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1. Title : How to Avoid Foolish Opinions :

Penned by: Bertrand Arthur William Russell

Laurels: Nobel Prize in literature, Kalinga Prize

Notable works: Principia Mathematica, The Problems of Philosophy.

Genre: Logical atomism, logic, philosophy of Mathematics.

Major Theme: Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance.

Introduction: Russell’s article ‘How to avoid foolish opinions’, a thought provoking essay
that exhibits intense human interest and discusses many mistakes, mankind is prove to
make and ends with a lively ray of hope. Russell elaborates about controversies and
customs, mentions things that affect people’s opinions, such as self-esteem, dogmatic
opinions and how we might get past them. He was an advocate for reason and humanism,
and a dedicated defender of freedom of speech and freedom of thought.
General Relevance: The contents of this article expressed in a highly intellectual way and
scholarly style. The Nobel laureate, Russell’s clarity of thought and fluency of
expression and beauty to his style, dealt with elements of cheerfulness and gentle humour
in this eminent and thought-provoking essay.
Textual lines:
1. “A few simple rules will keep you, not from all errors, but from silly errors.”
2. “If the matter is one that can be settled by observation, make the observation yourself.”
3. “Persecution is used in theology, not in Arithmetic because in Arithmetic, there is
knowledge, but in theology, there is only opinion.”
4. “A good ray of ridding yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism is to become aware of
opinions held in social circles from your own.”
5. “Be very vary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.”

General Quotes:

1. “Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance.”

2. “A little foolishness, enough to enjoy life, and a little wisdom to avoid the errors, that
will do.”
3. “Life is beautiful if we do not do foolish things.”

2. Title: The Awakening of Women :

Penned by: Kavalam Madhava Pannikkar: -A Statesman,

-A Diplomat,
-A Prolific writer.
Laurels: Ambassador of India to France, National Sangeet Natak Academy
Prize, Famous as Diplomat.
Notable works: India and The Indian Ocean, Indian Natrionalism.
Major Theme: position of women and transformation of women’s status in India.
Introduction: K.M. Panikkar’s, The Awakening of Women is an interesting essay about the
position of Women in India overtime. Panikkar, A State man, A diplomat who published
50 books and numerous articles in Malayalam and English. The article deals with the
status of women over various periods and backed with supporting details, mainly
focussed on impact of Gandian Movement, transformation in women’s progress,
emancipation and seclusion of Purdah system.
General Relevance: The write-up is remarkable for its clarity in ideas and their expression to
reflect the position of India over a period of time, succeeds in establishing the fact that
the empowerment of women, forced the certain of a new code of laws, a new morality
and a new principal of family organization.
Textual lines: 1) “The great part of that the women of India played in the Non-Cooperation
movement and the position they have achieved result of sudden transformation.”
2) “Gandhiji realised that there was a source of immense untapped power in the womanhood
of India.....”
3) “Gandhiji’s Non – Cooperation movement that women were encouraged to come forward
and participate in the life of the nation.”
4) “But when the movement was actually started, women were everywhere at the forefront.”
5) “Equal participation of women in the struggle thus became the motto of “Satyagraha”.”
6) “The contribution of women to modern India may therefore be said to have led to a
reintegration of social relationships.”
General Quotes:
1. “ The idea of perfect independence is perfect Womanhood.”
2. “There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is
improved .It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.”----Swami Vivekananda
3. “The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is the treatment to its women.”
4. “The uplift of the women must come first and then only real good come about for the
country for India,”-----Swami Vivekananda

3. Title: Solution to Plastic Pollution:

Adopted/cited from: The Internet

Focussed on: Dr. RajaGopalan Vasudevan

–Plastic Road Man

-Plastic Man of India

Laurels: Padma Shri

Field: Research in chemistry

Notable works: Developed very simple and effective technology on plastic waste

Major Theme: Mainly focussed on Dr.Vasudevan’s research on the methods

of recovery and reuse of plastic waste.


