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Sustainability and Green Blockchain: A Holistic

Approach Towards Energy-Efficient and

Eco-Friendly Distributed Ledger Technologies”
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Department of CSE Chandigarh University Mohali ,India

Abstract—In recent years, blockchain technology has seen of emerging technologies. Blockchain, in its current form,
significant growth and widespread adoption in various industries. often relies on energy-intensive consensus mechanisms and
However, one major drawback of blockchain investments is their resource-demanding protocols, contributing to a carbon foot-
substantial energy consumption, which has negative impacts
on both the economy and the environment. The main cause print that cannot be overlooked. In response to this urgency,
of concern is the generation of atmospheric carbon emissions our research endeavors to assess the environmental impli-
resulting from excessive energy usage. This research study aims cations of blockchain technologies and, more importantly,
to identify blockchain networks and systems that assert them- proposes a holistic approach towards making them not only
selves as environmentally friendly and determine which of them energy-efficient but also inherently eco-friendly.
produces the least amount of carbon emissions, such as Cardano,
Tezos, and Bitgreen. Our study has identified 23 blockchain The objectives of this study encompass a comprehensive
networks that consume significantly less power and release fewer analysis of the existing environmental concerns associated
carbon dioxide emissions compared to the Bitcoin network. Some with blockchain, including the examination of energy con-
of these environmentally friendly networks include Algorand, sumption patterns and their ecological consequences. Building
Fantom, MobileCoin, and Electroneum. Additionally, we have upon these insights, we present a strategic framework that
found various projects and organizations that support greener
blockchain initiatives, such as the Renewable Energy Certificate addresses the identified challenges and promotes sustainability
Mechanism, Green Digital Finance Alliance, GreenTrust, and in distributed ledger technologies. By emphasizing a holistic
the Energy Web Foundation. Key findings indicate the potential approach, we aim to guide the development and implementa-
for substantial reductions in energy consumption and carbon tion of blockchain solutions that align with the principles of
footprint. The proposed holistic approach not only addresses the
environmental responsibility.
environmental concerns associated with blockchain but also offers
a pathway for integrating sustainability into the core design of This research is not merely a technological exploration but
distributed ledger technologies. an advocacy for a paradigm shift in the ethos of blockchain
Index Terms—Green Blockchain,sustainability,Emission of development. By intertwining the advancement of technology
CO2,Cryptocoin with a profound commitment to environmental stewardship,
we envision a future where blockchain contributes positively to
I. INTRODUCTION both digital innovation and the preservation of our planet’s re-
In the rapidly evolving landscape of information technology, sources.Blockchain (BC) is a revolutionary technology that has
the intersection of blockchain and environmental sustainability brought about significant disruptions across various industries,
has emerged as a critical domain of inquiry. Blockchain, a including banking, finance, automotive, healthcare, and more.
decentralized and distributed ledger technology, has gained Its impact is far-reaching, with estimates suggesting substantial
widespread adoption in diverse sectors, offering unprecedented growth from 11.54billionin2022toaprojected162.84 billion
transparency, security, and efficiency. However, the surge in by 2027 (Statista, 2022). BC technology has the potential
blockchain applications has raised concerns regarding its sub- to revolutionize global trade and transactions. However, the
stantial energy consumption and environmental impact. process of cryptocurrency mining, which involves verifying
As societies worldwide grapple with the challenges posed transactions on a BC network, requires substantial compu-
by climate change and the depletion of natural resources, tational power and electricity consumption (Escobar et al.,
it becomes imperative to scrutinize the ecological footprint 2022). Unfortunately, a significant portion of the world’s
electricity is derived from non-renewable sources such as
Identify applicable funding agency here. If none, delete this. natural gas and coal, leading to a considerable carbon footprint
associated with BC’s energy consumption (BCI, 2023). II. BACKGROUND CONCEPT
Blockchain technologies have been proposed lately as a
Between 2018 and 2022, the annual electricity consump-
solution to a lot of operational concerns of the supply chain,
tion attributed to global cryptocurrency mining experienced
which could enhance the creation of economically, environ-
substantial growth, with estimates indicating a doubling to
mentally, and socially sustainable systems. Sustainability is
a quadrupling of usage. As of August 2022, published es-
one of the major concerns of various sectors nowadays, such
timates place the total global electricity consumption for
as the agri-food and pharmaceutical. The theoretical approach
cryptocurrencies between 120 and 240 billion kilowatt-hours
of blockchain technology in the agri-food and pharmaceutical
per year (WhiteHouse, 2022). This range surpasses the annual
sectors will be researched in order to determine the potential
electricity consumption of several individual countries like
use of blockchain technology in these sectors. In order to
Argentina or Australia. It constitutes approximately 0.4
approach the sustainable aspect of the implementation of such
The combined global electricity generation attributed to tools, it is also necessary to look into the relationship between
cryptocurrency mining with the highest market capitalizations blockchain and the enhancement of sustainable systems, as
leads to an approximate annual emission of 140 ± 30 million described in the literature.
