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Australian Journal of Earth Sciences: An International

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Wave erosion on the southeastern coast of Australia:

Tsunami propagation modelling
a b
A. T. Jones & C. L. Mader
Oceanus Consultants , 1401–1166 Alberni Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 3Z3, Canada
Mader Consulting Co. , 1049 Kamehame Drive, Honolulu, HI, 96825–2860, USA
Published online: 09 May 2007.

To cite this article: A. T. Jones & C. L. Mader (1996) Wave erosion on the southeastern coast of Australia: Tsunami
propagation modelling, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences: An International Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of
Australia, 43:4, 479-483, DOI: 10.1080/08120099608728269

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Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (1996) 43, 479-483

Wave erosion on the southeastern coast of Australia: tsunami

propagation modelling
Oceanus Consultants, 1401-1166 Alberni Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3Z3, Canada.
Mader Consulting Co., 1049 Kamehame Drive, Honolulu, HI 96825-2860, USA.

Catastrophic wave erosion on the southeastern coast of Australia has been attributed to a Hawaiian tsunami
generated by the Alika 2 debris avalanche approximately 105 000 years ago. We examine the likelihood of a
Hawaiian underwater mega-landslide as the tsunami's source through numerical tsunami propagation modelling,
performed using the SWAN code which solves the non-linear long-wave equations. The tsunami generation and
propagation was modelled using twenty minute ETOPO5 topography for the Pacific Basin. Results for a
hypothetical avalanche in the Hawaiian Islands ten times the volume of the Alika 2 debris avalanche show that
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 20:03 06 February 2015

Hawaii cannot be the source for a 15 m wave on the Australian coast. An asteroid impact in the central Pacific is
examined as an alternative source for the erosional wave. Modelling results indicate that the impact of a 6 km
asteroid could generate significant wave run-up along the southeastern coast of Australia.

Key words: Alika debris avalanche, asteroid impact, Lanai tsunami, modelling, tsunami, wave erosion.

INTRODUCTION the Hawaiian Ridge (Moore et al. 1989). At least 68

major landslides over 20 km in length have been
Wave trains generated by the submarine mega-landslides described from GLORIA surveys along the Hawaiian
off the island of Hawaii are postulated to have destroyed Island chain (Moore et al. 1994). Turbidites from the
Australian coastal barrier dunes 105 000 years ago mega-landslides have been recently identified from cores
(Young & Bryant 1992). The absence of last interglacial on the outer flank of the Hawaiian Arch almost 340 km
dunes south of Newcastle along the coast of New South due west of the island of Hawaii (Garcia & Hull 1994).
Wales is postulated to be the result of erosion by a In these cores the age of the uppermost volcanic sands
tsunami. Erosional evidence such as clefts, flutes and layer, based on palaeomagnetic data and biostratigraphy,
sickle troughs in sandstone in addition to removal of is ca 100 ± 20 ka (Garcia & Hull 1994) and is in general
1200 m3 of sandstone from a depression at Tura Head, agreement with the estimated occurrence of the Alika 2
New South Wales are interpreted to be the result of a debris avalanche (Moore et al. 1989).
tsunami. At Haycock Point, 10 km south of Tura Head, The Lanai tsunami has been previously modelled to
Tertiary sediment capping headlands has been eroded up determine if the identified submarine slumps and debris
to an elevation of 16 m. Tsunami propagation numerical avalanches off Hawaii could generate a 326 m run-up on
modelling was undertaken to examine the likelihood of a the south coast of the island of Lanai (Johnson & Mader
Hawaiian source for these erosional features. 1994). Volumes of the submarine landslide were estimated
from GLORIA sea-floor imaging (see Moore et al. 1989).
Modelling results indicate that only a very large Alika
Lanai tsunami 105 ka landslide off the Kona (west) coast of the island of Hawaii
would cause the required -400 m high run-up on Lanai.
Moore and Moore (1984) proposed that a giant wave or
For the assumed landslide model, to obtain the necessary
set of waves struck the Hawaiian Islands depositing
run-up, a volume of 1600 km2, greater than twice the
marine materials at anomalously high elevations. On the
likely volume of the Alika 2 debris avalanche, is required.
island of Lanai, fragments of corals and molluscs are
The modelling effort was restricted by several assumptions
reported at 326 m elevation on the southern coast of the
including the simplicity of wave generated by the landslide
island. Neighbouring islands have an unusual marine fauna
and the instantaneous nature and size of the disturbance
in brecciated deposits at various elevations. Unique gravel
(see LeBond & Jones 1995 for further discussion).
bed forms on Lanai have been interpreted as the result of
the giant wave returning swash (Moore & Moore 1988).
The timing of the wave event is based on 23OTh/234U
dating of coral clasts collected at three sites ranging from NUMERICAL MODEL
115 m to 155 m elevation (Moore & Moore 1988). The
estimated date of the giant wave event is 105 ka. The The modelling was performed using the SWAN code
giant wave event has been linked to one or more of the (Mader 1988) which solves the shallow-water long-wave
major submarine landslides discovered off the flanks of equations. The code has been used to study the
interaction of tsunami waves with continental slopes,
shelves, bays and harbours such as Hilo harbour. The
SWAN code has been used to study the interaction of
tsunami waves with continental slopes and shelves
(Mader 1974). Comparison with two-dimensional Navier-
Stokes calculations of the same problems showed similar
results except for short-wavelength tsunamis.
The SWAN code was used to model the effects of tides
on the Musi-Upang estuaries, South Sumatra, Indonesia
(Hadi 1985). The computed tide and water discharge
were in good agreement with experimental data. It was
used to model the large waves that were observed to
occur inside Waianae harbour under high surf conditions
(Mader & Lukas 1985). These waves have broken
moorings of boats and sent waves up the boat-loading
ramps into the parking lot. The numerical model was able
to reproduce actual wave measurements.
The SWAN code was used to model the interaction of
waves with a site near the Mauna Lani Resort on the
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 20:03 06 February 2015

