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A short story is a narration of incidents which is narrated by the speaker or the protagonist .It
usually narrates an incident which is associated with an idea or thought.

Points to remember
• Title is a must and it should be catchy .
• Divide the story into 3 to 4 paragraphs.
• Frame the story around the central character.
• Bring out his/her qualities and emotions.
• Include few dialogues in the story, dialogues is a great way for characters to reveal
themselves in the words they use and the way those are delivered.
• Events should be chronologically organized in the story. The climax of the story
should be clear.
• Always use past tense.
• Characters should have a name.
• Have a positive or moral ending.
• The style of writing should be lucid and logical.

Elements of a story

1. Theme – It relates to the main idea of the story .It may be a message , a moral , a
lesson learnt or an abstract idea .

2. Plot – It is the ‘what’ of the story.It includes the series of the events and happening in
the story.It also includes the element of conflict,rising action,action,climax,falling
action and resolution.

3. Setting -It is the ‘when’and the ‘ where’of the story(Time and place).It is the
backdrop of the story characterized by the time and the place where the story takes

4. Characters-It may be the people , animals or any other living creature.Usually in a

story the main character is supported by the minor character.

• Exposition: the beginning of the story, in which the writer establishes or introduces
pertinent information such as setting, characters, dramatic situation, etc.
• Rising Action: increased tension as a result of the central conflict.
• Climax (middle): pinnacle and/or turning point of the plot.
• Falling Action: also referred to as denouement, begins with consequences resulting
from the climax and moves towards the conclusion.
• Resolution: end of the story.
SAMPLE Story Writing

Write a story with the help of the given beginning lines. Provide a suitable title .
(Word Limit- 100 to 150 words)

The sun shone through the branches of the huge banyan tree in the front yard of their
house ……………….


The sun shone through the branches of the huge banyan tree in the front yard of their
house ushering in another wonderful day. Time had not been very kind to Savita and
Ram .They were only in their teens when they lost their parents in a flood.

The village headman ,Shastriji said “What will happen to these poor children? How
will they live? God knows!!” The listeners sighed in response. No one cared to offer
any help.

Ram the elder child was a fighter. He refused to fall prey to any problems.. Along
with 10-year-old Savita, he began cultivating vegetables in the back yard of their
small house.

“Where there is a will there is away.” The siblings, blessed with green fingers,
gradually began to taste the fruits of success. They moved into a bigger house that had
a huge terrace. They revolutionised the process of vegetable and fruit farming,
developed simple indigenous farming machinery, set up compost pits, propagated
using discarded plastic to grow plants, and extended support to anyone who sought
their experience and expertise. They became trendsetters.

A few years later they were in for a huge surprise. The village headman came visiting
along with some local elders. “Come here dear children”, he said. With folded hands,
Savita and Ram stood at a distance. “No no, not so far away. Come close to me.” He
said loudly, “These two children have made our village famous”. Everyone was
surprised. “They have been selected by the municipality as ‘green warriors’ said the
headman. They continued their efforts and gradually began to soar high.

Assignment (To be done in Notebook)

Write a story with the help of the given beginning lines. Provide a suitable title .
Word Limit- 100 to 150 words.

Rakesh was walking along a deserted road feeling a little scared and

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