaton, Inc. (Version 502C1-502} Section 3 — Winding Failures Root Cause Fallure Analysis Photographs of damage caused by thermal stress Overloading Unbalanced voltage Single phased .. Electrical stres Dielectric aging Transient voltages Partial discharge (corona) and tracking Insulation inadequacies and defects Photographs of damage caused by electrical stress Reclosure/transient voltages Grounds and shorts. Partial discharge (corona). Mechanical stress .... Winding movement Damaged motor leads : Improper rotor-to-stator geometry (loss of air gap). ‘Abrasion from foréign materials Miscellaneous mechanical stresses .. Photographs of damage caused by mechanical stress Winding movement and coil bracing Damaged motor leads Improper retorso-stalr geometry (oss of ar ge) Failed balancing weights... Poor workmanship Environmental str688 1 Moisture Abrasion Poor ventilation ‘Chemical damage . Photographs of damage caused by envronmental sees Moisture, corrosion and contamination .... Abrasion Poor ventilation Winding materials... 3-2 Copyright ©2002, Electrical App 1s Sorvice Associaton, Inc. (Version 50201-502) Root Cause Failure Analysis Section 3 INTRODUCTION TO WINDING FAILURES The majority ofall stator fllures are caused by a combi nation of various stresses which act on the winding, These stresses can be grouped as follows: Thermal stress + Thermal aging + Overloading, * Voltage variation * Voltage unbalance. + Ambient. + Load cycling, starting and staling. + Poor ventilation, * Circulating currents. Electrical stress + Diolactic aging, + Transiant volages. + Partial discharge (corona) and tracking, + Insulation inadequacies. Mechanical stress. + Goll movement. + Rotor strikes. + Defective rotor. + Flying objects and foreign materials. + Improper lugging of ieacs, + Damaged leads. Environmental stress + Moisture. + Chemical + Abrasion, + Damage. Ia motor is designed, manufactured, applied, installed, operated and maintained propery, these stresses can remain under control andthe motor wil function as intended for many years. However, as each of these factors varies from user to user, so does the anticipated Ife of the motor. ANALYSIS OF WINDING FAILURES This section identities the various kinds of fallure modes. and patterns and relates them to the probable specific cause of the failure, FIGURE 1: POSSIBLE FAILURE MODES IN DELTA AND WYE STATORS Delta Bunt Coit coil © Phase to phase @ Open circuit Note: itis possible to have any combination of these fallure modes. Five key areas should be considered ard related to one another to accurately diagnose the cause of a winding fallure. These areas are fallure mode, failure pattern, ap- pearance, application and maintenance history. ‘The following is 2 brief discussion of each of these areas, FAILURE MODES Regardless ot the cause of failure, the mode of failure can be broken down into five groups, as shown in Figure 1. In analyzing winding failures, it is difficult to determine which of the above conditions was the initial problem and which was the result of the problem. A simple exampte wil Hlustrate this point, ‘A random-ound motor s started frequently, and due to ‘excessive coll movement sustains aminortum-io-turn shor within one coil. As this condition progresses, excessive heating Is generated within the shorted coll, resulting in insulation deterioration and eventually in a partial ground through the sit liner. Depending upon the type of motor protection, the motor may continue torun. More heat would then be generated in the damaged area unt the phase or ‘ground insulation is destroyed. At tis pointa rect phase- to-phase fault or ground fault occurs, and the motor is Dear Sea DT ie Tats ‘Overioading Fi 34 Unbalanced voltago. et 348 Single phased a reennenn ms 316, Reclosurettransient voltages 349 Grounds and shots un 3.20 Partial discharge (corona) sane 32 Winging movement and col racing snsvsnn 9-26 Damaged motor leads s 3-90 Improper rotor io-stator geometry ... Failed balancing weights... Poor workmanship. . Moisture, corrosion and contamination ABEASION sos oor ventilation Contaminated wire Damaged wire Copyrignt © 2002, Electicel Apparatus Service Associaton, In. (Version 502C1-502) tion 3 — Winding Failures, Root Cause Failure Analysis | FIGURE 2: FAILURE PATTERNS In Example A, tho pattar is symmetrical; aach col of each phase has been overheated. The fallure mode is multiple turn-to-turn shorting. The cause of fallure was excessive ‘overheating caused by an overload condition. In Example B, the patter is single-phasing; one complata phase has ‘overheated resulting in a tur-to-turn short. The cause of failure was single-phasing. in Example C, the pattern is nnon-symmetrical without grounding; several groups of cos have been overheated. The failure mode is also mute turm-to‘turn shorting. The cause of failure was damaged wire. In Example D, the pattern Is non-symmetrical with grounding; one cal is rounded and there is multiple turn te-turn shorting. The cause of failure was damaged cal \wall or sit insulation, in Example E, the ground fault can be seen, Note thatthe turn-to-turn short occurred 180° op posite of the grounded coil quickly dropped off the line. Inspection could reveal all ive mades of falure, but the turn-toturn condition was the initial problem and the others resulted from the problem. A turn-to-turnfalure is usually Very aitficultto recognize due tothe destructivenaturectthe final fault concitions. FAILURE PATTERNS Closely related to the mode of faiure, but to be consid fered separately, is the pattern of failure, which can be Classified into the following four groups. + Symmetrical with all phases overheated + Symmetrical wth some phases overheated. 