South Kohala Coast on the island of Hawaii (Mader

Figure 1 Location of selected sites for tsunami propagation. 1,
1990a). The calculated results agreed with the results Hawaiian Islands; 2, Australia; 3, New Zealand. Location of
obtained using the procedures developed and applied for modelled hypothetical asteroid impact in the central Pacific is also
flood-insurance purposes by the U.S. Army Corps of indicated
Engineers and a determination at the University of
Hawaii of tsunami evacuation zones for the site.
The 1987-88 Alaskan Bight tsunamis were modelled
using the SWAN code (Gonzalez et al. 1990). The deep- MODELLING HAWAIIAN TSUNAMI SOURCE
sea pressure gauge measurements for those tsunamis
were described using realistic source models for the The generation and propagation of a Hawaiian tsunami
tsunamis. A numerical study of effects of the shallow- were modelled using an ETOPO5 20 minute topographic
water approximation on tsunami flooding was performed grid (555 by 450 cells) for the Pacific basin. The
(Mader 1990b). Calculations using the full Navier-Stokes modelling was performed using the SWAN code (Mader
model was compared to the SWAN code calculations. 1988). Figure 1 shows the selected locations for
The models gave similar results for periods greater than determining propagating wave characteristics. The
500 seconds and slopes greater than 2 per cent. Hawaiian landslide that caused the tsunami was assumed
The formation of tsunami waves from initial sea to be ten times larger in area than the landslide that
surface displacements was studied using the SWAN code, occurred off the coast of Hawaii around 105 ka (Moore et
the incompressible Navier-Stokes model, and the al. 1989). Wave propagation from this source is presented
analytical linear gravity model (Mader et al. 1993a). The in Figure 2. The tsunami wave rapidly decays as it
shallow-water model was found to be valid for systems propagates across the Pacific Ocean. Wave characteristics
with initial surface displacements at least ten times wider at selected locations are presented in Table 1. Wave
than the depth. heights at selected locations are shown in Figure 3. The
The propagation of tsunami waves was also studied wave that arrives at the Australian coast is very small.
using the SWAN code, the incompressible Navier-Stokes While run-up from deep water could double the wave
model, and the analytical linear gravity model (Mader et amplitude, the wave dispersion, which is not considered
al. 1993b). The three models gave similar results if the in the calculations, would reduce the amplitude by at
wavelength was long in comparison to the depth. least one-half or more depending upon the period of the
initial wave. Run-up is predicated on the geometry of the
The 1946 and 1964 Hilo tsunamis were caused by
receiving basin consisting of shelf slope and morphology
Alaskan earthquakes and the 1960 Hilo tsunami by an
of embayment. However, it is unrealistic to presume that
earthquake in Chile. The 1946 and 1960 tsunamis resulted
the run-up would be enhanced by an order of magnitude
in extensive flooding of Hilo while the 1964 tsunami
by local topographic features. Therefore, the calculated
caused limited flooding. The tsunami generation and
results are probably upper limits for the run-up wave
propagation to the Hawaiian Islands was modelled using
the SWAN code (Mader & Curtis 1991). The model gave
approximately the observed maximum areas of flooding.
The large amount of flooding from the 7.6 magnitude
1946 Alaskan earthquake and small amount of flooding MODELLING CENTRAL PACIFIC ASTEROID
from the 8.5 magnitude 1964 Alaskan earthquake was IMPACT
reproduced by the numerical models. This demonstrated
the large effect of wave directionality and the necessity of Given that the Hawaiian mega-landslide is an unlikely
modelling the entire process of tsunami generation, source for the New South Wales erosional features, we
propagation and flooding for each event. examined the likelihood of an extraterrestrial impact in
500 300
400 -
1 100

Wave Heic



50 100 150 200

Wave Heigh t(m)

Distance (km) 10

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Figure 2 Tsunami wave propagation from Hawaiian underwater

landslide source at discrete times.

