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Jean Marie DiGiovanna commented on this

Jean Marie DiGiovanna · 3rd

Renaissance Leadership Keynote Speaker - 𝐓…
1d · Edited

Coming in at the #1 Top Performing post of

2023...and the most controversial post of the year
on..."EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE". (which is why
…see I
have a disclaimer below).

It's not easy "BEing" a leader in the workplace today

and handling all the challenges and emotions that
come up along the way.

When we push emotions down and don't address

them when they come up, unfortunately, they can
show up as (head)aches and pains in our body and
over time turn into dis-ease.

Many of us didn't grow up mastering our emotions.

The good news is there is a stronger emphasis on
this in education, with parents and young ones and
now in the workplace.

Many of these quick tips have worked for me. That

doesn't mean they will work for you so please take
what works and release the rest.
1,021 60 Comments
Before trying these out though, there is an important
to take first. ThatComment Share
is to recognize and name
what we are feeling. Is it overwhelm/overthinking?
Anxiety? Sadness or burnout?
Renaissance Leadership Keynote Speaker - 𝐓…
Jean Marie DiGiovanna

Once what is present is acknowledged, I often look

This is the LAST day to get free access to
for the gift in the emotion. There is always a gift in
my Linkedin Learning Course,
our emotions if we are willing to stop and explore.
"Communication for the Modern Manager". …more
When we bypass our emotions right away and move
The link is here:
immediately into action, it's likely they will come
back in a different form. (NOTE the DISCLAIMER
Generative AI Tutorials, P…
below as this does not replace seeking a mental
40,257 followers Follow
health professional).

100x Your Career and Grow Your Business. Join

The tips below can help shift our state which can
40'000 Experts and Access Our Generative AI
help improve our mental and emotional well-being.
Tutorials and Guides. Sign up now
Let me know which have worked for you!

In the meantime, I thank you for your support,

readership, likes, comments, challenges,
connections and business. I wish you an amazing
2024 filled CHATGRT
with all that you desire and wish for!

p.s. This is the LAST day for ALL to watch my
#Linkedin Learning Course, "Communication Skills
for Modern Management". It's only unlocked
through 12-31-23. Link in comments or here:
Make Money With ChatGPT in
2024 Learn more
** Author of image unknown. (if you do know please
ping me687
so I can give credit) 18 Comments

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** DISCLAIMER: I'm not a licensed psychologist,
therapist nor a mental health expert. I share this
graphic as a CPC
Rastrianez, way for
this to explore what may
work when feelings comes up. I have experienced
several ofBen Meer
these · 3rd
suggestions working for me which
is why I share themDevelopment
with you.2.0. I wri… given
However, Follow
3d · Edited
someone's individual experiences and past, some of
these may not skill:
beManaging up at work.
recommended. This is meant to be
exploratory and not a replacement of professional
help. to accelerate your career (Friday Highlights
…see more

Today, you'll get a career hack to make a great first


If you're newBENMEEF
to a team, do 'Friday Highlights'—a
weekly update to your manager.

It takes 20 mins per week. And it may be the highest
activity you do in 2024.

Yep—I'm giving you my exact template and script.

Here's the breakdown:

First, why do Friday Highlights?

You will:1,848 264 Comments

• Build trust Comment Share
• Hold yourself accountable
• Demonstrate strong communication skills
Ranty Rostina likes this
• Have everything you need for self-reviews
• Tactfully promote
Lien Nguyenyourself*
· 3rd
Learning Designer Follow
*As an introvert,
2w self-promotion is something I've
Design struggled with. Learn by Julie Dirksen is one
for How People
of the best books for instructional and learning
The practicedesigners.
experience of Friday Highlights
And if you'rewillarespectfully
visual learner,
provide your
you'll love boss
this visibility
fantastic intonotes
visual your contributions.
summary by
Melanie Knight.
In the words of Jay-Z, "Closed mouths don't get
Visual notes are an incredibly useful learning
method, and Melanie's summary is insightful and
engaging.toIt the system.
reminded me of a sketch note course I
took in the past, although I haven't applied it much.

