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OPTIMISE B2 (Unit 6-9)

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1 Choose the best word or phrase (A, B or C) to complete each sentence.

1 If you want better access to our online music, you should consider a subscription.

A get B to get C getting

2 I can’t find Henry. I was wondering if you’d heard out?

A him to go B him go C go him

3 Julia forgot her laptop. Do you think she could borrow yours?

A to bring B bring C bringing

4 My little brother promised my phone but he was playing with it when I came in.

A to touch B not touch C not to touch

5 Looking back now, I regret harder than I did. I could have passed that exam.

A not work B not working C working

Score: /5

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the f irst. Do not change the word given. Use
two to f ive words, including the word given.

1 She didn’t want to have to pack her bags this morning so she packed them last night.
She packed her bags last night have to pack them this morning.
3 T he council have spoken to local teenagers because they were interested in discovering their opinion of public
T he reason the council have spoken to local teenagers is their opinion is on public transport.
4 I always save my work on the computer before logging off because I don’t want to lose anything.
I always save my work on the computer before logging off anything.
5 She turned the T V off because she couldn’t make out what her parents were saying.
She turned the T V off what her parents were saying.
6 If you want to call the lift, you need to press that button.
You need to press that button the lift.

Score: /5
3 Choose the correct words and phrases (A, B or C) to complete the sentences.

1 I think you’ll need to take something out of your suitcase. It’s heavy to carry.

A not too B too much C far too

2 Kelly doesn’t know French to live in a French-speaking country.

A too much B such C enough

3 We wanted to get our mum a new coat for her birthday but it was expensive for us.

A so B too C enough

4 I don’t like going into the city centre anymore. T here are many tourists that you can’t move.

A so B too C such

5 T heft is a big problem on the underground that there are now police on the trains.

A so B such C too

Score: /5

4 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the f irst. Do not change the word given. Use two to
f ive words, including the word given.

1 We had left early that morning. However, we didn’t get to the house until late.
We didn’t get to the house until late, we had left early that morning.
2 Despite not being the most attractive phone, it is excellent value for money.
the most attractive phone, it is excellent value for money.
3 Despite their assignment not being finished, Sam and Noah really wanted to go to the beach.
Sam and Noah really wanted to go to the beach finished their assignment.
4 Although they were late for work themselves, they gave us a lift to the station.
T hey gave us a lift to the station late for work themselves.
5 I don’t mind you borrowing my bike from time to time if you ask me first.
I don’t mind you borrowing my bike from time to time. ask me first.

Score: /5

5 Choose the correct words.

1 If you can/could learn to play any musical instrument, which one would you choose?
2 If they haven’t/hadn’t bought a ticket in advance, they wouldn’t have got in.
3 We would spend/have spent longer at the park if it hadn’t started to rain.
4 Had/If the service been better, they would have left the waiter a tip.
5 If I know/knew how to speak German, I would have enjoyed the holiday more.

Score: /5
6 Complete the text with the correct f orm of the verb in brackets.

T he ozone layer is a layer of chemicals which protects us from the sun’s radiation. If there was no ozone layer, we
(1) (be able) to survive on Earth. In the 1950s a hole in the ozone layer was discovered and in
the 1980s a group of scientists discovered that it was getting worse. T hey believed that if we
(2) (do) something about it, this hole would cause serious damage to life on Earth. Scientists
realised that this problem was partly caused by chemicals found in aerosol sprays and refrigerators. T hey thought that
we could only solve the problem if we (3) (stop) using them. As a result, many governments
decided to ban them. T hirty years later, scientists have confirmed that the hole is getting smaller. If it hadn’t been for
that group of scientists, we (4) (find out) about the hole in the ozone layer. If the
governments (5) (act) so decisively, we might be living in a very different world today.

Score: /5

7 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of the verbs in brackets.

1 If only she (say) anything to Dad. T he present would still have been a surprise.
2 What if we (be able to) travel to Mars. Would you go there?
3 It’s high time you (stop) taking sugar in your tea. It’s really bad for your teeth.
4 I wish you (talk) so loudly. You’ll wake the baby up.
5 I’d rather he (take) my book without asking. I needed it for school.

