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Claupe A. Ferzen Wtl-llatnt F. Swtcen
Consulting GeotechnicalEngineer Consulting Engineer
Cincinnati, Ohio Buhl, Idaho
Vice President and Senior Consulting Engineer (Retired)
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation

RrcnnRp W. KnnuEn
Civil Engineer
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Denver, Colorado

Cleuoe A. Ferzen

Variations in foundation conditions and borrow-area ma- grouting tests, and so on, to prove that detrimental condi-
terials from the assumptions of geologists and designen tions do not exist. To do otherwise may lead to later fail-
during design-stage investigations should be expected. ures. As Terzaghil has written, "When nature created the
Even though foundation and borrow area drawings may be foundations for our structures she failed to comply with the
covered with numerous exploration symbols, the geolo- specifications of the American Society of Testing and Ma-
gists and the design engineers have only seen a microfrac- terials, and we have to bear the consequences of the re-
tion of the foundation and borrow materials. These condi- sulting uncertainties. "
tions are much more fully revealed during construction Where a critical seam or condition is geologically pos-
when foundation and abutments are exposed, and cuts are sible and its absence cannot be proved beyond a reasonable
made in borrow areas. The construction stage offers the doubt, the instrumentation system and monitoring program
geologists and the engineer an opportunity to determine the should be designed to provide early detection of any effect
presence of weak seams in the foundation; open seams in of the detrimental condition: this is called the observational
the foundation and abutments that are critical due to method. In many cases, the field shear strength of a weak
seepage and/or uplift; and detrimental materials in borrow critical seam cannot be accurately determined from labo-
areas that were missed or not recovered during design-stage ratory tests on recovered samples, and the observational
explorations. If weak or open seams are geologically pos- method must be used to proceed safely with construction.
sible in the foundation, construction-stage investigations The utilization of instrumentation and observations to en-
should be comprehensive enough to prove beyond a rea- sure the safety of dam constntction is further discussed un-
sonable doubt that weak or open seams do not exist. The der "Earthfill Construction" later in this chapter'
same criteria should apply to detrimental materials in thc Uncertainties in the foundation and abutment conditions
borrow areas. Investigaton often must use every technique and in borrow materials have led to the conclusion that the
available, including large-diameter core borings, calyx design must continue through construction. Many engi-
holes, test pits, test trenches, drifts, pumping testings, neering organizations schedule field trips for their design


geologists and engineers at critical stages of construction knowledgeable in rules and laws conceming contract
to determine if field conditions are the same as those as- administration, but must also be knowledgeable in the
sumed during design. and additional trips are made when technical requirements of the construction, which includes
the resident engineer finds suspicious or unexpected con- a thorough understanding of the plans and specifications.
ditions or materials. Experienced dam desi-eners realize that To clarify critical points of the design and intent of the
their original designs for both the foundation treatment and specifications, many organizations provide additional in-
embankment are not infallible, but often must be amended structions to the resident engineer. The Bureau of
to pmvide a long-term safe structure. The completed struc- Reclamationl prepares a document called "Design Consid-
ture provides the ultimate in test-proofing from both shear erations," and the Corps of Engineersr prepares a docu-
strength and seepage standpoints, and ifthere are any weak ment called "Engineering Considerations and Instructions
spots the consequences may be disastrous. For this reason, to Field Personnel." In addition to technical and contract
experienced dam designers strive to eliminate weak spots administrative skills, the resident engineer and the staff
in the foundation and to exclude questionable materials must understand the importance of their work in relation to
from the embankment or place them in a noncritical zone. the overall safety of the dam, to the protection of the own-
Changes resulting from these conditions can cause delays er's investment, and to the safety of the downstream public
and increased costs, but the impact of the changes can be both during and after construction. Moreover. the resident
materially reduced by timely action. engineer and the field staff must understand the importance
Adequate staffing of the resident engineer's office with of providing a documented record of the as-constructed
competent personnel is as important as the staffing of the work, and personnel critical to the completion of the con-
design office. Ideally. the design team, and especially the struction history should be retained at the site until this
geotechnical engineer and the geologist, should be trans- document is completed. A cardinal rule should be: "Any
ferred to the field office during construction, but this is not dam worthy of construction is worthy of a complete and
always possible. The resident engineer not only must be accurate construction history. "

Wrllretr F. Swlcsn

The essential elements of an embankment dam are: pervious zones (cores) of embankment dams and the foun-
dation, in both the river bottom and the abutments, is con-
l. A zone of low-permeability material (the core) of ad- sidered. The discussion is limited to dams in which the
equate width to limit seepage to desired amounts. core is placed in direct contact with an "impervious" foun-
2. A system of filter-drains to collect and discharge dation, usually rock but including such materials as dense
safely such seepage as may occur, through both the till, stiffclays, and clay shales. Consideration is not given
"core" and the foundation of the dam. to problems associated with dams that may be founded on
3. Supporting shells for these elements. deep pervious material, and where seepage is controlled by
impervious upstream blankets or structural cutoffs.
In zoned dams having supporting shells of rock, gravel, The core contact area is particularly important to safety,
or other pervious materials, the core is usually relatively so the following objectives must be met:
thin and clearly defined. In earthfill dams, usual practice is
to define a zone in the central portion of the dam just up- l. The rock under the core nrust be nonerodible or pro-
stream of the filter drain as the core contact zone. This tected from erosion under the high seepage gradients
should be clearly shown on the drawings. Except where the that will develop under the core. This includes pro-
dam is founded on deep alluvials, this core zone will bc tecting material occurring in faults or joints in the
excavated to groutable rock or other suitable material. rock mass.
When &e dam is founded on deep alluvials, special nreth- 2. Materials of the core must be prevented from mi-
ods to control and discharge seepage are provided. Design grating down into the foundation (e.g., into cracks or
of these dams is discussed in Chapter 9. joints) and then through the foundation under the
In this section, construction of the contact between im- transition zone into the downstream shell or beyond.

(sheet) joints, which may extend for long distances as

3. The contact between the core and the surface upon
which it is founded must remain tight despite the dis- nearly planar structures. The relief joints may exist natu-
tortions that will occur in the dam due to its own rally or may open during excavation. Special care should
weight and the thrust of the reservoir, both during be iaken to check for relief joints where conditions favor
filling and in service. their development, as in deep, steep-walled valleys. espe-
4. Seepage that passes through the foundation must be cially in brittle rocks, or where high-modulus rock is un-
controlled and discharged so that excessive seePage derlain by low-modulus rock. Because they are roughly
pressures do not develop in the downstream shell or parallel to the valley wall, relief joints may cause slides
io*nrtr.u* of the dam. Further, migration of foun- during construction, and unless sealed and drained they
dation materials that might lead to piping within the would be a hazard to the completed structure. Openings of
several inches to a foot or more have been obsen'ed' Drain-
foundation must be Prevented'
age from such joints during excavation may be necessary'
and stabilization by bolting may be required'
General Excavation Investigations and studies for the design of excavation,
especially of abutments for core contacts, should be so
Removal of overburden materials under the upstream and
thorougtL that stability problems can be avoided and all
downstream shells may or may not be necessary' Removal
necessary general excavation done in one operation' Re-
of overburden should be required if excessive settlement of
quiring a contractor to reexcavate a slope, for example' to
the shell sections would develop under their weight: if
overburden materials are so weak as to rdsult in slides; or
rl*ou" rock where weathering is deeper than anticipated'
or to provide additional rounding at a change in slope, is
if seepage passing through the core or through the foun-
expensive and a fruitful source of claims'
dation materials cannot be controlled and discharged safely
with the overburden in place. If there is a hazard of earth-
quakes, then such granular soils as are present must be Core Contact Preparation on Hard Rock
evaluated for resistance to liquefaction' Unless such soils
Procedures for treatment of the core rock contact surface
are so dense that liquefaction cannot occur or are of such
should be established in the specifications and bidding doc-
limited extent or location that, if they did liquefy during a
probable earthquake, catastrophic failure would not result'
uments. Basically, the surface under the entire core and
under the upstream filter and downstream transition zone
ihey should be removed and replaced by suitable material'
must be excavated completely to groutable rock and cleaned
A final decision regarding removal of overburden may not
thoroughly. Usually this is done using air and water' Loose
be feasible until after diversion.
blocks or semidetached blocks of rock should be removed'
In glaciated regions, sound rock is frequently found di-
rectly under soil or colluvial overburdens' In other regions'
All knobs and overhangs should be removed by barring and
wedging or by light blasting. Blasting should be kept to the
however, weathering may have affected the rock to appre-
ciable depth. This can be especially a problem in limestone minimum practical in order not to open joints or otherwise
sites where the upper portion of the rock mass may consist
disturb the rock surflace. and no blasting should be done on
surfaces that have been grouted or slush-grouted' Core
of pinnacles of limestone blocks surrounded by clay or de-
trirus. Excavations should extend through deeply weath- should never be placed directly on or against openjoints in
ered rock and solution-affected limestone to expose reason-
ably sound rock with sufficiently few zones of weathering'
Material filling cracks and joints should be excavated
(usually to a depth of not less than three times their width
open joints, faults, or other discontinuities that surface
tr"utrn"nt as described below is practicable and economi- at the surface), using air and water, picks. or other tools
as necessary to remove completely soil or weathered rock
The hazard of slides in either overburden materials or that would be subject to erosion, and to ensure bond of
rock during excavation for the core, spillway, or shells of concrete or grout to the rock. Suchjoints and cracks should
the dam must be given careful consideration in planning then be filled with concrete or grout. Wherever possible a
and in the layout of the dam. Slides have occurred on a pipe should be set to the bottom of the joint or crack and
grout pumped in until the joint or crack is completely filled'
number of projects, particularly during abutment excava-
tion, and inevitably result in loss of time and increased Grout should then be broomed and brushed across the top
costs. Specific excavation procedures' drainage, or stabi- of the joint to ensure that thc contact with thc core material
lization may be required. If necessary, instrumentation will be tight ancl nonerodible. Brushing slush grout into the
crack from the surface is not satisfactory except for small
should be installed so that the behavior of the slopcs can
crucks because complete filling cannot be assured' Grout
be monitored.
In evaluating and planning for excavation, special care used for this purpose should be highly plastic and buttery'
The maximum aggregate size used for filling cracks should
must be given to discontinuities such as faults and relief

