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9 Teaching

Methods To
Success in the
Teaching Methods
As their name says, are the
methods teachers use to teach
students in the classrooms
thanks to which they help them
understand new topics and
remember what they already
This method is based on the idea
of creating educaional plans
according to the students needs.
Taking into consideration the way
they receive the content, the
activities they do, the physical
setup and the strategies used by
the teacher.

This method is conventional
and helpful because it is lead
by the teachers who explain
the information, showing
visual aids or examples of the
topic while the students
observe, take notes or watch.

based learning
The use of technology in
classrooms makes the
teaching-learning processes
more effective and helpful
because we use the cloud
computing to help students
get information from
anywhere using devices like
computers or classrooms.
Group learning
Students develop collaboration skills
by discussing topics and sharing
perspectives. Teachers boost
participation and listening, equipping
students for future success.
Presentations let them share
knowledge, ask/answer questions,
and connect with classmates. It's not
just about working together, it's
about learning from each other!
9 Teaching
Methods To
Success in the
It romotes the idea of learning by investigation,
where students can complete projects, ask
questions and find answers by themselves. While
teachers act as resources in these times, the goal
is for students to solve problems and discover
information on their own. Upon learning about
concepts, they can explain and present the
concepts in their own words to further enforce
them in their memories. Then, students can
advance to higher levels at their own pace. This is
a way for students to perform an active role in the
learning process.

Kinesthetic learning is the notion of
learning through movement. Teachers
can move around the classroom and
use hand gestures while they present
to engage students visually and
kinesthetically. They can also
encourage students to perform
physical activities where they can
move around and use their creativity.

If you want to update your classroom
techniques and help children to be
more excited about learning,
consider developing and
implementing educational games or
challenges, whether in-person or
online. These can inspire children,
especially kinesthetic learners, to
participate more fully in the learning
process and keep them motivated
and focused on lessons. It can also
allow them the opportunity to solve
problems and reach a goal.
Dive into real-world projects, case
studies, or even field trips. Imagine
a science class exploring nature at
a nearby center. This hands-on
learning connects classroom
knowledge to the real world,
sparking curiosity and making
studies meaningful. It's not just
about memorizing facts, it's about
applying them and seeing the
impact firsthand. So, ditch the
traditional and embrace the

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