Quick Manual For Pro100

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Step by step

Program Wizard.
The entire manual is on CD.
Dear users!

The version you will see in a moment is not the final version of
our program. It may happen that while working with this
version you come up with something, you will come up with
options that could enrich this program. PRO100 was created,
is and will be created based on the wishes of users, so we turn
to you with a request - in your and our interest - tell us all your
comments and observations about the program and work
with it.

The guide you read is intended for users who are not
familiar with the operation of similar programs, so in some
places you may find it banal and boring.

PRO100 program
Demo version

PRO100 has functional limitations that distinguish it from the

full commercial version. Above all, they are

· Failure to print
· Failure to save projects
· Failure to store in the library of furniture, elements and
· Smaller amount of elements and materials in the library
· Reports and calculations is not available.

All of these restrictions do not exist in the full

commercial version.

In the PRO100 studio version, there is no possibility to store new elements

in the library - the library is supplied by the furniture manufacturer. The
goal is to prevent the library created in the full version from being hacked.

General information

The terms that we explain below are used in the

next part of the guide. If you are a user of any
program that works with MS Windows, you can
continue to the next section.

Clicks - it is guiding the mouse cursor on the object and pressing

it quickly, then you need to release the mouse button.
Click to divide the click into "left" - press the left
mouse button, or "right" - press the right button.
When we write only "click" - we mean "left" click.

Double click - there are two left-clicks in quick

succession. You must not move the mouse between

Dragging or drag (left or right), - it is guiding the

mouse cursor on the object, pressing the
appropriate mouse button and holding it. Now we
can - without releasing the button - move the
mouse. Dragging with Shift means dragging and
holding the Shift key.

You can undo any operation you don't like using the
"Undo" command from the "Edit" menu. If you go too
far, you can use the "Again" command. The program
allows you to return all the executed commands, until
the beginning of work on the project.

When selecting a command, try to find its button on the

toolbar - most commands have their equivalent there. Most
often there will be an icon that will remind you of the order.
Using the buttons from the panel will speed up your work
even threefold!

Welcome to the program

After starting MS Windows, insert the CD-ROM into

the drive. After a while, the PRO100 program installer will
start, which will install the program on your disk. After
To complete the installation, launch the program with the appropriate icon on the

You will see a red grid in the middle of the program window. It is a grid
that should allow you to orientate in the dimensions of the scene you are
designing. You will see the scene from the front.

Try it now left Drag the mouse in different directions and

start at the grid (Press the left mouse button and move the
mouse without releasing it). Do you see how easy it is to
turn the scene? View the scene from different angles,
across the floor, across the ceiling, through the walls. The
grid on the wall you are looking at disappears. This way you
will be able to quickly change the angle of view during
design. Try it nowjust dragging in the direction up down.
This brings you closer to the place you are looking at.
Together with the left drag, it gives you complete freedom
in setting the angle and distance of the observed location.
You'll learn how to change this place in a moment.

Your first piece of furniture

Select "Open" from the "File" menu. Select the

"first piece of furniture" file from the displayed list
and press the "Open" button. A kitchen cabinet
appears on the screen. Nothing world-class, but be
patient, we start with small things…

View it from different sides and distances using the left

and right mouse drag - remember, you start dragging
from a blank space on the grid, not from the locker.
Note that if you move the mouse, the program only
displays the wireframe furniture when you move
when you stop, its appearance is displayed. Now set
the maximum preview distance (right drag down) and
click on the box. What happened? The cabinet turned
blue, and gripping points appeared — small squares
at the corners and edges of one of the cabinet's faces.
We will also use the term box designation. All
operations you perform until the label is removed will
apply to it.

Place the mouse cursor on the cabinet, wall or cabinet door

bordered by the gripping points until the cursor changes

your look for the following. You can now move the
cabinet. Try it - you can do it by left dragging the
mouse. The locker "listens" to the cursor and follows it
in the direction you want to place the locker.

Surely you have already noticed that blue rectangles have appeared on the
walls with a red grid - the "shadows" of the cabinet - will make it easier for you
to orient yourself in the three-dimensional reality of your project.

Now try to move the cursor to one of the handles.

It changes the look - it now looks like this. It suggests that you
can change the dimensions of the cabinet. Grab this grip point
and drag the mouse. You will see how easily and quickly you
change the dimensions of your piece of furniture (of course, it
is a drag with the left button behind the gripping point). Okay,
you ask, but what are the dimensions? You can easily find out:
at the bottom of the screen on the right, as you move the
mouse, the dimensions of your box and the position of the
cursor are displayed at all times. How
You will find out the exact dimensions of the box without moving the
mouse in a moment.