not exceed one-rhid the width of the crack to be fifled. If This expedites the work, but carc must be taken that joints
transverse joints containing soil or rock fragments com- under the concrcte are properly cleaned and treated.
pletely cross the core contact area, consideration should be
Surface treatment as described above may be difficult to
given also to excavating and filling them with concrete as accomplish on steeply sloping abutmenrs. In this case.
above under the upstream shell, and excavating and pro- gunite may be used for filling depressions after the cracks
viding a filter over them under the downstream shell. and joints have been cleaned and sealed. If there is exten_
Depressed areas, holes, potholes, and similar irregular_ sive jointing, adequate sealing of joints may rcquire con-
ities should be filled with a plasric mix of concrete vibrated struction of a concrete slab, which is doweled to the rock,
into place. Smatl ribs and similar irregularities should be and then grouting through the slab. Figure l0-2 shows con-
filleted with concrete to produce slopes not steeper than crete fill under the core in the river bottom and up the abut-
about I : I where the difference in elevation is a few inches ments of Guavio Dam in Colombia. If shotcrete or gunite
to a foot or two, as shown in Fig. l0- l. Larger ribs should is used, care must be taken to remove all rebound material
be removed or trimmed to suitable height. Surface treat- before placing of the core material. Shotcrete tends to give
ment in this fashion should extend upstream to approxi- a rough surface along which seepage could develop. Ac-
mately the upstream edge of the upstream filter and down- cordingly the finish coat should be gunite with sand aggre-
stream to at Ieast the downstream edge of the fine filter. In gate. Shotcrete and gunite must be placed as several thin
particularly adverse situations, as where there are joints coats, usually 2 in. (50 mm) maximum; otherwise the gun_
wider than the coarser particles of the fine filter, surface ite could sag away from the rock, leaving joints through
treatment as described should be provided underthe entire which seepage could develop. Doweling of shotcrete or
transition zone. gunite to the rock surface may be required for very steep
The final rock surface should have gentle contours abutments.
against which soil can be compacted by heavy equipment. The depth of excavation necessary in weathered rock is
Hand compaction with light, air-powered tampers is not difficult to establish during design. The depth of weather-
satisfactory. Gasoline-powered tampen may have to be ing is usually very irregular, being controlled by minor
used in restricted areas, but densities must meet specifica- variations in joint spacing and rock type. Abrupt changes
tions. in elevation of the surface of ..groutable rock" probably
There is a tendency in practice to use rather extensive will be found. Overhangs, some of them large, should be
concrete fills over irregular rock surfaces. The objective is anticipated. There may be deeply weathered zones extend-
to reduce necessary hand labor, especially for compaction. ing well below the line of general excavation. procedures

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Figure l0-1. Treatment of rock foundations



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leveling concrete in river bottom and dental concrEte

Figure l0-2. Foundation treatment, Guavio Dam (245 meters), showing cleanup for last block of
on left abutment. Courtesy of INGETEC' Bogota-designers.

for dealing with these irregularities should be established should be cleaned and filled with grout or concrete, or the
in the specifications and bidding documents. Deeper ex- entire walls of the trench should be covered with concrete'
cavation, including some excavation of sound rock, may On some sites, loose, blocky material or small open
be economically desirable to reduce dental concrete work'
joints may be found extending below the general level of
The depth of excavation may be difficult to establish even excavation. If removal appears impractical, these zones
during construction. Specifications usually require exca- should be consolidation-grouted. This is especially neces-
vation to be carried to "groutable rock, " an imprecise term' sary if possible block movement could disturb surface
During early stages ofexcavation, the designers should ex- treatment of the rock. The depth of consolidation grouting
amine the exposed rock and reach agreement with field su- is determined by the conditions found. Commonly it is car-
pervisory personnel as to just what is meant, to determine ried to depths of l0 to 20 ft (3 to 6 meters)' Ensuring
which rock materials may be left in place, and which must grouting to orclose to the rock surface requires an effective
be removed. Requirements may differ modestly in different cap over the rock. Accordingly, the best practice is to cover
parts of the structure. Material may be left under upper the area with concrete anchored by rebar dowels into the
po(ions of the structure that would have to be removed at rock. Bars should be of a length, size, and spacing to per-
lower foundation levels with their larger seepage forces' mit using some pressure in grouting. The grouting is then
Usually excavation for the core should be made wide done through the concrete using a splitting procedure'
enough that the filters, both upstream and downstream' can The care required in treating the rock surface is con-
be carried to the same grade. If there are open joints or trolled to some extent by the character of the core material'
weathered seams present in the upstream and downstream I[ the core material is rcsistant to piping, especially if it
faces of such excavations that are wider than about half the contains considerable coarse material as, for example, a
size of the coarse filter, such joints should be cleaned and claycy gravel or till, the surface treatment is less dcmand-
filled with concrete or grout. The joints under the core and ing than it is if the core material is susceptible to piping'
fine filters should be cleaned and filled with grout or con- as, for example, a silty sand would be. In the lattcr case'
crete as previously described' Should the excavation be extreme care should be taken, and the core material should
made only wide enough for the core, all open joints and be placed only after very careful inspection of the treated
weathered seams in the upstream and downstream faces surface.

The usual practice is to require select material. prcfera- strcam of the core. weathered or impervious material that
bly a plastic soil, for the first lift over the mck surface. If may have collected in the zone should be excavated to ex_
plastic soils (clayey) are limited. the mosr plastic soil avail- pose sound, firm gouge. Over this should be placed a
able should be used. Gravel or stone exceeding about 2 in. graded filter to collect and discharge such seepage as passcs
(50 mm) in size should be removed or excluded from the through the gouge along the fault. The upstream concrcte
material placed in this fint layer over the rock, to improve seal and downstream drainage should extend sufficient dis_
compaction at the contact. The surface on which it is placed tances that there is no hazard of piping gouge from the fault
should be moist but free of standing water, and the material downstream of the filter zone. Major faults should be con_
when placed should be wet of optimum. In dry climates or sidered separately, and specific treatment. including deep
during dry weather, difficulty may be experienced with this cutolTs, developed as appropriate.
first lift becorning excessively dry where it feathers out on In some areas sedimentary rocks may be under strong,
gentle to moderate slopes. In that case, the edge of the fill residual, lateral compressive stresses. Excavation nrry *-
should be sloped downward slightly toward the contact with sult in pop-ups of one or more near-surface layers. This is
the rock. Against steep rock faces or adjacent to concrete essentially a buckling failure due to removal of vertical load
structures, sloping the fill slightly upward near the contact on the failed layers. The buckled material should be re-
is desirable to provide better clearance for compaction moved: and it might be advisable to pin the underlying
equipment and better compaction at the contact. rock, by reinforcing bars grouted into vertical holes, before
Faults may have clean contact suriaces, in which case removal of this material. Also, in these high-stress areas,
they behave much like through_soing joints, or they may be crushed zones may be found, especially in valley bottoms
filled with gouge. Fault gouge may be either more or less because of stress concentration there. (Figure l0-3 shows
pervious than the adjacent country rock. Faults in crystal_ a typical crush zone in New york State.) These zones tend
line rocks such as granites frequently are zones of reta- to be highly pervious. Frequently the openings have been
tively high permeability because the gouge is essentially partly or completely filled with clay or sand that has washed
broken rock. This is particularly true if the gouge has not in. Crushed zones require careful and detailed study to de_
been subjected to weathering. Conversely, the gouge in termine their depth and extent and the character of material
faults may be tight, claylike material formed by either me- filling the openings, so that proper treatment may be de-
chanical breakdown of the rock, as where shales or shales termined. Complete or partial removal and replacement un_
and sandstones are faulted, or by chemical breakdown from der the core and filters may be necessary. Alternatively, a
either weathering or hydrothermal alteration. partial or complete cutoff with thorough grouting under the
Small faults having gouge zones from a few inches to a core and filters downstream may be satisfactory.
foot or so across are customarily handled by excavating the Reliefjoints, if present. ."quir" special precautions. Be-
gouge material and replacin_e it with concrete. The depth cause they usually extend for substantial distances up-
of excavation should not be less than three tinres the width stream and downstream approximately parallel to the can_
of the fault at the surface at its widest point. If the fault yon wall, they must be thoroughly grouted or otherwise
extends across the core, it should be sealed with concrete sealed to prevent excessive loss of water. Also, complete
as indicated, upstream of as well as under the core. Down- filling with grout or concrete is necessary under the core

Sat o st.og E
(Oeorvr c ra l)

Figure l0-3. Typical crushed zone, srare of New york.


