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 PART 1

The elements you explore when you are surveying the site for an architectural project in the
informal settlement area.
1. Where site located?
2. How big of site in terms of landscape?
3. How many household are there? And how many residents are there?
4. What the level of income for household?
5. What the age of area as an informal settlement?
6. What level of accessibility on the informal settlement site?
 Number of roads
 Footpaths
 Canals
7. How many residents access to clean water supply? At what level of water supply quantity and
8. What the level of accessing to electrical supply? And what are the quantities they consume?
9. What the level accessing the educational facilities and level of formal educational classes
 Number of nursery schools
 Number of primary schools
 Secondary schools, colleges or university
10. what the level of accessing to health facilities like hospitals, health centers
11. What the level of land tenure for residents on informal settlement?
12. What the studies done before for purpose of upgrading that informal settlement?
13. What are the zoning policies done on the informal settlement?
14. What are the building condition (status) as renovarable or demolished?
15. What are the means used to manage hazards like floods, storm water, wind, drought……?
16. What is the attitude of women and men residents to their development in condition of
resident on informal settlements areas?
17. Wow many recreational facilities are there?
18. What is their community status in urban context either hope or despair?

 PART 2
The question you can pose to a Residents when you are in an informal settlement area
Through introduce yourself and ask himself/herself
1. Are you a resident on this area or visitor?
2. If he /she are a resident, when do you start to be a resident on this place?
3. What are the causes that make you to live in this place?
4. How did you feel this place at first time?
5. What the challenges you faced at starts in this place?
6. What is the source of income you use in daily life?
7. Do you ever access any formal school? If yes, at what level that you pursue to reach?
8. How do you access to medical facilities? Do you ever satisfy? If no, what the gap do
you think?
9. How do you access to land use as tenant or landlord?
10. What are the main challenges you faced now in terms of getting household services
like food, water, light, hygiene, recreation, waste management?
11. How do you manage to use local resources like rain water, decomposable garbage,
and land?
12. Do expect to explore another area as your resident?
13. Do you have family? If yes, what do you expect to do in order to accommodate your
family well more?
14. How do you imagine when your Residents is renovarable and you stay in this places as
your home?
15. What can you do as your participation for renewing your residents and after it?
16. What is you expect after getting an upgraded home as yours?


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