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Finding People With Email Lists

In this module we’re going to go through the more traditional style of Joint Venture
partnerships. Working with people who have email lists. Traditionally this has been
the core meathod that the vast majority of people talk about when it comes to doing
Joint Ventures, someone has an email list and they promote you to that list. In this
module we’re going to go through several meathods of finding this type of joint
venture partner.

Using LinkedIn to Find People

● Go to LinkedIn, and type in the name of the influencer in your space, of the size
of the JV that you want to do. So let’s say you wanted to do a JV with someone
who has 10k-20k people on their mailing list, in that case you would want
someone who isn’t huge in that space, but sort of medium, so think of that
name and type that into the search bar. And since email lists are where the bulk
of your JV comes from, this step is very important.
● Your next step is to find ideas for other people, and for this step it’s really
important that you at least know a couple of people in your target niche. If you
don’t, you need to start conducting research, look on google, and search for
people in your niche. But really, the way to kind of expand out ideas of people
that you can contact, people who have your target audience, this is a great
way of doing it.
● Type in the name of the person that you know is great in your niche, I’ve typed
in Christian Mickelson, because I know that he’s a big player in my niche.
● Now that you are on their page, the gold mine is on the right side of the page.
LinkedIn gives you a whole bunch of related people, who might be in the same
niche, under ‘People Also Viewed”:
● Press ‘Show more’ at the bottom of the ‘People Also Viewed’, and more people
will come up. Now, typically what you’ll find is these recommended people will
generally target the same audience. How you check that of course, is by going to
their page and checking their details, see this example of Ajit, the first person
mentioned in the list highlighted above – his experience tells me all I need to
know, that he targets the same audience I do:

You can also use the same method to check who wouldn’t be a good fit, for
example, Alexis, the second person in the recommended list, doesn’t target
coaches, so I can ignore this recommendation:
If I go through this recommended list, within 5 minutes I will have at least 5-10
great people to add to my hit list, to contact. So this is one way that we find
people with relevant email lists, another way that we use is:

Using Facebook to Find People

● I would take a couple of the people I’ve found in my LinkedIn search, and I’d
friend them over at Facebook. Now, sure, some of those people will not accept
your friend request, but a lot of people will also simply accept your friend
request because it’s there. Take me for example, I have some 2400+ friends,
and I don’t even know about 2300 of them! Most of them are just people who
I’ve accepted as a friend over time as they’ve found out about me and what I
● So once I friend a couple of these people, I will go to their profile, (this next
step is admittedly a big task, and I only recommend it if you need to sell
really far off JVs) and I will go through their friend list to see if it gives me
any more JV ideas.

Why this is helpful is because people who are semi-big in space will know
other people who are semi-big in the same space, and Facebook already does
the heavy lifting for you. If you go through their friend list, Facebook will
already sort their friend list by how similar they possibly can be to you and this
friend. Now, since you and this friend have only this demographic and this
business in common, Facebook will recommend other people who also possibly
have that in common with you.
Right off the bat, I found that the four top people mentioned may be perfect for me!
This way I immediately get pointed towards someone who I might not have known
about before. Marc does exactly what I was looking for, so I check further to make
sure he is a good addition to my hit list before I add him, I check his website, his
About section, etc.

● The second guy recommended, Charles, has experience in JVs but not directly
in my target audience, so I’ll look further; perhaps at his company website.

When we look further we see that his company page doesn’t target my audience, so
now I know.
He doesn’t target my audience. Marc, however, does. So he is a good pick.
I would do this a few more times till I have enough people to add to my list. This is a
longer process, but you’ll get some amazing people this way.

● Once you do this with a few people, you’ll come up with 50 or 100 new names,
just doing this exact process!

So this is it! This is the full process! Find a few people on LinkedIn, friend the, go
through their friend list, start scrolling down and start looking into their profiles!
Check their about me section, their tagline, their website, what they do, see all of it
and see if it is a good fit. If they are, wonderful, add them to the hit list. If they are
not, don’t ☺
What an Email Promotion Looks Like

An email promotion looks like this:

This is an example of Rob Goyette sending an email promotion to his email list,
promoting Christian Mickelsen, and you can see how his target link is embedded
several times through the email. The link goes to his training site:
Another example is this email promoting Marisa, and this is also called the email swipe:
And the links go to Marisa’s site, as that’s the landing page being promoted in this
email. This is something they all have in common, they’ll all have links taking the
audience to the landing page being promoted.


● With all email promotions, you’ll want to make sure that the person
who is mailing it for you has the mailing list of at least a 1000 people or
above, at the very lowest. Any less than that and it makes no sense to do
the promotion because it won’t do anything, it won’t even generate sales
calls for you.
● It’s comparatively very difficult to see how big an email list is, as
compared to a Facebook group, a meetup group, or a LinkedIn group,
because there you get the numbers directly. So you’ll only have you best
estimate of how big a mailing list is, and the way that I determine it is by
looking at the size of that person’s Facebook fan base. Let’s look at Ajit.
Ajit has 44 thousand fans on his page, as you can see here:
Typically, there’s a very direct correlation between a Facebook fan base and mailing
list, and I would guess that Ajit’s mailing list is about 44k strong. Now, this isn’t
universal and it’s not always the case, but it’s a good rule of thumb to make a
guesstimate. So I consider that 1 fan on Facebook = 1 person on the mailing list. But
like I said, it’s not guaranteed. So when you log Ajit and you need to enter the size of
his mailing list, put that estimate there and remember that it’s an estimate.

So this is how you find JV partners with email lists, and bear in mind that a very
vast majority of your successful promotion will come from people with mailing lists.

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