Amplitude Modulation

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1. Give the formula for modulation index and explain its terms.
2. An AM wave displayed on an oscilloscope has values of Vmax 5 4.8 and Vmin
5 2.5 as read from the graticule. What is the percentage of modulation?
3. What is the ideal percentage of modulation for maximum amplitude of
information trans mission?
4. To achieve 75 percent modulation of a carrier of Vc 5 50 V, what amplitude
of the modulating signal Vm is needed?
5. The maximum peak-to-peak value of an AM wave is 45 V. The peak-to-
peak value of the modulating signal is 20 V. What is the percentage of
6. What is the mathematical relationship of the carrier and modulating signal
voltages when overmodulation occurs?
7. An AM radio transmitter operating on 3.9 MHz is modulated by frequencies
up to 4 kHz. What are the maximum upper and lower side frequencies? What
is the total bandwidth of the AM signal?
8. What is the bandwidth of an AM signal whose carrier is 2.1 MHz modulated
by a 1.5-kHz square wave with significant harmonics up to the fifth?
Calculate all the upper and lower sidebands produced.

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