1 What Is Ramadan

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What is Ramadan ?

Muslims pray in the iconic Sultan Ahmed Mosque, better known as the Blue Mosque, in the
historic Sultanahmet district of Istanbul, Turkey, late Wednesday, June 17, 2015, during
the first 'taraweeh', nightly prayer of the month of Ramadan. (Photo: AP)
June 18, 2015, Thursday/ 11:20:28/ AP / DUBAI


Millions of Muslims around the world will mark the start of

Ramadan on Thursday, a month of intense prayer, dawn-to-
dusk fasting and nightly feasts.

Why do Muslims fast?

The fast is intended to bring the faithful closer to God and to

remind them of the suffering of those less fortunate. Muslims often
donate to charities during the month and feed the hungry.

Ramadan is a time to detach from worldly pleasures and focus on

one's prayers. Many Muslims dress more conservatively during
Ramadan and spend more time at the mosque than at any other
time of the year. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars
of Islam.

How do Muslims fast?

Observant Muslims abstain from eating and drinking from dawn to

dusk for the entire month of Ramadan. A single sip of water or a
puff of a cigarette is considered enough to invalidate the fast.
Muslim scholars say it's not enough to just avoid food and drinks
during the day, though. Muslims should not engage in road rage,
cursing, fighting or gossiping.

Muslims are also encouraged to observe the five daily prayers on

time and to use their downtime just before breaking their fast at
sunset to recite Quran and intensify remembrance of God.

To prepare for the fast, Muslims eat what is commonly called

"suhoor," a pre-dawn meal of power foods to get them through the

How do Muslims break their fast?

Muslims traditionally break their fast like the Prophet Muhammad

did some 1,400 years ago, with a sip of water and some dates at
sunset. That first sip of water is by far the most anticipated
moment of the day.
After a sunset prayer, a large feast known as "iftar" is shared with
family and friends. Iftar is a social event as much as it is a
gastronomical adventure. Across the Arab world, juices made from
apricots are a staple at Ramadan iftars. In South Asia and Turkey,
yogurt-based drinks are popular.
Across the Muslim world, mosques and aid organizations set up
tents and tables for the public to eat free iftar meals every night of

Can Muslims be exempted from fasting?

Yes. There are exceptions for children, the elderly, the sick,
women who are pregnant and people traveling, which could
include athletes during tournaments. Many Muslims, particularly
those who live in the U.S. and Europe, are accepting and
welcoming of others around them who are not observing
Ramadan. They also are not expecting shorter work hours, as is
the case in the public sector across much of the Arab world during

However, non-Muslims or adult Muslims who eat in public during

the day can be fined or even jailed in some Middle Eastern
countries, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

What are some Ramadan traditions?

Typically, the start of the month is welcomed with greetings such

as "Ramadan mubarak!" Another hallmark of Ramadan is nightly
prayer at the mosque among Sunni Muslims called "taraweeh."

Increasingly common are Ramadan tents in five-star hotels that

offer lavish and pricey meals from sunset to sunrise.

How do Muslims mark the end of Ramadan?

The end of Ramadan is marked by intense worship as Muslims
seek to have their prayers answered during "Laylat al-Qadr" or "the
Night of Destiny." It is on this night, which falls during the last 10
nights of Ramadan, that Muslims believe that God sent the Angel
Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad and revealed the first versus of
the Quran.

The end of Ramadan is celebrated by a three-day holiday called

Eid al-Fitr. Children often receive new clothes, gifts and cash.
Muslims attend early morning Eid prayers the day after Ramadan.
Families usually spend the day at parks and eating - now during
the day.  

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