3-4 Copyright® 2002, Electrical Apparatus Service Associaton, ine. (Version 5021-502) Root Cause Failure Analysis, Winding Failures — Section 3 + Nonsymmetrcal with winding grounded, + Nonsymmetrical excluding grounds. Combining the mode and pattern of failure can provide clussasto the cause of falure. The examplesin Figure2are of units faled under controlles conditions, In each case, the defact was deliberately inflicted, The stator was then energized, and the failure was cbserved ‘and photographed The key point to remember Is that itis absolutely neces- sary tote the mode and pattern of failure together 7o make fan accurate diagnosis. in each of the above cases, ‘mode o failure was turn-o-turn, but the cause of fallurewas different. twas the pattem of failure which better indicates the cause of fatur. APPEARANCE CONSIDERATIONS When coupled with the mode and patter of falure, the {general appearance of the motor usually gives a clue as to the possible cause of fallure, The following checklist wil be useful + Is the winding clean? + What foreign materials are present + Are there signs of moisture? + Has there been rotor ru or pullover? + What is the condition ofthe rotor? Does it show signs. ‘of overheating? Are there any signs of stall or locking of the rotor? + Does the rotor appear to have been turing when the failure occurred? + Aro the topsticks, coils or cal bracing loose?” + Are the bearings free to rotate? Are there signs of ‘moisture contamination inthe frame or bearing hous ings? + Are any mechanical parts missing that could have hit the winding, such as nuts, washers, bolts or balancing Weights? Are the rotor cooling fins or fans intact? + Ara the motor cooling passages trae and clear of logging debris? Isthe failure on the connection end or opposite connec- tion end? if the motors mounted horizontally, where is the failure with respect to the clock? + Which phase or phases failed? Which group of coils falled? Was the falure in the first turn of fist coll? When analyzing winding failures, itis helpful to draw a sketch ofthe winding andingicate the pointwhere the falure occurred. APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS Usually, itis dificult to reconstruct the actual operating Conditions at the time of fellure. However, a knowiedge of the general operating conditions wil ba helpful. The follow: Ing items should be considered, * What are the load characteristics of the driven equip- ment? + Were there cycting or pulsating loads? + Was there any chance of stall or pullout? What was the applied voltage? Was it balanced? + Was the motor powered by avariable-fraquency drive? + Are there any signs of transient voltage conditions past or present? Have other motors fallad on this application? Ifo, how’? How long had the motor been running, or cd it fall on startup? What was the acceleration ime? Does the motor start across-the-line, at reduced volt- age or onpart winding start? Whatwasthe starier timer sot at? What was the condition of the motor controller? What kind of motor protection isin the system, and what tripped? What is the motor's environment like? Is the motor Indoors or outdoors? Was there ran, snow or lightning just prior 10 the failure? What was the ambient temperature? MAINTENANCE HISTORY ‘An understanding of the past periormance of the motor ‘can give a good indication of the cause of the problem, ‘Again a checklist may be helpful ‘+ How long has the motor bean in service? If falled on intial startup, such things ascontamination, transients, coil movement and thermal aging can usually be elim nated as a potential cause, + During the early or intial operation ofthe motor, were ‘any unusual phenomena observed? Didtheload accel ‘rate properly? Did the motor carry the load at normal ‘speed and thermal characteristics? + Was the winding resistance and current balanced? + Dopast maintenance recordsincicate any weaknesses, such as cracking or aging of the insulation systam? + Isthere a past history of insulation resistance readings ‘orprevious problems with moisture and contaminants? SUMMARY OF WINDING FAILURES AND METHODOLOGY The following summary groups the various causes of winding falluresin accordance with bumoutpattorns, These patterns aro: + Symmetrical damage pattom with all phases over- heated + Symmetrical damage pattem with some phases over. heated + Single phase - 1/9 or 29 of winding overheated, = Part-winding start - 1/2 of winding overheated. + Nonsymmetrical damage pattern (windingis grounded), + Nonsymmetrical damage pattem (excluding grounds). SYMMETRICAL DAMAGE PATTERN WITH ALL PHASES OVERHEATED In each case, an excessive amount of heat was gener- ‘Copyright ©2002, Electrical Apparatus Series Associaten nc, (Version $0201-502) 3-5 Section 3 — Winding Failures Root Cause Failure Analysis (One-third of winding overheated, FIGURE 9: EXAMPLES OF SYMMETRICAL DAMAGE WITH 1/3 AND 2/3 OF WINDING OVERHEATED ‘Two-thirds of winding overheated. ated symmetrical throughout the winding. The heat was either caused by too much current or the inablity of the ‘motor to dissipate the normal heat generated. Possible cause * Low orhigh voltage + Excessive leading. + Excessive number of stars. + Lack of proper ventilation + High ambient condition, + Detective rotor or stator core, + Complete bearing falure leading toa stl, ‘Winding appearance (pattern) In general, each coil group will show signs of over heating evidenced by discoloration and insulation breakdown depending on the amount of heat. Mode of fllure ‘Tho actual failure usually oceurs due to a combina tion of shors and opens. The winding may also oe ‘rounded due to extreme heating in the stator slot or motor leads, SYMMETRICAL DAMAGE PATTERN WITH 1/3 OR 2/3, OF PHASES OVERHEATED These failures are usually the