Score: /5

8 Choose the best word or phrase (A, B or C) to complete each sentence.

1 I found this book. It had left on a bench in the park.

A be B being C been

2 T hey’re building another huge skyscraper in the city centre. It should in two years’ time.

A to finish B be finished C be finishing

3 My mum objects to about work problems when she’s on holiday.

A being called B be calling C been called

4 Jenny was given a lovely little box which was made recycled wood.

A by B with C of

5 Florence in Italy has been described one of the most attractive cities in the world.

A to B as C like

Score: /5

9 Choose the correct words.

1 We’re going to have the carpets clean/cleaned by a professional firm.

2 I lost my bus pass but I got a temporary one. It was given/gave to me by the bus driver.
3 Where do you got/have your nails painted? T hey look lovely.
4 She didn’t get/had her car repaired in the end. It would have been too expensive.
5 Have you had your hair cut/cut your hair? It looks different.

Score: /5


10 Complete the sentences with one word in each space. T he f irst letter is there to help you.

1 A lot of people r later these days because they live longer than in the past.
2 One of the advantages of being a waiter is that the customers often leave you a t .
3 My brother has had a terrible cold and he’s been o s from work for the last week.
4 T he hotel workers have decided to go o s until the managers agree to discuss pay and conditions.
5 T he best thing about my job is when I get my w at the end of the week. I try to save some of them but I always
buy myself something nice.

Score: /5

11 Complete the dialogue with the correct f orm of go or get and words f rom the box.

abroad fired quiet ready the impression

Jo: Jason (1) from his job last week. Apparently, he wasn’t working hard enough.
Sam: I can’t believe it. I’ve always (2) that Jason’s very hard working.
Jo: T hat’s what I thought but he (3) very when I asked him what
Sam: What do you mean?
Jo: At first, he didn’t want to talk about it but I kept asking him and eventually he admitted what had happened.
Sam: What was it?
Jo: Well, he’d been (4) for his final exams at school and he was his spending time revising.
Sam: Oh dear. I wonder what he’ll do now.
Jo: I think he’s going to concentrate on his exams for the moment. T hen, when he’s finished school, he’s planning to
(5) so he can improve his languages.
Sam: Well, that sounds like a good plan.

Score: /5

12 Complete the sentences with one word f rom each of the boxes.

act behind blank centre played

canvas follow part scenes stage

1 My sister is a costume designer so we managed to get a look the of the latest James Bond film.
2 I have to say that Bobbie certainly his in making this event such a success.
3 I’m pleased that Angela decided to take because I didn’t feel like talking to them.
4 Matt George was a great presenter and he’ll be a tough to on Stardom in Mind.
5 It’s been great fun creating my own blog. It was basically a and I could write about anything
I wanted.

Score: /5

13 Choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D) to complete the text.

When I was a teenager, I knew I wanted to be an artist. I was more fascinated by the colours and shapes of
(1) art, rather than images of real things. I would spend hours painting strange pictures that no one could
understand. When I finished school, I wanted to carry on painting but I had to get a job to support myself. I worked as a
builder during the day and I would paint for much of the night. It was a difficult balancing (2) but I didn’t want
to stop painting. Eventually, people started to get interested in my paintings so I tried to sell a few of them in
(3) . Surprisingly, the buyers were offering more money than I expected and I was able to give up my job. For
the first time in my life, I was able to rent a (4) where I could concentrate on my art. It wasn’t easy to become
a full-time artist but, after many years, everything has (5) out well. Now I can spend all my time doing what I
love best.

1 A impression B abstract C ideal D current

2 A act B action C active D activity
3 A bargains B sell-offs C trades D auctions
4 A set B stage C studio D scene
5 A given B turned C come D gone

Score: /5

14 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

carbon footprint global warming greenhouse effect renewable energy toxic waste

1 In order to protect the environment, we need to use more like wind and solar power.
2 When is put in the ground, it can poison the earth for thousands of years.
3 A good way to reduce your is by flying as little as possible.
4 T emperatures have been slowly rising due to the and now they are reaching dangerous levels.
5 Scientists think that will have caused the Arctic ice cap to melt completely by 2050.

