Noun Plural

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1. The colorful flowers in the garden sway gently in the breeze.

 Noun: flowers

 Pronoun: -

 Verb: sway

 Adjective: colorful

 Adverb: gently

 Preposition: in

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -

2. Many students eagerly raised their hands to answer the teacher's question.

 Noun: students

 Pronoun: -

 Verb: raised, answer

 Adjective: Many

 Adverb: eagerly

 Preposition: to

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -

3. The shelves in the bookstore were filled with a wide variety of books.

 Noun: shelves, bookstore, variety, books

 Pronoun: -

 Verb: were filled

 Adjective: The, wide

 Adverb: -

 Preposition: in, with, of

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -
1. Sarah's backpack was filled with books and supplies for her first day of school.

 Noun: backpack

 Pronoun: -

 Verb: was filled

 Adjective: Sarah's

 Adverb: -

 Preposition: -

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -

2. The dog's wagging tail indicated its excitement as it greeted its owner at the door.

 Noun: dog, tail, owner, door

 Pronoun: its

 Verb: indicated, greeted

 Adjective: wagging

 Adverb: -

 Preposition: -

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -

3. My grandmother's delicious apple pie is a family favorite during the holidays.

 Noun: grandmother, pie, favorite, holidays

 Pronoun: -

 Verb: is

 Adjective: My, delicious, family

 Adverb: -

 Preposition: -

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -
4. A girl who is smiling with me, is my neighbor.

Noun: girl, neighbor

 Pronoun: -

 Verb: is, smiling

 Adjective: -

 Adverb: -

 Preposition: with

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -

 My mother always gives me a delicious lunch.

 Noun: mother, lunch

 Pronoun: My, me

 Verb: gives

 Adjective: delicious

 Adverb: always

 Preposition: -

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -

 A man try to climb the mountain.

 Noun: man, mountain

 Pronoun: -

 Verb: try, climb

 Adjective: -

 Adverb: -

 Preposition: to, the

 Conjunction: -

 Interjection: -

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