Solution to Plastic Pollution is about Dr. Vasudevan’s dedicated research Project,

Mainly focussed on the methods of recovering and reuse of plastic waste, and it is
adopted from ‘The Internet’. Dr.Vasudevan persued his career as a faculty, Dean and
Head of the dept’ of chemistry at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, is better known as
‘Plastic Road Man’ with a mission of ‘Clean India’ to change the general garbage culture
of the people.

General relevance:

Dr. Vasudevan exhibited his new technology, If used properly, is advantageous in

various ways to mankind, with a low cost and simple techniques ushered in a new era in
laying roads, highlights his vision for the country and the future of his motherland.

Science and ethical values definitely go hand in hand as seen clearly in

example of the Professor Vasudevan.

Textual lines:

1. “The man behind the tar-topped tracks is known as Madurai’s Plastic Road Man.”
2. “He could easily be mistaken for a ‘Sanskrit Pandit’ if you heard him quote the holy text
as a solution to any problem in the world.”
3. “The low-profile professor says, “I want to change the general garbage culture of
4. “He recalls with a gentle smile what Kalan told him, “One day your test will become the
5. “Dr. Kalan’s words proved prophetic.”
6. “Application of knowledge is very important.”
7. “But I think it my duty to serve my country first and therefore, I gave it free to the Indian

8. “It serves the twin purpose of increasing quality of roads and also solving the problem of
plastic disposal.”

General Quotes:

1. “I want to change the general garbage culture of people.”

2. “We learn and known so many things but on most occasions fail to see how and where
our knowledge could be implemented.”
3. “Creativity is seeing the same thing but thinking differently.”
4. “Virtue lies in wisdom of successful people.”
5. “Hard work will never go waste. It always gives rich dividends.”

4. Title: The Religion of The Forest:

Penned by: Rabindranath Tagore: -A polymath,

- Gurudev,

- Vishwakavi,

- An Educationist.

Adopted from: Original English composition ‘Creative unity”

Laurels: Nobel Prize for his ‘Gitanjali’.

Notable Works: (i) Gitanjali (ii) Jana Gana Mana

Major Theme: Forest teaches us union and compassion.

Introduction: Rabindranath Tagore’s essay ‘The Religion of The Forest’ is an extract from
his original English composition, ‘Creative Unity’, and beautifully delineates the
influence of forest on Indian classical literature as well as the affinities between the
forest and the people of India. Tagore is the master of elegant prose, Fondly
remembered as ‘Gurudev’ and ‘Vishwakavi’.

General Relevance: This write-up is profound, thought are clear, expression is effective and
ample. The elegance of Tagore’s prose is strikingly evident here and serves as an
example of both an expository and argumentative essay.

Textual lines:

1. “Yadidam Kinch Sarvam prana ejati nihsratam (All that is, vibrates with life, having
come out from life.)”
2. “The view of this world which India has taken is summed up in one compound Sanskrit
word, ‘Sacchidananda’.”
3. “For us the highest purpose of this world is not merely living in it, knowing it and
making use of it, but realising our own selves in it through the expansion of sympathy.”
4. “Nature stands on her own right, proving that she has her great function, to impart the
peace of the eternal to human emotions.”

General Quotes:

1. “The art of forest is the art of connecting with nature through our senses.”
2. “Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.” --Tagore
3. “Our relationship with the forest and nature is a relationship that allows us to experience
our humanity.” -Tagore

5. Title: Guilty-A humorous one-act play

Penned by: Horace J. Gardiner and Bonneviere Arnoud

Laurels: Consider as well known literary critic

Notable works: *Let’s celebrate Christmas *The Year Round Party Book

Major Theme: It is a comedy meets all the qualities of a one –act play,
delivers three unities meticulously.

Introduction: The delightful and thought provoking One-act Play ‘Guilty’, is penned by
‘Horace Gardiner and Bonneviere Arnoud. Not much is known to the world about them,
consider there two writers as a single entity for the non-availability of any literary work.
Gardiner is a well known essayist, a university professor, had 176 literary holdings to his

General Relevance: The play is full of gripping narrations and it delivers, “One should learn
to respect the work one does.” highlights the dignity of labour. The play left the feeling
of “Small is beautiful” and “All is well that ends well,” Readers will definitely enjoy the
sudden twist at the end of the play, ‘Feel Good’ ending with the innocent person being
awarded and misunderstandings cleared in a logical manner.

