Abadilla G4 Act2b

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Group 4

12 - Abadilla
Quarter 2: Activity #2B – Character & Characterization

By: Ruth Grace Sabarre


She wants to spend time with her friends

and celebrate Christmas together.



Bully, Mean girl


She’s insecure about herself when it comes

to her academic performance. She also
hates people who don’t praise her.


Rue is one of the best friends of Issza, but she wants to be like Issza so badly to the point that she makes
fun of Issza to make Issza feel bad or conscious about herself. She’s Issza’s academic rival, and she will
never get Issza’s top place.


She can hurt anybody’s feelings through words.


She doesn’t like to be compared to Issza.

Physical Attributes/Characteristics

Rue is a petite, sassy, spoiled brat, and popular girl who loves makeup, has a nice sense of style, and is
the trendsetter of the school. She is the daughter of a well-known family and the second-highest-ranking
student at the school.

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Group 4
12 - Abadilla
Quarter 2: Activity #2B – Character & Characterization

By: Mae Abigail Relon


She wants to bond with her friends during

the celebration of Christmas and cherish
every moment that counts.



Easily gets socially drained, overwhelmed,

and the odd one out.


A people pleaser, self-conscious,

conflicted, and indecisive one.


Gayle is also one of Issza’s best friends. They oddly clicked out by having one’s back. She also teases
Issza at times and is a good friend to her.


She is an open-book person and geeky in some ways.


She has several phobias, easily gets frustrated and emotional at times, and despises being overly

Physical Attributes/Characteristics

She is a dark hazelnut-haired girl and the only daughter of a family of academic achievers, which drives
her passion to excel in academics. She has a ten-year plan to pursue her desires. Mostly, she loves
things related to astrology, anatomy, fashion, and technology.

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Group 4
12 - Abadilla
Quarter 2: Activity #2B – Character & Characterization

By: Nicole Bañez


She wants to spend quality time with her

friends since their school is draining. Going
out with her friends was her coping
mechanism, and the places that they went
helped ease her mind.



Not easy to be with, judger.


She despises people who cannot meet her

standards as friends.


Nics is one of Issza’s so-called friends. But she never liked Issza in the first place because she didn’t
meet Nic’s standard for being her friend. Nics just hangs out with Issza because Issza is smart, and she
just uses Issza to answer all her assignments and activities.


She is a nonchalant person. She's also not easy to be with because she always feels superior because of
her family status.


She has poor performance in school, and academically, she is not smart.

Physical Attributes/Characteristics

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Group 4
12 - Abadilla
Quarter 2: Activity #2B – Character & Characterization
Nics is a popular model at school who comes from a very well-known family. She is flawless, and it seems
like she already has everything a girl could ask for except for being smart.

By: Chistel Faith Nobleza


She wants to have fun and avoid the

problems and pressure she feels in her
house. She wants to spend time with all of
her friends.



A social butterfly, approachable, and an



Academically insecure, suffering from

family problems.


Chris is the most extrovert of all her friends; she’s so loud and talkative when she’s not around the circle
of friends and must be quiet. Issza was Chris's friend, but when Chris visited Issza's place, she might
have felt insecure or jealous when she saw how Issza's parents treated her and watched her sad, but she
was still a good friend to Issza.


She is kind but selfish sometimes. She also invalidates someone’s feelings; she is approachable, but she
cares more about herself than others and is a manipulator.


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Group 4
12 - Abadilla
Quarter 2: Activity #2B – Character & Characterization
She is jealous of Issza's family status. Also, she hated it when her mom gave compliments on Issza's

Physical Attributes/Characteristics

Chris was the friend of all, but she was known for being loud and extroverted; they didn't know she was
under pressure because of her academic status. Chris loves animals, but she is always on her phone and
scrolling all over social media.

By: Nyl Angelette Casquejo


She wants to be with her friends on

Christmas Day.





Alone and feels like nobody likes her.


She is a close friend of Issza, but because she thinks that Issza is always getting attention from everyone,
she would make fun of Issza, both personally and online.


She would do everything so that she could have what she wanted.


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Group 4
12 - Abadilla
Quarter 2: Activity #2B – Character & Characterization
She doesn’t like to be ignored by everyone.

Physical Attributes/Characteristics

She is a badass, rich, and mean girl, but she tries to hide her wealth so she can see who will stay. She
likes sports and everything about the fashion world but isn’t good at academics.

By: Melissza Redera


She wants to rage her grudge out and get




Shy, outcast of the group


Sad, alone, psychopath


She is a close friend of Rue, Gayle, Nics, Chris, Nyxie, and Tian. She is very shy and quiet. However,
because of how her friends made her feel, she wants to take revenge and let her grudge out.


She’s the top student at their school, and she’s way more academically inclined compared to her friends.


She is always bullied by her friends, stays quiet, and holds a grudge about it.

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Group 4
12 - Abadilla
Quarter 2: Activity #2B – Character & Characterization
Physical Attributes/Characteristics

She’s the type of girl who always plays sports. She is very shy when it comes to communicating with her
friends, so she stays quiet. She’s the top-ranking student at the school. She’s the nerd of the group. And
has a weird sense of style.

By: Christian Kent Tabanao


He wants to unwind and enjoy Christmas

with his friends.



Extrovert, clown of the group.


All he thinks about is “What is fun?" He's

insensitive regarding his jokes, and he
doesn’t feel any guilt about it.


Tian’s parents don’t care about him, and Tian is the only man in the group; he acts as the father of the
group and as the clown of the group, but he doesn’t like Issza because Issza confessed her feelings to
him before, and he rejected Issza aggressively because he’s gay, but he kept it a secret for himself. He
also finds Issza weird, and he finds Issza too narcissistic when it comes to rankings.


He’s the jock at the school and the so-called "campus crush." He can do whatever he wants because his
family is the top donor to the school.

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Group 4
12 - Abadilla
Quarter 2: Activity #2B – Character & Characterization

He doesn’t want his secret to be revealed.

Physical Attributes/Characteristics

He’s the ideal man for the girls in his school; he comes from a wealthy family, and all he cares about is
sports. He’s a tall, brunette guy, and he has all the attributes that every guy could ever ask for; however,
he stays the third highest-ranking student in the school.

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