and for significant distances uPstream and downstrcam of than about half thc grain sizc of thc matcrial placcd should
thc corc to cosure that possible cracking of the rock under be cleaned out and filled with Srout or concrctc.
crosstanyon arching loads will not affect the corc. Trcat' Rccent developmcns in thc cxcavation of rocks by largc'
ment may rcquirc adits and filling with concrcte instead of diamcter drills or special cxcavating units pcrmit using
grouting alone. Drainage should be provided downstrcam. slurry-wall techniques for cxcavating cutoff walls through
There should be provision for monitoring seepage from solution-affected limestonc. faults, or cnrsh or buckle zoncs
such rclief joints. in sedimentary rocks. If such cutoffs arc considercd as a
Limestone foundations Present special problems. Deep means of limiting excavation for the corc. the surface of
pinnacly weathering may be Present: joints opened by so- the solution-affected rock or disturbcd zoncs under the corc.
lution may extend tens and even hundrcds of feet decp: transitions (filters). drains. and downstrcam shcll. if soil.
there may be vertical or near-vertical "chimney" holes; should be covercd with concrcte. If necessary this concrcte
and solution channels may extend for hundreds and thou- shoutd be reinforced to control cracking.
sands of feet near the surface, or at depths to hundreds of See references 4 through I I for details on thc foundation
feet. Usually some units of the limestone are more readily treatment on manY dams'
soluble than others; thus joints may vary erratically in
width. The various openings may be completely or Par- Core Contacts on Soft Rocks and Similar Materials
tially filled with cave or collapse breccia' insoluble mate-
rial left by solutioning. or materials washed in. Frequently This category includes many shales. espccially comPaction
the extent and character of solution defects in limestone are shales (clay shales). stiff clays. some weak sandstones.
not known until the foundation is excavated, and some- dense tills, and some residual soils. Usually only low to
times not then. moderate-height dams are constructed at such sites. These
Two basic problems require consideration: materials usually can be excavated without blasting and to
relatively -eentle or smooth surfaces, and thus may not re-
l. Leakage, which must be limited to acceptable quire dental concrete and slush groutin-e such as is neces-
amounts. sary for hard rock sites. All loose material should be re-
2. Hazard of sinkhole development in the dam or its moved. and smoothly graded surfaces in firm, undisturbed
abutments where they are composed of soil. whether material should be developed. These surfaces frequently
of residual, colluvial, or alluvial origin. can be bladed sufficiently clean for embankment placement
to begin or may be blown clean with air. The most plastic
Leakage is usually controlled by some type of cutoff' core materials available should be used at the contact' Ini-
This may be done by grouting if openings are not filled' or tial layers should be compacted with rubber-tired equip-
by structural cutoffs, such as mining out and filling with ment or compactors to minimize disturbance of the surface
.on.r.t". Normally the need for and design of the cutoff of the foundation material. Initial lifts should use the most
are determined during the investigation and design stages'
plastic material available, and rock over 2 in. (50 mm)
However, modification may be found necessary during should not be included in the fill material.
construction. Sometimes shales and weak sandstones are found to be
Sinkholes will develop where seepage moving through very closely jointed. Such surfaces may be covered with
the dam can migrate into the foundation rock carrying soil gunite or concrete. Alternatively. where flat-lying or gently
materials of the dam into the rock. Seepage through the sloping. a layer of cenrent-sand nrortar has been used.
foundation can carry such soil away. Over time. a gradu- placed to a thickness of I to 2in. (2.5 to 5 cm) with the
ally enlarging opening will develop in the soil- This con- fill placed dircctly on it before the mortar has set.
tinues until the roof collapses. Such sinkholes could cause Clay shalcs (compaction shatcs) posc special and diffi'
breaching of the dam. cult problcms. Thcse materials are essentially very com'
Treatment of the foundation should be such as to pre' pact ctays and include fire clays of thc coal fields and many
clude material of the dam being carried into the foundation. of the shatcs of thc wcst central United States. Many are
Such treatment should extend under thc core, transitions, cxpansive. and ntany contain slickcnsidcs. Cuts or slopes
or filters, and under the shell sections as necessary to en- in clay shalcs arc likely to be unstable and arc ditlicult to
sure that a sinkhote cannot develop within the dam or under analyzc.
it on the abutments. The extent and character of such treat- Special carc should be taken to ntininlize slaking. Gen'
ment depends on the malerial in contact with the rock. Thus eral excavation should be carricd to only within about l2
a rockfill zone might require treating a fcw very large open- to 18 in. (30 to 45 cnr) offinal gradc. Final excavation
ings. Conversely, very thorough treatment' possibly to the should thcn bc donc immediatcly prior to the placing of
extent of covering with concrete, could be rcquircd under fill. If fill cannot bc placed within a very fcw hours. the
fine-grained soils. Openings under filters or drains wider cxposcd cut surfaccs should be treated to prcvent slaking'

If only temporary protection is needed, or if the material moisture-conditioned, and then compacted to specified
shows only moderate slaking problems (as do many fire densities. Heavy rubber-tired compactors frequently are
clays), asphalt or plastic emulsions may give adequate pro- best for this. Sands and gravels should be compacted by
tection. For longer exposurc, or where concrete is to be heavy vibratory rollers.
placed, gunite should be used. The gunite should be Talus slopes may present special problems because larye
checked at intervals and replaced if it becomes drummy. rock blocks may be present. Portions of such blocks that
Any slaked or weathered shale found beneath the gunite extend above the general slope should be removed by drill-
should be removed at the same time. ing and light blasting. Rockfill shells are commonly used
Some of these materials will develop significant heave in canyons where such large talus is present. Care should
orexpansion from relief of loading during excavation. This be taken to ensure complete filling against the talus sur-
should be evaluated during site investigations. The se- faces. Compaction by the large, heavy vibrating rollers now
quence and scheduling of work should be so arranged as to used in placing rockfill will adequately knit the fill to the
minimize difficulties from such rebound or heave. talus.
Saturated clay shales may develop very high pore-water
pressures when loaded by an embankment, resulting in loss Dewatering
of shear strength and slide failures. Failure of Waco Dam,
Texas, and failures of other dams during construction have The foundation area, especially in the core contact, must
resulted from this. Progressive failures may also develop, be kept dry to permit proper moisture of fine-grained fill
resulting in slides into excavations in such materials. For materials to be maintained during placement. If the coffer-
a more complete discussion of this topic see references l2 dams are placed on pervious soils or soils containing
through 17. permeable layers, wells or well points should be installed
and pumped to control leakage. Seepage past the coffer-
dams should be collected by channels or pipes and dikes
Drainage of Foundations
or walls as necessary, and conveyed to sumps where it can
Seepage through the foundation may be discharged through be pumped out. These sumps, if located under the shell or
the natural overburden materials if they are pervious and transition zones, may be filled with granular material or
so graded (e.g., sands and gravels) that they will prevent with concrete under earth shells.
piping of any erodible materials in the foundation rock; In some sites, seepage will be found discharging from
otherwise specific provisions must be made to collect and the rock within the core contact area. This especially may
discharge such seepage. Designs for drainage must con- be a problem upstream of the grout curtain. If this seepa,ee
sider the types of rock present in the foundation, bedding, issues from discrete sources such as a singlejoint orjoints,
character and location of discontinuities, thickness and it may be collected through one or more pipes set into each
character ofoverburden, reservoir head, and topography of joint, with the rest of the joint sealed by caulking u'ith
the site. Special attention must be given to transverse joints oakum or lead wool. These collector pipes should then be
and to zones or strata of pipeable materials, such as weath- led to a sump, from which the water may be removed by
ered sandstone members, weathering along joints, or pumping. The sump walls must be raised as fill is placed
weathered crystalline rock. Sealing upstream with concrete until the weight of filI exceeds the water pressure in the
and providing graded filters or drains or relief wells down- joints. The collector pipes should then be completely filled
stream may be necessary. with grout and the sumps filled with concrete. A 36- to'18-
in. (l- to 1.25-meter)-diameter concrete pipe provides a
satisfactory sump.
Surface Preparation - Shells
If the seepage is diffuse and issuing in small quantities
Depending on the thickness and physical properties of the under no pressure, the fill may be placed directly against
materials in the valley bottom and along the abutments, the seepage and raised rapidly enough that it cannot be lifted
some or all of these materials may be left in place under away from the rock surface. If the seepage is diffuse, as
the shell sections of the dam. After removal of trees and from a network of closely spaced cracks, but seems to be
brush, soft material, organic soils, debris, and other un- under some pressure, additional grouting should be done,
suitable materials should be excavated and wasted. Top soil and drain holes then drilled from which seepage can be
should be stripped and stockpiled for later use. Stumps collected and carried to sumps. Capping with a concrete
should be grubbed, and roots larger than I in. (25 mm) slab anchored in the rock and cor"olidation grouting to a
removed. In the valley bottom and as feasible along the depth of 10 to 30 ft (3 to l0 meters) may be necessary.
abutments, surfaces should be graded to slopes gentle Where such seepage from the foundation rock occurs un-
enough to permit machine compaction. Fine-grained ma- der the upstream shell section of an earth dam, seepage
terials should be scarified to depths of about 6 in. ( l5 cm), from discrete sources should be collected in pipes and con-

veyed to sumps as above. Diffuse seepage may be collected 4. Specification of equipment to be used, such as method
by perforated pipes in gravel layers over the seepage. The of drilling, types and arrangements of packers. pres-
gravel should be covered by filter fabric, and the pipes sure gages, grout mixing equipment, pumps. and pip-
should lead to sumps as above. Where sufficient fill has ing systems.
been placed to exceed seepage pressures, the pipes and 5. Establishment of how and by whom rccords will be
gravel fill should be filled with cement grout and the sumps kept, the format of the records, and who will be re-
filled with concrete. sponsible for determining when acceptable results
have been achieved, or what further work will be
Foundation Grouting done.

