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Exercises Midterms and Finals:

Name: Diaz, Naethan Paul V. BSME 2A

1. Define security and privacy. Why are both important in the

information age?
• Security: In the context of information technology, security refers to the
measures taken to protect information from unauthorized access,
disclosure, alteration, and destruction. It involves implementing various
technologies, processes, and policies to safeguard data and ensure the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
• Privacy: Privacy, on the other hand, is the right of individuals to keep their
personal information and activities confidential. It involves controlling the
access to and use of one's personal data. Privacy is crucial for
maintaining autonomy, dignity, and the trust individuals place in various
systems and organizations.
• Importance in the Information Age: In the information age, where vast
amounts of data are generated, stored, and processed electronically,
both security and privacy are paramount. Security measures protect
against unauthorized access and data breaches, while privacy
safeguards individuals from unwarranted intrusion into their personal
lives. Maintaining a balance between security and privacy is essential for
the ethical and effective functioning of digital systems.

2. What is anonymity? Discuss two forms of anonymity.

• Anonymity is the state of being anonymous, i.e., the condition of having
one's identity concealed or unknown.
Forms of Anonymity:
• Pseudonymity: Users interact under a pseudonym, a fictitious name,
which provides a layer of identity protection while allowing for consistent
online engagement.
• Unlinkability: This form involves separating different online activities or
transactions to prevent them from being linked together, enhancing the
overall anonymity of the user.

3. Discuss the importance of anonymity on the Internet.

Anonymity on the internet allows individuals to express opinions, share
information, and engage in activities without fear of retaliation or
unwarranted scrutiny. It fosters free speech, protects whistleblowers, and
enables marginalized groups to voice their concerns without fear of

4. Is total anonymity possible? Is it useful?

Achieving total anonymity is extremely challenging due to the
interconnected nature of digital systems and the need for some level of
identification for certain transactions or services.
While enhanced anonymity is valuable for protecting individuals,
absolute anonymity can be misused for illegal activities, making it a
complex and controversial concept.

5. Develop two scenarios—one dealing with ethical issues involving

security, and the other dealing with ethical issues involving privacy.
• Security Scenario: An ethical issue arises when a security professional
discovers a critical vulnerability in a widely used software but chooses
not to disclose it to the public, fearing that malicious actors might
exploit it before a patch is developed.
• Privacy Scenario: In a privacy scenario, a social media platform faces
criticism for selling user data without explicit consent, raising concerns
about the ethical implications of monetizing personal information.

6. Is personal privacy dead? Discuss.

The increasing digitization of our lives has indeed eroded traditional notions of
personal privacy. However, it is not entirely dead. Individuals and societies must
actively work to establish and enforce privacy rights in the digital realm.
7. List and discuss the major threats to individual privacy.
• Data Breaches: Unauthorized access leading to the exposure of sensitive
• Surveillance: Government or corporate monitoring of individuals without
their knowledge or consent.
• Social Engineering: Manipulating individuals into divulging personal

8. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime. Why?

Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime due to the increasing reliance
on digital platforms for financial transactions and the vast amounts of
personal information available online.

9. Why is it so easy to steal a person’s identity?

Proliferation of personal information online, weak authentication
practices, and the sophistication of cybercriminal techniques contribute
to the ease of stealing someone's identity.

10. Suggest steps necessary to protect personal identity.

• Use Strong Passwords: Employ complex, unique passwords for different
• Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Adds an extra layer of security to
• Regularly Monitor Financial Statements: Detect and report any suspicious
activities promptly.
• Limit Personal Information Online: Be mindful of the information shared
on social media and other online platforms.
• Stay Informed About Security Practices: Keep abreast of best practices
for online security and privacy.

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