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Unit 2

Vocabulary I

Exercise 1

1 thunderstorm; 2 foggy; 3 cold; 4 Lightning; 5 sunny; 6 windy; 7 cloudy; 8 rainy

Exercise 2

1 sunny; 2 cold; 3 rainy; 4 foggy; 5 cloudy; 6 thunderstorms; 7 lightning; 8 windy

Exercise 3

1 sunny / hot; 2 cloudy; 3 cold; 4 foggy; 5 rainy; 6 windy; 7 thunderstorm; 8 lightning

Vocabulary II

Exercise 1

1 were badly damaged; 2 a lucky escape; 3 lost their homes; 4 was safe; 5 collapsed; 6 was
badly hurt; 7 took shelter; 8 lost consciousness

Exercise 2

1 took shelter; 2 badly damaged; 3 collapsed; 4 lost their homes; 5 safe; 6 badly hurt; 7 lost
consciousness; 8 a lucky escape

Exercise 3

1 lost their homes; 2 badly damaged; 3 badly hurt; 4 collapsed; 5 shaking; 6 lost consciousness;
7 quickly recovered; 8 a lucky escape

Grammar I

Exercise 1

1 were you doing; 2 Was your cat trying; 3 wasn’t skiing; 4 were living; 5 was having; 6 weren’t
taking; 7 Were you talking, I wasn’t

Exercise 2

1 Were you watching; 2 was; 3 were they going; 4 were flying; 5 was crossing; 6 Was the plane
having; 7 wasn’t; 8 weren’t eating; 9 Were they feeling; 10 were; 11 were freezing; 12 were

Exercise 3

1 was coming; 2 was running; 3 were participating; 4 was running; 5 was carrying; 6 was
running; 7 Was he feeling; 8 was; 9 was walking; 10 was working; 11 was a girl working; 12 was

Grammar II

Exercise 1

1 was running, started; 2 was Ewan swimming, hit; 3 Were you working, called; 4 Did Ian take
shelter, started; 5 was not having, happened; 6 was having, started; 7 missed, were looking

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 3 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

Exercise 2

1 Was Francisco playing, arrived; 2 was studying, heard; 3 were eating, started; 4 was Alex
doing, began; 5 wasn’t sleeping, called; 6 broke, was watching; 7 were swimming, saw

Exercise 3

1 Did you hear; 2 were leaving; 3 started; 4 didn’t stop; 5 waited; 6 was calling; 7 came; 8 were
standing; 9 told; 10 stopped; 11 were sitting


Exercise 1

1 She was in Unawatuna. 2 They were having breakfast. 3 They tried to find somewhere to
take shelter. 4 They were on the balcony. 5 Possible answers: He was badly hurt with a tree. /
He was badly hurt. / He was badly hurt while he was trying to help people. 6 They went to the
hospital. 7 Yes, she does.

Exercise 2

1 230,000; 2 Unawatuna; 3 wave; 4 on the balcony; 5 by a tree; 6 A lot of buildings; 7 is


Presenter: Hello, and welcome to our weekly feature on Southern Radio called Great
Escapes. This evening, I’m talking to freelance TV cameraman, Adam Smith, who
had a very lucky escape while he was filming in Kosovo in 1992 during the
Bosnian War. Welcome to the show, Adam.
Adam: Thank you very much.
Presenter: Who were you working for when you were filming in Kosovo?
Adam: I was working for an Irish channel.
Presenter: Were you frightened?
Adam: Filming wars is always frightening and sometimes it’s exciting, but at the time
you don’t think about it.
Presenter: Were you working on your own?
Adam: No, there were two of us. I was working with another cameraman.
Presenter: So tell us about your lucky escape.
Adam: We were near a small village in the mountains. There was a lot of fighting and
we wanted to film the village from the top of the hill. When we finished filming,
we knew we couldn’t go into the village. There was a lot of fighting, so we
decided to leave. We climbed under a bridge and found a small road. While we
were running along the road, I felt something hit me.
Presenter: What was it?
Adam: I didn’t know. I wasn’t in any pain, so I thought I was OK.
Presenter: What happened then?
Adam: We were very tired so we stopped for a rest. In my pocket I had a roll of money,
a memory stick and my mobile phone. When I took out my mobile phone, I saw
an amazing thing. There was a big hole in my roll of money, and there was a rifle
bullet in my mobile phone. We didn’t realize that we were so close to the
Presenter: What happened? Did a soldier shoot you?

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 3 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

Adam: Yes, but I didn’t know it at the time. The rifle bullet didn’t hit me; it hit my
mobile phone!
Presenter: That’s incredible. Your mobile phone saved your life. That was a very lucky
escape. Thank you for telling us about it …

Exercise 1

1 False; 2 False; 3 True; 4 True; 5 False; 6 False; 7 True

Exercise 2

1 TV channel; 2 1992; 3 exciting; 4 from the top of a hill; 5 he wanted to relax; 6 his memory
stick; 7 shot


Students’ own answers

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 3 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

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