Textual lines:

1. “It isn’t that he would like to do but then he won’t be a night watchman.”
2. “May be the world needs good watchmen as much as it does engineers.”
3. Ma Ryan! “He is fine, good boy and a hard worker. It was just that I didn’t like some of
the company he kept.”
4. Ma Ryan! “It is the same. The very same! But how did it get into Jim’s Pocket?”
5. Jim-“Don’t worry. Not a soul saw us! Wait, I’ll get it.”
6. Jim—Ma--- “Ma, you’re talking like someone in a fog, without any sense.”
7. Jim---Ma---“Don’t go putting two and two together again, like this!”

General Quotes:

1. “All is well that ends well.”

2. “Face is the index of mind.
Appearance can often be deceptive.”
3. “One should learn to respect the work one does, each job has its own important role and
deserves respect.”
4. “We feel guilty for what we do.
We feel shame for what we are.”



Title : Goodbye party for Miss Pushpa TS

Penned by: Nissim Ezekiel-An Indo-Anglian poet.

Culled from :A published collection of Ezekiel’s poetry, titled as ‘Hymns in Darkness’.

Laurels: Padmashri, Sahitya Academy award

Notable works: Night of the scorpion,

A time to change,
Latter day psalms.

Major Theme: It is an appreciate satire and humour, touches upon use of Indian English
(Babu English) in a simple style and clear.


‘Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa TS’ (reference) is a satirical poem by

‘Nissim ezikiel’. The poem offers a satirical look at some people in India speak
‘Babu english’, which is quite funny as the Narrator uses the ‘Hindustani Dialect’
and manners in it, presumably used to get an Indian reader to laugh at himself. The
poem is a parady of English makes for an interesting reading says that it is about a
farewell party, which shows speaker’s attitude to comment on postcolonial India’s
fascination to go aboard.

General Relevance:

The poem is in free verse, with no specific Rhyme scheme, a device that poet shows
the speaker characterised by colloquial speech, irony and sarcasm and presents
multi-dimensional view of complex life of people and their communication in
The narrator of the poem freely inverts the sentence structure, boldly coins wrong
phrases and applies them at the wrong places.

Textual lines:

1. “We are meeting today to wish

her on voyage.”

2. “What sweetness is in Miss Pushpa.

I don’t mean only external sweetness

but internal sweetness.”


3. “Pushpa Miss is never saying no.

Whatever I or anybody is asking

she is always saying yes.”

General Quotes:

“Only in the agony of parting do we

look into the depths of love and respect.”—George Elio

“The pain of a hard good-bye is the

heart’s tribute to the privilege to love.”---Beth Moore

“The tone of the poem is

hilarious however mocking is destitute”


Title: On the Grasshopper and Cricket

Penned by : John Keats- A English Romantic poet.
Cited from: Keat’s published book of ‘Poems’ in his first collection
Laurels: Received ‘A laurel Crown’
Notable works: Ode to a Nightingale,
Major theme of the poem: Shows that Nature has perseverance as well as
patience, keeps the spirit of nature alive in harsh weathers.
The sonnet ‘On the Grasshopper and Cricket’, by ‘John Keats’ and it is
inspired by Nature’s beauty.The poet expresses his feelings regarding Nature’s song,
refers to it as ‘The poetry of Earth’ which becomes main theme of the poem. He
truly extols that seasons may come and go, but Nature never fails to inspire as with
its songs offer as comfort and joy by taking the examples of Grasshopper and
Cricket to keep the spirit of Nature alive even in harsh condition.
General Relevance:
Keats poetry shows his sensuous response to ‘Nature and art’. Here, he
shows that the ‘Music of the Earth’ is continuous without break. The poem is a
petrarchan sonnet, rhyme scheme of ‘Abba’ and scheme of ‘efg efg’. Keats’s senses
were keenly alive, to the beauty of natural phenomena. The imagery used by the
Keats is very vivid and outstanding and celebrating the poetry of earth.
Textual lines:
1) “The poetry of earth is never dead.”
2) “That is the Grasshopper’s-he takes the lead in summer luxury-he has never done
with his delights.”
3) “The poetry of earth is ceasing never.”

