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Diesel 10 ppm

Specific gravity: gr/m3 0,8237

Conversion rate: bbl/mt 7,6363
Conversion rate: gal/mt 320,7488

27.02.2024 USD/mt Platts Platts Platts Platts Platts Platts Platts

FOB Med Italy CIF Med Italy FOB NWE CIF NWE FOB Singapore FOB Arab Gulf FOB Gulf Coast
ULSD 10 ppm ULSD 10 ppm ULSD 10 ppm ULSD 10 ppm Gasoil Gasoil Export ULSD
Market Index Price $/ mt 827,00 852,25 852,25 867,00 808,22 778,13 839,69
Index comparison +0,00 +25,25 +25,25 +40,00 -18,78 -48,87 +12,69

Price adjusted to the discount

Discount applied -10,00 -10,00 -10,00 -10,00 -10,00 -10,00 -10,00
Contract price 817,00 842,25 842,25 857,00 798,22 768,13 829,69

Price compared to indexes

Discount 1 -47,00 -72,25 -72,25 -87,00 -28,22 +1,87 -59,69
Contract price 1 780,00 780,00 780,00 780,00 780,00 780,00 780,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 2 -37,00 -62,25 -62,25 -77,00 -18,22 +11,87 -49,69
Contract price 2 790,00 790,00 790,00 790,00 790,00 790,00 790,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 3 -27,00 -52,25 -52,25 -67,00 -8,22 +21,87 -39,69
Contract price 3 800,00 800,00 800,00 800,00 800,00 800,00 800,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 4 -17,00 -42,25 -42,25 -57,00 +1,78 +31,87 -29,69
Contract price 4 810,00 810,00 810,00 810,00 810,00 810,00 810,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 5 -7,00 -32,25 -32,25 -47,00 +11,78 +41,87 -19,69
Contract price 5 820,00 820,00 820,00 820,00 820,00 820,00 820,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 6 +3,00 -22,25 -22,25 -37,00 +21,78 +51,87 -9,69
Contract price 6 830,00 830,00 830,00 830,00 830,00 830,00 830,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 7 +13,00 -12,25 -12,25 -27,00 +31,78 +61,87 +0,31
Contract price 7 840,00 840,00 840,00 840,00 840,00 840,00 840,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 8 +23,00 -2,25 -2,25 -17,00 +41,78 +71,87 +10,31
Contract price 8 850,00 850,00 850,00 850,00 850,00 850,00 850,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 9 +33,00 +7,75 +7,75 -7,00 +51,78 +81,87 +20,31
Contract price 9 860,00 860,00 860,00 860,00 860,00 860,00 860,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 10 +43,00 +17,75 +17,75 +3,00 +61,78 +91,87 +30,31
Contract price 10 870,00 870,00 870,00 870,00 870,00 870,00 870,00

Price compared to indexes

Discount 11 +53,00 +27,75 +27,75 +13,00 +71,78 +101,87 +40,31
Contract price 11 880,00 880,00 880,00 880,00 880,00 880,00 880,00

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