Take it easy! Don't exaggerate: who has ever seen a three-

meter kitchen cabinet? You have to set the limits yourself, the
PRO100 will not limit your imagination - the only thing that
limits the size of your piece of furniture is the size of the room.

It may happen that the moved box disappears from

the center of view. In this case, choose "Center"
from the "View" menu. How easy! Remember this
procedure, it will be useful for larger projects. The
box must be marked for the command to work.

Okay, but how do I remove a label? Very simple:

click anywhere on the scene outside the box.
Repeat this several times, marking - removing is
nothing easier.

Relocation, resizing - you may ask -

And what on other levels?

Therefore, a few words about gripping points.

Mark the box again if you have already unmarked

it. Now rotate the scene (left drag outside the label)
so that you can see it from different angles. Notice
what happens to the grips. First they change the
color from blue to black, then they "jump" to the
wall closer to you, then the color or jump again.
Gripping turns out to be sociable: they always try to
be close to you, so that you can see them as best you

This is how you can easily change the plane in

which you move or resize the furniture: rotate the
scene so that the grip points jump to the right
plane - and then move and change what the neck
wants. In addition, if the handles are blue, you can
force them to jump by clicking (left) on another
area of the box. Try how it works!

Away from symmetry, we throw the door

Imagine that you don't like lockers with double doors.

Already? So let's try to throw one door away. Remove. Destroy.

Stand in front of the cabinet to see both doors clearly.

Now is the time to tell you something we've kept secret
so far. The locker you have in front of you is not just an
ordinary locker. It's a locker grouped. All elements of the
cabinet are in one group. What does it mean? It's just
that whatever you want to do with any part of the
cabinet, you will do it with the whole cabinet. One for all,
all for one. That's why when you clicked on the locker
door, the entire locker was marked.

What needs to be done now? Cancel group! Make sure the

box is checked and select "Cancel Group" from the "Edit"
menu. The locker remains marked as it was, apparently
nothing changes. Only seemingly. Now remove the tag and
try to tag again by clicking on the door. What
will happen? Only the door is marked, the rest of the locker knows

Move the door out of the cabinet. We can now see

shelves that are only visible during relocation. There
are three ways to delete a selected element:

· select "Delete" from the "Edit" menu

· press the Del key
· select "Delete" from the menu that appears after
right-clicking on the element

The last method, seemingly the most complicated, you will

probably use most often - is the fastest.

No matter how you did it - you removed the door. Now what?
Try to select the remaining door leaf, and use "stretching"
behind the gripping point to cover the empty space after a
good memory of the first leaf. Remember, this is not about
dragging, it's just about resizing - the edge of the door at the
hinges must stay in place!

If something doesn't work out for you, you can use the "Back"
command from the "Edit" menu. If you use it several times, you
can "resurrect" the removed door!

If all goes well, you have just made a new model of


The last thing on the first piece of furniture

Now all you have to do is group the locker back.

Wondering why? Imagine designing an interior. The
customer looks over your shoulder. You grab the
cabinet, you want to move it, and only the door
moves. Compromise. Have we convinced you?

You must select them to group elements. But how to do

this when marking the second element, remove the
marking from the first (see for yourself!)? There are several
ways the best you can see right away.

Press and hold the Shift key. The cursor changes appearance

to the following: . Next, move the mouse to an empty space

outside the locker, press but do not release the left mouse
What you do is called drag and drop. Now when
you move the mouse - you draw a rectangle on the
screen. Everything inside this rectangle when the
mouse button is released remains highlighted. This
piece consists of drawing a rectangle in which our
box will be. Simple, isn't it?

You have all the elements of the cabinet marked on

the screen. To group them back, select "Group" from
the "Edit" menu. You can also select it from the menu
that appears when you right-click on the label - it's
You can save this grouped piece of furniture on disk as your
project, or add it to your furniture library so that you can
insert it into your design later. How - about that later.

You can trust us or not - you have already found the

most difficult thing. The rest, it's just discovering and
learning about other menu commands and coffee
breaks. Really. You can learn to use this program very
quickly and easily.

Display modes

What else can we do? Almost everything.

Take a look at the "View" menu. What do we have

here? "Wire model" - you know this way of displaying
from the situation when you moved the cabinet. You
can now turn it on permanently, for example to get a
construction drawing or rectangular views. Views?
We'll talk about them in a moment. Note that in each
view, you can do everything we've talked about before
- you can work the way you want.