easiest of all to identity because o! their unique patterns. Figure 3 is a typical example. Possible cause + Single-phased controls or power supply. + Open winding lead or wire, + Improper connection. + Unbalanced voltage source, Winding appearance (pattern) Depending on whether wye or delta connected, either one or wo phase may overheat and usually fail due to tum-o-tum shorting within the overheated phases, Mode of failure It the cause is internal to the winding, the unheated phase or phases will have an open circult, There will Usually be signs of multiple turn-to-turn shorting, Note: ‘The motor controls and protection equipment, or some ‘other element of the power distribution system, may also show signs of single-phasing, FIGURE 4: PART-WINDING START WITH EXCESSIVE START TIME Burnt QQQ ok ‘The burnout pattern in a falled partwinding start ‘motor varies depencing on the connection scheme. SYMMETRICAL DAMAGE PATTERN WITH 1/2 OF PHASES OVERHEATED The appearance of this fallure Is similar to the single phased patterns, except half the phases are overheated With a pan-winding start connection, the pattern depends fon the connection method used. Some par-winding start ‘connections divide the winding into hemispheres, others divide the winding by alternating groups (Figure 4). Stl others utilize the entre winding during starting. if one side of the winding is overheated, or if alternate {groups are overheated, the motor was operated inthe start ode for too long. The timer for a part-winding start starter 3-6 Copyright @ 2002, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 50201-502) Root Cause Failure Analysis Winding Failures — Section 3 should switeh tothe run mode within 2 to 3 seconds. While various partwinding start schemes produce 50 10 70% of total current during starting, the haif ofthe winding that is energized draws the same currentitwould uring an across: the-line start. Since itproduces about$0% of normal torque, a long acceleration period wil quickly overheat half of the winding The double-detta or extended-deta connection method offers the advantage of energizing the entira winding during starting, The effect is similar to the starting mode of the wye-delta starter in thatthe windings are temporarily con: nected for higher-than-tine voltage. This reduces the heat generated in the windings. For all par-winding start meth- ‘ods, the times should be limited to 2 to 3 seconds. NONSYMMETRICAL DAMAGE PATTERN (WINDING 18 GROUNDED) Depending upon the type of motor protection used, a ‘ground fallure can be the most destructive type of failure. Not only is the winding damaged, but in some cases the laminations are badly damaged due to high fault currents. ‘This type of failure also has the greatest potential for electrical shock and hazard to operating personel Possible causes + Internal discharges occurtingin cavities of dielectric. + Surface discharges occurring on the surface the coils. Point discharges occurring in a strong electric field around a sharp point or edge. + Rotor rub against stator lamination during staring or running condition. + Damaged insulation, slot end tums or leads. + Transientvotage switching surgesor lightning strikes, + Contamination, moisture, chemicals or foreign ma- terials, + Low-voltage tracking or corona deterioration of insu- lation + Overheating inthe stator slot due to excessive cur- rent or poor heat dissipation + Coll movement in the slot or end turns. ‘Winding appearance (pattern) ‘The winding failures usually imited to specific spots in the stator siot and, with the exception of transient- type voltages, does ‘not give the appearance of a general overheating condition, Mode of fallure The primary falluremodeiscoi-to-ground. However, there can be signs of turn-to-turn and phase-to-phase shorting, NONSYMMETRICAL DAMAGE PATTERN (EXCLUDING GROUNDS) ‘Many of those tems listed above, whioh are responsible for ground fallures, can also cause a turn-to-tur failure, The determining factors directly related to tha strangth or |weakness ofthe insulation system, For example, ita stator is exposed oan extreme moisture condition, itwil fail atthe \weakest point in the insulation system of that particular ‘machine. If there has been previous coil movement in the fend tums resulting In some damage, the mode of failure could be tur-io-tur. If the stator slot insulation was weak- fened by the same coll movement, then the failure mode could be coil-to-ground. The failure mode could also be Phase-to-phase or coll-to-col. Most of these types of fal- lures areisolated to specificareas ofthe winding without any definite pattern, except for those caused by transient or steep wave-tronted voltages. In these cases, the failure is usually atthe beginning or the and of a phase, Possible causes Rotor balancing weights come loose and strike the stator. Loose nuts of bolts strike the stator. Foreign particles enter the motor through the vent!