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Your Challenge:

All cars that burn fossil fuels should be banned and electric cars should replace
them. Do you agree or disagree?


Paraphrase: Cars which run on fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel, gasoline etc., have
to be banned and replaced with electric cars.

State opinion and main reasons: Agree. Environmentally friendly and renewable
energy soures are cheaper.


Topic sentence: Electric cars are environmentally friendly

Explain: No carbon emissions in electric cars.

Explain: Reduces global warming.

Example: Tesla electric car versus normal cars.


Topic sentence: Electric cars are cost efficient.

Explain: Fossil fuels are costlier than electricity.

Explain: Regeneration of fossil fuel takes more time. So higher the dependence on
fossil fuels means higher the cost of fossil fuels to purchase.

Example: Middle eastern countries surging up the rates of crude oils.


Reiterate opinion and summarise: Agree because electric cars have recduced
enivronmental impact and cheaper refilling costs

How to submit your task:

1. Complete your task in this document and email it to my team at with “5 Day Challenge Day One” in the subject line.

2. My team will send you the feedback lesson that you’ll need to identify your
weaknesses and learn how to correct them. Make sure to watch it carefully and
compare your answers honestly!

3. When you’re ready, you should move on to the next lesson, complete that task and
email it to my team with “5 Day Challenge Day Two” in the subject line. After just five
days of repeating those steps, you will have successfully completed the challenge
and improved your Task 2 essay skills!

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