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TASK 2: Chart 2: Style Pre-Writing Chart

In each column, choose rhetorical choices from each passage. Provide an

example (quote) next to each mood and tone word. See the examples below and then
find your own.
The American Embassy Ishwari’s Children
Diction/Word Choice Formal: "she wanted to Informal: "Gone was the
(Formal or informal) go back to their steady thrum of
ancestral hometown Ishwari; the calm
and plant ixora flowers, bustle of the household
the king whose needle- and of the village as
thin stalks she had they went about their
sucked as a child." day was a distant
Sentence Structure Simple: "She wanted to Simple Sentence: “The
(Simple, compound, go back to their pale winter sun had
complex) ancestral hometown found the one place
and plant ixora where it could live its
flowers." former glory and
showed no mercy.”
Point of View First-person: "I'm First-person: "the stark
(1st or 3rd) Ugonna's mother." whiteness was
everywhere, everything
around me seemed to
Rhetorical Appeal Pathos: "She wanted to Pathos: "The sand and
(Ethos, logos, pathos) go back to their the sun dazzled and
ancestral hometown benumbed my little-boy
and plant ixora flowers, eyes: the stark
the king whose needle- whiteness was
thin stalks she had everywhere, everything
sucked as a child" around me seemed to
Literary Conventions Imagery: "she wanted to Metaphor: "the dried
(Irony, metaphor, imagery) pluck and suck at them kaash and grass, like
while squatting in the the fine sun-bleached
dirt" thinning hair of the very

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