4) “And seems to one in drowsiness half lost; The Grasshopper’s among some grassy

General Quotes:

1) “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,

that is all ye know on earth, and all

ye need to know.”---John Keats

2) “The great beauty of poetry is,

that is makes everything every place interesting.”----John Keats

3) “If one does not think for future, he is destined to suffer.”---John Keats
4) “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” ---John Keats


Title: Hiroshima Child

Penned by: Nazim Hikmet Ran - A Turkish Polish Poet and Playwright
Laurels: Proclaimed as ‘Modernist’, One of the great poets of 20th century for
the lyrical flow of statements
Notable Works: ‘Things I didn’t know I loved’,
‘The day before tomorrow’
Major theme: The Theme of the poem, is to promote to peace and harmony
The poem, ‘Hiroshima Child’ is written by ‘Nazim Hikmet Ran’, regarding
a seven year old girl, was died ruthlessly and marked the end of the World War II,
gained a lot of success as an anti-war message and the theme is to fight for peace
and to let children grow happily. The author speaks about the innocent child’s death
to make us realize that we had slain a child who was just like us.
General Relevance:
The poem, ‘Hiroshima Child’ deals with the tragic effects of war, loss of life,
innocence, destruction and stressed that people need to work for peace.
‘Nazim has opted out of the simple expressions by the art of analogy,
innovative imagery in a simple way and alliteration but a serious message in a clear,
short and an impressive manner.

Textual lines:

1) “I knock and yet remain unseen

for I am dead for I am dead.”
2) “I’m seven now as I was then
when children die they do not grow .”
3) “I ask for nothing for myself
For I am dead for I am dead.”
4) “All that I need is that for peace

You fight today you fight today.”

General Quotes:

“So far as I can see the a tonic bomb has deadened the finest feeling

that has sustained mankind for ages” (Mahatma Gandhi)

“War is a cowardly escape

from the problems of peace.” (Thomas Man)

“The tragedy of war I that it uses

man’s best to do man’s worst.” (Emerson)

“The mankind must put an end to war before

war puts an end to mankind.” (John F Kennedy)


Title: Awake – A patriotic song

Penned by: Smt. Sarojini Naidu – A prolific writer, freedom fighter
Culled from: The poem, part of the ‘Broken wing’, entitled songs of life and
Laurels: ‘The nightingale of India’
“The first women President of Indian National Congress”

Notable works: The Golden Threshold,

The Bird of Time,

The Sceptured Flute

Dedicated to: Mohammed Ali Jinnah


‘Awake’, is a Patriotic Lyric, which was recited at the Indian National

Congress, Bombay, 1915. The poem conveys the idea that ‘Mother India’ could be
awakened from her slumber and emancipated from her bondage by the united efforts
of all her sons and stands out for its nationalistic feelings. The poem ‘Awake’
appears as an address to ‘Mother India’ and a touching call to all Indians for unity
and action.

General Relevance:

The poetess ‘Sarojini Naidu’ invokes the slumbers of Motherland to wake up.
This lyric is a soul-stirring call for unity and integrity, hope and firm resolution,
strikes a robust note of optimism for the attainment of freedom and rise against

British Tyranny. She vividly conveys beautiful Rhyming scheme, glimpses of

metaphors and also alliteration.

Textual lines:

1) “Who kneel in thy presence to serve and adore thee!”

2) “Awaken and sever the woes that enthral us.”
3) “Lo, we would thrill the high stars with thy story
And set thee in the forefront of glory.”
4) “Shall not our dauntless devotion avail thee?


O queen and O Goddess, we hail thee.”

General Quotes:

1) “We want deeper sincerity of motive,

a greater courage in speech and earnestness in action.” (Naidu)

2) “Freedom is one of deepest

and noblest aspirations of the human spirit.” (Renald Reagan)

3) “Freedom is nothing but

A chance to be better” (Albert Camus)

4) “Our supreme duty is to advance towards Freedom-Physical, Mental and spiritual

And help others to do so.” (Swami


Major Theme: United efforts should be made to awaken ‘Mother India’ from her
slumber and emancipate her from ‘British Rule’.