metric tons of CO2. This accounts for approximately 0.3 A. Cryptocurrency minning
The notion of green BC has garnered significant attention In a BC network, miners are users who add new blocks to
in recent years, driven by apprehensions about the environ- the chain. To link a new block to the BC, miners must solve
mental consequences associated with cryptocurrency mining a mathematical puzzle (Alzoubi et al., 2021). This process,
and BC-based systems. Green BC entails the utilization of known as mining, requires powerful computing and consumes
BC technology in an environmentally sustainable manner, a lot of energy. Miners compete to solve the puzzle, and the
prioritizing the reduction of carbon emissions and energy first one to find a solution can add the next block. Validation in
consumption (Oudani et al., 2023). In recent times, there has BC is based on consensus, where everyone in the network has
been a surge in the establishment of green BC initiatives. the same information and accepts it as accurate (Gail, 2022).
These initiatives operate within the broader BC ecosystem, Due to the high computational requirements, cryptocurrency
which encompasses a comprehensive network of technologies, mining consumes significant energy and emits a big amount of
companies, organizations, and individuals engaged in the de- CO2 (Iberdrola, 2023). Consensus mechanisms play a critical
velopment, deployment, and utilization of BC-based solutions. role in powering the mining and validation of cryptocurrencies
The BC ecosystem represents a collaborative environment in distributed ledger technology systems. One of the most well-
where various stakeholders work together to advance the known consensus mechanisms used in BC networks is Proof
adoption and application of BC technology in diverse sectors of Work (PoW), which is employed by Bitcoin and the initial
(Qian et al., 2022). Green BC initiative’s goal is to advocate for version of Ethereum (Alzoubi et al., 2022c) to conduct the
the adoption of sustainable energy alternatives and to minimize mining process (Alzoubi and Aljaafreh, 2023).
the adverse effects associated with cryptocurrency mining and
BC operations (Varavallo et al., 2022).
The field of agricultural supply chain management seems to
According to the previous studies, there are not enough be benefiting greatly from the use of blockchain technology in
categorizations in the literature, to address the question of how addressing issues and enhancing many parts of supply chains.
BC might promote sustainability (e.g. (Massaro et al., 2020; Information and communication technology (ICT) systems
Calandra et al., 2023),). In (Massaro et al., 2020), the study’s have been widely used in cold chain management, but their
findings strongly emphasize sustainable production, efficient susceptibility to hacking has presented difficulties. Due to
energy management, and climate change. The primary use of its decentralized and trustworthy network, which improves
BC concerning sustainability is to lower supply chain costs security and information integration among chain participants,
(Calandra et al., 2023). Similarly, (Parmentola et al., 2022) blockchain technology is viewed as a solution. Blockchain
conducted a systematic literature review to look into how BC may enhance traceability and monitoring of product tempera-
technology is thought to be able to influence sustainability. tures in cold chains, maintaining product quality and customer
Their findings showed that BC technology may promote health. This is done by connecting smart contracts with IoT
environmental sustainability by enhancing energy efficiency, sensors.In order to improve transparency and traceability in the
encouraging the development of safe and dependable smart food supply chain and solve problems like contamination and
cities, and aiding the realization of a sustainable supply chain a lack of responsibility, blockchain technology is regarded as
(Parmentola et al., 2022). Accordingly, this study aims to being essential. Blockchain aims to minimize labour and main-
conduct an analysis and provide a summary of these initiatives, tain traceability, which saves expenses and food waste while
examining their efforts to promote the use of renewable energy replacing expensive and time-consuming traditional techniques
sources and mitigate the environmental impact associated with for protecting the food supply chain [14]. Blockchain can also
BC technology. This study answers the following research help all stakeholders engaged in the supply chain and deliver
questions. operational advantages across several industries. Cost savings,
higher standards of quality, risk mitigation, and sustainability trucks during the COVID-19 outbreak easier while promoting
are all in line with its main goals. The field of scientific study trust and openness [18]. Blockchain aids the adoption of
on blockchain technologies for the agri-food sector is continu- sustainable logistics and checks sustainability performance in
ously changing. To maintain supply chain traceability, studies transportation. It also enables green marketing through trace-
have concentrated on permissioned blockchain systems and able packaging [19]. Blockchain in reverse logistics enables
several Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs). Scalability the tracking of materials’ whereabouts and the verification
issues continue to be a problem, and there are currently just a of recyclers’ activities, improving closedloop supply chain
few experiments or pilot projects using blockchain technology management and encouraging sustainability. Smart contracts
to assure production conditions. Overall, the use of blockchain play a significant role in humanitarian relief by facilitating
technology seems to significantly enhance supply chain opera- quicker, more transparent, and more affordable transactions,
tions in fields including food traceability, and agri-food supply doing away with middlemen, and reducing corruption [20].
