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Priyanka Begari

Full Stack Java Developer Phone:+1940-280-4003


● I have 9+ years of experience in analysis, design, implementing and testing of object-oriented applications
in client/server environments using Java/J2E.
● Experience in designing and developing web enterprises and web applications using Core Java, J2EE, REST
API, Angular and AWS.
● Adapted Model-View-Controller (MVC) frameworks for developing web applications.

● Expertise in Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), OOPS using Unified Modeling Language (UML),
Design Patterns, Data Structures and Data Algorithms MVC Frameworks.
● Extensive knowledge in creating style guides, best practices and setting UI standards for
enterprise/consumer applications using Bootstrap.
● Experience in using Grunt and CSS procedures LESS, SASS

● Experience with JS testing frameworks (e.g., Karma, Jasmine, and Mocha).

● Experience with application scaffolding tools, automation & development tools, and dependency
management (e.g., Yeoman, Bower, npm, grunt).
● Strong web development skills with web 2.0 framework, JSP and CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, DHTML, Angula
rJS, ReactJs.
● Developed JSON Restful API service for new mobile apps(IOs/Android) in two-month period, including
OAuth, users profiles, messages, friendships and etc.(Node.JS, express, socket).
● Experience in Azure App & Cloud Services, PaaS, Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Power
BI, Azure Blob Storage, Web API, VM Creation, ARM Templates, PowerShell scripts, Iaas, Storage and
● Experience in utilizing Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment through Agile Methodology to
deliver weekly software deployments through Bamboo.
● Experienced in using Maven as build tool for the building of deployable artifacts (Jar, war, ear) from
source code and writing pom.xml and build.xml for Java and J2EE Applications.
● Experienced in using ANT, Gradle to create dependency jars and deploy the entire project on to the
Apache Tomcat Server.
● Proficient in using version control tool like Team Foundation Server (TFS) and VSTS, SVN.

● Experienced in Branching, Merging, Tagging, and maintaining the version across the environments using
SCM tools like GIT, GitLab in Git bash CLI, Bit bucket and Subversion (SVN) on windows and Linux
● Experienced in Container-Based deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Docker-
registries and Kubernetes.
● Expertise knowledge on implementation of Apache Kafka as Traditional Messaging and Streaming
● Hands on using React Hooks to use State and Lifecycle methods inside functional components.

● Proficient in developing Single Page Applications using Angular and by implementing Typescript.

● Good experience in using Log4J, JUnit for testing and CVS, SVN, Clear Case for Version Control.

● Experience using AWS Resources and its features including IAM, EC2, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation,
Lambda, S3, SQS, ELB and Dynamo DB.
● Good knowledge on using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for AWS resources setup in cloud using
● Experienced with event-driven and scheduled AWS Lambda functions to trigger various AWS Resources.

● Work with application development staff to develop database architectures, coding standards, and
quality assurance policies and procedures with Sybase.
● Experience with Design, code, and debug operations, reporting, data analysis and web applications
utilizing Python.
● Experience implementing Cloud based Linux OS in AWS to Develop Scalable Applications with Python
● Experience in creating applications using MongoDB.

● Reviews and enhances existing Sybase / SQL code to improve performance and ensure application meets
industry-standard specifications.
● Expertise in using Version Control Git.

● Strong analytical, presentation, problem solving and excellent inter-personal skills, ability to work
independently and active team player with proven work ethics and leadership qualities.

Technical Skills:

Web Technologies HTML 5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, XML, XHTML, DHTML,
JSON, Apache, Java, Bootstrap, Docker, Docker Swarm,
Kubernetes, Chef, puppet, Ansible, Typescript, Python, Apache

CI/CD Jenkins, Circle CI, Bamboo, Team City

JavaScript Libraries JQuery, Angular JS, Node JS, React JS, Angular (7,9).