4. FEAR:

Title: Fear
Penned by: Khalil Gibran-A lebanese-American Poet
Laurels: Very renowned of his anthology ‘The Prophet’
Notable works: The Prophet,
The Son of Man.
Major Theme: Gibran shares his profound wisdom about overcoming fear
The philosophical poem ‘Fear’ is in free verse, by a Lebanese-American poet,
who is famous for his book ‘The Prophet’….. ‘Khalil Gibran’. In this poem, Gibran
thinks of the image of a river flowing into the sea, gives us a glimpse of how river
feels fear when it travels across the difficult paths before entering the ocean, while

comparing humanity to river. As a result, people must take risks and believe in
themselves with the message of the poem, “Overcoming Fear”.
General Relevance:
The poem ‘Fear’ is a touch of philosophical, shows the concept of
‘Spirituality’. He immensly uses ‘Personification’ and no rhyme scheme or meter by
sharing his profound wisdom about overcoming ‘Fear’ and about the trust of being a
part of something so great and immense.
Poet constructs a strong message for mankind who fear losing their identity, death,
change, being left unrecognised in the vast universe and so fourth.
Textual lines:
1) “It is said that before entering the sea

a river trembles with fear.”

2) “The river can not go back. No body can go back.

To go back is impossible in existence.”

3) “It’s not about disappearing into the ocean,

but of becoming the ocean.”

General Quotes:

1. “Fear is a reaction
Courage is a decision.” (Winston Churchill)
2. “I learned that courage was not
The absence of fear, but
The triumph over it, (Nelson Mandela)
3. “For life and death are one, even as
The river and the ocean are one.” (Khalil Gibran)
4. “The key to change….is
To let go of fear” (Reseanne cash)
5. “Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage.” (Dale Carnegie)



Title: The Woman on Platform No.8:

Penned by: Owen Ruskin Bond- An Indian author of British descent

-Eminent contemporary Prolific writer

Laurels: -Sahitya Academy Award

-John Liewellyn Rhys Prize


–Padma Bhushan

Notable works: -The Room on The Roof

-A flight of pigeons

Genre:Short stories and novels, by Ruskin Bond can vouch for the ‘escapism’ have provided
in their simplicity, mountain based and solitude dripping style.

Major Theme: The story enables us to appreciate the beauty of stranger’s love in simplicity,
sincerity, true affection and recognition of a loving relationship.


The woman on the platform No.8 by Ruskin Bond, is as interesting story about love
and affection that transcends all barriers of kinship. He has written several novels, short
stories and books for children. It is narrated in the first person by a school boy named Arun.
All the events are seen from his point of view. The story revolves around Arun’s encounter
with a stranger – a mysterious woman.

General Relevance:

The story is semi-autobiographical, A sense of mystery and allure is left in the minds
of the reader who wonder who the ambiguous angel, the mother figure could have been.
Bond gives a Graphic descriptions of bustling places of activity to elevate the technique of

Textual lines:

1. “It was my second year at boarding school, and I was sitting on platform No.8.”
2. “Are you all alone, my son?” asked a soft voice close behind me.
3. “I liked her for saying that. I also liked her for the simplicity of her dress…”
4. “I think the food strengthened our friendship.”
5. “Before I could say anything, the women replied, “Yes, I am Arun’s mother.”
6. “Be very careful when your mother is not with you and never talked to strangers.”
7. “Always listen to what your mother tells you, And never, never talk to strangers”
8. “I said to the other woman, “Goodbye, mother.”

General Quotes:

1. “Recognise people with pretensions, pride and arrogance.”

2. “Appreciate the beauty in simplicity, sincerity and true affection.”
3. “Strangers can become best friends

just as easy as best friends can become strangers.”

4. “The beauty of a woman not in a facial mode but the true beauty is reflected in her
5. “Love and affection that transcends
all barriers of kinship.”