chain management, as it improves traceability, security, and Blockchain also contributes to the fight against illicit fishing
transparency, lowers costs and risks, and encourages supply by assuring traceability and blocking the selling of goods that
chain sustainability. were obtained unlawfully. Through crowdsourcing responsibil-
ity, it may impose labor and environmental norms around the
IV. BLOCKCHAIN IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR globe, bringing about social advantages. By creating transpar-
The blockchain technology has the potential to improve ent relationships between parties, blockchain solves problems
the security and traceability of the medicine supply chain, like food adulteration, food safety, and quality management in
according to the US Food and medicine Administration (FDA) the context of supply chain sustainability and the circular econ-
[15]. With the help of Frank Yiannas, a specialist in traceabil- omy. It promotes recycling, decreases waste, and improves
ity technologies, the FDA launched a pilot study in 2019 to product return management in reverse supply chains. Imple-
investigate how to use blockchain technology to strengthen the menting blockchain along with big data improves agricultural
US food supply [11]. By monitoring operations, identifying processes, such as tracking soil nutrients, managing irrigation,
responsible parties, and enabling real-time access to infor- and maintaining quality. It also improves the environmental
mation regarding product quality, blockchain technology can effects of transportation while lowering carbon emissions
offer benefits in automating and controlling pharmaceutical [21]. Blockchain, when combined with IoT and crowdsourc-
cold chains. By continually monitoring product temperatures, ing platforms, enhances information management systems,
it also makes data integration easier and guarantees resource supply chain security, and provides consensus methods to
efficiency. As a component of the healthcare supply chain, increase supply chain agility and resilience. Enhancing supply
the pharmaceutical cold chain encompasses several parties chain data storage, transparency, protection, and dependability
and presents issues with temperature control, the depend- through blockchain integration with IoT and RFID. Especially
ability of the infrastructure, and a variety of approaches. in the face of disruptions brought on by events like natural
IoT, RFID, and wireless sensor networks are just a few disasters and viral outbreaks, the adoption of digital platforms
examples of the technologies that have been used to improve powered by blockchain, IoT, and cloud computing plays a
coordination and communication inside the cold chain [16]. crucial role in supply chain risk management and resilience
Improving electronic health records and addressing difficul- strategies. Examining at many organizational levels as well
ties with counterfeit goods are all addressed by integrating as taking cultural aspects, norms, and industrial environment
blockchain technology into the cold chain. The tracing features into account is necessary for the implementation of blockchain
of blockchain are essential for assuring medication security in sustainable and ethical supply chains. Adoption roadblocks
and fostering confidence. Blockchain technology can help including issues with data ownership, privacy worries, and
waste management in the pharmaceutical business by ensuring IT integration must be resolved. The study of closed-loop
data privacy, compliance, cost effectiveness, and speed in supply chains, the circular economy, and reverse logistics is
trash collection and disposal. Papers have been replaced with expanding, with blockchain and IoT advancing “product return
electronic medical records. management” and best practices. Long-term advantages come
from “Physical Internet” and green manufacturing, and the
A. . Integration of Sustainability Pillars in Blockchain Imple- combination of complementary technologies with blockchain
mentation improves the efficacy of blockchain applications in supply
In order to develop sustainable operations in supply chains chains, promoting social, environmental, and economic sus-
across multiple industries, blockchain technology seems to tainability [17]. The implementation of blockchain technology
provide a number of advantages. Blockchain enables the seems to be a catalyst to the creation of more sustainable
tracking of sustainability performances, supplier development, supply chain systems. In order to establish these arguments,
and the elimination of intermediaries in terms of vendor we are investigating real-life implementation examples of such
selection and supplier development. Additionally, it aids in the technologies in the sectors mentioned above, detecting the
monitoring of environmental effects brought on by upstream concerns arising during the implementation process and exam-
suppliers, improving vendor selection and fostering a healthier ining the impact of their use on the supply chain management,
environment [17]. Blockchain makes service operations on in terms of sustainability.
