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Speaker 1 [00:00:00] We're going to start with a higher self guided journey where you will
be finding some of your resources in yourself personally for you to use as a coach, for you
to use if you're a meditation teacher or if you're becoming or you are an energy coach. So
this higher self journey meditation is also a session plan. You can take a client through this
session plan in your coaching work. I would wait till about session three or four. Make sure
the client knows that this is a closed eyed process, usually they can have their eyes open,
actually, but it's a very personal experience. So a client should kind of know a little bit
about it before they do that and want to go inward and find these kind of inner resources.
And I try to make my language as universal as possible because we are a wide you know,
we're our group is very diverse. We have different cultural backgrounds, different spiritual
belief systems, different words we relate to. So I do my best. However, I always tell I
always tell my clients or groups to just let any word wash off you that might not fit into your
world view and replace it with your own word. Now, one of the really cool things about
guiding meditations, one on one with a client and this kind of journey process to find
resources is that the client can talk to you through the experience. So it's very different
than doing this in a group setting or with a YouTube or something. When you're working
with a client, they can share, oh, my resources in nature are the mountains or there's a
river or I'm with a beautiful flower and the coach can find out more about that. And actually
today, as a first step of feeling comfortable with this, when you practice or when you talk
about it, it can be just about that resourcing in nature. So the part of this guided journey
that is just about resourcing in nature is its own way to create elevation. And actually, I'm
not going to have you practice that because we're going to start the next session with
another kind of. So Skip, what I just said after we're done doing this experience for you
personally, then you're just going to go into a room with another student a few minutes
later just to share, share what you experience, what your resources were. You won't be
coaching each other. You won't have to guide anyone through this. So you can just relax
and enjoy this process for yourself. One thing I noticed when I was reviewing for today was
that I, I always and team, can you tell me what page it's on? I'm looking for it. Thirty six.
Thank you. If you've been a student for a while with us, you know that I like to redo things
and I like to fine tune them and make them better. And one thing I realized is I really prefer
to lead a guided journey without a script. I can tune into my own higher self to do that
much better if I'm not using my mind to read something. And I also realize that while I give
you in this script a stage where we talk about one, two, three, four, and no going to that
place, like kind of the next level, that's very classical hypnosis, actually, and it's fine to use
that. But I find when I'm doing guided journeys, I don't use that. Naturally, I don't I don't no
things. It's OK to number them. It's OK not to. And actually, I'm going to open up to the
unknown and not know what's going to happen when I guide this journey. So the way I
would prepare, I'm going to prepare with you right now. I'm going to just look at the
headings. So and I'm going to trust that I don't miss anything. So the first steps on page

