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SYSTEM DESIGN (includes Process,Class, Data Base, User Interface, Reports)

1. Architectural Diagram

2. Process Design
Show the Process Flow Diagram. Individual Process Flow can be shown

3. Database design

Show ER Diagram.

4. Description of Database Tables

Table Name:

FieldNo Field Name Data Type Data Width Constraints Description

1 RollNo TEXT 10 NOT NULL Xxxxxx

Primary Key: (FieldName)

Foreign Key: (FieldName) references parent_table(FieldName)

Relationship Diagram:
Relationship among the tables

Class Design
Show the Class Diagram of all modules

5. Form Design
This can be used for every form to be designed for the project

1. Form (frmxxxxx)
This should contain a brief and concise explanation of the functionality required
from the form.

1.1 Menu Option

This should detail the menu screens and options from which the functionality can
be accessed. The name of the executable into which the form is to be incorporated must
be included together with rules for initial form display. These rules will state whether the
form is to be located centrally within the main MDI executable window or it is to take its
position & size from registry setting. If it is to take its data from registry setting then the
name of the registry entries together with their initial values (positions & size) must be

1.3 References
References to all relevant documents that are to be used in conjunction with this
document should be mentioned in this section.
1.4 Parameters
Any parameters that need to be passed from the calling function to this function
needs to be mentioned here.

1.5 Screen Layout

The bitmap image of the screen layout is included here.

1.6 Processing
1.6.1 Initial Entry Processing
All initial processing/ startup processing that needs to be done for the
functionality should be mentioned in this section.

Minimally the following must appear.

 Any List Box must have its sort order defined
 Any Form must have its initial position defined
 The default Tab sequence round fields in a form must be defined
1.6.2 Subsequent processing
All subsequent processing in a textual format should be mentioned in this
1.6.3 Termination Processing
All termination processing required when exiting to the calling function
should be mentioned in this section.

6. Report Design

1. Report (repxxxxx)
Name of the Report to be specified here along with the naming given for it in the

1.1 Overview
This section should provide background information about the report,
where it fits into the overall module, why is it necessary, who and how is it likely
to be used.

This should contain a brief but concise explanation of the data required for the
report and where in general terms it is likely to be found.

Any limitations and additional generic requirements e.g., adherence to

standards, Integration/interfaces to existing systems etc. should also be stated
Any relevant cross-reference to key documents such as System Analysis and
Requirement Specification Should be made here. Include details of section
heading etc. if known.

Input Parameters
Any Input parameters that are to be provided by the used for validation or
selection should be detailed here including their source in the database.
Reporting Data
The Relational model of the various tables used in the report would be
mentioned in this section. Any reference to logical schemas available needs to
have a mention in this section.

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