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Philippine Science High School

Earth Science Learning Guide

Guide Code: 8.0 Plate Tectonics
Lesson Code: 8.2 Plate Movement and Boundaries Time Limit 30 min


By the end of this learning guide module, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the basic mechanism of plate tectonics in terms of the Earth’s layers and the forces
which drive plate motion; and
2. Discuss the different types of plate boundaries in terms of the relative plate motions and the
general features characteristic of each boundary.

One of the roadblocks to Wegener’s continental drift is the lack of a mechanism to drive the
motion of the continents. In the previous lesson, we learned the story of how pieces of evidence for
such a mechanism were gradually put together to come up with the theory of plate tectonics.

In this lesson, we will discuss the modern understanding of how plate tectonics operates. This
will include topics on the Earth’s internal layers, the forces driving the movement of plates, the major
plates of the world, and the types of interactions and boundaries between plates.


Earth’s layered structure

In order to understand how plate tectonics operates, one must understand the internal layers of
the Earth. You may be familiar with the crust-mantle-core sequence of Earth’s layers. This is based
on differences in the chemical composition (Fig. 1). However, a more relevant layer classification for
plate tectonics is one that is based on physical properties, which gives us the lithosphere -
asthenosphere - lower mantle(mesosphere) - outer core - inner core sequence. In particular, the
mechanical properties of the uppermost layers are most relevant to plate tectonics: the rigid
lithosphere, and the ductile asthenosphere (Fig. 1).

The lithosphere is not a continuous shell enveloping the Earth. This was earlier on recognized
by the proponents of plate tectonics, who conceived the lithosphere as several distinct and separate
plates interacting with each other along their edges (hence the “plate” in plate tectonics). From
hereon, and for convenience, we may refer to a distinct lithosphere as “plate” and the boundary
between distinct lithospheres as “plate boundary”.

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Figure 1. Matching layers of the Earth based on chemical composition (left) and physical properties (right).
Topmost layers are the closest to the Earth’s surface. Thickness of layers are not drawn to scale. From
Compositional and physical layers of the Earth- see how they line up by Jillcurie (2014). Wikimedia Commons

The lithosphere is a solid rock layer made up of the crust and the uppermost layer of the mantle
(referred to as lithospheric mantle) (Figs.1,2). The crustal portion may be continental or oceanic (Fig.
2), depending on its chemical composition. A lithosphere or plate with an oceanic crust is called an
oceanic plate, whereas one with a continental crust is called a continental plate. While both types
of plates are rigid, oceanic plates are thinner, denser, and less buoyant than their continental
counterpart. Recall from the previous lesson that oceanic plates are older as one goes farther from the
mid-ocean ridge where new lithosphere is being formed. This makes older oceanic plates colder, and
hence more dense and less buoyant than younger ones.

Figure 2. The rigid lithosphere rests on top of the ductile asthenosphere. Take note of the thickness difference of
the lighter continental crust and the denser oceanic crust; and that of their corresponding lithospheres. From The
crust and upper mantle. Tectonic plates consist of lithosphere, which includes the crust and the lithospheric (rigid)
part of the mantle., by Earle (2019). BC Open Textbooks. ( CC-BY.

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The asthenosphere is that part of the mantle which behaves in a ductile manner mainly because
it is in a partially molten state, in contrast to the other parts of the mantle (lithospheric mantle and
mesosphere) (Fig. 1) which are mostly solid rock. Because of this layer’s ductile property, the
boundary between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere is where plates are allowed to slide and move

Forces driving plate motion

The Earth’s interior is extremely hot. And while most of the mantle is essentially solid rock, it
can still deform and flow very slowly. Mantle rocks at great depths are hotter and lighter than the
mantle rocks above and will tend to rise. In turn, the colder, denser rocks above will descend. This
cycle of movements represents mantle convection.

Convective flow at the asthenosphere exerts a dragging force (convection traction) at the base
of the lithosphere (Fig. 3). It is considered as one of the mechanisms directly driving plate motions.
Diverging convective flow below a plate boundary causes the two plates to move away from one
another -- such as the case of seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges. However, when the convective
flow beneath a plate boundary is convergent, the two plates will move towards each other. If one of
the plates is denser than the other, it will go beneath the less dense plate in a process called

However, there are cases where plates move faster than the asthenosphere below them. Think
of a cart [plate] moving faster than the horse [asthenosphere] that is supposed to be dragging the cart.
Convective traction, alone, cannot explain these cases. As a response, the weight of elevated mid-
ocean ridges (ridge push), and the weight of subducted plates (slab pull) were proposed (and are
now generally accepted) as additional forces needed to account for the observed velocities of the
plates and asthenosphere (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Several mechanisms driving movement of plates. Convection traction is due to mantle convection. Ridge
push and slab pull are both due to the weight of the lithosphere. From Models for plate motion mechanisms, by
Earle (2019). BC Open Textbooks. ( CC-BY.