II Story:

Title: A Gift for Christmas:

Penned by: William Sydney Porter, known as O. Henry – An American short story writer

Cited from: The four million

Laurels: On his name, ‘The O Henry Award’ given to outstanding short stories

Notable works: -The Duplicity of Hargreeves

-The Reason of Redchief

-A service of Love

Main Theme: It traces the poverty filled life of young couple and their desire to gift each
other, A worthy gift and share their true love.


The story ‘A Gift for Christmas’ is taken from O Henry’s collection, ‘The four
million’. ‘William Sydney Porter’, Known as O Henry, is an American short story writer,
well known for his wit and storytelling technique, remarkable for their surprise twist in the
endings. He highlights the valuable possessions of mankind. This story is about the
redeeming power of love using Irony, Paronomasia, Metaphor, Metonymy and Exaggeration
to make the story, Jim and Della.

General Relevance:

In this beautiful story, widely varied back ground provided not only well made plots
but also characters drawn from all walks of life. Henry’s proficiency in creating a vivid sense
of the texture of language for the reader by producing native dialect, be it western, southern.

Textual lines:

1. “Tomorrow would be the Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy
Jim a present.”
2. “Della let her beautiful hair fall and it looked like a cascade of brown waters.”

3. “If Jim does not kill me, before he takes a second look at me, he’ll say I look like a
school boy.”
4. “She prayed, “Please God, make him think I am still pretty.”
5. “She cried, “I had my hair cut off and sold it because sold it because I had to buy a
Christmas present for you.”
6. “ ‘Della’, he said, ‘about me’, whatever happens I shall always love you just the
7. “They were beautiful combs, so expensive and they were hers now.”
8. “You will have to look at your watch a hundred times a day now.”
9. “Jim said, “let’s put our Christmas presents away and keep them a while, and now
please get dinner ready.”

General Quotes:

1. “The value of a gift is in the giver,

rather than the gift itself.”

2. “Giving is better than ‘receiving but

giving and losing is all that matters.”

3. “It’s not how much we give but how much

love we put into giving.”

4. “Great achievements is usually born of great sacrifice

and is never the result of selfishness.”



Title: The Doctor’s Word:

Penned by: Rasipuram Krishnaswamy Narayan – A leading writer of english

Imaginery place: Malgudi

Laurels: -Sahitya Academy

-Padma vibhushan

-Padma Bhushan

Notable works: -Malagudi

-The Guide

-Swami and his friends

Genre: Beauty of Idiomatic expressions, Rich Experience, Fiction, Mythology and


Main Theme: It’s a theme of honesty, friendship, uncertainty, letting go, fear, connection,
trust, compassion and conflict.


R.K Narayan’s short story ‘The Doctor’s Word’ is remarkable for its gripping
narration and a leading writer of early Indian literature in English along with Mulk Raj
Anand and Raja Rao. The very opening sentence ‘The Doctor’s Word’ captures the attention
of the reader till the ending. More importantly, he continues to win the hearts of readers from
all over the globe.

General Relevance:

Feel connected performance of characterization, very beautifully defined the

protagonist and that defines the author’s writing style in short, certainly creative and
Descriptive. ‘The Doctor’s Word’ is not so much entertaining rather just focussing on
emotional bonding of two friends.

Textual lines:

1. “People came to him when the patient was on his last legs.”
2. “He never believed that agreeable words ever saved lives.”
3. “It was a classic friendship standing over, untouched by changing times,
circumstances and activities.”
4. “Doctor whispered, “I would give anything to see him through but, but the heart…”
5. “Gopal said, “I must know how long I am going to last. I must sign the will.”
6. “He said to himself, “If my word can save his life, he shall not die.”
7. “Doctor said, “Don’t worry about the ‘WILL’ now. You are going to live. Your heart
is absolutely sound.”
8. “The Doctor replied, “How he has survived this attack will be a puzzle to me all my

General Quotes:

1. “Life is about making right things

and going on…”----R.K Narayana

2. “Medicine cure diseases but only

doctors can cure patients.”-----Carl Jung

3. “A Good doctor replaces the fear of

illness with trust in recovery.”

4. “Wherever the art of medicine’ is loved,

there is also a love humanity.”