- lation system and strike the stator. Rotor fan blades come loose and strike the stator. A detective rotor (usualy open rotorbars) can cause the stator fo overheat and fll Poor lugging of connections from the motor leads to the incoming line leads causes overheating and failure Broken lamination teeth or spacers break loose due to fatigue and strike the stator. Bearing failures, shatt deflection or rotorto-stator misaignment cause damage to the stator. Winding appearance (mode & pattern) ‘The appearance will generally be evidenced by Isolated turnto-turn shorts and opens, normally with- ‘out the overall heating ofthe winding. However, there may be signs of excessive heating adjacent to the failed area, and frequently, @ phase-to-phase fault Which ocours and takas the mator off line. THE NEED TO SEPARATE CAUSE AND EFFECT There are many cases where the damage is sever ‘enough that it masks the original faut. Since the majority of winding failures begin as turn-to-turn fallures, tis necessary 10 look at the entire system. Even if the damage appears extensive, the system offers clues to the root cause of the failure, LINE AND GROUND FAULTS (Otten the only concition that will take a motor offline isa phase-to-phase faut. Because the faut currents so high, ‘extreme damage is usualy done to all turns and coils on both sides ofthe phase as illustrated in Figure 5. This type of failure is often misdiagnosed as detective, ‘damaged or misplaced phase paper, and indeed that is one possibly. Butinmany cases, tis oniy he resuit andnotthe cause ofthe failure, Ifthe motor protection is not sized or set property, the ‘motor may continue to run even after a turn-to-turn short ‘occurs, thereby generating enough heat to destroy the pphase-to-phase insulation, Copyright © 2002, Electical Apparatus Service Associaton, Inc. (Version S02C1-502) Winging Root Cause Failure Analysis FIGURE 5: GROUND FAULTS Form wound It the turn-to-turn short accurs closer to the groundwall insulation than the phase paper, itis possible to generate ‘enough heal to cause a turn-to-ground faut. Itcan be difficult to diagnose the exact cause of failure {due to the tremendous physical force and heat that is normally generated with these types of faults. The cause of these faults is difficult to pinpointand could be the result of any combination ofthe following condltions: + Defective, damaged, inadequate or displaced phase paper. + Coll or tum movement caused by poor vamish bond strength, inadequate coll bracing, or excessive cycling combined with elevated temperatures, + Transient votages, + Excassive heating + Severe contamination or moisture. + Flying objects that strike the winding, + Abrasive materials that erode away the turn insulation, ‘To pinpoint these types of failures, itis normally neces- sary tohavemoreinformation about the operating conditions ‘ofthe motor. A complete inspection ofthe winding, particu- larly In those areas where damage may not have yet ‘occurred, can reveal evidence of what might of caused the falure. Remember, the motor usually falls atts weakest link, and the “next” weakest link may be the bestindication 8 to the root cause of failure. This section shows a wide variety of fallures that origi- nated as turn-to-tur fallures for a variety of reasons. Some were taken off line prior toa serious line fault and others ran until either a ground or phase-to-phase fault occurred. ‘SPECIAL THERMAL PATTERNS Not all thermal damage to the winding insulation systern fits into the ractional patterns of symmetrical overheating {as shown In Figure 6. Ifthe heating s the result of unbalanced vottage or singla, FIGURE 6: TRADITIONAL THERMAL, OVERLOAD PATTERNS. ‘Symmetrical overheating caused by an excessive amount of equal currant in each coll, The bumed appearance indicates there was more heat in the core. than In the winding’s encturns. Uniform overheating causedby restricted ventilation or excessive ambient lemperatures. FIGURE 7: UNBALANCED VOLTAGE OR SINGLED PHASE PATTERN Damage caused by single phasing or unbalanced voltage may yield similar burnout patterns as shown above. 3-8 Copyright © 2002, Eiectrical Apparatus Service Assocation, Ine. (Varsion S02C1-502) Root Cause Failure Analysis FIGURE 8: THERMAL RUNAWAY IN STATOR ‘The extreme temperature in tre stator bore broke down the vamish FIGURE 9: NONSYMMETRICAL THERMAL OVERHEATING This type of pattern is normally caused by a defective internal connection. phasing (the extteme unbalanced condition), the overheat- Ing pattem will appear as shown in Figure 7. ther abnormal heating patterns can be caused by the cooling circuit of the motor not praducing even cooling throughout tne winding as shown in Figure. Inthese cases the damaging current could be equal in all circuits of the Winding but the heating could be uneven due to the nion- symmetrical cooling. ‘There Is also the condition where the overheating, albeit usually inisolated spots ofthe winding, is indeed caused by turn-to-tum or turn-to-ground shor as shown In Figure 9. THERMAL STRESS ‘A motor is under thermal stress whether iis running or not. However, the higher the temperature, the higher the thermal stress and the higher the likelihood of premature winding failure. Winding Failures — Section 3 ‘Thermal stress is made up of eight basic stresses which include: + Thermal aging + Overloading, + Voltage variation, + Voltage unbalance, + Ambler + Load cyeting, starting and stalling + Poor ventilation + Circulating currents ‘THERMAL AGING PROCESS The thermal aging process is always present and ongo- ing, even when the motor is not running. When a motor is at res, therate of aging s determined by he ambient tempers- ‘ture to which the winding is exposed. Atthe other extreme, the motor is operating under service factor conditions, which Is limited to 185° C (Class F) average winding temperature, ‘The steps in the thermal aging process are: + Oxidation. + Loss of volatile product. + Molecular polymerization, + Reaction to moisture. + Chemical breakdown, + Vulnerabilty to other stresses. Other stresses presentwhile the motors running include dielectric, mechanical and environmental stresses (which may also be present when the motor.'s not running). At ‘some point, thermal aging renders the winding insulation ‘winerabie to these strassasandihe systembegins to'short ‘out” between tums or to ground, at which time the insulation system, by definition, has failed Figure 10 shows the temperature life curves for the standard motor winding insulation systems thal are used FIGURE 10: TEMPERATURE VS. LIFE CURVES FOR INSULATION SYSTEMS* ‘Average expected life hours Total winding temperature - °C “Per IEEE 117-1996 and 275-1992 Copyright © 2002, Eloctcal Apparatus Service Association, Ine. (Version $0201-502) 3-9 Section 3 — Winding Failures Root Cause Failure Analysis today. These curves assume that the Insulation life daublas| for every 10° C decrease in total winding temperature, ‘OVERLOADING Motor manufacturers normally design a margin of safety into their motors. This is usually done by designing te ‘moter to operate below the normal limits for a specific insulation system, of using an insulation system with a rating whichis well above te operating temperature. Onthe latest NEMA re-ates, this was usually accomplished by Using a Ciass F insulation system with Class B operating temperatures. Within certain mits tcan be estimated that the winding temperature rise wil increase as the square of | TABLE 4; TEMPERATURE RISE (°C) ‘VS. PERCENT LOADING Sizeload (0026) 115% | 125%| 20 hp | ‘Aug. winding temp. 91 Mex rotor temp. 126 Max bearing housing temp. | e| [50h | Avg. Winding tomp. 128) Max. etr temp. 139 Max. bearing hous 80 ee a 100 hp Avg, winding top. 94 | Max. rior temp. 127 pie bewhaRouehatenp. { 21]. ° 41] ot 200 hp | ‘Avg, winding trp, 31} 69| 80) 108 Max rotor temp, 39] 98} 130| 160| Max beatinghousingtemp. | 17] 37, 48/ - 58) IEEE 641 TEFO, 4 pole, 460V Notes: Bearing hausing temperature is the drive end bearing, Maximum rotor temperature is in the rotor bar. atures are the rise above amb) i These temper fe ambient. the load (TL). Tablo 1 ilustrates the impactot loading on various motor parts. VOLTAGE VARIATION. Voltage variation has been classified as a thermal stress because ofthe effect severe overvoltage, undervoliage, or Unbalanced voltage have on winding temperature, These all cause increased losses in the stator andior rotor that subsequently cause increased winding temperature and eventual failure. Table 2 shows the Impact of voltage variation for typical energy-fficient motors. Remember, the term’ insulation life Is cut in half for each 10° C increase In total winding temperature, VOLTAGE UNBALANCE NEMA MG 1-1998, 14.96.1 offers the following explana- tion ofthe mpactof voltage unoalance on motor performance and lif: “When the line voltage applied in a polyphase induction motor is not equal, unbalanced currents in the stator winding will result, A small percentage voltage unbal- ance will result in a much larger percentage current Unbalancs. Consequently the temperaturerise ofthe motor ‘operating ataparticularload andpercentage voltage unba ance willbe greater than for the motor operating under the ‘same conditions with balanced voltage.” The amount of unbalance is calculated as follows: Max. voltage deviation ._ fom average voltage 00, ‘Average voltage °% voltage unbalance Example: It Li, L2 and LS = 480, 467 and 450 volts respectively, the maximum deviation fom the average is 8 and te percent unbalance is $002. 1005 98% ‘A5% voltage unbalance is too high, except for very short Periods of time. Frequently, the operator does not know ‘TABLE 2: IMPACT OF VOLTAGE VARIATION ON TEMPERATURE RISE, | FULL LOAD AMPS AND EFFICIENCY FOR TEFC ENERGY-EFFICIENT, 4-POLE MOTOR | Votage “10% Normal 0% (ray) (460) (s0ev) HP attull | Temp | Fullload Temp | Full load Temp | Full load load | (0) | amos | etciency| ¢C) | amps | etfcioncy| (6) | amps. | Efficiency we @ yas | 900 | 86 | vs | oe | 65 720 | 18 | 2 Coie ies | a | ee a oe |) eo || ee || so | e | ose | sto | 60 s71 | sai | 62 | 526 | saa | 100 2 | 158 | o42 | 72 | t1a1 | 968 | oo | 1058 | 949 200 90 asa | oso | 77 | zee | 955 | 76 | 2153 | 957 ‘Saturationis the key o actualresults, EPACT, U-trame and other conservative designs (iow flux density) wll perform beter at +10% voltage compared to a highy-saturated design (IEC). 3-10 Copyright © 2002, Electrical Apparatus Service Aseectation ne, Version 6026-502) Root Cause Failure Analysis Winding Failures — Section 3 \wnatthe actual load, ror ean the operator contol. A 3% unalance wil resuit in at east, an 18° increase in winding | temperature rise is temperature, reducingthe ther- | about twice the square mnallfecftheinsdiatenteone. | othe percent votage quaner its original value. unbalance. Tneimpactoincreased ect. ing in the rotor bythe negative sequence votage may also alec the bearing and Woication ite iis recommended that voltage unbalance be held 0 no mote than 1% Rule of thumb ‘The percent increase Winding damage caused by single-phased condition ‘There are a variety of situations that can result in what is, commonly called a single-phased condition — the ultimate unbalanced voltage scenario. The problem can originate in the following areas: ‘+ On the primary side ofthe distribution transformer. + Atthe transformer. + On the secondary side ofthe transformer. + In the motor controls. + At the line to motor lead connections. + Inside the stator winding, ‘To assign responsibilty and to properly correct this situ ation, itis important to properly identity the source of the singlephase. itshouldalso be noted that here are anumber ‘of control devices that wil sense this condition and take the motor offline before serious damage occurs. The rotor can also be damaged during this condition due to severe over- heating caused by the non-symmetrical component that ‘xists due to unbalanced voltage. Depending on haw the motor is connected internally, the motor may run and even start while single-phased depend- ing on the amount of load the rotor is carrying, Five cases where three-phi single phased lta single phase conductor supplying a S-phase running motor is opened, the motor usually continues to run as a single-phase machine, But current drawn