Major tectonic plates of the world

Before we discuss plate boundaries, it is worth looking at the individual plates defined by
those boundaries. Figure 4 shows the major tectonic plates of the world, the types of boundaries,
and the motion of the plates. Use this figure to situate some of the examples discussed in the next

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Figure 4. Major tectonic plates of the world. Also shown are the plate boundary types, and the plate motions. Take
note that the Philippine Plate should be more appropriately named Philippine Sea Plate. From Additions to the
plate tectonics map you already have, by Hughrance (2017). Wikimedia Commons.

Plate boundaries and interactions

As a result of the driving forces of plate tectonics, interacting plates may move away from each
other, move towards each other, or just slide past each other. Such interactions correspond to
divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.

1. Divergent boundaries
Divergent boundaries are where two plates, typically oceanic, move away from each
other. As the plates move away, magma forms just below the divergence, and migrates
to the Earth’s surface through submarine volcanic eruptions. This process gives birth
to new rock material for both oceanic plates. The resulting mid-ocean ridges, a
continuous chain of submarine volcanoes, mark such boundaries (see middle part of
Fig. 3; green lines in Fig.4).

Divergence can also start and develop within a continental plate. This produces a
continental rift manifested as a linear depression or valley above a thinned lithosphere.
The East African Rift Zone within the African Plate (Fig. 5) is an example of this
developing boundary. If the divergence persists, the thinned lithosphere will break,
allowing magma to punch through the surface and create a new oceanic lithosphere.

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Figure 5. A divergent boundary is gradually developing within the African Plate, along the East African Rift Zone.
This may ultimately break up the African Plate into two separate plates (Somalian and Nubian). From Map of
East Africa showing some of the historically active volcanoes (red triangles) and the Afar Triangle (shaded,
center) .... by Kious and Tilling (2016). This dynamic Earth -- The story of plate tectonics
( Public Domain.

2. Convergent boundaries
a. Subduction zones
Subduction results from the convergence of two plates whose densities are significantly
different. When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, the oceanic plate
will subduct, meaning it will go beneath the less dense continental plate (see left and
right parts of Fig. 3). When two oceanic plates converge, the older, more dense plate
will subduct (Fig. 6). The plate boundary for this type of interaction corresponds to the
ocean deeps or trenches (red lines with sawtooth marks in Fig.4, 6), identified in the
previous lesson as sites where old oceanic lithospheres descend to the mantle to be

A trench often comes with a parallel chain of volcanoes. Subduction generates magma
just above the subducted plate; the magma migrates upward to produce volcanism on
the overriding plate (Fig. 6). If the subduction involves two oceanic plates, the chain of
volcanoes is called an island arc. If a continental plate is involved, the term used is
continental arc.

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Figure 6. Cross section showing convergence of two oceanic plates, resulting in subduction of the left plate
beneath the right plate. The subduction is marked by the trench, which is usually associated with a chain of
volcanoes (only one volcano shown in this cross section) called island arcs on the overriding (right) plate. From
Configuration and processes of an ocean-ocean convergent boundary, by Earle (2019). BC Open Textbooks.
( CC-BY.

An example of an oceanic-oceanic convergence is the subduction of the Pacific Plate

beneath the Philippine Sea Plate (Fig.4) along the Izu-Bonin and Marianas Trenches
(Fig. 7). This subduction produced a corresponding chain of mostly submarine

The subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate (Fig.4) along the
Peru-Chile Trench is an example of oceanic-continental convergence. The active
volcanoes in South America’s Andes Mountain Range define the continental arc
corresponding to the Peru-Chile Trench.

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Figure 7. Map showing the Izu-Bonin and Mariana Trenches where the Pacific Plate subducts beneath the
Philippine [Sea] Plate. The deepest parts of the oceans (violet) are found along trenches. Subduction produces
volcanic island chains represented by the Izu-Bonin and Mariana Arcs. Guam is part of the Mariana Arc. Modified
from map00148 by NOAA Photo Library (2016). Flickr
( CC-BY 2.0.