Grout is commonly injected into the rock under a dam. The The necessary decisions are based on an evaluation of
purpose may be to stabilize the jointed rock mass, impnrve the character and physical properties of the material into
the modulus of the rock mass, fill joints so fine-grained which grout is injected, the conditions under which the
materials will not be removed or moved by seepage, or work is done, the purpose of the work, and the results to
reduce seepage losses. Grouting may be done over rela- be achieved.
tively broad areas, in which case the treated area is usually
shallow, or to construct a relatively deep cutoff structure. Materials. Many different materials are injected as grout,
The first step must be a careful evaluation of the need for the most common being portland cement with or without
grouting and its purpose. additives. Other materials used include acrylamide mono-
Grouting should not be depended upon to eliminate mers which polymerize in place, solutions of sodium sili-
seepage through the foundation and thus obviate the need cate to which are added any of several salts to cause gell-
for drainage. Rather, grouting should be used to reduce ing, phenolic resins, chromesalt-lignin mixtures, epoxy,
seepage, conserve water, and reduce the load on the drain- water-activated urethanes, and asphalt.
age system. The extent and method of grouting must be
related to the value of water loss and to the cost and effec- Cement. Portland cement grout is essentially a mixture of
tiveness of drainage provisions. In many cases a grouted cement and water; so cement grouts are suspensions of par-
cutof may safely be omitted under embankment dams. This ticulate material. Commercial portland cement in the
will usually result in significant savings. United States generally contains from 0.5 to ZVo of pani-
There is significant disagreement within the engineering cles coarser than No. 200 mesh, U.S. Standard. Because
profession about the design of, need for, and effectiveness of mechanical bridging of the coarser particles, cement
of grouted cutoffs. CasagrandelE strongly questioned the grout will not fill joints smaller than several times the di-
effectiveness ofthe traditional single-row grout curtain, in- ameter of the coarsest particles. Experiment and experi-
dicating that a multirow arrangement is necessary if an ef- ence indicate that joints in the rock less than about 0.01 to
fective cutoff is to be constructed. Some observational and 0.02 in. (0.25 to 0.5 mm) wide cannot be grouted with
experimental data indicate that this may be so because grout usual portland cement, nor can it be forced into joints filled
cannot be forced into the smaller cracks and joints until the with clay or other materials or into faults filled with gouge.
larger openings are filled. Further, if the cutoff is thin, even In alluvials, material having a grain size finer than medium
small openings may pass considerable amounts of water coarse sand cannot be grouted with cement. If the material
with a concentration of head loss at and close to the "win- in the fine range (about the finest lO% by weight) of the
dow." The multirow pattem creates a relatively wide zone alluvium includes fine sand. silt, or clay fractions. it usu-
of low permeabiliry that effectively reduces seepage and ally cannot be grouted with cement. The usual specification
also reduces the hazard of erosion of friable material, for portland cement fineness for grouting is at least 3500
gouge, or other erodible material that may be present. cmz/gm in the Blaine test in order to avoid the more
coarsely ground materials. Type III cement is more finely
Planning. Planning a grouting program requires: ground, and material having a Blaine value of 6000
cm2/gm or even higher is usually available. Micnrfine ce-
l. Establishment of the purpose of the work, which thus ment, Blaine in excess of 8000 cm2/gm, is available , and
defines the location, width of grouted zone, and this cement or cement which has been processed by air sep-
depths of injection. aration sometimes is specified in order to obtain more finely
2. Selection of suitable grouting material. divided material and thus permit grouting of somewhat finer
3. Specification of injection procedures, including lo- joints. These materials are relatively expensive, however,
cation, spacing, orientation, and dcpth of injections; and their need and economic return should be carefully
sequence of injections; pressures; quantities of grout evaluated before they are specified. In addition to specifi-
to be injected; and time between operations. cation of the minimum Blaine surface area, the fraction

coarser than 200 mesh. or a finer size sieve, should be de- filtered out to fill larger openings. However. neither con-
termined and cement selected that has a minimum of coarser cept has been proved by observation, and both are thought
material. untenable. The concept of filtering assumes that particles
Neat cement grouts (cement and water) usually are used penetrate a short distance into a crack. and then excess
wherever joints or openings to be grouted are of fine to water is forced out of this grout by the pressure differential.
moderate size; that is, up to a significant fraction of I in. However, cement particles are about equivalent in size to
in width. For larger openings, such a solution-widened silt particles, and even a thin layer would be of such low
joints in limestone or stress relief joints in steep terrain, permeability that only a negligible amount of water could
materials such as fly ash and sand may be mixed with the be squeezed out of it or through it. Plating does occur, but
cement for economy. In using such materials, one should studies by Houlsbyre showed that such thin grouts do not
recognize that the finest cracks or openings that can be fill joints but are deposited in lacelike patterns with innu-
grouted will have minimum widths of about three to five merable water-escape channels. Frequently the grout failed
times the diameter of the coarsest particles of the grout to fill the full height of the crack. Further, the grout was
mixture. Usually, splitting techniques are desirable. First, usually weak and powdery, so that it would be susceptible
the large openings are grouted with sanded grout and then to erosion.
holes located between the first holes are grouted with neat There is today a developing consensus among expens in
cement grout to fill the smaller openings. the field that grouts thinner than 3: I water-cement by vol-
The cement in a pure neat cement grout will settle out ume should not be used. Further, the amount of 3 : I grout
of suspension before the grout hardens. The effect of this generally should be limited, and the mix quickly thickened
settling-out can easily be shown by preparing, for example, if a hole readily accepts grout.
a 2: I grout mixture (2 water to 1 cement by volume), a
relatively thick grout, and placing it in a 100-ml graduate Acrylamides. Acrylamides include AM-9 and AC-100.
until initial set, noting the amount of clear liquid above the Developed and marketed by the American Cyanamid Co.,
cement after it has set. Because of such sedimentation, an AM-9 was removed from the U.S. market in 1978 because
opening in the rock mass may still be open for half its height of toxicity concems. An acrylamide monomer was mixed
or more after the grout has hardened, if pure neat cement with a suitable inhibited catalyst during the injection. When
grout is used. This problem can be avoided by the use of injected, it is a true solution with a viscosity near that of
one ofseveral suspension agents to hold the cement in sus- water. The material polymerizes in place to develop a rub-
pension until it sets. Finely ground, high-activity bentonite berlike gel. This gel is stable while submerged and very
is an inexpensive and effective suspension agent although effectively controls seepage, but it is weak. Therefore it
it delays the time of set and the rate of gain in strength. does not improve modulus. Further, it even may be forced
Usually, about 2 to 3 % bentonite by weight will limit sedi- out of thin openings under high seepage forces.
mentation to about 2 to 37o , which is generally acceptable. AC400 is an acrylic polymer grout produced'by Geo-
The resulting grout is hard and durable. Intraplast (Sika), chemical Corp. of Ridgewood, New Jersey, as a replace-
in the amount of about I % by weight of cement, is also an ment for AM-9. Physical properties of the two are gener-
effective suspension agent. Grout made using Intraplast is ally similar, but the AC-400 gel is weaker than that of
less viscous than bentonite-stabilized grout, and the lower AM-9. Gel times are controlled by varying concentrations
viscosity aids penetration during grouting.2r Stabilization of the catalyst and the inhibitor.
by use of a stabilizing agent such as bentonite or Intraplast
is recommended for all cement grout mixes. Silicate. These grouts consist of a solution of sodium si[-
Cements and bentonites vary in fineness and behavior, icate mixed with a gelling agent. Mixing may be done be-
so the necessary quantity and possible source of bentonite fore injection, or by combining ingredients in the injection
should be determined by laboratory experiment, to assure pipe, or by sequential injection of. first. the sodium-silicate
sedimentation of about ZVo by time of initial set. The ben- and, then, the gelling agent. The first silicate grout, the
tonite should be mixed with water and allowed to stabilize Joosten process, used calcium chloride as the gelling agent
for 24 hours before use. Thorough mixing of cement, ad- with sequentiat injection because the reaction is very fast.
ditive, and water is essential. This was not successful because mixing could not be as-
Water-cement ratios for grouting have been and still are sured. Most procedures today use a buffered gelling agent
controversial. Many organizations start, and sometimes with prcmixing or mixing in the injection nozzle. There are
continuc, with very thin grouts. Water-cement ratios of 5 : I various gelling agents available, many of which are pro-
by volume have been commonly used, and sometimes even prietary, for example , Hardener 600X, Temrset, Sirloc, and
l0: I by volume has been injected. These thin grouts have Geloc-4.
been used in the belief that such mixtures would improve Gelling of sodium silicate is sensitive to the fomrulation
penetration into narrow openings and would "plate" or be of the gelling agents and buffers, and to groundwater chem-