by the operating phases greater than design conditions for the winding, The operator may not discover single-phasing unt the winding is damaged. Under some conditions, the operator may not recognize it at al. Preventing troubla is simple: Use over load protectors in all three phases. sctrle motors may run me A) Typical pe condition 1. Typical single-phase conditions The motor-cicuit fuse blows or circuit opens be: cause of burned connection, worn switch contacts, tc, and the motor continues running. Two overload relays are sufficient to protect the moter. Suitable dual-element fuses may be used Instead of relays, This trouble often occurs because ralay heaters se- lected are too high, or have been tampered with or neglected. Check relays regulary seme? 6, “h- coment oA AS Open primary phase 2. Open primary phase Where transformers are connected wye-delta or delta-nye and have an isolated neutral, they can cause severely unbalanced three-phase current in a motor. Currentin one phase sometimes runs as much as twice that in the other phases. Ifthe high phase lacks relays, ike phase B above, the motor keeps on running until the winding Is damaged. On starting attempts, damage may be done betore the overload relays tip, Unbalanced primary phase 3. Unbalanced primary voltage Detta-wye, wye-detta transformers can also be a source of trouble. A 2% voltage unbalance in one phase of primary can cause 15% overcurrent in one. ‘motor phase. I this phase isthe unprotected one of a heavily-loaded motor, the winding can be damaged, Voltage unbalance isnt rare, so three relays are in order where you use this transformer connection. some Te) See jotor cope pS We Single-phase load Shunted single-phase loas 4, Shunted single-phase load ‘The shunted single phase-load can produce unbal- anced currents in a motor when one line is opened. Depending on the magnitude of the shunted joad and the load on the motor, one phase may carry currant high enough to damage the winding. This is another ‘case where detection may not be easy, s0 avoid Copyright @ 2002, Electical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version S02CI-502) 3-11 Section 3. inding Fallu ‘rouble with a third relay. Most modern starters pro vide plenty of space for easy installation of third relay. ——_— ar psf tar} ES Paraileled three-phase motors 5, Paralleled three-phase motors Parallaled three-phase motors that are supplied ‘rom the same power soufcs can exchange current under some circumstances when one line is open, ‘The larger motor (Number 1) wil supply unbalanced three-phase currentto the smaller motor (Number 2). ‘The smaller motor may be ableto start, butone phase will carry overload while the other two ines will carry almost normal current or lower. Again, damage may result to the unprotected phase, AMBIENT Mostindustrial motors are designed to operate ina 40°C. ambient. There are several key points to consider: + Donot assume average amibients; confirm thata 40°C. limitis acceptable. One hot month with a50° Cambient ‘could damage the bearing lubricant even though the Class F winding would stil function satistactoriy. Most of the time, the ambient consists of the heat generated by the heating or cooiing system surround: ing the motor (this would include the sun or lack thereo!). However, there are times when there are ‘other heat soureas in close proximity tothe motor that will have a significant influence on the surrounding ambient. The bearing and lubrication system is af- fected by these conditions. Recirculation commonly occurs when a motor oper- ates in a confined space. Air passing through or over the motoris heated and mingles with other airinside the confined area causing the ambient temperature torise ‘The already-warmed air then passes through or over the motor again creating a vicious cycle. Poor postion- ing of duct openings, such as on a Weather-protected ‘onclosure, can also result in recirculation, Items that could contribute to higher than normal ambient include coupling belting losses, the driven equipment, the process, piping, or plumbing and other machines in ciose proximity. Typical belting systems are in the 95% efficient ange which means that their losses could be as high as those of the motor. ‘tis best to tink of the ambient temperature as the sum of al heat sources including recirculation, that are influenc: ing the motor intake cooling ar. Figure 11 illustates the allowed temperature riso of the stator winding and bearing systems for changes n he total ambient to which the motor is exposed. Note that both systems must be considered, Root Cause Fallure Analysis FIGURE 11: THERMAL CHANGES Winding thermal changes vs. ambient Bearing temperature vs. ambient ‘Sa bow ae TABLE 3: EFFECT OF AMBIENT ON INSULATION LIFE [Ambient (6) Insulation ie (hours) 3 250,000 40 25,000 | 30 i 60,000 i 30 | 30,000 | Class F insulation with Class B rise Table 3 illustrates the effects on the Insulation life when the allowed temperature rise of the stator winding Is ex- coeded. LOAD CYCLING, STARTING AND STALLING During starting, a typical motor will draw anywhere from five 1 elght times the normal current required te run under fulrload conditions, I a motor is subjected to repeated starts within a shor period of time, the winding temperature will rapidly increase due to the high starting current. 