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b. Collision zones
Collision zones result from the convergence of continental plates (red lines with
sawtooth marks in Fig.4). Both plates are significantly less dense than the underlying
mantle, so neither plates will subduct. Instead, they will directly collide with each other,
and produce a highly deformed mountain range. Since no lithosphere is being
destroyed, the collision causes the lithosphere to increase in thickness (Fig. 8). The
Himalayan mountain range, which includes Mt. Everest, is a result of the collision of
the Eurasian Plate with the Indian Plate (part of Australian Plate in Fig.4; Fig. 9).

Figure 8. Instead of one plate subducting beneath the other, convergent continental plates will mostly deform and
thicken because of their buoyancy relative to the asthenosphere. While the above image shows a remnant
subducted slab (from an earlier subduction phase; see Fig. 9), the active plate interaction is a collision zone. From
Configuration and processes of a continent-continent convergent boundary., by Earle (2019). BC Open
Textbooks. ( CC-BY.

3. Transform boundaries
Transform boundaries are characterized by two plates sliding past one another with generally
horizontal movements. No lithosphere is generated (as with divergent boundaries), destroyed
(as with subduction zones), nor significantly deformed and thickened (as with collision zones).

A transform fault (black lines in Fig.4) represents this type of boundary. It is similar to a
strike-slip fault but differs because a transform fault forms a “bridge” between two plate
boundaries. Hence, both its ends connect to mid-ocean ridges, trenches, or collision zones (Fig.
10). More importantly, it differs from strike slip faults because the sense of movement (whether
right or left lateral) is not based on the relative locations of offset features (such as a mid-ocean
ridge). The sense of movement is based on the relative movement of the plates in between the
offset features. Upon closer inspection, a transform fault between two mid-ocean ridges with
seemingly left lateral offsets, is actually a right lateral transform fault (Fig. 10).
The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform boundary separating the North American
Plate from the Pacific Plate. It is a right lateral transform fault, connecting two mid-ocean ridges
-- the East Pacific Rise, and the Juan de Fuca Ridge (Fig.4, 11).

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55 30

15 05

Figure 9. Collision snapshots of India with Asia at 55, 30, 15, and 5 million years ago (Mya). Take note that the
boundary is a subduction zone at 55 mya, but later on evolved into a collision zone (30 mya onwards) as both
continental lithospheres of India and Asia converged. Take note of the boxes in white outline highlighting the
increase in the thickness of the lithosphere and increase in deformation (black curved lines). Modified from
IndiaAsiaCollision, Atwater (2015). Youtube ( Used with
permission, for personal or educational, and non-commercial use only.

Figure 10. Left: Transform faults (red lines) form bridges between mid-ocean ridges (black lines) The mid-ocean
ridges are formed by divergence in the direction shown by blue arrows. Right: The sense of movement (whether
right or left lateral) is not based on the relative locations of the offset pair of mid-ocean ridges, but on the relative
movement of the plates in between the offset ridges (blue arrows near red line). If the location of the ridges is
used, one would get a sense of movement that is left lateral. However, the boundary is actually a right lateral
transform fault. From Transform fault-1, by Los688 (2008). Wikimedia Commons
( Public Domain.

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Figure 11. The San Andreas Fault (red line with label) is a right lateral transform fault traversing California, USA.
It connects two mid-ocean ridges -- the East Pacific Rise on its southern end, and Juan de Fuca Ridge on its
northern end. From The San Andreas Fault extends from the north end of the East Pacific Rise in the Gulf of
California..., by Earle (2019). BC Open Textbooks. ( CC-BY.


Check your understanding. [NONGRADED, 5 pts]

1. Which appropriate layer of the Earth is MOST related to slab pull?

a. asthenosphere
b. crust
c. lithosphere
d. mantle

2. Which mechanism for plate motion LEAST explains why the velocity of the lithosphere is
higher than that of the asthenosphere below?
a. Slab pull
b. Ridge push
c. Convective traction

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3. Philippines and Indonesia are made up mostly of island arcs. These are formed primarily in
which plate tectonic setting?
a. divergent, oceanic-oceanic
b. convergent, oceanic-oceanic
c. convergent, oceanic-continental
d. intraplate (within the plate interior)

4. Which of the features below is most related to the formation of new oceanic lithosphere?
a. arcs
b. trenches
c. mid-ocean ridges
d. highly-folded mountain belts

5. A trench is located 500 km west of its corresponding island arc. Which BEST describes the
motion of the subducting plate relative to the other plate?
a. going up, and moving east
b. going up, and moving west
c. going down, and moving east
d. going down, and moving west


This is optional, non-graded activity which will require time beyond what is allocated for
formative assessments. Try and see for yourself the motions of the plates discussed in this
learning guide at the UNAVCO GPS Velocity Viewer (2020).

