3 Little Pigs

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The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time, in a forest glade,

He ran to Cícero's wooden domain,
Three little pigs happily played.
"Let me in, dear pig, avoid the pain!"
Practical, Cícero, and Heitor, their names,
Built houses with different aims.
Cícero replied, "No way, you're not nice!
My wooden house will be my paradise."
Heitor, the first, was lazy and fast,
The wolf huffed and puffed, with fury and force,
"I'll build a house of straw, it will last!"
Cícero's house fell, without remorse.
Cícero, the second, with wood so fine,
"A wooden house, cozy and mine!"
Now the wolf, with hunger so deep,
Spied Practical's house, where secrets keep.
Practical, the last, worked diligently,
"Little pig, little pig, let me in now!
"A brick house is strong, just wait and see!"
Or I'll huff and I'll puff, and you'll take a bow!"
Nearby stood a big apple tree,
A witness to what soon would be.
But Practical, wise as could be,
Said, "Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin, you see!"
Along came the wolf, with eyes so sly,
The wolf huffed and puffed, to no avail,
"Little pigs, little pigs, oh, do not be shy!
Practical's brick house was the mighty grail.
Let me in your houses, let's be friends,
Or else I'll huff and puff till it all ends!"
Defeated and hungry, the wolf took flight,
The three little pigs slept soundly that night.
Heitor laughed and said with a grin,
And under the apple tree, they danced and played,
"Go away, big bad wolf, you won't get in!
Thankful their strong house had saved the day.
My straw house is quick, but not so strong,
You can't blow it down, you're oh so wrong!"
Remember, dear ones, work hard, be smart,
Build your dreams with a strong heart.
The wolf huffed and puffed, with all his might,
For with wisdom and effort, you'll surely find,
Heitor's straw house crumbled in the night.
A safe and happy home, with peace of mind.

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