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thirty seven are for relaxation, breathing, going into one's self, noticing where the breath
goes, kind of doing a body scan. And then the next step is experiencing a landscape in
nature, opening your senses first, it's opening your senses to your inner landscape, and
then part three is exploring a place in nature. And that's the place where the client will find
or you and I today will find our resources in nature feeling that whatever it is that
empowers us and brings us strength and relaxation and excitement and flow and presence
in nature. And then we're going to walk on a bridge or find some stairs or a special place in
nature. We'll see how that unfolds. And then we will go to the next level of our journey and
we'll meet our higher self or a teacher of our higher self, and let's talk about that for a
minute. What is a higher self? So some of you might have a strong feeling already about
what that is, it might be an intuition inside of you, it might be a kinesthetic feeling of
alignment, like an inner. Yes, it might be feeling your energy flowing. It might be your trust
in God or the universe or love. Or unity or peace. It might be a specific angel or archetype
or person that embodies the sense of your higher self or animal, or you might meet an
animal guide or a teacher of some kind. It could be a plant. It could be something in
nature. It could be it could be a religious metaphor. It could be a symbol that is like a
teacher about your higher self, how to connect more with your higher self. So we give
those options in this guided journey. And that's really the whole point of this guided journey
experience is to get a better experience of that connection with one's deepest truth. That's
how I like to think of the higher self. It's like the deepest truth, like that part of our being
that is most aligned, most full of love and clarity and healing and healthy energy and
power. That's the way I relate to the higher self. And it's something I connect to in myself
before every coaching session, every teaching session, when I'm going into a stressful
environment, before I meditate, before I do yoga or energy healing of any kind with myself,
I connect first with my higher self or with one of my guides that is there to increase my
hearing and my feeling and my ability to experience my own truth. So for me, this is a daily
practice. But of course I don't have to go through all this. I might just it always sounds so
funny to me that I might just sing. The way I connect now with my higher self the most is
through voice making tones, allowing any sounds to come forth and sometimes a little bit
of a prayer. But that's the way I connect with my higher self. Someone else might have
images or thoughts or a dance they do or a sense in their body. So there's not a right or
wrong way. And then when we close the meditation. We come back down our path and
then we close the meditation again, I have in the script account back and the count back is
nice to know because if a client ever was uncomfortable. On their journey or they felt some
experience that was that was startling or unknown and they didn't want to do it. They're in
control. They can say, I want to be I'm not comfortable and say, OK, great, let's just count
back from the count of five to one. Just notice your breath. Five, take a nice deep stretch
or breath. Notice your feet. Three, you might feel very awake, too. You can stretch and
connect to your body. One, you can open your eyes, look around and see the room. And it
gives structure for coming out of that kind of creative mind. Relax state into regular reality,
regular room. Like I said, people do not have to close their eyes to do this, to do this
guided process. So let's see how you experience it. And try to listen from your body, from
your heart, from your inner being, not from your thoughts or your logical mind, OK? And
you're only meant today to enjoy this and connect to your higher self. You don't have to
worry about using this in your practice in any way. Today is just for the experience. Any
important questions before we begin, write them into the chat, I just want to make sure
nobody is going into this in any way with a question that that is that is really nagging at
them. Actually, I thought a really great

Speaker 2 [00:10:14] question here for Cynthia. If we've done this before. Should we try to
go to the same place and meet the same guy, or you just find a new experience each

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Speaker 1 [00:10:26] I would trust yourself with that. Cynthia, if you want to go back to that
same place in nature, go back. If you enjoy the guide and you want to know that guide
more, go to that guide. If you if you're open to seeing a different experience, make that
your intention. But you're completely in charge. And Magali, go ahead. OK, so we have
Eger team members here. OK, so Adrian has a great question too. And I don't know if you
addressed that Magali. What do you recommend for people who have trouble visualizing?
You don't need to visualize, so I'm so glad you're asking that. And actually, we're going to
begin energy coach training with this, this exact thing that everybody has different ways,
they relate to their senses. So part of this guided journey is to open up your different
senses. So opening up your sense of hearing, your sense of feeling, your kinesthetic
sense in your body, your sense of just knowing and, yes, your sense of seeing if that
works for you many. It does not work for me. I feel things in my system. I know them. I
don't I rarely see them. Most of the time I'm leading guided meditations. I'm just in a kind of
purple color. That's all I see. So we can go with the way we experience the journey and we
can learn as we as we get more used to this work, we will learn to translate what we feel
emotionally or experience kinesthetically or hear into more of a relatable like we can
translate it into words. Sometimes it's very much not located in the realm of words or
thoughts. So also you can use your thoughts. Your mind is there. Thank you mind for
always being there. Do not hesitate just to just to think things. That's OK. So if I say, you
know, imagine a place in nature you really love right now, you're probably having some
thoughts. Some of you are seeing that thought. Some of you are feeling the air in that
place. Some of you are asking yourself, do I like the beach better or do I like the
mountains? Hmm. Not sure. Do I like snow or do I like sun? Great. Your mind is helping
you have those thoughts. Welcome the thoughts. Notice what that thought is like. So the
less you try to control the way you experience your senses, the richer the experience will
be. So I hope that answers. And if you've just had lunch, great. Lie down if you want. I
believe the right side is a better side to lie on when digesting. It's OK if you doze off. Don't
worry about it. Just take this fifteen minutes or so time to relax as you listen to the to the
guided journey.

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