Roleplay Script

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Narrator: In a secluded room, bathed in stark light, the atmosphere hung heavy with

tension. Three figures, Arlante (the thirdparty), Erika (the wife), and Christian (the
husband) stood facing each other, their expressions a mix of apprehension and

Denice: What were you trying to convey about the incident last night, Mr. Arlante? Mr.
Christian alleges that you've been implicated in this matter, and according to Mrs.
Erika's defense, it's all attributed to your actions.. Is this true?

Arlante: Like im saying maam, mrs erika is blackmailing me very much to not tell her
husband maam. Umuuwi rin sila sa bahay maam and madalas rin sila mag away. lagi
silang kumukuha ng die vorce die vorce din

Denice: You meant divorce mr arlante?

Arlante: Yes maam divorce so sorry maam

Atun: I witnessed them together, ma'am. Erika specifically mentioned that Mr. Arlante
had requested their meeting at her condo.

Arlante: No no, Erika told me to do so. it wasnt me

Denicer: "Was it during that meetup when you were caught?"

Arlante: “No, no catching. Erika called me, I'm in the way.. Pushing the car because
we’re car damage”

Denice: Oh, so your car was damaged, and erika who asked for the meetup?

Arlante: Yes maam

Erika: That is false maam! He is speaking nonsense

Arlante: I am not speaking nonsince, You dont know if its true or false but i know its
truth and the truth will set be free- be free, yun nga, lalabas yung katotohanan
As their intense discussion unfolded, Mr. Arlante found an opportunity to present his
perspective. Slowly, the pieces began to align, leading to a startling revelation. Mrs.
Erika, once resolute in her defense, was now confronted with evidence proving her

Following the revelation of Mrs. Erika's culpability, the atmosphere in the room
changed. Tension thickened, punctuated by a heavy silence as Mr. Christian absorbed
the turn of events. His expression shifted from confusion to a mix of disbelief and

Atun: Erika…? Is this true? After everything, you’ve been lying?

Narrator: Erika's composure wavered, her facade of confidence slipping as she

struggled to find words.

Erika: Christian… It's not what it seems.. There’s more to this

Arlante: No more lies ms erika, you take responsibility

Denice: For our viewers watching, what advice or message would you give them
based on what we've uncovered here today?

Arlante: Mga kababayan ko.. Hindi po ako naririto

Denice: In english mr arlante?

Arlante: For all of my fellow filipinos.. Now this is my side.. Listen look and listen, and

Narrator: This has emphasized the vital role of precise language in fostering
understanding and trust. It highlighted how clarity in communication is not just about
words but about building genuine connections. The takeaway was clear: mastering
language is key to meaningful interactions, resolving conflicts, and nurturing

With the truth laid bare, While the tension and revelations unraveled in the confined
room, across town, The scene opens in a dimly lit alleyway, the civilian walking
aimlessly, his thoughts clouded by recent events. As he passes by a building, he
notices a sign that reads "Mental Health Therapist" and decides to seek help.
Arlante: [Muttering to himself] Where did i go wrong? Miss ko na sya.. I need someone
to talk to..

Narrator: [Approaching the entrance, he hesitates for a moment, then steps inside,
finding himself in a small waiting area. The nurse behind the reception desk looks up,
offering a kind smile.]

Nurse Grace: Oh hello there! How can we assist you?

Nurse Jillian: Are you okay Sir? You don’t look good.. Please take a seat..

Arlante: Hi, is the rapist _______ available?

[Nurse Grace caught off guard, nearly chokes on his coffee, while Nurse Jillian tries to
suppress a giggle, keeping a professional demeanor.]

Nurse G&J: [looks at each other and whispers] Huh???

Therapist: [lively] Hi! i’m Dr. ____________ Graduated BS Psychology ‘ Offering

Counseling with Individual, mental, and health therapy. How may i help you? ^_^

Nurse Grace: Sir.. It’s Therapist, Not “The Rapist”

Therapist: [Interupts and signals to shoo away] But anyways, Mr. Arlante, How can i
assist you?

Arlante: Doc.. My wife.. She left me.. May nalaman ako..

Therapist: And what is that?

Arlante: Kabit ako doc… It hurts… Hindi nya na ako babycakes sugarplum pudding
liver lover now..

Therapist: I’m Sorry to hear that, it’s important to talk about those feelings.. Take your

[Mr. Arlante begins pouring out his heart, fumbling with words, occasionally mixing
phrases and languages. Despite language barriers, they engage in a heartfelt
conversation. The nurses share mischievous glances but maintain professionalism.]
Therapist: [Noticing the civilian's language struggle] Expressing yourself in another
language can be challenging, especially in emotional moments.

Civilian: [Nods in agreement] Yeah, English... not my strong suit. Sorry doc ah if im
conyo sometimes eh im caviteno eh

Therapist: I understand Mr. Arlante.. Language barriers are a thing.. We can work on
improving your communication skills together.

[The therapist and civilian engage in exercises to enhance language proficiency, the
nurses occasionally chiming in with quirky suggestions and funny anecdotes.]

Therapist: Remember, communication is not just about words; it's about connecting
your feelings effectively.

Civilian: Got it, Doc! Thanks for, um, understanding my messed-up English.

N: [As the session wraps up, the civilian leaves with a smile, feeling uplifted despite the
initial linguistic fumble.]

N: "In the hustle of life's alleys, amidst misunderstandings and stumbling words, lies
the resilience to connect, to understand, and to heal. Communication, a bridge across
languages and emotions, holds the power to uplift spirits, despite the tangled web of

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