the central Pacific causing the required run-up in New
South Wales. Over the Pacific Ocean there are, annually, -30
approximately two explosive meteoric impacts in the 30
Earth's atmosphere. Chapman and Morrison (1994) have (C)
calculated that within the next 100 years, the probability 20
of a kilometre-sized object colliding with Earth is 1 in
s Heighit(m)

10 000. With the Pacific Ocean representing 35% of the 10

Earth's surface, the region is a likely candidate to receive
the anticipated colliding boloid. Estimated frequencies of 0
meteorite impacts over the Pacific Ocean for scaled
asteroids are 1 in 10 000 years for 1 km-sized structures,
1 in 100 000 years for a 5 km-diameter structure and 1 in 1 -10

50 million years for an asteroid with a diameter of 20 km. -20

Using a site in the central Pacific (shown in Figure 1),
we calculated the wave propagated by an impact of an -30
asteroid 6 km in diameter. We assume that such an 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
asteroid would produce a water cavity approximately Time (sec x10 4 )
150 km wide and 5 km deep. Initial water-cavity size is
based on similarity scaling parameters for a 10 km-diam- Figure 3 Calculated wave heights for Hawaiian underwater
eter asteroid with an impact velocity of 30 km/s and a landslide source at selected locations: (a) Hawaii, (b) Australia,
density of 5.0 g/cm3 (Ahrens & O'Keefe 1983). A 6 km- (c) New Zealand.
diameter asteroid is about the size of the Shoemaker-
Levy 9 asteroid [J. Hills and J. Solem (Los Alamos
National Laboratory) pers. comm. 1995]. in this case than in the earlier example of the Hawaiian
Wave propagation from the described asteroid impact mega-landslide source. Arrival at the New South Wales
in the central Pacific is presented in Figure 4. The leading coastline is within 8 hours of the impact event. Figure 5
wave bore is separated further from the secondary waves displays the wave heights from the described impact. The

Table 1 Wave characteristics at selected sites for waves propagated from Hawaiian mega-landslide and central Pacific asteroid impact.
Mega-landslide * Asteroid f
Amplitude (m) Period (s) Amplitude (m) Period (s)
Location Depth Lowest Highest Approx. Lowest Highest Very Approx

1. Hawaii 4602 -200 +150 3000 -190 + 190 2000

2. Australia 4530 -1 +1 4000 -20 + 15 8000
3. New Zealand 2191 -4 +4 3000 -20 + 40 1500

* Landslide: 150 km, +1 km, -1 km.

Asteroid: 150 km diameter cavity, 5 km deep.
500 200



100 150 200

Distance (km)

"<1> 0
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Figure 4 Tsunami wave propagation from central Pacific I

asteroid impact source at discrete times.

south coast of Australia is calculated to receive a 15 m

wave, whereas Hawaii would receive a wave approaching -100
200 m. Numerical calculations indicate that an asteroid 100
about the size of the recent Shoemaker-Levy 9 asteroid (c)
could result in large waves required for both the Lanai
and Australian coast. Clearly, smaller asteroids nearer 50
Australia could generate run up of 15 m along the New
South Wales coast.

There are several possible sources for the Australian
erosional event. Besides asteroid impacts, tsunamigenic
earthquakes along the subducting Tonga-Kermadec arc -100
and submarine landslides off New Zealand could generate
a source for the southeastern coast of Australia. Seismic Time (secx 10 )
activity along the Tonga-Kermadec Trench could have
generated waves. This stretch of the plate boundaries has Figure 5 Calculated wave heights for central Pacific asteroid
been fairly active in historic times (Soloviev 1970). Recent impact source at selected locations: (a) Hawaii, (b) Australia, (c)
work on seismotectonics in the southern Tasman Sea has New Zealand.
identified hypocentres of strong earthquakes almost
directly south of Tura Point on the New South Wales coast
(Valenzuela & Wysession 1993). However, directional the landslide-based tsunami would not generate a 15 m
indicators of erosion along the southern New South Wales wave along the southeastern coast of Australia.
coast are not consistent with a southern source. Alternatively, an impact from an asteroid in the central
Furthermore, whereas earthquakes partition approximately Pacific could generate a wave along the coast of New
1 to 10% of their energy into water waves (Weigel 1970) South Wales that meets the requirements of the erosional
impact events potentially yield more intense tsunamis due features identified by Young and Bryant (1992). Whether
to larger energies involved in planetary collision. there is further geological evidence supporting an
asteroid impact in the central Pacific within the
Submarine landslides possibly triggered by earth-
timeframe required for the New South Wales erosional
quakes could have also generated waves of sufficient
event remains to be investigated.
energy to cause localised erosion along the New South
Wales coast. However, one should expect to observe
turbidity flows and slumps as well as evidence of tsunami
deposits on the shores of New Zealand, which so far have ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
not been reported.
In conclusion, our numerical analysis of tsunami We thank E. Spassov, K. A. W. Crook and R. W. Young
propagation from a Hawaiian mega-landslide indicate that for their helpful comments.
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