Thank you, Melanie, for sharing this gem.

Every Friday, send your supervisor(s)

#learningexperiencedesign a short email.
#sketchnote #visualnote
Two parts:

1) Highlights from the prior week

• Big tasks completed

• People networked with
• Extracurriculars (like affinity groups)

2) Upcoming activities for next week

• Forward-looking big tasks and activities

Steal my script…

244 5 Comments

Like Weekly Highlights [Insert Date]
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Hi [Name],
Raymond R. Tjandrawinata, Ph.D. likes this
Happy Friday! Below are noteworthy tasks I've
Dexa Medica (Member of …
completed this week and priorities for next week.
97,948 followers Follow
Please feel free to not respond to my weekly
Di penghujung 2023, Dexa Group meresmikan Deca
updates. While I hope they're helpful to you, they're
Metric Medica yang merupakan fasilitas industri alat
also helpful for my own reference.
kesehatan yang saat ini fokus memproduksi wound
…see more

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤’𝐬 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 [𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞-𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞]:


Deca Metric Medica diresmikan secara langsung

oleh Menteri Kesehatan RI Bapak Budi Gunadi
• [List]

Hadir dalam acara tersebut Direktur Jenderal
• [List]
Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan Kementerian

𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤’𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 [𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞-𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞]:

Kesehatan RI Ibu Rizka Andalusia, Cofounder Dexa
Group Ibu Hetty Soetikno, Pimpinan Dexa Group
Bapak Ferry Soetikno, dan Direktur Utama Medela
Potentia Bapak Krestijanto Pandji, pada Kamis, 21
• [List]
Desember 2023, di Dexa Site Cikarang, kawasan
Jababeka, Bekasi, Jawa Barat.
• [List]
#DexaGroup #DecaMetricMedica
[Name] 182 1 Comment

— Like Comment Share

Here are several more tips for Friday Highlights:

Jean Marie DiGiovanna · 3rd
Renaissance Leadership Keynote Speaker - 𝐓…
• Keep a6drunning draft throughout the week. You'll
· Edited
save time on Fridays.
Before creating resolutions or intentions for 2024,
what will you choose to let go of or leave behind
• Send the update every Friday before you head into
from 2023? …see more
the weekend (make yourself a calendar invite).

• The following Friday, reply in the same thread.

It's natural at the end of the year to think about what
Change the date in the subject line.
you want for the new year but how do you create
more space for all that you want? The most
• Do not expect a response. If your manager asks
powerful way is by letting go of what no longer
you to stop sending Friday Highlights (I've never
serves us. This creates the mental and physical
heard of this), respect their request.
space for more fulfilling goals and desires to be

Before you think about intentions or resolutions for

That's Friday Highlights—a simple but powerful
2024, what if you explored what you might need to
let go of first?

As always, fortune favors a well-designed system.

Here are a few questions to help come up with your
Tag a friend or relative starting a new job or role
1. As you look back at this past year, what worked
soon. (They'll thank you later.)
really well?

2. What was it that you had to let go of to have
those things
587 go so well? 37 Comments
3. As you look back at this past year, what didn't go
Want more systems like this? Join 240,000+ readers
so well? Comment Share
in my newsletter (it's free):
4. What might you need to let go of to create a
different outcome this year?
Roberto Ferraro · 3rd
5. What people or situations no longer align with
Director | project manager and PMO | co-active c…
who you1d are or what you want?
6. What might you need to let go of to create the
Ten visuals on success and failure
environment you desire in 2024?

What’s your favorite? Mine is number two. …see more

Jot down those 3-5 things you are willing to let go of
Ten this year thaton
illustrations willsuccess
create more
fail… what you
• 11 pages
Illustrations by me
truly want in 2024.

#personaldeverlopment #success #failure

And, if you are inclined after that, you could explore
physically letting them go by burning them (please
do responsibly :-) or tearing them up and putting
them in the garbage to be taken away.