Version Control SVN, GIT, TFS,CVS, Clear Case

Database MySQL, PostgreSQL, Aurora DB, MongoDB, Dynamo DB,
Cassandra DB
Networking/Protocols TCP/IP,DNS, DHCP,SMTP, SOAP, and HTTP
Debugging /Monitoring Tools Firebug, Chrome, Splunk, ELK, Cloud Watch

J2EE Technologies Servlets, EJB, JSP, JDBC

Cloud AWS Resources( S3, Lambda, IAM, DynamoDB, ELB, Cloud

Formation, Cloud Watch, Cognito), AWS CDK

Frameworks Struts, Spring, MicroServices, Junit, TestNg, Mockito

IDE & Tools Eclipse, Visual Studio, NetBeans Notepad++, IBM Rad,Adobe
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, JIRA, Rally, Service now,

Database MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, MongoDB

Operating System Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8, HP, Solaris, AIX UNIX

Professional Experience:

Walmart, Dallas, TX (Remote) Feb 2022 -Until Date

Full Stack Java Developer


● Designed/Developed extensive additions to existing Struts/ Java/J2EE Web Application utilizing Micro
services Architecture.
● Expertise in One/Two-way Data Binding, MVC Pattern to organize our web application properly, and used
Dependency injection to test our code.
● Developed applications using Java 8 features like Lambda functions, Streams and Functional interfaces.

● Involved in developing the application using Java/J2EE platform. Implemented the Model View Control
(MVC) structure using spring.
● Involved in Analysis, Design, Coding and Data Structures and Data Algorithm testing phases of the project
● Having 3+ years of experience in Groovy and Grails Strong experience with Grails, Groovy,
Hibernate/GORM, Jenkins and Spring Framework
● Followed Agile Software Development with Scrum methodology.

● Written Junit test cases to test services implemented in grails and groovy. Used browser plug-in Postman
to test webservices.
● Involved in writing Controller Classes, Manager Classes and DAO Classes using Spring MVC Framework.

● Coded Groovy domain classes to handle the business logic.

● Used Cordova for handing native features of Mobile.

● Experience used Spring Boot, which is radically faster in building cloud Micro services, and develop a
Spring-based application with very less configuration.
● Maintained Apache Clusters by created Topics and configured the Clusters, Brokers and Topics Using
Kafka Consumers, Producers and Stream API’s.
● Used SQL extensively in command objects of Crystal reports.

● Created new documentation for the .net Windows Service with new features.

● Worked on a moderization project to convert mainframe applications to .net

● Created reports using Crystal Reports with Standard, Summary, Cross Tabs, SQL, Command Objects.
Selection Criteria, grouping, sub reports etc.
● Responsible to enhance the web application UI using HTML, JavaScript, Angular JS, XML, JSP, CSS as per
the requirements and providing the client side using JavaScript validations.
● Automate different workflows, which are initiated manually with Python scripts and UNIX shell scripting.

● Defined new validations through Angular for the form field validation implemented through HTML5.

● Mainly involved in developing Single Page Applications (SPA) using Angular Framework.

● Developed Angular Components, classes and Modules using Implementing Typescript.

● Used Angular Directives to extend HTML to create Foundation for rich and complex components of the
● Worked for Web sales department to create, test, distribute and maintain Crystal Reports.

● Good knowledge using Angular Decorators for Child and Parent Communication, Event Emitters and
NgModules like Router Module, Forms Module and HttpModule.
● Exposed Stateless session beans as RESTful web services using JAX-RS. Implemented Angular promises to
handle asynchronous communication with our Rest API for various requirements.
● Developed pages using Angular directives, expressions, routing capabilities for bookmarking, filters,
validations and AngularUI components such as grid, buttons, carousels, date pickers, observables, modal
dialogs, and other input components.
● Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using, AJAX, JSON and XML.

● Led the design and development of the Account Management module, implemented features

● Like user invitation, role/attribute-based access control, single/multi-tenant support, etc.

● Worked on ODS - Operational Device Security, to enhance device security using profiles and groups.

● Successfully implemented boto3 SDK to build Applications on Amazon S3, Amazon Dynamo DB and
Amazon EC2.
● Specialized in transforming data into user-friendly visualization to give business users a complete view of
their business using Power BI.
● Implemented a Script using java to trigger a Lambda function to before update/delete actions on Dynamo
DB Table whenever a file is uploaded to S3 Bucket.
● Used various sources to pull data into Power BI such as SQL Server, oracle.

● Design and Develop required TIBCO components for all interfaces.

● Used AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) has a resource for implementation of all the Lambda Scripts, IAM
roles setup in the AWS accounts using TypeScript.
● Extensively worked in Test Driven Development (TDD) framework using JUnit.

● Integrate TIBCO and Oracle Siebel involving integration between TIBCO BW and Siebel Integration
objects, Business Components, Workflows, Integration components.
● Successfully Implemented Server less Architecture using API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB and
configured Lambda to receive events from S3 Buckets. In addition, implemented Cloud Formation for
maintaining all the related stacks and monitored using Logs and metrics generated using Cloud Watch.
● Worked on E2E testing using Protractor framework.