1. The web application may require a good internet connection. If this is a constraint for you, seek
out a classmate who can do your search for you, and provide you with a video feed (e.g., google
meet) or image captures of the process and output.
2. Go to
3. Think of a pair of interacting plates which you want to investigate. Designate one as the
reference plate. The reference plate will serve as the stable, non-moving plate which you will
be “standing on” to observe the movement of the other plate.
4. On the website, refer to the panel to the right of the map.
a. Under the “GNSS Data source” tab, choose one option which corresponds to your
chosen reference plate.
b. Tick the “Display vectors” checkbox.
c. Set “Vector length” to 0.25x
d. Set “How many markers displayed” to show one in twenty
e. Set more types of data by ticking only the “Display plate boundaries” checkbox.
5. Try to picture in your mind the two plates and their relative movements. Compare this with the
map output later.
6. Click “Draw map”
7. Zoom in to your chosen pair of interacting plates.
a. Inspect their boundaries.

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b. Inspect their movement vectors (the reference plate will not have any since it has “no”
movement, so just look at the other plate).
c. If the movement vectors are too short or too few, you may adjust “vector length” and
“How many markers displayed”. Then click “Draw map” and zoom again to your pair
of plates.
8. Discuss your findings in class or with a partner as to whether the movement is consistent with
what was discussed before, and why or why not?
9. Think further! In Figure 4, the Philippine [Sea] Plate is moving in the same direction as the
Pacific Plate. Both plates, however, are converging towards each other along the Izu-Bonin and
Marianas Trenches (Fig. 7). Can both these statements be true? Why or why not?


The following statements summarize this module:

1. Basic mechanism of plate tectonics

a. Earth’s outermost layers facilitate the movement of tectonic plates. The rigid
lithosphere (which makes up the tectonic plates) is allowed to move along its boundary
with the asthenosphere because of the latter’s ductile property.
b. Drag forces related to mantle convection, and the weights of mid-ocean ridges (ridge
push) and the subducted lithosphere (slab pull) drive plate motions. Ridge push and
slab pull account for situations when a plate is moving faster than the asthenosphere
below it.
2. Plate boundaries and interactions
a. Types of plate boundaries are determined by the relative motions of the interacting
plates. Plate boundaries can be divergent (plates moving away from each other),
convergent (plates moving toward each other), or transform (plates sliding past each
b. Divergent boundaries are where two plates move away from each other. These are
found along mid-ocean ridges and are currently developing along continental rifts. New
oceanic lithospheres are created along these boundaries.
c. Convergent boundaries are where two plates move toward each other. These are
found along subduction or collision zones.
i. When interacting plates are both oceanic, or if one is continental, subduction
of the denser plate beneath the less dense plate occurs. A trench marks the
actual boundary, and there is a corresponding chain of volcanoes (called island
or continental arc) parallel to the trench on the overriding plate. Oceanic
lithospheres are destroyed along these boundaries.
ii. When interacting plates are both continental, neither will subduct. A collision
zone develops, characterized by a thickened lithosphere and highly deformed
mountain ranges.
3. Transform boundaries, represented by transform faults, are generally characterized by
horizontal motion between plates, where no lithosphere is created nor destroyed. These connect

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released to third parties with approval of management. Document is uncontrolled unless otherwise marked; uncontrolled documents are
not subject to update notification.
other types of plate boundaries. Hence, the endpoints of a transform boundary are connected to
a subduction zone, collision zone, or mid-ocean ridge.


Earle, S. (2019). Physical geology (2nd ed.). BC Open Textbooks.

Hughrance. (2017). Tectonic plates boundary types & movement[.png]. Own work.

Jillcurie. (2014). Compositional and physical layers of the Earth[.png]. Own work.

Kious, W. J., & Tilling, R. I. (2016). This dynamic Earth—The story of plate tectonics (online).
United States Geological Survey.

Los688. (2008). Transform fault-1[.svg]. Own work.

NOAA Photo Library. (2016). Map00148 [Photo].

Tanya Atwater. (2015, May 31). IndiaAsiaCollision.

UNAVCO. (2020, April 26). GPS velocity viewer. UNAVCO.

Prepared by: Ricarido M. Saturay, Jr. Reviewed by: Glaiza R. Reobilo

Position: Special Science Teacher V Position: Special Science Teacher III
Campus: Cordillera Administrative Region Campus: Bicol Region

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