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Vocabulary Meaning Sentence

Solar and wind power are examples

clean energy Energy that does not produce harmful greenhouse gases.
of clean energy.

We can recycle plas�c, paper, and

Recycle To process used materials into new products.

We need to find ways to reduce and

Waste Unwanted or useless material.
recycle waste.

Coal, oil, and natural gas, which are formed from the Burning fossil fuels contributes to
Fossil fuels
remains of plants and animals millions of years ago. climate change.

The machines are running at full

Power The energy or force that something can produce.

Space Space industry refers to economic ac�vi�es related to The space industry is a very
industry manufacturing components that go into outer space interes�ng field of work.

Technology is the applica�on of scien�fic knowledge to There is always new technology

achieve prac�cal ends. being invented.

A way of carrying out a par�cular task. Can also be referred She uses par�cular techniques when
to as strategies. she draws.

I thought we had a realis�c chance

Realis�c Able to see things as they really are.
of winning.
It is always a challenge to wake up
Challenge To par�cipate in a compe��ve situa�on.

My des�na�on for this summer

Des�na�on The place where you are going or where you want to go
vaca�on is the Greek islands.

A quality educa�on opens doors to

Educa�on The process of acquiring knowledge and skills.
countless opportuni�es.

A profession, especially one requiring special training,

Career What is your future career?
followed as one's lifework

Role-model A person looked to by others as an example to be followed. My mom is my role-model.

Willing to consider new ideas. He is very open-minded.

He seized the opportunity to study

Opportunity A chance to do something that could be beneficial.

The feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's I feel very confident that I will pass
abili�es my exam.

Helping others is a rewarding

Rewarding Giving a sense of sa�sfac�on or achievement

Passive Voice

Reported Speech

Clauses and phrases: defining relative clauses

Adjectives: comparatives

Present time: present simple and present continuous

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Term 2

Repeated Comparative Adjectives

er and er

We can use repeated comparative

adjectives to highlight the rate of or
amount of change in something.

structure Examples
adjective-er + and + Adjective - er harder and harder
Faster and faster

Change the adjective in brackets into a comparative; use and to express

continuing change:

1 My job gets (hard) every year.

2 The market for tablets is becoming

(competitive) all the time.

3 My dad's eyesight is getting (bad) . He can hardly see a
thing these days.
4 Billy's always lying and exaggerating. His stories get

(unbelievable) every time I see him.

5 Skyscrapers are becoming (tall) ……………………………...

1. Harder and harder 2. more and more competitive
3. worse and worse 4. More and more
unbelievable 5. Taller and taller
Comparative Adjectives
(the + adjective + er)


the’ + adjective (er) + clause 1 + ‘the+ ’adjective (er) + clause 2

The harder you practice playing tennis, the better you’ll be.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective:

a. The _______ the weather gets, the _______ I want to stay inside.
1. Cold, cozy
2. Colder, cozier
3. Coldest, coziest
b. The _______ he studies, the _______ his grades become.
1. Hard, good
2. Harder, better
3. Hardest, best
c. The _______ the food smells, the _______ it tastes.
1. Good, better
2. Better, better
3. Best, better
d. The _______ she exercises, the _______ she feels.
1. Much, good
2. More, better Answers:
3. Most, best
a.2 b.2 c.2 d.2 e. 2
e. The _______ the traffic, the _______ I become.
1. Bad, angry
2. Worse, angrier
3. Worst, angriest
2. Rearrange the words to form a sentence using "the + adjective (er) + clause 1 + 'the +
adjective (er) + clause 2":
a.The more exercise I do, the happier I feel.
a. The/more/exercise/I/do/the/happier/I/feel.
b.The bigger the town grows, the more traffic
b. The/bigger/the/town/grows/the/more/traffic/there/is. there is.

c.The harder you study, the better your grades

c. The/harder/you/study/the/better/your/grades/will/be. will be.
(Past – present – Future)

Passive Structure
Present simple passive object + ‘is -am-are’ + past participle + time phrase
A new football team is chosen to compete every few months.
Future simple passive object + will / going to + be + past participle + time phrase
The sports stadium will be finished in three years.
Past simple passive object + was / were + past participle + time phrase
The picture was painted over 100 years ago.

Complete the sentences with the present or past simple passive

of the verb in brackets.

1. How many newspapers (print) in Britain every day?

2. Who (this play / write) by?

3. German (speak) in Germany, Austria, and part of Switzerland.

4. The royal wedding (watch) by millions of people in 2011.

5. Nowadays, a lot of computers (make) in Korea.

6. The Harry Potter films (not direct) by Steven Spielberg.

7. How much (paper / recycle) in Poland each year?

1. are printed 2. Was this play written spoken 4. Was
watched 5. Are made 6. Weren’t directed 7. paper is recycled
present simple or present continuous
(mean / intend / plan to)

mean / intend / plan to’ + verb1

I mean to do that as soon as possible. (Present simple)
They are intending to go to the park later. (Present
Term 2
1. a 2. A 3. B 4.c 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. C 9.c 10.b

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