istry. Consequently, it usually is advisable to use proprie- a considerable loss of matcrial, somc of which appearcd
tary formulations to take advantage of the experience and downstream of the dam. Because oI the pmblems encoun-
expertise of the developen whenever sodium silicate grouts tered and the substantial cost. thc grouting ofthc dam abut-
are considered. Problems may be encountered if chemical ments was completed by using asphalt.
grouting with silicates follows cement grouting, because of
the high pH of the groundwater following cement grouting. Asphalt. At this time hot asphalt is the most efi'ective and
Some gels of sodium silicate are reversible. Thus, du- probably the most economical means of grouting for con-
rability and resistance to leaching should be carefully in- trol of flow through open joints, cavernous limestone. and
vestigated beflore sodium silicate is used for permanent similar openings through which water is flowing at veloc-
control of seepage. The gels usually are mechanically ities precluding the use of cement grouts. For example, it
strong. However, the viscosity of sodium silicate solutions can be used to reduce leakage through open-jointed lime-
of the stren-9th necessary for effective grouting is relatively stone against a reservoir head. The grout is injected by
high. Thus penetration of the finer openings may be lint- means of a perforated injector pipe equipped with an inter-
ited. nal resistance wire heater, as illustrated in Fig. l0'1. As-
phalt grouts may flow plastically under continuous loading,
Other Chemical Grouts Chrome-lignin grout is produced so they cannot be used to improve structural strength' Also,
from a by-product of paper manufacture combined with a asphalts will flow slowly under water pressure. and, even
hexavalent chromesalt to cause gelling. injected in a where significant reduction in flow is achieved. perrnanent
single solution with controllable gel time. Its viscosity is reduction cannot be assured. It is believed that service life
more than that of water but appreciably less than that of can be materially improved by injecting cement grout
sodium silicate grouts. Its structural strength is slight. downstream of the asphalt once florv has been reduced suf-
Available data on its long-time durability are not conclu- ficiently to permit placing of cement grout.
sive, and a careful study should be made before this ma- Frequently, many of the openings in open-jointed lime-
terial is used for permanent control of seepage in a critical stone are partially or completely blocked by clay or solu-
application. tion products debris. Even though the open passageways
Terranier grout is a phenolic resin base grout that uses through which flow is passing are blocked by asphalt grout'
ferrous sulfate as a catalyst. The resulting solution is sig- new flow paths probably will develop throu-eh other chan-
nificantly more viscous than water but less viscous than nels or openings that are partly or completely filled with
most silicate grouts. solution products, when clay, silt, and other joint filling
Water-activated urethane grouts include TACCS, Pene- materials are removed by erosion. Under such conditions,
grout CR-250, and CR-202. These materials react with repeated grouting operations may be required to keep
water to form a rubberlike gel. They were originally de- seepage within acceptable limits.
veloped for sealing joints or cracks in sewers and tunnels Lower Baker Dam is a thick arch 285 ft (87 meters)
from the inside. They are viscous, 50 to 100 cP. They have high. Shortly after its completion in 1924. seepage flow
been considered for use in grouting and to some extent used through the abutment was noticed. This increased in time'
where flowing water must be encountered, for example. in and the abutments were grouted using asphalt in 1934. By
solution-affected limestone. Most require premixing with 1960 seepage flow had again increased to undesirable
water to ensure reaction. The time lapse between mixing amounts of about 60 cfs ( 1.7 ml/sec). Asphalt grouting
and set is short, fractions of a minute being usual. Even followed by portland cement groutin-q in 1960 reduced
with mixing in the injection nozzle, problems have been leakage to 4 cfs (0. ll m3/sec). Studies were made before
encountered with dilution where the grout would not set. grouting of possible means of reducing flow. such as blan-
TACCS has a somewhat longer set time, about 1.5 min- keting or blocking entries with gravel. These studies were
utes, and a longer time after mixing in which it can be inconclusive. Leakage again increased with time, and by
injected into flowing water without damaging dilution. Ac- 1982 was about 120 cfs (3.4 ml/sec1. The abutrnents were
cordingly, a field test was made at Baker River using this again grouted in late 1982 and early 1983. Initially this
material in solution-affected limestone. Laboratory studies grouting was done using TACCS in an experintental pro-
had indicated that direct injection of thc TACCS into the gram, as noted above. This resulted in some changes in
flowing water might be satisfactory, thus avoiding thc piezometric pressure but no apparent change in the flow.
problems of premixing. This did not prove corrcct. Only The work was complctcd using asphalt, reducing total
partial reaction was obtained, with the TACCS lorming lcakage to about l0 to 12 cfs (0.28 to 0.34 m3/sec;, a
hard crusts surrounding unreacted material. The procedure 90% reduction.
was then modified to introduce water into the grout ap- During the 1982-83 drilling. a number of zones of shat-
proximately at the point of injection. Other problems were terecl rock and clay, and clay gouge, were encountered.
experienced, including seizing of drilling tools. There was Removal of these materials by washing was attempted' but










Figure lG4. Asphalt grouring equipment.

probably many remain. These materials will be subject to and normal to the direction of loading-are particularly
erosion, and in time regrouting probably will be needed. critical, both forconsolidation grouting to increase strength
or reduce deformation and for cutoff of seepage.
Grouting Program. Development of a grouting program The first step, then, in planning the program on
requires planning the layout of the grouting work, se- a rock site is a detailed joint survey to determine the ori-
quence of injections, pressures to be allowed, properties of entation of all joint sets and to identify those particular
grout to be injected, and time between operations. The lay- joints that tend to be continuous or to be open. There usu-
out of the grouting work itself involves determining the ally is a master joint set that is the most conrinuous and
orientation, depth, location, and sequence of making the most open of the several sets. The survey should consider
borings or injection points. These factors are determined enough joints to give statistically meaningful results, and
from the purpose or objective of the grouting program and particular attention must be paid to obtaining information
the geological conditions under which the work must be on joint sets that may be roughly parallel to exposures.
done. These frequently are the most critical sets and yet the most
The objective of grouting basically is to fill the open- difficult to map adequately. Investigations should consider
ings, usually joints of the rock, with cement or other ma- both surface exposures and results from core boring or ex-
terial. The best probability of filling the openings with grout ploratory adis. Care must be taken to observe evidence of
occurs when the grouting hole or injection line crosses the staining or weathering, which will give crude estimates of
maximum number of such openings. Thus, the optimum the depths to which joints are open and to which percola-
orientation of grout holes is that which is approximately tion may occur. Further, an attempt should be made to de-
normal to the most critical planes of seepage, yet gives an termine whether the joints of certain joint sets arc open.
adequate intersection with other planes to ensure their being Percolation inflow permeability tests are necessary to assist
filled. Most rock masses have three or more joint systems. in this judgment. Special care should be taken to nore joints
These may intersect in reasonably cubic pattems or at that are filled with clay or similar materials and to locate
oblique angles. Frequently, in dam sites, particularly those all faults. Materials filling faults should be carefully de-
in narrow gorges, there will be stress relief joints approx- scribed to indicate whether the gouge wilt be permeable or
imately parallel to the canyon walls. Thus, the orientation could readily be washed from the joints by seepage flow.
of the critical joints on one side of the canyon may be de- Grain-size curves and measurement of the plasticity of the
cidedly different from that on the other. Such stress relief gouge should be made if sufficient material is recoverable.
joints-being approximately parallel to the flow of water Plotting of joint survey measurements on a polar dia-

gram will permit the determination of primary joint sys- permeability, that is, to such depth that the permeability of
tems and the mean direction of such joint systems. The the rock materials beneath the grouted curtain is substan-
master joints and joints that are typically continuous or open tially less than that of the rock through which most of the
should be carefully identified. curtain is constructed. This may be achieved in massive
These data then may be used to determine the orienta- rock such as granite or granite gneisses by carrf ing the cut-
tions of the grout holes that wilI give maximum probability off to such depths that joints in general show linle, if any'
of intersecting the joints, particular attention being paid to staining or weathering, or to depths determined by water
the more critical joint systems. Such polar diagrams should test in primary grout holes along the cunain. The length of
be made separately for each abutment of a dam site and the intermediate holes is determined by observation as the work
valley bottom because, as indicated, there may be substan- progresses. In many massive rocks, the joint spacing in-
tial differences between the walls of the canyon and be- creases with depth, and the remaining joints become tight.
tween the canyon walls and the bottom. A convenient Thus, it may well be found in such materials that joints
method of laying out and studying the joint systems is to near the surface are open and stained. rvhereas those at
make a simple model in which the mean plane of each joint some depth, possibly only 40 to 50 ft (12.2 to 15.2 meters)
set is represented by a piece ofcardboard oriented at proper on one site but many times that on another, are tight, and
dip and strike. Critical joint sets should be identified by a it is necessary only to carry the curtain down to where the
color or a symbol. These pieces can be arranged on a con- tighterjoints occur because the open joints downstream of
tour map of the dam abutment, and the orientation of drill the curtain will provide drainage. Conversely, in stratified
holes that will give the best probability of intersecting the material, it may be found that there is an impervious mem-
largest number of joints, particularly the critical joints, can ber present, for example, dense shale underlying open-
be determined by using a simple pointer or dowel to rep- jointed material such as sandstone, in which case grouting
resent the drill holes. In complex problems, as, for exam- carried only into the upper Portion of the shale would be
ple, where the grouted cutoff under a dam connects to the required.
cutoff under a spillway, or in difficult abutment problems, Consideration must be given to the way in which drain-
Plexiglas models may serve a very useful purpose in per- age downstream can be assured. For example, consider Fig.
mitting three-dimensional evaluations. l0-5a, in which the open-jointed material increases in
As pointed out by Casagrande,ls grouting rarely, if ever, openness and thickness downstream of the cutoff. In this
results in a complete cutoff of seepage under a dam. Ade- case, there would be excellent relief of pressures by the
quate drainage downstream is essential in order to control drainage system, and sealing only of the more open, more
seepage discharge and uplift pressure. Drain holes drilled critical joints at the curtain probably would be necessary
into an abutment and into the foundation of a dam also unless there were a significant economic penalty for loss of
should be oriented relative to the primary jointing systems water. Conversely, consider Fig. l0-5b, where drainage
to intersect the maximum possible number of joints, spe- downstream is reduced. Here. a much more thorough
cial attention being paid to those joints that are parallel to grouted cutoff would be desirable to limit seepage, working
the direction of the sebpage. The purpose of grouting is to with an extensive and carefully designed drainage system
reduce seepage to such an extent that the seepage that does to controt seepage pressures under the dam.
pass the grouted cutoff can be discharged by the drainage Soluble rocks, such as limestone or gypsum' pose es-
system without producing significant adverse pressures. pecially difficult problems, as solution activity by perco-
Grouting serves the secondary purpose of reducing the lating groundwaters frequently will be found to have caused
quantity of seepage such that the economic penalties due open joints or caverns in these rocks. Some of these open-
to loss of water are acceptable, for example, in storage res- ings may be large, and many will be found blocked or par-
ervoirs for hydroelectric power or for a water supply. The tially blocked with collapse material consisting of blocks
depth to which grouting is to be carried and the degree of of rock embedded in a matrix of clay, silt, and sand' Foun-
reduction in flow that is to be achieved must be determined dation treatment in such difficult situations rcquires expert
by the existing geological conditions, the value of the water guidance by competent specialists. In general. grouting
in the system, the drainage system, and the pressure gra- cannot be relied upon under such conditions; it cannot dis-
dients that must be achieved downstream of the cutoff' place clay fillings in joints or in caverns, yet this clay later
In the past, rough rules of thumb frequcntly have been may be removed by erosion when the reservoir is filled,
used to establish the depth of grouted cutoffs; for example, with excessive water losses. Such sites should be regarded
the depth of the grouting cutoff is sometimes specified to with great caution. Complete mining-out of suspect zones
be equal to one-half, or possibly one+hird, the depth of and replacement with concrete cutoffs may be necessary.
water at the point considered. The dependability of such Such operations are time-consuming and costly.
rules is questionable, and, in general, it is now considered It is general practice to grout on a splining pattern; that
preferable to carry grouting to material of relatively low is, the initial holes are fairly wide-spaced. Intermediate


