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Class 09 - Information Technology (402)

Green Skills - I - 01

1. Which is not a sustainable development goal according to United Nations.

a) Reduced Inequalities
b) Clean Water and Sanitation
c) Population
d) Gender Equality
2. Which of the following are the main causes of ecological imbalance?
a) Increasing use of pesticides
b) Forests destruction
c) All of these
d) Growing industrialization
3. The biggest problem related to sustainable development is
a) all of these
b) to safeguard fisheries
c) to safeguard forests
d) to safeguard croplands
4. Which of the following are not included in agenda for SDG in 2030?
a) Ending of poverty in everywhere
b) To ensure access to water and sanitization for all
c) Achievement of food security and improved nutrition
d) To achieve gender inequality and empower women
5. What do you understand by the term sustainable development
a. Economic development at zero damage to ecology
b. More and more development
c. Development that meets the needs of present without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their needs
d. All of these
a) Option (b)
b) Option (a)
c) Option (d)
d) Option (c)
6. Assertion (A): The green economy is also defined as the economy that results in improved human well-being and social
equity and simultaneously reduces environmental risks and ecological scarcities significantly.
Reason (R): Economic development refers to give people what they need without compromising their quality of life,
especially in the developing world.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
7. Assertion (A): United nations environment programme (UNEP) defines a green economy as one that results in improved
human well-being and social equity.
Reason (R): Green economy is based on three parameters: sustaining and advancing economic, environmental and
social well-being.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

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b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
8. State True or False:
1. There is an urgent need to conserve resources for future generations by using more environmentally friendly
a) True
b) False
2. Gro Harlem Brundtland was the chairperson of the Brundtland Commission.
a) True
b) False
3. The key to using resources in sustainable development is the optimum use of resources for the maximum benefit
without wastage.
a) True
b) False
4. Conventionally, the environment was considered as a separate entity, detached from human emotion or action.
a) True
b) False
9. Fill in the blanks:
1. There are ________ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by world leaders in 2015 in the Agenda
2. The overall effects of economic activities on the environment are continuously ________.
3. ________ are the abilities, knowledge, and attitudes that are needed in the manpower to support economic, social,
and environmental outcomes in the business and industry.
4. Kitchen dry waste should be utilised to make compost that can be used as an ________ fertilizer.
10. What are green skills?
11. What is the term used for skills for sustainability?
12. What requires the achievement of sustainable development?
13. Environment comprises are.
14. What is the best example of ecosystem?
15. What are the three primary goals of Sustainable Development?
16. Why is Green Economy important?
17. The most significant environmental problems are related to which type of resources?
18. Describe the meaning and importance of sustainable development.
19. What is ecosystem and factors causing imbalance?

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Class 09 - Information Technology (402)

Green Skills - I - 01


1. (c) Population
Explanation: Population
2. (c) All of these
Explanation: All of these
3. (a) all of these
Explanation: all of these
4. (d) To achieve gender inequality and empower women
Explanation: To achieve gender inequality and empower women
5. (c) Option (d)
Explanation: All of these
6. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
7. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
8. State True or False:
1. (a) True
Explanation: True
2. (a) True
Explanation: True
3. (a) True
Explanation: True
4. (a) True
Explanation: True
9. Fill in the blanks:
1. 1. Seventeen
2. 1. changing
3. 1. Green skills
4. 1. Organic
10. The skills used to promote a green economy are called green skills.
11. Green skills are also known as skills for sustainability.
12. The achievement of sustainable development requires the integration of economic, environmental, and social
components at all levels.
13. Living and non-living.
14. Pond is an excellent example of an ecosystem.
15. There are three primary goals of SD:
i. To minimise the depletion of natural resources while creating new developments.
ii. To provide methods to retrofit the existing developments to make them environmentally friendly facilities and
iii. To create and promote a development that can be maintained and sustained without causing any further harm to the
16. Green Economy is important because of the following reasons:

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i. It makes the quality of life better.
ii. The environmental balance becomes harmonized.
iii. The resource efficiency increases.
iv. It accelerates the development of new technologies.
v. New economic commodities generate in conformity with the environment.
17. The most significant environmental problems are associated with resources that are renewable such as air and water.
They have a finite capacity to assimilate emissions and wastes but if pollution exceeds this capacity ecosystem will
deteriorate rapidly at a huge pace.
18. Sustainable development refers to the process of economic development where resources are used judiciously to satisfy
the needs of not only the present generations but also to conserve them for the use of future generations. Sustainable
development takes place without depleting the present natural resources.
The importance of sustainable development is discussed below:
i. It helps to conserve and make use of means and resources for the maximum benefit without wastage.
ii. It awares the people of the responsibility to use and preserve natural resources.
iii. It creates the feeling that natural resources are the common property of all and nobody can use the property according
to his personal will. It helps to conserve the natural and social environment.
iv. People’s participation is to be given priority in development work in order to achieve the aim of sustainable
v. It attempts to create the concept of maintaining the present work for the future and conserving natural resources for
the future generations.
19. Ecosystem includes all of the living beings (plants, animals and other living organisms) and non-living elements
(weather, sunlight, soil, climate, atmosphere).
Below are the factors causes of ecological imbalance.
Destruction of forests-deforestation results into greenhouse effect, soil erosion, biodiversity losses, floods
bringing imbalance in the ecosystem.
Industrialization-though industrialization has brought economic prosperity, it has adversely affected the
ecosystem through various types of pollution
Urbanization-increasing population and urbanization needs more natural resources which have disastrous effects
on global ecosystems.
Large-scale use of pesticides in order to save the crops from pests, toxic chemicals and pesticides are used. These
pesticides may also kill the organisms that are not harmful and may affect ecosystem leading to an imbalance in
the ecosystem.
Overgrazing- overgrazing of green areas, typically increases soil erosion, reduction in soil depth and organic
matter and soil fertility and productivity. Thus, overgrazing can be extremely to the biodiversity of an ecosystem.

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