Continue… "Concept" - it is a kind of wireframe, but

with regard to the surface. Only visible edges are
placed in the picture, shaded ones are not visible. This
mode is great for displaying a project cube when you
don't have color yet. You've probably sketched a lot

And what else? "Colors" - something like "Concept", only

instead of white areas there are colors similar to the real ones.
Halfway to full, realistic visualization. What's new here and
important is the possibility to toggle the "Contours" option
(see below). Try and see what it means. If you still don't
know, here's an explanation: turning it on will draw the
edges of the wire model in black, turning it off - a little
lighter in color than the whole piece of furniture. This
makes the image a bit "smooth"

The second choice, Which you can switch Yippee

"Semi-transparency". This awful name means a hazy

display of shaded edges. So, we explained it. Try this
option several times and pay close attention to the
picture, you will see it all there. The best application of
semi-transparency is the Concept - then everything you
need is visible - both the furniture cube and the
construction details.

"Shading" is the last option for switching. See for

yourself what he can do…

All three options work independently, it is not "coffee or tea",

and you can use them as you wish in all modes. Of course,
they don't make sense in "Wireframe" mode, because firstly
the lines are the same in black, secondly everything is
transparent, there is nothing to shade. Contours in "Draft"
mode are also always switched on (of course!)

We deviated a bit from the topic and the finals await

us. Make sure the "Contours" and "Shading" options
are turned on. It's time for the most time-consuming
but also the most efficient mode. He is the reason for
concluding contracts. If it didn't exist, we would never
persuade you to drop the pencil… “Textures” - a
complete, realistic visualization, with
all additional effects. For large projects, you may feel
that your computer has slowed down a bit, but it's worth
the wait. On the fastest computers, you can work in this
mode all the time - on the slower ones, you select this
mode while selecting the project color.

Before proceeding to the next paragraph, change the

"Lines" and "Semi-Transparency" settings several times
to see how they appear. It's worth it!

Aha - we've put all the commands and options you

used in the menu on the toolbar so you can use them
quickly. By moving the mouse (without pressing) you
will easily find the necessary buttons. To simplify
guessing: the "View" menu command buttons are

Plan, perspective, ...

Well - now promised looks. At the bottom of the

program window, on the left, you can see the tabs: in addition
to "Perspective", there are also: "Plan", wall S, Z, J and V and
also "Axonometry". They correspond to the planes of view:
from above (Plan) and from four sides of the room (north-
north, west-west and south-south). By clicking on each of the
tabs, you can view the respective views.
Remember - these are not commands for creating view
views. In each of them, you can work the way you
worked in perspective - move, resize, delete and rotate.
There are situations in which it is more convenient to
apply the view, in others it will be easier to show the
project space in perspective. You will switch views and
modes completely intuitively.

Another advantage of rectangular views is the ability to turn on

dimensioning. You can find them in the "View" menu or on the
toolbar (it's worth looking for!). In this case, you continuously
monitor the dimensions of all the more important things (and
among our experienced users: the dimensions of all groups and
ungrouped elements). Therefore, turn on dimensioning and try to
group and ungroup different elements. Notice how this affects
the dimension sequence.

And now…

We're going to the library!

At the beginning of our meeting, we opened the

file. We can change such a file and then save it back to
disk (only in the full version!). But what should we do if
we want to put one or more previously created pieces of
furniture or equipment into our project? That's the
purpose of design!

You will need a library for this. It is not a book rental, but
a place where typical furniture and elements needed for
design are stored - something like a catalog or a range
of products. From the library we can put in our
project some piece of furniture or equipment, we can also
add to the library something we have created as an
element for further use.

That's how much you need to know to get started.

Now let's try it on the battlefield. I don't know what
the "modified" box we've been working on together is
now - so let's start with creating a whole new project.
Select "New" from the "File" menu. Accept the
suggested room dimensions in the box provided - just
click OK.
Now select "Furniture Library" from the "Tools" menu. A
window will appear, which we will get to know more. Do
you see furniture thumbnails? Choose a table? No,
double-clicking here won't help you - drag the desk out
of the library window. Press the left button on the
picture of the furniture and - as if you were moving it -
you drag it to the stage. See? From now on, you proceed
as if you were moving the previously marked furniture.
Let it go - it will stay where you dragged it. You can now
rotate, move the furniture a bit more (if anything,
remember the "Center" command). The library window
does not disappear - it is waiting for you to close it
yourself. But don't do it yet, take another piece of
furniture - like a locker? Drag it to a location next to your
desk. If the desk suddenly turns red, it means that you
"smashed" the locker into the desk. They overlap each
other and create something strange, impossible to
produce - the program informs you about this by red
coloring the object with which the collision occurred.
Move the cabinet somewhere further until the red color

"Gentlemen, move the box a little more!"