Score: /5

15 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box. T here are two extra words which you do not

critic editor historical legend playwright science tragedy

1 I love the of King Arthur. It’s a story which has been passed down through many generations.
2 Jeanne Morrison is my favourite film . Her reviews are always worth reading.
3 Harold Pinter was a well-known British . His work has been performed on stage in many theatres.
4 My dad reads a lot of fiction. He loves finding out about how people lived in the past.
5 I’d love to be a newspaper . It would be great to choose which story to put on the front page.

Score: /5
16 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of say, speak and tell.

1 Please don’t us that joke again. We must have heard it ten times already!
2 I know you sorry but I’m still very upset about what happened.
3 You can for yourself but I’d rather go to the beach than stay at home.
4 I don’t know about you but I couldn’t the difference between them.
5 Mr Burnett very highly of you in the meeting.

Score: /5


Schools f or the environment

Four teenagers tell us about what their schools did for World Environment Day.

A Alyssa Singh Although lack of food is a reality for many, in my school we’re fortunate that hunger is not something
we have to face. If anything, we should be more worried about what we put in our stomachs. My personal opinion is
that there’s a lack of education about the issues surrounding food and diet. We don’t think about what we eat or
where it’s come from, which is a problem for us and the environment. For that reason, we decided to create a
garden in the school grounds where we would plant organic fruit and vegetables. T he idea was that all the children
from year 1 up to year 5 would be able to play a part in maintaining the garden. We thought that if we did this, it
would be the perfect way for students to find out about sustainable ways of growing food. T hey would also learn
about nutrition and get hands-on experience of producing healthy food. As a result of the project, our students
are healthier eaters and better gardeners.

B Cameron Riley In my school, we decided to do an audit of our waste, which means we sorted out and measured the
waste produced in our school. At first, I thought it was a waste of time because we all know how important it is to
recycle. However, it’s a good thing we did that audit because if we hadn’t, we wouldn’t have known just how much
waste we were creating. It was unbelievable. We were throwing away packaging, clean paper and even pencils
that had hardly been used. As you might expect, we realised we had to do something to solve this problem, so we
worked out an action plan to reduce our waste and recycle as much as possible. Our aim is to reduce our waste by
75% by the next World Environment Day.

C Morgan T amura We’re very lucky in that we have a lot of land surrounding our school. Someone put forward the
idea of using the land to benefit the environment. One boy suggested growing a wood. He explained that it
wouldn’t just happen overnight. It would be a long-term project to create new wood with flowers, birds and
insects. He also thought it would be good for the environment as a whole because even if we only planted a
hundred trees, it would help in the fight against climate change. I think we were all convinced by his argument, so
we decided to give it a go. We contacted some charities that provide young trees and we’ve just had our first
hundred delivered. If you come back in a few years, the place will be completely different!

D Nathan Davenport My classmates and I decided to focus on transport for World Environment Day. You only had
to stand outside the school gates in the morning to realise that our school transport was a problem. Pollution
came from the cars as parents dropped off pupils and from the school buses waiting with their engines running.
It’s awful for the environment and our students’ health. We therefore tried to encourage students to find
alternative ways of getting to school. As you might expect, many of them rode bikes, but some of them organised
car shares and some just came on foot instead. We also asked the bus drivers to switch off their engines when they
were dropping students off. All in all, I’d say our project was a success; there’s much less traffic outside the school
and the air is undoubtedly cleaner.
17 Read the article quickly. Match each person (A–D) with a summary (1–5). T here is one extra sentence you do not

1 Our project made us aware of a problem that we previously didn’t think existed.

2 Our project was a response to complaints from a number of students.

3 Our project will need time and attention in order for it to be a success.

4 Our project was set up to help students improve various aspects of their lives.

5 Our project was about convincing people to be more environmentally-friendly.

Score: /4

18 Read the article. For each question, choose f rom the people (A–D). T he people may be chosen more than once.

Which person …

1 was involved in taking environmental action as a result of a study they had done?

