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The company provides a laptop to employees for the purpose of performing job related tasks and
reasonable personal use. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the success of the laptop program
by establishing rules and expectations regarding the employees’ use of laptops, software, and
technology services through the company.

The laptop is the property of BANG! Media Group B.V. and must be returned at the end of your
employment. However, employees have the possibility to buy the laptop in 5 years after the date
of issue.

General Use and Care of the Laptop

• When transporting the laptop to and from work, employees should always ensure it is
placed in the provided carrying case.
• You will take good care of the laptop and take all reasonable precautions to ensure that it
will not be damaged, lost or stolen.

Your laptop has been added to the company’s Mobile Device Management System (MDM).

You must not leave your laptop unattended, within the office, during non-working hours, unless it is
securely locked away.

If the laptop is lost or stolen, outside of the office, it is your responsibility to report this matter to the
police as well as the Tech Department. Any police paperwork should be shown to the Tech
Department for inventory / insurance purposes.

Loss of Laptop & Repairs to the Laptop

If the laptop fails to work or has been lost or stolen, a replacement will be offered. However, if the
laptop is malfunctioning duo to negligence (as judged by the Tech Department), costs or a fair share
of costs for replacing the laptop will be paid by the employee in agreement with the employee’s
manager and the Tech Department.

Any additional software installed on the laptop is required to have prior approval from the Tech
Department and must be rightfully licensed before installation.

Upon termination (voluntary or involuntary) the employee must return the assets provided to the
company within 24 hours. Failure to return the assets, without and written consent by management,
will result in a €1,500 penalty.

Use of stickers is not allowed on company property. When returning laptops, please ensure they are
delivered in a clean state. If any stickers remain on any equipment, you will be asked to remove
them. If you have linked your device to your Apple account, please remove it!

Please direct any questions regarding this policy to your manager of a member of HR.
By signing this document, you confirm that the laptop provided shall be used for professional
purposes (within work hours). You will keep the device in exceptional condition and report any
issues or concerns to the Tech Department for investigation whilst also notifying your manager.

5 years after your start date, if you take good care of the device provisioned, you will be offered the
chance to purchase the laptop for around €300 euro (minimum).


Start Date:

Line Manager:

Phone Number:

Private Email:

Serial Number:

I understand the guidelines and policies for company equipment use.

I will mainly be using company assets for business purposes. The laptop can be used privately as long
as this use is not harming or limiting business use (‘fair use’).



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