There is something freeing when we take time to

physically let them go. This "letting go" ritual can
often be so powerful that when you try and recall
them afterwards, it's hard to remember ;-)

That's the power of letting go.

251 59 Comments

** Image from @innergrowthreset on IG

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** Stay tuned starting tomorrow for my TOP #5 most
popular posts of 2023!
Michael Halim · 1st
#lettinggo Senior Marketing at Gyu-Kaku,
#newyearsresolutions Kappa Sus…
#leadership #renaissanceleadership

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Rastrianez, CPC likes a post in Mental Health

Change Agents-Advocates-Motivational

Uzma Bhatti · 3rd

Want your Content to spread li… Follow
6d · Mental Health Change …

Self-doubt is a pervasive and universal human
experience, often manifesting as an internal…see more
narrative that questions our capabilities and
undermines our confidence. This inner critic can be
relentless, comparing our blooper reel to everyone
else's highlight tape, leading to a distorted view of
our self-worth. The crucial element that escapes us
during these bouts of self-criticism is the concept of
external perception – the idea that others may see
us in a more favorable light than we see ourselves.

The psychology behind this phenomenon is tied to

the theory of the spotlight effect, which suggests
that individuals tend to believe they are noticed
more than they actually are. This can exacerbate
feelings of self-doubt, as we might overestimate the
extent to which our actions and flaws are observed
by others. In truth, while we are zoomed in on our
faults, others may be admiring qualities in us that we
undervalue or overlook entirely.

Take, for11,197
instance, a young professional 107 who feels
they're not making significant strides in their career
because they Like Comment
haven't achieved a particular position
or salary. They are consumed with thoughts of
inadequacy, believing they should be further along.
Raymond R. Tjandrawinata, Ph.D. likes this
Yet, their mentors and peers see a talented
individual who displays
Carina Joe · 2nd remarkable resilience,
dedication, andofpotential.
Woman Theybyadmire
the Year 2021 Ti… the Follow
professional's ability to learn and grow, qualities that
1w · Edited
are far more
Officially indicative
become of long-term
Prof (HC success
UA) Dr Carina than
Citra Dewi
BSc, MSc,milestones
Ph.D. Whatthe individual
a great way tofixates on.
end the
year 2023!!! I extend my deepest appreciation …see andmore
In a broader context, this misalignment
heartfelt thanks to those who have played a pivotal between
role in enabling me andto external
this esteemedcan lead to
a paradox
Thank youwhere
to Rectorthe and
Vice that
make themChairman
Airlangga, weak are and actually the source
Members of theof others'
Board of
Trusteesand andadmiration. For example,
Secretary, Deans, vulnerability
Vice Deans,
Directorsbe seen as a personal
and Deputy Directorsfailing by some, yet
of Universitas
Airlangga.viewAndit astoaProf
courage Dr and
Jonan , Dearest HE Desra Percaya, Ph.D and Ibu Sari
To conclude
Percaya, in greater
colleagues detail,
from Oxfordit isand
CSIRO, toall of
my teachersthat andself-doubt
friends from is aprimary
natural to
human experience,
educations, my auntie butProf
it need
Dr Irnot define
Lienda us. We my
dearest strive to balance
friends who areour introspection
coming to Unair with
from afar to
support me; feedback,
dear Mbakremembering
Meike, Endah,that our harshest
Dewi, Ulie
By doing
are often
and Vita , Captain
, Ibu we Pak
can Stephen
shared byPak
foster a more
and Pakself-

image that acknowledges

from PENABUR, my almamater,both ourTantestrengths
Els and and
Sun. My forfamily
growth. Thisdad
mom, balanced
and bro. self-view
Thank you can to
everyone 550us tohas
who act supported
with confidenceme onand embrace
my journey, I the
45 Comments am
positive impact
truly grateful. we have
Cheers on others,
to more goodevennewswhen
in thewe
fail to
see it in ourselves.
year Comment Share

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