3-12 Copyright © 2002, Electrical Apparatus Sorice Association, Inc. (Vion S02CI-502) Root Cause Failure Anal Winding Fallures — Section 3 FIGURE 12: EXAMPLES OF AIRFLOW ‘THROUGH MOTOR ENCLOSURES (Open dipproot motor susan Weather protected motor Depending on the specif application, each mator has its ‘wn imitations. For example, two motors are identical with ‘one driving a centritugal water pump and the other ahigh- ineria fywhee!. The motor used to drive the pump could be started many more times per hour than the one driving the flywheel and stil remain within safe thermal limits It there is some question as to how many starts can be safely made, check with the motor manufacturer. To save time, be sure to supply the specifics of the load such as ineria, weight, startingload speed torque curve and starting eycle. Another effect of thermal cycng is to cause expansion and contraction ofthe insulation system. Over an extended period of time, insulation materials will tand to become brite and crack. The insulation designer must be sure the materials are flexible enough to withstand this movement vwitnoutcracking, andyetnot so flexible as to causea fallure due to mechanical forces. Ifthe motor stalls or fails tocome up to speed, the heating will be greatly accelerated POOR VENTILATION Haat generated in the rotor and stator is dissipated by conduction, convection and radiation. Anything that ob: Sructs the flow of air through or over the motor, or that impedes tne radiation of heat trom the motor, will cause an increase in winding temperature. Figure 12 ilustrates the airiow for several motor enclosures. Anytiing that upsets this flow of air may cause the winding temperatura to CIRCULATING CURRENTS Within a winding, there are cases where circulating cur- rents contribute to the overall motor current and heating, without contributing to the torque developed to do work. ‘These harmful currents are present when a winding Is interleaved, when an incorrect sequence Is selected for a ‘motor with odd grouping or wnen each phase does nothave ‘the same numberoftotal urns. Alarge motor with damaged colls “cut out” of the elreut will often have circulating currents, Intheory, paralle!paths thatdonothave balanced voltage ‘can davelop circulating currents, The value ofthe circulating ‘current is equal to the voltage ditference divided by the Cireutimpedance. (Circuitimpedance = stator resistance + leakage reactance f te stator lot.) This crculating current adds to the ina current, producing FR losses equal to the ‘current squared. The effect is to reduce etficioncy and increase winding temperature. A better-known example of circulating currents is the two-speed, two-winding motor thathas been connectedusing the Incorrect jumpers (adja- cent versus skip pole). IRCULATING CURRENTS FIGURE 1: Paral circuits must have an equal number of total turns. The motor above was connected incorrectly. With 96 groups and 32 poles, the stator had 24 groups. ‘of 3 and 72 groups of 2, Itwas grouped incorrectly, and connected 2Y. The result: 5 groups of 2 calls were paralleled with 3 groups of3colis and 3 groupsof calls [x2 » (8x3)=(3x2). The result was high circulating ‘currents with extreme heating ofthe circuit containing 5 groups of 2 coils. U0000 C000 Copyright © 2002, Electrical Apparatus Service Associaton Ino. Version 502Ci-502) lon 3 — Winding Failures Root Cause Fallure Analysis This winding appears to be fay new, as avidencad by the condition ofthe coll extension. The varnish bubbled from the bore and the averall heated appearance of the stator iron, indicate the rotor was the heat source. A. shorted stator core will give simi the wedges would also be uniformly heated, Note the ‘molted tas, evidence that the coll extensions were hot. This is a typical overheating pattern for a form wound, stator where all cols have experienced similar thermal damage, Excessive currentin each phase overheated the winding which shorted turn-to-urn and then phase-to-phase, OVERLOADING Inthe bore of this synchronous motor, the siots spanned by each rotorpole show evidence of heat, while the slots between poles do not. Clearly the rotor was stationary when this occurred. An attemptto startthe motor withtoo much load is the probable cause of this pattern, Ex amples would include a loaded ball mil, a common ‘synchronous application. failed to acceierate to full speed causing the rotor bars to overheat and eventually mett, The thermal limit of the rotor bars was less than that of the stator winding, however, the windings were stil damaged. 3-14 Copyright © 2002, Electrical Apparatus Service Assocation, Ine. Version S02CI-S02) Root Cause Failure Analysis Wincling Failures — Section 3 IBALANCED VOLTAGE Unbalanced voltage can cause symmetrical overheating ofthe rotor and uneven heating in the stator. Depending on the ‘s0Uurc8 of the unbalanced voltage, the stator will have either one or two phases that show signs of overheating. The end turns may not show signs of overheating since they are cooler than the winding inthe sot, f there is adequate airflow. In this example, the voltage unbalance was severe enough that it eventually led to a ground ‘allure in the slot due to overheating ofthe rotor. The winding itself shows no damage except in the 4 poles around the stator, in the center. Tha cantar ofthe rotor was the hottest spot due to the unbalance, Copyright © 2002, lectical Apparatua Service Assacaton, In, (Version 502C'-502) 3-15 Section 3 — Winding Failures Root Cause Failure Analysis SINGLE PHASED This is a multispeed winding where two-thicds of the ‘groups are burnedin the single phasedconditon. iis also ossibie that this winding was connected for a part winding start and was left in the starting mode too long, This singie-phased condition rasulted trom an internal ‘open, A broken jumper, a wie broken at the star point or ‘a corner of a delta connection could each result In @ single-phased condition. Not all single-phased failures result from fuse or contactor problems. if a customer insists that the fuses are intact and finds no other evi- dence ofa single-phased condition, chacktheconnaction for