V. METHODOLOGY solutions, which will contribute to the growth and adop-
tion of BC-based cryptocurrencies while aligning with
• Our primary aim is to detect the most widespread
environmental goals (Casper, 2023). The growing energy
blockchain applications in the agri-food and pharmaceu-
consumption of cryptocurrencies has attracted significant
tical industries and the assessment of their adoption con-
media attention, particularly following Tesla CEO Elon
cerning their economic, environmental and social impact.
Musk’s announcement in May 2021. Musk announced
For this reason, we conducted the following searches in
that Tesla will stop accepting Bitcoin as payment owing
Scopus Database:
to issues with the environment related to its energy
use. This decision brought further awareness to the is-
sue and sparked discussions about the sustainability of
cryptocurrencies (Iberdrola, 2023). Additionally, research
conducted by institutions such as the Judge Business
School at Cambridge University has also confirmed
the increasing energy consumption of cryptocurrencies.
• The results of this search included both theoretical and
These studies have provided empirical evidence and data
case studies concerning the implementation of blockchain
to support the concerns raised regarding the environmen-
in these sectors. Excluding the theoretical reviews, we
tal impact of cryptocurrencies, further contributing to the
observed that the available literature on the real-life
ongoing dialogue surrounding their sustainability.
applications of blockchain is very restricted. Research
1) Traditional BC networks, particularly those built on
articles may gain insight from using grey literature as a
the PoW algorithm, have come under fire for their exces-
valuable resource. Grey literature is used for a variety of
sive energy usage and CO2 emissions. Alternatives that
reasons [22, 23]. Studies having null or negative results
are in line with the increasing concern for environmental
that may not otherwise be communicated might give
sustainability are provided by green BC initiatives.:
data not available in commercially published literature
2) Governments and regulatory bodies may impose
through grey literature, which serves as an essential
stricter environmental regulations on BC networks. By
venue. Additionally, including grey literature might lessen
being aware of and supporting green BC initiatives,
publication bias, improve the thoroughness and timeliness
businesses and individuals can stay ahead of potential
of reviews, and promote a balanced assessment of the
regulatory changes.:
information that is already available. Finally, grey lit-
3) Eco-friendly BC solutions and research into energy-
erature can document unpublished research as well as
efficient consensus algorithms are driven by green BC
discoveries in specialized or developing fields of study.
efforts. The BC industry as a whole may experience more
Grey literature may also be a great source of unprocessed
acceptance and improved productivity as a result of these
data. Grey literature can be challenging to look for and
find, and it may be a major obstacle to conducting a
thorough search for data. However, a systematic review VI. GREEN BC CRYPTOCURRENCIES
may benefit greatly from a well-planned grey literature This section provides a response to RQ1. Various green
search technique. For these reasons, we searched the BC cryptocurrencies have been proposed as alternatives
grey literature in order to collect data on the level of to PoW-based systems. These cryptocurrencies are de-
implementation of these technologies in the industry, as signed to reduce the environmental impact associated
well as the assessment of their economic, environmental with traditional PoW systems. They strive to be more
and social impacts. sustainable and inflict less damage on the planet. Notably,
these green BC cryptocurrencies appear to be highly
A. The need for green BC
efficient when it comes to their energy requirements,
In response to concerns about the environmental impact making them more environmentally friendly compared to
of traditional digital currencies, efforts have been made to PoW-based cryptocurrencies. This section discusses these
create alternative models that prioritize low environmen- solutions. The 23 green BC are included in Table 2 along
tal effects. These alternative cryptocurrencies are often with a comparison of each BC’s possible advantages and
referred to as “green cryptocurrencies.” Green cryptocur- disadvantages.