Frurcrl'- O*n,r.t
, .'.. (.. ,^ilFcurci_.
Sq u osrorv E- PEtrTnEAEL€ til. i-r',-i 1,

Fr u-reR- O*r,n


Figure l0-5. Geological control of drainage.

holes are then drilled and grouted in sequence until water single-row cutoff, intermediate holes of Row C would be
pressure tests and grout takes indicate that further grouting drilled and grouted. For a multirow cutoff, the holes along
will not materially increase tightening. Row A would be drilled, by again drilling alternare holes
Grout moves more rapidly into the larger joints, fre- and then splitting, and finally the holes along Row B would
quently leaving the smaller ones almost unfilled. Conse- be drilled and grouted.
quently, grouting along a single row often cannot be de- Grout can travel substantial distances. Grout discharge
pended on to ensure an effective cutoff of seepage. If a at distances of several hundred feet has been noted on var-
highly efficient cutoff in rock is necessary, a multiple-row ious projects. This is undesirable. It wastes grout, which
approach should be used. The holes in the outer rows is an expensive material, and it interferes with drainage
should be grouted on a staggered basis and splitting se- downstream of the grouted cutoff. Care may be required in
quence, and then, finally, the center row grouted again on grouting the outer rows of holes to limit the quantity of
a splitting sequence. A three-row pattern seems to give grout injected in any given hole. Indications ofgrout travel
generally good results. A flexible arrangenrent that has should be carefully monitored. If excessive grout travel is
proved satisfactory, especially for fill dams where a tight noted, grouting of the affected hole should be terminated.
cutoff frequently is not required, is illustrated in Fig. l0- Intermediate holes should then be drilled and grouted.
6. Row C is the principal row of grout holes and is the first Generally, these rows will show much smaller takes, and
one grouted. Along this row, the primary holes initially it is desirable to grout to refusal on the cenrral row of holes.
would be spaced, for example, at 48 ft (14.6 meters) on Grout seeps to the surface usually are sealed with wooden
centers. This spacing is rhen split to 24 tt (7.3 merers) by wedges or oakum caulking. Specifications should clearly
drilling the intemrediate holes. establish the minimum separation distance to be used be-
A decision is then made about whether additional grout- tween a hole being grouted and an open hole or one being
ing in that portion of the work is needed. such as additional drilled because this distance controls the scheduling of the
grouting along a single line, or whether a multirow cutoff work. Despite such prccautions, travel to open holes may
will be required, as would be the case. for example, if per- occur, and appropriate procedures should be established.
vious conditions or if extensive jointing were found. For a Excessive injection pressures will lifr and damage the


c34P C34S C35P C35S c36P C36S C37P

Row c
-t- -b-- --b---6-----b---o- - ---b-



>( euATERNARv xo.ssI Row B oNLy
Figure lG6. Plan-three-line grouted cutoff.

rock and so must be avoided. The pressure that can be used when procedures are being developed. and intermittently
safely depends largely on the orientation of joints and how thereafter to ensure that no heave is developin_e. If condi-
quickly pressures are dissipated as the grout moves away tions are not favorable, or if higher than normal pressures
from the hole. Continuous planar joints, especially if par- are used, checking for heave should be done on a conrin-
allel to the free surface, or nearly so, are the most critical. uous basis.
A rule of thumb, which is safe under most conditions for Most studies to date have assumed grout to behave as a
level areas or modest slopes, is that the pressure at the Newtonian fluid of moderate viscosity. Recent studies by
packer, including the weight of the columns of grout in Lombardi2o indicate that this is incorrect, and grout be-
pounds per square inch, should not exceed the distance from haves as a Bingham fluid, that is, as a viscoplastic with a
the surface to the packer in feet, or a minimum of about 10 definable cohesion (yield point) that limits penetration and
psi (0.7 kg/cm21. viscosity, thus controlling the rate of flow relative to the
However, even this pressure may cause block displace- gradient. Lombardi presents equations permitting compu-
ment under adverse conditions, as on abutments where tation of the maximum radiation of penetration (R-".), the
continuous joints, bedding planes, or foliation dips toward maximum volume of grout that can be injected in a sin_sle
the slope. Limitation of pressures to 5 psi (0.35 kg/cm2) crack ( Z*o^), and the maximum uplift force (F*".), as per
should be considered for near-surface grouting in such sit- equations (10-1) through (10-3):
uations unless experience and observation indicate that
higher pressures may be used safely, or the blocks are sta-
bilized by bolting. If such very low pressures are neces-
R-rr: P*rrt/C ( 10-1 )

sary, standpipes rather than gages should be used for pres- /*u":2tpi,,t1 f C1 ( lo-2 )
sure control.
Injection pressure of 1 psi/ft of depth (0.23 F*u* = oP3^^^t2f3C1 ( lo-3)
kgf cmz f meter) may cause hydrosplitting in rock under low
lateral stresses and in some weak rocks. In such event. there where p,,,., is the final applied pressure, r is the half thick-
will be backflow of grout from the hole. Usually hydro- nessof thc joint. and C is the cohesion (yicld point) of the
splitting is not desirable. If backflow occurs, procedures grout.
and pressures should be adjusted as nccessary to minimize A coaxial visconleter can be used to detennine the vis-
hydrosplitting. cosity ancl cohesion ol the grout. Lombardi, however. has
Careful checks should be made for heave, using preci- developed a simpler plate cohesion test ancl has cleveloped
sion surveying techniques referenced to marks well-re- procedures and graphs relating cohesion frorn the plate test
moved from the grouting operation. If heave is not apt to and apparent viscosity using a Manh funnel to true viscos-
be troublesome, this should be done at the start of work ity. He also has cleveloped computer programs from which

transient values of R, V, and F can be computed at any Table 1O-3. Volume of grout slurry injected.
point in time during the gnruting process. Grout Slurry Consistcac-t
Some parametric studies have been made using these
programs (refer to Deere and Lombandizl). Two crack
Timc of Cmuting Water Medium Thick

widths were investigated, 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) and 0.04 in. For0.5 mm (0.02 in.) crack:
(l mm). Three grout slurries were considered; a thin slurry 15 min 4.8 ml 1.2 ml 0.5 mr 0.3 m)
(30 sec Marsh flow time), a medium slurry (40 sec Marsh
lhr 15.9 3.7 l.l 0.6
4hr r0.3 t.8 0.9
flow time), and a thick slurry (50 sec Marsh flow time). 8hr 15.6 2.t 1.0
For comparison, grouting at ltaipu, using a I : I w/c ratio For I mm (0.04 in.) crack:
by weight (1.5: I by volume) and I to 2% bentonite as a 15 min I 1.4 5.8 3.1 2.0
stabilizing agent, showed a Marsh flow time of 38 to 40 lhr 20.2 '1.7 4.5
4hr 14.4 7.t
sec. At Alicura a I : I grout by weight with 2% bentonite 8hr 16.4 7.9
gave Marsh flow times of 35 to 38 sec. A second mix of
0.67: I by weight (l: I by volume) using l% Intraplast
gave a Marsh flow time of 32 sec. For purposes of this Table 10-4. Total uplift force.'
parametric study a large grout pump with elliptical char- Grout Slu rr1 Cons i st e nc1
acteristics was assumed, max-discharge 1580 gpm (100 li-
Time of Grouting Water Thin Medium Thick
ters/sec) and max-pressure 284 psi (20 kg/cm21.
For 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) crack:
Results of these parametric studies for penetiation, rate
of flow, volume injected after specific times, and uplift l5 min 48.000 T 61.000 T 39,000 T 26.000 T
lhr 158.000 255.000 106.000 68.000
forces are presented in Tables l0-l through l0-4, after 4hr 942.000 225,000 I 15.000
Deere and Lombardi.2r 8hr r,670.000 267,000 129.000
Grout flows and pressures in these tables reflect the pump For I mm (0.04 in.) crack:
characteristics used, of maximum flow at minimum pres- 15 min 18,000 109.000 123,000 88,000
I hr 48,000 5s l,000 401,000 252.000
sures and minimum flow at maximum pressure. Thus the 4hr 633,000 359.000
8hr 1.055.000 514.000

Table 1O-1 . Radius of grout penetration. .Aro detemined by mdius of penetration.