● Designed and developed the application using agile methodology and followed Test Driven Development
(TDD), Scrum.
● Greatly involved in writing unit tests for this application using Jasmine-Karma framework.

● Worked with Bamboo to run tests and deploy to production.

● Expertise in writing python scripts for Linux.

● Worked closely with business system analysts understand the requirements to ensure that right set of UI
modules been built.
Java 8,Micro services, Spring Framework 2.x, Hibernate3.x, JMS,Web Services, Crystal Reports, JSP,JavaScript,
jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, SAP, SharePoint, Groovy, Angular 9, .Net, TypeScript, Power BI, JIRA, brackets editor,
AWS EC2, S3, Cloud Formation,TDD, Dynamo DB, Kinesis, VPC, IAM, Cloud Watch, Tomcat Apache, Micro-
Services,Git, Linux, Jenkins, Maven,Testing,Python, Kafka,JVM etc.
TD Bank, NJ Jan 2021– Jan 2022
Senior Java Developer

● Worked on front-end pages that were developed professionally using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

● Analysis and Design of various modules using J2EE Architecture.

● Involved in implementation of Information system development methodology ISDM for designing,

analyzing for the developing systems
● Written Hibernate annotation-based mapping java classes with Oracle Database tables.

● Worked on Apache Flink to implements the transformation on data streams for filtering and aggregation

● Used Session facade. Implemented JMS API for messaging.

● Developed webservices SOAP, WSDL and web services clients using JAXB and XML, implemented SOA
● Involved in High-Level Design and prepared Logical view of the Application.

● Involved in designing and developing of Object-Oriented methodologies using UML and created Use
Case, Class, Sequence diagrams.
● Individual contributor for developing service application to consume integrate with Kenexa using
GRAILS, spring, hibernate. Groovy and Oracle.
● Wrote a SOAP interface in C that generated messages to communicate between the net front end and
the mainframe back end via MQ and CICS
● Implemented framework to read data from excel using groovy.

● Created .NET dil components which services all SQL Server 10 requests as part of a n-tier infrastructure.

● Wrote shell scripts to Push the Docker Images into AWS ECR.

● Implemented services in modeling analytics platform using Grails and Groovy to expose restful web
services to get consumed by Ul layer.
● Used Cognito for user Access Management and user signup Authentication setup purpose.

● Installed Docker Registry for local upload and download of Docker images and even from Docker hub.

● Created .NET dil components which services all SQL Server 10 requests as part of a n-tier infrastructure.

● Implemented React Hooks and React Router to manage different component path location.

● Developed React API using Redux-Saga and ImmutableJS.

● Involved in installation of Power BI Report Server.

● Collaborated with Development and Support teams to setup a Continuous Delivery environment with
the use of Docker, continuous build and delivery tools.
● Created two separate Jenkins pipelines for running Terraform scripts and the other to Push the Docker
Images and Update the latest Image.
● Managed Docker containerization using Kubernetes.

● Followed TDD Test Driven Development and developed test cases by using JUnit for unit testing for each
and every module.
● Used Kubernetes to organize the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.

● Used MongoDB Database concepts such as Locking, transactions, replications and Schema and created
multiple shared databases.
● Designed REST APIs and SOAP Services which includes Swagger creation, APIM hosting and TIBCO
● Worked with Behaviour Driven Development process and Test Driven Development (TDD).

● Developed reports to visually explore data and create an interactive report Excel and Power Bi.

● Developed scripts using Python for monitoring the Mongo Db databases.

● Implemented design patterns for the Application using Scala.

● Involved in migration of Tibco SOAP services to Java REST/JSON API's.

● Configured backend to all Terraform environments and directories using S3 and Dynamo DB.

● Created scripts to automate S3 data upload and control instance operations with AWS API.

● Used Parameter Store which consists of information where Rabbit MQ to read IAM Role, Username and
● Used Oracle WebLogic Server for building and deploying the application.

● Integrated WebLogic with Docker for deploying and maintaining the Application.