evidence of open circus. (Se = In the most extreme cases of unbalanced voltage, damage may occur in seconds. Whether form call or random waund, the resulting patter is distinctive. Depending upon the design, the thermal ‘weak link" may be the rotor. ‘The windings above are wye connected and tailed during starting. One-third ofthe groupsare burned indicating the windings were subjectiosingle phasing, Theheating was. 0 severe that the aluminum rotor melted. The evidence of “lung” aluminum indicates that the motor was running {or a petiod of ie before it failed This stator appears tobe single phased, but upon closer inspection it was found to be anine lead motor that was rmiscannected, 3-16 Copyright ©2002, Electrical Apparatus Serloe Assocation Ine, (Version S02CI-502) Root Cause Failure Analysis Winding Failures — Section 3 ELECTRICAL STRESS lecrical stresses can range trom low-voltage turn stresses to high-speed, high-voltage transients. Electrical stresses include: + Dialectrc aging, + Transient voltages. + Partial discharge (corona) and tracking, Insulation inadequacies or defects are mechanical in ‘ature but can also lead to electrical stresses, It is dificutt to diferentiate between cause and effect when assessing the speciic cause of a winding failure associated with electrical stress. Mechanical, thermal and ‘environmental stresses can all break down an insulation system, both separately and collectively. In addtion, elec- trical stress can cause breakdovin whose appearance may resemble that of other stresses. Otten, the only practical Way to isolate the electrical stress is to eliminate other strosses as the cause ofthe failure. \Vortage variation and unbalanced vottage are not being considered as electrical strasses for this discussion. In- stead, they are treated as thermal stresses based on a rule cof thumb: the percent increase in temperature rise is abot ‘twice the square of the percent valtage unbalance. DIELECTRIC AGING Al insulation materials have a predetermined life cycle. Increased levels of electrical stross can resuit in an insula- tion system whose lfe expectancy is areatly reduced. This ‘process is similar tothe thermal aging process and occurs at a predictable rate unless the stress reaches extreme levels; then the failure is greatly accelerated. Improper selection of insulation materials can hasten this process as, ‘can material incompatibiiy. ‘TRANSIENT VOLTAGES A transient voltage is dafined as an unexpected change in voltage, such as a spike, which can be destructive to a motor winding. Transient voltages may occur, reducing Winding lte through premature falures such as turn-tosturn cr tumn-to-ground. During recent years, substantial evidence has shown that a significant number of motors are exposed to transient voltages. Transient voltages include: + Line-to-tine, line-to-ground, multkphase line-to- ground and 3-phase faults: These can cause Overvottages that can reach 3-1/2 times thelr normal peak values with extremely short rise times. Repetitive striking where the system is ungrounded andan intermittent groundonthe circuiteccurs causing high voltage oscillations and multiplication. Current limiting fuses: Where current interruption occurs, stored magnetic fed energy in the circuit inductance is not zero, causing voltage oscillations or resonance, ‘+ Rapid bus transters: When a motoris de-energized, the electromagnetic feldin the stator may take several ‘seconds to decay. During this time, the fleld synchro- + Opening and closing of circult breakers nizas to the decelerating rotor. ifan atempt is made to restart the motorbeiore the field decays, the combined voltages will be at greatly different frequencies. The resultcan be an RMS voltage in excess of 150% of line voltage, This start- Ing surges continually present. Animpulse wave can be produced that travels in a circuit at a specific rate. When acontact closes, arcing occurs due to apotential difference at the contacts. This arc influences the voltage wave entering the motor circuit. Surges can also occur when the breaker contacts do not engage wltaneously and bounce or vibrate, causing an irregular voltage wave of a surge variety (similar to repetitive restking). Use of high- speed motor control devices, such as vacuum contactors, can cause steep surges when ‘current chopping” is produced by the ‘opening of the contacts in a vacuum with ne are to sustain the current. Some devices have been shown, as discussed above, to produce fastrising surges ‘when the contacts slowly close in on each other. Capacitor switching: When capacitors are used for power factor improvement, surges can develop when they are switched off and on. Extremely high voltage ‘surges can occur during instances where a motor and ‘capacitor are switchedott gether disconnecting them from the power source, Magnitudes of the surge are sdependenton trevaluecof the capacitance. Capacitors, ‘switched with the motor area source ofexctation atthe ‘motor terminals and high voltages are induced. This, problem is usually great on high ineria drives where: speed reduction isa factor for continued excitation, Insulation failure: When a breakdown or puncture of the insulation occurs at points other than at the motor, impulse surges can develop. Such a breakdown, in high-voltage designs, can cause surge voltages that will exceed 8 times normal ine-to-ground voltages In ‘a system that is not solidly grounded, Lightning: Voltage surges can be caused by lightning through direct contact ofa lightning stike or by induc tionby anearby strike. These voltagewaves propagate along the line with the magnitudes of the crest a {function ofthe lightning current and rise times depen-

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