T = metric ton (2205 lb).
Grout Slurm Consistencv
Time of Gmuting Water Thin Medium
apparently anomalous uplift pressures for water, Table l0-
For 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) crack:
15 min 55m 28m 17m 13m 4, result from the fact that pressures needed to cause flow
lhr 100+ 49 26 20 to the 328-ft (100-meter) radius limit are small.
4hr 8t 34 21 Although these parametric studies are idealized repre-
8hr 100 36 25 sentations, they clearly indicate that thorough grouting can
For I mm (0.04 in.) crack:
be achieved with relatively thick grouts at reasonable pres-
15 min 60 43 32 25
lhr 100+ 80 50 38 sures and within reasonable times. Forexample. gmut holes
4hr 100+ 67 48 usually are not spaced more than about 20 to 2-1 ft (6 to 7.3
8hr 72 50 meters) apart, giving penetrdtion radii of about 12 to 16 ft
(4 to 5 meters) to allow for overlap. Using a 1.5:l wf c
ratio by volume grout, Marsh funnel flow time of 35 to 40
Table 1O-2. Rate of grout flow. sec, even thin cracks 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) wide could be filled
using nominal grouting pressures in times of fractions of
Grout Slurry Consistency
an hour. The data also suggest that little is gained for the
Time of Gmuting Water Medium Thick medium to thick mix after 4 hours for either thin or wide
For 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) crack: cracks. These parametric studies and Houlsby's studies of
l5 min 312 l/min 69 l/min 22 l/nin 12 l/min crack filling thus strongly support using medium to thick
lhr 307 509 4 grouts that are stabilized to limit sedirnentation.
4hr 282 0.6
The calculations indicate that the pressure is highest ad-
8hr l8 0.6 0
jacent to the hole and decrcascs linearly to near zero at the
For I mm (0.04 in.) crack:
15 min 760 359 t56 93 limit of penetration. Total uplift forces were calculated by
lhr 756 297 16 36 integrating the pressure at any point over the area within
4hr l7 6 the limit of penetration. Therefore, with thin mixes and
8hr 6 2
long injection times, which increase the area of injection,

total uplift increases rapidly. If blockage occurs, the pres- on areas of high take, with rcduced time and effort on por-
sure distribution may become rectangular rather than tri- tions of the hole that will not accept grout.
angular, which would markedly increase the hazard of uplift Sometimes it is difficult to seal near-surface zones be-
or hydro-splitting along joints. There thus is greater hazard cause of excessive communication to the surface. A grout
of damaging uplift with thin than with thick grout, and care cap is then necessary to obtain satisfactory results. Past
to control pressures and prevent uplifts is very important practice was to excavate a trench in the rock about 4 ft (1.2
where low-viscosity grout is used. meters) wide by 4 ft ( 1.2 meters) deep and 6ll it with con-
From equation (10-l), it is seen that the maximum radius crete. Grouting was then restricted to a sin-ele row along
of penetration is directly proportional to the crack width the cap. Similar cutoffs were at one time used under the
and inversely proportional to the cohesion of the grout. heels of gravity dams and toe slabs of concrete face slab
Even at l-hour pumping times, penetration of medium to dams, but they were abandoned many years ago because
thick grouts ranges from 85 to 64 ft (26 to 2O meters) in of their expense and because blasting for construction dam-
0.02-in. (0.5-mm) cracks and from 160 to 125 ft (50 to 38 aged the rock. Such narrow caps also are not adapted to
meters) in 0.04-in. (l-mm) cracks. These radii substan- multirow cutoffs. Accordingly, there is a trend toward using
tially exceed normally used primary grout hole spacings. as a grout cap a layer of concrete l8 to 24 in. (0.5 to 0.6
Therefore, to limit losses of grout to large cracks, the meter) thick placed on the prepared rock surface and an-
grouting of primary holes should use medium to thick grout chored to the rock by grouted dowels made of reinforcing
with limitations on the quantity injected. bars. Dowels are usually N 1l spaced 5 ft (1.5 meters) on
The sequence of grouting in each hole should be estab- centers each way and 8 to l0 ft (2.4 to 3 meters) long. After
lished in the bidding procedure because costs may vary ap- the concrete has developed adequate strength, holes may
preciably. The most effective and most expensive sequence be drilled through it and into the rock beneath, and the
is stage grouting from the top down. In this procedure, the grout injected. The grout cap should be somewhat wider
hole is drilled to a specified depth or until an open joint is than the desired minimum width of grouted cutoff. A cross
crossed as indicated by loss of drill water, a packer is set section of a typical cap is shown in Fig. 10-7.
at the top, and the hole is grouted. The hole is then drilled The decision to construct a grout curtain, and the estab-
deeper, the packer is lowered to just above the bottom of lishment of basic parameters for its construction, are part
the previously grouted portion, and grout again is injected. of the design stage; but satisfactory construction requires
The length of each stage to be used is estimated initially immediate supervision and direction of the work by expe-
from the exploratory borings. Usually this value is adjusted rienced personnel. The supervisors should have the au-
as the work progresses, based on observation. Customar- thority to direct changes in grout mix, terminate or con-
ily, if significant loss of drill water occurs, drilling is tinue injecting
on any hole, increase the depth of any
stopped and the hole grouted. This is done to ensure that hole, and add or delete holes within the established frame-
open joints are not plugged by drill cuttings. The packer work of the specifications and drawings. Decisions to
must be set at the top ofeach stage so that higher pressures change the general depth of grouting or to chan,se grouting
may be used in the deeper stages. procedures should be made only with the concurrence of
Work is continued, with alternate drilling and grouting, the design engineers.
until the desired depth is reached. Because of the time re-
quired for grout to set before the hole can be redrilled and Grouting Equipment. The piping system used for in-
the necessary spacing between open holes, this procedure jecting the grout should be so arranged that the flow and
is slow and requires frequent moving of equipment and op- injection pressures can be closely monitored and closely
erations over an extensive area. It is usually considered jus- controlled at the hole being grouted, with excess grout re-
tified when maximum effectiveness in poor-quality rock is turned immediately to the grouting plant. In the past, re-
Zone grouting from the bottom up is cheaper and, where
multirow cutoffs are used, considered satisfactory for most
conditions. In this procedure the hole is drilled full depth,
thoroughly washed with air and water, and grouted in stages
from the bottom by setting the packer at successively higher f?n ,, *.o^*.'r,or.
Loxq (D 5Fr .5Ft
elevations. Because pressures allowed in higher (later) Grto ur: o Ix
stages are less than for deeper stages, each stage may be
grouted without waiting for the grout of the previous stage
to set. Usually with this procedure the hole is fint water- - Flousg

tested in stages to locate zones of high permeability before

grouting. Zones are then selected to allow. concentration Figure l0-7. Detail-grout cap.