rencies aim to reduce the carbon footprint associated with
the mining and validation processes of digital currencies VII. GREEN BC SUPPORT INITIATIVES
(White-Case, 2022). These techniques should optimize This section provides a response to RQ2. Although many
performance, reduce energy consumption, and address green BC initiatives are still in their early stages, they
environmental concerns. The future of the BC industry is have already yielded notable outcomes and progress.
increasingly influenced by sustainability considerations. However, the impact of these projects has been relatively
The ongoing research and innovation in the industry aim limited thus far, given their nascent development status.
to create more sustainable and efficient cryptographic Nonetheless, the following highlights some significant
achievements and advancements resulting from these IX. CONCLUSIONS
endeavors. These supports can be categorized into three BCs offer numerous advantages, including openness and
major themes; renewable energy, carbon neutrality, and anonymity, but they also require significant financial
energy efficient use. resources to operate effectively. In recent years, the
BC industry has witnessed various technological ad-
vancements and initiatives aimed at improving energy
efficiency. This study aimed to identify and analyze
DIRECTIONS these initiatives, examining their impact on electricity
consumption and CO2 emissions. The study identified
The findings of this study rely primarily on information and discussed 23 BC platforms that make environmental
obtained from green BC websites, as well as professional or green claims. These platforms were evaluated in terms
websites, blogs, and agencies in the field. However, it of their potential to reduce CO2 emissions and enhance
is important to note that research in this area is limited energy efficiency. Additionally, the study identified sev-
due to the early phase of expansion of the green BC eral initiatives that incentivize and reward the reduction
initiatives. Furthermore, it is important to note that the list of CO2 emissions within the BC industry. These initia-
of 23 identified cryptocurrencies is not exhaustive. While tives include Solarcoin, the Renewable Energy Certificate
there are several more cryptocurrencies available online Mechanism, BFCF, the Green Digital Finance Alliance,
that are described as green BC, the selection provided in the Crypto Climate Accord, Clean Energy Buyers As-
this paper is based on the availability of data related to sociation, ReGal 38183, Treelion, EFFORCE, Chimpzee,
these specific cryptocurrencies. Further research is needed DEX, Green Technology Asia, MIRIS, Tomorrow, Green-
to enhance our understanding and foster innovation in Trust, Ecoterra, the BC Climate Institute, the Global BC
this domain. It is recommended that authorities might Business Council Sustainability Working Group, and the
encourage and fund research and development initiatives Energy Web Foundation.
that enhance the sustainability of cryptocurrency mining. The increasing popularity of green coins and projects in
Energy system estimations play a crucial role in predict- the BC industry is driven by their potential for scala-
ing future energy consumption, considering factors such bility and reduced CO2 costs. These initiatives prioritize
as service demands, available power alternatives, costs, environmental sustainability and attract a significant user
and technology efficiency (WhiteHouse, 2022). However, base. Their advantages are likely to inspire the devel-
the current estimations often fail to accurately reflect the opment of new BC solutions that prioritize ecological
energy consumption of digital technologies such as BC concerns and drive improvements in existing ones. The
networks. This flaw leads to inaccurate energy forecasts study’s findings offer valuable insights into the ongoing
specifically for digital systems. To improve energy fore- efforts to promote environmentally friendly operations in
casting for digital systems, it is necessary to address the BC industry. The research identifies potential BC
this modeling flaw and develop estimation techniques platforms and compares their power consumption and
that properly account for the energy consumption of CO2 emissions, providing a helpful starting point for
BC networks. By incorporating these factors into the companies planning to adopt eco-friendly BC solutions.
modeling process, more accurate energy projections can Additionally, the paper presents a list of organizations
be obtained, enabling better planning and management of that incentivize firms to reduce their CO2 emissions,
energy resources in the context of BC mining. encouraging the adoption of greener BC platforms by
Moreover, it is essential to analyze how the currency’s these entities. It serves as a valuable resource for un-
blocks are created and maintained. Understanding the derstanding the current landscape of green BC initiatives
process of block creation and maintenance provides in- and advocates for further research and innovation in this
sights into the energy consumption associated with the field.
cryptocurrency (Iberdrola, 2023). Future research may
also focus on scaling issues in green BCs to help them REFERENCES
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