You now have two pieces of furniture in the room. Close
the library window by clicking on the cross in its upper
right corner. Take a look - probably both of your pieces
of furniture are hanging in the air. If you haven't done so
already, you can pull them to the floor by moving them
one by one, but for a moment - let's let the earth's
gravity work. Select both pieces of furniture (do you
remember drawing a rectangle with Shift?) And then use
the "Move" command. You can find them in the
"Element" menu by right-clicking on the element or on
the toolbar. Select "down". The furniture fell to the floor.
Very useful command, except when designing a kitchen
with hanging cabinets…

Play yes a little withrelocation furniture.

Don't do it confused, try to achieve a goal: a locker
above the desk, next to it or maybe even tucked under
the desk? But what if it's designed to make it easy. The
cabinet is too high, it catches on the table top. But what
are gripping points for? Do you prefer to reduce the
cabinet or increase the height of the table? Be sure to try
both options! Now you see how easy it is - you will use
these three techniques most often when designing the
interior - Inserting a piece of furniture from the library,
moving and resizing it (this should not be an
exaggeration - someone will have to make the furniture
then!). All we have left is… coloring!

Pines, maples - we have different decors

Now try to change the color of your furniture. Not
only color but also texture. You will need a texture mode
for this. Turn it on and you're ready to go.

We will show you two methods. One laborious, gradual

and conservative, the other - simple, fast and efficient.
Let's start with the second one.

Choose a piece of furniture, it can be a desk. Deselect (click

on the area outside the object) Now select "Materials
Library" from the "Tools" menu. A familiar window appears,
only instead of furniture you can see thumbnails of the
board samples. Drag the selected pattern onto one of the
furniture boards and release. You ask: just so much? Yes! It
must be easy, you will do it often. We already have it. How
do you like it?

If you have already tried it a few times, we will show you

something in a nutshell. Drag some other decor onto your
piece of furniture and at the same time press the Shift key.
You have just changed all the same material in the project
to another. See? This method will serve you to mass
replacement of furniture materials - like all doors, cabinets
or kitchen countertops at once.

The step-by-step method remained. Why do something

complicated when it's easy? However, sometimes a simple
method is not enough. Imagine that you have to choose a
different direction of the rings for the element than the one
we get by simply "dragging" the decor. Getting started - first
close the library window, as you did before.
You may have noticed that the table you are working with
is grouped. We will quickly show you how to select an
element without disturbing the group. You've already used
a mouse click while holding down the Shift key. Now try to
click with the Control (Ctrl) key. Press the "Ctrl" key (the
cursor has changed shape, see?) And point it to one of the
boards. Click - and a label will appear, but only on the
board, not on the group. There was no need to cancel the

Now double click on the highlighted board. The

"Properties" window appears. Click on the "Material" tab if
it is not at the top. On the left you see the current texture
of the board, on the right - what we do. Click on one of the
angles that indicate the orientation of the texture and
confirm. Of course, you will only see the difference if the
decor you chose was not smooth.

Shelf shelf

Meet another whim of a spoiled customer.

Couldn't we add another shelf here? ”Don't try to
convince him that no book will fit in the low shelves.
It is possible that it reads the pocket edition itself.
Really a lot of pocket editions. What's small is nice!

Instead - check one of the boxes. Now select "Duplicate"

from the "Edit" menu. All you have to do now is put the
newly created shelf in place. Does it seem unnecessarily
complicated to you? We have some useful advice: Check
one of the shelves and move it to
desired place, but before you release it, press the right
mouse button. You must have pressed both mouse
buttons at a time. You see how easy! You can do the
same for an entire piece of furniture, or for several
pieces of furniture. This way, you can easily create a
movie theater or lecture hall.

It's a little awkward that this subchapter is so short,

but there's really nothing complicated to describe!

What we don't write about here

This guide does not describe all the features of the

program. We do not mention creating your own piece
of furniture, shaping individual boards, project
lighting, creating atypical rooms, lists of blanks and
elements, project pricing, supplementing the library
of materials, etc. We will not burden you with their
detailed description. Our User's Guide is used for this.
Do not read it from beginning to end. It's like a phone
book or an encyclopedia. Look for the necessary
information in it, and browse through it to find out
what you can create.


You can already open files, rotate views, zoom

in and out, move pieces themselves
furniture, change their dimensions, group and delete a
group, remove, insert furniture from the library, determine
decors and color, finally add copies of elements to the
created scene.

This is just the beginning of your possibilities - yours and the

PRO100 program. The rest, it's just discovering the menu
command gradually as you need them. We hope that the
PRO100 will pleasantly surprise you.

Remember, in addition to this brochure, the user's encyclopedic

textbooks, your discovery intuitions and practices, you have us

Technical Support Group
phone +420 608 980 656, +420 608 974 679

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