ciprocating pumps, sometimes located in a remote mixing inated rock such as schists, or rock that contains shale or
plant, were commonly used for grout injection. This prac- clay seams, use of the percussion drills may result in a
tice required long grout lines and long return grout lines. significant reduction in permeability adjacent to the holes,
Friction losses in these lines were high, and it was difficult which deleteriously affects the grouting operations. Setting
with such equipment to maintain close control of pressures the packeni in percussion-drilled holes sometimes is not
or flow rates at the injection point, especially since the possible. Thus, where percussion drilling is used, it may
pressures fluctuated during each stroke of the equipment. be necessary to do stage grouting from the top down, with
A better arrangement is to use one or more small, contin- packers set in collas at the top of the hole. This obviously
uous-flow pumps, such as Moyno pumps, located near the requires a great deal of redrilling and the use of low pres-
point of grout injection. These pumps are light and can be sures, thus reducing the apparent economy of percussion
moved easily. Preferably they should be equipped with air drilling.
motors, which have infinitely variable speed control. Using Because percussion drilling usually is less expensive than
such pumps, close control ofpressures and flow rates at the rotary drilling, its suitability on any project should be re-
injection point can be maintained readily. Magnetic flow viewed and checked by comparative tests in the field if con-
meters (Fischer-Porter) are available, providing precise ditions appear favorable to its use. On some projects it may
control of flow rates and total quantities of grout injected. prove economical to drill many more percussion-drilled
Grout can be mixed in a central plant and piped to the in- holes rather than the more expensive diamond-drilled holes.
jection pumps as required if this procedure proves conve- In most rock the holes should be thoroughly washed with
nient or economically desirable, or a portable mixing plant air and water.
can be used and moved along with the work as it pro- Drilling in clay shales and some friable sandstones may
gresses. To facilitate changing mixes as injection proceeds, best be done by using percussion bits and air only. How-
thick grout can be mixed at the central plant and then ever, interestingly, experience on a recent project in such
thinned by remixing with additional water at the point of rock showed the fastest progress and minimum hole plug-
injection. Recirculation through a Moyno pump will pro- ging with plugged diamond bits (rotary) and water.
vide satisfactory remixing. Rotary equipment may use either plugged bits or core-
Pressure gages for monitoring injection pressures must type bits, the former generally being the less expensive for
be placed on the injection pipe below the throttle valve that production hole drilling because pulling of the core at in-
controls flow to the hole. They should be protected by suit- tervals is not required. It is suggested, however, that at
able oil seals. The range and precision of the gage should least primary holes, which may be located about 50 ft (15
be selected carefully, with due consideration of the range meters) apart, should be drilled with core equipment on any
of pressures to be used in the process. Rather close control project, in order to recover core for review by the project
of pressures may be necessary in the upper portions of the geologist as a guide to conditions that may become impor-
hole. Gages that may be well adapted to grouting with the tant as the grouting operation proceeds. There is little ad-
packer set at depth and where high pressures are used, may vantage in drilling large-diameter holes. B-size holes are
be so insensitive as not to give adequate control for shallow quite frequently used and are usually satisfactory unless
packer settings; and this deficiency can lead to undesirable some unusual conditions require stepping down the size of
heave. Consequently, it is desirable to have gages for two the hole more than once in order to reach greater depth. A-
or more pressure ranges available, or to use standpipes for size holes may be used in good rock where setting packers
very low pressures. is not difficult. It is difficult to set satisfactorily in E-size
Drilling for grout injection usually has been done with holes, and this smaller-diameter hole usually is not satis-
diamond. or similar rotary drilling equipment, but there is factory.
a trend toward using percussion equipment of the type Thorough mixing of grout is essential for good results.
commonly used for blast hole drilling because it is much The best results are obtained with high-speed rotary shear
less expensive than the traditional means of drilling. Usu- mixers, sometimes termed colloidal mixers. Bentonite
ally percussion drilling is done by using air and water, as should be mixed with water and allowed to stabilize for 24
this mixture seems to wash or clean the hole better than air hours before being put into the mixer. With simple paddle
alone. Such equipment has proved satisfactory in some op- wheel mixers, it may be very difficult to sbtain uniform
erations and unsatisfactory in others. Some test data indi- mixes, tree frorn lumps, especially when bentonite is used.
cate that percussion drilling equipment will give satisfac- Moyno pumps can do effective mixing by recireulating with
tory rcsults in hard, clean rock that is free of soft or a jet into the bowl. Such equipmcnt is especially useful for
weathered materials. Typically this would include sound smalljobs.
granite and possibly crystalline limestones where the joints Chemical grouts require special equipment because they
are not filled with clay or earth. Grouting of the fomrer usually require precise proportioning of grout and catalytic
material under fill dams sometimes is not requirecl. In lam- agents. Mixing of grout and catalyst is usually done at the

injection point so that the gel time may be properly con- and the field forces must be kept advised of any additional
trolled. This requires special mixing chambers or nozzles holes that may be required so they may schedule equipment
just ahead of the grout injection pipe. Some chemical grouts and moves efliciently.
are sensitive to materials used in pumps and piping systems In successful grouting opcrations the quantities of grout
or are corrosive to certain materials, and this possibility injected in the successive hole systems of a splitting-type
should be checked. Chemical grouting is best done by firms program show successive and marked declines. Thus, the
specializing in such work, as they have the necessary secondary, tertiary, and quaternary holes, if needed. should
equipment and experience in its use. each successively show smaller -qrout takes than the pre-
ceding system; that is, takes should be less in tertiary than
Records. Because the final product is buried deep within in secondary holes. If a zone shows large takes, the usual
the rock or soil, the effectiveness or adequacy of grouting practice is to drill additional holes on either side and con-
cannot be determined by inspection of the completed work. tinue until the takes reach acceptable final values. Com-
Effectiveness is truly known only when the structure is monly, takes in the final check holes on the orderof 0. I to
placed in service. Accordingly, evaluation of work accom- 0.2 bag of cement/ft (14 to 28 k-e/m) of hole are consid-
plished and decisions on whether to proceed further in any ered desirable.
portion of the work must be based on a review of the con- Keeping the records on even a modest project is a major
ditions found and observations of the work as it progresses. undertaking that can succeed only if standard forms are set
As a basis for such evaluation, careful and detailed records up for recording all field data. records are transferred daily
must be kept of the quantity and mix of groirt injected into from field notes to pelrnanent data sheets, and graphic dis-
each stage of each grout hole, together with observations plays are kept up to date. For the Esmeralda Dam of the
of such factors as leakage to the surface, times, rates of Chivor Project (237 meters high), more than 100.000 ft
take, pressures, and other conditions. Further, field data (30,000 meters) of grout holes were drilled. Further, grout-
must be collected and displayed daily on summary plots so ing was done by stages, with from three to as many as eight
arranged that pressures used, grout takes, and type ofgrout stages per hole. The magnitude and complexity of the rec-
are shown by hole and depth for each portion of the work. ord-keeping prognm is apparent. Computer printouts and
This is necessary so that additional holes and their depths graphic displays are very helpful in monitoring -erouting
may be decided upon as the work progresses. Such deci- and are commonly used. Figure l0-8 shows a typical
sions must be made promptly while the work is in progress, graphic presentation of data. This is plotted daily and is

GROUr rAKE-sAcKs/Fr 'oJ_j__ rPjs
EL. 1t90. Y^ B LINE z5'
\ -cr g, L|NE 60"
RED=1,1, YELLOW 2,1 olc.

Figure l0-8. Profile-grouting records tbr three-line cutoff.


used for determining whether adequate results have been used or chemicals used, and number of hookups. Summary
achieved in any portion of the program and for scheduling records developed fmm the daily records are necessary for
additional grouting as considered necessary. The quantity establishing pay quantities. A large part of the rccord keep-
of grout injected into each zone of each hole is shown ing, printouts, and plots can be done by compurer, but final
graphically by width of line or other device. Color or some decisions on when any area is complete must be made by
other symbol may be used to show the grout mix. an experienced supervisor at the work.
Grouting work is usually paid for on a unit-price basis Reference 22 provides additional information on proce-
using such items as length of drilling and redrilling, quan- dures, materials, and equipment for use in planning and
tity ofgrout injected, usually expressed as sacks ofcement executing a grouting project.


RrcHnnn W. Knnrraen

Silt and sand deposits can occur in a very loose state. Such ness of the deposit and in-place density of a wetted soil. A
loose materials are found as superficial deposits occurring soil's susceptibitity to collapse is a function of the in-place
as loess, sand dunes, sand bars in stream channels, alluvial density, natural moisture content, and liquid limit (Fig.
fans, mud flows, deltas, and generally the surface layers of l0-9). Very severe collapse potential was a major design
soil subject to frost action. Dry, low-density silty, sandy consideration for the very large canals constructed by the
soils can sustain considerable load, but will collapse when Bureau in the San Joaquin Valley and Central Valley of
loaded and wetted. Such soils, if left in the foundation of California. The expression "subsidence" has been used to
an embankment dam, will collapse when saturated by water describe the over l0 ft (3 meters) of collapse induced by
from impoundment of the reservoir, leading to excessive ponding water on the surface of these very loose structured
and differential settlement of the embankment and potential soils.
distress.To preclude excessive seltlement, removal or Pueblo Dam was constructed across the Arkansas River
treatment is required. Treatment involves the addition of in the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains during the
water to the soil to allow consolidation as the embankment late 1960s and early 1970s. The embankment foundation
is being constructed. contains alluvial, low-density silty soils. Laboratory tests
showed that the loaded silt would experience significant
Soil Treatment settlement upon wetting (Fig. l0-10) and that moisture
content increased to about Proctor optimum is sufficient to
In the early 1940s through the early 1960s, the U.S. Bu- allow consolidation during embankment loading. Not
reau of Reclamation constructed a number of embankment needing to saturate the soil provides economy, makes good
dams on the plains of the western United States in the states drainage unnecessary, and precludes development of high
of Kansas and Nebraska. Portions or all of the embank- pore pressurcs, which delay consolidation. Field tests were
ments' foundation consisted of loessial deposits. Various performed to estimate and compare water penetration by
schemes of ponding and sprinkling were employed to in- ponding and sprinkling with and without stripping, and to
crease soil moisture. The loess was underlain by more per- estimate the time required for distribution of water through
vious materials that permitted drainage as the loess was the deposits. Prewetting done by sprinklers on an un-
consolidated. Only minor settlement was observed during stripped surface was selected. Estimates were made of the
wetting of the foundations. Consolidation during embank- volume of water to be applied per unit area for various
ment construction ranged from minor to several feet for the portions of the foundation, based on depth and in-place
various dams. The percent consolidation of the foundation moisture content of material needing prewetting, and the
soil depth was as much as 15 to 20Vo in some instances. In minimum curing time prior to embankment placement for
one instance, the foundation was rolled with a 50-ton each area. Measurements of settlement were made under a
(45,400-kg) pneumatic-tired roller prior to embankment 33-ft ( I0-meter)-high test fill. No consolidation during
construction. Compaction was effective to approximately prewetting was observed. After construction of the test fill,
13 ft (4 meters). about l0% consolidation was measured.
The amount of consolidation is a function of the thick- A more recent application of foundation prewetting is

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