IV- story:

Title: Lost

Penned by: Guy De Moupassant – A 19th century French author

- Representative of ‘Naturalist’ school

- Master of the Short Story Form

Notable works: - An old man

- Two Friends

-The Necklace

Original title of the story: ‘Crash’

Genre: Naturalism, Realism

Laurels: Consider as highly influential writer on modern literature.


Major Theme:

The story ‘Lost’ leads us the lady did not react to the indecent proposal by the Baron.
Instead, she waited for a suitable occasion and took revenge, comprises a clear message that
‘immoral love’ leads to one’s downfall.


The short, interesting story ‘Lost’ is written by ‘Guy De Maupassant’, A French

writer and the Master of Short Story Form. He is a prolific writer and had three hundred Short
stories, six novels, three travelogues and one volume of the verse to his credit. He represented
the Naturalist school. In this, how a clever lady, who is annoyed by the unethical treatment of
a Baron, takes revenge comprises the plot of the story.

General Relevance:

His stories depict human lives, destinies and social forces in disillusioned and often
pessimistic terms. He is a specialist of characteristic wit and humour, giving a clear message
that Immoral Love leads to one’s downfall

Textual lines:

1. “Overtures which might have fascinated certain Viennese actresses but were an insult
to a respectable woman.”
2. “The baroness expressed, “Do look at that lovely fur, I must have it.”
3. “The man from Ghetto, “Be less cruel than usual for once, and allow me to lay this
sable skin at your feet.”
4. “The energetic little women cried, “This is outrageous. I could flog you like ‘Venus in
Furs’ did her slave.”
5. “She replied, “You will let me give you twenty- five cuts with a whip and I will be
yours after the twenty fifth blow.”
6. “And you have only received twenty-four, “The Cruel Little Atom of Virtue said.”
7. “Then he gave a deep sigh and sadly uttered that one most significant word… ‘Lost’.

General Quotes:

1. “Love is stronger than death and consequently,

also than the greatest disaster.”

2. “Do not let lust consume you,

Do not let it be a sharp knife
That will only kill you in the end.”
3. “The desire of ‘Love’ is to give,
The desire of ‘Lust’ is to get.”
4. “Don’t mistake lust for love, many

do and they end up very hurt, broken even…”

5. “Beware of lust; it
Corrupts both the body and the mind”


Title: An Interview

Penned by: Richard Gordon – An English Surgeon

- An Anaesthetist

- A Prolific writer

Laurels: Editor of British Medical Journal

Notable works:

- Doctor Novels

- Doctor in the House

Genre: Science Fiction, Travel Literature

Major Theme:

The story deals with to be familiar with the procedures of an interview and the
etiquette required while attending an interview, though it is autobiographical.


Richard Gordon’s ‘An Interview’ is witty and apparently autobiographical.

It discusses the narrator’s experience of facing an interview with the Dean of a Medical
School. ‘Gordon’ was an English surgeon and anaesthetic. He wrote numerous novels, screen
plays for Films and Television mostly dealing with medicine. The style he used in the story is
Racy and Simple

General Relevance:

Richard Gordon’s narration is Simple and Racy Style. The main view of this
story to make us this story to make us with the procedures of an interview and elevate the
etiquette required while attending in real life. It is thought-provoking witty and draws the real
scenarios of life.

Textual lines:

1. “A porter showed me into a small bare waiting room decorated only with framed- and
– white pictures of past deans.”
2. “The surroundings and a week of my father’s coaching had made me depressed and
3. “So, you have come for entrance to St. Swithin’s? the old man asked slowly.”
4. “Do you play Rugby football or Association? ‘Rugby’.”
5. “After ten minutes or so the old man returned and led me into see the living holder of
the office.”
6. “Well, you may shape well. Lucky you’re a three. The hospital’s full of forwards, he
added in disgust.”
7. “My hands gripped the arms of the chair as I waited to receive it.”

8. “But I later found out that even this brief interview was superfluous.”

General Quotes:

1. “In the middle of the difficulty

creates life opportunity.”

2. “Optimism is the faith

that leads to achievements.”

3. “An interview is not a test of your knowledge,

but your ability to use it at the right time.”

4. “Confidence is the only key to win

with the interview.”

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