2 was persuaded to get involved in another student’s project?

3 felt that some people’s habits had to change in order to improve the area surrounding their school?

4 thought that students of all ages would benefit from taking responsibility for an environmental project?

5 believes that even a small contribution to improving the environment could be important?

6 was not convinced by their project when it was initially proposed to them?

Score: /6


19 Write a f orm of the word in capitals in each gap to complete the text.

Some solutions to help the young unemployed

In recent years, we have seen record levels of youth (1) around the world. In EMPLOY
some countries, this has resulted in some people being forced into (2) and in POOR
many countries, it has caused great anxiety. Although many people blame the
(3) crisis, there are other important factors such as a shortage of skills in FINANCE
certain sectors. Another problem is a lack of money or infrastructure for creating new jobs.
Fortunately, some organisations are working hard to find (4) solutions to try SATISFY
to overcome these problems. One such (5) is to improve access to the PROPOSE
internet for people around the world. T his would make a huge difference to people’s lives
because it would improve infrastructure and training opportunities. Another important idea is to
ensure that money is available for new start-ups. T his would mean that young people could start
their own businesses and even help others out of unemployment.

Score: /5
20 Write a f orm of the word in capitals in each gap to complete the text.

Fractal Art

Fractal art is considered a (1) new art form which first appeared in the 1980s. RELATE
Fractals are created from complicated mathematical patterns which repeat themselves
indefinitely, getting smaller every time they are repeated. Because of the complexity of the
calculations, some (2) such as a computer and specialist software is considered EQUIP
necessary for modern fractal art. However, something similar has (3) been part DOUBT
of African culture for hundreds of years. T his can be seen in the patterns on the traditional
dresses of Ethiopian women. Unlike modern fractal art, these dresses were not made with
computers. Instead, someone would (4) recreate these complex patterns by PATIENCE
hand. Even more interesting though, is that fractals can also be seen throughout nature, such as
in the repeated rings of a tree or in the lines on a leaf. Perhaps this connection between nature,
science and art explains the (5) of fractal art. ATTRACT

Score: /5

21 Choose the correct word (A, B, C or D) to f ill each gap.

T erry Pratchett

T erry Pratchett was the biggest-selling British author in the 1990s, famous for his (1) stories set in the
magical Discworld. He was an extraordinary talent whose novels have entertained millions of adults and children. T he
Discworld series (2) the story of the people inhabiting a world which is situated on the backs of four elephants.
T hese elephants themselves stand on the back of a turtle which is floating through space. T he books were clearly written
(3) someone who knows how to tell a funny story. However, Pratchett also used his books to get his ideas
(4) on serious subjects like death and politics. Critics and authors (5) highly of him and he had a huge
army of fans. When he died in 2015, people from all over the world paid tribute to him.

1 A legend B fantasy C crime D graphic

2 A says B speaks C tells D writes
3 A by B for C to D as
4 A out B off C away D across
5 A talked B said C spoke D mentioned

Score: /5


22 Complete the text below with one word in each gap. T he f irst letter is there to help you.

If you’re (1) a like me, you worry about global warming. You probably ask yourself, ‘Will it stop?’ and, ‘What
will happen if it doesn’t?’ One important (2) q you should ask yourself is, ‘What can I do to stop it?’

T he first thing we should (3) c is how we can use less energy. T he problem is that people use too much, so we
need to use less. One good (4) w to work out what you can cut down on is a carbon calculator, which can
calculate your carbon footprint. T his can be very useful due to the (5) f it shows you exactly what you need to
do less of.

Score: /5
23 Read the task below and write the f irst two paragraphs of your article.

You see this advert on an English-speaking website for teenagers.


T he average person uses several hundred litres of water a day. T his is far too much! We want to help people use less
water. Send us your articles explaining two things ordinary people can do to use less water. T he best articles will
appear on our website and win a prize!

Score: / 10

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