● Actively Involved in Production Support

EJB2.0, Struts, Apache Flink, Hibernate, JSP, JSF, Servlets, Web Services,Groovy, XML, XSLT, XSL, JavaScript,
Ant, JBoss, .Net, HSQL, Net Beans, Oracle 9i, SQL, PL/SQL, Windows 2000/ XP, Enterprise Architect, Cloud
Watch, Micro Services, TDD, Tibco, Power BI, Cloud Trail, Dynamo DB,Scala, Rabbit MQ, Git, MongoDB,
Jenkins, Chef, Docker, Docker Registry, Kubernetes, Python, Oracle, Web Logic.

Macys, MA July 2019 - Dec 2020

Backend Java Developer

● Re-engineered the existing legacy application into a web-based application using the latest web
● Developed J2EE web application using the Java 7, multi-threading, Spring MVC 4.1.0, and spring-jdbc.

● Developed DB2 stored procedures on DB2 Database. Developed Hibernate services, Data Objects and
Data Access Objects to access DB2.
● Build REST web service by building Node JS Server in the back end to handle requests sent from the front-
● The complete feedback system was designed using MEAN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS) stack
technologies for quick response and throughput.
● Used SQL Azure for Database needs and implementation.

● Used Microsoft Azure Portal and services to build the Application.

● Integrate the dynamic pages with Angular 5 and jQuery to make the page dynamic. Used Backbone.JS for
passing on data from HTML forms.
● Used JMS MQ (Message Queues) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information
between multiple business applications using Quartz Scheduler library.Developed custom exception
handling mechanism to handle errors/exceptions.
● Developed JUnit test cases to unit test the business logic. Supporting System Test and User Acceptance
● Used Spring MVC components to implement business layer and Spring Boot for Micro-services.

● Set up Jenkins server and build jobs to provide continuous automated builds based on Git.

● Configured and deployed web application in JBOSS Server using ANT tool.

● Involved in Designing and creating the Database Tables using PostgreSQL Database.

● Stored Data in PostgreSQL Tables using Hibernate and wrote HQL to access the data from the Database.

● Used advanced level of HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and pure CSS layouts (table less layout).

● Deep technical hands-on experience developing Restful API’s in Spring Boot Framework, ideally with
Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
● Understanding Python files in open stack environment and make necessary changes if needed.

● Involve in the development of the application using Python, AJAX, Json and jQuery.

● Involved in migrating Python based backend application.

● Worked on Django framework using Python in the Backend application Development.

● Designed and developed the REST based Micro services using the Spring Boot.
Java 1.6, Spring, Jenkins, Maven, SVN, JMS, DB2,Postgresql,Python,Mongo DB, HTML4/5, CSS2/3, JavaScript,
Angular 5, ReactJS, jQuery,J2EE,NodeJS,GIT, Hibernate, Struts, JSON,RESTFUL, Micro services, JPA.

Elucidata (Bangalore) India April 2014 – Dec 2018

Backend Java Developer


● The application architecture of the System is based on Spring MVC (Model View Controller) and JEE
● Good knowledge of Spring& IOC, Data Structures and Data Algorithms AOP, Spring MVC and springs
integration with Hibernate and Struts technologies.
● Designed and developed a RESTful service interface using Spring MVC to the underlying customer event
● Experienced in writing JUnit Test cases for Java and JEE applications.

● Worked on Spring Security for application authentication.

● Manage, integrate, and secure ART store's services in the cloud (AWS, Cloud Bees, and JIRA etc.).

● Good experience with Cassandra NoSQL Database.

● Implemented application security including User Management, LDAP authentication, authorization (users
have restricted access to app components according to their permissions)
● Implemented a role-based security system for web-based administrative applications.

● Involved in up gradation and maintenance of new layout using the Grid orientation model Bootstrap
● Worked on end-to-end automation of infrastructure and continuous delivery of the applications by
integrating Jenkins.
● Used GitHub repository to keep track of all changes in source code.

● Worked on Shell scripting for Automating the build and release process.

● Created alerts, Schedule searches using Splunk to monitor application and server logs.

● Tested cross-browsers compatibility on a range of projects.

● Created the schema and wrote middleware to store the data on Mongoose, MongoDB.
Java 1.8/1.7, Spring 3.5, Hibernate 4.2, Eclipse IDE,Spring security, Spring Boot, JPA, Java Scripts,HTML 4.0,
CSS, JMS, JAXP (SAX & DOM), Oracle 11g,Jenkins, Git, Python, Shell, Splunk, PagerDuty, MySQL DB, XML,
Web Services, Splunk, Git.

Educational Details :

Bachelors of Computer science engineering 2013

JNTUH, Hyderabad, INDIA

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